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Fittings and Accessories

Fittings and Accessories 10103US 1


for Centralized Lubrication Systems and General Use


TEL: 973-781-0200
FAX: 973-781-0234
Fittings and Accessories 10103US 3


Adaptors ........................................................................ 9, 10
Banjo fittings ................................................................. 17,19
Bolts .............................................................................. 21
Bracketed connectors ................................................... 14
Bulkhead connectors .................................................... 11
Connectors for pressure gauges .................................. 18, 20
Connectors for steel, copper and plastic tubing .......... 8
Connectors, tube to tube .............................................. 13
Counterbores for solderless tube connection ............... 7
Cross joints ................................................................... 16
Cutting sleeves .............................................................. 18
Cutting sleeve screw unions ......................................... 1821
Distributor manifolds ..................................................... 16
Double tapered sleeves ................................................. 8
Elbow bulkhead connectors ........................................... 19
Elbow connectors ......................................................... 14
Elbow connectors (tube to tube) ................................... 19
Elbows ........................................................................... 11, 12
Elbow screwin connectors ........................................... 19
Fixing bolts .................................................................... 21
Fixing clips .................................................................... 22
Flat washers .................................................................. 12
Form counterbores ........................................................ 7
Fourway connectors .................................................... 19
Highpressure hoses ..................................................... 25
Hoses for main and secondary lines ............................. 24
Hoses suitable for selfinstallation ................................ 24
Lock washers ................................................................ 21
Nuts ............................................................................... 21
Oil reservoirs ................................................................. 35, 36
Plastic tubing ................................................................. 22
Pressure filters ............................................................... 3032
Pressure gauges ............................................................ 34
Quickdisconnect couplings ......................................... 27
Reducing adapters ........................................................ 10
Reducing connectors .................................................... 18
Reinforcing sockets ....................................................... 8
Relief valves .................................................................. 28
Rotating joints ............................................................... 26
Safety valves ................................................................. 29
Screen filters ................................................................. 33
Screw plugs ................................................................... 12
Shutoff valves .............................................................. 27
Socket unions ................................................................ 8
Steel tubing ................................................................... 22
Straight bulkhead connectors ....................................... 19, 20
Straight connectors (tube to tube) ................................ 18, 20
Straight screwin connectors ........................................ 18, 20
Strainers ........................................................................ 33
Tapered sleeves ............................................................ 8
Teeconnectors .............................................................. 15, 19
Threaded sockets .......................................................... 13
Tubing ............................................................................ 22
Union nuts ..................................................................... 18
Washers ......................................................................... 12

All products from VOGEL may be used only for their intended purpose. lubrication systems and components and delivered and/or distributed with
If operating instructions are supplied together with the products, the provi the same after consultation with and written approval from VOGEL.
sions and information therein of specific relevance to the equipment must All products manufactured by VOGEL are not approved for use in con
be observed as well. junction with gases, liquefied gases, pressurized gases in solution and
In particular, we call your attention to the fact that hazardous materials of fluids with a vapor pressure exceeding normal atmospheric pressure
any kind, especially the materials classified as hazardous by EC Directive (1013 mbars) by more than 0.5 bar at their maximum permissible
67/548/EEC, Article 2, Par. 2, may only be filled into VOGEL centralized temperature.
Fittings and Accessories 10103US 4

Order No. Index

Order No. Page Order No. Page Order No. Page Order No. Page

B3S1 36 DIN725733x6ST 23 WVN7014 24 202085S 27

B7 36 DIN725734x6ST 23 WVN7016 24 20217530 28
DIN725735x6ST 23 WVN7018 24 2022752 28
BW3S9 36 DIN725736x6ST 23
BW3S81 36 DIN725732x8ST 23 WVN71110 25 206444 33
BW7S6 36 DIN725733x8ST 23 WVN71110+AF2 25
BW7S7 36 2071682 27
DIN725734x8ST 23 WVN715RO2.5x0.5 22 207168.U7 27
BW7S8 36 DIN725735x8ST 23
BW7S11 36 WVN715RO4x0.85 22 207168.U2 27
DIN725736x8ST 23 WVN715RO6x1 22 2071882 27
BW7S12 36 DIN725732x10ST 23 WVN715RO6x1.25 22 207188.U11 27
D301001MS 9 DIN725733x10ST 23 WVN715RO8x1.25 22
D301005MS 9 DIN725734x10ST 23 WVN715RO10x1.5 22 208444 33
D301020MS 9 DIN725735x10ST 23 WVN715RO12x1 22 208555 33

DLY9302 26 WVN715RO12x1.5 22 210444 33

D406004MS 9
D408004MS 9 DLY931 26 WVN716RO4x0.85 22 210555 33
DLY932 26 WVN716RO6x1.25 22
DAK506 16 212444 3
DY958 12 WVN716RO8x1.25 22
DAK508 16 213870 33
DAK510S1 16 DY960 12 161212054 29 213870F 33
DAK512 16 DY961 12 161600036 27 213880 33
DY962 12
DAR506 14 162210005 36 213890 33
DY964 15
DAR508 14 162310005 36 213900 33
DY966 15
DAR510 14 213910 33
DAR510S1 14 DZ333 10 169100100 34 213920 33
DAR524 14 DZ334 10 169101004 34 213930 33
DAR534 14 169102506 34 213940 33
K1 35 169104008 34
DAT506 15 K3S2 35 169106003 34 243001.10 10
DAT508 15 K6S5 35 169106004 34 243001.20 10
DAT510 15 KW1 35 169106007 34 248601.00 34
DAT510S1 15 KW1S2 35 169106009 34 248601.10 34
DAT512 15 KW3S1 35 169110009 34 248602.00 34
KW3S3 35 169116000 34 248602.20 34
DIN84M3x54.8 21 169120000 34
DIN84M5x84.8 21 KW3S5 35 248602.25 34
KW6S1 35 169125000 34 248603.00 34
DIN84M5x164.8 21 169140001 34
DIN84M5x204.8 21 KW6S2 35 248603.10 34
KW6S81 35 169460110 31 248604.00 34
DIN84M6x164.8 21 169460111 31
DIN84M6x204.8 21 KW6V57 35 248604.10 34
169460112 31 248605.00 34
DIN84M6x254.8 21 P78.01 10 169460112V70 31
DIN910R185.8 12 248610.01 18
169460115 31 248610.02 33
DIN910R14x85.8 12 SLH6180 25 169460116 31
DIN910R385.8 12 SLH8180 25 169460117 31 267001.03 10
DIN910R125.8 12 SLH10180 25 169460120 31 267001.13 9
DIN910R345.8 12 169460121 31 267001.17 9
DIN910R15.8 12 WVRO2.5x0.5VERZI 22
WVRO4x0.7VERZI 22 169460122 31 267001.19 9
DIN912M4x208.8 21 169460123 31 267001.36 10
DIN912M6x168.8 21 WVRO6x0.7VERZI 22
WVRO6x1VERZI 22 169460130 31 267001.47 10
DIN912M6x258.8 21 169460131 31 267001.60 10
DIN912M6x608.8 21 WVRO8x0.7VERZI 22
WVRO8x1VERZI 22 169460132 31
DIN912M8x168.8 21 301001 9
WVRO10x1VERZI 22 169460140 31
DIN931M6x305.8 21 301001DK 11
169460141 31
DIN934M58 21 WVN2004A16 29 301005 9
169460142 31
DIN934M68 21 WVN2004A25 29 301020 9
169460143 31
DIN936M14x1.55 21 WVN2006B0.5 29 301034 33
169460145 31
DIN936M16x1.55 21 WVN2006B16 29 301105K 10
169460146 31
DIN936M20x1.55 21 WVN2006B40 29 301134 33
169460150 31
DIN7513BM4x20 21 WVN2008B0 29 169460152 31 321661 16
DIN7513BM4x25 21 WVN2008B3 29 169460160 31
WVN2008B5 29 169460162 31 322541 16
DIN7513BM5x10 21
WVN2008B12 29 169460170 31 322561 16
DIN7513BM6x16 21
WVN2008B16 29 169460181 31 322581 16
DIN7513BM6x25 21
WVN2008B20 29 169460186 31 322661 16
DIN7603A6x10CU 12 WVN2008B32 29 169460187 31 322661S1 16
DIN7603A8x11.5CU 12 WVN2008D50 29 169460184 31 323541 16
DIN7603A14x18CU 12 WVN2008D75 29 169460232 31 323561 16
DIN7603A16x20CU 12 WVN2008D120 29 169460233V57 31 323581 16
DIN7603A17x21CU 12 WVN2008D220 29 169460233V64 31 323661 16
DIN7603A18x22CU 12 WVN20010E6 29 169460233V70 31 323661S1 16
DIN7603A20x24CU 12 WVN20010E12 29 169460234 31
DIN7603A21x26CU 12 WVN20010E25 29 169460234V57 31 324561 16
DIN7603A22x27CU 12 WVN20010E35 29 169460234V64 31 324581 16
WVN20010E60 29 169460234V70 31 324761 16
DIN725732x6ST 23
Fittings and Accessories 10103US 5

