NBIMS-US V3 4.6 BPie
NBIMS-US V3 4.6 BPie
NBIMS-US V3 4.6 BPie
4.6.1 Scope
In current AEC practice client requirements are typically recorded in a building program/Brief Depending
on the building type, it covers various aspects of client requirements from the overall goals, activities and
spatial needs to very detailed material and condition requirements. The requirements documentation is
usually not updated accordingly. In the worst case the changes are recorded just in the memory of the
participants, and in the best case in meeting or personal notes. Finding the latest updates and evolution
of the requirements from the documentation is very difficult, if not impossible. This process can lead to an
end result which is significantly different from the documented client requirements.
The client’s requirements are usually expressed in a building program (also called “client brief”) prior to
design. The requirements should carry through design development and construction as they are
managed/maintained. The initial requirements and intended use of the rooms/functions is also relevant
information in the M&O/FM stage.
One could therefore argue that the exchange is relevant for the entire life cycle of a facility.
The objective of this project is to standardize a Requirement Model Specification with sufficient flexibility
to make it internationally robust. A standard requirements model will enable automated comparison
between the required facility performance and the designed solution, i.e. continuous validation though
design development. The designed and constructed building should continuously be compared with the
client’s requirements and deviations should trigger either an update of the requirements or an update of
the design. The proposed solution is based on a registration of the client’s needs in a computer
interpretable format based on BuildingSMART standards. By identifying specific requirements it is both
possible to store the information in a structured way, monitor changes and automate validation.
The proposed solution will provide benefits in many different areas. It will:
The Building Programming information exchange development project since the early beginning in 2007
has involved several organizations and stakeholders. The project team includes:
Initially the key stakeholders identified were the repetitive public clients, as they were considered to both
have the overall interest of capturing, maintaining and documenting requirements over the facilities
lifecycle. They would also be in position to reuse the standard, and “good requirements” over a portfolio of
projects and enable automated validation mechanisms.
Design teams will be in a position to say what kind of information they would need to do their job, and
also for QA, i.e. that their design is according to client needs and specifications. A standard requirements
schema means that the design tools in use will also be able to present the client requirements in the
designers interface independent of the client.
A standard schema for client requirements will enable automated validation; hence software providers will
also be stakeholders.
Stakeholders list:
• Owners
• Owner Representatives
• Architects
• Engineers
• Planners
• Software providers
• Consultants
There have been several buildingSMART and related projects aimed at the capture of architectural
programming information to support both the architectural programming effort, delivery of standard
Request for Proposal documents to more clearly communicate owners’ requirements, and to perform the
automated assessment of spatial compliance of later design documents. These projects include the
Portfolio and Asset management – Performance Requirements (PAMPeR), International Alliance for
Interoperability’s AR-5 Project, the buildingSMART international Room Data Sheet “aquarium” project, the
United States General Services Administration project CDB 2010, the buildingSMART alliance® Spatial
Compliance information exchange (SCie, pronounced “ski”) project, and the Norwegian effort IDM for
Building programming . While each of these projects have explored some aspects of the contracted
information exchanges needed to create an open standard for architectural programming, none of these
projects have achieved a critical mass to be recognized as national standards and be widely implemented
The above mentioned projects reviewed in the BPie project, and none were found to be directly
overlapping or in conflict with the suggested BPie standard. See attached report, 2011-03-14-
BPie_previous_BS_programming – Annex I
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
The process model for BPie was published on buildingSMART international, IUG website in December
With the intention to address-, and support an international robust programming process, it was made
rather flexible to support the iterative processes of programming. I.e. processes and exchanges are not
described sequential, but as processes that can happen in parallel or in any order dependent of needed
approach. Since publication, we have not received any comments that the process described is not
applicable to any organization.
• Pre-program requirements
• Program functions (R1)
• Program space requirements (R2)
• Program system requirements (R3)
• Program equipment requirements (R4)
[The two latter ER’s are not completed at the time of this submission and thus are not included.]
Traditionally the programming process happens prior to design. However this PM describes the relation
between requirements and the designed solution more as an iterative process, because one aims for
client requirements management. Hence one needs to compare/validate though design development, and
when deviations are identified, one needs to either update the requirements or the solution (or as a
minimum be able to present delta). The exchanges in this process map will therefore not only be the
starting point of the design process, but also have a strong relation to design throughout design
See Annex II
See Annex II
See Annex II
See Annex II
See Annex II
See Annex II
See Annex II
The process model has been provided with the BPMN notation as defined in the IDM – BPMN guide
ISO 16739
Exchange requirement Models were published as draft documents on the buildingSMART international,
IUG website in December 2011:
In these documents the ER have been mapped to be exchanged using the BuildingSMART IFC schema.
Comments and suggested extensions have been received through the review period and also from the
implementation process through the COBie challenge 2013. Updated documentation will be distributed as
the IDM is published on the BuildingSMART IUG website.
• Pre-program requirements
• Program functions (R1)
• Program space requirements (R2)
These three exchanges addresse requirements set to project, site, building, building stories,
rooms/spaces and zones. In the MVD documentation, they have been organized in two exchanges, basic
and advanced. Where the basic exchange only requires a room list, while the “advanced” requires that it
should be technically possible to exchange room data sheet as requirements properties set to rooms and
zones and equipment lists.
Note: Pre-program requirements contain all strategic, portfolio and feasibility questions as they are
described in the PAMPeR project (Portfolio and Asset Management: Performance Requirements).
“er_exchange_requirement_space_program” and
Comments and suggested extensions have been received through the review period and also from the
implementation process through the COBie challenge 2013. Updated documentation will be distributed as
the IDM is published on the buildingSMART IUG website.
• Facility criteria
• Discipline specifications
Each phase classification used by this model view is listed by Omniclass™ notation and title as follows.
Each exchange is listed by name and corresponding classifications for the process undertaken, the
sender of the information, and the receiver of the information.
Discipline Specifications 31-30 00 00 Criteria Definition Phase 34-10 11 00 Owner 34-20 11 11 Architect
Facility criteria
The Basic exchange delivers a simple room list identifying each space, net planned area, and any
functional dependencies.
Discipline specifications
The Advanced exchange contains detailed information for spaces suitable for generating Room Data
Sheets (RDS).
Each exchange consists of a set of entity data definitions with usage defined according to business rule
concepts. An entity describes an object class having one or more attributes, where each attribute may
refer to values, collections, or references to other objects. A concept describes usage of object classes,
where allowable values and object types are indicated for specific attributes. Each heading that follows
refers to an exchange, where each table row corresponds to an entity, each table column corresponds to
an exchange, and each cell indicates whether the concept is used for the entity within the exchange.
Facility Criteria
Project Declaration
Object Typing
Properties on Occurrences
Quantity Sets
Spatial Composition
Spatial Decomposition
Spatial Naming
IfcProject R O O O R
IfcBuilding R O O O R O R
IfcBuildingStorey R O O O R O
IfcSite O O O
IfcSpace R O O O R O O R
IfcZone O O
Discipline Specifications
Project Declaration
Tabular Constraints
Object Typing
Properties on Occurrences
Quantity Sets
Actor Assignment
Control Assignment
Assigned Actor
Assigned Control
Spatial Composition
Spatial Decomposition
Spatial Naming
IfcProject R O O O R
IfcWorkCalendar O O O O
IfcBuilding R O O O R O R
IfcBuildingStorey R O O O R O
IfcSite O O O
IfcSpace R R O O O R R O O O O R
IfcSpaceType O O
IfcZone R R
IfcOccupant R O
Business rule definitions are all defined as re-usable templates as indicated in Clause
Names and classifications of exchanges are intended to be consistent across other model views where
applicable, while the content of a particular exchange is intended to be unique.
Business processes within this model view are correlated with those used in other model views as
Building Programming
Building Automation
Exchange requirements within this model view are correlated with those used in other model views as
Building Programming
Building Automation
Discipline Specifications X X X X
Building Programming
Building Automation
Facility Criteria X X X X
Discipline Specifications X X X X
Project Definition X X X
Space Program X X X X
Product Program X X X X
Design Early X X X
Design Schematic X X X
Design Coordinated X X X
Design Issue X
Product Template X X X X X
Bid Issue X
Building Programming
Building Automation
Product Installation X X
Product Inspection X
Construction Issue X
System Operation X X X X X
Space Condition X
Space Occupancy X X
Remodel X
Expand X
Demolish X
Each entity data definition is listed by schema and entity name as follows.
• IfcKernel
• IfcProject
• IfcProcessExtension
• IfcWorkCalendar
• IfcProductExtension
• IfcBuilding
• IfcBuildingStorey
• IfcSite
• IfcSpace
• IfcSpaceType
• IfcZone
• IfcSharedFacilitiesElements
• IfcOccupant
Each entity data definition is described within subsections as follows, with electronic representations
provided in EXPRESS and XSD formats.
IfcProject indicates the undertaking of some design, engineering, construction, or maintenance activities leading towards a
product. The project establishes the context for information to be exchanged or shared, and it may represent a construction
project but does not have to. The IfcProject's main purpose in an exchange structure is to provide the root instance and the
context for all other information items included.
The context provided by the IfcProject includes:
• the geometric representation context for exchange structures including shape representations
• optionally the indication of the true north relative to the world coordinate system
Informal Propositions:
1. There shall only be one project within the exchange context. This is enforced by the global rule IfcSingleProjectInstance.
EXPRESS Specification:
ENTITY IfcProject
SUBTYPE OF (IfcContext);
HasName : EXISTS(SELF\IfcRoot.Name);
CorrectContext : NOT(EXISTS(SELF\IfcContext.RepresentationContexts)) OR (SIZEOF(QUERY(Temp <*
SELF\IfcContext.RepresentationContexts |
)) = 0);
NoDecomposition : SIZEOF(SELF\IfcObjectDefinition.Decomposes) = 0;
HasOwnerHistory : EXISTS(SELF\IfcRoot.OwnerHistory);
Formal Propositions:
HasName : The Name attribute has to be provided for IfcProject. It is the short name for the project.
CorrectContext : If a RepresentationContexts relation is provided then there shall be no instance of
IfcGeometricRepresentationSubContext directly included in the set of RepresentationContexts.
NoDecomposition : The IfcProject represents the root of the any decomposition tree. It shall therefore not be used to
decompose any other object definition.
