6 Cı Sinif BSQ 2

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Təsdiq edirəm:

19 nömrəli tam orta məktəbin

direktoru : Elçin Alıyev

Tarix: “_______” “________” 2023-cü il

Tarix: “_________” “ ________” 2023-cü il Fənn:______________ Sinif:__VI_____
Qiymətləndirmənin növü: BSQ-II
Şagirdin soyadı, adı va atasının adı:_______________________________________
I Səviyyə
3.Bal-1.Choose the correct definition of the word ‘’charity’’..
A) Eager to learn or know
B)giving help, money, food, etc, to those in need
C)very cold
D) an act of hunting wild animals
3.Bal- 2.Choose the line of the nouns.
A)punish, share
B)hunger, charity
C)important, pretty
D)reduce, survive
3.Bal – 3.Choose the antonym to the word ‘’generous’’.
D) selfish
3.Bal- 4.Choose the uncountable nouns.
1. Money, a picture
2. A flower, a packet
3. Jam, sugar
4. Water, a river
3.Bal- 5.Choose the line of the common nouns.
A)Saturn, a planet
B)London, Elizabeth II
C)an artist, money
D)June, October
II Səviyyə
6 Bal-6.Choose the correct degree of the adjective.
She is as … as her mother.
A)More beautiful
B)The most beautiful
C)A more beautiful
6 Bal- 7.Choose the correct numeral.
He lives in … floor.
B)The second
C)A second
D)A twice
6 bal-8.In which sentence is the compound noun used?
A)Her kindness made me happy.
B)He went to the bedroom to take his coat.
C)There are a lot of flowers in the garden.
D)He was known for his heroism.
6 Bal-9. Choose the correct variant.
My grandma is good at … .
B)To knit
6 Bal- 10.Choose the right translation of the word “pollution”
D)Ətraf mühit
III Səviyyə
10 bal- 11.Choose the correct translation of the sentence
We should respect the old.
A)Biz yaşça böyüklərə hörmət etməliyik. B)Yaşça böyüklərə hörmət etməməliyik.
C) Böyüklərə yer verməliyik
D)Biz yaşça böyüklərə cavab verməliyik.
10 Bal- 12.Choose the correct variants.
There are ......apples in the plate. Take one.
a. Many
b. Much
c. A few
d. Lots of

10 Bal – 13.Choose the correct modal verbs.

We ......... cut all the trees in the world.
a. Should
b. Shouldn’t

10 Bal -14.Choose the correct tense forms.

Cavemen ......... more than two million years ago.
c. Live
d. Lives
e. İs live
f. Lived
20.Bal- 15.Read the passage below. Find the main idea of the text.
The British traditionally celebrate Mother’s Day in March. The holiday appeared in those times
when many girls worked away from home as domestic servants. It gave them an opportunity of
going home to see their
Mothers. The custom remained in our days and is mothers’ day-off. People visit their mothers
and give them small presents. If they can’t go, they sent a postcard. On this day families try to
see that mothers have as little work as possible.
A) Domestic Servants
B) The Holiday for All Mothers
C) The New Tradition
D) The Day off for Fathers
Sualların sayı: ______ Düzgün cavabların sayı:_______ Səhv cavabların sayı:___________

Bal:__________ Qiymət:___________________ Yoxlayan şəxs: _____________________

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