Order No. Index

Order No. Page Order No. Page Order No. Page Order No. Page

324861 16 404040 9 406708001(VS) 24 410413W 18

404040K 10 406710002 25 410416 19
325565 16 404045 10 406804001 24 410425 19
325861 16 404047K 10 406805 13 410433W 18
326581 16 404054K 10 406806001 24 410443 18
326661 16 404061 9 406808001 24 410443W 18
326663 16 404063 9 406810002 25 410463 18
404162 9 410603 8
327761 16 404164 9 408001 8 410611 8
404203 13 408004 9 410612 8
328561 16 408005 9
404403W 18 410612MS 8
328581 16 408006 9
404404 18
328761 16 408008 13 412001 8
404413 18
328861 16 408010 13 412002 2
404425 19
404603 8 408011 12 412004 9
329561 16
404611 8 408013 14 412008 13
329761 16
404612 8 408022 9 412010 13
330581S1 16 404612MS 8 408023 13 412011 12
330761 16 404662K 10 408033S3 13 412014 9
330861 16 404663K 10 408103 13 412162 9
404673K 10 408120 26 412163 9
331761 16 408154 9 412164 9
332761 16 405619061 17 408162 9 412301 18
332861 16 408202 8 412302 18
406001 8 408211 12 412403 18
334861 16 406002 8 408301 18 412403W 18
406004 9 408302 18 412405 19
336861 16 406004DK 11 408403W 18 412405W 19
406004K 10 408405W 19 412407 19
338861 16 406005 13 408406 18 412409 19
340861 16 406008 13 408407 19 412410 18
406010 13 408408 18 412411 18
342861 16 406011 12 408409 19 412412 18
406024 10 408411 18 412416 19
344861 16
406044S1 10 408413 18 412423 18
401004512 10 406054 9 408413W 18 412423W 18
401011132 10 406054K 10 408416 19 412433 18
401013111 10 406055 9 408423W 18 412453 18
401013131 10 406103 13 408425W 19 412453W 18
401013161 10 406158 9 408453W 18 412603 8
401013171 10 406162 9 408603 8 412611 8
401016312 10 406163 9 408611 8 412612 8
401016371 10 406166 9 408612 8
401019132 10 406167 9 408612MS 8 415403 18
401019352 10 406203 13 415403W 18
401504192 26 406233 13 410001 8 415405 19
401504292 26 406301 18 410002 8 415405W 19
401506313 26 406302 18 410003 13 415407 19
406331 18 410003B 13 415409 19
402001 8 406332 18 410004 9 415410 18
402002 8 406403 18 410004DK 11 415415 18
402003 9 406403W 18 410008 13 415416 19
402003K 10 406405 19 410010 13 415423W 18
402004 9 406405W 19 410011 12 415433W 18
402006 9 406406 18 410013 14 415443W 18
402006K 10 406407 19 410018 9
402008K 10 406409 19 410022 9 418403 18
402011 12 406411 18 410160 9 418403W 18
402603 8 406413 18 410162 9 418405W 19
402611 8 406416 19 410163 9 418407 19
402612 8 406423 18 410164 9 418409 19
406425 19 410171 9 418412 18
403006651 11 418416 19
406433 18 410301 18
406435 19 410302 18 418418 18
404001 8
404002 8 406443 18 410403 18 422407 19
404003 9 406445 19 410403W 18 422412 18
404003DK 11 406515W 19 410405 19 422416 19
404003K 10 410405W 19
404006 9 406603 8 410406 18 433890131 10
404006DK 11 406611 8 410407 19
441008511 18
404006K 10 406612 8 410408 18
441015171 18
404008 13 406612MS 8 410409 19
441022171 18
404009 13 406613 8 410410 18
441106162 20
404010 13 406704001(VS) 24 410411 18
441110163 18
404011 12 406706001(VS) 24 410413 18
Fittings and Accessories 10103US 6

Order No. Index

Order No. Page Order No. Page Order No. Page Order No. Page

443190901 19 504101 17 510024 17 853380004(VS) 25

443215001 19 504102 17 510102 15 853390002(VS) 25
443218001 19 504103 14 510142 17 853390003(VS) 25
443290001 19 504105 17 510145 17 853540010 25
443706121 18 504106 17 510242 17
443706151 18 504108 17 510341 17 902111 7
443706181 18 504109 17 510342 17 904411 7
443708121 18 504110 17 510343 17 906411 7
443708151 18 504111 17 510410 18 908411 7
443708181 18 504112 17 510412 18 910411 7
443710181 18 504114 17 510413 18 912411 7
443712151 18 504115 17 510442 17 982750091 25
443715181 18 504161 17 982750091+AF2 25
504162 17 512410 18
445513181 19 504200K 11 512412 18
445516061 19 504201K 11
445516081 19 514018K 11
504202K 11
445516101 19 504203K 11 515410 18
445517222 19 504401 17
445519061 19 568342 17
504410 18
445521122 19 568442 17
504411 17
445529041 19 504412 18 586342 17
445531061 19 504510K 11 586442 17
445535101 19
506004 14 602001 23
446308001 19 506008 15 602002 23
446310001 19 506010 14
446312001 19 506012 17 604001 23
446315001 19 506013 17 604002 23
506014 17 604003 23
456004K 10
506025 17 604004 23
458012 13 506026 17 604014 23
458012B 13 506101 17 604015 23
506108 17 604016 23
471004191 20 604018 23
506114 17
471004311 20
506140 17 606010 23
471006192 20
506142 17 606014 23
471006161 20
506202K 11
471006311 20
506214 17 608001 23
471006351 20
506242 17 608003 23
471008161 20
506342 17 608004 23
471008211 20
506345 17
471008351 20 610001 23
506408 15
471008391 20 610004 23
506410 18
471010161 20
506412 18 612001 23
471010211 20
506413 18
471010312 20 650050 20
506442 17
471010351 20 650060 20
506508K 11
471010391 20 650080 20
506510K 11
471012161 20 650100 20
506512K 11
471012211 20 650120 20
471012391 20 5080022 15 650140 20
471015131 20 508012 17 650160 20
471108163 20 508013 17 650180 20
471112163 20 508014 17 650200 20
508024 17
474508081 20 714...(VS) 24
508025 17
474512121 20 714...K 24
508034 17
474515151 20 714...M(VS) 24
508108 12
474606331 20 714 MK 24
508142 17
474608351 20
508144 17
474610351 20 716...(VS) 24
508215CU 12
474612391 20 716...K 24
508242 17
474615431 20 716...M(VS) 24
508304 17
474618441 20 716 MK 24
508305 17
502101 17 508320CU 12 718...(VS) 24
502102 17 508342 17 718...K 24
502161 17 508345 17 718...M(VS) 24
502206K 11 508410 18 718 MK 24
508412 18
504003 14 508413 18 734...(VS) 24
504004 14 508442 17
504008 15 853370002(VS) 25
508512K 11
504019 12 853380002(VS) 25
5086022 15
504045 15 853380003(VS) 25
Fitings and Accessories 10103US 7

Fittings for solderless tube connections (double or For higher pressures up to 250 bars, like those
single tapered rings) are primarily used for VOGEL occurring especially in progressive centralized
singleline centralized lubrication systems (oil lubrication systems (grease up to NLGI grade 2),
and grease, NLGI grades 000, 00) with it is customary to use cuttingsleeve screw
pressures up to 45 bars. unions conforming to DIN 2353 (Page 1820).

Counterbores – DIN 3854 / DIN 3862 – for solderless tube connection

Specification for tube

of counterbore diam. d9 d10 d8 b3 t3 t4 r

1102 1) 2.5 2.5 1.5 M6x0.75 4.5 5.5 8.5 1.3

1404 4 4 3 M8x1 6.5 8.5 12.5 1.6
1406 6 6 4.5 M10x1 7 9 14 1.6
1408 8 8 6.5 M14x1.5 9 11.5 18.5 1.6
1410 10 10 8.5 M16x1.5 9 11.5 19.5 1.6
1412 12 12 10.5 M18x1.5 9.5 12 22 1.6

1) not shown in DIN standard

Form counterbores to tap ports for solderless tube connection

Form counterbore tube for coun Twist drill

Order No. diam. terbore l d1 d2 d10 d4 t2 t3

902111 2.5 1102 60.5 10 10 1.5 5 4.5 5.5

904411 4 1404 65 10 10 3 6.5 7.5 8.5
906411 6 1406 66 12 10 4.5 8.5 8 9
908411 8 1408 70 16 10 6.5 12 10.5 11.5
910411 10 1410 72 18 10 8.5 14 10.5 11.5
912411 12 1412 75 20 10 10.5 16 11 12

Provision of counterbore

Remarks concerning operation 3

predrill holes bore hole counterbore with When using a hand drill, take care not to
Dimensions in mm

to be tapped form counterbore tilt the counterbore out of the drill axis.
up to the stop Drill steadily without interruption.
Form counterbore enlarges bore hole Increase pressure slightly at the stop.
diam. d 4 to core hole for ISO thread.
Fittings and Accessories 10103US 8

Connectors for steel and copper tubing

Double tapered sleeves – DIN standard 3862

for tube
Order No. diam. d
402001 *) 2.5
404001 4
406001 6
408001 8
410001 10
412001 12
socket Material: brass

tap. sleeve Socket unions – DIN standard 3871
tapped port
for tube
Order No. diam. d1 l1 l2 sw
402002 *) 2.5 M6x0.75 9 3 7
404002 4 M8x1 12 4 8
406002 6 M10x1 13 4 10
Installation (steel and copper tubing) 408202 8 M14x1.5 16 4.5 14
1. Push socket union and double tapered 410002 10 M16x1.5 17 5.5 17
sleeve onto tube end. 412002 12 M18x1.5 18 6 19
2. Insert tube end into tapped port up to
the stop Material: steel, galvanized surface
3. First tighten socket union fingertight by
hand. Then turn another 11/2 turns. *) not shown in DIN standard

Connectors for steel, copper and plastic tubing

Reinforcing sockets (if plastic tubing is used)

Order No. for tube d2 d3 l1

402603 2.5x0.5 1.4 2.3 8

404603 4x0.85 2.2 3.8 10
406603 6x1 3.9 5.8 12
406613 6x1.25 3.4 5.8 12
408603 8x1.25 5.4 7.8 15
410603 10x1.5 6.9 9.8 18
412603 12x1.5 8.9 11.8 20
Material: brass

Tapered sleeves
for tube
Order No. diam. d
402611 2.5
socket 404611 4
406611 6
tapered sleeve 408611 8
tapped port
410611 10
reinforcing 412611 12
Material: brass

Socket unions
for tube
Order No. diam. d1 l1 l2 sw
Installation (plastic tubing) 402612 2.5 M6x0.75 9 3 7
1. Insert reinforcing socket
404612 4 M8x1 12 4 8
into plastic tube. 404612MS *) 4 M8x1 12 4 8
2. Push socket union and tapered
406612 6 M10x1 13 4 10
sleeve onto tube end. 406612MS *) 6 M10x1 13 4 10
3. Insert tube end into counter
408612 8 M14x1.5 16 4.5 14
bored port up to the stop. 408612MS *) 8 M14x1.5 16 4.5 14
4. First tighten socket union finger
410612 10 M16x1.5 17 5.5 17
tight by hand. Then turn another 410612MS *) 10 M16x1.5 17 5.5 17
11/2 turns. 412612 12 M18x1.5 18 6 19
Material: steel, galvanized surface
*) Material: brass
Fittings and Accessories 10103US 9

Adaptors with cylindrical thread (sealed by flat washer)

