The Evolution of Six Sigma
The Evolution of Six Sigma
The Evolution of Six Sigma
To cite this article: Gerald J. Hahn , Necip Doganaksoy & Roger Hoerl (2000) THE EVOLUTION
OF SIX SIGMA, Quality Engineering, 12:3, 317-326, DOI: 10.1080/08982110008962595
To link to this article:
Roger Hoerl
GE Corporate Audit Staff
3 135 Eastern Turnpike
Fairfield, Connecticut 06431
Key Words Electric (GE). Some of the features that characterize Six
Sigma are as follows:
Customer focus; Design improvement; Process improve- It is a top-down, rather than a bottom-up, approach that
ment; Statistical tools. is led enthusiastically and unwaveringly by such con>-
pany CEOs as Larry Bossidy (Allied Signal) and Jack
Six Sigma Review Welch (GE). Champions are appointed from the ranks
of the leaders in each business. They are responsible for
Basic Concept and Initial Implementation
ensuring the successful implementation of Six Sigma
Six Sigma is a disciplined and highly quantitative ap- in their own areas of influence.
proach to improving product or process quality. The original Both at the business and project level, Six Sigma lead-
goal, implied in the Six Sigma definition, is the reduction of ership is, traditionally, the responsibility of Master
defects to no more than 3.4 per million opportunities. This Black Belts (MBBs) and Black Belts (BBs). These are
may, initially, divert us to questions, such as: What is a de- full-time responsibilities and include the setting of qual-
fect? What is an opportunity? Is the implied 1.5 standard ity objectives for the business and monitoring progress
deviation average shift realistic? Are all products and pro- toward these objectives, selection of Six Sigma projects,
cesses created equal? However, we have found that, in prac- and mentoring and training project teams. Implementa-
tice, the answers to these questions, as well as the basic qual- tion is the responsibility of the project team members
ity improvement goal, are generally clear. Almost invariably, (i.e., engineers, scientists, financial analysts, informa-
this calls for significant improvement over current levels of tion systems specialists, and so forth). They receive
quality. Green Belt (GB) level training from the MBBs and BBs.
Six Sigma was introduced at Motorola (see Ref. 1) with It is a highly disciplined approach that typically in-
the major goal of reducing defects of manufactured electron- volves the four stages: Measure, Analyze, Improve,
ics products. It has since been adopted and generalized by and Control, with an up-front stage (Define) sometimes
a number of companies, such as Allied Signal and General added (DMAIC). In brief, these steps are. as follows:
Define (D): Define the problem to be solved, includ- As the old saying goes, "A billion here and a billion there,
. ing customer impact and potential benefits. and pretty soon you're talking some real money."
Measure (M): Identify the critical-to-quality char- See Ref. 3 for other specific examples. These results have
acteristics (CTQs) of the product or service. Verify helped company leaders to maintain their fervor. For ex-
measurement capability. Baseline the current defect ample, in announcing a new company initiative in electronic
rate and set goals for improvement. commerce, GE CEO Jack Welch emphasized in a memo to
Analyze (A): Understand 'root causes of why de- all employees that Six Sigma is absolutely critical to ensure
fects occur; identify key process variables that cause the success of the new initiative.
Improve (I): Quantify influences of key process vari-
ables on the CTQs, identify acceptable limits of these Why Now?
variables, and modify the process to stay within these We have seen various initiatives similar to Six Sigma
limits, thereby reducing defect levels in the CTQs. come and go. Although moderately successful, none have
Control (C): Ensure that the modified process now had the all-pervasive impact ,of Six Sigma. So why is Six
keeps the key process variables within acceptable Sigma working? One key factor has been the uncompromis-,
limits, in order to maintain the gains long term. ing commitment of top management. Little would have been
It is a highly data-oriented approach, as evidenced by accomplished without this. However, that support could only
such slogans as "We don't know what we don't know" be maintained as long as Six Sigma could demonstrate suc-
and "ln God we trust-all else bring data." As a con- cess. This success has hinged heavily on technologies that
, sequence, implementation of the DMAIC concepts is have emerged only recently. These include the following:
heavily based on statistical tools and the statistical de-
sign of experiments (DOES). Automatic monitoring, accessibility to large (some-
It involves training everyone in the company in times immense) databases
DMAIC, or modified concepts and tools-typically Ready availability to practitioners of powerful statisti-
in a bweek program, spread out over 3 months. It is cal tools (sometimes referred to as the "democratiza-
heavily hands-on project and bottom-line-oriented. In tion of statistics")
fact, one reason for the 3-month training period is to Greatly improved communicationscapabilities that pro-
allow students to apply the concepts and tools to impor- vide speedy transfer of information-including video-
tant projects. Upon completion, it is necessary to quan- conferencing, e-mail, and, most recently, the Internet.