HasOwnerHistory : The OwnerHistory attribute has to be provided for IfcProject. It provides the minimum of owner
information for the project data set and the last change action, that applied to the whole data set.
NOTE Each individual data item, that derives from IfcRoot may have an individual OwnerHistory. It
then overrides the common ownership and chance action information provided at the single IfcProject
instance in an IFC data set.
Inheritance Graph:
ENTITY IfcProject
GlobalId : IfcGloballyUniqueId;
OwnerHistory : OPTIONAL IfcStrippedOptional;
Name : OPTIONAL IfcLabel;
Description : OPTIONAL IfcText;
ENTITY IfcObjectDefinition
ENTITY IfcContext
ENTITY IfcProject
<xs:element name="IfcProject" type="ifc:IfcProject" substitutionGroup="ifc:IfcContext" nillable="true"/>
<xs:complexType name="IfcProject">
<xs:extension base="ifc:IfcContext"/>
An IfcWorkCalendar defines working and non-working time periods for tasks and resources. It enables to define both specific time
periods, such as from 7:00 till 12:00 on 25th August 2009, as well as repetitive time periods based on frequently used recurrence
patterns, such as each Monday from 7:00 till 12:00 between 1st March 2009 and 31st December 2009.
HISTORY New entity in IFC4.
A work calendar is a subtype of IfcControl and thus inherits the feature for controlling other objects through
IfcRelAssignsToControl, which is used to define a work calendar for tasks (IfcTask) and resources (IfcResource). It also inherits a
name and description attribute, whereas a name shall be given and a description may be given as an indication of its content and
The definition of time periods can be derived from a base calendar and/or modified/defined by a set of working times and non-
working exception times. All time periods defined by IfcWorkCalendar.ExceptionTimes override the time periods inherited from the
base calendar (base calendar is defined as the next applicable calendar for the task or resource). Thus, exception times replace
the working times from the base calendar.
Figure 87 shows the definition of a work calendar, which is defined by a set of work times and exception times. The work times
are defined as recurring patterns with optional boundaries (applying from and/or to a specific date). The shown example defines a
simple work calendar with working times Monday to Thursday 8:00 to 12:00 and 13:00 to 17:00, Friday 8:00 to 14:00 and as
exception every 1st Monday in a month the work starts one hour later - i.e. the working time on every 1st Monday in a month is
overridden to be 9:00 to 12:00 and 13:00 to 17:00. Both the working time and the exception time are valid for the period of
01.09.2010 till 30.08.2011.
EXPRESS Specification:
ENTITY IfcWorkCalendar
SUBTYPE OF (IfcControl);
Attribute Definitions:
WorkingTimes : Set of times periods that are regarded as an initial set-up of working times. Exception times can then
further restrict these working times.
ExceptionTimes : Set of times periods that define exceptions (non-working times) for the given working times including
the base calendar, if provided.
Formal Propositions:
CorrectPredefinedType : The attribute ObjectType must be asserted when the value of the IfcWorkCalendarTypeEnum is set to
Inheritance Graph:
ENTITY IfcWorkCalendar
GlobalId : IfcGloballyUniqueId;
OwnerHistory : OPTIONAL IfcStrippedOptional;
Name : OPTIONAL IfcLabel;
Description : OPTIONAL IfcText;
ENTITY IfcObjectDefinition
ENTITY IfcObject
ENTITY IfcControl
ENTITY IfcWorkCalendar
<xs:element name="IfcWorkCalendar" type="ifc:IfcWorkCalendar" substitutionGroup="ifc:IfcControl" nillable="true"/>
<xs:complexType name="IfcWorkCalendar">
<xs:extension base="ifc:IfcControl">
<xs:element name="WorkingTimes" nillable="true" minOccurs="0">
<xs:element ref="ifc:IfcWorkTime" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attribute ref="ifc:itemType" fixed="ifc:IfcWorkTime"/>
<xs:attribute ref="ifc:cType" fixed="set"/>
<xs:attribute ref="ifc:arraySize" use="optional"/>
A building represents a structure that provides shelter for its occupants or contents and stands in one place. The building is also
used to provide a basic element within the spatial structure hierarchy for the components of a building project (together with site,
storey, and space).
NOTE Definition from ISO 6707-1:
Construction work that has the provision of shelter for its occupants or contents as one of its
main purpose and is normally designed to stand permanently in one place.
A building is (if specified) associated to a site. A building may span over several connected or disconnected buildings. Therefore
building complex provides for a collection of buildings included in a site. A building can also be decomposed in (vertical) parts,
where each part defines a building section. This is defined by the composition type attribute of the supertype
IfcSpatialStructureElements which is interpreted as follow:
COMPLEX: building complex
ELEMENT: building
PARTIAL: building section
The IfcBuilding is used to build the spatial structure of a building (that serves as the primary project breakdown and is required to
be hierarchical). The spatial structure elements are linked together by using the objectified relationship IfcRelAggregates.
HISTORY New entity in IFC1.0.
Figure 27 shows the IfcBuilding as part of the spatial structure. It also serves as the spatial container for building and other
NOTE Detailed requirements on mandatory element containment and placement structure relationships are given in view
definitions and implementer agreements.
Systems, such as building service or electrical distribution systems, zonal systems, or structural analysis systems, relate to
IfcBuilding by using the objectified relationship IfcRelServicesBuildings.
EXPRESS Specification:
ENTITY IfcBuilding
SUBTYPE OF (IfcSpatialStructureElement);
Attribute Definitions:
ElevationOfRefHeight : Elevation above sea level of the reference height used for all storey elevation measures, equals to
height 0.0. It is usually the ground floor level.
ElevationOfTerrain : Elevation above the minimal terrain level around the foot print of the building, given in elevation
above sea level.
Inheritance Graph:
ENTITY IfcBuilding
GlobalId : IfcGloballyUniqueId;
OwnerHistory : OPTIONAL IfcStrippedOptional;
Name : OPTIONAL IfcLabel;
Description : OPTIONAL IfcText;
ENTITY IfcObjectDefinition
ENTITY IfcObject
ENTITY IfcProduct
ENTITY IfcSpatialElement
ENTITY IfcSpatialStructureElement
ENTITY IfcBuilding
<xs:element name="IfcBuilding" type="ifc:IfcBuilding" substitutionGroup="ifc:IfcSpatialStructureElement" nillable="true"/>
<xs:complexType name="IfcBuilding">
<xs:extension base="ifc:IfcSpatialStructureElement"/>
The building storey has an elevation and typically represents a (nearly) horizontal aggregation of spaces that are vertically bound.
A storey is (if specified) associated to a building. A storey may span over several connected storeys. Therefore storey complex
provides for a collection of storeys included in a building. A storey can also be decomposed in (horizontal) parts, where each part
defines a partial storey. This is defined by the composition type attribute of the supertype IfcSpatialStructureElements which is
interpreted as follow:
COMPLEX: building storey complex
ELEMENT: building storey
PARTIAL: partial building storey
EXAMPLE In split level houses, a storey is split into two or more partial storeys, each with a different elevation. It can be handled
by defining a storey, which includes two or more partial storeys with the individual elevations.
The IfcBuildingStorey is used to build the spatial structure of a building (that serves as the primary project breakdown and is
required to be hierarchical). The spatial structure elements are linked together by using the objectified relationship
Figure 29 shows the IfcBuildingStorey as part of the spatial structure. It also serves as the spatial container for building and other
NOTE Detailed requirements on mandatory element containment and placement structure relationships are given in view
definitions and implementer agreements.
EXPRESS Specification:
ENTITY IfcBuildingStorey
SUBTYPE OF (IfcSpatialStructureElement);
Attribute Definitions:
Elevation : Elevation of the base of this storey, relative to the 0,00 internal reference height of the building. The
0.00 level is given by the absolute above sea level height by the ElevationOfRefHeight attribute given
at IfcBuilding.
Inheritance Graph:
ENTITY IfcBuildingStorey
GlobalId : IfcGloballyUniqueId;
ENTITY IfcObjectDefinition
ENTITY IfcObject
ENTITY IfcProduct
ENTITY IfcSpatialElement
ENTITY IfcSpatialStructureElement
ENTITY IfcBuildingStorey
<xs:element name="IfcBuildingStorey" type="ifc:IfcBuildingStorey" substitutionGroup="ifc:IfcSpatialStructureElement"
<xs:complexType name="IfcBuildingStorey">
<xs:extension base="ifc:IfcSpatialStructureElement"/>
A site is a defined area of land, possibly covered with water, on which the project construction is to be completed. A site may be
used to erect, retrofit or turn down building(s), or for other construction related developments.
NOTE Term according to ISO6707-1 vocabulary "area of land or water where construction work or other development is
A site may include a definition of the single geographic reference point for this site (global position using WGS84 with Longitude,
Latitude and Elevation). The precision is provided up to millionth of a second and it provides an absolute placement in relation to
the real world as used in exchange with geospatial information systems. If asserted, the Longitude, Latitude and Elevation
establish the point in WGS84 where the point 0.,0.,0. of the LocalPlacement of IfcSite is situated.
The geometrical placement of the site, defined by the IfcLocalPlacement, shall be always relative to the spatial structure element,
in which this site is included, or absolute, i.e. to the world coordinate system, as established by the geometric representation
context of the project. The world coordinate system, established at the IfcProject.RepresentationContexts, may include a
definition of the true north within the XY plane of the world coordinate system, if provided, it can be obtained at
A project may span over several connected or disconnected sites. Therefore site complex provides for a collection of sites included
in a project. A site can also be decomposed in parts, where each part defines a site section. This is defined by the composition
type attribute of the supertype IfcSpatialStructureElements which is interpreted as follow:
COMPLEX = site complex
ELEMENT = site
PARTIAL = site section
The IfcSite is used to build the spatial structure of a building (that serves as the primary project breakdown and is required to be
Figure 32 shows the IfcSite as part of the spatial structure. In addition to the logical spatial structure, also the placement
hierarchy is shown. In this example the spatial structure hierarchy and the placement hierarchy are identical.
NOTE Detailed requirements on mandatory element containment and placement structure relationships are given in view
definitions and implementer agreements.
EXPRESS Specification:
SUBTYPE OF (IfcSpatialStructureElement);
Attribute Definitions:
RefElevation : Datum elevation relative to sea level.