Order No. diam. d1 d 2 *) l1 l2 SW

402004 2.5 M6 M 6x0.75 13 5.5 9

402003 2.5 M 6x0.75 M 6x0.75 13 5.5 9
402006 2.5 M 8x1 M 6x0.75 15 7.5 11
404061 4 M5 M 8x1 20 5.5 11
404063 4 M8 M 8x1 22 8 11
404003 4 M 8x1 M 8x1 18 7.5 11
404006 4 M10x1 M 8x1 18 7.5 14
404040 4 G 1/8 A M 8x1 18 8 14
404162 4 M12x1 M 8x1 18 9 17
404164 4 M14x1.5 M 8x1 18 9 17
406158 6 M 8x1 M10x1 23 7.5 14
406004 6 M10x1 M10x1 18 7.5 14
406162 6 M12x1 M10x1 19 9 17
406054 6 G 1/4 A M10x1 20 10 17
301005 6 M14x1.5 M10x1 18 9 17
406166 6 M16x1.5 M10x1 19 9 19
406055 6 G 3/8 A M10x1 21 10 22
408004 8 M10x1 M14x1.5 28 7.5 17
408154 8 G 1/8 A M14x1.5 29 8 17
408162 8 M12x1 M14x1.5 29 9 17
301020 8 G 1/4 A M14x1.5 23 10 17
301001 8 M14x1.5 M14x1.5 26 9 17
408005 8 M16x1.5 M14x1.5 22 9 19
408006 8 M18x1.5 M14x1.5 22 10 22
408022 8 M 22x1.5 M14x1.5 24 12 27
410160 10 M10x1 M16x1.5 30 7.5 19
410162 10 M12x1 M16x1.5 31 9 19
410163 10 G 1/4 A M16x1.5 30 10 19
410164 10 M14x1.5 M16x1.5 29 9 19
410004 10 M16x1.5 M16x1.5 23 9 19
410018 10 M18x1.5 M16x1.5 24 10 22
410171 10 G 1/2 A M16x1.5 24 12 27
410022 10 M 22x1.5 M16x1.5 24 12 27
412162 12 M12x1 M18x1.5 35 9 22
412163 12 G 1/4 A M18x1.5 35 10 22
412164 12 M14x1.5 M18x1.5 33 9 22
412004 12 M18x1.5 M18x1.5 24 10 22
412014 12 M 22x1.5 M18x1.5 26 12 27

Material: steel, galvanized surface

D406004MS 6 M10x1 M10x1 23 7.5 14

267001.17 6 G 1/8 A M10x1 24 8 14
406163 6 M12x1 M10x1 19 9 17
D301005MS 6 M14x1.5 M10x1 20 9 17
406167 6 M16x1.5 M10x1 19 9 19
267001.19 6 M18x1.5 M10x1 21 10 22
D408004MS 8 M10x1 M14x1.5 29 7.5 17
D301001MS 8 M14x1.5 M14x1.5 28 9 17
D301020MS 8 G 1/4 A M14x1.5 30 10 17
267001.13 8 G 1/2 A M14x1.5 24 12 27

Material: brass
Dimensions in mm

*) Ports tapped for solderless tube connection

Fittings and Accessories 10103US 10

Reducing adaptors with cylindrical thread (sealed by flat washer)

Order No. d1 d2 l1 l2 sw Material

406024 M10x1 G 1/8 20 8 14 brass. galvanized surface

401016312 M10x1 G 1/4 26.5 7.5 17 brass
406044S11) M10x1 t a p . G 1/4 22.5 8 17 steel, galvanized surface
P78.01 M12x1 G 1/4 27 8.5 19 steel, galvanized surface
401013161 G 1/4 A G 1/2 40 12 27 steel, galvanized surface
401019352 M14x1.5 G 1/8 20 9 17 brass
401016371 M16x1.5 G 1/4 30 12 19 steel, galvanized surface
243001.10 M16x1.5 G 1/2 31 9 27 steel, galvanized surface
267001.47 G 3/8 A G 1/4 31 10 22 brass
267001.60 G 3/8 A G 1/2 34 10 27 brass
267001.36 M18x1.5 G 3/8 32 10 22 steel, galvanized surface
243001.20 M18x1.5 G 1/2 32 10 27 steel, galvanized surface
401019132 G 1/2 A G 1/8 24 12 27 brass
DZ333 G 1/2 A G 1/4 24 12 27 brass
401013131 G 1/2 A G 1/2 40.5 12 27 brass
DZ334 G 1/2 A G 3/8 31 12 27 brass
267001.03 G 1/2 A G 3/4 40 12 36 brass
401011132 G 1/2 A G 1 49 14 41 steel, galvanized surface
433890131 G 1/2 A G 1 1/4 53 14 55 steel, black finished surface
401013171 G 3/4 A G 1/2 41 16 32 steel, galvanized surface
401013111 G1A G 1/2 29 18 41 steel, black finished surface
1) with tapered thread

Adapters with tapered thread

Tapered threads are used without washers, as they are selfsealing.

It is not necessary to provide the ports with seal faces.

Order No. Tube diam. d 1 1) d 2 *) l1 l2 sw

402003K 2.5 M 6x0.75 tap. M 6x0.75 11.5 4.5 8

402006K 2.5 M 8x1 tap . M 6x0.75 15 8 9
402008K 2.5 M10x1 tap . M 6x0.75 16 7.5 12
404662K 4 M 6 tap. M 8x1 19 5 11
404663K 4 M 6 tap. M 8x1 20 6 11
404673K 4 M 6x0.75 tap. M 8x1 20 6 11
404047K 4 M 7 tap. M 8x1 20 6 11
404003K 4 M 8x1 tap. M 8x1 17 7.4 11
404045 4 M 8x1 tap. M 8x1 62.5 7.4 11
404006K 4 M10x1 tap. M 8x1 16 7.4 11
401004512 4 M10x1 tap. M 8x1 25 7.4 11
404040K 4 R 1/8 tap. M 8x1 16 6 11
404054K 4 R 1/4 tap. M 8x1 14 9 14
406004K 6 M10x1 tap. M10x1 23 7.4 14
301105K 6 M12x1 tap. M10x1 18 7.4 14
456004K 6 R 1/8 tap. M10x1 21 6 14
406054K 6 R 1/4 tap. M10x1 20 9 17
Material: steel, galvanized surface
1) Tapered thread according to DIN 158. short, resp. according to DIN 2999.

*) Ports tapped for solderless tube connection

Fittings and Accessories 10103US 11

Bulkhead connectors with tapered thread for sealed tube passage through a wall without tube interruption

Order No. diam. d 1 1) d 2 *) l1 l2 sw

404003DK 4 M 8x1 tap. M 8x1 17 7.4 11

404006DK 4 M10x1 tap. M 8x1 16 7.4 11
406004DK 6 M10x1 tap. M10x1 18 7.4 14
301001DK 8 M14x1.5 tap. M14x1.5 24 11 17
410004DK 10 M16x1.5 tap. M16x1.5 24 11 19

Material: steel, galvanized surface

1) Tapered thread according to DIN 158. short.

Elbows with tapered thread

Order No. diam. d 1 1) d 2 *) d3 d l1 l2 l3 sw

504510K 4 M10x1 tap. M 8x1 13 13 21 16 10 14

514018K 4 R 1/8 tap. M 8x1 13 13 21 16 10 14
506508K 6 M 8x1 tap. M10x1 12.5 14 18 18 10.5 14
506510K 6 M10x1 tap. M10x1 12.5 14 18 18 10.5 14
506512K 6 M12x1 tap. M10x1 12.5 14 18 18 10.5 14
508512K 8 M12x1 tap. M14x1.5 14 19.5 19.5 24 10 14

Material: diecast zinc

Order No. diam. d 1 1) d 2 *) d3 d4 l1 l2 l3 Material

502206K 2.5 M 6 tap. M 6x0.75 – 8 10 9.5 6 steel

506202K 6 M10x1 tap. M10x1 17 17 22 21 11 brass
403006651 6 R 1/4 tap. M10x1 14 14 17 17.5 8.5 steel

Order No. diam. d 1 1)

504200K 4 M 6 tap.
504201K 4 M 8x1 tap.
504202K 4 M10x1 tap.
504203K 4 M 6x0.75 tap.

Material: brass

1) Tapered thread according to DIN 158. short, resp. according to DIN 2999.
Dimensions in mm

*) Ports tapped for solderless tube connection

Fittings and Accessories 10103US 12

Elbows with tube end for installation in counterbores as per DIN 3854/DIN 3862

Order No. diam. d1 d 2 *) d3 d4 l1 l2 l3

DY958 6 6 M10x1 8 14 30.8 21 22

DY960 8 8 M14x1.5 11 18 37 24.5 27
DY961 10 10 M16x1.5 15 23 42.5 26.5 29
DY962 12 12 M18x1.5 15 23 46 26.5 32

Material: brass
Tube end for tube connection

Screw plugs

Order No. d1 l1 l2 sw

402011 M6x0.75 9 5 9
404011 M8x1 10 6 11
406011 M10x1 12 7 12
408211 M12x1 12 7 17
408011 M14x1.5 12 7 17
410011 M16x1.5 14 8 19
412011 M18x1.5 15 10 22

Material: steel, galvanized surface

Order No. d1 d2 l1 l2 l3 sw

DIN910R185.8 G 1/8 A 14 17 8 3 11
DIN910R14x85.8 G 1/4 A 18 17 8 3 14
DIN910R385.8 G 3/8 A 22 21 12 3 17
DIN910R125.8 G 1/2 A 26 26 14 4 19
DIN910R345.8 G 3/4 A 32 30 16 4 24
DIN910R15.8 G 1A 39 32 16 5 27

Material: steel, galvanized surface

Flat washers

Suitable for thread

Order No. d1 d2 h mm inches

DIN7603A6x10CU 6.2 9.9 1 M6 –

DIN7603A8x11.5CU 8.2 11.4 1 M8 –
504019 10.2 13.9 1 M10 G 1/8
508215CU 12.2 15.9 1.4 M12 –
508320CU 12.2 15.9 2 M12 –
DIN7603A14x18CU 14.2 17.9 1.5 M14 –
508108 13.3 17.9 1.5 – G 1/4
DIN7603A16x20CU 16.2 19.9 1.5 M16 –
DIN7603A17x21CU 17.2 20.9 1.5 – G 3/8
DIN7603A18x22CU 18.2 21.9 1.5 M18 –
DIN7603A20x24CU 20.2 23.9 1.5 M20 –
DIN7603A21x26CU 21.2 25.9 1.5 – G 1/2
DIN7603A22x27CU 22.2 26.9 1.5 M22 –

Material: copper

*) Ports tapped for solderless tube connection

Fittings and Accessories 10103US 13

Threaded sockets

Order No. d1 l sw

404203 M 8x1 13 3.5

406203 M10x1 15 3.5
458012 M12x1 17 5.5
458012B 1) M12x1 17 5.5
408023 M14x1.5 18 5.5
410003 M16x1.5 19 7
410003B 1) M16x1.5 19 7
408033S3 G 1/4 A 15 5.5

Material: steel 1) Coated with microencapsulated adhesive

Order No. d1 d2 d3 l l1 l2 sw

406103 M10x1 M12x1 5 20 6 7 14

408103 M12x1 M14x1.5 6 21 7 7 17

Material: steel, galvanized surface

Order No. d1 d3 l

406233 M10x1 4 26

Material: brass
distributor connection

Connectors, tube to tube

Order No. diam. d1 d 2 *) d 3 *) l l1 sw

404008 4 M14x1.5 M 8x1 M 8x1 27 19 17

404009 4 M14x1.5 M 8x1 M 8x1 38 30 17
406008 6 M14x1.5 M10x1 M10x1 30 20 17
406005 6 and 8 M16x1.5 M14x1.5 M10x1 35 23 19
408008 8 M 20x1.5 M14x1.5 M14x1.5 40 28 24
410008 10 M 20x1.5 M16x1.5 M16x1.5 42 27 24
412008 12 M 24x1.5 M18x1.5 M18x1.5 48 33 27