tify and document the resulting dollar savings. Success-
ful completion of Six Sigma projects is a requirement A highly disciplined, data-oriented approach, centered
for Six Sigma certification. The requirement for MBBs around the slogan "Show me the data-and do so by no
is typically successful mentoring of 20 projects, and for later than tomorrow morning-so I can factor them into my
GBs, it is completion of two projects. decision" has always made eminent sense. However, it was
not very realistic until recent technology made it so. The
For further details, see Ref. 2, the other articles in this omnipresence of these technologies-together with con-
issue of Quality Engineering, and various other papers in the stantly increasing customer expectations and alternatives-
literature, such as Refs. 1, 3, and 4. is also why we feel that an approach that at least resembles
Six Sigma (although it may bear a different name in the fu-
ture) is inevitable for all organizations, including service en-
The Results terprises such as banks, hospitals, schools, and even local
The payoff from Six Sigma has been carefully scruti- and national governments.
nized by Company. accountants and auditors and has been Most Six Sigma tools are not new'and, in fact, have been
impressive. This has included the following: around for many years. In our experience, however, the im-
pact of industrial training programs on specialized topics
Motorola-Almost a billion dollars savings in 3 years, such as DOE, statistical process control (SPC), regression,
and a Malcolm Baldrige Award and analysis of variance dissipate quickly once the employ-
Allied Signal-Over 2 billion dollars cumulative sav- ees leave the classroom and return to work. Six Sigma has
ings since it began Six Sigma been phenomenally successful in getting employees at all
GE- Over a billion dollars savings in 1998, and 2 bil- levels of the organization to use such tools broadly long afier
lion anticipated for 1999 completion of their formal training. In this regard, one key
to the success of the Six Sigma program is that there is an arena to encompassing all business operations, and espe-
overall step-by-step road map (DMAIC) that relates the tools cially those that impact the customer. In fact, a key stated
into an overall approach to improvement. goal is to generate a "wow" from the customer. We will am-
Finally, Six Sigma ties project benefit directly to bottom plify further shortly.
line results. Financial considerations play an important role,
starting with the early identification of project opportunities.
Concentrate on Reducing Variability
The demonstrated success of Six Sigma in impacting profit-
ability gives it significant advantage over other, less direct, ~radition'all~, Six Sigma quality could be achieved by
approaches. some combination of improving mean performance and re-
ducing variability. Often, however, it turned out that the for-
The Evolution of Six Sigma mer was easier to achieve than the latter and the major focus
was, thus, on improving the mean. However, it soon became
Nothing in this world remains constant-even the best of apparent that in many contexts, ranging from inolding pellets
things-and so it is with Six Sigma. As Six Sigma moved into plastic parts to sending out bills for credit card payment,
from Motorola to other companies, and even as it has pro- what really impacted our customers was variability. Again
gressed within companies such as our own, the emphasis quoting from GE's 1998 Annual Report:
changed frequently. In this section, we describe various ways The problem is, as has been said. "the mean never happens," and
in which Six Sigma has evolved. Although our comments the customer . . . i s still seeing variances in when (for example) de-
here and elsewhere are based on our experience within GE, liveries actually occur-a heroic Cday delivery time on one order
we believe they describe general trends among companies with an awful 20-delay on another, and no real consistency. The
that have embraced Six Sigma. customers feel nothing . . . Their life hasn't changed; their profitabil-
ity hasn't increased one b i t . . . Our challenge as we move toward
2000 is to turn our Company vision "outside in," to measure the
Focus on Customer Satisfaction parameters of the customers' needs and processes and work toward
zero variability in serving them. Variation is evil in any cusromer-
The original motivation for Six Sigma at Motorola was rouching process.
centered around manufacturing improvement, and this was
also how Six Sigma was originally introduced in GE. There With such a stirring call to action from top management,
are various reasons for this. First, much of the statistical the focus of many Six Sigma projects in GE has rapidly
methodologies of traditional quality control, in general, and shifted to reducing variability. This has resulted in a whole
SPC, in particular, have emphasized manufacturing pro- range of concepts and tools, referred to as "Variance Based
cesses; thus, many of the tools for Six Sigma were readily Thinking."