LandTitleNumber : The land title number (designation of the site within a regional system).
Inheritance Graph:
GlobalId : IfcGloballyUniqueId;
OwnerHistory : OPTIONAL IfcStrippedOptional;
Name : OPTIONAL IfcLabel;
Description : OPTIONAL IfcText;
ENTITY IfcObjectDefinition
ENTITY IfcObject
ENTITY IfcProduct
ENTITY IfcSpatialElement
ENTITY IfcSpatialStructureElement
<xs:element name="IfcSite" type="ifc:IfcSite" substitutionGroup="ifc:IfcSpatialStructureElement" nillable="true"/>
<xs:complexType name="IfcSite">
<xs:extension base="ifc:IfcSpatialStructureElement"/>
A space represents an area or volume bounded actually or theoretically. Spaces are areas or volumes that provide for certain
functions within a building.
A space is associated to a building storey (or in case of exterior spaces to a site). A space may span over several connected
spaces. Therefore a space group provides for a collection of spaces included in a storey. A space can also be decomposed in parts,
where each part defines a partial space. This is defined by the CompositionType attribute of the supertype
IfcSpatialStructureElement which is interpreted as follow:
COMPLEX = space group
ELEMENT = space
PARTIAL = partial space
NOTE View definitions and implementation agreements may restrict spaces with CompositionType=ELEMENT to be non-
The IfcSpace is used to build the spatial structure of a building (that serves as the primary project breakdown and is required to
be hierarchical). The spatial structure elements are linked together by using the objectified relationship IfcRelAggregates.
Figure 34 shows the IfcSpace as part of the spatial structure. It also serves as the spatial container for space related elements.
NOTE Detailed requirements on mandatory element containment and placement structure relationships are given in view
definitions and implementer agreements.
The following guidelines should apply for using the Name, Description, LongName and ObjectType attributes.
Name holds the unique name (or space number) from the plan.
Description holds any additional information field the user may have specified, there are no further recommendations.
LongName holds the full name of the space, it is often used in addition to the Name, if a number is assigned to the room, then the
descriptive name is exchanged as LongName.
ObjectType holds the space type, i.e. usually the functional category of the space .
NOTE In cases of inconsistency between the geometric representation of the IfcSpace and the combined geometric
representations of the surrounding IfcRelSpaceBoundary, the geometric representation of the space should take priority over the
geometric representation of the surrounding space boundaries.
EXPRESS Specification:
SUBTYPE OF (IfcSpatialStructureElement);
Attribute Definitions:
PredefinedType : Predefined generic types for a space that are specified in an enumeration. There might be property
sets defined specifically for each predefined type.
NOTE Previous use had been to indicates whether the IfcSpace is an interior space by value
INTERNAL, or an exterior space by value EXTERNAL. This use is now deprecated, the property
'IsExternal' at 'Pset_SpaceCommon' should be used instead.
Formal Propositions:
CorrectPredefinedType : Either the PredefinedType attribute is unset (e.g. because an IfcSpaceType is associated), or the
inherited attribute ObjectType shall be provided, if the PredefinedType is set to USERDEFINED.
CorrectTypeAssigned : Either there is no space type object associated, i.e. the IsTypedBy inverse relationship is not
provided, or the associated type object has to be of type IfcSpaceType.
Inheritance Graph:
GlobalId : IfcGloballyUniqueId;
OwnerHistory : OPTIONAL IfcStrippedOptional;
Name : OPTIONAL IfcLabel;
Description : OPTIONAL IfcText;
ENTITY IfcObjectDefinition
ENTITY IfcObject
ENTITY IfcProduct
ENTITY IfcSpatialElement
ENTITY IfcSpatialStructureElement
<xs:element name="IfcSpace" type="ifc:IfcSpace" substitutionGroup="ifc:IfcSpatialStructureElement" nillable="true"/>
<xs:complexType name="IfcSpace">
<xs:extension base="ifc:IfcSpatialStructureElement"/>
A space represents an area or volume bounded actually or theoretically. Spaces are areas or volumes that provide for certain
functions within a building.
The IfcSpaceType defines a list of commonly shared defines commonly shared information for occurrences of spaces. The set of
shared information may include:
common properties within shared property sets
common shape representations
It is used to define a space specification (i.e. the specific space information, that is common to all occurrences of that space type.
Space types may be exchanged without being already assigned to occurrences.
NOTE The space types are often used to represent space catalogues, less so for sharing a common representation map. Space
types in a space catalogue share same space classification and a common set of space requirement properties.
EXPRESS Specification:
ENTITY IfcSpaceType
SUBTYPE OF (IfcSpatialStructureElementType);
PredefinedType : IfcSpaceTypeEnum;
LongName : OPTIONAL IfcStrippedOptional;
Attribute Definitions:
PredefinedType : Predefined types to define the particular type of space. There may be property set definitions
available for each predefined type.
LongName : Long name for a space type, used for informal purposes. It should be used, if available, in
conjunction with the inherited Name attribute.
NOTE In many scenarios the Name attribute refers to the short name or number of a space type,
and the LongName refers to the full descriptive name.
Formal Propositions:
CorrectPredefinedType : The inherited attribute ElementType shall be provided, if the PredefinedType is set to USERDEFINED.
Inheritance Graph:
ENTITY IfcSpaceType
GlobalId : IfcGloballyUniqueId;
OwnerHistory : OPTIONAL IfcStrippedOptional;
Name : OPTIONAL IfcLabel;
Description : OPTIONAL IfcText;
ENTITY IfcObjectDefinition
ENTITY IfcTypeObject
ENTITY IfcTypeProduct
ENTITY IfcSpatialElementType
ENTITY IfcSpatialStructureElementType
ENTITY IfcSpaceType
PredefinedType : IfcSpaceTypeEnum;
LongName : OPTIONAL IfcStrippedOptional;
<xs:element name="IfcSpaceType" type="ifc:IfcSpaceType" substitutionGroup="ifc:IfcSpatialStructureElementType"
<xs:complexType name="IfcSpaceType">
<xs:extension base="ifc:IfcSpatialStructureElementType">
<xs:attribute name="PredefinedType" type="ifc:IfcSpaceTypeEnum" use="optional"/>
A zone is a group of spaces, partial spaces or other zones. Zone structures may not be hierarchical (in contrary to the spatial
structure of a project - see IfcSpatialStructureElement), i.e. one individual IfcSpace may be associated with zero, one, or several
IfcZone's. IfcSpace's are grouped into an IfcZone by using the objectified relationship IfcRelAssignsToGroup as specified at the
supertype IfcGroup.
NOTE Certain use cases may restrict the freedom of non-hierarchical relationships. In some building service use cases the zone
denotes a view based delimited volume for the purpose of analysis and calculation. This type of zone cannot overlap with respect
to that analysis, but may overlap otherwise.
EXPRESS Specification:
SUBTYPE OF (IfcSystem);
Attribute Definitions:
LongName : Long name for a zone, used for informal purposes. It should be used, if available, in conjunction with
the inherited Name attribute.
NOTE In many scenarios the Name attribute refers to the short name or number of a zone, and the
LongName refers to the full name.
IFC4 CHANGE The attribute has been added at the end of the entity
Formal Propositions:
WR1 : An IfcZone is grouped by the objectified relationship IfcRelAssignsToGroup. Only objects of type
IfcSpace, IfcZone and IfcSpatialZone are allowed as RelatedObjects.
Inheritance Graph:
GlobalId : IfcGloballyUniqueId;
OwnerHistory : OPTIONAL IfcStrippedOptional;
Name : OPTIONAL IfcLabel;
Description : OPTIONAL IfcText;
ENTITY IfcObjectDefinition
ENTITY IfcObject
ENTITY IfcSystem
<xs:element name="IfcZone" type="ifc:IfcZone" substitutionGroup="ifc:IfcSystem" nillable="true"/>
<xs:complexType name="IfcZone">
<xs:extension base="ifc:IfcSystem"/>
An occupant is a type of actor that defines the form of occupancy of a property.
The principal purpose of IfcOccupant is to determine the nature of occupancy of a property for a particular actor. All
characteristics relating to the actor (name and organization details) are inherited from the IfcActor entity.
HISTORY New entity in IFC2x
EXPRESS Specification:
ENTITY IfcOccupant
SUBTYPE OF (IfcActor);
Attribute Definitions:
Formal Propositions:
WR31 : The attribute ObjectType must be asserted when the value of the IfcOccupantTypeEnum is set to
Inheritance Graph:
ENTITY IfcOccupant
GlobalId : IfcGloballyUniqueId;
OwnerHistory : OPTIONAL IfcStrippedOptional;
Name : OPTIONAL IfcLabel;
Description : OPTIONAL IfcText;
ENTITY IfcObjectDefinition
ENTITY IfcObject
TheActor : IfcActorSelect;
ENTITY IfcOccupant
<xs:element name="IfcOccupant" type="ifc:IfcOccupant" substitutionGroup="ifc:IfcActor" nillable="true"/>
<xs:complexType name="IfcOccupant">
<xs:extension base="ifc:IfcActor"/>
Each referenced schema is listed by standards body notation and official title.
Reference Description
ISO Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) for data sharing in the construction and facilities
16739:2013 management industries
Each concept is listed by entity name and concept template within the following table. Each row
corresponds to an entity, each column corresponds to a concept template, and each cell indicates usage
of a concept template for an entity.
Spatial Decomposition
Project Declaration
Control Assignment
Assigned Actor
Spatial Naming
Quantity Sets
Properties on Occurrences
Spatial Composition
Object Typing
Assigned Control
Tabular Constraints
Actor Assignment
IfcProject X X X X X
IfcWorkCalendar X X X X
IfcBuilding X X X X X X XX
IfcBuildingStorey X X X X X X
IfcSite X X X
IfcSpace X X X X X X X X X X X X
IfcSpaceType X X X
IfcZone X X
IfcOccupant X X
Each entity is described within subsections, with diagrams indicating the graph of attributes and objects
representing the combination of all concepts applied to instances of the entity. Each block in the diagram
represents an entity, where the entity name is shown at the top of the block with background in black.
Each attribute within the entity is shown in order, where black is used to indicate a direct attribute and
grey is used to indicate an inverse attribute. Notation to the right of each attribute indicates aggregation,
where S indicates a SET (unordered unique objects) and L indicates a LIST (ordered objects), the first
number in brackets indicates the minimum count, and the second number in brackets indicates the
maximum count or “?” for unlimited. Lines connecting blocks indicates attributes that point to objects of
other data definitions.
