Barn Burning LitChart
Barn Burning LitChart
Barn Burning LitChart
Barn Burning
“Barn Burning” can be understood as a prequel of sorts to
O Faulkner’s Snopes family trilogy, which explores the lives of a
number of members of the same family as they struggle to
BRIEF BIOGRAPHY OF WILLIAM FAULKNER ascend the social hierarchy—through any means necessary.
William Faulkner grew up in Oxford, Mississippi, part of a These novels, The Hamlet (1940), The Town (1957), and The
family that had been in the American South for generations. He Mansion (1959) concentrate mostly on Flem Scopes, the
was in the Air Force during World War I before studying at the brother of Sarty who remains unnamed in “Barn Burning,” as
University of Mississippi (though he never graduated). He well as a number of his cousins and other relatives. “Barn
began writing mostly poetry, and in 1924 he published a Burning” can also be positioned within what is known as the
collection of poetry entitled The Marble Faun. He worked for a “Southern Renaissance” in American literature: this literary
time at a bookstore and for a newspaper. But he is most known period sought to portray the South and its history in a more
for his fiction, his “golden period” beginning with the nuanced, often darker way than in earlier works (such as the
publication of The Sound and the Fury in 1929 and lasting until glorification of the pre-Civil War South in Margaret Mitchell’s
Go Down, Moses in 1942. Most of the works written during this Gone with the Wind); examples are Tennessee Williams’s works,
period are evidence of Faulkner’s fascination with the presence including A Streetcar Named Desire (1947), which takes place in
of the past (particularly the Southern past), the way history New Orleans as well as the books of Zora Neale Hurston,
presses on individual people, and the bleak, immoral, or amoral including the 1937 Their Eyes Were Watching God).
attitudes of the downtrodden. During this time, Faulkner also
supported himself and his family by writing screenplays for
Hollywood. For almost all of his life, however, Faulkner lived in
Oxford, Mississippi. In 1950 he was awarded the Nobel Prize • Full Title: “Barn Burning”
for Literature, and his acceptance speech is recognized as one • When Written: 1938-1939
of the best in the prize’s history. He died of a heart attack, • Where Written: Oxford, Mississippi
following a fall from a horse, at the age of 64.
• When Published: 1939 in Harper’s; 1950 in the Collected
• Literary Period: Modernism, Southern Renaissance
While “Barn Burning” was written at the end of the 1930s, a
• Genre: Short Story
decade during which the Great Depression created its own set
of struggles for many people in the American South, • Setting: Yoknapatawpha, a fictional county in Mississippi that
serves as the setting for almost all of Faulkner’s works.
Faulkner—here as in his other fiction—reaches back to an
earlier moment for his setting. We know that Abner Snopes • Climax: Sarty breaks free from his mother’s grasp and races up
was wounded “thirty years before” during the Civil War, which to the de Spain house to warn the Major that Abner, Sarty’s
father, is about to burn down his barn—the first time Sarty
sets the story around the late 1890s. In the decades after the
blatantly challenges his father’s authority and chooses to
Civil War, known as the Reconstruction Era, the euphoria that
follow his own values.
followed the liberation of slaves led to a more somber
viewpoint. Many whites in the South strove, and were largely • Antagonist: Abner Snopes, Sarty’s father, is a complex
antagonist—in many ways Sarty admires him and searches for
successful, in keeping black people in a position barely a step
his love and approval. But Sarty also, for most of the story, is
above slavery, whether through sharecropping, extra-legal too reluctant to admit that in another way he despises his
violence such as lynchings, or discriminatory laws. Meanwhile, father, whose resentment, defiance, and bitterness Sarty tries
poor whites also continued to struggle, and some became to avoid and replace with another set of values.
increasingly bitter at having to compete with former
• Point of View: Faulkner is famous for his stream-of-
slaves—and at being considered like them, rather than above consciousness technique, which moves in and out of
them because of their race. While Reconstruction was meant to characters’ minds in a way that can be both powerful and, at
rebuild the South and reunite it with the North after the times, confusing. The third-person narration closely follows
material devastation of the war, by the 1890s it was clear that Sarty’s own perspective, and we do often gain access into
the effort had in many ways been a failure. Sarty’s thoughts at certain moments. But the narrator also
informs us of certain things that Sarty does not know and could
have no way of knowing. As a result, it is sometimes unclear
1 2 3 •Speak
er: Colonel Sartoris “Sarty” Snopes
•Mentioned or related char
acters: Abner Snopes
It was as if the blow and the following calm, outrageous voice •Related themes
themes: Aspiration, Desperation, and Defiance
still rang, repercussed, divulging nothing to him save the •Theme T
er code
terrible handicap of being young, the light weight of his few
years, just heavy enough to prevent his soaring free of the 2
world as it seemed to be ordered by not heavy enough to keep
him footed solid in it, to resist it and try to change the course of
And now the boy saw the prints of the stiff foot on the
its events.
doorjamb and saw them appear on the pale rug behind the
•Mentioned or related char
acters: Colonel Sartoris “Sarty” machinelike deliberation of the foot which seemed to bear (or
Snopes, Abner Snopes transmit) twice the weight which the body compassed.