known. In addition, payoffs, resulting, say, from reduction in
scrap and rework of a. manufacturing process, can often be
Design for Six Sigma
quantified easily and, most importantly, speedily. Such crisp
and definitive cost reductions-preferably documented Deming told us long ago that the preponderance of product
within 3 months of the start of a project-were essential for variability is in the system, rather than in the process. This
building initial credibility for Six Sigma. means that applying standard SPC approaches to a rnanufac-
However, important as manufacturing cost reductions lured product is likely to lead to only a fraction of the possible
may be, they often do not readily translate into improve- improvement. Instead, we need, initially, to build quality into
ments that are transparent to the customer. GE management the design of our products and processes. This can have sig-
came to realize this. In GE's 1998 Annual Report, Jack nificant payoff, both in direct cost reduction and customer
Welch stated candidly satisfaction because problems discovered in design, though
often difficult to identify, are usually easy to fix. In contrast,
. . . as w e celebrate our progress and count our financial gain, we problems found after the design has been frozen, and espe-
need to focus on the most powerful piece o f learning we have been
given in 1998, summarized perfectly in the form o f what most of our cially after significant amounts of product have been built,
customers must be thinking, which is 'When do I get the benefits of although easy to identify, are often expensive to fix.
Six Sigma? When does my company get to experience the GE I read The DMAIC process outlined earlier, is aimed mainly at
about in the GE Annual Report? . . . What's the big event; and what
reducing defect rates in existing products, services, and pro-
did we miss?'
cesses. However, the basic nature of designing something
As a result, the central theme of Six Sigma in GE has rapidly new requires a significantly different approach than that re-
broadened from focusing principally on the manufacturing quired for "fixing" something that already exists. The need
to adapt Six Sigma for design projects at GE gave rise to requirements from the rest of the organization (e.g.,
Design for Six Sigma (DFSS). The objective of DFSS is to molding equipment and test technicians, information
design products, services, and processes that are Six Sigma systems specialists) could seriously derail the whole
capable. A major goal is to minimize the occurrence of un- project effort.
pleasant last minute surprises and hiccups that are tradition- Measure (M): Plan and conduct the necessary research
ally associated with introduction of new products, services, to understand the customer needs and associated re-
and processes. The basic principles of DFSS are as follows: quirements. Translate these needs and requirements
Customer requirements: CTQs and other requirements into measurable characteristics (CTQs). In our exam-
for the new product, service, or process are defined at ple, the 'molded parts. need to be capable of attaining
the customer level. This is achieved by disciplined use tight specifications on color matching between adjacent
of customer research, tools such as Quality Function car parts (e.g., doors and the fenders). Customer re-
Deployment. quirements on degree of agreement among color of car
Requirements flow-down: The customer requirements parts are thoroughly explored and quantified. This
are gradually "flowed down" to requirements for func- might involve a designed experiment whereby a panel
tional design, detailed design, and process control vari- of customers is asked to judge the difference among car
ables. This discipline ensures that a holistic systems parts. The resulting observed color differences are then
view is maintained throughout the design process and . expressed quantitatively based on well-established
helps fight the urge to jump to finalize the design pre- spectraphotometric measurements such as L (light-
maturely. dark), a (red-green), and b (yellow-blue). In addition to
Capability flow-up: As requirements are flowed down, color, there are also other requirements on chemical
capability to meet these requirements is continually properties and physical performance characteristics of
assessed in light of relevant existing or new data. the resin.
This permits early consideration of potential trade-offs Analyze (A): Develop alternative concepts. Select the
as well as avoidance of otherwise predictable future best-fit concept for development into a high-level de-
surprises. sign and predict the capability of the design to meet
Modeling: Both requirements flow-down and capabil- requirements. In the example, the key determinants of
ity flow-up evolve from the knowledge of relation- color are the types and relative amounts.of pigments,
ships between customer requirements (Y's) and design their addition to the product, and processing. At this ,
elements (X's). The models can be based on physical phase, the various design options are considered and
fundamentals (e.g., kinetic models for a chemical reac- evaluated systematically. This might involve the com-
tion), simulation (e.g., discrete-event simulation model bined use of statistical experimentation and physical
for a call center), empirical methods (e.g., response sur- laws governing behavior of pigments in thermoplastics
face f t to data from a DOE), or their mix. in order to explore the relationships between the color
of the resin (as measured by L, a, and b) and coloring
The methodology used to implement DFSS is called agents.
DMADV and involves the following five steps: Design (D): Develop the detailed design. Evaluate the
Define (D): Identify the new product, service, or pro- capability of the proposed design and develop plans to
cess to be designed (or redesigned). Develop and define pilot test the new or redesigned product or service. In
a team charter, including scope, business case, mile- the example, the effect of variability in the pigment
stones, resources, and project plan. For example, con- amounts will be linked to capability of controlling the
sider a team charged with designing a new thermo- feeders on the manufacturing line. This is an example
plastic resin for use in molding exterior body panels of flowing down customer requirements (i.e., color
of a car. The activities in the define phase are based on match between adjacent car parts) to manufacturing
common sense and constitute a major portion of any controls (i.e., tolerances on pigment feeders). If capa-
training program on project management. However, the bility flow-up suggests that the existing feeders cannot
consequences of skipping or downplaying this phase meet the requirements, their capability is addressed via
can be quite severe. For instance, insufficient definition a DMAIC project. Likewise, the key properties of each
of the project's scope (e.g., "Does our project only in- pigment are translated into specifications to pigment
volve coloring of the resin on lab-scale equipment or suppliers. In addition, a supplier DMAIC program is
translation to manufacturing as well?") or its resource initiated in those areas that need to be improved.
