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A list in Python is used to store the sequence of various types of data. A list can be defined as
a collection of values or items of different types. Python lists are mutable type which implies
that we may modify its element after it has been formed. The items in the list are separated
with the comma (,) and enclosed with the square brackets [].
Although Python has six data types that may hold sequences, the list is the most popular and
dependable form. The collection of data is stored in a list, a sequence data type. Similar
sequence data formats are Tuples and String.
Python lists are identical to dynamically scaled arrays that are specified in other languages,
such as Java's ArrayList and C++'s vector. A list is a group of items that are denoted by the
symbol [] and subdivided by commas.
List Declaration
1. # a simple list
2. list1 = [1, 2, "Python", "Program", 15.9]
3. list2 = ["Amy", "Ryan", "Henry", "Emma"]
5. # printing the list
6. print(list1)
7. print(list2)
9. # printing the type of list
10. print(type(list1))
11. print(type(list2))
[1, 2, 'Python', 'Program', 15.9]
['Amy', 'Ryan', 'Henry', 'Emma']
< class ' list ' >
< class ' list ' >
Characteristics of Lists
The list has the following characteristics:
• The lists are ordered.
• The element of the list can access by index.
• The lists are the mutable type.
• The lists are mutable types.
• A list can store the number of various elements.
Ordered List Checking
1. # example
2. a = [ 1, 2, "Ram", 3.50, "Rahul", 5, 6 ]
3. b = [ 1, 2, 5, "Ram", 3.50, "Rahul", 6 ]
4. a == b
The identical elements were included in both lists, but the second list modified the index
position of the fifth element, which is against the lists' intended order. When the two lists are
compared, false is returned.
1. # example
2. a = [ 1, 2, "Ram", 3.50, "Rahul", 5, 6]
3. b = [ 1, 2, "Ram", 3.50, "Rahul", 5, 6]
4. a == b
Lists permanently preserve the element's order. It is the arranged gathering of things because
of this.
Let's have a look at the list example in detail.
1. # list example in detail
2. emp = [ "John", 102, "USA"]
3. Dep1 = [ "CS",10]
4. Dep2 = [ "IT",11]
5. HOD_CS = [ 10,"Mr. Holding"]
6. HOD_IT = [11, "Mr. Bewon"]
7. print("printing employee data ...")
8. print(" Name : %s, ID: %d, Country: %s" %(emp[0], emp[1], emp[2]))
9. print("printing departments ...")
10. print("Department 1:\nName: %s, ID: %d\n Department 2:\n Name: %s, ID: %s"%( D
ep1[0], Dep2[1], Dep2[0], Dep2[1]))
11. print("HOD Details ....")
12. print("CS HOD Name: %s, Id: %d" %(HOD_CS[1], HOD_CS[0]))
13. print("IT HOD Name: %s, Id: %d" %(HOD_IT[1], HOD_IT[0]))
14. print(type(emp), type(Dep1), type(Dep2), type(HOD_CS), type(HOD_IT))
printing employee data...
Name : John, ID: 102, Country: USA
printing departments...
Department 1:
Name: CS, ID: 11
Department 2:
Name: IT, ID: 11
HOD Details ....
CS HOD Name: Mr. Holding, Id: 10
IT HOD Name: Mr. Bewon, Id: 11
<class ' list '> <class ' list '> <class ' list '> <class ' list '> <class ' list '>
In the above example, we have created the lists which consist of the employee and department
details and printed the corresponding details. Observe the above code to understand the concept
of the list better.
List Indexing and Splitting
The indexing is processed in the same way as it happens with the strings. The elements of the
list can be accessed by using the slice operator [].
The index starts from 0 and goes to length - 1. The first element of the list is stored at the 0th
index, the second element of the list is stored at the 1st index, and so on.
We can get the sub-list of the list using the following syntax.
1. list_varible(start:stop:step)
• The start denotes the starting index position of the list.
• The stop denotes the last index position of the list.
• The step is used to skip the nth element within a start:stop
The initial index is represented by the start parameter, the ending index is determined by the
step, and also the number of elements which are "stepped" through is the value of the end
parameter. In the absence of a specific value for step, the default value equals 1. Inside the
resultant SubList, the item also with index start would be present, but the one with the index
finish will not. A list's initial element seems to have the index of 0.