Material: steel, galvanized surface

Order No. diam. d 2 *) d 3 *) ød 4 l l1 sw

404010 4 M 8x1 M 8x1 10.8 27 13 11

406010 6 M10x1 M10x1 13.8 30 10 14
406805 6 and 8 M14x1.5 M10x1 16.8 35 11 17
408010 8 M14x1.5 M14x1.5 16.8 40 14 17
410010 10 M16x1.5 M16x1.5 18.8 42 13 19
412010 12 M18x1.5 M18x1.5 21.8 48 18 22
Dimensions in mm

Material: steel, galvanized surface

*) Ports tapped for solderless tube connection

Fittings and Accessories 10103US 14

Elbow connectors

Order No. diam. d1 d 2 *) d3 d4 l1 l2 l3 Material

504003 4 M14x1.5 M 8x1 18 12 33 16 22 diecast zinc

504103 4 M14x1.5 M 8x1 18 12 33 18 22 brass
506004 6 M14x1.5 M10x1 16.5 14 27 17.5 15 brass

Order No. diam. d 2 *) d3 d4 l1 l2 Material

408013 8 M14x1.5 20 20 23.5 23.5

diecast zinc
410013 10 M16x1.5 21 21 26 26

Bracketed connectors

Order No. diam. Material

504004 4 diecast zinc

Order No. diam. Material

506010 6 brass

Order No. diam. d *) b h l Material

DAR506 6 M10x1 15 20 12
DAR508 8 M14x1.5 20 25 15

Order No. diam. d 1 *) d 2 *) Material

DAR510 10 M16x1.5 M16x1.5 steel,

DAR510S1 8 and 10 M14x1.5 M16x1.5 galvanized surface

Order No. diam. Material

DAR524 4 steel, galvanized surface

Order No. diam. Material

DAR534 4 steel, galvanized surface

*) Ports tapped for solderless tube connection

Fittings and Accessories 10103US 15

Tee connectors

Order No. diam. d 1 *) d 2 *) d3 l1 l2 Material

504008 4 M 8x1 M 8x1 12 15 30.5

506408 6 and 4 M10x1 M 8x1 14 18 36
diecast zinc
506008 6 M10x1 M10x1 14 18 36
510102 10 M16x1.5 M16x1.5 20 25 50

Order No. diam. d 2 *) Material

5086022 8 and 6 M10x1

diecast zinc
5080022 8 M14x1.5

Order No. diam. Material

504045 4 diecast zinc

Order No. diam. d 1 *) d2 l1 l2 l3 l4 Material

DY964 6 M10x1 6 40 22 32 37
DY966 8 M14x1.5 8 45 25 36 46

Order No. diam. d 1 *) d2 a b c h h1 l1 l2 Material

DAT506 6 M10x1 6.6 22 20 9 30 9 40 20 aluminum

DAT508 8 M14x1.5 6.6 32 20 9 40 9 50 29 aluminum
DAT510 10 M16x1.5 7 25 20 13.5 40 15 52 29 steel 1)
DAT512 12 M18x1.5 6.6 42 25 9 40 9 60 29 aluminum
1) galvanized surface

Order No. diam. Material

8 (1x)
DAT510S1 steel, galvanized surface
10 (2x)
Dimensions in mm

*) Ports tapped for solderless tube connection

Fittings and Accessories 10103US 16

Cross joints

Order No. diam. d 1 *) a b h l1 l2 Material

DAK506 6 M10x1 22 20 40 40 20
DAK508 8 M14x1.5 32 20 50 50 25 aluminum
DAK512 12 M18x1.5 42 25 60 60 30

Order No. diam. d 1 *) Material

DAK510S1 10 M16x1.5 steel, galvanized surface

Distributor manifolds

Main tube port

Number tube
Order No. of ports diam. d 1 *) d2 d3 l l1 h h1 b t
321661 1 6 M10x1 M10x1 – 41 – 20 11 18 –
322541 2 4 M8x1 2x M8x1 – 49 – 17 10.5 13 13
322561 2 6 M10x1 2x M8x1 – 52 – 17 10.5 13 13
322581 2 8 M14x1.5 2x M8x1 – 61 – 20 11 18 13
322661 2 6 M10x1 2x M10x1 – 58 – 20 11 18 17
322661S1 2 8 M14x1.5 2x M10x1 – 72 – 20 11 18 22
323541 3 4 M8x1 3x M8x1 – 62 – 17 10.5 13 13
323561 3 6 M10x1 3x M8x1 – 65 – 17 10.5 13 13
323581 3 8 M14x1.5 3x M8x1 – 74 – 20 11 18 13
323661 3 6 M10x1 3x M10x1 – 75 – 20 11 18 17
323661S1 3 8 M14x1.5 3x M10x1 – 94 – 20 11 18 22
324561 4 6 M10x1 4x M8x1 – 78 – 17 10.5 13 13
324581 4 8 M14x1.5 4x M8x1 – 87 – 20 11 18 13
324761 4 6 M10x1 4x M10x1 – 92 34 20 11 18 17
324861 4 6 M10x1 2x M10x1 2x M10x1 58 – 20 11 18 17
325565 5 6 M10x1 5x M8x1 – 91 – 17 10.5 13 13
325861 5 6 M10x1 5x M10x1 – 109 51 20 11 18 17
326581 6 8 M14x1.5 6x M8x1 – 113 39 20 11 18 13
326661 6 6 M10x1 6x M10x1 – 126 68 20 11 18 17
326663 6 6 M10x1 3x M10x1 3x M10x1 75 17 20 11 18 17
327761 7 6 M10x1 7x M10x1 – 143 85 20 11 18 17
328561 8 6 M10x1 8x M8x1 – 130 52 17 10.5 13 13
328581 8 8 M14x1.5 8x M8x1 – 139 65 20 11 18 13
328761 8 6 M10x1 8x M10x1 – 160 102 20 11 18 17
328861 8 6 M10x1 4x M10x1 4x M10x1 92 34 20 11 18 17
329761 9 6 M10x1 9x M10x1 – 177 119 20 11 18 17
329561 10 6 M10x1 10x M8x1 – 156 78 17 10.5 13 13
330581S1 10 8 M14x1.5 10x M8x1 – 201 85 20 11 18 17
330761 10 6 M10x1 10x M10x1 – 194 136 20 11 18 17
330861 10 6 M10x1 5x M10x1 5x M10x1 109 51 20 11 18 17
331761 11 6 M10x1 11x M10x1 – 211 153 20 11 18 17
332761 12 6 M10x1 12x M10x1 – 228 170 20 11 18 17
332861 12 6 M10x1 6x M10x1 6x M10x1 126 68 20 11 18 17
334861 14 6 M10x1 7x M10x1 7x M10x1 143 85 20 11 18 17
336861 16 6 M10x1 8x M10x1 8x M10x1 160 102 20 11 18 17
338861 18 6 M10x1 9x M10x1 9x M10x1 177 119 20 11 18 17
340861 20 6 M10x1 10x M10x1 10x M10x1 194 136 20 11 18 17
342861 22 6 M10x1 11x M10x1 11x M10x1 211 153 20 11 18 17
344861 24 6 M10x1 12x M10x1 12x M10x1 228 170 20 11 18 17
Material: aluminum alloy

*) Ports tapped for solderless tube connection

Fittings and Accessories 10103US 17

Banjo fittings

Elbow Order No. of single parts

banjo bolt
Tube Banjo Banjo
Order No. diam. d1 d 2 *) l1 l2 l3 l4 sw bolt union washer
502161 1) 2.5 M6 M6x0.75 20 13 19 4.5 9 502056 502051
504161 1) 4 M6 M8x1 20 17 24 4.1 9 502056 504651
502101 1) 2.5 M6x0.75 M6x0.75 18 13 19 5 9 502053 502051
504162 1) 4 M6x0.75 M8x1 18 17 24 4.5 9 502053 504651
504411 1) 4 M8 M8x1 23 18 25 7.5 11 502154 504851
502102 1) 2.5 M8x1 M6x0.75 20 14 21 6.5 11 502054 502052 washer
504101 4 M8x1 M8x1 26 18 25 6.5 11 504073 504072 banjo
504401 1) 4 M8x1 M8x1 20 18 25 7 11 502054 504851 union
504102 4 M10x1 M8x1 26 19 27.5 6.5 14 504054 504052
506140 6 M10x1 M10x1 26 21 28.5 6.5 14 504054 506033
504108 4 G 1/8 A M8x1 27 19 27.5 6.8 14 504027 504052
506108 6 G 1/8 A M10x1 27 21 28.5 7 14 504027 506033
506142 6 M12x1 M10x1 34 25 35.2 7.5 17 558012 506030
508142 8 M12x1 M14x1.5 34 27 37 7.5 17 558012 508030
506012 6 M14x1.5 M10x1 34 25 35.2 7.5 17 508006 506005
508144 8 M14x1.5 M14x1.5 34 27 37 7.5 17 508006 508007
506214 6 G 1/4 A M10x1 35 25 35.2 8.5 17 508023 506005
508024 8 G 1/4 A M14x1.5 35 27 37 8.5 17 508023 508007
510024 10 G 1/4 A M16x1.5 35 30 40 7.5 17 508023 510023
510142 10 M12x1 M16x1.5 34 30 40 7.5 17 558012 510041
510145 10 M16x1.5 M16x1.5 35 30 41 10.7 19 510017 510044
1) Miniature design, banjo union of steel

