Matos 2012 Sensory Perception of Gluten-Free Breads

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Eur Food Res Technol (2012) 235:107–117

DOI 10.1007/s00217-012-1736-5


Relationship between instrumental parameters and sensory

characteristics in gluten-free breads
Marı́a Estela Matos • Cristina M. Rosell

Received: 18 January 2012 / Revised: 10 March 2012 / Accepted: 16 April 2012 / Published online: 4 May 2012
 Springer-Verlag 2012

Abstract Numerous bread-like gluten-free products have coefficients were rather low, which represent very weak or
been lately developed due to the rising demand on wheat-free low linear correlations (r B 0.35). The principal component
foods. A range of parameters has been used to describe these analysis showed that sensory parameters described in this
products, but there is no general agreement about the most study and also hydration properties besides texture param-
suitable assessment to characterize them. The objective of eters would be suitable for characterizing bread-like gluten-
this research was to characterize diverse gluten-free like free products.
breads (GFB) in order to discriminate them and to establish
possible correlations among descriptive parameters of GFB Keywords Gluten-free  Bread  Quality  Crumb 
features determined by instrumental methods and sensory Sensory characteristics
analysis. Statistical analysis showed that all physical, phys-
icochemical characteristics (specific volume, moisture con-
tent, water activity, L , a , b , hue and chroma), hydration Highlights
properties (swelling, water holding capacity and water
binding capacity), texture profile analysis parameters • Gluten-free breads are evaluated by instrumental and
(hardness, springiness, chewiness, cohesiveness and resil- sensory parameters
ience), and structural analysis of the crumbs (number of cells • Physicochemical characteristics discriminate gluten-
and total area) significantly (p \ 0.05) discriminated free breads
between the GFB types tested. Sensory analysis revealed • Correlations among sensory and instrumental charac-
great divergences in crumb appearance, odor, springiness, teristics are established
crumbliness, and color of samples, but no significant dif-
ferences (p \ 0.05) in flavor, aftertaste, and hardness of Introduction
them. Certain significant correlations were established
within the parameters determined by instrumental methods. Celiac disease (CD), also known as gluten-sensitive
Hydration properties of the crumb showed positive correla- enteropathy, is a chronic disorder of the small intestine
tions with cohesiveness and resilience. Significant correla- caused by exposure to gluten in the genetically predisposed
tions, but scientifically meaningless, were observed among individuals [1, 2]. It is characterized by a strong immune
the instrumental and sensory parameters, because correlation response to certain amino acid sequences found in the
prolamin fractions of wheat, barley, rye, and certain vari-
eties of oats, resulting in inflammation and damage of the
M. E. Matos  C. M. Rosell (&)
Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology, CSIC, small intestine mucosa and leading to malabsorption of
Av. Agustin Escardino, 7. Paterna, 46980 Valencia, Spain nutrients [1, 3]. Nowadays, the general prevalence of CD
e-mail: was estimated to be 1 in 300, although population-based
screening studies carried out in 2008 suggest that the
M. E. Matos
Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnologı́a de Alimentos (ICTA), prevalence may be 1 in 100 [4]. Persons with CD are
Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela unable to consume some of the most common products in

