MSC in Soil Mechanics
MSC in Soil Mechanics
MSC in Soil Mechanics
Established in 1950 the MSc course cluster in Soil Mechanics remains the flagship in its sub
ject. The staff profile, present and Emeritus (including four Rankine Lecturers), and first clas
s facilities make the course internationally renowned. Alumni from the course hold senior po
sitions around the world and their work and engagement in the profession ensures the high
reputation of these qualifications from Imperial College. Our close links with the Imperial Col
lege Engineering Geology, Environmental Engineering, Rock Mechanics and Hydrology Sec
tions ensure that our MSc students are exposed to the latest developments in all aspects of
Applications are invited from undergraduates completing their first degree, as well as those
with relevant industrial and professional experience. Applications may be considered from t
hose with degrees in other branches of engineering and earth sciences. The minimum entry
requirement for consideration is a good degree from a UK university (at upper second class
or above), or an overseas equivalent. Special cases, based on relevant postgraduate indust
rial experience, may be made in some circumstances.
The course is designed to provide students with a solid technical basis in the ke
y areas of geotechnics through a coherent, coordinated and balanced degree progra
mme, integrating core engineering science and recent research findings with pract
ical application.
Course structure
The 4 Soil Mechanics MSc courses share approximately 80% of the curriculum (see s
yllabus), while the remaining 20% allow specialisation in the areas of Advanced S
oil Mechanics, Engineering Seismology, Environmental Geotechnics and Engineering
Distinctive features of this programme include strong links with industry, emphas
is on field-work, laboratory testing using state-of-the-art facilities and numeri
cal analysis using in-house state-of-the-art software, and teaching by leading ex
perts in the field of Soil Mechanics.
The course comprises two terms of lectures, tutorials, laboratory classes and ind
ividual coursework assignments and one term devoted to a research dissertation. T
he lab classes offer first-hand experience of experimental soil mechanics in our
modern, purpose-built teaching laboratories.
The programme also includes three field trips; one weekend in each of the Autumn
and Spring terms to investigate the engineering geology and geotechnical issues i
n two distinct areas of the UK and a one-week study tour in the beginning of the
Summer term visiting several geotechnical and geological projects in Southern Eur
ope. A year comprises two separate periods. The first includes lectures, tutorial
s and individual coursework assignments, the second consisting of a research diss
ertation. The dissertation may be undertaken at College or in collaboration with
industry. Other projects have involved a period of data collection or field study
in the UK and abroad. The combined cost of these trips will be around £1,300.
Assessments include individual and group courseworks; laboratory and fieldwork pr
ojects; presentations to industry; written and oral examinations and a research d
issertation. To complete the requirements of the degree, all assessments must be
undertaken to the appropriate level. Successful candidates will be awarded the MS
c degree of Imperial College London and the Diploma of Imperial College (DIC).
To complete the MSc, all students must undertake all modules listed under their p
rogramme title.
[H2U3] Soil Mechanics
[H2U4] Soil Mechanics with Engineering Seismology
[H2UN] Soil Mechanics with Environmental Geotechnics
[H2EG] Soil Mechanics with Engineering Geology
Find out more about our suite of Soil Mechanics MSc programmes.
Autumn Term
Additional Requirements
CIVE70025 Geotechnics Fieldwork
Compulsory Compulsory Compulsory Compulsory
(runs accross the academic year)
Additional requirements