Ar 551 Housing

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AR 551 - HOUSING – Policies and guidelines related to finance lending and

According to the Department of Human Settlements and Urban
Development (DHSUD), the housing backlog is estimated at 6.5 4. Infrastructure Resources
million homes. – Physical buildings and structures
From 2021 to June 2022, the DHSUD reportedly produced 294,142 – Transportation and access
housing units. – Communication systems
– Electrical, hydro, sewage, garbage and heating
This number is actually what was reflected in 2030 projections shared
by the Board of Investments, assuming that production of housing PEOPLE ENCOUNTER THESE PROBLEMS IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES:
units would average 200,000 units every year from 2012 to 2030. • Social justice
• Low-income generating
In a previous finance committee hearing at the Senate, DHSUD • Limited access to medical health services
Assistant Secretary Avelino Tolentino III said that if housing • Lack of food security
production continues “business as usual,” the backlog might end up • Land grabbing from the high-ranking official or billionaire
rising to 10.9 million by the end of the current administration. tycoons in the society
Recognizing such alarming occurrences, a new housing production Policy Implications Republic Act 7279
target has been set for the next six years. "Urban Development And Housing Act Of 1992"
Under the “Pambansang Pabahay Para sa Pilipino” program, DHSUD
An appropriate piece of legislation
is given a directive to work towards clearing up the backlog by
building one million houses, particularly affordable and accessible
It provides for the implementation of a "comprehensive and
ones in selected areas every year, until the President completes his
continuing" urban development and housing program

As BusinessWorld reported about the announcement of this program The aims of which are to "uplift the conditions of the underprivileged
last October, the housing program will require P1 trillion to realize at and homeless citizens in urban areas and in resettlement areas by
a cost of P1 million per home, which will need to be subsidized. making available to them decent housing at affordable cost, basic
services, and employment opportunities" and;
What is community development?
• is the planned evolution of all aspects of community well- being "adopt workable policies to regulate and direct urban growth and
(economic, social, environmental and cultural). expansion towards a dispersed urban net and more balanced urban-
• means that a community itself engages in a process aimed at rural interdependence"
improving the social, economic and environmental situation of
HOWEVER, Community empowerment and livelihood programs are
the community.
clearly not central strategies as envisioned by the law, which
FACTORS THAT AFFECT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: expectedly focused on the following ideas:

1. Natural Resources a. land use, inventory, acquisition, and disposition

– Land, air, water b. socialized housing procedures
– Minerals and surface/subsurface metals and ores c. resettlement
– Oil, gas, and petroleum d. the community mortgage program
– Trees and other plants e. program implementation
– Wildlife f. funding
– The standards, legislation, and policies relating to the above
National Housing Authority

2. Human Resources
The National Housing Authority (NHA), established by virtue of
– Healthy families and lifestyles
Presidential Decree No. 757 dated July 31, 1975, is a government-
– Skills building, education, and training
owned and controlled corporation operating under the policy and
– Career planning and employment
administrative supervision of the Housing and Urban Development
– Effective and legal hiring practices
Coordinating Council (HUDCC).
– Workers' compensation and pensions
– Human rights and labor law The NHA is mandated by Executive Order No. 90 as the sole
government agency to engage in shelter production, focusing its
3. Financial Resources efforts to provide to homeless, low-income Filipino families.
– Fundraising and grant-seeking
– Banks and other financial institutions Over the years, the government has intervened in the housing
– Community loan funds and lending circles market through a variety of instruments:
– Access to capital and investment funding
A. Regulation, including rent control
– Government loans and program funds
– Cooperatives and other forms of investment
Government intervenes through the regulation of land use and land Pag-IBIG Fund) and other government and non-government
tenure. Private developers intending to develop raw lands for housing institutions.
must secure the necessary permits and clearances from the Housing
and Land Use Regulatory Board and the local governments PRODUCTION OF HOUSING UNITS
concerned. The National Housing Authority and the Home Insurance and
A bidding process determines the private developer that would be Guarantee Corporation operate joint venture programs with the
allowed to develop government-owned raw lands for housing. Many private sector. In general, private builders construct housing units
local government units still have to issue their respective local land after posting performance bonds with insurance companies.
use policies and regulation that will guide the utilization of lands They are responsible for everything from the procurement of
within their territorial responsibility. The absence of a National Land materials and supplies to the construction of the housing units.
Use Code has been a major reason for the inconsistent land utilization Payment is made on a turn-key basis.
policies at the local level.
Targeting Informal Settler Families (ISFs), the NHA implements the
Batas Pambansa Blg. 220 RP through different modalities classified as either by method or by
"An act authorizing the ministry of human settlements to establish location. Under the by-method modality are three approaches:
and promulgate different levels of standards and technical
requirements for economic and socialized housing projects in urban a) Completed Housing Resettlement Projects or Developer-
and rural areas from those provided under presidential decrees Constructed projects;
numbered nine hundred fifty-seven, twelve hundred sixteen, ten b) Home Material Loan Project or Incremental Housing Project;
hundred ninety-six and eleven hundred eighty-five" c) the Local Government Unit (LGU)-NHA joint venture scheme or
Presidential Decree No. 957
"Subdivision and condominium buyer's protective decree" as Meanwhile, by location RP is classified as either:
amended by pd 1216 - regulating the sale of subdivision lots and
condominiums, providing penalties for violations thereof. a) In-City wherein the resettlement site is within the same LGU, or
b) Off-City where settlements are located outside the
Republic Act No. 4726 administrative boundaries of the LGU. In addition, resettlement
"An act to define condominium, establish requirements for its by location may involve either completed housing or
creation, and govern its incidents." otherwise known as "the incremental housing strategies or both.
condominium act"
A recent initiative under the RP is the five-year (2011-2016) 50 billion
Republic Act No. 6552 Oplan Likas (Lumikas para Iwas Kalamidad At Sakit) housing program
"An act to provide protection to buyer of real estate on installment for the relocation of around 104,000 ISFs residing along danger areas
payments" otherwise known as "realty installment buyer protection in Metro Manila.
a. Nha-administered resettlement program
Republic Act No. 9653 This involves the acquisition and development of large tracts of
"An act establishing reforms in the regulation of rent of certain raw land to generate service lots or core housing units for
residential units, providing the mechanisms therefor and for other families displaced from sites earmarked for government
purposes." otherwise known as the "rent control act of 2009". infrastructure projects and those occupying dangerous areas
such as waterways, esteros and railroad tracks.
Presidential Decree No. 1517
"Proclaiming urban land reform in the philippines and providing for b. Resettlement assistance program for local government units
the implementing machinery thereof" otherwise known as the NHA assists in the development of resettlement sites by LGUs
"urban land reform act". under its Resettlement Assistance Program for LGUs. This is
implemented as a joint undertaking between the LGU and NHA.
The LGU's primary contribution is land while the NHA provides
Community resources are mobilized for the resolution of land tenure funds to cover the cost of land development. LGUs recover
issues and/or site development through the Land Tenure Assistance project costs from beneficiaries and utilize proceeds exclusively
Program (LTAP), Community Mortgage Program (CMP), and for project maintenance or to acquire and/or develop new
Community Land Acquisition Support Program (CLASP). Under LTAP, resettlement sites.
the NHA extends credit assistance to Community Associations for the
acquisition of land they occupy or intend to be resettled. CORE HOUSING PROGRAM