108 Eur Food Res Technol (2012) 235:107–117

the market, including breads, baked goods, and other food physicochemical analysis, hydration properties, crumb
products made with wheat flour. Until now, the only microstructure, crumb texture, and sensory analysis.
effective treatment for CD is strict adherence to gluten-free
(GF) diet throughout the patient’s lifetime [4].
The apparent or real increase in celiac disease or other
Materials and methods
allergic reactions and intolerances to gluten consumption
has prompted the rising demand for gluten-free products. A
range of bread-like gluten-free products has been designed
trying to resemble wheat bread. The gluten-free bread
Eleven specialties of gluten-free breads (GFB) with either
recipes contain mainly rice or maize flours combined with
loaf or sliced presentations were selected and purchased in
potato, maize or wheat starches [5–7]. In recent years, there
general and specialized supermarkets. Gluten-free breads
has been extensive research for the development of gluten-
are marketed in polyethylene pouches and packaged under
free bread, involving diverse approaches, like the use of
modified atmosphere for keeping their characteristics dur-
different starches (maize, potato, cassava, or rice), dairy
ing at least 4 months. All breads were purchased within the
products, gums, and hydrocolloids, emulsifiers, other non-
first month after its production. Breads were kept at 20 C
gluten proteins, prebiotics or combinations thereof, as
till analysis. Information on the ingredients of each bread
alternatives to gluten, to improve the structure, mouth feel,
type, according to the labeling is given in Table 1. Due to
acceptability, and shelf-life of gluten-free bakery products
commercial sensitivity, the branded bread (n = 11) varie-
[5, 6, 8–16]. The development of such bread is frequently
ties were labeled as GFB. Abbreviations of the samples are
difficult having in mind that gluten is the main structure-
listed in Table 1. Samples from two different batches were
forming protein in wheat flour, responsible for the elastic
used for the characterization.
and extensible properties to produce good quality bread
Physicochemical analysis
In those researches, different features of the gluten-free
breads have been evaluated to assess their quality. Despite
Bread moisture content was determined following the ICC
the different characteristics of the gluten-free bread com-
Standard Methods (110/1) [25]. Volume was determined
pared with its wheat counterparts, the same evaluation
by rapeseed displacement method and specific volume
methods have been usually applied. Instrumentals analysis,
(cm3/g) of the individual loaf was calculated by dividing
including loaf weight and volume, specific volume, color
volume by weight. Water activity (aw) of bread samples
parameters, and textural parameters, has been frequently
was measured using an Aqua Lab Series 3 (Decagon
used to characterize gluten-free breads [12, 14, 16, 18–22].
devices Pullman, USA) at 22 C. The color of the bread
Sensory analysis has been also considered in some of the
crumbs was measured at three different locations by using
studies when developing gluten-free breads [7, 10, 13–15,
a Minolta colorimeter (Chromameter CR-400/410. Konica
20, 23, 24]. Other researches have also characterized the
Minolta. Japan) after standardization with a white cali-
crumb microstructure by using image analysis [19, 23] or
bration plate (L ¼ 96:9; a ¼ 0:04; b ¼ 1:84). The
scanning electron microscopy [12].
color was recorded using CIE-L a b uniform color space
Therefore, instrumental measurements and sensory
(CIE-Lab) where L indicates lightness, a indicates hue
analysis have been applied to characterize gluten-free
on a green (-) to red (?) axis, and b indicates hue on a
breads. However, no correlation between instrumental
blue (-) to yellow (?) axis. Data from three slices per
parameters and sensory analysis has been previously
bread were averaged. Mean values from two different
established in this type of products, which would be very
batches for each sample are showed in Table 2. Addi-
helpful for defining the best quality attributes of gluten-free
tionally, the cylindrical coordinates: hue or hue angle
breads. Additionally, principal components analysis (PCA) 
(hab) and Chroma (Cab ) were defined by the following
could be used to identify the best parameters or descriptors
of the quality of gluten-free breads that allow the dis- r ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
crimination among bread features.   2  2
Cab ¼ ða Þ þ ðb Þ
The aim of this research was to characterize a range of
gluten-free breads in order to establish possible correla- hab ¼ arc tanðb =a Þ
tions among descriptive parameters of gluten-free bread-
like features determined by instrumental methods and Hue angle is the angle for a point calculated from a and b
sensory analysis. For that purpose, eleven gluten-free coordinates in the color space. Chroma is the quantitative
breads-like products, which represent a large range of component of the color [26], which reflected the purity of
commercial gluten-free breads, were evaluated regarding color in the CIELAB space.

Eur Food Res Technol (2012) 235:107–117 109

Table 1 Ingredients in gluten-free breads (GFBs) according to supplier information

