Ce023-Ce31s2a Binasoy Van Prelimexam

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‘TECHNOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF THE PHILIPPINES-QC CE DEPARTMENT CE 023 - FLUID MECHANICS PRELIM EXAM Name: 2nit7gy, Yon A919 SubjecUSection: —croi>-CPaIS7A || ¥ Date: 02/23/7023 Instructor: ENGR SADICON, jay 1. Whats the increase inthe densiy ofl when the pressure changes from 214 KPa to 386 kPa while the temperature remeins constant at 20°C? Compute also fen wisn Nn foreach presuerein 204 7ifegK nts) es: 0) 1-9"), b.) 27913 Nin has a specific weight of 48.65 Ib/f3 and benzene has a specific weight of $1.22 Ib/t3. Determine the amount of kerosene that should be mixed with 8.51b of benzene so that the/combined siture has a specific weight of g = 50 Jb/N3. Also, determine the spec vol. of the mixtury in f3/slug. (S59) cfaoey, b.) 0: 6A4OFF 9 ‘Answers:_&) ‘All fluids in the figure below are at 20°C. If p= 14pst at point A, détermine the pressures at B, C, and D in 4. In the given figure both ends of the manometer are ‘open to the atmosphere: Estimate the specific gravity of fluid X and.compufe its unit weight in Ib/23. Sg of ‘5. In the figure below, both the tank and the slanted tube ‘are open to the atmosphere. If L = 2.67 yard, what is /- the angle of tilt of the tube if itis being occupied by mercury? (4.53) A /answer: _/ or plagiarism Is a major offense, as stated in TIP (CT CODE AND SECTION: DATE 013- ce3ISIA or /23/2023 mL "| PRELIM EXAM: ?- ae EGRITY PLEDGE ariate ald, nor give such to others, in accomplishing t Iwill be sanctioned appropriately once | have such acts. G+ 09-2825 si) FR [sea a5.) 0 >} #373 We | Spec: vo] =| —— tea sy ; so? P(s12) P= 1.952% Sly ep? Spec vo) 7 0-440 F /ehey { ! / tye Pt Pe ve Vande 7 ~ | SUBJECT CODE AND SECTION: DATE: OY, YON ARIO N crors- cEsISIA 1/24/2003 (UCTIOR: ane aes /SCHOOL: ~ | PRELIM EXAM: ENG WON ViicENT REY sADIcon| TIP - ae ACADEMIC INTEGRITY PLEDGE. swear on my honor that | did not use any Inappropriate ald, nor give such to others, in accomplishing thls coursework. | understand that cheating and/or plagiarism Is a major offense, as stated in TIP ‘Memorandum No. P-04, s. 2017-2018, and that | will be sanctioned appropriately once | have committed such acts. © Aealinea = t+ atc Re 226K R= SOF IHy-k fe fe er (< 0.2835 (181) fo Peene —Lxe 2-0-4825. Me Fearne T (aor) (30422715) @ tees ible? Se< 522 Wojee OV _ Spee vo} = a St Se + Wr eslb .- Hi a 5% t, Se= sobla? vty + Ct) a [952% Si Ww S| «QS S +3 1.2 ; Spee. Wo) 7 OURO F Tin 465 Ve 0.los45 a? G+ o% ‘ebsibl? =f (62-2 lbge) fos Paleo PiVe t Pe Ve Tmisc = A%= 15107 S45 Vander we #9) Pos 14 lhae + 62-4 "4 (541) a We 4 Wt ( 24) 462-9 (See) B= 2g ity ; 228 Whos (oi ) [ . P< [b lee tes dom) ar 3p Reis ws. Pye 215R-8 lobe () pee monet (2mm) | - a ecezVoor)ed ates) (o n+ 4-91 (207) ~ 41(8)(002)F 7 ei(oos) - 410-8664 (00rd wes Rarr_1b))/ ree? 55 (Fim aor) Vee) / - po +I ene Hana = eae oe Set HT aang =_Se Cr 5 = Ao. 2965 We” | peal ore 04 4-91(08)(05) + 451 (0 s)—aal(mp)artia)ant =O baa "| ' : der (2-Rye | | ext! (sim) (THT) ps7) 2.494 m Sen G8 © vewm)cam Coe + CMC )COS) 4.6 ay CAP1)C7444 Sine = 0

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