Under other community-based approaches, the NHA acts as a conduit Entails the acquisition and development of raw land as well as the
between community associations/ cooperatives and financing construction of housing units. The Program provides service lots with
institutions such as the National Home Mortgage Finance core housing designed to match the affordability of the target market
Corporation (NHMFC), Home Development Mutual Fund (HDMF OR consisting mostly of low-salaried government and private sector
Under this program, projects are implemented under joint venture
arrangements with the private sector or LGUs. Partners invest or This approach is adopted in urban centers where population growth
contribute equity in the project in terms of land or funds for land and overspill is anticipated and where beneficiaries intend to acquire
development and house construction. housing on incremental basis.

The government provides development loans, mortgage take outs, DEVELOPMENT (DHSUD)
guarantee and tax breaks to private developers and builders who
participate in the National Shelter Program. Development loans for The primary government agency responsible for the management of
socialized and economic housing are given at subsidized rates of housing, human settlement, and urban development. It was created
interest. on February 14, 2019 by virtue of Republic Act 11201.

The Community Mortgage Program charges a subsidized rate of 6% The Department is the sole and main planning and policy-making,
per year while developers of low-cost housing pay interest rates regulatory, program coordination, and performance monitoring
ranging from 9.5% to 16% under the Abot Kaya Pabahay and the entity for all housing, human settlement, and urban development
Social Housing Developmental Loan Program. The Home Insurance concerns, primarily focusing on the access to and affordability of basic
and Guarantee Corporation insures development loans. Under the human needs.
mortgage take-out scheme are the following:
The DHSUD also exercises oversight functions on its attached
a) NHMFC'S Unified Home Lending Program (UHLP) agencies or key shelter agencies –
b) HDMF's Expanded Housing Loan Program
1) National Housing Authority, which acts as the country’s primary
Home Development Mutual Fund (HDMF) shelter production arm;
2) Home Development Mutual Fund or Pag-IBIG Fund, which
(RA 9679 - enacted through "An Act Further Strengthening the Home focuses on national savings program and affordable shelter
Development Mutual Fund, and for other Purposes") financing for Filipino workers;
The birth of the Home Development Mutual Fund (HDMF), more 3) Social Housing Finance Corporation, which undertakes social
popularly known as the Pag-IBIG Fund, was an answer to the need for housing programs catering to the formal and informal settlers
a national savings program and an affordable shelter financing for the belonging to the low-income bracket; and
Filipino worker. 4) National Home Mortgage Finance Corporation, which ensures
the availability of affordable housing loans to finance
a) Home Insurance and Guaranty Corporation's Retail Guaranty homebuyers through the secondary market for home
Program mortgages.
b) SSS and GSIS housing programs
Three (3) bureaus of DHSUD
The government provides private developers financing for large-scale
housing production under the following: 1) Environmental, Land Use, and Urban Planning and Development
a) Social Housing Development Loan 2) Housing and Real Estate Development Regulation Bureau
b) HIGC's Development Guaranty 3) Homeowners Association and Community Development Bureau
c) HDMF's Group Land Acquisition Development
d) SSS corporate housing program The Department’s operations are complemented by one technical
service, the Public Housing and Human Settlements Service, and
PROVISION OF INFRASTRUCTURE seven support services.

The government builds the primary infrastructure. Secondary It also has 16 regional offices strategically located around the country
infrastructure such as on-site water supply, sewerage and power lines to cater to the needs of the localities.
are for the responsibility of the private developers. The developers
may build the housing units or contract private construction
companies to produce the units. On the other hand, homeowners or
communities may be involved in the development of sites and
services in community development programs.

Slums Upgrading Programs

Entails acquisition and on-site improvement of occupied lands
through the introduction of roads or alleys and basic services such as
water and power. The land tenure issue is resolved through the sale
of homelots to bonafide occupants.

Sites And Services Programs

Entails acquisition and development of raw land into service home
lots to serve as alternative to informal settlements as well as
catchment areas for immigration and population growth.

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