Product Ingredients

GFB1 Corn starch, water, sugar, egg, vegetal margarine, acidifier, preservative, aromas and colorant, yeast, thickener, emulsifier, salt,
preservative, raising agents, antioxidants. May contain traces of soy
GFB2 Corn starch, water, vegetal margarine, emulsifiers, salt, acidifier, preservative, antioxidants, aromas and coloring (betacarotene),
egg, sugar, yeast, dextrose, humidifier, stabilizers, salt
GFB3 Corn starch, water, vegetal margarine, emulsifiers, salt, acidifier, preservative, antioxidants, aromas and colorant, egg, sugar, yeast,
dextrose, humidifier, stabilizers, salt
GFB4 Potato starch, water, corn starch, caseinate (milk protein), sugar, vegetal oil, corn flour, yeast, soy protein, stabilizers, salt,
GFB5 Corn starch, water, sugar, egg, vegetal margarine, acidifier, preservative, aromas and colorant, stabilizers, yeast, emulsifiers, salt,
raising agents, anise, cinnamon, and antioxidant
GFB6 Corn starch, water, rice flour, vegetal oil, sugar, stabilizer, lupine protein, yeast, salt, vegetal fiber, aroma, emulsifiers
GFB7 Corn starch, water, sugar, egg, vegetal margarine, acidifier, preservative, aromas and colorant, yeast, thickener, emulsifier, salt,
raising agents, antioxidants. May contain traces of soy
GFB8 Corn starch, water, sugar, yeast, thickeners, salt, raising agent, preservative
GFB9 Corn starch, water, sugar, thickeners, emulsifier, salt, yeast, preservative, raising agents, antioxidants. May contain traces of egg
GFB10 Corn starch, vegetal margarine, salt, sugar, emulsifier, raising agents, antioxidant, thickener, preservative, and yeast
GFB11 Corn starch, vegetal margarine, salt, sugar, emulsifier, raising agents, antioxidant, thickener, preservative, and yeast

Table 2 Different quality characteristics of different gluten-free breads

Sample Specific Moisture aw Swelling WHC g WBC g L a b Chroma Hue angle 8
codes volume g/100 g mL/g water/g water/g
mL/g solid solid

GFB1 3.37 cde 29.63 d 0.91 b 1.49 a 2.55 ab 2.31 a 64.71 a -2.01 cd 11.85 a 12.02 a -80.36 def
GFB2 3.47 de 31.63 f 0.95 e 1.58 bc 2.63 ab 2.47 ab 72.93 f 0.50 d 21.78 g 21.78 f 88.67 h
GFB3 1.54 a 29.50 d 0.94 d 1.49 a 2.41 a 2.39 a 71.86 ef 0.97 d 19.86 f 19.88 e 87.20 g
GFB4 4.79 f 27.17 c 0.94 d 1.38 a 2.50 ab 2.60 bc 65.77 a -1.63 abc 10.72 a 10.84 a -81.37 cd
GFB5 3.88 e 26.27 b 0.89 a 1.99 de 3.23 c 2.90 d 67.95 b -0.25 bcd 15.97 de 15.97 c -89.10 a
GFB6 2.89 c 41.66 i 0.97 g 1.59 ab 2.84 b 2.70 c 72.77 f -2.74 a 17.17 e 17.39 d -80.93 cde
GFB7 3.14 cd 33.60 g 0.94 d 1.79 bc 2.72 ab 2.41 ab 69.21 bc -2.44 a 13.97 b 14.18 b -80.09 ef
GFB8 4.77 f 21.10 a 0.92 c 2.58 e 3.49 c 3.19 e 83.83 h -2.21 a 11.92 a 12.13 a -79.44 f
GFB9 2.31 b 31.33 e 0.96 f 3.48 f 3.86 d 3.35 e 80.20 g -2.28 a 15.86 de 16.02 cd -81.82 c
GFB10 3.70 e 36.13 h 0.97 g 2.09 d 3.25 c 2.78 cd 71.13 de -1.99 a 14.09 bc 14.23 b -81.99 bc
GFB11 3.47 de 42.03 j 0.97 g 1.90 cd 3.24 c 2.72 cd 70.37 cd -1.90 ab 15.44 cd 15.55 bc -83.00 b
p value 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
For each parameter values followed by the same letter are not significantly different at p B 0.05
WHC water holding capacity (mL/g), WBC water binding capacity (g water/g solid)

Hydration properties hydrated solid was weighed and expressed per one gram of
solid. Water binding capacity (WBC) or the amount of
Swelling or the volume occupied by a known weight of water retained by the bread after being subjected to cen-
sample was evaluated by mixing 5 g (±0.1 mg) of dried trifugation was measured as described in the AACC
gluten-free bread with 100 mL distilled water and allowing International method (56–30.01) [27].
it to hydrate during 16 h. Water holding capacity (WHC)
defined as the amount of water retained by the sample Crumb cell analysis
without being subjected to any stress was determined by
suspending 5 g (±0.1 mg) of commercial gluten-free bread Images of the gluten-free bread slice (10-mm thick) were
sample with 100 mL distilled water and allowing them to captured using a flatbed scanner equipped with the soft-
hydrate overnight. After removing the excess of water, the ware HP PrecisoScan Pro version 3.1 (HP scanjet 4400C,

