MooreThePDMrainfall runoffmodelHESS2007
MooreThePDMrainfall runoffmodelHESS2007
MooreThePDMrainfall runoffmodelHESS2007
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1 author:
Robert Moore
UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
All content following this page was uploaded by Robert Moore on 10 June 2019.
The Probability Distributed Model, or PDM, has evolved as a toolkit of model functions that together constitute a lumped rainfallrunoff
model capable of representing a variety of catchment-scale hydrological behaviours. Runoff production is represented as a saturation excess
runoff process controlled by the absorption capacity (of the canopy, surface and soil) whose variability within the catchment is characterised
by a probability density function of chosen form. Soil drainage to groundwater is controlled by the water content in excess of a tension
threshold, optionally inhibited by the water content of the receiving groundwater store. Alternatively, a proportional split of runoff to fast
(surface storage) and slow (groundwater) pathways can be invoked with no explicit soil drainage function. Recursive solutions to the Horton-
Izzard equation are provided for routing flows through these pathways, conveniently considered to yield the surface runoff and baseflow
components of the total flow. An alternative routing function employs a transfer function that is discretely-coincident to a cascade of two
linear reservoirs in series. For real-time flow forecasting applications, the PDM is complemented by updating methods based on error prediction
and state-correction approaches. The PDM has been widely applied throughout the world, both for operational and design purposes. This
experience has allowed the PDM to evolve to its current form as a practical toolkit for rainfall-runoff modelling and forecasting.
R.J. Moore
P storage
qs Surface
E runoff
Probability- qb Baseflow
distributed soil
moisture storage
of empirical state-correction for the PDM and more generic as follows. First imagine that stores of all possible different
error-prediction techniques are described, and their relative depths are arranged in order of depth and with their open
merits discussed. The paper ends with a historical tops arranged at the same height: this results in a wedge-
perspective on the evolution of the PDM to its current state shaped diagram as depicted in Fig. 2(b). If the basin is
of development together with some concluding remarks. initially dry so that all stores are empty and rain falls at a
net rate P for a unit duration, then stores will fill to a depth
P unless they are of lesser depth than P when they will fill
Probability-distributed soil moisture and spill. During the interval the shallowest stores will start
store generating direct runoff and at the end of the interval stores
Consider that runoff production at any point within a river of depth P will just begin to produce runoff, so that the
basin may be conceptualised as a single storage, or tank, of upper triangular area in Fig. 2(c) denotes the depth produced
capacity c´, representing the absorption capacity of the soil from stores of different depth over the unit interval. Since,
column at that point. The storage takes up water from in general, there are more stores of one depth than another
rainfall, P, and loses water by evaporation, E, until either the actual runoff produced over the basin must be obtained
the storage fills and spills, generating direct runoff, q, or by weighting the depth produced by a store of a given depth
empties and ceases to lose water by evaporation. Figure 2(a) by its frequency of occurrence, as expressed by f(c). Now,
depicts such a storage, whose behaviour may be expressed at the end of the interval stores of depth less than P are
mathematically by generating runoff: let this critical capacity below which all
stores are full at some time t be denoted by
C * { C * (t ) ( C P in the present example). The
probc d C * ³ o f c dc.
where So is the initial depth of water in storage, and where F (C * ) (2)
P, E and qc represent the depth of rainfall, evaporation and
the resulting direct runoff over the interval being considered. The function F(.) is the distribution function of store capacity
Now consider that runoff production at every point within and is related to the density function, f(c), through the
a river basin may be similarly described, each point differing relation f(c) = dF(c)/dc. This proportion is also the
from another only with regard to the storage capacity. The proportion of the basin generating runoff, so that the
storage capacity at any point, c, may then be considered as contributing area at time t for a basin of area A is
a random variate with probability density function, f(c), so
that the proportion of the river basin with depths in the range Ac (t ) F C * (t ) A. (3)
(c, c + dc) will be f(c)dc.