Tube Banjo Banjo
Order No. diam. d1 d 2 *) d 3 *) l1 l2 l3 l4 sw bolt union
504114 4 M8x1 M8x1 M8x1 31 18 25.5 6.5 11 504075 504072
banjo bolt washer
504115 4 M10x1 M8x1 M8x1 31 19 27.5 6.5 14 504056 504052
504105 4 a. 6 M10x1 M8x1 M10x1 33 19 27.5 6.5 14 506006 504052
405619061 4 a. 6 G 1/8 A M8x1 M10x1 33 19 27.5 6.3 14 402606191 504052
506114 6 M10x1 M10x1 M10x1 33 21 28.5 6.3 14 506006 506033
506342 6 M12x1 M10x1 M10x1 38 25 35.2 7.5 17 558612 506030
586342 6 a. 8 M12x1 M10x1 M14x1.5 44 25 35.2 7.5 17 558812 506030
568342 8 a. 6 M12x1 M14x1.5 M10x1 38 27 37 7.5 17 558612 508030
508342 8 M12x1 M14x1.5 M14x1.5 44 27 37 7.5 17 558812 508030 washer
508034 8 G 1/4 A M14x1.5 M14x1.5 44 27 37 7.5 17 508033 508007 banjo
506101 6 M14x1.5 M10x1 M10x1 40 25 35.2 7.5 17 508303 506005 union
506013 6 a. 8 M14x1.5 M10x1 M14x1.5 43 25 35.2 7.5 17 508008 506005
508304 8 a. 6 M14x1.5 M14x1.5 M10x1 40 27 37 7.5 17 508303 508007
508012 8 M14x1.5 M14x1.5 M14x1.5 43 27 37 7.5 17 508008 508007
506345 6 a.10 M12x1 M10x1 M16x1.5 48.5 25 35 7.7 19 558912 506030
508345 8 a.10 M12x1 M14x1.5 M16x1.5 48.5 27 37 7.7 19 558912 508030
510341 10 a.8 M12x1 M16x1.5 M14x1.5 44 30 40 7.5 17 558812 510041
510342 10 M12x1 M16x1.5 M16x1.5 48.5 30 40 7.5 19 558912 510041
510343 10 G 1/4 A M16x1.5 M16x1.5 48.5 30 40 7.5 19 558913 510023

Tee double
banjo union
Tube Banjo Banjo banjo bolt
Order No. diam. d1 d 2 *) l1 l2 l3 sw bolt union
504109 4 M8x1 M8x1 26 38 6.5 11 504073 504071
504112 4 M10x1 M8x1 26 38 6.5 14 504054 504051
506242 6 M12x1 M10x1 34 48 7.5 17 558012 506032
508242 8 M12x1 M14x1.5 34 54 7.5 17 558012 508032
506025 6 M14x1.5 M10x1 34 48 7.5 17 508006 506007
508013 8 M14x1.5 M14x1.5 34 54 7.5 17 508006 508005 washer
508025 8 G 1/4 A M14x1.5 35 54 7.5 17 508023 508005
510242 10 M12x1 M16x1.5 34 60 7.5 17 558012 510042

Tube Banjo Banjo
Order No. diam. d1 d 2 *) d 3 *) l1 l2 l3 sw bolt union
504110 4 M8x1 M8x1 M8x1 31 38 6.5 11 504075 504071 banjo bolt
504111 4 M10x1 M8x1 M8x1 31 38 6.5 14 504056 504051
504106 4 a. 6 M10x1 M8x1 M10x1 33 38 6.5 14 506006 504051 washer
506442 6 M12x1 M10x1 M10x1 38 48 7.5 17 558612 506032
586442 6 a. 8 M12x1 M10x1 M14x1.5 44 48 7.5 17 558812 506032
568442 8 a. 6 M12x1 M14x1.5 M10x1 38 54 7.5 17 558612 508032
508442 8 M12x1 M14x1.5 M14x1.5 44 54 7.5 17 558812 508032
506014 6 M14x1.5 M10x1 M10x1 40 48 7.5 17 508303 506007
506026 6 a. 8 M14x1.5 M10x1 M14x1.5 43 48 7.5 17 508008 506007 washer
508305 8 a. 6 M14x1.5 M14x1.5 M10x1 40 54 7.5 17 508303 508005
Dimensions in mm

508014 8 M14x1.5 M14x1.5 M14x1.5 43 54 7.5 17 508008 508005

510442 10 M12x1 M16x1.5 M16x1.5 48.5 60 7.5 19 558912 510042
Material: banjo bolt: steel, galvanized surface; (double) banjo union: diecast zinc banjo union
sw = width across flats

*) Ports tapped for solderless tube connection

Fittings and Accessories 10103US 18

Cutting sleeve screw unions acc. to DIN 2353

Cutting sleeves Straight connectors (tube to tube)

Order No. D (tube diam.) Reducing connectors

406331 1) 6 Tube diam. Tube diam.
406301 6 Order No. d, d 1 Order No. d d1
408301 8
410301 10 404404 1) 4 504410 6 4
412301 12 406406 6 504412 8 4
408408 8 506410 8 6
410410 10 506412 10 6
412412 12 508410 10 8
415415 15 506413 12 6
Union nuts 418418 18 508412 12 8
510410 12 10
508413 15 8
510412 15 10
512410 15 12
510413 18 10
512412 18 12
Order No. D (tube diam.) d1 sw 515410 18 15
406332 1) 6 M10x1 12
406302 6 M12x1.5 14
408302 8 M14x1.5 17
410302 10 M16x1.5 19
412302 12 M18x1.5 22
Reducing connectors

Straight screwin connectors

The cutting sleeve screw unions
shown correspond to the Lseries. Order No. Tube diam. d ø d1
1) Compact type, LLseries.
408406 6 8
410406 6 10
443706121 6 12
Order No. Tube diam. d d1 443706151 6 15
404413 4 M 8x1 tap. 443706181 6 18
404403 4 M10x1 tap. 410408 8 10
406403 6 M10x1 443708121 8 12
406413 6 M14x1.5 443708151 8 15
406463W 6 G 3/8 A 443708181 8 18
408413 8 M14x1.5 412410 10 12
410403 10 M14x1.5 415410 10 15
410413 10 M16x1.5 443710181 10 18
410463 10 M18x1.5 443712151 12 15
412423 12 M14x1.5 418412 12 18
412403 12 M16x1.5 422412 12 22
412453 12 M18x1.5 443715181 15 18
415403 15 M18x1.5
418403 18 M 22x1.5
406443 1) 6 M 6 tap.
406433 1) 6 M 8x1 tap.
406423 1) 6 M 10x1 tap.
441008511 1) 8 M 10x1 tap.
Connectors for pressure gauges
410443 10 M 10x1 tap.
404403W 1) 4 R 1/8 tap.
408423W 1) 8 R 1/8 tap.
415423W 15 R 3/8 tap.
406403W 6 G 1/8 A
408403W 8 G 1/4 A
408413W 8 G 3/8 A
408453W 8 G 1/2 A
410403W 10 G 1/4 A
410413W 10 G 3/8 A
410433W 10 G 1/2 A
410443W 10 R 1/8 tap.
412423W 12 G 1/4 A
412403W 12 G 3/8 A
412433 12 M18x1.5 Order No. Tube diam. Order No. Order No.
412453W 12 G 1/2 A d
415403W 15 G 1/2 A
415433W 15 G 3/8 A 406411 6 248610.01
415443W 15 G 3/4 A 408411 8
418403W 18 G 1/2 A 410411 10 441110163
441015171 15 G 3/4 A 412411 12
441022171 22 G 3/4 A
Fittings and Accessories 10103US 19

Cutting sleeve screw unions acc. to DIN 2353

Straight bulkhead connectors Elbow bulkhead connectors

max. wall thickness

Order No. Tube diam. d ø d1

Order No. Tube diam. d ø d1

max. wall thickness

406409 6 12.5
406416 6 12.5 408409 8 14.5
408416 8 14.5 410409 10 16.5
410416 10 16.5 412409 12 18.5
412416 12 18.5 415409 15 22.5
415416 15 22.5 418409 18 26.5
418416 18 26.5 443190901 22 30.5
422416 22 30.5

Banjo fittings
Elbow screwin connectors

Order No. Tube diam. d d1

Order No. Tube diam. d d1 445529041 4 M 8x1
445519061 6 G 1/8 A
404425 1) 4 M 10x1 tap.
445531061 6 M 10x1
406445 1) 6 M 6 tap.
445516061 6 G 1/4 A
406435 1) 6 M 8x1 tap.
445516081 8 G 1/4 A
406425 1) 6 M 10x1 tap.
406405 6 M 10x1 tap. 445516101 10 G 1/4 A
410405 10 M 14x1.5 tap. 445535101 10 M 14x1.5
410425 10 M16x1.5 tap. 445521122 12 G 3/8 A
412405 12 M16x1.5 tap. 445513181 18 G 1/2 A
415405 15 M18x1.5 tap. 445517222 22 G 3/4 A
406405W 6 R 1/8 tap.
406515W 6 R 1/4 tap.
408425W 8 R 1/8 tap.
408405W 8 R 1/4 tap.
410405W 10 R 1/4 tap.
412405W 12 R 3/8 tap.
415405W 15 R 1/2 tap.
418405W 18 R 1/2 tap. Tube
Order No. diam. d
1) Compact type, LLseries.
406407 6
408407 8
410407 10
Elbow connectors (tube to tube) 412407 12
415407 15
418407 18
422407 22

Fourway connectors

Order No. d
Order No. Tube diam. d
446308001 8
Dimensions in mm

443215001 15 446310001 10
443218001 18 446312001 12
443290001 22 446315001 15
Fittings and Accessories 10103US 20

Cuttingsleeve screw unions with Eolastic washer and EO2 function nut

Straight screwin connectors Straight connectors (tube to tube)

with Eolastic washer and EO2 function nut with EO2 function nut

Order No. Tube diam. d d1

471004191 4 G 1/8 A Order No. Tube diam. d. d 1
471004311 4 M10x1
474508081 8
471006192 6 G 1/8 A
474512121 12
471006161 6 G 1/4 A
474515151 15
471006311 6 M10x1
471006351 6 M14x1.5 Max. operating pressure 315 bars
471008161 8 G 1/4 A
471008211 8 G 3/8 A
471008351 8 M14x1.5
471008391 8 M18x1.5
471010161 10 G 1/4 A Connectors for pressure gauges
471010211 10 G 3/8 A with EO2 function nut
471010312 10 M10x1
471010351 10 M14x1.5
471010391 10 M18x1.5
471012161 12 G 1/4 A
471012211 12 G 3/8 A
471012391 12 M18x1.5
471015131 15 G 1/2 A

Order No. Tube diam. d

Straight bulkhead connectors 441106162 6
with EO2 function nut 471108163 8
471112163 12

Order No. Tube diam. d d1

474606331 6 12.5
474608351 8 14.5
474610351 10 16.5
474612391 12 18.5
474615431 15 22.5
474618441 18 26.5

Max. operating pressure 315 bars

Fittings and Accessories 10103US 21

Fixing bolts

Order No. d1 l d2

DIN84 M3x5  4.8 M3 5 5.5

DIN84 M5x8  4.8 M5 8 8.5
DIN84 M5x16  4.8 M5 16 8.5
DIN84 M5 x20  4.8 M5 20 8.5
DIN84 M6 x16  4.8 M6 16 10
DIN84 M6 x20  4.8 M6 20 10
DIN84 M6 x25  4.8 M6 25 10

Order No. d1 l d2 b sw

DIN912M4 x20  8.8 M4 20 7 14 3

DIN912M6 x16  8.8 M6 16 10 18 5
DIN912M6 x25  8.8 M6 25 10 18 5
DIN912M6 x60  8.8 M6 60 10 18 5
DIN912M8 x16  8.8 M8 16 13 12 6