110 Eur Food Res Technol (2012) 235:107–117

Hewlett–Packard, USA). The default settings for brightness were appearance (by observing the product slice), flavor,
(midtones 2.2) and contrast (highlights 240, midtones 2.2, color, taste, aftertaste (taste remaining in the mouth after
and shadows 5) of the scanner software were used for swallowing), texture attributes during chewing and
acquiring the images. The images were scanned full scale springiness (ability to regain original shape after pressing
at 1,200 pixels per inch and analyzed in levels of gray down the crumb with the middle finger). The descriptors
(eight bits, readout 0–255) and captured in jpeg format for for each attributes were appearance (visually liking or
each measurement. A 30 9 30-mm square field of view disliking), flavor (scale goes from high when typical of
(FOV) was evaluated for each image. This FOV captured bread or bakery products to low, uncharacteristic of bakery
the majority of the crumb area of each slice. Images were products), color (scales goes from high yellow/beige to low
analyzed by Image J software (National Institutes of when brown or gray), taste (scale goes from high when
Health, Bethesda, MD, USA) using the Otsu’s algorithm typical taste of bread or bakery products to low, unchar-
for assessing the threshold according to Gonzales-Barron acteristic of bakery products), aftertaste (scale goes from
and Butler [28]. Data derived from the crumb structure high when agreeable taste to low when distaste after
analysis included: number of cells or alveoli, average cells swallowing), texture attributes during chewing (scales goes
area and cell circularity, and were used for comparing from hard-soft, crumbly cohesive). Attribute intensity was
purposes among different samples. Circularity was calcu- scored on a scale varying from 1 (disliked extremely) to 5
lated using the following equation: (like extremely). Two samples were evaluated during one
session. Breads were considered acceptable if their means
Circularity ¼ 4  p  area / (perimeter)2
score for overall acceptance was above 2.5.
A value of 1.0 indicates a perfect circle.
Statistical analysis
Crumb texture analysis
The results were expressed as mean values. For each
Crumb texture analysis was measured on uniform slices of quality parameter, a one-way analysis of variance
10 mm thickness. Three slices from the center of each loaf (ANOVA) was applied using Statgraphics Plus V 7.1
were taken for evaluation [29]. Texture profile analysis (Statistical Graphics Corporation, UK). Fisher’s least
(TPA) was performed using a universal testing machine (LSD) test was used to assess significant differences
TA-XT2i (Stable Micro Systems, Surrey, UK) equipped (p \ 0.05) among samples that might allow discrimination
with a 30-kg load cell and 25-mm aluminum cylindrical among them. Simple correlations were performed using
probe. The settings used were test speed of 2.0 mm/s with a Statgraphics V.7.1 software. Principal component analysis
trigger force of 5 g to compress the middle of the bread (PCA) was also performed to determine the number of
crumb to 50 % of its original height at a crosshead speed of principal components that significantly (p \ 0.05) dis-
1 mm/s. Values were the mean of three replicates. criminated samples.

Sensory evaluation
Results and discussion
A descriptive sensory analysis was performed for evalu-
ating the sensory characteristics of commercial gluten-free Technological and sensory characteristics
breads. Bread slices, including crust and crumb, were of gluten-free bread
presented (1 cm thick) on plastic dishes coded and served
in randomized order. A quantitative descriptive sensory The characterization of diverse gluten-free breads was
analysis was carried out with twelve trained panelists under carried out to identify the most discriminating parameters.
normal lightening conditions and at room temperature. The With that purpose, an in-depth analysis of the gluten-free
range of time that test panelist had participated in breads was carried out (Tables 2, 3). The analysis included
descriptive analysis and scale rating of a wide range of physical, physicochemical properties, crumb structure
bread products varied from 3 to 20 years. Preliminary analysis, also hydration properties of the crumb and sen-
training test was performed, in which they were sat in a sory analysis. Analysis of data collated using ANOVA
round table, and after evaluating the sample, an open dis- showed that all physicochemical characteristics signifi-
cussion was initiated for defining and describe the best cantly (p \ 0.05) discriminated between the breads tested.
descriptors for characterizing the product. Evaluation GFB samples presented specific volume values that ranged
included perception at first glance of the bread slice (crust from 1.54 to 4.79 mL/g. Those agree with the ones
and crumb included) and mastication with the molar teeth reported by Sabanis, Lebesi and Tzia [13] when they
up to swallowing. The attributes assessors finally agree evaluated enrichment of gluten-free baked products with