The water balance for a river basin assumed to have The instantaneous direct runoff rate per unit area from the
storage capacities distributed in this way may be constructed basin is the product of the net rainfall rate, p(t), and the
The PDM rainfall-runoff model
store ³0
C * t
1 F c dc .
capacity, c
For a given value of storage, S(t), this can be used to obtain
(c) Direct runoff production from a population of stores
C*(t) which allows the volume of direct runoff, V(t+Dt), to
be calculated using Eqn. (6) together with Eqn. (5).
The dependence of evaporation loss on soil moisture
Fig. 2. Definition diagrams for the probability-distributed
content is introduced by assuming the following simple
interacting storage capacity component
function between the ratio of actual to potential evaporation,
Eic / Ei , and soil moisture deficit, Smax S(t):
proportion of the basin generating runoff, F(C (t)); that is *
S S t ½
q(t ) S t F C * t . (4) 1 ® max ¾ ; (8)
Ei ¯ S max ¿
During the ith wet interval, (t, t+Dt), suppose rainfall and
either a linear (be=1 so Eic ( S (t ) / S max ) Ei ) or quadratic
potential evaporation occur at constant rates Pi and Ei, so
form (be=2) is usually assumed. Here, Smax is the total
that net rainfall pi = Pi Ei. Then the critical capacity, C*(t),
available storage, and is given by
will increase over the interval according to
f f (9)
C * W C * t + S i W t t d W d t + 't , (5) S max ³o cf(c)dc ³o 1 F c dc c,
the contributing area will expand according to Eqn. (3), and where c is the mean storage capacity over the basin.
the volume of basin direct runoff per unit area produced Further loss as recharge to groundwater may be introduced
over this interval will be by assuming that the rate of drainage over the interval, di,
R.J. Moore
depends linearly on basin soil moisture content at the start Si Pi Eic d i . (14)
of the interval i.e.
During a period when no runoff generation occurs then, for
di kg
S t S t bg
(10) this general case, soil moisture storage accounting simply
involves the calculation
where kg is the drainage time constant and bg the exponent
of the recharge function (usually set to 1) and St is the S W S t S i W t t d W d t + 't, 0 d S W d S max .
threshold storage below which there is no drainage, water (15)
being held under soil tension. An alternative formulation is
available which allows recharge to depend on both soil and When runoff generation does occur then the volume of
groundwater storage for use in catchments where soil/ runoff produced, V(t+Dt), is obtained using Eqn. (6), and
groundwater interactions are important. Consider recharge then continuity gives the replenished storage as
into a groundwater store of maximum capacity S g . Then
S t S i 't V t 't S t 't d Smax .
a groundwater deficit ratio may be defined as S t 't ®
¯S max otherwise (16)
S g S g t
g t max (11) If basin storage is fully replenished within the interval
(t,t+Dt) then V(t+Dt) should be computed from continuity
where Sg(t) denotes the groundwater storage at time t. This as
ratio can be used to define a groundwater demand factor
between 0 and 1: V t + 't S i 't S max S (t ) . (17)
§ g t ·
The above completes the procedure for soil moisture
f t
° ¨ ¸ g t D
® © D ¹ (12) accounting and determining the value of runoff production
°̄ 1 otherwise according to a probability-distributed storage capacity
which achieves a maximum for values of the deficit ratio model. Figure 3 provides a graphical representation of this
g(t) in excess of a. It is then reasonable to suppose that the procedure for a wet interval (t,t+Dt) during which soil
recharge depth over the interval, Di, will increase with soil moisture storage is added to by an amount DS(t+Dt) = pi Dt
storage, S(t), and with the groundwater demand factor, f(t), V(t+Dt), and a volume of direct runoff, V(t+Dt), is
according to generated.
The PDM rainfall-runoff model
0.02 1.0
density Distribution
function function
f(c) F(c)
0.01 b=2 0.5
b=0.5 cmax
0 0
0 100 200 0 100 200
Storage capacity, c mm Storage capacity, c mm
R.J. Moore
cmax = 140
Direct b = 0.4 Initial
Runoff 60 Storage
V mm (Smax = 100) S mm
0 100 200
Net rainfall, P-E mm
Fig. 5. Rainfall-runoff relationship for the probability-distributed interacting storage capacity model, using the Pareto
distribution of storage capacity.