Consider the following example:
1. list = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
2. print(list[0])
3. print(list[1])
4. print(list[2])
5. print(list[3])
6. # Slicing the elements
7. print(list[0:6])
8. # By default, the index value is 0 so its starts from the 0th element and go for index -
9. print(list[:])
10. print(list[2:5])
11. print(list[1:6:2])
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
[3, 4, 5]
[2, 4, 6]
In contrast to other languages, Python gives you the option to employ negative indexing as
well. From the right, the negative indices are counted. The final element on the right-hand side
of the list is represented by the index -1, followed by the next member on the left at the index
-2, and so on until the last element on the left is reached.
Let's have a look at the following example where we will use negative indexing to access the
elements of the list.
1. # negative indexing example
2. list = [1,2,3,4,5]
3. print(list[-1])
4. print(list[-3:])
5. print(list[:-1])
6. print(list[-3:-1])
[3, 4, 5]
[1, 2, 3, 4]
[3, 4]
As we discussed above, we can get an element by using negative indexing. In the above code,
the first print statement returned the rightmost element of the list. The second print statement
returned the sub-list, and so on.
Updating List Values
Lists are the most versatile data structures in Python since they are mutable, and their values
can be updated by using the slice and assignment operator. Python also provides append() and
insert() methods, which can be used to add values to the list.
Consider the following example to update the values inside the list.
1. # updating list values
2. list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
3. print(list)
4. # It will assign value to the value to the second index
5. list[2] = 10
6. print(list)
7. # Adding multiple-element
8. list[1:3] = [89, 78]
9. print(list)
10. # It will add value at the end of the list
11. list[-1] = 25
12. print(list)
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
[1, 2, 10, 4, 5, 6]
[1, 89, 78, 4, 5, 6]
[1, 89, 78, 4, 5, 25]
The list elements can also be deleted by using the del keyword. Python also provides us the
remove() method if we do not know which element is to be deleted from the list.
Consider the following example to delete the list elements.
1. list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
2. print(list)
3. # It will assign value to the value to second index
4. list[2] = 10
5. print(list)
6. # Adding multiple element
7. list[1:3] = [89, 78]
8. print(list)
9. # It will add value at the end of the list
10. list[-1] = 25
11. print(list)
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
[1, 2, 10, 4, 5, 6]
[1, 89, 78, 4, 5, 6]
[1, 89, 78, 4, 5, 25]
Python List Operations
The concatenation (+) and repetition (*) operators work in the same way as they were working
with the strings. The different operations of list are
1. Repetition
2. Concatenation
3. Length
4. Iteration
5. Membership
Let's see how the list responds to various operators.
1. Repetition
The repetition operator enables the list elements to be repeated multiple times.
1. # repetition of list
2. # declaring the list
3. list1 = [12, 14, 16, 18, 20]
4. # repetition operator *
5. l = list1 * 2
6. print(l)
[12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20]
2. Concatenation
It concatenates the list mentioned on either side of the operator.
1. # concatenation of two lists
2. # declaring the lists
3. list1 = [12, 14, 16, 18, 20]
4. list2 = [9, 10, 32, 54, 86]
5. # concatenation operator +
6. l = list1 + list2
7. print(l)
[12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 9, 10, 32, 54, 86]
3. Length
It is used to get the length of the list
1. # size of the list
2. # declaring the list
3. list1 = [12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 23, 27, 39, 40]
4. # finding length of the list
5. len(list1)
4. Iteration
The for loop is used to iterate over the list elements.
1. # iteration of the list
2. # declaring the list
3. list1 = [12, 14, 16, 39, 40]
4. # iterating
5. for i in list1:
6. print(i)
5. Membership
It returns true if a particular item exists in a particular list otherwise false.
1. # membership of the list
2. # declaring the list
3. list1 = [100, 200, 300, 400, 500]
4. # true will be printed if value exists
5. # and false if not
7. print(600 in list1)
8. print(700 in list1)
9. print(1040 in list1)
11. print(300 in list1)
12. print(100 in list1)
13. print(500 in list1)
Iterating a List
A list can be iterated by using a for - in loop. A simple list containing four strings, which can
be iterated as follows.
1. # iterating a list
2. list = ["John", "David", "James", "Jonathan"]
3. for i in list:
4. # The i variable will iterate over the elements of the List and contains each element
in each iteration.
5. print(i)
Adding Elements to the List
Python provides append() function which is used to add an element to the list. However, the
append() function can only add value to the end of the list.
Consider the following example in which, we are taking the elements of the list from the user
and printing the list on the console.
1. #Declaring the empty list
2. l =[]
3. #Number of elements will be entered by the user
4. n = int(input("Enter the number of elements in the list:"))
5. # for loop to take the input
6. for i in range(0,n):
7. # The input is taken from the user and added to the list as the item
8. l.append(input("Enter the item:"))
9. print("printing the list items..")
