Consent Form - 04252022 1
Consent Form - 04252022 1
Consent Form - 04252022 1
We, (name of student student) and (name of parent/ guardian), hereby execute this
Consent Form allowing my son/ daughter to undergo on-the-job training/ internship for a
minimum of ________ hours beginning __________________ until __________________ at
(company) with office address at (address) in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the
(course of student intern).
We are aware that the immediate superior within the company will take all the necessary
precautions to keep the students safe. The OJT and Quality Assurance Coordinators will also
be there to periodically monitor the performance and safety of the students.
We execute this Consent Form in accordance with our free will, realizing the benefits
that the student intern shall obtain from the said on-the-job training/ internship program.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
(Name and Signature of (Name and Signature of
Student Intern) Parent/ Guardian)
They acknowledged to me that the foregoing Consent Form was executed in accordance
with their own free will.