The PDM rainfall-runoff model
with time constants k1 and k2, expressed as the discretely Here Dt is the time interval between times t1 and t and it is
coincident transfer function model (OConnor, 1982): assumed that the input ut is constant over this interval. In
this case the input is the volume of direct runoff, V(t),
qt G 1 q t 1 G 2 q t - 2 + Z 0 u t + Z 1 u t 1 (26) generated from the probability-distributed soil moisture store
and the output qt will be the surface flow component of the
with total basin runoff, qs(t). The total basin flow is given by
qs(t) + qb(t), plus a constant flow, qc, representing any returns
G 1 G 1 + G 2 , G 2 G 1 G 2 , G 1 exp 't k1 , G *2 exp 't k 2 or abstractions.
* * * * *
Z0 k1 z k 2
k 2 k1
example application
The parameter and structure options in the model are
k 2 G 2 1G 1 k 1 G 1 1G 2
* * * *
Z1 k1 z k 2 summarised in Table 1. Note that a rainfall factor, fc, is
k 2 k1
1 1+ 't k1 G *1
incorporated in the model to allow conversion of a rainfall
Z0 k1 k 2
observation to rainfall, P, thereby compensating for effects
such as lack of raingauge representativeness. The time
Z1 G *
1 1+ 't k1 G *1 k1 k 2 . (27)
constants kg and kb are equivalent to k-1 in the general non-
R.J. Moore
linear storage function q=kSm. can be used to look at the response over seasons or years as
The calibration of the PDM model is carried out within a well as zoomed-in to flood hydrographs of special interest.
generic Model Calibration Shell environment. This The objective function used to assess model performance
Calibration Shell provides for both automatic optimisation can be censored to exclude flows below a minimum value
and informal visually-interactive parameter estimation. The so that it is not unduly influenced by long hydrograph
former uses a simplex direct search procedure (Nelder and recessions.
Mead, 1965) modified following suggestions made by Gill The PDM model has been widely applied to a variety of
et al. (1981). Informal estimation is supported by an catchments in different countries. These include England,
interactive visualisation tool which allows the user to see Wales, Scotland, Belgium, Hong Kong, India, South Java,
the changing hydrograph response as a chosen parameter Thailand and China. An example of its use as a simulation
value is varied. This can be an invaluable aid to model is shown in Fig. 6. The flows are for Beverley Brook
understanding the model response and the nature of the gauged at Wimbledon Common in London within the
dependence between parameters. Error response function Thames basin, draining an area of 44 km 2. HYRAD
plots for a selected pair of parameters can also be used to recalibrated radar rainfall data (Moore, 1999), which
investigate parameter interdependence. combines radar and raingauge information, is used to form
The seasonal response of a model, dominated by aspects the catchment average rainfall employed as input to the
of the model structure and a certain subset of the model model in this case.
parameters controlling the water balance, can be investigated
through a preliminary calibration at a daily time-step. A 15-
Summary of the PDM rainfall-runoff
minute time-step can then be used to establish the model
parameters dominating the short-term dynamics of runoff model
response and translation. Storm events spanning several Whilst the design of the PDM model provides for a range
years can be included in the optimisation at a 15-minute of different structural forms, the most commonly used
time-step. This is achieved by prescribing the event periods configuration comprises the following components:
to be included in the optimisation and switching to a daily
time-step between events, for purposes of continuous water (i) A probability-distributed soil moisture storage
accounting. Other time-steps to the 15-minute and daily component to effect separation between direct runoff
interval can be used. If long (several years) continuous 15- and subsurface runoff. This is based on a Pareto
minute datasets are available, then modelling can be done distribution of soil moisture storage capacity over the
at this interval. The Calibration Shell visualisation facilities catchment.
