National Income Problems
National Income Problems
National Income Problems
Subject : Economics Topic : National Income Date of Worksheet : ___________
Resource Person:ReshmaAnso Date of Submission: ___________
Name of the Student :________________ Class & Division : _____ Roll Number : __
S.No. Marks
1. Find out the Gross Domestic Product at Factor cost from the following data
ITEMS (ɍ in crores)
Compensation of employees 110
Operating surplus 90 4
Mixed income from self employed 100
Consumption of fixed capital 70
Net indirect tax 10
2. Calculate Net Domestic Product at Market Price from the following data
ITEMS (ɍ) in crores
Net Indirect tax 38
Consumption of fixed capital 34
Net factor income from abroad (-)3
Rent 10
Profit 25
Interest 20 4
Royalty 5
Wages and Salaries 170
Employer’s contribution to social 30
3. From the following data calculate Net National Product at Market Price by (i)
Expenditure method and (ii) Income Method
ITEMS (ɍ) in crores
Personal consumption expenditure 700
Wages and salaries 700
Employer’s contribution 100
Gross business fixed investment 60
Gross residential construction 60
Gross public investment 40 6
Inventory Investment 20
Profits 100
Government purchase of goods and 200
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ISD/Economics Worksheet/XII/2019-20
Rent 50
Exports 40
Imports 20
Interest 40
Mixed Income of the self employed 100
NFIA (-) 10
Depreciation 0
Indirect taxes 20
Subsidies 10
4. From the following data calculate (a) GDPFC and (b) Factor Income from abroad
ITEMS (ɍ) in crores
Compensation of Employees 1000
Profits 200
Dividends 80
Gross National Product at market price 1800
Rent 250 6
Interest 200
Gross domestic capital formation 300
Net fixed capital formation 200
Change in stock 50
Factor Income from Abroad 80
Net Indirect tax 120
7. Calculate Gross National Product at Market price from the following data
ITEMS (ɍ) in crores
Compensation of employees 2000
Interest 500
Rent 700
Profits 800
Employer’s contribution to social 200
security 6
Dividends 300
Consumption of fixed capital 100
Net Indirect Tax 250
Net exports 70
Net Factor Income to Abroad 150
Mixed Income of Self Employed 1500
8. Calculate Gross National Product at Factor cost by (i) Income Method and (ii)
Expenditure Method from the following data
ITEMS (ɍ) in crores
Private final consumption expenditure 800
Government final expenditure 300
Compensation of employees 600
Net Imports 50
Gross domestic capital formation 150
Consumption of fixed capital 20
Net Indirect Taxes 100 6
Net Factor Income from Abroad (-)70
Dividend 150
9. Calculate National Income by (i) Income method and (ii) Expenditure Method from
the following data
ITEMS (ɍ) in crores
Profit 200
Private final consumption expenditure 440
Govt. final expenditure 250
Compensation of Employees 350 6
Gross domestic capital formation 90
Consumption of fixed capital 20
Net exports (-)20
Interest 60
Rent 70
Net Factor Income To Abroad 50
Net Indirect taxes 60
10. Find Gross value added at Market Price from the following data
ITEMS (ɍ) in crores
Depreciation 20
Domestic Sales 200 4
Net change in stocks (-)10
Exports 10
Single use producer goods 120
11. Calculate Gross value added at factor cost from the following data
ITEMS ɍ) in crores
Units of output sold 1000
Price per unit of output 30
Depreciation 1000
Intermediate cost 12000 4
Closing stock 3000
Opening stock 2000
Excise 2500
Sales tax 3500