Verify (V): Build and pilot a full-function, limited- See Ref. 5 for further discussion. These topics and appropri-
scale version of the new or redesigned product/service. ate software are stressed in current Six Sigma training for
In the example, the full-scale production process is many engineering audiences.
developed, start-up and validation activities are per-
formed, and the new or redesigned product/service are
transitioned to the process owners.
. Application to the Entire Business
GE is now focusing on DFSS in its training either as an Although most of the initial emphasis of Six Sigma was
add-on module for those previously trained or as an alterna- on quality improvement in manufacturing, it is now being
tive area of emphasis for new employees embarking on Six applied in key areas throughout the business and beyond
Sigma training. what would traditionally be considered "quality." Thus, a
major focus of GE's current Six Sigma efforts is to ensure
that Six sigma is being applied to all business activities.
Emphasize Design for Reliability Special emphasis is given to commercial transactions and to
Reliability has been defined as "quality over the life" of product servicing-both areas of great strategic importance
a product or process. Again, initial implementations of Six to the company.
Sigma did not give much emphasis to reliability irnprove- Commercial transactions encompass GE's nonmanufac-
ment. However, with the new emphasis on Six Sigma im- turing businesses, such as NBC, GE Information Services,
provements that can be felt directly by customers, this has and, especially, GE Capital, as well as business transactions
become increasingly more important. Reliability, after all, in GE's more traditional manufacturing businesses. Because
is frequently the element of quality that our customers ex- GE Capital provides nearly 45% of GE's profitability, a tre-
perience. Thus, reliability has become a key CTQ for many mendous opportunity would be missed if the focus remained
products. Another element is the evolution of long-term on only manufacturing.
service agreements under which the company takes on all At first glance, one may wonder how Six Sigma can
maintenance and product servicing responsibilities over the apply to selling or insuring mortgages, bidding on municipal
anticipated life of the product. These provide a great impetus bonds, writing insurance, or providing consumer credit. The
to improving long-term product reliability. key is an understanding of the fact that all work occurs in
Just like quality, reliability has traditionally been con- interconnected processes. These processes have outputs,
sidered, principally, after a product has been manufactured which are our primary concern, such as cycle time, profita-
and, frequently, as a consequence of field failures. However, bility, accuracy, and so on. However, these outputs are a
such a "ship and fix" approach, in addition to being too ex- function of process inputs and what happens at key process-
pensive, is just not acceptable to our customers in today's ing steps. For example, success in bidding for municipal
highly competitive environment. Thus, similar to the need bonds is highly dependent on information inputs. These'in-
for DFSS, and intimately related to it, is the goal of Design clude knowledge of the financial risks and understanding of
for Reliability (DFR). competition, as well as the effectiveness of processing steps,
Design for Reliability requires a different toolset from, such as estimation of default probabilities, and preparation
say, end-of-line quality improvement. This is due to several of the bid itself. If one is able to view both a manufacturing
unique aspects of reliability: line and credit card collections as processes with key inputs
and processing steps to be improved, in order to improve out-
4 One frequently needs to be concerned with accelerated puts, the leap from manufacturing to business applications
testing (to ensure speedy responses). becomes second nature. Similar considerations apply in con-
The available data often include data on unfailed units sidering the time to fill an order and the correctness of a bill-
(known as censored data). ing process-just two examples of commercial transactions
The Normal distribution is usually not an appropriate in a traditional manufacturing business.
model for analyzing time to failure data. For illustration, a nonmanufacturing Six Sigma project.
One is frequently most concerned with extreme distri- which involved collecting from delinquent c,redit card cus-
bution percentiles, such as the age by which 1% of the tomers is described here. In the consumer credit card busi-
product has failed (rather than, say, the mean or vari- ness, losses from delinquent customers is a huge expense
ability) or with estimating the probability of survival to and one reason why credit card interest rates tend to be sig-
a specified age. nificantly higher than other interest rates. In this case, the
business had several branch offices trying to track down de- combination of tools. A fractional design could have been
linquent customers for whom the phone number or address used, but with the large number of collections, 128 combi-
on file are not correct. When trying to trace such customers, nations was not considered unreasonable. It did not matter
collectors have several options. One is to search other data- how many times a delinquent customer was found for a given
bases that might have a correcl address. The collector might combination, the customer was only considered "found" cx
also contact a credit bureau, which will provide addresses "not found."