Fig. 6. PDM model simulation of Beverley Brook at Wimbledon Common using HYRAD recalibrated radar rainfall data as input. Observed
flow: bold line; simulated flow: dashed line; baseflow: small dots. The negative ordinate shows soil moisture deficit as a dashed line and
rainfall on a proportional scale.
The PDM rainfall-runoff model
(ii) A surface storage component which transforms direct operating in updating mode. These two updating methods
runoff to surface runoff. This employs a two-linear are available for use with the PDM and are detailed below.
reservoir cascade formulated as a transfer function with
dependence on two past outputs and the current and
previous input. The coincidence of this four parameter
discrete time model with the two parameter continuous The term state is used to describe a variable of a model
time model that preserves continuity allows the transfer which mediates between inputs to the model and the model
function model to be (a) re-parameterised as a two output (Szollosi-Nagy, 1976). In the case of the PDM
parameter model, and (b) to be used at different discrete rainfall-runoff model, the main input is rainfall and basin
time intervals. flow is the model output. Typical state variables are the water
contents of the surface and groundwater stores, S2 and S3,
(iii) A groundwater storage component which receives and of the probability-distributed soil storage, S1 (Fig. 1).
drainage water from the distributed soil moisture storage The flow rates out of the conceptual stores can also be
as input and contributes the groundwater component regarded as state variables: examples are qs, the flow out of
of total runoff as output. A cubic non-linear storage the surface storage, and qb, the flow out of the groundwater
routing function is adopted to effect this transformation. storage.
When an error, H Q q Q (qs qb ) , occurs between the
Methods are available to update the PDM model with model prediction, q, and the observed value of basin runoff,
reference to observed flows for real-time flow forecasting Q, it would seem sensible to attribute the blame to mis-
applications. An empirical state-correction scheme provides specification of the state variables and attempt to correct
a range of options for correcting internal model water the state values to achieve concordance between observed
contents or flow rates to yield more accurate updated model and model predicted flow. Mis-specification may, for
forecasts. As an alternative, an ARMA error-prediction example, have arisen through errors in rainfall measurement
scheme is available which exploits the persistence in model which, as a result of the model water accounting procedure,
errors to obtain improved forecasts. These methods are are manifested through the values of the store water contents,
described in outline next. or equivalently the flow rates out of the stores. A formal
approach to state correction is provided by the Kalman filter
algorithm (Jazwinski, 1970; Gelb, 1974; Moore and Weiss,
Updating the PDM rainfall-runoff 1980a,b). This provides an optimal adjustment scheme for
model incorporating observations, through a set of linear
operations, for linear dynamic systems subject to random
INTRODUCTION variations which may not necessarily be Gaussian in form.
If observed flows are not used, except for initialisation, a For non-linear dynamic models, such as the PDM, an
model is said to be operating in simulation mode, acting as extended form of Kalman filter based on a linearisation
a function which transforms rainfall and potential approximation is required which is no longer optimal in the
evaporation to river flow. A model which has been calibrated adjustment it provides. The implication of this is that simpler,
in simulation mode may be extended to use observed flows intuitive adjustment schemes can be devised which
by addition of further structure and associated parameters. potentially provide better adjustments than the more
These might take the form of rules for adjusting model states complex and formal extensions of the Kalman filter which
(state-correction) or predicting future errors (error- accommodate non-linear dynamics through approximations.
prediction). The former are heavily dependent on the Such schemes which make physically sensible adjustments
structure of the simulation mode model, whilst the latter are called empirical state adjustment schemes. A simple
are essentially independent. Parameter-adjustment is not example is the apportioning of the error, H , between the
considered in the PDM. The view is taken that this approach surface and groundwater stores of the PDM in proportion
confuses the issue of correct model identification, which is to their contribution to the total flow. Mathematically this
properly carried out through a controlled calibration may be expressed as
procedure. Parameter variability is better addressed by
improving the structural form of the model than by tracking qb* qb D gbH (28a)
its variation in real-time.
