Agallg Jeet lel yal
Saudi Food & Drug Authority a
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sigallt Jemma 6arg e Ayogouull Ayyoll AS Looll
aver PeAfer etal ask oy dgallg -lAgU Atoleall Giza!
ssl: allyl ag> 7 aay
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Byssl Hye bain tl can Bop Maul cibealt Lata 6129 ple jude Bales
Byatt paki 5 AS 315 La pal Lasalle ye Balen
Ass esa All Ligglty panel Gbaadll galing it pital Galan
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Bys Halgth cighcinall le pall ghey 2 eae bal ealang Gall ANS yas Bale
Aya Bagy jujallage bal ki le plall Gptally jy jalaye bat daalny cael Als yas Sales
Saat ral ll RISE Gr Ee ih ye dane lll Gall Se
Biya oe pall gh AL ht lo pall Gi phat fale
Bost 2 ALA Relay ll 46 ala
Ayst Ha fall hay gill pb Aan all AIS ya Sane
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Ay peat daalny Cut ANS suas Sala
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paluall algall y eISall dalall Stayt! plLd cpa Yo Fall) Sf Ugd LAL! VEY /V/VY Gayl g VV/a/YVAEY dy
ball quae algal y lca Raball ag G3] Jair cols add ASI ad EYA/N/VO fash 9 (Wp) poby co Selll pgeartly
PANU VOVNSG oS. IATL EVERY TY cate Ayagecll Ry yall ALL VARS UPPUY Gin ih Jail ga ALA gal a ha TTY
9292 Norham Fing Rl -Alratal Dt - yah 180126208 Kegdem ot Sua rai Tel 4966 1 2759229 - Fax: 4966 1 2757195Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Ayoqouill Gy 01] AS lool
Saudi Food & Drug Authority dgallg 1AaU Gelall Quail
(255) (feoy
Drug Sector slgat gL
EypeSU tgiledl JOS Aye g due plgll etka Gaia Ge Gl eam yelp Leal BM Selly EAD y Seegc
dapat san 9 JB ase
g olckall QaLall hag BLY pad Les tyreuall cileUladll le eal! peaisbeuw /aeoulles dye Jali 1d
ats Lacs Kyat CL pcamnall y Zygsdll place! dati ayy GY dae 4d all Gilet Galseil ge algal!
cgllogll Seay! algo te LBgin Slo Ely! clad Mg dagetl tary Luge g Ubig ball Dogo! ge Legt euyh
PAIL Saad Joka csihgul tacit
il Mylan 9 gst! Gieue TB yg BLY! gabe Mats bldg ile! ayt 1
gig Baal log! 5th
algall ella’ ~elgall y eISall LaLa Ugglt
ail go thal Shall Gayle YAY
Tyagacall pall Saba WMA -VYTIY Galeptl
BUY qhed tad » jeoyt! gage gle Jydatl cd WY Gye ye
tes sey flac] 9 EOUM giged ou ad le puma! gl jeopall Eble alla y giastel¥l
hy SStl Gueald ule 4! sey iyi sylt le
sy ayheyraa
SWTWidkigod WOATTY Gale gle gilyall daar Gileg!l Jeatly Slat peaieogy slutty
Wor -\voy Wve
666 QAR g yl yea Nahe g
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FAV vertigo gsi. AVL) tweariY aale
8282 Northem Ring Ra. - Al nafal District - Riyadh 1:
pat Repel! SLL VARS UTENY SLA ge al gall je pall YAY
£6288 - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - Tel: +966 1 2759229 - Fax: +966 1 2757195