Eur Food Res Technol (2012) 235:107–117 111

Table 3 Analysis of crumb microstructure and texture

Sample codes Number of alveoli/cm2 Total area alveoli Hardness Springiness Chewiness Cohesiveness Resilience
mm2/cm2 N N

GFB1 4 ab 9.07 a 20.50 e 0.95 de 5.77 d 0.29 b 0.11 abc

GFB2 6 ab 7.53 a 80.20 g 0.95 de 32.90 g 0.43 c 0.17 d
GFB3 6 ab 36.70 b 14.53 c 0.85 bc 3.53 abc 0.29 b 0.09 ab
GFB4 6 ab 24.26 ab 14.60 cd 0.90 cd 4.83 cd 0.37 c 0.13 bcd
GFB5 2a 2.50 a 11.27 abc 0.76 a 2.33 ab 0.24 ab 0.84 ab
GFB6 16 c 130.03 c 11.47 abc 0.88 c 4.04 bcd 0.37 c 0.15 cd
GFB7 2a 8.80 a 10.83 ab 0.79 ab 1.69 a 0.20 a 0.06 a
GFB8 5 ab 18.70 ab 18.23 de 1.00 f 14.94 e 0.82 d 0.39 e
GFB9 4 ab 23.50 ab 32.77 f 0.96 de 24.07 f 0.77 d 0.40 e
GFB10 7b 21.33 ab 12.57 bc 0.95 de 3.74 abcd 0.38 c 0.15 cd
GFB11 6 ab 3.17 a 8.47 a 0.87 c 3.60 abc 0.44 c 0.18 d
p value 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
For each parameter values followed by the same are not significantly different at p B 0.05

different cereal fibers (2.7–3.9 mL/g), or with Marco and of light when compared with the rest of the breads. Addi-
Rosell [12] findings (1.57–2.71 mL/g). Moisture content tionally, darker crumb was observed for GFB1, GFB4,
values ranged from 21.10/100 g (GFB8) to 42.03/100 g GFB5, and GFB7. The darkening of the crumb color is
(GFB11). The present study included a range of marketed desirable as gluten-free breads usually tend to have lighter
GFB specialties, thus probably differences might be color than wheat breads [23], and darker bread are usually
attributed to the different bread formulations. In general, associated with whole grains and wholesomeness [15].
the moisture content values reported for gluten-free breads Regarding a , only GFB2 and GFB3 showed low positive
obtained from different formulations are rather high, for value indicating hue on red axis, whereas the other breads
instance, rice-based bread enriched with proteins showed presented negative a value (hue on green axis). In addi-
values of 41.66–46.13/100 g [12], and the enrichment of tion, all samples presented positive b value (indicating hue
gluten-free breads with fibers even enhances those values on yellow axis), showing significant differences among

(49–53/100 g) [13]. Water activity values of crumb were them (p \ 0.05). In relation to hue (hab) and chroma (Cab )
also high (Table 2). Those values agree with the findings of color attributes, great variation was observed (Table 3).
Lazaridou, Duta, Papageorgiou, Belc and Biliaderis [10] The majority of the GFB samples presented negative hue
that reported water activity values of GFB crumb in the values that reflected yellow-greenish hue, with the excep-
range of 0.97–0.99. Likely, the high water activity as well tion of GFB2 and GFB3 samples that presented hue posi-
as the moisture retention might be ascribed to the high tive values, which reflected yellow-orange hue. Chroma is
water holding capacity of the incorporated hydrocolloids the quantitative component of the color associated with the
[30] that are usually added to GFB formulations as thick- color purity in the CIELAB space. Both GFB2 and GFB3
eners for improving volume (see Table 1). It has been showed chroma values higher than the other samples,
reported 0.95 as typical aw value for breads [31]. There- which revealed its higher purity of color related to major
fore, GFB samples tested, according to the above results, intensity of the yellow component (Fig. 1).
covered a good range of characteristics previously reported Gluten-free breads have low ability to retain moisture
for this type of breads. during storage [11]; thus, hydration properties of the bread
The color of the crumb has been also an important crumbs might be interesting properties to characterize this
parameter for characterizing GFB. Lower L value indi- type of products. Hydration parameters are generally used
cates darker crumb, a positive value is associated with for assessing the water uptake ability of different ingredi-
crumb redness, whereas b positive value indicates yellow ents like hydrocolloids or fibers. GFB9 exhibited the
color. To obtain a good characterization of the color, it is highest values for swelling, WHC and WBC indicating that
necessary to bear in mind the psychophysical parameters, it can retain significantly more water than the other breads
which correspond with the cylindrical coordinates: hue (Table 2). In addition, GFB4 showed the lowest value for

