BSBHRM521 Project

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Task 1: Review current status................................................................................................................1

Objectives of Performance management processes.........................................................................1
Task 2: Development performance management processes.............................................................3
Task 2.....................................................................................................................................................4
Stages of performance management process...................................................................................4
Self-reflection Report........................................................................................................................4
Task 3: Develop support material for line managers.........................................................................5
Part 1.....................................................................................................................................................5
Part 2.....................................................................................................................................................6
Task 4: Train line managers...............................................................................................................7
Task 4.....................................................................................................................................................8
How line managers should monitor the issues in performance?.......................................................8
Methods for Improving Employee Development in the Workplace..................................................8
3 ways to monitor the performance of Employees:..........................................................................8
Task 5: Support regular monitoring...................................................................................................8
Part 5.....................................................................................................................................................9
Monitoring of activities in Australian hardware Company................................................................9
Task 6: Recording outcomes..............................................................................................................9
Task 6...................................................................................................................................................10
Task 7: Mediation and dispute resolution.......................................................................................11
Task 7...................................................................................................................................................12
Option 2:..........................................................................................................................................12
Dispute Resolution process.............................................................................................................12
Task 8: Coordinate individual or group learning and development.................................................13
Executive Summary.........................................................................................................................14
iv. Conclusion...................................................................................................................................15
Task 9: Reflection.............................................................................................................................16
Appendix 1...........................................................................................................................................17
2nd Scenario......................................................................................................................................17

BSBHRM521 Facilitate performance development processes

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Task 1: Review current status
Analyse your organisation’s objectives and consult with your key stakeholders.
Summarise the objectives that should be addressed in the performance management processes in
your organisation or attach copies and highlight relevant objectives.

Some of the relevant aspects of an organization's strategic and operational plans that are addressed
in performance management processes include: achieving the organization's annual SMART goals
(distributing responsibilities for planning, supervision, evaluation, and review), establishing
timelines for the implementation of performance management processes (pilot testing, training,
etc.), and providing periodic reports (monthly and/or quarterly) on employee performance.

Objectives of Performance management processes

Objectives of Performance Management Increase your gross profit and sales revenue..
Process Increase or keep your market share.
Reduce both direct and indirect operating costs
appendix 1 1

Summarise key features of, or attach copies of any policies in your organisation relevant to,
performance management.
Key features of the policies used at Australian Hardware company
Three performance management policies are as follows:
• Plans and policies for performance evaluation
• Policies and plans for professional development
• Employee objectives and adherence to key performance indicators

What legislation have you considered when beginning to create processes for performance
Australian Hardware company has followed the following legislation in order to create processes
for performance management:
Step 1: Take an informal approach. The employer should make a first informal attempt to address a
Step 2: Schedule a formal meeting with the employee. A trade union representative or a co-worker
has the legal right to accompany the employee to a grievance hearing. The meeting gives the
employee the opportunity to clarify the grievance and provide facts, information, or proof to back
up the complaint.
Step 3: Conduct a grievance inquiry. Include communicating with witnesses and anybody else
involved in the case. This will aid in shedding light on the complaint and establishing the facts of
the case.
Step 4: The outcome of the grievance. The choice has been made and conveyed to others.
Step 5: File a grievance.

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Task 2: Development performance management processes
Consult with any relevant stakeholders to create these processes. Create a 500-750 word report

 Your objectives for performance-management processes and how these support your
organisation’s strategy and goals.
 How you will use these processes to develop organisational capability.

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Task 2
Stages of performance management process
The first stage in the performance management process in which the manager and the employee meet
and agree on what the employee must accomplish, to what standard (e.g., sales targets), and the
competencies required (e.g., strategic thinking, technical knowledge, and so on) to effectively
accomplish the stated performance objectives or goals. The total business planning process should be
intimately linked to and driven by the performance management process.
The Key Result Areas (KRAs) and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) should be defined (KPIs).
Typically, during this level, a discussion of the outcomes as well as actions for goal attainment takes
place. Performance Evaluation Throughout the performance cycle, both the employee and the
management monitor the employee's performance and progress. They assess if changes are needed, as
well as whether there are any impediments to successful performance that must be addressed.
The employee's performance plan can be changed as needed to reflect any changing conditions.
Performance Assessment Following the performance review stage, both the management and the
employee reflect on the employee's successes in relation to the defined objectives and criteria that
were agreed upon at the start of the cycle.