Order No. d1 l b sw

DIN931M6 x30  5.8 M6 30 18 10

Order No. d1 l d2

DIN7513BM4 x20 M4 20 7
DIN7513BM4 x25 M4 25 7
DIN7513BM5 x10 M5 10 8.5
DIN7513BM6 x16 M6 16 10
DIN7513BM6 x25 M6 25 10

Material: Steel


Order No. Thread m sw e

DIN934 M5  8 M5 4 8 9.2

DIN934 M6  8 M6 5 10 11.5
DIN936M14 x1.5  5 M 14 x1.5 8 22 25.4
DIN936M16 x1.5  5 M 16 x1.5 8 24 27.7
DIN936M20 x1.5  5 M 20 x1.5 9 30 34.6

Material: Steel

Lock washers

Order No. for bolt d1 d2 s h

650050 M5 5.3 9 0.6 0.9

650060 M6 6.4 10 0.7 0.9
650080 M8 8.4 13 0.8 1.2
650100 M10 10.5 16 1 1.5
650120 M 12 13 18 1.1 1.5
650140 M 14 15 22 1.2 1.8
650160 M16 17 24 1.3 1.9
Dimensions in mm

650180 M18 19 27 1.5 2.2

650200 M 20 21 30 1.5 2.2

Material: Spring steel

Fittings and Accessories 10103US 22

Steel and plastic tubing

Steel tubing
Minimum bending radius r Design Burst
ø da s bent with bent with pressure press.
Order No. ± 0.05 ± 0.03 mandrel grooved disk [bars] [bars]

WVRO2.5 x 0.5 VERZI 2.5 0.5 5 – 580 1410

WVRO4 x 0.7 VERZI 4 0.7 8 7 500 1220
WVRO6 x 0.7 VERZI 6 0.7 25 12 320 850
WVRO6 x 1 VERZI 6 1 25 12 500 1250
WVRO8 x 0.7 VERZI 8 0.7 46 19 230 675
WVRO8 x 1 VERZI 8 1 46 19 340 840
WVRO10x 1VERZI 10 *) 1 76 27 270 660

*) ø d a ± 0.07
VERZI = 25 µm galvanization  yellow passivated. Length delivered 5 m. Stainless steel tubing on request.

Plastic tubing: WVN715, without plasticizer

WVN716, flexible (containing plasticizer)

Smallest permissible operating Burst
+0.15 bending radius r bent press. 3) press.
Order No. 1) ø da s ø di – 0.05 freehand with fixture 2) [bars] [bars]

WVN715RO2.5x0.5 2.5 0.5 1.5 25 9 66 198

WVN715RO4x0.85 4 0.85 2.3 38 14 72 216
WVN715RO6x1 6 ± 0.1 1 4 63 21 53 159
WVN715RO6x1.25 6 1.25 3.5 63 21 70 210
WVN715RO8x1.25 8 1.25 5.5 76 28 49 147

WVN715RO10x1.5 10 1.5 7 89 35 47 141

WVN715RO12x1 12 ± 0.15 1 10 110 45 24 72
WVN715RO12x1.5 12 1.5 9 110 45 38 114

WVN716RO4x0.85 4 0.85 2.3 38 14 36 108

WVN716RO6x1.25 6 ± 0.1 1.25 3.5 63 21 35 105
WVN716RO8x1.25 8 1.25 5.5 80 30 25 75

Color: natural colors, black lettering. Tubing available in green, red, black or brown on request.
Tubing with other dimensions or also filled with NLGI grade 2 grease or fluid grease on request.
For screwed tubing joints only use unions with reinforcing sockets.

Material WVN715: optionally polyamide 11 (PA 11) without plasticizer or polyamide 12 (PA 12) without plasticizer to DIN 73 378.
PA 12 H: polyamide 12 without plasticizer, stabilized against thermal ageing.
(black tubing) PA 12 HL: polyamide 12 without plasticizer, stabilized against lightrelated and thermal ageing.
Material WVN716: optionally polyamide 11 (PA 11) flexible or polyamide 12 (PA 12) flexible to DIN 73 378.
PA 12 PH: polyamide 12 with plasticizer, stabilized against thermal ageing.
(black tubing) PA 12 PHL: polyamide 12 with plasticizer, stabilized against lightrelated and thermal ageing.
Material properties:
Very good resistance and insensitivity to oils, greases, lubricants,
all fuels, chlorinefree detergents and solvents.
At room temperature good resistance to diluted mineral acids, organic acids, bases and saline solutions 4).
Inappropriate for concentrated mineral acids, concentrated acetic acid,
phenols, cresols, chlorinated hydrocarbons, chlorine, acetones and ketones.
Permissible operating temperature: approx. – 60 °C to + 80 °C
1) The desired length. e.g. 50 meters, has to be added to the order No. Order example: WVN716RO6x1.25x50M
2) These minimal radii can be produced with the help of appropriate bending devices.
The tubing has to be heated to 150° for this purpose  max. duration of heating: 20 seconds.
20 · σ V · s (rated)
3) The operating pressures were ascertained in keeping with DIN 73 378 acc. to the formula P = ––––––––––––––
s = rated wall thickness [mm]; dm = da – s; σ V = reference tension N/mm2 at 23 °C
At higher temperatures the pressure drops in keeping with the pressure efficiency as per DIN 73 378.

Temperature range [°C] Pressure efficiency [%]

up to 30 83
up to 40 72
up to 50 64
up to 60 57
up to 70 52
up to 80 47

4) In borderline cases it is advisable to inquire beforehand.

Fittings and Accessories 10103US 23

Fixing clips

for tube diam.

Order No. D b d l1 l2 s

602001 2.5 10 3.5 11.25 5 1.5

604001 4 10 5.5 18.5 9 1.5
606010 6 10 5.5 20.5 10 1.5
608001 8 10 5.5 23.5 12 1.5
610001 10 or 1/8" 10 5.5 25.5 13 1.5
612001 12 20 6.8 35 18 2

for tube diam. for tube

Order No. D number b d l1 l2 s

602002 2.5 2 10 3.5 13.8 5 1.5

604002 4 2 10 5.5 22.6 9 1.5
604003 4 3 10 5.5 26.6 9 1.5

for tube diam.

Order No. D b d l1 l2 s

608003 8 and 4 10 5.5 34 12 1.5

for tube diam. or

socket diam. of tee
Order No. øD b c d l1 l2 s

604004 12 24 14 5.5 27 13 1.5

606014 14 or 1/4" 30 15 6.3 32.5 16 2
608004 18 or 3/8" 36 20 7 40 21 2
610004 20 or 1/2" 36 20 7 40 21 2

for tube diam. for tube

Order No. D number b d l1 l2 s

604014 4 4 10 5.5 42 30 1.5

604015 4 5 10 5.5 46 34 1.5
604016 4 6 10 5.5 50 38 1.5
604018 4 8 10 5.5 58 46 1.5
DIN725732x6ST 6 2 10 4.8 39 27 1
DIN725733x6ST 6 3 10 4.8 45 33 1
DIN725734x6ST 6 4 10 4.8 51 39 1
DIN725735x6ST 6 5 10 4.8 57 45 1
DIN725736x6ST 6 6 10 4.8 64 52 1
DIN725732x8ST 8 3 10 4.8 43 31 1
DIN725733x8ST 8 3 10 4.8 51 39 1
DIN725734x8ST 8 4 10 4.8 59 47 1
DIN725735x8ST 8 5 10 4.8 68 56 1
DIN725736x8ST 8 6 10 4.8 76 64 1
DIN725732x10ST 10 2 10 4.8 45 33 1
DIN725733x10ST 10 3 10 4.8 55 43 1
DIN725734x10ST 10 4 10 4.8 67 55 1
Dimensions in mm

DIN725735x10ST 10 5 10 4.8 77 65 1

Material: mild steel

Fittings and Accessories 10103US 24

Hoses Operating pressure: 45 bars / 15 bars (for short time only)

for main lines Operating pressure 45 bars (for short time only)
Standard Metalbraided
With tapered With tapered Max.
sleeve and sleeve and increase The end of the tubing
is provided with a
socket union socket union Tube Metal in volume
claw groove for quick
on both ends on both ends diam. Thread Rubber braided at ≈ 80 bars
Order No. 2) Order No. Order No. 2) Order No. d1 d3 d2 d4 [ccm/m]
714...(VS) 714...K 714...M(VS) 714...MK 4 M8x1 11 12 ±0.5 2.5
716...(VS) 716...K 716...M(VS) 716...MK 6 M10x1 13 14 ±0.8 3.6
718...(VS) 718...K 718...M(VS) 718...MK 8 M14x1.5 15 16 ±0.8 4.4

Hose: mineraloilresistant CR rubber inside; 2 layers of braided rayon;
outside rubber conditionally oilresistant, resistant to light cracks and ozone.
Metal braid: galvanized steel wire; tube ends: galvanized steel tubing.

for secondary lines Operating pressure 15 bars (for short time only)
With claw groove for With tapered sleeve and Tube
Vogel quick connectors socket union on both ends diam. Thread Rubber
Order No. Order No. Order No. d1 d3 d2
734...3) 734...VS 3) 734...K 3) 4 M8x1 8.8

Material Hose: oilproof rubber inside and outside with a layer of braided rayon
Tube ends: steel tubing
The ends of the tubing are bonded to the hose and cannot be detached.

Permissible operating temperature: – 30 °C to +70 °C

1) Order length in mm; other lengths available.
socket union
Standardized lengths ± 5 mm with ø 4 tubing: 180, 220, 260, 300, 380, 420, 450, 500, 580
with ø 6 tubing: 220, 300, 340, 380, 420, 500, 580 double
with ø 8 tubing: 340, 450, 580 tapered sleeve
Order examples:
Standard with socket unions and tapered sleeves, ø4 tubing, 300 mm long, order No.: 714300K
Standard ø4 tubing with claw grove for quick connectors, 300 mm long, order No.: 714300VS
Metalbraided ø6 tubing, 420 mm long, order No.: 716420M
Metalbraided ø8 tubing, with claw groove for quick connectors, 450 mm long,
order No.: 718450MVS
2) Version with claw groove on ends of tubing for VOGEL quick connectors, order No.: ...VS
3) Please note! These hoses must not be used as main lines but only to connect distributors to lube points.

Hoses suitable for selfinstallation Operating pressure: 45 bars

The end of the tube is

provided with a
claw groove for
quick connectors

➀ ➁ ➂ Increase
Tube Male body Shell Hose Hose in volume at
d1 Order No. sw Order No. sw Order No. 1)
approx. 40 bars
[ccm /m]

4 406704001(VS) 2) 8 406804001 14 WVN7014 11 1
6 406706001(VS) 2) 8 406806001 17 WVN7016 13 1.4
8 406708001(VS) 2) 10 406808001 19 WVN7018 15 1.4

1) Please quote length when ordering. Max. length available 20 m.