A model incorporating observed flows either through qs* qs 1 D g sH (28b)
state-correction or error-prediction will be said to be
R.J. Moore
The PDM rainfall-runoff model
R.J. Moore
error-predictor parameters for a chosen model structure. These early developments employed convolution to route
Often a third order autoregressive, with dependence on three direct runoff (and drainage to recharge) to the basin outlet,
past model errors, provides an appropriate choice for UK using the probability-distributed principle applied to the
conditions and a 15 minute model/data time interval. time-of-travel to the catchment outlet. Specifically, the
probability density function (pdf) of translation time was
taken as equivalent to the kernel function or instantaneous
DISCUSSION OF UPDATING THE PDM unit hydrograph. Invoking a pdf of inverse Gaussian form
Whilst error-prediction provides a general technique which provided a physical link with the St. Venant equations of
is easy to apply, its performance in providing improved open-channel flow and the convection-diffusion equation.
forecasts will depend on the degree of persistence in the It was not until 1986 that the model schematic of Fig. 1 first
model errors. Unfortunately, in the vicinity of the rising limb appeared (see Fig. 3 of Moore, 1986). The parallel routing
and peak of the flood hydrograph this persistence is least formulation made explicit by this schematic was inspired
and errors show a tendency to oscillate rapidly and most by the simplified catchment model schematic of Dooge (Fig.
widely; dependence is at its strongest for errors on the falling 1-8 in Dooge, 1973; Fig. 2.3 in Dooge and OKane, 2003).
limb, where improved forecast performance matters least. Here, soil moisture feedback controls the partitioning of the
In addition, timing errors in the model forecast may lead to direct storm and groundwater response of total runoff,
erroneous error predictions being made, a problem which deliberately avoiding the less identifiable separation of
is also shared by the technique of state-correction. The overland flow and interflow. Convolution was replaced by
general applicability and popularity of error-prediction as non-linear storage routing as being simpler and easier to
an updating tool commends its use as an off-the-shelf update for real-time application. The exposition of the
technique, but empirical state adjustment schemes should Horton-Izzard equation in Dooge (1973), and reference to
also be considered as viable alternatives to the use of error- the source and related texts, provided the foundation for
prediction. State-correction is normally the preferred choice the recursive solutions to this equation used for storage
with the PDM model. routing in the PDM (Moore, 1983); Moore and Bell (2002)
provides further details and reference sources. This was
supplemented by the transfer function representation of a
Historical perspective and concluding cascade of two linear reservoirs efficiently parameterised
via one or two storage coefficients (OConnor, 1982) as a
remarks further routing option.
The PDM rainfall-runoff model had its origins in the search This early development of a generalised rainfall-model
for model formulations that were well suited to automatic toolkit was undertaken deliberating without recourse to a
parameter estimation: specifically, models that avoided brand name association, recognising that many models
threshold behaviours and were parsimonious of parameters. share rather similar conceptual elements. However, with the
Initially, this focused on invoking a probability distribution need to develop the River Flow Forecasting System (RFFS)
of storage capacity to replace a simple single store for operational use, the requirement for a software product
representation of runoff production (Moore and Clarke, arose and the PDM brand name introduced (Moore and
1981). The threshold behaviour of the single store results Jones, 1991; Institute of Hydrology, 1992).
in a discontinuity in the gradient of the models objective As the PDM toolkit evolved to represent a wider range of
function and difficulties of parameter optimisation. These hydrological behaviours it became clear that the original
problems were circumvented by the probability-distributed aim of a model well suited to automatic parameter estimation
representation and, more importantly, led to a more realistic had been compromised. It became evident that a rainfall-
representation of runoff production across a catchment. A runoff model that performed well was typically not easy to
simplification of the theory (Moore, 1985) allowing optimise automatically; the parallel configuration of routing
storage elements to interact with each other so as to equalise stores and more complex recharge functions particularly
the depth of stored water across a catchment led to the introduced parameter interdependence. Thus a more realistic
formulations now employed in the PDM. Over time, representation of hydrological behaviour is likely to have
solutions were obtained for a range of distributions including problems of parameter estimation. An acceptance of this
exponential, Pareto (reflected power), rectangular, position has led to increasing reliance being placed on
triangular, power and lognormal (see Appendix A). The manual calibration using interactive visual support tools,
theory also allowed for representations of evaporation and using automatic optimisation only for late-stage refinement.
