Seed Sowing 4
Seed Sowing 4
Seed Sowing 4
0 Technology (I4Tech)
Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune, India. Feb 13-15, 2020
India is a developing country having the second largest
arable land in the world. About 60% population of India is
depending on agriculture. Because of this only India can
survive even during recession period. Therefore, agriculture is
a backbone of India. Agriculture contributes in India’s national
income as well as it helps in generating employment in the
country. Only because of the agriculture, India can meet the
food demand of ever-increasing population. Now-a-days,
modern ways of yielding Argo products have changed the old
ways of agriculture in the world and the increasing population Fig. 2. Agriculture Value Added Per Worker
has met the need to feeding all the people in the world.
The below charts shows SHARE OF THE LABOR FORCE The below charts shows VALUE ADDED IN THE
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B. Sowing:
The next operation involves sowing the seeds in the field.
Traditionally, sowing is done manually that is the farmer or his
workers sow seeds by scattering them on the soil. In this
project, a servomotor along with a tank containing seeds is
placed on the agribot with appropriate openings. For sowing,
the shaft is rotated up to a desired angle and as the robot
moves, the seed falls down in the soil from the openings
present on robot. In the manual mode, the frequency of the
seeds falling on the ground can be controlled by rotating the
shaft of the motor accordingly.
C. Leveling:
Fig. 3. Value added in the agricultural sector (as % of GDP) vs GDP per
capita Leveling the field is the basis of the third object. When the seed is sowing manually, it is inserted into the soil. This
operation consumes manual labour and time. While sowing the
field, the seeds were not dug into the soil. Therefore, this
The proposed paper lies in an agriculture-oriented domain operation named leveling, which levels the land and the seeds
suited well traditional farming methods. This paper aim to are sown properly. The roller is connected to the servo motor
create an agribot that can perform various farming operations and placed on the bot. The initial position of servomotor is
such as ploughing, sowing, watering and fertilizing the crops. such that the roller is above the ground. The shaft is rotated
The traditional farming methods consume a lot of manual such that the roller is exposed to the field and when the agribot
labour. Some of the operations are manual involving no moves, the field is being levelled. It can save the time and
machine interference. While others are operated, using energy of the farmer by performing the operation
manually operated machines involving both, manual and autonomously. This operation goes hand in hand with sowing.
machine interference. Therefore, agribot, which can perform In manual mode, the freedom to control this operation
all these operations autonomously and minimize or reduce the separately.
manual labor. On the other hand, most of the products existing
in this domain provide the service of only specific operations, D. Watering:
so the consumer needs to purchase more than one machine. Watering the field is done using drip irrigation. Drip
This system will consist of integrated output i.e. all the irrigation uses the pipelines (with appropriate openings) which
operations can be performed using a single machine thus are spread across the field and water is fed to the crops
providing an ease while working. IoT has been used according to the requirement. The water is fed in the pipelines
extensively because of its benefits. The major benefit being by a water pump inside the water tank, which is present on the
ease of use from any location in the world. The bot is agribot. In manual mode, the freedom to control this operation
interfaced with DC as well as Servomotors for performing the separately.
farming operations.
E. Fertilizing:
II. PROPOSED SYSTEM Fertilizing the field is the next operation in the line, which
All the field operation such as ploughing, sowing, rolling, is necessary to ensure proper growth of the crops. According to
watering and fertilizing will be conducted autonomously using the traditional farming methods, manual labour is used to
an android application. The bot can be controlled in two ways, fertilize the field. This process again, consumes time and
manual and autonomous mode. All the operations will be energy of the farmer. A tank (with appropriate openings) filled
performed simultaneously in the autonomous mode, while the up with fertilizers along with the servo motor is placed on the
system can control any operation using the manual mode. agribot. Initially, the opening is closed as the shaft of the motor
is present on the opening and no fertilizing is done. For
A. Ploughing: fertilizing, the shaft is rotated up to a desired angle to let flow
The traditional method for ploughing involves strenuous the fertilizer from the openings present on the tanks. In the
labour wherein the farmer along with animals or tractor manual mode, frequency of the fertilizers can be controlled.
(machine) ploughs the entire field manually. The drill plough
along with a servo motor is present on the bot. The F. Monitoring system
microcontroller commands the servomotor, which is attached In the monitoring system camera module is placed at the
to the drill plough and can be operated according to the user’s backside of the agribot, which is used to monitor the end result
need. To operate the process of ploughing, the servomotor is of the agribot work from any remote location due to the
given commands in which is rotates up to 180 degrees and the connectivity with the Wi-Fi of the agribot. So that the
drill plough enters the ground. When the drill enters the correction in the operation can be taken after it and improve the
ground, the bot is moved according to the path using sensors performance of the agribot.
and ploughing is being performed. In the manual mode, the
agribot can perform ploughing only on the required places.
While in the autonomous mode, the bot follows the path
already specified by the user.
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A. Agribot This idea for the integration of two modules into a single
unit comprises of following hardware components:
This idea comprises of two unit Agribot Unit and
Monitoring System Unit: -
A. Agribot Unit
B. Monitoring System
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In Monitoring system when the major fieldwork is done,
the farmer has to keep a check on the field for various reasons.
This is achieved by the monitoring system. Various parameters
such as drip irrigation, fertilizing, maintaining temperature (for
green house farming), removal of extra water (during floods)
and keeping track of crop growth will be taken care by using
monitoring system. Drip irrigation can be done according to
the requirements of the crops. According to the frequency of
insects, fertilizers can be sprinkled over the crops. The
temperature can be maintained according to the crop
requirements (for green house farming system). The extra
water during floods can be removed and stored in tanks for
future use (water harvesting). Proper track of crops will be kept
using surveillance system.
x This fully automatic robot which works on open
architecture principle and does a lot of work in farms,
so it reduces human labour. Due its quick action time
will be saved.
x Agribot can able to work in any environmental
x The robots can work continuously without any error.
x Protection against harmful effects of chemicals.
x It is used for agricultural purposes to do multiple task
at a time.
x The system observes different environmental
conditions (temperature, soil moisture) & take
actions accordingly which humans can’t do
x An autonomous robot works on open architecture
principle and does a lot of work in farms so it reduces
human labour.
x It is used as a Monitoring bot in the agricultural
Fig. 7. Application to Control Agribot fields.
x It can also use in the Green house farming and in
B. Monitoring System Unit nursery.
x It can alter to any type of crops in the fields.
x It is cost efficient and highly reliable one.
The solar panel can replace the battery power supply to
reducing the recharge cost and get power on the field itself.
Then it also includes the weeding and harvesting in this
In agriculture, the opportunities for robots are becoming the
part of the today world. The causes associated with farm
equipment can probably be overcome with technology. This
equipment may be in the future, but there are important reasons
for thinking that it may not be just replacing the human driver
with a computer. Crop production may be done better and
Fig. 8. Block Diagram of Monitoring System
cheaper. From the above study of IoT technology application
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