Honosca Selfrated

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Administering Client-Rated HoNOSCA’s

The client-rated version of HoNOSCA has been developed using the 13 scales in Section A
of the clinician-rated HoNOSCA. This consists of an administered questionnaire based on
the main statement for each scale worded in the form of a question. For example, scale 1 of
the clinician-rated HoNOSCA “Disruptive, anti-social or aggressive behaviour” became
“Have you been troubled by your disruptive behaviour, physical or verbal aggression?”

The client-rated HoNOSCA is completed with minimal assistance from an independent

person (i.e. not clinician). This assistant explains the purpose of HoNOSCA (i.e. to measure
outcome) and gives a few brief guidelines, which consist of -

-Answer questions with last two weeks in mind.

-Try to be honest
-Try to answer all 13 questions
-Please tick one box for each question
-Try to rate the most severe difficulty mentioned in a question
-Take as long as necessary to answer questions

The client then completes the questionnaire with the assistant still present, so that help can be
given in answering the questions if difficulties arise.

If it is not possible for an assistant to be available to administer the questionnaire, the client is
given a “guidance sheet”, which consists of the brief guidelines given above as well as an
example which goes through a specific question and possible responses.

The client-rated HoNOSCA should be administered every time a clinician-rated

HoNOSCA is completed, to act as a comparison. This would usually be at assessment, six-
weekly review and discharge.
NAME__________________ DATE__________



1. Have you been troubled by your disruptive behaviour, physical or verbal aggression?

Not at all Insignificantly Mild but definitely Moderately Severely

2. Have you suffered from lack of concentration or restlessness?

Not at all Insignificantly Mild but definitely Moderately Severely

3. Have you done anything to injure or harm yourself on purpose?

Not at all Insignificantly Mild but definitely Moderately Severely

4. Have you had problems as a result of your use of Alcohol, Drugs or Solvents?

Not at all Insignificantly Mild but definitely Moderately Severely

5. Have you experienced difficulties keeping up with your usual educational abilities?

Not at all Insignificantly Mild but definitely Moderately Severely

6. Has any physical illness or disability restricted your activities?

Not at all Insignificantly Mild but definitely Moderately Severely

7. Have you been troubled by hearing voices, seeing things, suspicious or abnormal thoughts?

Not at all Insignificantly Mild but definitely Moderately Severely

8. Have you suffered from self induced vomiting, head/stomach aches with no physical cause,
bedwetting or soiling?

Not at all Insignificantly Mild but definitely Moderately Severely

9. Have you been feeling in a low or anxious mood, or troubled by fears, obsessions or rituals?

Not at all Insignificantly Mild but definitely Moderately Severely

10. Have you been troubled by a lack of satisfactory friendships or bullying?

Not at all Insignificantly Mild but definitely Moderately Severely

11. Have you found it difficult to look after yourself or take responsibility for your

Not at all Insignificantly Mild but definitely Moderately Severely

12. Have you been troubled by relationships in your family or substitute home?

Not at all Insignificantly Mild but definitely Moderately Severely

13. Have you stopped attending your education sessions?

Not at all Insignificantly Mild but definitely Moderately Severely

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