Spatial Decomposition
The IfcProject is used to reference the root of the spatial structure of a building (that serves as the primary project breakdown
and is required to be hierarchical). The spatial structure elements are linked together, and to the IfcProject, by using the
objectified relationship IfcRelAggregates. The IfcProject references them by its inverse relationship:
IfcProject.Decomposes — it shall be NIL, i.e. IfcProject shall not be part of a decomposition as it is the root element of
the spatial structure.
IfcProject.IsDecomposedBy — referencing (IfcSite || IfcBuilding) by IfcRelAggregates.RelatingObject. The IfcSite or
IfcBuilding referenced shall be the root of the spatial structure.
This entity is used to indicate occupancy schedules. It may be used to indicate recurring intervals such as Monday-Friday 08:00-
16:00 with optional exceptions for holidays. Such information may be used in building programming to determine space allocation
and energy requirements.
Control Assignment
Spaces may be assigned to calendars to indicate specific locations to be occupied.
Assigned Actor
Calendars may be assigned to a specific occupant indicating times when the occupant is planned to occupy any assigned spaces.
The Name refers to a short name or a building number used for reference purposes.
The Description refers to general information about the building.
Spatial Naming
The LongName refers to a short or long name for reference purposes.
The building can be classified using a reference library or any national, standard or project specific classification. Multiple
classifications can be used.
The Name refers to a short name or a level number used for reference purposes. It should correspond to level numbering as used
in elevators and stairways.
The Description refers to general information about the building.
Spatial Naming
The LongName refers to a short or long name for reference purposes.
Spatial Decomposition
By using the inverse relationship IfcBuildingStorey.Decomposes it references (IfcBuilding || IfcBuildingStorey) through
IfcRelAggregates.RelatingObjectIfcBuildingStorey, the referenced IfcBuildingStorey needs to have a different and higher
CompositionType, i.e. COMPLEX (if the other IfcBuildingStorey has ELEMENT), or ELEMENT (if the other IfcBuildingStorey has
Spatial Decomposition
By using the inverse relationship IfcSite.Decomposes it references IfcProject || IfcSite through IfcRelAggregates.RelatingObject, If
it refers to another instance of IfcSite, the referenced IfcSite needs to have a different and higher CompositionType, i.e. COMPLEX
(if the other IfcSite has ELEMENT), or ELEMENT (if the other IfcSite has PARTIAL).
Spatial Composition
By using the inverse relationship IfcSite.IsDecomposedBy it references (em>IfcSite || IfcBuilding || IfcSpace by
IfcRelAggregates.RelatedObjects. If it refers to another instance of IfcSite, the referenced IfcSite needs to have a different and
lower CompositionType, i.e. ELEMENT (if the other IfcSite has COMPLEX), or PARTIAL (if the other IfcSite has ELEMENT).
The GlobalId should not change as long as the function for the room is the same (even if the location of the room is changed in
the model).
The Name refers to an alphanumeric number unique to the building, based on location, corresponding to signage for room
The Description refers to the activities and functions that the space is expected to serve.
Object Typing
The Name on the IfcSpaceType refers to a standard naming convention (acronym) for room types used, and is usually a client or
company specific code for room templates shared for multiple rooms in a project and/or accross projects.
The space should be classified by activity (functional category) using a reference library or any national, standard or project
specific classification. A single space can have more than one classification assigned.
Properties on Occurrences
Specific properties identified within this concept are mandatory, and may be automatically enforced via constraints, where
IfcMetric.ReferencePath maps to specific instances or attributes that may be compared with the specified property value.
Spatial Decomposition
By using the inverse relationship IfcSpace.Decomposes it references IfcSite || IfcBuildingStorey || IfcSpace by
IfcRelAggregates.RelatingObject. If it refers to another instance of IfcSpace, the referenced IfcSpace needs to have a different
and higher CompositionType, i.e. COMPLEX (if the other IfcSpace has ELEMENT), or ELEMENT (if the other IfcSpace has PARTIAL).
Assigned Control
Spaces may be assigned to calendars indicating occupancy schedules. Such calendars may in turn be assigned to occupants
identifying the organization and population.
Tabular Constraints
Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment (FF&E) schedules may be defined using tabular constraints. Software observing the IFC
constraint model may validate such schedules as any other tabular constraint. Implementing software may enable direct viewing
and/or editing of such schedules, automatically generate such schedules based on building model data, automatically generate
building model data according to schedules, or a combination thereof.
Tabular Constraints
Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment (FF&E) schedules may be defined using tabular constraints. Software observing the IFC
constraint model may validate such schedules as any other tabular constraint. Implementing software may enable direct viewing
and/or editing of such schedules, automatically generate such schedules based on building model data, automatically generate
building model data according to schedules, or a combination thereof.
Concepts may be defined that use parameters to indicate applicable values. For example, plumbing
objects may make use of ports to enable connectivity to other objects for distribution of water, and a
specific entity such as a hot water heater may have specific ports such as “ColdWaterIn” and
“HotWaterOut”. Defining attributes at concepts enables re-use of concepts where the data structures are
the same, but applicable values may differ. Each concept is shown in a subsection as follows, with rows
corresponding to entities and rule instances, columns corresponding to template parameters, and cells
corresponding to values applied to rules.
Spatial Decomposition
Entity Spatial Parts
IfcProject IfcSite
IfcBuildingStorey IfcSpace
IfcSite IfcProject
Project Declaration
Entity Type
IfcProject IfcOccupant
Control Assignment
Entity Type
IfcWorkCalendar IfcSpace
Assigned Actor
Entity Type
IfcWorkCalendar IfcOccupant
Entity Source Name Tokens
IfcBuilding Pset_BuildingCommon
IfcBuildingStorey Pset_BuildingStoreyCommon
IfcSite Pset_SiteCommon
IfcSpace Pset_SpaceCommon
IfcZone Pset_ZoneCommon
Properties on Occurrences
Entity Pset Property Type ReferencePath
Spatial Composition
Entity Spatial Composite
IfcSite IfcBuilding
Object Typing
Entity Type
IfcSpace IfcSpaceType
Assigned Control
Entity Type
IfcSpace IfcWorkCalendar
Tabular Constraints
Entity Identifier ReferencePath
Count \IfcSpace.ContainsElements[*]\IfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure.RelatedElements[*]\IfcElement.Is
Name \IfcSpace.ContainsElements[*]\IfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure.RelatedElements[*]\IfcElement.Is
Count \IfcSpaceType.DefinesOccurrences[*]\IfcRelDefinesByType.RelatedObjects[*]\IfcSpace.ContainsElem
Name \IfcSpaceType.DefinesOccurrences[*]\IfcRelDefinesByType.RelatedObjects[*]\IfcSpace.ContainsElem
Actor Assignment
Entity Type
IfcOccupant IfcWorkCalendar
Concepts may inherit from other concepts such that more generic rules may be defined at a higher level
and more specific rules at a lower level. For example, geometry may be defined for a distribution segment
(e.g. ducts, pipes, cables) that indicate permitted use of an extruded area solid (IfcExtrudedAreaSolid)
which defines a 2D cross section extruded along a 3D linear segment. Such rule may be further refined
for ducts to indicate that the cross-sections are further restricted to shapes such as hollow rectangles
(IfcRectangleHollowProfileDef) or hollow circles (IfcCircleHollowProfileDef).Concepts are shown in a
hierarchy as follows where inner concepts inherit from outer concepts.
Project Declaration
Project Classification Information
Tabular Constraints
Object Typing
Property Sets
Properties for Occurrences
Properties for Types
Properties on Occurrences
Quantity Sets
Quantity Sets for Occurrences
Quantities on Occurrences
Actor Assignment
Control Assignment
Assigned Actor
Assigned Control
Spatial Composition
Spatial Decomposition
Footprint Geometry
FootPrint GeomSet Geometry
Body Geometry
Body SweptSolid Geometry
Spatial Naming
Each entity is shown in subsections as follows, with rows corresponding to concepts, columns
corresponding to exchanges, and cells indicating requirements where 'R' indicates required and 'O'
indicates optional.
Concept Facility Criteria Discipline Specifications
Identity R R
Spatial Decomposition R R
Descriptions O O
Project Declaration O O
Concept Facility Criteria Discipline Specifications
Identity O
Calendar O
Control Assignment O
Assigned Actor O
Concept Facility Criteria Discipline Specifications
Identity R R
Descriptions O O
Spatial Naming R R
Classification O O
Quantity Sets O O
Properties on Occurrences R R
Properties on Occurrences R R
Concept Facility Criteria Discipline Specifications
Identity R R
Descriptions O O
Spatial Naming O O
Spatial Decomposition R R
Quantity Sets O O
Concept Facility Criteria Discipline Specifications
Spatial Decomposition O O
Spatial Composition O O
Concept Facility Criteria Discipline Specifications
Identity R R
Descriptions O R
Spatial Naming R R
Object Typing O O
Classification O O
Properties on Occurrences O R
Spatial Decomposition O O
Assigned Control O
Tabular Constraints O
Concept Facility Criteria Discipline Specifications
Identity O
Tabular Constraints O
Concept Facility Criteria Discipline Specifications
Identity O R
Concept Facility Criteria Discipline Specifications
Identity R
Actor Assignment O
• Identity
• Project Classification Information
• Spatial Decomposition
• Descriptions
• Project Declaration
• Calendar
• Control Assignment
• Assigned Actor
• Spatial Naming
• Classification
• Properties for Occurrences
• Quantity Sets
• Properties on Occurrences
• Spatial Composition
• Object Typing
• FootPrint GeomSet Geometry
• Body SweptSolid Geometry
• Assigned Control
• Tabular Constraints
• Properties for Types
• Actor Assignment
In the following table, each row corresponds to a concept used within this model view, each column
corresponds to another model view, and each cell indicates usage of the concept within the
corresponding model view.
