N2 Triplex Pump - Installation
N2 Triplex Pump - Installation
N2 Triplex Pump - Installation
This manual contains the purpose, general description; performance characteristics and
maintenance for the Paul 3-LMPD high-pressure pump.
The 3-LMPD pump consists of three individual and identical pumping units driven on
common shaft. The pump is a reciprocating positive displacement machine. Each drive
element has a crank housing, crosshead position, connecting rod; drive eccentric keyed
shaft, and associated bearings and oil seals.
The pumping end of the pump is separated from the drive end by n intermediate housing
which is open to atmosphere. This ensures that there is no possibility of the migration of
warm end lubricants into the liquid product being pumped. The intermediate housing in
this arrangement is designed to minimize the heat transfer from the drive end. The pump
piston may be engaged or disengaged through the open section of the intermediate
The high-pressure dynamic seals are two piece piston rings with expanders, with piston
guidance by rider rings on the piston itself.
The suction valve is of flat face design and is held in position by a light spring load. The
discharge valve is flat seat poppet design, spring loaded in position and located in the
pump head, containing both discharge and suction valves, is connected to the end of the
cold cylinder and is easily removed for inspection and servicing of the valves. Blow-by
past the piston rings is discharged through the pump vent and I returned to the top of the
storage tank. The compact lightweight construction of he pump end minimizes liquid
requirements, and time, for chilling the pump to operating temperature.
Teflon “hat” seals stacked in series in the stuffing box isolate the cold end piston from the
atmosphere. The special design of these seals incorporating the use of separator between
each seal results in freedom of the hat seal to operate efficiently on the reciprocating shaft.
This is a low pressure sealing point operating slightly below suction pressure, depending
on installation.
One of the primary problems associated with cryogenic pumping is insufficient net
positive suction head, commonly referred to as NPSH. According to service records and
reports of field engineers, more pump problems result from inadequate NPSH than from
any other single causes. NPSH difficulties can reduce pump capacities and led to incorrect
analysis of pumping problem. NPSH is expressed in terms of feet of head above vapor
pressure of the liquid being pumped. Reduction of pressure in a pump suction be low the
vapor pressure of the liquid will cause the liquid to boil. If this vapor enters the pump
cylinder, volumetric efficiency will be reduced and the pump may use prime. The cylinder
becomes vapor bound and the heat generated generated by compressing this vapor, in
addition to normal friction, will further raise the vapor pressure of the liquid, there by
compounding the problem.
In many converter systems, a boost pump system is used to provide enough NPSH to the
HP pump suction so that the pressure at the inlet of the pump is always greater than the
minimum pump requirements. The term “NPSH” is pressure available at the inlet of a
pump above the vapor pressure of the liquid being pumped. The vapor pressure of a liquid
cannot be changed without increasing or decreasing the temperature of the liquid. The
tendency in cryogenic system is to continually increase the temperature of the liquid,
thereby increasing the vapor pressure of the liquid. This requires additional pressurization
in order to insure minimum NPSH requirements.
If pressure was built before blowing down, the difference between suction pressure and
suction vapor pressure would be 75 – 15 = 60 PSI.
By 1st blowing the tank, the difference is 75 – 0 = 75 PSI.
Blowing down the tank before building pressure is in accordance with the basic rule of
The volumetric efficiency of a positive displacement pump is the percentage from the
cylinder by the piston. Compared to the theoretical displacement of the pump. This
function is important to the operation of a cryogenic pumping unit, in particular as the
residual liquid in the cylinder has been raised to a high pressure. Thereby increasing the
energy level of the liquid. The energy level of the residual liquid may also be considered
heat energy and upon reducing the pressure, the heat energy having raised the temperature
of the liquid will result in a much higher vapor pressure of this liquid. This higher liquid
temperature will cause flashing in the cylinder reducing liquid flow into the pump suction
if the NPSH is not greater than the resultant vapor pressure of the new suction charge. The
pump piston and the chamber are contoured so that piston will displace the greatest
percentage of the liquid in the pumping chamber as possible.
