Crowdfunding Platform Using Smart Contracts
Crowdfunding Platform Using Smart Contracts
Crowdfunding Platform Using Smart Contracts
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- This study examines the use of blockchain low-risk support of new ventures and venture creators can gain
technology to construct a crowdfunding platform. The more supporters globally making it easy for them to raise large
opening section of the article looks at the current state of amount of funds in minimal time.
crowdfunding and the shortcomings of conventional
platforms, including transparency, security, and Blockchain-based crowdfunding platforms offer
centralization concerns. The application of blockchain several advantages over traditional crowdfunding platforms.
technology through smart contracts is then introduced, By using smart contracts, these platforms can automate the
with a focus on its decentralized nature and capacity to entire crowdfunding process, from fund collection to reward
offer immutable, transparent records of transactions, distribution, thereby reducing the potential for fraud and
and its potential to address these shortcomings. In this increasing transparency. Additionally, blockchain technology
paper, the architecture and functionality of a allows for the creation of decentralized platforms, which
crowdfunding platform built on a blockchain network means that there is no single entity controlling the platform,
are examined as a case study. The platform enables safe making it more resistant to censorship and manipulation.
and transparent fundraising, money tracking, and
The potential advantages as well as challenges of AND SOLUTION
establishing such a platform into operation are also Traditional fundraising methods often suffer from
covered in the study, along with user acceptance and issues of transparency, accountability, and security. As in
regulatory issues. The main goal is to use Ethereum traditional way a startup founder can seek funding from
especially smart contract technologies to make it easier banks or venture capitalists, who will fund the project for
for people around the world to participate in campaigns returns like equity or interest payments. However, this
to raise funds. This gives contributors more influence fundraising method has limitations, requiring significant
over their Ethereum contributions and makes it possible time, money, lack of transparency and resources which may
for campaign designers and contributors to handle be inaccessible to project creators from developing countries
funding for their projects effectively. The goal of using or remote areas.
Ethereum smart contracts on the crowdfunding
platform is to assure automatic contract execution to With traditional methods, it can be challenging to track
stop fraud and promote confidence between fundraisers, donations and ensure that funds are being used as intended.
donors, and the platform. Additionally, there can be a lack of transparency around the
The findings of this study imply that a blockchain-based fees associated with fundraising campaigns, with donors often
crowdfunding platform can overcome many of the unaware of the percentage of their donation that goes towards
drawbacks of conventional crowdfunding platforms and administrative costs.
offer a more safe and transparent method of fundraising
after thorough investigation of the literature and case Blockchain technology offers a solution to these
studies. problems byproviding a decentralized, transparent, and secure
platform for fundraising. Blockchain enables the creation of
Keywords:- Crowdfunding, Smart Contracts, Blockchain, smart contracts, which are self-executing agreements that are
Ethereum, Cryptocurrency. coded onto the blockchain. These contracts can be
programmed to automatically release funds when certain
I. INTRODUCTION conditions are met, ensuring that donations are being used as
In recent years, crowdfunding has emerged as a intended.
popular and effective way for entrepreneurs and individuals Additionally, blockchain offers a transparent ledger of
to raise funds for their projects or causes. The traditional all transactions, allowing it to be simple to track donations
crowdfunding model, however, is plagued with challenges and make sure that money is being used effectively. Due to
such as high fees, lack of transparency, and the potential for the decentralized nature of blockchain, there is no longer a
fraud. To address these issues, crowdfunding platforms are need for intermediaries like banks or payment processors,
turning to blockchain technology and smart contracts to which lowers fundraising campaign fees and ensures that
revolutionize the crowdfunding industry. moremoney goes to the intended purpose.
Crowdfunding is a decentralized application based on Furthermore, blockchain technology provides a high
Ethereum blockchain platform that allows users to invest level of security, with each transaction being recorded and
money to the campaigns that interest them. By using verified by a network of nodes. This eliminates the risk of
blockchain, we can make sure that the investors engage in fraudulent activity or tampering, which can be a significant
Fig. 2:
All the contract code are written in solidity that is used contributor.
to deploy a contract in blockchain platform. The Campaign
Factory is built and used to deploy the contract in the The collection of funds from contributors allows them
network. With the help of campaign factory, the new to earn a spot among the list of contributors in the campaign.
campaigns can be created. Whenever a campaign factory is After collecting these funds, the campaign initiator uses
deployed a very small amount of gas fee is needed. The them to complete the campaign's mission and goals.
creator or manager of the project will request money for Similarly, the initiator may also request withdrawal of funds
buying some accessories related to that project. He will then collected. However, approval from a group of contributors
create a request with the help of the request form. This form must be given before funds are finally taken out.
will be recorded and stored in the blockchain. If necessary,
all the contributors need to approve the request. If not then The funds, when sent directly to the campaign address,
they can reject the request. Once the voting is done then the are safeguarded against fraudulent activities, and ensure that
request will be finalized and to finalize the request the theyare utilized exclusively for their designated purpose
number of approvers count must greater than half the total Withdrawal of funds:
number of approvers that have contributed in the campaign. It is crucial to remember that the withdrawal process is
If it meets the requirement then the money will be transferred built on a decentralized platform, and that the community of
to the vendor. approvers, not a single authority, decides whether to accept
There are basically three main Modules: or reject a request. This makes the distribution of funding
more transparent and equitable.