10. # traversal loop to print the list items
11. for i in l:
12. print(i, end = " ")
Enter the number of elements in the list:10
Enter the item:32
Enter the item:56
Enter the item:81
Enter the item:2
Enter the item:34
Enter the item:65
Enter the item:09
Enter the item:66
Enter the item:12
Enter the item:18
printing the list items..
32 56 81 2 34 65 09 66 12 18
Removing Elements from the List
Python provides the remove() function which is used to remove the element from the list.
Consider the following example to understand this concept.
Example -
1. list = [0,1,2,3,4]
2. print("printing original list: ");
3. for i in list:
4. print(i,end=" ")
5. list.remove(2)
6. print("\nprinting the list after the removal of first element...")
7. for i in list:
8. print(i,end=" ")
printing original list:
printing the list after the removal of first element...
Python List Built-in Functions
Python provides the following built-in functions, which can be used with the lists.
1. len()
2. max()
3. min()
len( )
It is used to calculate the length of the list.
1. # size of the list
2. # declaring the list
3. list1 = [12, 16, 18, 20, 39, 40]
4. # finding length of the list
5. len(list1)
Max( )
It returns the maximum element of the list
1. # maximum of the list
2. list1 = [103, 675, 321, 782, 200]
3. # large element in the list
4. print(max(list1))
Min( )
It returns the minimum element of the list
1. # minimum of the list
2. list1 = [103, 675, 321, 782, 200]
3. # smallest element in the list
4. print(min(list1))
Let's have a look at the few list examples.
Example: 1- Write the program to remove the duplicate element of the list.
1. list1 = [1,2,2,3,55,98,65,65,13,29]
2. # Declare an empty list that will store unique values
3. list2 = []
4. for i in list1:
5. if i not in list2:
6. list2.append(i)
7. print(list2)
[1, 2, 3, 55, 98, 65, 13, 29]
Example:2- Write a program to find the sum of the element in the list.
1. list1 = [3,4,5,9,10,12,24]
2. sum = 0
3. for i in list1:
4. sum = sum+i
5. print("The sum is:",sum)
The sum is: 67
In [8]:
Example: 3- Write the program to find the lists consist of at least one common element.
1. list1 = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
2. list2 = [7,8,9,2,10]
3. for x in list1:
4. for y in list2:
5. if x == y:
6. print("The common element is:",x)
The common element is: 2
Python Tuples
A Python Tuple is a group of items that are separated by commas. The indexing, nested objects,
and repetitions of a tuple are somewhat like those of a list, however unlike a list, a tuple is
The distinction between the two is that while we can edit the contents of a list, we cannot alter
the elements of a tuple once they have been assigned.
1. ("Suzuki", "Audi", "BMW"," Skoda ") is a tuple.
Features of Python Tuple
• Tuples are an immutable data type, which means that once they have been generated,
their elements cannot be changed.
• Since tuples are ordered sequences, each element has a specific order that will never
Creating of Tuple:
To create a tuple, all the objects (or "elements") must be enclosed in parenthesis (), each one
separated by a comma. Although it is not necessary to include parentheses, doing so is advised.
A tuple can contain any number of items, including ones with different data types (dictionary,
string, float, list, etc.).
1. # Python program to show how to create a tuple
2. # Creating an empty tuple
3. empty_tuple = ()
4. print("Empty tuple: ", empty_tuple)
6. # Creating tuple having integers
7. int_tuple = (4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14)
8. print("Tuple with integers: ", int_tuple)
10. # Creating a tuple having objects of different data types
11. mixed_tuple = (4, "Python", 9.3)
12. print("Tuple with different data types: ", mixed_tuple)
14. # Creating a nested tuple
15. nested_tuple = ("Python", {4: 5, 6: 2, 8:2}, (5, 3, 5, 6))
16. print("A nested tuple: ", nested_tuple)
Empty tuple: ()
Tuple with integers: (4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14)
Tuple with different data types: (4, 'Python', 9.3)
A nested tuple: ('Python', {4: 5, 6: 2, 8: 2}, (5, 3, 5, 6))
Tuples can be constructed without using parentheses. This is known as triple packing.
1. # Python program to create a tuple without using parentheses
2. # Creating a tuple
3. tuple_ = 4, 5.7, "Tuples", ["Python", "Tuples"]
4. # Displaying the tuple created
5. print(tuple_)
6. # Checking the data type of object tuple_
7. print(type(tuple_) )
8. # Trying to modify tuple_
9. try:
10. tuple_[1] = 4.2
11. except:
12. print(TypeError )
(4, 5.7, 'Tuples', ['Python', 'Tuples'])
<class 'tuple'>
<class 'TypeError'>
The construction of a tuple from a single member might be hard.