•Related themes
themes: Aspiration, Desperation, and Defiance, •Mentioned or related char
acters: Colonel Sartoris “Sarty”
Loyalty, Family, Blood Snopes, Abner Snopes
•Theme T
er code
code: •Related themes
themes: Resentment, Race, and Prejudice, Aspiration,
Desperation, and Defiance
2 4
•Theme T
er code
It was not even sadistic; it was exactly that same quality which 1 2
in later years would cause his descendants to over-run the
engine before putting a motor car into motion, striking and
“Ain’t you going to even send a nigger?” he cried. At least you
reining back in the same movement.
sent a nigger before!”
•Mentioned or related char
acters: Abner Snopes
er: Colonel Sartoris “Sarty” Snopes
•Related themes
themes: Aspiration, Desperation, and Defiance,
•Mentioned or related char
acters: Abner Snopes
Loyalty, Family, Blood
•Related themes
themes: Independence and Justice, Loyalty, Family,
•Theme T
er code
2 4 •Theme T
er code
3 4
And older still, he might have divined the true reason: that the
element of fire spoke to some deep mainspring of his father’s
being, as the element of steel or of powder spoke to other men, “Pretty and white, ain’t it?” he said. “That’s sweat. Nigger sweat.
as the one weapon for the preservation of integrity, else breath Maybe it ain’t white enough yet to suit him. Maybe he wants to
were not worth the breathing, and hence to be regarded with mix some white sweat with it.”
respect and used with discretion. •Speak
er: Abner Snopes
er: Colonel Sartoris “Sarty” Snopes •Mentioned or related char
acters: Major de Spain
3 4 Sarty follows his father in his Sarty often thinks of his father as
stiff black coat out of the room. stiff and upright, an aspect both
Sarty looks at the serious faces Sarty knows what Mr. Harris is His father walks stiffly, since a of Abner’s old war wound and of
and at the shabby, older saying is true, and that lying Confederate musket ball had his general demeanor. Sarty’s
Justice beckoning him up. His would mean going against lodged in his heel when he’d brother seems to fashion himself
father doesn’t look at him, but justice, but he can’t imagine stolen a horse thirty years after his father more naturally
he realizes his father wants another option. Yet his frantic before. The brother also joins, than Sarty.
him to lie, and he frantically realization that he will lie chewing tobacco, and as they
realizes he’ll have to. suggests his discomfort with leave someone whispers, “Barn 1 4
being made to lie, even if his burner!”
loyalty to his father compels it.
Sarty whirls around and sees This impressionistic scene is
3 4 the face of another boy in what confusing, but its confusion
looks like a red haze: he mimics Sarty’s own frantic
The Justice asks for his name, Colonel Sartoris is a character in feelings as he lunges unthinkingly
pounces on the boy and begins
and he whispers “Colonel some of Faulkner’s other stories in his father’s defense.
to beat him until the boy runs
Sartoris Snopes.” The Justice who was a noted Civil War
away. Sarty’s father grabs him,
says a boy with that name officer. Naming Sarty after that 2 4
ordering him to get in the
must tell the truth, while the office suggests that Abner has
boy continues to think “enemy” some sense of honor about his
when he looks at Harris. He service during the civil war Sarty’s two “hulking” sisters, The clock, stopped at an
doesn’t notice the justice’s kind (though later in the story this his mother, and his aunt are unknown day and hour, reflects
face or worried tone when he sense will be deeply waiting for them with their old, the family’s poverty, the mother’s
asks Harris if he really wants complicated). Anxious and afraid, run-down pieces of furniture attempt to cling to any small
the boy to testify. Sarty deals with these feelings by loaded into their wagon, symbol of past joy, and the way
continuing to remind himself of including the broken mother- in which life for the family
the loyalties he must keep. He of-pearl clock that had been repeats itself, making time
can’t recognize the kindness in his mother’s dowry. She begins irrelevant. Sarty’s mother cares
the judge’s face as his world is to cry once she sees that Sarty for him in ways his father simply
defined solely by a sense of is hurt, but the father orders doesn’t, but she can never stand
justice on one hand and loyalty her to get back in the wagon. up to Abner.
to his family/father on the other.
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