Following are performance management objectives for Australian Hardware Company

Objectives of Performance Management Increase your gross profit and sales revenue..
Process Increase or keep your market share.
Reduce both direct and indirect operating costs

KPI for Australian Hardware Company

Action Resource Strategy Timeliness
Evaluation Identifying the future Identify the gap 1 month
needs between present and
Impact Training Training like a boot Make the team aware 15 days
camp of what are the
expectations from
Accountability Peer accountability Pairing In Process

Self-reflection Report
People are the most valuable asset in Australia Hardware. People are the primary drivers of a
company's success. As a result, it is critical that Australia Hardware develops a sustainable
performance management culture and conducts research on some of the best-in-class firms that have
gotten their methods right. Some of the significant differentiators I've found in firms that take care in
getting the performance management process right are: Performance management is viewed as a tool
for company. It begins with performance planning, which involves matching the organization's goals
with its long-term vision, market realities, and organizational priorities. Goals are relevant, linked to
overarching objectives, and are cascaded from top to bottom in a timely manner. Assuring that
managers can set appropriate goals, create ownership, and provide useful performance and
development feedback. Performance ratings or assessment is a well-planned consulting process that
clarifies the consequences of ratings such as talent, remuneration, and so on. Practices are tailored to
the demands of businesses/business units, or they are tweaked to encourage innovation, speed,
creativity, or efficiency.

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Attach your report to this assessment.

Task 3: Develop support material for line managers

For this task, you will create some tools to help line managers implement performance management
processes. You are to do this in collaboration and consultation with stakeholders in your organisation.
Part 1 Create a guide for managers to use when developing KPIs for their direct reports which
outlines how to create KPIs. Attach to this assessment.

Part 1
When first establishing performance management practices, line managers may require further
assistance. This may involve assistance with performance monitoring as well as performance
management through skill development and the provision of expert advice. A performance
management system, like any other, is only effective if the individuals who use it are properly
educated. It is the Human Resources department's obligation to guarantee that all essential workers
understand how to use the system.
In order to develop KPI’s Managers must understand:
• How the performance management system fits with the organization's overall vision and strategy;
• The policies and procedures surrounding performance management;
• How to conduct a performance appraisal;
• Techniques for providing feedback;
• Legislation such as industrial relations, privacy law, and anti-discrimination;
• Recording and reporting requirements;
• How to complete a development plan.

Part 2: Create a written process (flowchart/procedure manual/other format of your choice) for formal
performance-management sessions to be followed by line managers. Attach to this assessment.

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Part 2
Line managers will need to understand why performance should be managed, what constitutes
underperformance and how to protect it, what to do when a worker underperforms, serious
misconduct, reviewing systems after underperformance discussions and warnings and dismissals, and
how to manage performance in the workplace.

What communication processes did you follow to create these processes in consultation with
Seek input in the following areas while consulting with stakeholders.
Suggestions for features include:
• Forms of input and output, as well as documentation
• Style and accessibility alternatives
• Options for reporting
• • Input cost and value
For the consultation with stakeholders we have used the communication process of forms of input
and outputs as well as documentation.

Describe how you have gathered support for this process from stakeholders

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We have used the communication process of inputs and output as well as documentation to consult
all the project details with the stakeholders. Our stakeholders were provided with the target as well
as expected outcomes of the process therefore when all the detail was briefly explained to the
stakeholders which help us to gain their support for he ongoing process.

Task 4: Train line managers

You are to work with line managers for this task to brief them on your performance management
processes created in Task 3.
For this task, you will facilitate the implementation of performance-management processes through
training relevant groups and individuals how to effectively monitor performance, identify
performance gaps, provide feedback and manage talent. It is up to you how you deliver this training,
whether you run a workshop, create an operating manual, series of fact sheets, toolbox of forms and
checklists etc.
The key is to find a way to communicate the process and ensure that it is being followed effectively.
Attach evidence of this training (manuals, workshop attendance, participant feedback forms from
training, etc.) to your assessment.

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Task 4
In Australian Hardware company Training will be provided to line managers on several key areas in
order to monitor the performance or identifying monitor gaps the following training is provided by
using the manual work shop so following are the things which were discussed
How line managers should monitor the issues in performance?
1. Observe how staff operate. - Using your own eyes is one of the most effective techniques to
monitor an employee's performance.
2. Request an account. - Request an account of what each employee has done in each one-on-
one discussion.
3. Assist staff in using self-monitoring tools. - Request that staff assist you in keeping track of
their actions by using self-monitoring tools like as project plans, checklists, and activity logs.
4. REVIEW WORK IN PROGRESS ON A REGULAR BASIS - Check employees' work in
process attentively along the way. Watching an employee work is the same as observing
work in progress if the person is not responsible for delivering a physical end product.