(hab) and chroma (Cab ). Great variability was observed in swelling, while GFB3 presented lowest values to WHC and
lightness. GFB8 and GFB9 showed the highest values WBC. In GFB, dietary fiber (mainly hydrocolloids incor-
(83.83 and 80.20, respectively), indicating more reflectance porated as ingredient into gluten-free bread formulations)

112 Eur Food Res Technol (2012) 235:107–117

Fig. 1 Digital images of commercial gluten-free bread crumb samples (30 9 30 mm field of view of GFB)

Eur Food Res Technol (2012) 235:107–117 113

might be a major determinant of the water retention respectively. With respect to springiness, GFB8 showed the
capacity of these products. Significant differences were highest value, while GFB5 presented the lowest. Springi-
found among the samples, which could be useful for dis- ness is associated with a fresh and elastic product; there-
criminating GFB and maybe those properties could be fore, high quality bread will be related to high springiness
related to sensory attributes. Presumably, water retention values. Marco and Rosell [12] found springiness values
capacity of the crumb could affect the perception of that ranged from 0.77 to 0.94 when study the protein
textural properties when these samples are eaten. enrichment of rice based gluten-free breads. Low springi-
Parameters from the image analysis of the gluten-free ness value is indicative of brittleness and this reflects the
bread crumbs (Fig. 1) showed a large variability among tendency of the bread to crumble when is sliced [24].
crumb bread structures (Table 3). GFB6 exhibited signifi- Cohesiveness characterizes the extent to which a material
cantly high cells or alveoli number value and total area value, can be deformed before it ruptures, reflecting the internal
whereas lower values were seen for GFB5 and GFB7. The cohesion of the material. Bread with high cohesiveness is
unique reported values of this parameter in gluten-free breads desirable because it forms a bolus rather than disintegrates
ranged from 15 to 20 cells/cm2 [32]. No significant differ- during mastication, whereas low cohesiveness indicates
ences were observed for average cell area (mm2). Neverthe- increased susceptibility of the bread to fracture or crumble
less, significant differences were found for circularity values [16]. With the exception of the GFB8 and GFB9, low
(p \ 0.05). It has been described that up to certain limit, the cohesiveness values (0.20–0.44) were observed, which
number of cells/cm2 increases as HPMC and water increase implies that lower compression energy was required and
[24]. Nonetheless, the combination of high levels of both consequently those breads more easily crumbled. Chewi-
decreases the cell/cm2, likely due to the coalescence of many ness varied from 1.69 to 32.90 N, but the majority of
gas cells into one large cell. Carboxymethyl cellulose and breads presented values comprised between 2.33 to 5.77 N
xanthan gum has been associated with higher cell average and only GFB2 showed higher value. Therefore, the time
size, while breads with carrageenan and alginate had smaller required masticating a bread piece prior to swallow showed
cell sizes [22]. Gluten-free crumbs had circularity values great variation. Low chewing value means easy break of
ranging from 0.60 to 0.81, indicating less uniform shape the bread in the mouth like a biscuit. It was also observed
(Fig. 1). Beside, cell (air) total area of bread crumbs showed that hardness and chewiness showed similar traits for all
significant differences among gluten-free breads. breads. Resilience values showed that GFB7 had the lowest
In addition, significant differences were observed in the elasticity, whereas GFB8 and GFB9 presented the highest
crumb texture properties of the different gluten-free breads values. It has been reported that the reduction in resilience
(Table 3). Gluten-free bread-like products due to their or springiness characterizes loss of elasticity [16].
complex formulation, mainly based in carbohydrates [33], A quantitative descriptive analysis was performed for
present high crumb hardness, which agree with the results the sensory evaluation of the breads. Although 50 panellist
of crumb image analysis. The majority of GFBs presented are recommended for this analysis, in this study 12 long
hardness values ranging from 10.33 to 14.60 N; however, trained judges participate in the sensory evaluation, which
GFB2 and GFB11 had the highest and lowest values, agree with method of Heenan et al. [34]. According to