Building Programming
Building Automation
Identity X X X X X X X
Spatial Decomposition X X X X X X
Descriptions X X X X
Project Declaration X X X X X X X
Calendar X X X
Building Programming
Building Automation
Assigned Actor X
Spatial Naming X
Classification X X X X X X X
Quantity Sets X X X
Properties on Occurrences X
Spatial Composition X X X
Object Typing X X X X X X X
Assigned Control X
Tabular Constraints X
Actor Assignment X X X X
Each concept template is defined in a subsection as follows, with rows corresponding to each business
rule. The Reference column identifies the path to the entity and attribute. The Cardinality column indicates
whether the number of permitted instances is restricted differently than the underlying schema, using
[N:M] notation where N indicates the minimum number of instances, M indicates the maximum number of
instances, where '?' indicates unbounded. The Parameter column indicates the name of a substitutable
parameter, if applicable, defined at each usage of the business rule.
Reference Cardinality Parameter
\IfcContext.HasAssociations\IfcRelAssociatesClassification.RelatingClassification\IfcClassification.Source Source
\IfcContext.HasAssociations\IfcRelAssociatesClassification.RelatingClassification\IfcClassification.Name Name
\IfcContext.HasAssociations\IfcRelAssociatesClassification.RelatingClassification\IfcClassification.Reference ReferenceTok
Tokens ens
Spatial Decomposition
Reference Cardinality Parameter
Reference Cardinality Parameter
Project Declaration
Reference Cardinality Parameter
\IfcContext.Declares\IfcRelDeclares.RelatedDefinitions Type
Reference Cardinality Parameter
Control Assignment
Reference Cardinality Parameter
\IfcControl.Controls\IfcRelAssignsToControl.RelatedObjects Type
Assigned Actor
Reference Cardinality Parameter
\IfcObject.HasAssignments\IfcRelAssignsToActor.RelatingActor Type
Spatial Naming
Reference Cardinality Parameter
Reference Cardinality Parameter
\IfcObjectDefinition.HasAssociations\IfcRelAssociatesClassification.RelatingClassification\IfcClassificationR Source
\IfcObjectDefinition.HasAssociations\IfcRelAssociatesClassification.RelatingClassification\IfcClassificationR Name
\IfcObjectDefinition.HasAssociations\IfcRelAssociatesClassification.RelatingClassification\IfcClassificationR Tokens
\IfcObject.PredefinedType PredefinedT
\IfcObject.IsDefinedBy\IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition\IfcPropertySet.Name Name
Quantity Sets
Reference Cardinality Parameter
Properties on Occurrences
Reference Cardinality Parameter
\IfcObject.IsDefinedBy\IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition\IfcPropertySet.Name Pset
\IfcObject.IsDefinedBy\IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition\IfcPropertySet.HasProperties Property
\IfcObject.IsDefinedBy\IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition\IfcPropertySet.HasProperties Type
\IfcObject.IsDefinedBy\IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatingPropertyDefinition\IfcPropertySet.HasAssociatio ReferencePa
ns\IfcRelAssociatesConstraint.RelatingConstraint\IfcObjective.BenchmarkValues\IfcMetric.ReferencePath th
Spatial Composition
Reference Cardinality Parameter
Object Typing
Reference Cardinality Parameter
\IfcObject.IsTypedBy\IfcRelDefinesByType.RelatingType Type
\IfcProduct.Representation\IfcProductDefinitionShape.Representations\IfcShapeRepresentation.Represent Type
\IfcProduct.Representation\IfcProductDefinitionShape.Representations\IfcShapeRepresentation.Items Items
\IfcElement.Representation\IfcProductDefinitionShape.Representations\IfcShapeRepresentation.Represen Type
\IfcElement.Representation\IfcProductDefinitionShape.Representations\IfcShapeRepresentation.Items Items
Assigned Control
Reference Cardinality Parameter
\IfcObject.HasAssignments\IfcRelAssignsToControl.RelatingControl Type
Tabular Constraints
Reference Cardinality Parameter
\IfcObjectDefinition.HasAssociations\IfcRelAssociatesConstraint.RelatingConstraint\IfcObjective.Benchmark Identifier
\IfcObjectDefinition.HasAssociations\IfcRelAssociatesConstraint.RelatingConstraint\IfcObjective.Benchmark ReferencePa
Values\IfcMetric.DataValue\IfcTable.Columns\IfcTableColumn.ReferencePath th
\IfcTypeObject.HasPropertySets\IfcPropertySet.Name Name
Actor Assignment
Reference Cardinality Parameter
\IfcActor.IsActingUpon\IfcRelAssignsToActor.RelatedObjects Type
Each concept template is described in a subsection as follows, with diagrams indicating usage of
attributes and entities reflecting defined business rules.
An object needs to be identifiable for accurate processing by both human and automated processes. Identification may be through
several attributes such as Identification, Name, or GUID. The GUID is compressed for the purpose of being exchanged within an
IFC data set - the compressed GUID is refered to as "IFC-GUID". While the IFC-GUID is normally generated automatically and has
to be persistent, the Identification may relate to other informal registers but should be unique within the set of objects of the
same type. The Name and Description should allow any object to be identified in the context of the project or facility being
Various objects may have additional identifications that may be human-readable and/or may be structured through classification
Various file formats may use additional identifications of instances for serialization purposes, however there is no requirement or
guarantee for such identifications to remain the same between revisions or across applications. For example, the IFC-SPF file
format lists each instance with a 64-bit integer that is unique within the particular file.
Spatial Decomposition
Provision of a spatial structure of the project by aggregating spatial structure elements. The spatial structure is a hierarchical tree
of spatial structure elements (site, building, storey, space) ultimately assigned to the project. Decomposition refers to the
relationship to lower level elements (e.g. this storey has spaces).
The order of spatial structure elements being included in the concept are from high to low level: IfcProject, IfcSite, IfcBuilding,
IfcBuildingStorey, fcSpace. Therefore an spatial structure element can only has parts of an element at the same or lower level.
Objects may have descriptions included to aid in human identification of the object.
Project Declaration
The project provides a directory of objects contained within using declaration relationships.
Calendar information is used to filter other objects to indicate time periods during which the control applies.
Control Assignment
Controls may have assignments indicating objects that must observe the established requirements. An example of such
assignment is a labor resource assigned to a calendar.
Assigned Actor
Objects may be assigned to actors indicating the actor demands services of the object. Specific semantics are defined at concepts.
Spatial Naming
Spatial elements may have both identifier-based names and descriptive names, each of which should correspond with building
For spatial elements, the Name attribute is intended to be unique and indexable within a building for purposes of identifying by
location. This attribute typically corresponding to a room number, floor number, or building number.
For spatial elements, the LongName attribute is intended to be descriptive of function, such as 'Small Conference Room'.
Objects, type objects, properties, and some resource schema entities can be further described by associating references to
external sources of information. The source of information can be:
a classification system;
a dictionary server;
any external catalogue that classifies the object further;
a service that combine the above features.
An individual item within the external source of information can be selected. It then applies the inherent meaning of the item to
the object or property.
Quantity Sets
Any specialization of object can be related to multiple quantity set occurrences. A quantity set contains multiple quantity
occurrences. The data type of quantity occurrence are count, length, area, volume, weight, time, and combination of quantity
Properties on Occurrences
Properties on occurrences may be required to be present for specific information exchanges.
Constraints may be attached to property sets to enforce conformance of the building model to indicated values. The associated
IfcObjective has its type set to DESIGNINTENT to indicate that any nonconforming value should be flagged accordingly but not
necessarily automatically updated as is done for other types such as PARAMETRIC. The IfcObjective contains one or more
IfcMetric items corresponding to each IfcProperty that is constrained, where IfcMetric.ValueSource corresponds to
IfcProperty.Name. The IfcMetric.ReferencePath identifies the attribute on related objects
(IfcRelDefinesByProperties.RelatedObjects) that is to be checked, where the reference path is relative to the associated object, in
this case the IfcPropertySet.
Within this document, attribute paths (as used for IfcReference) are encoded using syntax in the form
'IfcSpace.OwnerHistory\IfcOwnerHistory.CreationDate' with the following conventions:
The period character (".") dereferences an attribute from an entity.
The back slash character ("\") casts an entity into a subtype, where a backslash without a subtype indicatings mapping
to the type itself.
The forward slash character ("/") filters an entity according to its PredefinedType.
A bracket sequence with an asterisk ("[*]") dereferences a collection into each member.
A bracket sequence with an encoded string (e.g. "['SerialNumber']" dereferences a collection into a specific member by
Constrained values are interpreted as follows:
IfcBoolean: checks for the presense of one or more matching elements, where True indicates one or more exist, and
False indicates none exist.
IfcInteger: checks for the count of elements, where the number indicates the quantity of matching elements found.
IfcValue: for all other value types such as labels or measure values, checks for matching value.
Spatial Composition
Provision of a spatial structure of the project by aggregating spatial structure elements. The spatial structure is a hierarchical tree
of spatial structure elements (site, building, storey, space) ultimately assigned to the project. Composition refers to the
relationship to a higher level element (e.g. this storey is part of a building).
The order of spatial structure elements being included in the concept are from high to low level: IfcProject, IfcSite, IfcBuilding,
IfcBuildingStorey, IfcSpace. Therefore an spatial structure element can only be part of an element at the same or higher level.
Object Typing
Object Occurrences may be defined by a particular Object Type, where such type describes common characteristics. Such
characteristics include common properties, shapes, materials, composition, and other concepts described at particular entities. An
object occurrence may have similar state as its object type, overridden state for particular characteristics, or have no defined type
A pair of entities are defined for various object occurrences and object types, where such object occurrence entity may only be
defined using a particular object type entity. For example, the IfcTank occurrence object entity has a corresponding IfcTankType
type object entity.
Many object occurrence and object type entities have an attribute named PredefinedType consisting of a specific enumeration.
Such predefined type essentially provides another level of inheritance to further differentiate objects without the need for
additional entities. Predefined types are not just informational; various rules apply such as applicable property sets, part
composition, and distribution ports.
For scenarios of object types having part compositions, such parts may be reflected at object occurrences having separate state.
For example, a wall type may define a particular arrangement of studs, a wall occurrence may reflect the same arrangement of
studs, and studs within the wall occurrence may participate in specific relationships that do not exist at the type such as being
connected to an electrical junction box.
Assigned Control
Objects may be assigned to controls indicating the control demands services of the object. Specific semantics are defined at
Tabular Constraints
This template enables a tabular representation of items that may be used to validate the building model and/or automatically
generate requirement elements within the building model.