and phone numbers of delinquent customers, for a price. The analysis of the resulting data shed a great deal of light
There are also agencies that specialize in tracking delinquent on how to locate persons. First, it turned out that the least
customers. Another option is to view a scarined image of the expensive tool was nearly as effective as the most expensive
customer's original credit application, in hopes that perhaps ones. Second, there was less overlap among the tools than
the number was transcribed incorrectly. originally thought. Thus, those people that could not' be
Of course, each of these methods has a cost associated found with two or three tools could still often be located by
with it, either a direct payment to an outside agency or at yet another tool. Statistically, this showed up in the analysis
least the time for the collector doing the searching. An ob- as a lack of interactions. The collectors had expected there
vious question to ask from a Six Sigma viewpoint is: Which to be significant overlap between tools, which would have
of these melhods is "best," on an absolute basis, as well as shown up as an antagonistic (negative) interaction for the
on a "value" basis, considering the associated costs? Also, hit rate.
one might wonder whether some of these techniques should The experimental data led to an "optimal" search method,
be used together, or whether there is so much overlap that using several tools in sequence. If a person still could not be
once we have "struck out" with one method, we might located, the search was dropped, and the debt written oE,
as well give up and write off the debt. In other words, at as it would cost more money to search than we could expect
what point is it no longer financially prudent to continue to collect. This procedure was taught to all collectors at all
searching? branches. The first-year financial benefits from collecting
At the beginning of this Six Sigma project, every collec- additional cash, and avoiding writing off bad debt, were just
tor tended to have his or her own "method"; that is, some under $3 million dollars-gains that will continue to be
people would start with external databases; others would enjoyed annually. Another benefit from this data-based ap-
start with internal ones. Some collectors would only search proach was that it provided a rational basis for deciding how
using one method; others would search with every method many collectors were needed to maximize collections. In this
available before they gave up. These differences among the case, additional collectors were justified by the additional
collectors introduced extra variation in the process. Clearly, collections they could produce. The cost of these additional
everybody could not be "right"! Common sense would sug- positions was factored into the calculation of benefits.
gest that there must be an "oplimal" method. But how could In addition to its Six Sigma initiative, GE has a service
such a method be found? business initiative, targeted at such traditional manufacturing
Historical data were interesting, but had some important businesses as GE Medical Systems, GE Aircraft Engines,
deficiencies. For example, typically, people used the "cheap- GE Power Systems, and GE Transportation Systems. This
est" methods first, and only used expensive methods after is in recognition of the growing strategic importance and
these had failed. Therefore, the historic "hit rates" of the potential profitability of product service versus manufactur-
expensive methods were not particularly high, as they were ing, and the competitive advantage that high-tech servicing,
only used on "difficult" accounts. It was realized that these facility management, remote diagnostics, and so on can pro-
data had too much bias to determine accurately the optimal vide. Also, improvement of service processes is much more
approach. I n such cases in manufacturing, one often utilizes difficult to "reverse engineer" by competition. This is be-
DOES. However, this is a financial service, and we all know cause a motor or appliance can be purchased and studied in
that DOE does not apply to financial services, right? excruciating detail. However, a remote diagnostics process,
In fact, a designed experiment was conducted, where which is not physically located in one place and occurs
each independent variable was one of the potential tools through cooperation between diverse business functions, is
or databases used by collectors. Each tool was either used much more difficult for competition to copy. Six Sigma ap-
(+ 1 level) or not used (- 1 level). The dependent variables plied to product service has some of the same elements as
(Y's) were !'hit rate" (the percent of the time that a person Six Sigma applied to manufactured products and to cornrner-
was found), cost, and cycle time. A modified full 2' ap- cia1 transactions-if, again, we consider the service opera-
proach was used, with 100 accounts being searched for each tion as an interconnected process, with important outputs
that are impacted by specific inputs that we need to under- of companies that have adapted Six Sigma more than a few
stand and control appropriately. years ago, we expect that it will become a highly debated
issue as many more companies begin to adapt Six Sigma
New Roles for Master Black Belts and Black Belts
As indicated, the MBBs and BBs provide the overall Some Lessons Learned
leadership to Six Sigma. Thus, an important criterion for Six
Sigma success is to select "top of the class" contenders as We now consider some lessons learned in implementing
MBBs and BBs. But top of what class? Originally, a prime Six Sigma. Because it is always easier to identify areas for
consideration was technical knowledge and understanding. improvement than it is to do something about them, some of
However, as the training has developed and all have be- these are still works in progress. However, they provide clues
come more knowledgeable, the role of the technical expert as to the directions in which we expect Six Sigma to move
is being taken over by specialists, such as professional statis- in the future and suggest potential issues and opportunities.