Methods for Improving Employee Development in the Workplace

1. Start by providing professional training.
2. Assist your supervisors in becoming great coaches.
3. Increase inter-departmental collaboration.
4. .Put emphasis on soft talents
• I would suggest holding the event once a semester or twice a year. If there are
underperformances in the business, more frequent meetings are essential to screen mediation and
improvement intently and conveniently.
3 ways to monitor the performance of Employees:
Identification of performance Providing Feedback Management of Talent
Manage Deadline Providing feedback at the Provide them with uphold to
beginning as well as end of oversee time it will be helpful
task toward the starting to give the
course of events to be followed
Lack of Communication Feedback on the work of Engage with staff
communication in workplace
Goal Achievement Feedback as soon as the goals Evaluate the reasons behind the
has been achieved goal is not achieved.

Task 5: Support regular monitoring

You are to work with line managers to ensure that performance is monitored regularly and that
intervention (feedback, discipline, training, etc.) occurs as required and complies with organisational
policies and legal requirements.
Attach evidence of ongoing monitoring conducted by line managers to your assessment (reports,
observational feedback, self-assessment by employee, etc.).
You MUST block out any private details of employees or clients on these documents.

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Part 5
The regular monitoring of performance of employees is necessary because it assists them in
recognizing and appreciating your team members, clarifying their responsibilities, and identifying
training and development requirements. Performance appraisals also assist them in fostering an open
communication culture in their organization. -They discover who is doing their duties. -They can
clarify roles. -They can encourage open conversation.
Monitoring of activities in Australian hardware Company
Activity Report Duration
Customer Awareness regarding Evaluation of training and Completed by the end of FY
sustainability practices assessment records 2023-2025
Increasing Customer Line Managers and third Party Completed by the end of FY
Satisfaction 2023-2025
Average score of assessment Records of assessment Completed by the end of FY

Task 6: Recording outcomes

Develop a process for recording outcomes from performance management sessions that you have
trained a line manager to facilitate. This process must include:
 Where and how to store the information.
 What needs to be recorded.
 How to ensure it is secure and kept confidential.

Task 6
In the company the records as well as outcomes of company will be secured by using the following
policies. An efficient performance management system must include detailed documentation. Written
records confirm the existence of conversations. It is important to understand that the records you
create may be utilized in judicial processes. They are legal papers, therefore

You should take every precaution to record correct performance management data .All monitoring
evidence and outcomes of performance-management sessions must be documented. This should be
done in compliance with organizational policy and appropriate regulations (for example, an
employee's right to privacy). This is not restricted to the conclusion.
Performance reports are saved. Employee records should never be left accessible to anybody other
than the management and the employee.

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Task 7: Mediation and dispute resolution
Option 1: Describe a time in the space below when you have had to mediate between a line manager
and an employee.
Option 2: If you have never had to do so, describe how you would mediate if a line manager was
trying to performance manage an employee and the employee thought they were being bullied.

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Task 7
Option 2:
In the given scenario following actions can be taken:

A worker may experience some pain if a boss exercises their rightful power at work. The
question of whether top management is reasonable is defined by looking at the actual
management action rather than a worker's perception of it, and if the management action
involves a significant deviation from established policies or procedures, whether the
deviation was reasonable in the circumstances. An objective test in a court of law would
evaluate what is reasonable. A court, on the other hand, could examine the following
instances of legitimate managerial action:
• establishing reasonable and attainable performance objectives, criteria, and timelines
• transferring a worker to another area or role for operational reasons • deciding not to
select a worker for a promotion where a fair and transparent process is followed •
informing a worker about unsatisfactory work performance in an honest, fair, and
constructive manner • informing a worker about unreasonable behaviour in an objective
and confidential manner
• carrying out organizational reforms or restructuring, and
• Disciplinary action, such as suspension or termination of work, where appropriate or
warranted in the circumstances.
Dispute Resolution process