Tables may be used for various scenarios, such as available configurations of product types, equipment schedules, and mappings
to tabular data formats.
Actor Assignment
Actors may have assignments indicating objects for which they have responsibility. An example of such assignment is a work
order assigned to an organization.
The schema encapsulating the data definitions for this model view is published in multiple
An MVDXML file defines the referenced entities and rules for this model view. This file may be used to
validate instance data (in IFC-SPF or IFC-XML files), filter instance data to include entities and attributes
within scope of this model view, or generate sub-schemas (including the EXP and XSD representations).
An EXP file represents the schema in EXPRESS format (ISO 10303-11) which adapts the referenced
Industry Foundation Classes schema (ISO 16739) by including a subset of data definitions and a subset
of attributes within each data definition. The EXP file may be used by software development tools for
generating programming languages schemas (e.g. C++, C#, Java), database definitions (e.g. SQL DDL),
and data transport schema definitions (e.g. XSD).
An XSD file represents the schema in XML Data Definition Language (XSD) which adapts the referenced
subset of data definitions. The XSD file may be used by software development tools (e.g. Eclipse,
Microsoft Visual Studio) to validate XML files and generate language-specific classes.
An IFC file represents the dynamic portions of the schema in the form of property sets within an SPF (ISO
10303-21) instance file.
The rationale for publishing multiple representations is to provide the richest level of integration for
different implementations; while XSD is often used in defining web standards replacing document-based
exchanges (e.g. invoices), it lacks data model information needed for type safety, data integrity, indexing,
and optimization; all of which may be derived from the EXPRESS representation.
File Format
BPie.exp EXPRESS schema definition
BPie.xsd XML schema definition (XSD)
BPie.mvdxml MVDXML schema transform
BPie.ifc IFC dynamic schema definition
Implementations of this model view may publish instance data in various formats. Such format indicates
the data encoding and does not necessarily imply that data may only be exchanged using physical files
on computers; formats may be transmitted over the Internet as the “presentation layer” (OSI Layer 6) of
any API. As the IFC data model supports both full and partial data models where all objects can be
tagged to indicate merge directives (Create/Update/Delete using IfcOwnerHistory.ChangeAction), data
may be transmitted in whole or in part, such as indicating only data changes.
As other OSI layers are already standardized, a full web API may be defined by referencing each layer as
7 Application WebDav Defines valid operations such as GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, MKCOL, LOCK, UNLOCK
2 Data Link MAC Defines data frame communications between two nodes
Each supported format is listed by name, with Extension indicating the default file extension to use on
applicable platforms (e.g. Windows), MIME type for indicating the HTTP header when transmitting over
the Internet, and Reference standard indicating the presentation layer encoding format.
IFC-SPF (ISO 10303-21) is a text format optimized to carry data with complex relationships, supporting
human readability yet more compact representation (typically around 10% of size of equivalent XML).
IFC-HDF (ISO 10303-26) is a binary file format encapsulating data in a compact, indexable encoding
optimized for quick retrieval and minimal memory usage.
NOTE As this file type is not yet widely implemented, it is not officially part of this model view, however
implementations may prefer such format for internal use.
IFC-XML (ISO 10303-28) is a hierarchical markup format with wide support from software development
tools and platforms, supporting greater human readability at the expense of larger representation.
NOTE As typical buildings contain millions of elements with graphs of relationships resulting in gigabytes
of data, XML is not yet suitable for representing complete buildings from a pragmatic standpoint of data
size, transmission cost, and loading time. However, using derived formats along with MVDXML to filter
data sets may enable more efficient exchanges to take place.
IFC-ZIP (ISO 21320-1) is a compressed file format encapsulating one of the above formats to minimize
data size.
NOTE As this model view is primarily intended for web-based exchange, zip compression may be
selected by other means according to the client and server; therefore, the IFC-ZIP format is not officially
part of this model view.
Portions of data definitions are defined dynamically, to allow software applications to support extensible
definitions while minimizing implementation overhead. Each property set is shown within a subsection as
follows, with rows corresponding to properties. See IfcPropertySet for usage information.
Property Property Type Data Type Description
Reference P_SINGLEVALUE IfcIdentifier Reference ID for this specified type in this project (e.g. type 'A-
1'). Used to store the non-classification driven internal project
ConstructionMethod P_SINGLEVALUE IfcLabel The type of construction action to the building, the project deals
with, e.g. new construction, renovation, refurbishment, etc.
FireProtectionClass P_SINGLEVALUE IfcLabel Main fire protection class for the building which is assigned from
the fire protection classification table as given by the relevant
national building code.
SprinklerProtection P_SINGLEVALUE IfcBoolean Indication whether this object is sprinkler protected (TRUE) or
not (FALSE).
SprinklerProtectionAutomatic P_SINGLEVALUE IfcBoolean Indication whether this object has an automatic sprinkler
protection (TRUE) or not (FALSE).
OccupancyType P_SINGLEVALUE IfcLabel Occupancy type for this object. It is defined according to the
presiding national building code.
GrossPlannedArea P_SINGLEVALUE IfcAreaMeasure Total planned gross area for the building Used for programming
the building.
NetPlannedArea P_SINGLEVALUE IfcAreaMeasure Total planned net area for the building Used for programming
the building.
NumberOfStoreys P_SINGLEVALUE IfcInteger The number of storeys within a building. Captured for those
cases where the IfcBuildingStorey entity is not used. Note that if
IfcBuilingStorey is asserted and the number of storeys in a
building can be determined from it, then this approach should
be used in preference to setting a property for the number of
YearOfConstruction P_SINGLEVALUE IfcLabel Year of construction of this building, including expected year of
IsLandmarked P_SINGLEVALUE IfcLogical This builing is listed as a historic building (TRUE), or not
(FALSE), or unknown.
Property Property Type Data Type Description
Reference P_SINGLEVALUE IfcIdentifier Reference ID for this specified type in this project (e.g.
type 'A-1'). Used to store the non-classification driven
internal project type.
AboveGround P_SINGLEVALUE IfcLogical Indication whether this building storey is fully above
ground (TRUE), or below ground (FALSE), or partially
above and below ground (UNKNOWN) - as in sloped
SprinklerProtectionAutomatic P_SINGLEVALUE IfcBoolean Indication whether this object has an automatic sprinkler
protection (TRUE) or not (FALSE). It should only be
given, if the property "SprinklerProtection" is set to
LoadBearingCapacity P_SINGLEVALUE IfcPlanarForceMeasure Maximum load bearing capacity of the floor structure
throughtout the storey as designed.
GrossPlannedArea P_SINGLEVALUE IfcAreaMeasure Total planned area for the building storey. Used for
programming the building storey.
NetPlannedArea P_SINGLEVALUE IfcAreaMeasure Total planned net area for the building storey. Used for
programming the building storey.
Property Property Type Data Type Description
Reference P_SINGLEVALUE IfcIdentifier Reference ID for this specified type in this project (e.g. type 'A-
1'). Used to store the non-classification driven internal project
BuildableArea P_SINGLEVALUE IfcAreaMeasure The area of site utilization expressed as a maximum value
according to local building codes.
SiteCoverageRatio P_SINGLEVALUE IfcPositiveRatioMeasure The ratio of the utilization, TotalArea / BuildableArea, expressed
as a maximum value. The ratio value may be used to derive
FloorAreaRatio P_SINGLEVALUE IfcPositiveRatioMeasure The ratio of all floor areas to the buildable area as the maximum
floor area utilization of the site as a maximum value according
to local building codes.
BuildingHeightLimit P_SINGLEVALUE IfcPositiveLengthMeasure Allowed maximum height of buildings on this site - according to
local building codes.
TotalArea P_SINGLEVALUE IfcAreaMeasure Total planned area for the site. Used for programming the site
Property Property Type Data Type Description
Reference P_SINGLEVALUE IfcIdentifier Reference ID for this specified type in this project (e.g. type 'A-1'). Used
to store the non-classification driven internal project type.
IsExternal P_SINGLEVALUE IfcBoolean Indication whether the element is designed for use in the exterior (TRUE)
or not (FALSE). If (TRUE) it is an external element and faces the outside
of the building.
GrossPlannedArea P_SINGLEVALUE IfcAreaMeasure Total planned gross area for the space. Used for programming the space.
NetPlannedArea P_SINGLEVALUE IfcAreaMeasure Total planned net area for the space. Used for programming the space.
PubliclyAccessible P_SINGLEVALUE IfcBoolean Indication whether this space (in case of e.g., a toilet) is designed to
serve as a publicly accessible space, e.g., for a public toilet (TRUE) or not
HandicapAccessible P_SINGLEVALUE IfcBoolean Indication whether this space (in case of e.g., a toilet) is designed to
serve as an accessible space for handicapped people, e.g., for a public
toilet (TRUE) or not (FALSE). This information is often used to declare the
need for access for the disabled and for special design requirements of
this space.
Property Property Type Data Type Description
FloorCovering P_SINGLEVALUE IfcLabel Label to indicate the material or finish of the space
flooring. The label is used for room book information and
often displayed in room stamp. The material information is
provided in absence of an IfcCovering (type=FLOORING)
object with own shape representation and material
assignment. In case of inconsistency the material
assigned to IfcCovering elements takes precedence.
FloorCoveringThickness P_SINGLEVALUE IfcPositiveLengthMeasure Thickness of the material layer(s) for the space flooring.
The thickness information is provided in absence of an
IfcCovering (type=FLOORING) object with own shape
representation. In cases of inconsistency between the
geometric parameters of an assigned IfcCovering and this
attached property, the geometric parameters take
WallCovering P_SINGLEVALUE IfcLabel Label to indicate the material or finish of the space
flooring. The label is used for room book information and
often displayed in room stamp. The material information is
provided in absence of an IfcCovering (type=CLADDING)
object with own shape representation and material
assignment. In case of inconsistency the material
assigned to IfcCovering elements takes precedence.
WallCoveringThickness P_SINGLEVALUE IfcPositiveLengthMeasure Thickness of the material layer(s) for the space cladding.