drainage to recharge as a function of catchment soil moisture. It is not clear that recent advances in calibration of rainfall-
The PDM rainfall-runoff model
runoff models (Duan et al., 2003) will change this position Institute of Hydrology, 1992. PDM: A generalized rainfall-runoff
model for real-time use, Developers Training Course. National
radically, although the ability to search the parameter space
Rivers Authority River Flow Forecasting System, Version 1.0,
more comprehensively with increased computer power may March 1992, 26pp.
help. Institute of Hydrology, 1996. A guide to the PDM. Version 1.0.
Updating of the PDM for real-time forecasting Wallingford, UK. 45pp.
Jazwinski, A.H., 1970. Stochastic processes and filtering theory.
applications benefited from experience gained in the 1970s Academic Press, New York, USA. 376 pp.
and 1980s (Moore and Weiss, 1982a,b; Moore, 1982, 1986). Moore, R.J., 1982. Transfer functions, noise predictors and the
This experience concerned the recursive state-parameter forecasting of flood events in real-time. In: Statistical analysis
of rainfall and runoff, V.P. Singh (Ed.), Water Resources Publ.,
estimation techniques based on the Kalman filter (Jazwinski, Littleton, Colorado, USA. 229250.
1970) and the transfer function noise models of ARMA form Moore, R.J., 1983. Flood forecasting techniques. WMO/UNDP
popularised by Box and Jenkins (1970). Formal Kalman Regional Training Seminar on Flood Forecasting, Bangkok,
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Moore, R.J., 1985. The probability-distributed principle and runoff
favour of the simpler empirical state-correction methods production at point and basin scales. Hydrol. Sci. J., 30, 273
described here. The ARMA noise models were used as the 297.
basis of the error-predictor technique available as an Moore, R.J., 1986. Advances in real-time flood forecasting
practice. Symposium on Flood Warning Systems, Winter meeting
alternative method of updating the PDM forecast. The of the River Engineering Section, Inst. Water Engineers and
parameters of these updating methods are well suited to Scientists, 23pp.
automatic optimisation, once the PDM simulation model Moore, R.J., 1999. Real-time flood forecasting systems:
Perspectives and prospects. In: Floods and landslides:
parameters have been first estimated. Integrated Risk Assessment, R. Casale and C. Margottini (Eds.),
In spite of its widespread application, the PDM has not Springer, Berlin, Germany. Chapter 11, 147189.
been formally published in extensive form in the open Moore, R.J. and Bell, V.A., 2002. Incorporation of groundwater
losses and well level data in rainfall-runoff models illustrated
literature. The detail has been confined to the manuals and using the PDM. Hydro. Earth System Sci., 6, 2538.
guides provided with the software product (CEH Moore, R.J., Bell, V.A. and Jones, D.A., 2005. Forecasting for
Wallingford, 2005). Only rather general reviews of the PDM flood warning. C. R. Geoscience, 337, 203-217.
have been given in published papers on flood forecasting Moore, R.J. and Clarke, R.T., 1981. A distribution function
approach to rainfall-runoff modelling. Water Resour. Res., 17,
techniques (Moore, 1999; Moore et al., 2005). This paper 13671382.
has rectified this omission. Moore, R.J. and Jones, D.A., 1991. A river flow forecasting system
for region-wide application. Invited paper, MAFF Conference
of River and Coastal Engineers 1991, 810 July 1991,
References Loughborough University, 12pp.
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Appendix A:
Probability-distributed storage models
Analytical solutions of the integrals occurring in the probability-distributed storage model component are
presented below for a number of different distribution types.