Simply adding parenthesis around the element is insufficient. To be recognised as a tuple, the
element must be followed by a comma.
1. # Python program to show how to create a tuple having a single element
2. single_tuple = ("Tuple")
3. print( type(single_tuple) )
4. # Creating a tuple that has only one element
5. single_tuple = ("Tuple",)
6. print( type(single_tuple) )
7. # Creating tuple without parentheses
8. single_tuple = "Tuple",
9. print( type(single_tuple) )
<class 'str'>
<class 'tuple'>
<class 'tuple'>
Accessing Tuple Elements
We can access the objects of a tuple in a variety of ways.
• Indexing
To access an object of a tuple, we can use the index operator [], where indexing in the tuple
starts from 0.
A tuple with 5 items will have indices ranging from 0 to 4. An IndexError will be raised if we
try to access an index from the tuple that is outside the range of the tuple index. In this case, an
index above 4 will be out of range.
We cannot give an index of a floating data type or other kinds because the index in Python
must be an integer. TypeError will appear as a result if we give a floating index.
The example below illustrates how indexing is performed in nested tuples to access elements.
1. # Python program to show how to access tuple elements
2. # Creating a tuple
3. tuple_ = ("Python", "Tuple", "Ordered", "Collection")
4. print(tuple_[0])
5. print(tuple_[1])
6. # trying to access element index more than the length of a tuple
7. try:
8. print(tuple_[5])
9. except Exception as e:
10. print(e)
11. # trying to access elements through the index of floating data type
12. try:
13. print(tuple_[1.0])
14. except Exception as e:
15. print(e)
16. # Creating a nested tuple
17. nested_tuple = ("Tuple", [4, 6, 2, 6], (6, 2, 6, 7))
19. # Accessing the index of a nested tuple
20. print(nested_tuple[0][3])
21. print(nested_tuple[1][1])
tuple index out of range
tuple indices must be integers or slices, not float
• Negative Indexing
Python's sequence objects support negative indexing.
The last item of the collection is represented by -1, the second last item by -2, and so on.
1. # Python program to show how negative indexing works in Python tuples
2. # Creating a tuple
3. tuple_ = ("Python", "Tuple", "Ordered", "Collection")
4. # Printing elements using negative indices
5. print("Element at -1 index: ", tuple_[-1])
6. print("Elements between -4 and -1 are: ", tuple_[-4:-1])
Element at -1 index: Collection
Elements between -4 and -1 are: ('Python', 'Tuple', 'Ordered')
In Python, tuple slicing is a common practise and the most popular method for programmers
to handle practical issues. Think about a Python tuple. To access a variety of elements in a
tuple, you must slice it. One approach is to use the colon as a straightforward slicing operator
We can use a slicing operator, a colon (:), to access a range of tuple elements.
1. # Python program to show how slicing works in Python tuples
2. # Creating a tuple
3. tuple_ = ("Python", "Tuple", "Ordered", "Immutable", "Collection", "Objects")
4. # Using slicing to access elements of the tuple
5. print("Elements between indices 1 and 3: ", tuple_[1:3])
6. # Using negative indexing in slicing
7. print("Elements between indices 0 and -4: ", tuple_[:-4])
8. # Printing the entire tuple by using the default start and end values.
9. print("Entire tuple: ", tuple_[:])
Elements between indices 1 and 3: ('Tuple', 'Ordered')
Elements between indices 0 and -4: ('Python', 'Tuple')
Entire tuple: ('Python', 'Tuple', 'Ordered', 'Immutable', 'Collection', 'Objects')
Deleting a Tuple
A tuple's components cannot be altered, as was previously said. As a result, we are unable to
get rid of or remove tuple components.
However, a tuple can be totally deleted with the keyword del.
1. # Python program to show how to delete elements of a Python tuple
2. # Creating a tuple
3. tuple_ = ("Python", "Tuple", "Ordered", "Immutable", "Collection", "Objects")
4. # Deleting a particular element of the tuple
5. try:
6. del tuple_[3]
7. print(tuple_)
8. except Exception as e:
9. print(e)
10. # Deleting the variable from the global space of the program
11. del tuple_
12. # Trying accessing the tuple after deleting it
13. try:
14. print(tuple_)
15. except Exception as e:
16. print(e)
'tuple' object does not support item deletion
name 'tuple_' is not defined
Repetition Tuples in Python
1. # Python program to show repetition in tuples
2. tuple_ = ('Python',"Tuples")
3. print("Original tuple is: ", tuple_)
4. # Repeting the tuple elements
5. tuple_ = tuple_ * 3
6. print("New tuple is: ", tuple_)
Original tuple is: ('Python', 'Tuples')
New tuple is: ('Python', 'Tuples', 'Python', 'Tuples', 'Python', 'Tuples')
Tuple Methods
Python Tuples is a collection of immutable objects that is more like to a list. Python offers a
few ways to work with tuples. These two approaches will be thoroughly covered in this essay
with the aid of some examples.