The thickness information is provided in absence of an
IfcCovering (type=CLADDING) object with own shape
representation. In cases of inconsistency between the
geometric parameters of an assigned IfcCovering and this
attached property, the geometric parameters take
CeilingCovering P_SINGLEVALUE IfcLabel Label to indicate the material or finish of the space
flooring. The label is used for room book information and
often displayed in room stamp. The material information is
provided in absence of an IfcCovering (type=CEILING)
object with own shape representation and material
assignment. In case of inconsistency the material
assigned to IfcCovering elements takes precedence.
CeilingCoveringThickness P_SINGLEVALUE IfcPositiveLengthMeasure Thickness of the material layer(s) for the space ceiling.
The thickness information is provided in absence of an
IfcCovering (type=CEILING) object with own shape
representation. In cases of inconsistency between the
geometric parameters of an assigned IfcCovering and this
attached property, the geometric parameters take
SkirtingBoardHeight P_SINGLEVALUE IfcPositiveLengthMeasure Height of the skirting board. The height information is
provided in absence of an IfcCovering
(type=SKIRTINGBOARD) object with own shape
MoldingHeight P_SINGLEVALUE IfcPositiveLengthMeasure Height of the molding. The height information is provided
in absence of an IfcCovering (type=MOLDING) object with
own shape representation and material assignment. In
case of inconsistency the height assigned to IfcCovering
elements takes precedence.
Property Property Type Data Description
FireRiskFactor P_SINGLEVALUE IfcLabel Fire Risk factor assigned to the space according to local building
regulations. It defines the fire risk of the space at several levels of
fire hazard.
FlammableStorage P_SINGLEVALUE IfcBoolean Indication whether the space is intended to serve as a storage of
flammable material (which is regarded as such by the presiding
building code. (TRUE) indicates yes, (FALSE) otherwise.
FireExit P_SINGLEVALUE IfcBoolean Indication whether this object is designed to serve as an exit in the
case of fire (TRUE) or not (FALSE). Here whether the space (in case
of e.g., a corridor) is designed to serve as an exit space, e.g., for fire
escape purposes.
SprinklerProtection P_SINGLEVALUE IfcBoolean Indication whether the space is sprinkler protected (TRUE) or not
SprinklerProtectionAutomatic P_SINGLEVALUE IfcBoolean Indication whether the space has an automatic sprinkler protection
(TRUE) or not (FALSE). It should only be given, if the property
"SprinklerProtection" is set to TRUE.
AirPressurization P_SINGLEVALUE IfcBoolean Indication whether the space is required to have pressurized air
(TRUE) or not (FALSE).
Property Property Type Data Type Description
ArtificialLighting P_SINGLEVALUE IfcBoolean Indication whether this space requires artificial lighting (as natural
lighting would be not sufficient). (TRUE) indicates yes (FALSE)
Illuminance P_SINGLEVALUE IfcIlluminanceMeasure Required average illuminance value for this space.
Property Property Type Data Type Description
OccupancyType P_SINGLEVALUE IfcLabel Occupancy type for this object. It is defined according to the
presiding national building code.
OccupancyNumber P_SINGLEVALUE IfcCountMeasure Number of people required for the activity assigned to this space.
OccupancyNumberPeak P_SINGLEVALUE IfcCountMeasure Maximal number of people required for the activity assigned to this
space in peak time.
OccupancyTimePerDay P_SINGLEVALUE IfcTimeMeasure The amount of time during the day that the activity is required
within this space.
AreaPerOccupant P_SINGLEVALUE IfcAreaMeasure Design occupancy loading for this type of usage assigned to this
MinimumHeadroom P_SINGLEVALUE IfcLengthMeasure Headroom required for the activity assigned to this space.
IsOutlookDesirable P_SINGLEVALUE IfcBoolean An indication of whether the outlook is desirable (set TRUE) or not
(set FALSE)
Property Property Type Data Type Description
Reference P_SINGLEVALUE IfcIdentifier Reference ID for this specified type in this project (e.g. type 'A-1'). Used
to store the non-classification driven internal project type.
IsExternal P_SINGLEVALUE IfcBoolean Indication whether the element is designed for use in the exterior (TRUE)
or not (FALSE). If (TRUE) it is an external zone at the outside of the
GrossPlannedArea P_SINGLEVALUE IfcAreaMeasure Total planned gross area for the zone. Used for programming the zone.
NetPlannedArea P_SINGLEVALUE IfcAreaMeasure Total planned net area for the zone. Used for programming the zone.
PubliclyAccessible P_SINGLEVALUE IfcBoolean Indication whether this space (in case of e.g., a toilet) is designed to
serve as a publicly accessible space, e.g., for a public toilet (TRUE) or not
HandicapAccessible P_SINGLEVALUE IfcBoolean Indication whether this space (in case of e.g., a toilet) is designed to
serve as an accessible space for handicapped people, e.g., for a public
toilet (TRUE) or not (FALSE). This information is often used to declare the
need for access for the disabled and for special design requirements of
this space.
Property Property Type Data Type Description
MinimumPlenumHeight P_SINGLEVALUE IfcPositiveLengthMeasure The plenum or air space between the suspended ceiling and
the slab surface/deck above.
MinimumLength P_SINGLEVALUE IfcPositiveLengthMeasure The minimum required length or width of the space
Property Property Type Data Type Description
SharedUsage P_SINGLEVALUE IfcText Describe the shared use of the space, if the space
has different occupants
Property Property Type Data Type Description
Property Property Type Data Type Description
General P_SINGLEVALUE IfcText Any verbal description of the Covering requirements from the client perspective
Property Property Type Data Type Description
General P_SINGLEVALUE IfcText Any verbal description of the door requirements from the
client perspective
MinimumWidth P_SINGLEVALUE IfcPositiveLengthMeasure Clear width (unobstructed clearance) for minimum one
of the doors leading to the space. Unobstructed
clearance refers to net inner dimensions of door frame.
MinimumHeight P_SINGLEVALUE IfcPositiveLengthMeasure Clear height (unobstructed clearance) for minimum one
of the doors leading to the space. Unobstructed
clearance refers to net inner dimensions of door frame.
GlazedSideLight P_SINGLEVALUE IfcBoolean Glazing within frame system, but adjacent to door
OperationType P_SINGLEVALUE Required operation type for doors required by the space
function (swing door inwards, sliding door, revolving
door, etc.)
LockingType P_SINGLEVALUE IfcBoolean State if the doors to/from the space requires special
locking types
Louvers P_SINGLEVALUE IfcBoolean The space function requires louvres in the door(s)
DoorHolder P_SINGLEVALUE IfcBoolean Door holders (part of fire alarm system) mounted on
door/wall, for locking doors in normally open position.
Property Property Type Data Type Description
Openability P_SINGLEVALUE IfcBoolean At least one of the windows in the outer wall(s) of
the space permits manual opening/closing (e.g. a
casement window or a sash window).
ThermalTransmittance P_SINGLEVALUE IfcThermalTransmittanceMeasure Set the maximum heat transmission value according
to local building codes
Property Property Type Data Type Description
Property Property Type Data Type Description
Property Property Type Data Description
General P_SINGLEVALUE IfcText Any verbal description of the Electrical power supply
requirements from the client perspective
OutletsBackup P_SINGLEVALUE IfcInteger Number of electrical power outlets (sockets) in the space
OutletsUPS P_SINGLEVALUE IfcInteger Number of electrical power outlets (sockets) in the space
supplied from UPS (uninterruptible power supply) backup power
PermanentlyConnectedEquipment P_LISTVALUE IfcLabel List of equipment to be permanently connected within the space.
Property Property Type Data Description
General P_SINGLEVALUE IfcText Any verbal description of the Telecommunication requirements from the client
OutletsICT P_SINGLEVALUE IfcInteger Number of outlets for normal Information and Communications Technology (ICT)
supply in the space. Typically this is RJ-11 or RJ-45 outlets for copper cabling.
OutletsTelephone P_SINGLEVALUE IfcInteger Number of outlets for traditional telephone supply in the space. Typically this is
RJ-11 or RJ-45 outlets for copper cabling, the cabling often being lower rated
than datacom cabling. IP-telephony within ICT solutions are not counted here.
LocalSignaling P_SINGLEVALUE IfcBoolean Local signaling requirements between spaces or functions that need separate
cabling. Signaling type and affected spaces can be specified.
Fibers P_SINGLEVALUE IfcBoolean In certain spaces connection speed and tolerance for disturbance require light
fiber installations for telecommunication.
Property Property Type Data Description
General P_SINGLEVALUE IfcText Any verbal description of the Sensor requirements from the client
AirPresssure P_SINGLEVALUE IfcBoolean State if there is a need for air pressure sensor
VentilationRate P_SINGLEVALUE IfcBoolean State if there is a need for monitoring the ventilation rate in the room
SmokeDetection P_SINGLEVALUE IfcBoolean State if there is a need for smoke detetion sensor
RelatedAlarms P_SINGLEVALUE IfcText Any verbal description for a combination of different alarms connected to
Property Property Type Data Description
General P_SINGLEVALUE IfcText Any verbal description of the Security requirements from the client
ObjectSecurity P_SINGLEVALUE IfcBoolean Object security in the space - protection against theft of valuable objects
within the space.
Property Property Type Data Description
General P_SINGLEVALUE IfcText Any verbal description of the Emergency requirements from the client
SOSTelephoneSupplies P_SINGLEVALUE IfcInteger Number of emergency call supplies in the space. IP-based signaling within
ICT solutions are not counted here
FireAlarmDescription P_SINGLEVALUE IfcText Special fire alarm requirements (e.g. detector type or sensitivity) required
in the space, beyond fire code, regulations etc.
FireExtinguisher P_SINGLEVALUE IfcText Special fire extinguishing requirements (e.g. type) required in the space,
beyond fire code, regulations etc.
MedicalSupplies P_SINGLEVALUE IfcBoolean State if emergency medical supplies is required in the room
Property Property Type Data Description
General P_SINGLEVALUE IfcText Any verbal description of the Signaling requirements from the client
SignalingLamp P_SINGLEVALUE IfcBoolean Office signaling (lamp) outside space entrance, indicating vacant or occupied
SynchronizedClocks P_SINGLEVALUE IfcBoolean Number of (traditional) synchronized clock supplies in the space. IP-based
time synchronization within ICT solutions are not counted here
Property Property Type Data Description
General P_SINGLEVALUE IfcText Any verbal description of the Audiovisual requirements from the client
MediaOutlets P_SINGLEVALUE IfcInteger Number of (traditional) combined radio/TV outlets (e.g. coax RG-59) in
the space (IP-based broadcasting within ICT solutions are not counted
HearingLoop P_SINGLEVALUE IfcBoolean Induction loop supply (or similar functional solution) for hearing aid
purposes in the space.