Table 4 Sensory analysis of different gluten-free bread-like products

Sample codes Crumb appearance Taste Odor Color Aftertaste Springiness Hardness Crumblines

GFB1 2.57 bc 2.71 2.28 bc 3.43 3.14 1.86 a 3.14 2.29 ab

GFB2 2.83 abc 2.33 2.67 c 3.00 2.67 3.33 bc 2.67 3.00 bc
GFB3 2.33 ab 2.66 3.00 c 3.00 3.33 2.50 ab 3.33 2.50 ab
GFB4 2.83 bcd 1.33 2.00 abc 3.50 2.50 4.83 d 4.17 1.33 a
GFB5 3.33 bcd 3.00 2.16 abc 3.83 2.67 2.67 ab 3.67 3.83 c
GFB6 4.00 d 2.66 2.83 c 3.83 3.83 4.17 cd 3.67 2.50 ab
GFB7 3.50 bcd 2.83 3.00 c 3.50 3.33 3.33 bc 3.16 2.33 ab
GFB8 3.16 bcd 2.66 2.66 c 3.17 3.50 4.33 cd 3.33 2.00 ab
GFB9 1.16 a 2.16 1.16 a 1.83 2.67 2.17 ab 2.16 2.83 bc
GFB10 3.50 bcd 1.83 1.50 ab 2.83 1.83 1.33 a 2.17 2.33 ab
GFB11 3.67 cd 2.50 2.66 c 3.67 3.83 4.17 cd 3.83 2.33 ab
p value 0.01 0.24 0.030 0.078 0.101 0.000 0.130 0.033
For each parameter values followed by the same are not significantly different at p B 0.05

114 Eur Food Res Technol (2012) 235:107–117

Table 5 Correlation matrix (correlation coefficients and p value) between characterizing parameters of gluten-free bread-like products
Specific volume L a b Chroma Tono Hardness Springiness

Instrumental parameters
b -0.6049*** 0.6375***
Chroma -0.6049*** 0.6236*** 0.9998***
Tono -0.6049*** 0.8082*** 0.7737*** 0.7688***
Hardness 0.4333*** 0.5434*** 0.5413*** 0.6235***
Springiness 0.4659*** -0.2515* 0.3569**
Cohesiveness 0.8650*** -0.2829* 0.6643***
Chewiness 0.4103*** 0.4111*** 0.4364*** 0.9043*** 0.5273***
Resilience 0.858*** -0.3076* 0.6197***
Moisture content -0.3628** -0.296* 0.2846* 0.2934*
aw -0.2781* -0.2823* 0.2417* 0.2511* 0.2859*
Total area -0.3173**
Swelling 0.5210*** -0.4993*** -0.3849** -0.3801** -0.5864*** -0.4517***
WHC 0.6186*** -0.3422** -0.4446***
WBC 0.7083*** -0.2905* -0.3943***
Sensory parameters
Color -0.2662*
Springiness 0.2829* 0.4659***
Crumbliness 0.3047* 0.3034*
Cohesiveness Chewiness Resilience Moisture content Swelling WHC WBC

Instrumental parameters
Chewiness 0.6002***
Resilience 0.9895*** 0.6034***
Moisture content -0.2707* -0.2579*
aw 0.7431***
Total area 0.4118***
Swelling 0.5613*** 0.6195***
WHC 0.6604*** 0.2442* 0.7020*** 0.8146***
WBC 0.7633*** 0.3017* 0.7901*** 0.8014*** 0.9323***
Sensory parameters
Appearance -0.3184**
Odor -0.3086* -0.3321** -0.3098*
Color -0.2860* -0.2909* -0.2493*