§ c c ·
F c 1 ¨¨ max ¸¸ c min d c d cmax
© cmax cmin ¹
b 1
b § cmax c ·
f c ¨¨ ¸¸ cmin d c d cmax
cmax cmin © cmax cmin ¹
f bcmin cmax
c S max ³ 1 F c dc
o b 1
S t ³o
C* ( t )
1 F c dc ^
cmin (c cmin ) 1 ( cmax C * (t )) ( cmax cmin )
C * t cmin (cmax cmin ) 1 ( S max S (t )) (c cmin )
1/ b 1
V t 't S i 't ( S (t 't ) S (t ))
F c
cmax cmin
f c
cmax cmin
f cmax ( cmax / 2) cmin
c S max ³ 1 F c dc
o cmax cmin
C * t ª C * t º
S t ³ 1 F (c) dc C * t «1 »
¬ 2( cmax cmin ) ¼
The PDM rainfall-runoff model
ª ª 2 S t º º
1/ 2
C t ( cmax
cmin ) «1 «1 » »
«¬ ¬ cmax cmin ¼ »¼
C * t 't
V t 't ³ F c dc
C * t
F c 1 exp c / c
f c c 1 exp c / c
S max ³ 1 F c dc
S t
C * t
³ 1 F c dc
c 1 exp C * t / c
C * t c log 1 S t / c
C * t 't
V t 't ³ F c dc
C * t
S i 't c exp C * t 't / c exp C * t / c
ª cc º
° 2« min
» cmin d c d c
° ¬ cmax cmin ¼
F c ®
° ª cmax c º
°1 2 « » c d c d cmax
°¯ ¬ cmax cmin ¼
4cmax c
° cmin d c d c
° cmax cmin
°° 4c c
f c ®
c d c d cmax
° cmax cmin
°¯0 otherwise
R.J. Moore
S max cmin cmax cmin c
C * t
S t ³ 1 F c dc
2cmax C * t
o 3
(i) c d C * t d cmax S t c
3cmax cmin
cmin d C * t d c S t C * t
2 C * t cmin
3cmax cmin
C*(t) may be obtained by solving the expression for S(t) above, for example by Newton-Raphson as
shown later, or as the solution of a cubic equation in C*(t).
C * t 't
V t 't ³ F c dc
C * t
2C * t 't cmin
V t 't C * t 't c
2 cmax C * t 't 3
C * t S t
3cmax cmin
ª log c ] º 1 ª log c ] º
F c ) « » erfc « »
¬ V ¼ 2 ¬ V 2 ¼
where F(.) is the standardised normal distribution function
1 ª u2 º
) x
2S ½ ³o «¬ 2 »¼ du,
and parameters z and s are the mean and standard deviation of the logarithms of storage capacity.
1 log c ] 2 ½
f c exp® ¾.
cV 2S 2V 2
¯ ¿
The PDM rainfall-runoff model
f ª V2º
S max ³o 1 F c dc c exp «]
2 ¼
C * t
S t ³ 1 F c dc
1ª § V2 · § V 2 ·º
C * t «C * t erfcuo exp 2 ¨¨ ] ¸¸ erfc ¨¨ uo ¸»
2 ¬« © 2 ¹ © 2 ¹¼»
§ log C * t ] ·
where uo ¨¨ ¸¸ .
© V 2 ¹
C*(t) may be obtained by solving the above expression for C*(t), for example by Newton-Raphson
(as shown later).
C * t 't
V t 't ³ F c dc
C * (t )
1ª * § V2 · § V 2 ·º *
2 «¬
C t 't erfcu1 exp¨
¨ ] ¸
2 ¸¹
erfc ¨ u1
¨ ¸
¸ » C t S t
© © 2 ¹ »¼
§ log C * t 't ] ·
where u1 ¨¨ ¸¸ .
© V 2 ¹
T i 1 T i f T i / f ´T i
f ´T i wf T i / wT i 1 F T i .
^ Ti
T i 1 T i S t ³ 1 F c dc / F T i 1
where q0 is set to the best initial estimate of C*(t); qn is accepted as the best estimate of C*(t)
when the step (T n T n 1 ) becomes sufficiently small.