ticians (perhaps, consultants from a local university). In-
stead, MRBs and BBs are being selected to a larger degree
today based on their management and organizational skills. Factor in and Quantify Long-Term Puyoffs
In fact, in GE, they have been identified as a prime source- As previously indicated, in order to establish the credi-
perhaps even the prime source-for identifying and testing bility of Six Sigma, some immediate significant and readily
future top company leaders. As a consequence, MBBs and quantifiable payoffs were needed, &us leading to major em-
BBs are often expected to spend only a limited time in that phasis on such things as scrap and rework reduction. Thus,
role; hopefully, moving up in the organizational ladder. initial Six Sigma projects were rightfully selected principally
on the basis of anticipated "safe" short-term payoffs. The
Getting Sir Sigma into the Fabric emphasis on customer satisfaction and DFSS have changed
of the Organization that and projects with payoffs in the more distant future-
and with riskier, but still potentially substantial, payoffs-
The initial stages of a Six Sigma program generally in- are becoming more prominent. However, the Six Sigma ini-
volve top-level attention to the program as well as fairly tiative is still highly'bottom-line-oriented-as it should be.
major shifting of resources within the organization to create As a consequence, in order to continue to encourage such
the infrastructure to support it (e.g., identification of top tal- important long-term projects, we need to develop convincing
ent for the MBB and BB roles, training of project teams, measures of their anticipated payoffs.
initial round of projects, etc.). During this phase, the Six This is of particular concern in dealing with ensuring cus-
Sigma program becomes the main focus of project reviews, tomer satisfaction and in DFSS, especially for reliability. For
internal staff meetings, companywide contests and celebra- example, how do we quantify customer satisfaction that is
tions, and external presentations. However, in today's fast- characterized by long-term repeat purchases of new models
paced business environment, no program can remain as of the current product (e.g., a washing machine) and, for that
something special for more than a few years. A successful matter, other products from the same manufacturer (e.g., a
Six Sigma program becomes part of the fabric of doing refrigerator or a light bulb)? In considering DFSS, how do
things in the organization. In GE, this ingraining process is we quantify the gains realized from averted problems, espe-
referred to as making "Six Sigma the way we work." cially if these are in product reliability and might not come
There are important issues that need be addressed to en- about until some time in the future (by when current man-
sure lasting success. These include continued setting and agement, if successful in the short term, will, likely, have
monitoring of quality objectives, careful selection of proj- been promoted)?
ects, guidance to project teams, adaptation of advanced tools,
setting and monitoring of quality objectives, refinement of
Consider Multiple CTQs
Six Sigma to meet the needs of the ever-changing business
environment, and targeted training. Therefore, companies Closely related to the preceding concept is that of ad-
that have initiated Six Sigma programs will need to deter- dressing multiple CTQs. Traditionally, an objective of a Six
mine how to manage and maintain Six Sigma after the pro- Sigma project has been that of improving one or a small
gram reaches maturity. Although this topic has not yet at- number of CTQs. Often, however, all of the important CTQs,
tracted much discussion due to the relatively small number and especially those that can be observed and quantified at
some future time such as product reliability are not taken into meaningful information. However, in many applications.
consideration. These can add to or detract from the total sav- particularly in marketing and commercial quality, involving
ings resulting from a Six Sigma project. For example, in a direct interface with customers, it may not be possible or pru-
program directed at reducing end-of-line scrap, we are likely, dent to run a designed experiment.
at the same time, to enhance reliability if we focus on iden- Effective MBBs have become aware of the need of fitting
tifying and eliminating the root causes for scrap. On the the tools to the needs of their specific audience. Thus, in
other hand, if our "remedial action" was merely that of lib- training and in qualifying BB and GB projects for certifica-
eralizing our specification limits, we might be succeeding at tion, they have learned not to insist dogmatically on the use
reducing scrap, but at the cost of worsening reliability. of a specific tool, but to use or adapt the available tools to
Clearly, in order to get a true measure of the true total best meet the problem at hand. In addition, training programs
impact of a Six Sigma project, we need to consider and quan- are becoming more and more tailored to specific audiences,
tify the impact on the project of all of the important CTQs. as evidenced by special training for DFSS, DFR, and com-
mercial applications, as well as various other areas that we
have not discussed, such as Six Sigma for Software Quality.
Engage Suppliers
Many Six Sigma projects have found raw material or Utilize Broader Toolset
part vendors as creating the root cause of quality problems.