2) Version with claw groove on ends of tubing for VOGEL quick connectors, order No.: ...VS

Hose: Perbunan, resistant to mineral oils, with two layers of braided rayon

Male body: steel, galvanized
Shell: brass

Permissible operating temperature: – 40 °C to +70 °C

Installation instructions
a) Apply thin film of oil to thread and inside of hose of parts ➀➁➂ to be connected.
b) Clamp shell ➁ in vise and screw in hose ➂ by turning it to the left up to the stop. ➂
c) Screw in male body ➀ with a wrench up to the stop. Do not tighten!
Fittings and Accessories 10103US 25

High pressure hoses Operating pressure: 280  330 bars

Tube Hose Permissible

diam. diam. Length 1) operating pressure Burst pressure
Order No. d1 d2 l +5 l1 [bars] [bars]
SLH6180 6 10 180 22 330 840
SLH8180 8 11.8 180 30 320 800
SLH10180 10 14 180 30 280 700

1) Order length in mm; other lengths available.

Order example: highpressure hose SLH 8, 600 mm long, Order No.: SLH 8/600

Inner liner: PA 11/12 or PEE
Reinforcement: 1 braided layer of synthetic fibre with high tensile strength
Outer cover PA 11/12
Resistant to mineral oils.

Permissible operating temperature: – 40 °C to +100 °C

High pressure hoses for selfinstallation Operating pressure: 325 bars / 130 bars

for main lines (connection: pump – feeder) and secondary lines ( connection: feeder – lubrication point)

*) Take length of engaged thread into account twice when determining the length of the hose.
Designation Order No. L a b
High press. hose, max. length supplied 50 m 982750091 Technical data
➀ High press. hose, max. length supplied 50 m 982750091+AF2 Hose: operating pressure 325 bars
filled with NLGI grade 2 grease burst pressure 800 bars
min. bending radius 35 mm
➁ Sleeve 853540010
➂ Tube stud, straight 853370002 (VS) 1) 20
853380002 (VS) 1) 30 hose:
853390002 (VS) 1) 66 inner lining: unplasticized polyester
 Tube stud, 45° angle 853380003 (VS) 1) liner layer: braided synthetic fibers
Tube stud, 90° angle 853380003 (VS) 1) 2 21 outer cover: weatherproof polyurethane
853390003 (VS) 1) 13 47 sleeve, tube stud: steel, galvanized
1) Version with claw groove on ends of tubing for VOGEL quick connectors, order No. ...VS

for main lines (connection: pump – feeder)

*) Take length of engaged thread into account

twice when determining the length of the hose.
Technical data
Designation Order No. Hose: operating pressure 130 bars
High pressure hose, max. length supplied 100 m WVN71110 burst pressure 315 bars
➀ High pressure hose, max. length supplied 50 m WVN71110+AF2
min. bending radius 55 mm
filled with NLGI grade 2 grease Materials
Dimensions in mm

➁ Sleeve 406810002
➂ Tube stud 406710002 inner lining: Perbunan
liner layer: diagonally woven synthetic fibers
outer cover: weatherproof neoprene
sleeve, tube stud: steel, galvanized
Fittings and Accessories 10103US 26

Rotating joints

Rotating joints connect fixed tubing with oscillating and rotating machine parts.

Tube Max. speed Max. pressure

outside oil air
Order No. diam. d1 d 2 *) [rpm] [bars] [bars]
401504192 4 G 1/8 A M8x1 100 30 8
401504292 4 M8x1 M8x1 100 30 8
401506313 6 M10 x1 M10 x1 100 30 8

Flow media: mineral oils, oiled compressed air

Tube Max. speed Max. pressure

outside oil air
Order No. diam. d1 [rpm] [bars] [bars]
DLY9302 8 G 1/4 A 1400 20 1) 8
DLY931 8 R 1/4 tap. 1400 20 1) 8

Flow media: mineral oils, oiled compressed air

1) 30 bars in singleline centralized lubrication systems for a short time.


Tube outside Max. speed Max. pressure

Order No. diam. [rpm] [bars]
DLY932 6 1400 5

Flow medium: mineral oil

Tube outside Max. speed Max. pressure

Order No. diam. [rpm] [bars]
408120 8 Part a rotating in part b 20 10

Flow medium: mineral oil

The rotating joint is also available with nut DIN936M 22 x1.5 and spring washer DIN137B22.

*) Ports tapped for solderless tube connection

Fittings and Accessories 10103US 27

Shutoff valves

Max. Max.
Order No. pressure temperature Spindleway
202085S 60 bars 80 ° C max. 3 revs.

Direction of flow optional

Max. Max.
Order No. pressure temperature
161600036 16 bars 90 ° C

Quickdisconnect couplings

Coupling, complete coupled

Order No. diam. d 1 *) l2 Flow direction

2071682 6 M10x1 62
2071882 8 M14x1.5 66.5

Outer coupling member Pressure loss as a function of the

flow rate based on an operating
Tube oil viscosity of 140 mm2/s
Order No. diam. l1

207168.U7 6 48.5
207188.U11 8 53
§ Pressure loss
∆p [bars]

Inner coupling member

Dimensions in mm

Order No. 207168.U2

Both coupling members are shut off when disconnected! § Flow rate [l/min]

*) Ports tapped for solderless tube connection

Fittings and Accessories 10103US 28

Relief valves

These valves are installed in distributor systems fitted with a pump without pressure
relief equipment, mainly in the main line downstream from the pump.
With longer main lines and highviscosity oils the pressure relief time, which influen
ces the reversing of the distributors, can become too long. The installation of the
second relief valve at a suitable position in the main line, e.g. at half the main line
length, may remedy this problem.

Order No. 2022752

check valve = residual pressure valve 0.5 bar

P = inlet
A = outlet
R = return

Relief valve with bleed valve and safety valve

Order No. 20217530

Adaptors*) for tube diam. 6: Order No. 406054

for tube diam. 8: Order No. 301020
for tube diam.10: Order No. 410163

Fitted to reservoir

For P and R
two adapters each, 408160
washers 508108

safety valve 30 bars bleed valve

relief valve

check valve = residual pressure valve 0.5 bar

*) Ports tapped for solderless tube connection

Fittings and Accessories 10103US 29

Safety valves, adjustable (poppet valve)

Characteristic values according to VDI guidelines 3276

Hydraulic characteristics
Rated Adjustable pres. range Operating Oil Viscosity
flow rate min. max. pres. max. temperature range
Order No. [l/min] [bar] [bars] [bars] max. mm 2/s
WVN20010E6 see 0.1 1) 6 ±1 40
WVN20010E12 pressure 0.1 1) 12 ± 1.5 40
WVN20010E25 loss 0.1 1) 25 ± 2.5 40 80° C 2 to
WVN20010E35 parameter 0.1 1) 35 ± 2.5 40
WVN20010E60 0.5 60 ± 5 70
1) With increasing flow rate and increasing viscosity this value is slightly higher.

General characteristics Adaptors *)

Design: poppet valve with hydraulic for valves WVN20010E6 to
cushioning directly controlled WVN20010E35
Lubricant: oil f. tube diam. 8: order No. 301020
Connecting thread: G 1/4 f. tube diam. 10: order No. 410163
Mounting position: optional f. tube diam. 12: order No. 412163
Washer: order No. 508108
Pressure loss parameter adjusting
for valves WVN20010E60 screw
f. tube diam. 8: order No. 408403 W
f. tube diam. 10: order No. 410403 W
3 Washer: order No. 508108
2 /s If installed on a reservoir,
Pressure ∆p [bars]

m use two special adapters 408160
2 0
95 with long tube ends.
2 /s
1 140

0 2 4 6 8 10
➞ Flow rate Q [l/min]

With increasing flow rate, the pressure upstream from
the valve will also rise in accordance with the curves. for tube ø8

Safety valves (ball valves) for flow rates from 0.5 to 2 l/min

Tube Opening pressure

Order No. diam. [bars] Marking d1 d 2 *)
WVN2004A16 16 16
4 M8x1 tap. M8x1
WVN2004A25 25 25

Tube Opening pressure
Order No. diam. [bars] Marking d 1 *) l1 sw
WVN2006B0.5 0.5 0.5
WVN2006B16 6 16 16 M10x1 61 14
WVN2006B40 40 40
WVN2008B0 0.04 0
WVN2008B3 3 3
WVN2008B5 5 5
WVN2008B12 8 12 12 M14x1.5 71 17
WVN2008B16 16 16
WVN2008B20 20 20
WVN2008B32 32 32
161212054 1) 8 20 20 M14x1.5 84.5 17
1) This valve is designed as a plunger valve. Because of this design it can also be used for regulating
tasks, whereas the ball valves should be used as safety valves.

Tube Opening pressure

Order No. diam. [bars] Marking
WVN2008D50 50 50
for tube

for tube
Dimensions in mm

WVN2008D75 8 75 75
WVN2008D120 120 120
WVN2008D220 220 220
Cutting sleeve screw unions according to DIN 2353

*) Ports tapped for solderless tube connection

Fittings and Accessories 10103US 30

Pressure filters

Version without Version with Version with

fouling indicator electrical fouling indicator visual fouling indicator
fouling indicator can be retrofitted (176200001 or 176200002) (169200110; 169200111
or 169200118)


H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8

1st stage / 2nd stage with cable socket

Unit socket
DIN 43650AF3
Sensor socket M12x1 Sensor socket M12x1
1st stage / 2nd stage
NO type NC type

apply mains power

to LED element, “green” LED lights

E1 E2 E3 E4
Fittings and Accessories 10103US 31

Pressure filters
Sym Rated Fine Filtra ACFTD Port Bypass or Fouling Operating Filter Spare
bol flow ness tion 1) capacity reversing valve indicator pressure element filter
Filter compl. *) filter [g/ccm] opening press. press.stable element
Type Order No. H/E/V [l/min] [µm] material (filter area) [bars] Order No. [bars] up to [bars] Order No.