Service aggreement discuss issue and agree

from both parties to resolutions
be notified the issue

when both parties

do not agree for
the resolution then
go for mediation

Task 8: Coordinate individual or group learning and development

Select a team in your organisation to work with for this task. Work with the line manager to design
and develop a learning and development plan for the team and one individual to encourage effective
employee performance based on performance gaps identified by performance monitoring. Attach the

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learning plan to this assessment (you can find a range of templates online if you do not have one that
you use in your business).
Deliver this training plan engaging relevant internal or external providers. Answer the following
questions if they are not articulated in your learning plan:
What were the expected outcomes in the learning plan?
The main expected outcome in the learning plan were following:
Description Outcome Target
No of employees trained in 350 5000
new model of sales
No of employees trained in 296 5000
sustainability and long term
Average number of scores 80% 70%
trainee would complete the
Manager observation about 40% of the trainee used some 75%
skills of trainee features of sales model and
suitability practices
Revenue per trained sales $18000 $22000
Customer awareness 65% of the customers are 90% Aware
aware of sustainability

Who did you contract (internal or external) to deliver this learning? What organisational policy did you
need to consult before engaging this person or organisation (if any)?
Attach evidence that you have monitored the quality of this training (participant feedback, pre and post
training sales results, customer feedback pre and post training, etc.) You must generate a report for
managers as part of this evidence, to advise appropriate managers of progress and success rates of this
training plan’s implementation.

We used the organizational policy of informing the employees and trainees beforehand. Notify staff of the
training session in writing two weeks in advance. The letter should underline the significance of the
training and explain that it is required. Unjustified absences will result in a rescheduled training charge.

Was any remedial action required? How did you/how would you negotiate this action if the training
delivered was substandard based on learner feedback?

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 Employee interviews and level 1 feedback
In interviews with sales employees immediately following training, it was discovered that sales
employees: reported that they enjoyed training very much had expected the training and assessment to be
much more difficult than it was; and It turned out that they found the ten-question multiple choice
assessments to be simple and convenient, but they are unsure if they will be able to apply their
knowledge in face-to-face dealings with customers.
 Managers' interviews
The following general observations were gleaned from interviews with line managers:
Employees showed initial enthusiasm after training Employees are generally unable to transfer learning
to actual customer interaction, for example:
Australian Hardware's sales staffs do not mention sustainability as a key differentiator.
Salespeople do not follow the sales model and fail to inquire about their customers' specific needs and
potential future needs.
 There was no remedial action required.

Attach your report to this assessment.

Executive Summary
This report was written for , the HR General Manager at Australian Hardware. The goal of this report
is to inform the Senior Management Team about training outcomes, performance data interpretation,
and interventions that will be required to correct issues.

i. Training Results Australian Hardware plans to train 4,000 salespeople across 138 stores. The
goal of this training is to provide knowledge of sustainability practices and to implement a new sales
model. According to the analysis of the first level of training, only 367 employees were trained in the
new sales model and 270 in sustainability practices. However, 90% of them had a good average
assessment score. Randomised observations show that 45% of trainees apply some features of the
sales model they were trained in, and that there is some use or mention of sustainability practices in
their daily discussions with customers, and that 68% of customers are aware of sustainability
practices, and that 67% are satisfied with their Australian Hardware shopping experience. As a result
of the training, the salesperson trained earned $20,000 less per month than expected.

ii. Performance Data Interpretation Having 90% of trainees complete the training with an
average assessment score of 90% is good; however, after interviews with sales employees, it was
discovered that the assessment was simple, and the ten-question multiple choice assessment was
inconvenient, resulting in a lack of knowledge to have face-to-face dealings with customers.
Managers emphasized that sales staff were not mentioning sustainability as an important differentiator
and were not following the sales model, which included asking customers about their specific needs
and potential future needs. Achieving the Australian Hardware targets of having 80% of training skills
applied on the job and having 95% of customers' awareness of sustainability practices and customer
satisfaction ratings are issues that must be resolved in order to achieve the $35,000 of funding.