Standard Six Sigma training involves numerous tools as
Therefore, to be successful, we need to involve suppliers in
part of the process; see Ref. 3 for a typical BB and GB cur-
the Six Sigma effort. This becomes increasingly important as
riculum. Reference 2 and numerous books on statistics pro-
we rely more heavily upon suppliers throughout the world.
vide extensive details. Most of these methods [e.g., process
Moreover, accomplishing this can be especially difficult
mapping, failure mode and effects analyses (FMEA), pro-
when we have limited leverage, as may be the case when
cess capability studies, measurement systems analyses, sta-
we provide only a small part of a supplier's total business. In
tistical thinking, DOE, multiple regression] have demon-
any case, we need to communicate our needs clearly, how
strated their value over time. A few, such as hypothesis
we aim to measure conformance, what information we re-
testing and analysis of variance (except as a tool for quanti-
quire from the vendor (including information on process
fying different sources of variability), would not suffer from
changes), and who will be responsible for what in demon-
a reduction in emphasis.
strating that quality and reliability goals are being met.
At the same time, other powerful tools have proven their
worth and warrant increased emphasis in future training.
Eliminate DiJferentiution Between Six Sigma These will become increasingly more important as we move
and Non-Sir-Sigma Projects beyond the simplest situations (picking the proverbial "low-
lying fruit") to more complex ones.
At the outset of the Six Sigma initiative, some important
projects were clearly identified as Six Sigma projects and
We have already indicated the importance of reliability as
received special attention. At the same time, there was a ten-
a CTQ for many customer-oriented Six Sigma applications
dency to give less attention and resources to other important
and the need for greater focus on reducing variability-and
projects which were not designated as Six Sigma (perhaps,
the fact that these require the use of some specialized meth-
because the payoffs were not immediately quantifiable or
ods. In this section, we elaborate on some further tools that
were more uncertain, not necessarily because they were less
warrant greater emphasis in Six Sigma training.
critical). As Six Sigma becomes ingrained in the organiza-
tion, this dichotomy tends to disappear. In fact, Green Belt-
Simulation Analyses
trained employees are expected to utilize the Six Sigma ap-
proach and methodology in their day-to-day assignments. Simulation allows one to build a model of a process or
system on a computer and to use computer evaluations to
assess the impact of alternative strategies. Thus, simulation
Beware of Dogmatism
has traditionally been used to model the building of a prod-
The Six Sigma toolset contains some powerful methods uct in a factory and to assess the impact on the time to manu-
that have broad applicability. However, that does'not mean facture of adding further equipment or perspnnel. Similarly,
that each tool has applicability to each problem. For ex- simulation can be used to assess business processes, such
ample, DOE is an extremely useful approach to getting as the impact on customer waiting time of adding people
to staff a product telephone "hot line." Also, simulation applications, especially when there is a large database. A
provides an attractive alternative to more formal statistical typical example arises in .identifying those individuals in a
analyses in, for example, assessing how large a sample is large population to solicit about a product in marketing. In
required to achieve a specified level of precision in a market this case, CART would use data on a past sample of purchas-
survey or in a product life test. ers and nonpurchasers to establish subgroups in the popula-
tion with varying "marketing success probabilities" based
on known characteristics such as marital status, geography,
Non-Normal Distriblltions
and past purchases.
Many Six Sigma tools, at least implicitly, assume that the
underlying processes are normally distributed. For example, Advanced DOE Concepts
the concept of a Six Sigma process resulting in 3.4 defects
per million opportunities implies (in addition to a long-term Standard Six Sigma training has focused on factorial,
shift of 1.5 standard deviations in the mean) that the random fractional factorial, and, sometimes, response surface de-
variability in the process follows a Normal distribution. signs. DOE is often assumed to be a "one-shot" investjga-
Many processes are, indeed, normally distributed. In fact, tion. In practice, however, experimentation is a sequential
there is a theoretical justification for normality based on process involving a series of trials as the learning process
the statistical "central limit theorem," which shows that a evolves, especially when one is searching for an optimum.
process that is the sum of many small sources of variability Thus, sequential experimentation (see Refs: 6 and 7) merits
results in normality. However, others may be subject to only consideration. So do "nested" experiments in which one
one or two important single factors and, thus, cannot be rep- variable is nested within another. A typical example arises
resented as the sum of many small sources of variation. In when one is assessing the impact of machines and operators
that case, there is no reason for one to expect the process to on process variability and each operator is using a different
be normally distributed. In addition, many processes are not machine (see, e.g., Ref. 8).
symmetrically distributed or cannot take on negative values.