SpeechSystem P_SINGLEVALUE IfcBoolean Audio system for amplification and distribution of human speech in the
SoundDistribution P_SINGLEVALUE IfcBoolean Audio system for amplification and distribution of program source
sound (e.g. from BRD or DVD) in the space.
AudiovisualSystem P_SINGLEVALUE IfcBoolean Audiovisual (AV) control system for operating AV functions (audio,
video, lighting, window shades, preset scenarios etc) in the space.
RemoteObservationSystem P_SINGLEVALUE IfcBoolean Remote activity listening and/or observation in the space from
activities in other spaces, through transfer of audio and/or video
Property Property Type Data Type Description
General P_SINGLEVALUE IfcText Any verbal description of the Acoustic requirements from
the client perspective
MaximumSoundLevel P_SINGLEVALUE IfcSoundPowerLevelMeasure Maximum accepted sound level in the space in dBA in
addition to national codes.
NoiseSumdBA P_SINGLEVALUE IfcSoundPowerLevelMeasure Contribution of noise from the sum of technical systems
NoiseSumdBC P_SINGLEVALUE IfcSoundPowerLevelMeasure Contribution of noise from the sum of technical systems
Property Property Type Data Type Description
Basins P_SINGLEVALUE IfcInteger Number of sinks, including cold and hot water
Property Property Type Data Description
General P_SINGLEVALUE IfcText Any verbal description of the Exhaust requirements from the client
ExhaustVentilation P_SINGLEVALUE IfcBoolean The removal of foul/contaminated/toxic air from a space by a mechanical
means by a separate exhaust air system
KitchenExhaust P_SINGLEVALUE IfcBoolean The removal of fatty/greasy/oily air from a food preparation space by a
mechanical means by a separate exhaust air system.
WasteSuction P_SINGLEVALUE IfcBoolean The removal of waste from space by means of an automatic vacuum based
ducting system, for further collection and treatment.
FabricSuction P_SINGLEVALUE IfcBoolean The removal of fabrics/clothes from space by means of an automatic
vacuum based ducting system, for cleaning etc.
Property Property Type Data Description
General P_SINGLEVALUE IfcText Any verbal description of the Gas requirements from the client perspective
AirMedical P_SINGLEVALUE IfcInteger Number of pressurized treated air outlets for medical purposes in the space.
AirTechnical P_SINGLEVALUE IfcInteger Number of pressurized air outlets for technical purposes in the space.
Oxygen P_SINGLEVALUE IfcInteger Number of Oxygen gas supply outlets in the space.
Helium P_SINGLEVALUE IfcInteger Number of Helium gas supply outlets in the space.
Argon P_SINGLEVALUE IfcInteger Number of Argon gas supply outlets in the space.
Nitrogen P_SINGLEVALUE IfcInteger Number of Nitrogen gas supply outlets in the space.
Hydrogen P_SINGLEVALUE IfcInteger Number of Hydrogen gas supply outlets in the space.
NitrousOxide P_SINGLEVALUE IfcInteger Number of Nitrous oxide (‘laughing gas’) gas supply outlets in the space.
CarbonDioxide P_SINGLEVALUE IfcInteger Number of Carbon dioxide gas supply outlets in the space.
PropaneGas P_SINGLEVALUE IfcInteger Number of Propane gas supply outlets in the space.
Positioning P_SINGLEVALUE IfcText Description of requirements for exact positioning on specific space surfaces of gas
supply outlets
Property Property Type Data Description
General P_SINGLEVALUE IfcText Any verbal description of the FM and operation requirements from the client
WasteSpecialTreatment P_SINGLEVALUE IfcText Waste from running operations that needs special treatment for storage and
CleaningAgents P_SINGLEVALUE IfcText Special cleaning agents required in this space, different from project default.
CleaningMethods P_SINGLEVALUE IfcText Special cleaning methods required in this space, different from project
CleaningIntervals P_SINGLEVALUE IfcText Special cleaning intervals required in this space, different from project
Property Property Type Data Description
General P_SINGLEVALUE IfcText Any other requirements or properties that needs to be excanged and is not covered by
this ER. E.g. client specific requirements.
The referenced IFC schema is shown in the following table, with each row corresponding to a schema
namespace, with data definitions listed within, where bold items indicate definitions within scope of this
Model View Definition.
IfcRelSpaceBoundary; IfcRelSpaceBoundary1stLevel;
IfcRelSpaceBoundary2ndLevel; IfcRelVoidsElement; IfcSite; IfcSpace;
IfcSpaceType; IfcSpatialElement; IfcSpatialElementType;
IfcSpatialStructureElement; IfcSpatialStructureElementType;
IfcSpatialZone; IfcSpatialZoneType; IfcSystem; IfcTransportElement;
IfcTransportElementType; IfcVirtualElement; IfcZone; IfcAssemblyPlaceEnum;
IfcElementAssemblyTypeEnum; IfcElementCompositionEnum;
IfcExternalSpatialElementTypeEnum; IfcGeographicElementTypeEnum;
IfcGridTypeEnum; IfcInternalOrExternalEnum; IfcOpeningElementTypeEnum;
IfcPhysicalOrVirtualEnum; IfcProjectionElementTypeEnum; IfcSpaceTypeEnum;
IfcSpatialZoneTypeEnum; IfcTransportElementTypeEnum;
IfcIonConcentrationMeasure; IfcIsothermalMoistureCapacityMeasure;
IfcKinematicViscosityMeasure; IfcLabel; IfcLengthMeasure;
IfcLinearForceMeasure; IfcLinearMomentMeasure; IfcLinearStiffnessMeasure;
IfcLinearVelocityMeasure; IfcLogical; IfcLuminousFluxMeasure;
IfcLuminousIntensityDistributionMeasure; IfcLuminousIntensityMeasure;
IfcMagneticFluxDensityMeasure; IfcMagneticFluxMeasure;
IfcMassDensityMeasure; IfcMassFlowRateMeasure; IfcMassMeasure;
IfcMassPerLengthMeasure; IfcModulusOfElasticityMeasure;
IfcModulusOfSubgradeReactionMeasure; IfcMoistureDiffusivityMeasure;
IfcMolecularWeightMeasure; IfcMomentOfInertiaMeasure; IfcMonetaryMeasure;
IfcNonNegativeLengthMeasure; IfcNormalisedRatioMeasure; IfcNumericMeasure;
IfcParameterValue; IfcPHMeasure; IfcPlanarForceMeasure;
IfcPlaneAngleMeasure; IfcPositiveLengthMeasure;
IfcPositivePlaneAngleMeasure; IfcPositiveRatioMeasure; IfcPowerMeasure;
IfcPressureMeasure; IfcRadioActivityMeasure; IfcRatioMeasure; IfcReal;
IfcRotationalFrequencyMeasure; IfcRotationalMassMeasure;
IfcRotationalStiffnessMeasure; IfcSectionalAreaIntegralMeasure;
IfcSectionModulusMeasure; IfcShearModulusMeasure; IfcSolidAngleMeasure;
IfcSoundPowerLevelMeasure; IfcSoundPowerMeasure;
IfcSoundPressureLevelMeasure; IfcSoundPressureMeasure;
IfcSpecificHeatCapacityMeasure; IfcTemperatureGradientMeasure;
IfcTemperatureRateOfChangeMeasure; IfcText; IfcThermalAdmittanceMeasure;
IfcThermalConductivityMeasure; IfcThermalExpansionCoefficientMeasure;
IfcThermalResistanceMeasure; IfcThermalTransmittanceMeasure;
IfcThermodynamicTemperatureMeasure; IfcTimeMeasure;
IfcTorqueMeasure; IfcVaporPermeabilityMeasure; IfcVolumeMeasure;
IfcVolumetricFlowRateMeasure; IfcWarpingConstantMeasure;
IfcWarpingMomentMeasure; IfcDerivedUnitEnum; IfcSIPrefix; IfcSIUnitName;
IfcUnitEnum; IfcDerivedMeasureValue; IfcMeasureValue; IfcSimpleValue; IfcUnit;
• Process map and exchange requirements in human readable format. This documentation simply
states the needed data to enable business processes.
• Exchange requirements Models. This formats binds the process needs described in human
readable format to a specific data schema (ifc). For implementers this might be sufficient to fulfill
a specific implementation and/or validation project. This could be tuned to fit a certain exchange
including business rules applied
• MVD format which would enable certification of software. Telling implementers which data it
should be possible to exchange within a related programming, design exchange.
BPie was adopted by COBie in 2012, and part of the COBie challenge 2013. Examples, mappings, test
files etc. can be found and downloaded from http://www.nibs.org/?page=bsa_bpie
BPie was one of the information exchanges included in the COBie challenge 2013. Through this
challenge sample files and implementation guidance were produced and published. The specifications
were also implemented in the COBie responsibility matrix and in the COBie challenge tools, and are
available as an “IDM filter” in this tool.
Further information of COBie and Building Programming information exchange (BPie) can be found here:
The implementation resources provided should be rather complete in this submission. Some updates
must be provided according the latest adjustments, but the overall message is that documentation should
be sufficient for implementation in software and commercial business processes.
There are two revisions planned for BPie at this point. One minor upgrade and one major upgrade which
will cover the full scope defined in the process map.
• Minor - The space Occupancy schedule which in BPie is mapped to properties in the 2x3
schema and to IfcWorkCalendar for ifc4, will be mapped to wsCalendar. WsCalendar is under
revision, and when this is finalized and published in a format 1:1 compliant with IfcWorkCalendar,
this will be mapped and published in the BPie specification.
The major revision planned the next year is release of the two missing ER’s, BPie_v2 – July 2014
• There are two Exchange requirements captured in the process map not yet defined. The ER for
FF&E requirements and ER for System requirements. These ER’s have been addressed in the
BuildingSMART “Roadmap 2016”, and will be started the fall 2013. Expected completions date
July 2014.
It is also expected annual revisions for the already defined exchanges, as organizations and software
implement the specified BPie standard.
Annex I
Annex II
Annex III
Annex IV
Annex V
Annex VI
Annex VI-2