A 169460170 H8/– – 160

16 3 fleece 1.8 G 1/2 – 63 169400078
A 169460181 H5/V 169200118 80

A 169460110 H1/– –
A 169460111 H2/V 169200111
40 paper 4.2 G 1/2 7 63 20 169400035
A 169460112 H3/E1 176200002
A 169460112V70 H3/E2 176200003

B 169460140 H8/– –
B 169460142 H7/E1 63 fleece 7 G 1/2 – 176200002 63 160 169400065
B 169460143 H6/E4 176100002

A 169460145 H6/E4 176100002

A 169460146 H8/– –
40 10 fleece 3.2 G 1/2 – 63 160 169400064
A 169460141 H7/E1 176 200002
A 169460184 H5/V 169200118

A 169460232 H4/E3 176200002

A 169460233V57 H3/E2 176200003
A 169460233V64 H3/E2 176200003
A 169460233V70 H3/E3 176200003
25 10 fleece 3.4 G 1/2 RV 2x0.25 63 160 169400130
A 169460234 H4/E3 176200004
A 169460234V57 H4/E3 176200004
A 169460234V64 H4/E3 176200004
A 169460234V70 H4/E3 176200004

A 169460130 H1/– –
A 169460131 H2/V 55 15 paper 6 G 1/2 7 169200111 63 20 169400038
A 169460132 H3/E1 176200002

B 169460150 H1/– –
80 15 paper 12 G 1/2 7 63 20 169400050
B 169460152 H3/E1 176200002

A 169460160 H8/– –
A 169460162 H7/E1 176200001
55 20 fleece 5 G 1/2 – 63 160 169400039
A 169460186 H8/– –
A 169460187 H5/V 169200118

A 169460115 H8/– – –
A 169460116 H6/E4 – 176100002
A 169460117 H5/V – 169200111
A 169460123 H5/V 50 60 (245 ccm) G 1/2 – 169200110 63 20 169400041
A 169460120 H1/– 3.5 –
A 169460121 H2/V 3.5 169200110
A 169460122 H3/E1 3.5 176200001

*) See page 30 for symbols (H = hydraulic, E = electr., V = visual)

Applications Filter maintenance

In the pressure circuits of hydraulic and lubrication systems. A fouling indicator signals when it's time to service the filter,
so optimal exploitation of the filter elements is achieved.
Protection against wear: Materials
by filter elements that meet maximum demands on the Head: Alalloy
cleanliness class during fullflow filtration. Bottom part
Functional protection: of housing: Alalloy
by installation directly upstream of the hydraulic compo Seals: NBR (FPM on request)
nents.Individual specification of the rated volumetric flow
makes sure the bypass valve remains closed at Filter material: fleece – based on inorganic microfiber fleece
ν ≤ 200 mm2/s. paper – cellulose, impregnated with resin.

Filter elements Accessories

Flow passes through from the outside to the inside. Thanks Electrical and/or visual fouling indicators are available on
to star crimping of the filter material: request – optionally with two or more switching points.

– large filter surface

– high collection of dirt
– low pressure loss
– specially long intervals between changes

Filters for higher pressures on request with indication of the following details:
– rated flow [l/min] and pressure [bars]
– filter fineness [µm] or desired particle cleanliness to ISO 4406. e.g. 13/9.
– with or without bypass valve
– visual or electrical fouling indicator
Fittings and Accessories 10103US 32

Pressure filters


Operating pressure DX characteristics for filter finenesses

0 … 63 bars, min. 107 load cycles Filtration quotient β as a function of the particle size x
Rated pressure based on DIN 24550 determined in a multipass test to ISO 457281.
0 …100 bars, min. 104 load cycles
Quasistatic operating pressure 200 99,5
100 99
75 L 98,7
Permissible pressures for other loadcycle figures 2E

50 98
33 97
25 96
20 95
➞ Operating pressure p [bars]

100 10 90


20 E

15 P
10 E
➞ Filtration quotient β for particles > x µm

10 P
5 80
75 3,5 70
2,5 60
2 50
50 1,8

➞ Filtration efficiency [%]

0 20
0 103 104 105 106 107 108
➞ Load cycle figure n 1,11 10

1,05 5
Rated volumetric flow 1,03 3
1,02 2
Up to 80 l/min (cf. table).
1,01 1
The indicated volumetric flow rates are based on the 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 20 30 40 50 60 80100
following criteria: ➞ article size x [µm] (for all particles greater
– Closed bypass when ν ≤ 200 mm2/s than the indicated particle size x)
– Useful life > 1000 hours of operation with an average
amount of fouling amounting to 0.08 g per l/min
volumetric flow The abbreviations stand for the following
– Flow rate in the connecting lines: filtration figures and/or finenesses:
up to 40 bars ≤ 4.5 m/s
With Exapor and paper elements:
up to 250 bars ≤ 8.0 m/s
3E = β3 ≥ 75 fleece (3 µm absolute)
Filter fineness 10 E = β10 ≥ 75 fleece (10 µm absolute)
3 µm … 20 µm 20 E = β20 ≥ 75 fleece (20 µm absolute)
β values to ISO 457281 (cf. table and diagram Dx) 10 PA = paper (10 µm nominal)
15 P = paper (15 µm nominal)
ACFTD capacity
Scattering around characteristics 10PA and 15P has to be
α values in grams of test contaminant ACFTD expected due to the structure of the filter material used for
determined in accordance with ISO 457281 the 10PA and 15P elements.
With screen elements:
Working substances
60 S = screen fabric with mesh width of 60 µm
Mineral oil and ecofriendly hydraulic fluids
Tolerances for mesh widths to DIN 4189.
Temperature range of working substances For special applications it is also possible to use special
– 30 to +100 °C (– 40 °C in the starting phase) filter materials with finenesses that deviate from these
Viscosity at rated volumetric flow
– at operating temperature: ν < 60 mm2/s
– as starting viscosity: νmax = 1200 mm2/s
Mounting position
Preferably vertical, head on top

Threaded connection to ISO 228 or DIN 13. (See table for
Fittings and Accessories 10103US 33

Screen filters

These filters should preferably be used in delivery lines for intermittently operated centralized lubrication systems!
To clean the scree filter element, screw out the hexagon nut (WAF13). The filter element can then be pulled out
without detachment of the tubing.

approx. 40 mm space required

for cleaning of the filter element

Fig. 1 Fig. 2

Flow Operating Mash Screen
rate pressure opening width area Mounting 0.6
Order No. [l/min] max. [bars] [mm] [cm 2] Fig. position
0.5 2 /s
Pressure loss ∆p [bar]

213870 2 2) 60 0.063 21 1 m
213870F *) 60 0.16 20 1 0
0.4 37
213880 2 1) 60 0.025 21 1
213890 2 60 0.32 21 1 preferably 0.3
213900 2 1) 45 0.025 21 2 as shown 2 /s
0.2 mm
213910 **) 60 0.025 20 1 100
213920 2 1) 60 0.01 21 1 0.1
213930 2 1) 45 0.16 21 2 Filter 2

213940 ***) 2 1) 60 0.01 21 – 0

0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2
1) Based on an operating viscosity of the lubricant amounting to 100 mm2/s, ➞ Flow rate Q [l/min]
a pressure loss of approx. 0.38 bar and a clean filter.
2) Based on an operating viscosity of the lubricant amounting to 370 mm2/s,
a pressure loss of approx. 0.5 bar and a clean filter.
*) for grease, NLGI grades 000 to 2
**) for grease, NLGI grade 000
***) filter with fouling indicator

for tube diam. 6: order No. 406054
for tube diam. 8: order No. 301020
for tube diam. 10: order No. 410163
Washer: order No. 508108


These filters are designed for pumps in intermittently operated centralized lubrication systems.

Tube Wire mesh

Order No. diam. d 1 *) d2 h sw acc. to DIN 4189
206444 6 M10x1 70 28 14 0.56 x 0.22
208444 8 M14x1.5 70 33 17 0.56 x 0.22
208555 8 M14x1.5 49 33 17 0.56 x 0.22
Dimensions in mm

210444 10 M16x1.5 70 35 19 0.56 x 0.22

210555 10 M16x1.5 49 35 19 0.56 x 0.22
212444 12 M18x1.5 70 38 22 1.5 x 0.3

*) Ports tapped for solderless tube connection

Fittings and Accessories 10103US 34

Pressure gauges

Order No. Indication range

248602.25 010 bars
169102506 025 bars / 0360 psi
248602.20 040 bars for grease
169104 008 040 bars for oil
169106004 060 bars

Fixed by means of a double tapered sleeve and socket union (solderless tube connection)
in counterbore acc. to DIN 3854 / DIN 3862.

Order No. Indication range Order No. d
169100100 –10 bar
169101004 010 bars
248604.00 025 bars
248602.00 040 bars
248603.00 060 bars 301134 M10x1
169106007 06 Mpa
248601.00 0100 bars 301034 M14x1.5
169116000 0160 bars
169120000 0250 bars
248605.00 0400 bars

Washer, order No. 248610.02, must be ordered separately for every pressure gauge.

Gedämpfte Ausführung mit Glyzerinfüllung

Mounting Pressure gauge connectors
Order No. Indication range position Order No. for tube diam.
248604.10 025 bars
169106003 060 bars / 0800 psi
248603.10 060 bars 408411 8
169106009 06 Mpa vertically 410411 10
248601.10 0100 bars / 01450 psi 412411 12
169110009 010 Mpa
169125000 0250 bars / 03600 psi
169140001 0400 bars

Washer, order No. 248610.02, must be ordered separately for every pressure gauge.

*) Ports tapped for solderless tube connection nach DIN 2367

Fittings and Accessories 10103US 35

Oil reservoirs – plastic

Plastic reservoirs
Reservoir Level Seal
Order No. capacity [liters] indicator WS Type of contact material
K1 1 – – NBR
KW1 1 for min. filling level changeover NBR
KW1S2 1 for min. filling level NC NBR

K3S2 3 – – NBR
KW3S1 3 for min. filling level changeover NBR
KW3S3 3 for min. and max. filling level 1 NC, 1 NO NBR
KW3S5 3 for min. filling level with advance warning 2 NCs NBR

K6S5 6 – – NBR
KW6S1 6 for min. filling level changeover NBR
KW6S2 6 for min. filling level with advance warning 2 NCs NBR
KW6S81 6 for min. filling level changeover FPM
KW6V57 6 for min. filling level with advance warning 2 NCs NBR

1liter reservoir (shown: KW1) 3liter reservoir (shown: K3S2)

Dimensions in mm

6liter reservoir (shown: KW6S1)

1) Ports tapped for solderless tube connection nach DIN 2367

Fittings and Accessories 10103US 36

Oil reservoirs – metal

Metal reservoirs
Reservoir Level Seal
Order No. capacity [liters] indicator WS Type of contact material
B3S1 3 – – NBR
BW3S9 3 for min. filling level with advance warning 2 NOs NBR
BW3S81 3 for min. filling level changeover FPM
162210005 3 for min. filling level changeover NBR

B7 6 – – NBR
BW7S6 6 for min. and max. filling level 2 NCs NBR
BW7S7 6 for min. filling level with advance warning 2 NCs NBR
BW7S8 6 for min. filling level changeover FPM
BW7S11 6 for min. filling level with advance warning 1 NO, 1 NC NBR
BW7S12 6 for min. filling level with advance warning 1 NO, 1 NC NBR
162310005 6 for min. filling level changeover NBR

filler socket with screen

tube diam. 10

3liter reservoir

DEVCO CORPORATION 6liter reservoir (shown: BW7S6)



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FAX: 973-781-0234

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