Creating a Campaign: It is crucial to give a thorough explanation of why the
To create a campaign, a creator has to have a clear money is required and how it will be used to advance the
picture about what he wants to build and how the investors campaign cause when making a withdrawal request. They
who comes to the platform are benefitted by his product or must provide a good justification for the required sum. They
service. Once he has finalized his proposal, sure about the need to enter the Ethereum wallet address. A table with
timelines on his deliverables, has proper resources to build columns is included on the withdrawal request page. such as
the product and has done some market research then the request Id, withdrawal description, amount needed, recipient
chances of his campaign being funded will be high. All wallet address, approval count, and finalize. This will help
campaigns are timed for raising funds and this time is to increase the likelihood of approval by the community of
decided by the campaign creator so as to give maximum approvers. The approvers can decide whether or not to
flexibility to the creator. provide funds for the requests that have been submitted, as
For creating a campaign, a campaign name, campaign well as examine the request description. The request can
potentially be denied by the approvers. Without the consent
creator’s name, single line description, detailed description, a
of approvers, funds cannot be withdrawn. The desired amount
banner image and a campaign video is required. Then he has
can be deposited into the recipient wallet once all approvers
to decide how many tokens he would like to give away and
the price, name and symbol of each token. He also needs to have authorized and finalized.
give his Ethereum wallet address to receive the funds once Once a withdrawal request has been approved and
his campaign is successful. finalized, the desired amount of funds will be deposited
directly into the recipient's Ethereum wallet. It is important to
Contributing a Campaign:
Once a contributor has established an Ethereum wallet ensure that the wallet address provided is accurate and up-to-
stocked with ample funds aligned with the campaign date to avoid any delays or issues with the withdrawal
process. Overall, the withdrawal process provides a way for
requirements, they can then engage with the campaign
contribution page through the use of MetaMask or a individuals to access the funds raised through a campaign
corresponding service. The contributor must follow this for a specific cause. By following the guidelines and
protocol before being able to input the minimum amount that providing a valid reason for the requested amount,
has been established by the creator of the campaign. Lastly, individuals can increase their chances of receiving the
the transaction will require confirmation from the necessary funds to support their cause.
We can also use traditional cloud-based storage Web3 Provider: This environment connects to Ethereum
services. However, many developers choose decentralized node running at localhost and send the transactions to any
options to maintain and extend the trust-minimized network (test or main) as specified by the user
properties that a blockchain-powered dApp provides. Here
we are using Filecoin for managing data storage. A. Visual studio code:
Visual studio code is a code editor developed by
Filecoin functions as a decentralized storage Microsoft. It is a feature rich editor that supports code
marketplace on the blockchain, which rewards network highlighting, code debugging, intelligent code completion
participants who helpin storing files and retrieving them. and code refactoring to build web applications. It supports
wide range of programming languages and has a built-in
Filecoin is a decentralized protocol that allows users to terminal to execute command line commands. As
rent out spare storage space on their computers. crowdfunding is a frontend, heavy application with lots of
VIII. DEVELOPMENT TOOLS JavaScript Visual studio code was a best choice as the editor
to develop the application.
Solidity: Solidity is an object oriented high-level
B. Meta Mask Wallet:
language used for writing smart contracts in the
MetaMask is a chrome browser plugin that acts as a
crowdfunding dapp. A statically typed language has
bridge between your browser and Ethereum blockchain by
features such as inheritance, libraries, and complex user
providing a secure identity vault, a user interface to manage
defined types. C++, python, and JavaScript, majorly
multiple Ethereum wallets and sign blockchain transactions.
influenced it. Solidity is compiled to bytecode that is
It is one of the best ways to send transactions to Ethereum
executable by Ethereum virtual machine (EVM). Using
blockchain because it keeps a track of transaction execution
solidity developers can write dapps that implement self-
and returns if any error occurs during mining or execution.
enforcing business logic contained in smart contracts,
It is an Ethereum community open-source project having
leaving an undeniable and permanent record of
more than million active users; hence, it is the most popular
plugin to interact with blockchain.
Remix Editor: Remix Editor is a development
environment and testing framework. With Remix, Smart
IPFS stands for interplanetary file system. It is a protocol
Contracts are compiled and deployed and injected into
and network used to store and share hypermedia in a
web applications.
distributed file system. It is an open-source project
maintained by a hugecommunity of developers. The contents
Developing in remix assists developers to find bugs
in IPFS are accessed in two ways, via FUSE (in case of
and debug code with ease. Remix supports three different
Linux) and over HTTP even though IPFS wants to replace
kinds of environments to deploy and run the smart
HTTP. IPFS can be seen as a BitTorrent swarm, exchanging
objects within a single Gitrepository