Drill and Blast QAQC Process

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Drill and Blast QAQC Process

Below steps are carried out when conducting QAQC on blast holes

1. The position of each blast hole is marked out by the help of GPS
2. Each marked out hole is assigned a flag which indicates the ID and Depth of the hole
3. The driller navigates to drill on the exact position of the marked out hole
4. After the hole is drilled, a hole dipper dips the hole and compares the actual depth measured
with the plan depth indicated on the flag.
5. If the hole depth is achieved, (tolerance of + or – 0.4), it is indicated on a flagging tape and
placed by the hole and the hole is plugged.
6. If the hole is not achieved, that is + or – 0.4, the hole is backfilled if the variance is negative and
the hole is re drilled if the variance is positive.
7. Hole depths and IDs are again checked and compared with the design and the information
recorded on the QAQC sheet before charging commences.
8. During charging of holes, initial and final stemming heights are measured and same recorded on
the QAQC sheet.

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