Examples of these methods are given below.
• Count () Method
The number of times the specified element occurs in the tuple is returned by the count ()
function of Tuple.
1. # Creating tuples
2. T1 = (0, 1, 5, 6, 7, 2, 2, 4, 2, 3, 2, 3, 1, 3, 2)
3. T2 = ('python', 'java', 'python', 'Tpoint', 'python', 'java')
4. # counting the appearance of 3
5. res = T1.count(2)
6. print('Count of 2 in T1 is:', res)
7. # counting the appearance of java
8. res = T2.count('java')
9. print('Count of Java in T2 is:', res)
Count of 2 in T1 is: 5
Count of java in T2 is: 2
Index() Method:
The first instance of the requested element from the tuple is returned by the Index() function.
The element to be looked for.
• begin (Optional): the index used as the starting point for searching
• final (optional): The last index up until which the search is conducted
• Index() Method
1. # Creating tuples
2. Tuple_data = (0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 1, 3, 2)
3. # getting the index of 3
4. res = Tuple_data.index(3)
5. print('First occurrence of 1 is', res)
6. # getting the index of 3 after 4th
7. # index
8. res = Tuple_data.index(3, 4)
9. print('First occurrence of 1 after 4th index is:', res)
First occurrence of 1 is 2
First occurrence of 1 after 4th index is: 6
Tuple Membership Test
Using the in keyword, we can determine whether an item is present in the given tuple or not.
1. # Python program to show how to perform membership test for tuples
2. # Creating a tuple
3. tuple_ = ("Python", "Tuple", "Ordered", "Immutable", "Collection", "Ordered")
4. # In operator
5. print('Tuple' in tuple_)
6. print('Items' in tuple_)
7. # Not in operator
8. print('Immutable' not in tuple_)
9. print('Items' not in tuple_)
Iterating Through a Tuple
We can use a for loop to iterate through each element of a tuple.
1. # Python program to show how to iterate over tuple elements
2. # Creating a tuple
3. tuple_ = ("Python", "Tuple", "Ordered", "Immutable")
4. # Iterating over tuple elements using a for loop
5. for item in tuple_:
6. print(item)
Changing a Tuple
Tuples, as opposed to lists, are immutable objects.
This suggests that we are unable to change a tuple's elements once they have been defined. The
nested elements of an element can be changed, though, if the element itself is a changeable data
type like a list.
A tuple can be assigned to many values (reassignment).
1. # Python program to show that Python tuples are immutable objects
2. # Creating a tuple
3. tuple_ = ("Python", "Tuple", "Ordered", "Immutable", [1,2,3,4])
4. # Trying to change the element at index 2
5. try:
6. tuple_[2] = "Items"
7. print(tuple_)
8. except Exception as e:
9. print( e )
10. # But inside a tuple, we can change elements of a mutable object
11. tuple_[-1][2] = 10
12. print(tuple_)
13. # Changing the whole tuple
14. tuple_ = ("Python", "Items")
15. print(tuple_)
'tuple' object does not support item assignment
('Python', 'Tuple', 'Ordered', 'Immutable', [1, 2, 10, 4])
('Python', 'Items')
To merge multiple tuples, we can use the + operator. Concatenation is the term for this.
Using the * operator, we may also repeat a tuple's elements for a specified number of times.
This is already shown above.
The results of the operations + and * are new tuples.
1. # Python program to show how to concatenate tuples
2. # Creating a tuple
3. tuple_ = ("Python", "Tuple", "Ordered", "Immutable")
4. # Adding a tuple to the tuple_
5. print(tuple_ + (4, 5, 6))
('Python', 'Tuple', 'Ordered', 'Immutable', 4, 5, 6)
Following are Some Advantages of Tuples over Lists:
Lists take longer than triples.
The code is protected from any unintentional changes thanks to tuples. It is preferable to store
non-changing data in "tuples" rather than "lists" if it is required by a programme.
If a tuple includes immutable values like strings, numbers, or another tuple, it can be used as a
dictionary key. Since "lists" are mutable, they cannot be utilized as dictionary keys.