As previously indicated, product life is an example. Incor- Survey Sampling Tools
rectly assuming normality can lead to false conclusions, Survey sampling deals with sampling from existing, fre-
especially when one is concerned with the "tails" of a distri- quently human, populations. This is especially relevant in
bution, which is precisely what one is dealing with in seek- obtaining customer feedback. In sampling human popula-
ing no more than 3.4 defects per million opportunities. For- tions, we are especially concerned with ensuring a random,
tunately, there are a wealth of alternative statistical models or, at least, representative, sample. Key questions often re-
and tools that can be used when the assumption of normality volve around the required sample size and how to minimize
does not hold. (and handle) nonrespondents so as to minimally bias the
results. For human and other existing populations (e.g., in-
Advanced Modeling voices), survey sampling approaches complement DOE for
processes or products.
Modeling of the relationships between the X's and the
Y's in a process play a very important role in successful
Added Graphical Tools
design projects. Some' examples are kinetic models for a
chemical reaction based on physical fundamentals, discrete- Standard Six Sigma training, rightfully, emphasizes the
event sinlulation of a service shop's operations, and the fit- use of graphical tools, such as boxplots, to allow one to ex-
ting of a response surface to data from a DOE. Modeling tract information from data without becoming involved in
dictates close partnering of diverse groups within the orga- relatively unfamiliar statistical analyses and 10supplement
nization. For example, design and manufacturing engineers such analyses. We advocate even greater reliance on graphi-
often work hand in hand in the construction of the models, cal tools; for example, in analyzing the results of a DOE
their validation, and.obtaining relevant data to assess the im- and in plotting data (or residuals from a regression analysis)
pact of a new design. over time.
In addition, other advanced analytical tools that deal with
relationships are often useful. For example, a method known We do not wish to suggest by the preceding discussion
as Classification and Regression Trees (CART) can help seg- that Six Sigma training be turned into a course in advanced
ment populations. This is frequently useful in commercial statistics. However, we feel that various "nonstandard" tools
that are proving their worth in Six Sigma applications will References
have increased relevance in future applications, especially as
these applications become more complex. Thus, technically 1. Harry, M., The Vision of Sir Sigma, Roadmap for a Breok-
oriented MBBs and BBs should be knowledgeable in them rhrough, Sigma Publishing Company, Phoenix, AZ. 1994.
and their applicability, and others should have some mini- 2. Breyfogle, F. W., Implementing Six Sigma: Smarter Solutions
mum level of awareness. using Sforistical Methods, John Wiley & Sons, New York.
3. Hahn, G. J., Hill, W. J., Hoerl, R. W., and Zinkgraf, S. A., The
Concluding Remarks Impact of Six Sigma Improvement: A Glimpse into the Future
of Statistics,Am. Statistician, 53(3). 208-215 (1999).
Six Sigma continues to thrive, as evidenced by the suc- 4. Hoerl, R. W., Six Sigma and the Future of the Quality Profes-
cess of those companies that have embraced it with fervor sion, Qual. Prog., 35-42 (June 1998).
5 . Hahn, G. I., Doganaksoy. N..and Meeker. W. Q., Reliability
and the many other organizations that are expressing inter-
Improvement: Issues and Tools, Qunl. Prog., 133-1 39 (May
est. In our opinion, the key elements of success are the com- 1999).
bination of a highly disciplined approach with one that is 6. Box, G. E. P., Hunter. W. G., and Hunter, J. S., Statistics for
intensely data driven, the ready accessibility of appropriate Experimenters, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1978.
technical tools to leverage the concepts, and the continuing 7. Box, G . E. P.,Quality Quandaries: The Invention of the Com-
uncompromising commitment from top management. posite Design, Qual. Eng.. 12, 119-122 (1999).
Six Sigma is a highly dynamic approach. We have tried 8. Box, G. E. P., Quality Quandaries: Multiple Sources of Vari-
lo describe its evolution. A significant element is the broad- ation: Variance Components, Qual. Eng., l I, 17 1 - 174 ( 1998).
ening of the general approach. This has resulted in greater
crnphasis on customer satisfaction and reducing variability About the Authors: Gerald J. Hahn is Manager, Applied Sta-
in performance. It has led to extending the use of Six Sigma tistics Program, GE Corporate Research and Development.
tools from mainly short-term manufacturing situations to He is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association and
longer-range product design and commercial applications. In of the American Society for Quality, and a GE Coolidge
turn, this has resulted in a change in the role of those that Fellow.
lead Six Sigma, the need for added tools, and various other Necip Doganaksoy is a Quality Program Manager at GE
developments discussed in this article. This evolution will Corporate Research and Development. He is a Fellow of the
continue and, perhaps, even accelerate over time. However, American Statistical Association.
we are confident that, irrespective of the specifics, future de- Roger Hoerl is the Quality Leader of the GE Corporate
velopments will build on the solid foundation that the Six Audit Staff. He is a Fellow of the American Society for Qual-
Sigma approach has already provided. ity and the American Statistical Association.