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This report was written for, the HR General Manager at Australian Hardware. The goal of this report
is to inform the Senior Management Team about training outcomes, performance data interpretation,
and interventions that will be required to correct issues. i . Training Results Australian
Hardware plans to train 5,000 salespeople across 138 stores. The goal of this training is to provide
knowledge of sustainability practices and to implement a new sales model. According to the analysis
of the first level of training, only 367 employees were trained in the new sales model and 270 in
sustainability practices. However, 80% of them received a satisfactory average evaluation score.
Randomised observations show that 45% of trainees apply some features of the sales model they were
trained in, and that there is some use or mention of sustainability practices in their daily discussions
with customers, and that 68% of customers are aware of sustainability practices, and that 67% are
satisfied with their Australian Hardware shopping experience. As a result of the training, the salesman
trained earned $18,000 less per month than expected.

ii. Interpretation of Performance Data Having 90% of trainees complete the training
with a 80% average assessment score is good; however, after interviews with sales employees, it was
discovered that the assessment was easy, and the ten-question multiple choice assessment were
inconvenient, resulting in a lack of knowledge to have face-to-face dealings with customers.
Managers emphasized that sales employees were not discussing sustainability as an essential
differentiation and were not following the sales approach, which included asking consumers about
their unique demands and potential future needs. Achieving the Australian Hardware targets of having
80% of training skills applied on the job and 95% of customers' awareness of sustainability practices,
as well as customer experience satisfaction ratings, are issues to be resolved in order to achieve
$35,000 in revenue per month results. The purpose of the assessment is to put to the test the
knowledge gained after the training and ensure that the employees were aware of sustainability
practices and could put them into practice on the job.

iv. Conclusion
Train Your Way Up will be required to change the assessment' The methodology in order to achieve
better results and meet the Australian Hardware' targets. Line managers will now be involved in
monitoring employees' implementation of sales training on the job.

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Task 9: Reflection
Evaluate your performance management processes through a SWOT analysis.

Strengths of the processes Weaknesses of the processes

• Goals are achieved • Less practical knowledge
• Objective and strategy of the company is • Stakeholders are unsure about the
followed customers and employee interaction
• Target is 75% achieved on average • Sales model is not followed as only 45% of
• Employees are satisfied and happy employees are following

Opportunities to make them better Threats to their success

• The process can be made better by using • Illness or injury that lasts a long time
training strategy • Personal issues such as sadness, anxiety,
• Employees are willing to attend such and so on
sessions in order to improve themselves • Dissatisfaction with one's job

 Completed in Full (assessor to tick)

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Appendix 1
Hardware from Australia Australian Hardware (a simulated company) is a major and rapidly
developing hardware and home wares retailer with around 140 shops across Australia. In its vision
statement, Australian Hardware declares that it aspires to 'lead the hardware and home-improvement
sector in Australia within five years'. To achieve this objective, the organization wants to? Increase
market share by concentrating on the customer experience? reduce direct and indirect expenses by
implementing effective internal processes? Australian Hardware's reputation as a socially and
ecologically responsible corporation must be established. These strategic organizational-wide
directions are implemented from the top down in the shape of performance objectives for managers
and employees at all levels. Australian Hardware understands that the success of the company is
dependent on its employees. As a result, the organization requires managers to establish productive
teams by reacting to employee requirements. Safety and security, justice, adaptability, skill
development, and self-actualization are examples of such requirements. Employees will be able to
focus more successfully on job duties and client demands if these needs are met. Furthermore,
Australian Hardware encourages managers to be flexible in fulfilling performance targets and setting
goals in close collaboration with employees. Managers are required to lead people by first modelling
good behaviours and traits that they want their staff to follow and embody in turn in order to execute
strategic directives and develop Australian Hardware's values. Managers must be emotionally
sensitive and support positive team-building behaviours in others in order to lead and inspire others.
You're the new General Operations Manager at the Wollongong, New South Wales, shop, and you're
up for a challenge. You are directly in charge of general sales and checkout workers, as well as
administration and a human resources officer. You report to the Business Manager, who is in charge
of all aspects of the store (Timber, Plumbing & Electrical, Gardens and Homewards departments and
general operations).

2nd Scenario
You are the General Manager of Human Resources at Australian Hardware.
An external training provider has delivered three months of pilot training to sales staff, and you are
reviewing the effectiveness of the training that has been provided thus far. So far, data indicates that
the training is failing to meet targets. To ensure that the provider, Train Your Way Up, provides
effective training, you will need to develop strategies and a training schedule. You will also need to
renegotiate the training implementation with Train Your Way Up. Consider the following training
requirements agreed to by senior management team and HR at Australian Hardware.
• 4,000 sales staff to be trained, including the following characteristics:○an average of seven sales
people per product team
• four product teams per store○138 stores
• 30 trainers required
• only one person from each team may be trained at any one time
• sessions require one day face-to-face training
• staff need to be completely up-skilled and performing to targets within six months

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