The priming of a positive displacement pump for cryogenic service will vary with respect
to the specific system suction characteristics. It is necessary for an operator to become
familiar with the characteristics of the pump itself and also the system in order to
understand operation. The cryogenic pump must be chilled down until the temperature of
the metal is the same temperature as the incoming liquid or does not exceed the
temperature of the liquid at its established NPSH. When the pump is started, the operator
should pay very close attention to discharge pressure rise, which would indicate pump
prime. If there is no immediate indication of pumping action, the pump should be stopped
and further chilling should take place. If a small volume of liquid can be pumped to
atmosphere in order to determine pump prime, the starting procedure is much simpler.
The following specification apply to the Paul 3-LMPD high pressure pumping unit:
Flow 8 – 10 GMP
Pressure 40 to 60 PSI
Inlet temperature 200 ºF Maximum
All received equipment should be thoroughly checked as soon as possible after receipt
against the packing slip or other shipping document. Shortages or damages should be
reported immediately to the local agent of the Transportation Company.
In long-term storage (over six months), parts of the pump subject to attack by moisture
and corrosion (such as bearings, shafts, and other finished parts) should be inspected
periodically as well as immediately prior to pump installation.
Installation the pump as close as practical to the storage vessel, with single direct piping.
Mount on a firm foundation which is rigid enough to prevent pump movement.
General: short section of flexible line should be installed on both suction and vent sides of
the pump.
Pump and line flange faces must be parallel, and properly aligned, mating together
without effort. When this is accomplished, and the lines have been cleaned, the permanent
connection can be made.
Forced alignment of boltholes using the bolts or a drift pin must be avoided.
Inspect the piping and pump cavities for foreign matter and clean thoroughly before pipe
connections are made.
All piping, valves, and fittings must be adequately supported so that there will be no un-
due strains imposed on the pump.
Suction piping: the suction line should be as short and direct as possible. Suction piping
should be well insulated and at least the same size as that of the total suction ports.
Discharge piping: the discharge line should contain a by pass return vapor space in the
storage vessel and/or a vent to atmosphere for rapid priming.
The drive assembly is pressure lubricated in the crosshead; wrist pin and connecting
rod/eccentric-bearing areas as are the shaft bearing. An oil pressure of at least 40-PSI at a
maximum temperature of 200ºF should be maintained for proper lubrication. The
lubricants operating temperature range overlaps sufficiently that no oil change should be
necessary due to climatic conditions. As with any new machinery, it is recommended that
the oil be changed after the first twenty (20) hours of service. Thereafter the oil should be
changed every 100 hours, or once every month, whichever comes first.
Petroleum oils listed in the table should be used only when pumping a liquefied gas
considered inert, or a fuel: do not for an oxygen system.
Ambient Non-oxygen
Temperature Service
Group 1 -45ºF SAE 20 W
Group 2 +45ºF SAE 30 W
Group 3 +85ºF SAE 50 W
The following operating instruction describes the producer for the best operational
performance. It is recommended that the operator studies the manual for the particular
system wherein the PAUL 3-LMPD pump is to be utilized and that he understands the
principles of operation and the general performance of the system. The instructions in this
manual are for a typical installation and are intended to complement the instructions for a
given system utilizing the 3-LMPD pump. There will be variations accommodate
individual installations, but the operating procedure will be essentially the same.
Since cryogenic fluids exist as liquids at temperatures much below ambient temperatures,
the fluid tend to boil and vaporize upon contact with a surface of higher temperature.
Therefore, a cool down process is necessary to bring the cryogenic pumps down to the
same temperature as the entering fluid. This operation prevents boiling of the fluid in the
inlet chamber and cavitation of the pumps.
In general, the cool down process consists of first, cooling the boost pumps and the
associated flow system; and second cooling the high-pressure pumps and associated flow
Perform the cool down procedure for the boost pumping system.
For rapid cooldown of the high-pressure pump, open bleed valves v17.
Continue to cool the 3-LMPD pump until the frost line has proceeded to approximately
two inches back on the intermediate.
After the first high-pressure pump has been started, the procedure for starting additional
pumps is the same. Cooldown for all pumps may take place simultaneously.