*p B 0.05; ** p B 0.01; ***p B 0.001

Eur Food Res Technol (2012) 235:107–117 115

ANOVA results, the gluten-free breads differed signifi- although the correlation coefficients were rather low, which
cantly (p \ 0.05) in crumb appearance, odor, springiness, represent very weak or low linear correlations (r B 0.35).
and crumbliness, also significant differences (p \ 0.1) With these types of products, no linear relationships were
were found in color (Table 4). Conversely, no significant detected between the instrumental and sensory parameters
differences were observed in taste, aftertaste, and hardness. likely due to their complex formulations.
GFB6 showed the highest appearance score. The less In order to propose a small number of parameters that
intense odor was perceived in GFB9. GFB4 received the allow gluten-free bread characterization, a principal com-
highest score for springiness. In general, GFB6 was scored ponent analysis (PCA) with the significant quality para-
higher for majority of the sensorial attributes evaluated. meters was carried out. Significant quality parameters
Conversely, GFB9 and GFB10 were scored lower for most analyzed by PCA indicated that six principal components
of the sensory attributes. These results clearly revealed significantly (p \ 0.05) discriminated between breads,
great variability on sensory quality. which accounted for 91 % of the variability in the original
data (data not showed). This analysis described 35 and
Relationship among technological and sensory 18 % of variation on principal components 1 (PC1) and 2
parameters of gluten-free bread-like products (PC2), respectively (Figs. 2, 3). Component 1 was defined
by hydration properties, instrumental cohesiveness,
The assessment of technological or instrumental quality is
the most preferred analysis for characterizing gluten-free
breads because they are not subjected to consumer per- 0,4
ceptions, which are greatly dependent on individual back-
grounds, locations and so on. Therefore, the establishment Component 2 (18%) Specific volume
0,2 Hardness S Swelling
of possible relationship between sensory and quality Colour
AppearanceSpringiness S
parameters or within the technological parameters would Aftertaste
Total area
be very useful. With that purpose, multivariate data han- 0,0 Moisture
Olour Taste
dling was applied by using Pearson correlation analysis.
Significant correlations were observed within the -0,2 Crumbliness
parameters used for characterizing gluten-free bread-like Chewiness

a* Hardness
products, but they were mainly obtained within the Hue
instrumental parameters (Table 5). Strong linear relation-
ships were observed within the color parameters, but also a
-0,4 -0,2 0,0 0,2 0,4
strong positive linear relationship was obtained between Component 1 (35%)
L nd cohesiveness (p \ 0.001) and resilience (p \ 0.001).
Presumably, crumb structure has great influence on the Fig. 2 Correlation loadings plot from principal component analysis
texture properties and the luminosity of the crumb. The showing the quality parameters of the eleven gluten-free breads
initial observation about the hardness and chewiness trend
was confirmed with the high relationship (r \ 0.9043)
detected between those parameters. Additionally, cohe-
siveness was strongly linear related to resilience 6

(r \ 0.9895), showing the importance of the internal

Component 2 (18%)

cohesion of the crumb on the ability to recover after

compressing. In this type of products, water activity 2 8
showed a significant positive relationship with the moisture 11
76 1 10
content. It must be highlighted the relationships observed 0 5

among the crumb hydration properties and some other 9

parameters, since those properties have not been previously
determined in bread crumbs. Water hydration properties 3
(swelling, WHC and WBC) were significant positively
related within them. Moreover, strong positive relation- -6
ships were observed between the WHC with resilience
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6
(r \ 0.7020) and between WBC with cohesiveness
Component 1 (35%)
(r \ 0.7633) and resilience (r \ 0.7901).
Some relationships between sensorial parameters and Fig. 3 Scores plot from principal component analysis of the eleven
instrumental parameters were statistically significant, gluten-free breads evaluated

116 Eur Food Res Technol (2012) 235:107–117

resilience and springiness, and luminosity (L ) along the Acknowledgments Authors acknowledge the financial support of
positive axis, which were present in GFB8 and GFB10. Association of Celiac Patients (Madrid, Spain), Spanish Scientific
Research Council (CSIC) and the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e
Along the negative axis, PC1 was described by sensory Innovación (Project AGL2008-00092/ALI). M.E. Matos would like to
parameters, moisture content and area and number of thank predoctoral grant from the Council of Scientific and Humanistic
alveoli that were present in the majority of the gluten-free Development of University Central of Venezuela (Caracas,
breads tested. Conversely, the component 2 was mainly Venezuela).
defined by specific volume, color parameters (a , b ,
chroma and hue) and hardness, along the positive and
negative axis, respectively. GFB8 and GF10 were posi- References
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