What Is Pneumonia
What Is Pneumonia
What Is Pneumonia
Pneumonia is an infection in your lungs caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi. Pneumonia causes your
lung tissue to swell (inflammation) and can cause fluid or pus in your lungs. Bacterial pneumonia is
usually more severe than viral pneumonia, which often resolves on its own.
Pneumonia can affect one or both lungs. Pneumonia in both of your lungs is called bilateral or double
While all pneumonia is inflammation caused by an infection in your lungs, you may have different
symptoms depending on whether the root cause is a virus, bacteria or fungi.
Bacterial pneumonia tends to be more common and more severe than viral pneumonia. It’s more
likely to require a hospital stay. Providers treat bacterial pneumonia with antibiotics. Viral pneumonia
causes flu-like symptoms and is more likely to resolve on its own. You usually don’t need specific
treatment for viral pneumonia.
We categorize pneumonia by which pathogen (virus, bacteria or fungi) caused it and how you got it —
community-acquired, hospital-acquired or ventilator-associated pneumonia.
When you get pneumonia outside of a healthcare facility, it’s called community-acquired pneumonia.
Causes include:
You can get hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP) while in a hospital or healthcare facility for another
illness or procedure. HAP is usually more serious than community-acquired pneumonia because it’s
often caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria, like methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).
This means HAP can make you sicker and be harder to treat.
Healthcare-associated pneumonia (HCAP)
You can get HCAP while in a long-term care facility (such as a nursing home) or outpatient, extended-
stay clinics. Like hospital-acquired pneumonia, it’s usually caused by antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
If you need to be on a respirator or breathing machine to help you breathe in the hospital (usually in
the ICU), you’re at risk for ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP). The same types of bacteria as
community-acquired pneumonia, as well as the drug-resistant kinds that cause hospital-acquired
pneumonia, cause VAP.
Aspiration pneumonia
Aspiration is when solid food, liquids, spit or vomit go down your trachea (windpipe) and into your
lungs. If you can’t cough these up, your lungs can get infected.
How can I tell if I have pneumonia versus the common cold or the flu?
It can be difficult to tell the difference between the symptoms of a cold, the flu and pneumonia, and
only a healthcare provider can diagnose you. As pneumonia can be life-threatening, it’s important to
seek medical attention for serious symptoms that could be signs of pneumonia, such as:
Symptoms of pneumonia depend on the cause. Symptoms can range from mild to severe. Babies,
young children and older adults may have different symptoms.
Symptoms of viral pneumonia usually develop over several days. You might have symptoms similar to
bacterial pneumonia or you might additionally have:
• Dry cough.
• Headache.
• Muscle pain.
• Extreme tiredness or weakness.
Babies and newborns may not show any symptoms of pneumonia or their symptoms may be different
from adults, including:
Signs you can look for in babies and young children include:
• Grunting sound with breathing or noisy breathing.
• A decreased amount of pee or diapers that are less wet.
• Pale skin.
• Limpness.
• Crying more than usual.
• Difficulty feeding.
Adults over 65 or those with weakened immune systems may have mild or less noticeable symptoms
of pneumonia (like cough and shortness of breath). Symptoms of ongoing health conditions may
worsen. Older adults may experience:
Pneumonia can develop when your immune system attacks an infection in the small sacs of your lung
(alveoli). This causes your lungs to swell and leak fluids.
Many bacteria, viruses and fungi can cause the infections that lead to pneumonia. Bacteria are the
most common cause in adults and viruses are the most common cause in school-aged children.
Common illnesses that can lead to pneumonia include:
Is pneumonia contagious?
Pneumonia itself isn’t actually contagious, but the bacteria and viruses that cause it are. For instance,
the flu is contagious and can lead to pneumonia, but most people who get the flu won’t get
The bacteria that most commonly causes pneumonia, Streptococcus pneumoniae, can be spread from
person to person by touching infected surfaces or through coughing and sneezing.
Pneumonia caused by fungi isn’t contagious. Fungal infections aren’t spread from person to person
like viruses and bacteria.
To diagnose pneumonia, a healthcare provider will ask about your health history and conduct a
physical exam. They’ll listen to your lungs with a stethoscope and may perform or order additional
tests. These include imaging (like chest X-rays), pulse oximetry (checking oxygen levels in your blood),
blood tests or sputum (spit) tests.
Even if your healthcare provider confirms that you have pneumonia, sometimes, they can’t find the
exact cause.
Your provider may perform tests that look at your lungs for signs of infection, measure how well your
lungs are working and examine blood or other body fluids to try to determine the cause of your
pneumonia. These include:
• Imaging: Your provider can use chest X-ray or CT scan to take pictures of your lungs to look for
signs of infection.
• Blood tests: Your provider can use a blood test to help determine what kind of infection is
causing your pneumonia.
• Sputum test: You’re asked to cough and then spit into a container to collect a sample for a lab
to examine. The lab will look for signs of an infection and try to determine what’s causing it.
• Pulse oximetry: A sensor measures the amount of oxygen in your blood to give your provider
an idea of how well your lungs are working.
• Pleural fluid culture: Your provider uses a thin needle to take a sample of fluid from around
your lungs. The sample is sent to a lab to help determine what’s causing the infection.
• Arterial blood gas test: Your provider takes a blood sample from your wrist, arm or groin to
measure oxygen levels in your blood to know how well your lungs are working.
• Bronchoscopy: In some cases, your provider may use a thin, lighted tube called a
bronchoscope to look at the inside of your lungs. They may also take tissue or fluid samples to
be tested in a lab.
Treatment for pneumonia depends on the cause — bacterial, viral or fungal — and how serious your
case is. In many cases, the cause can’t be determined and treatment is focused on managing
symptoms and making sure your condition doesn’t get worse.
Viral pneumonia often goes away on its own, but you should always follow your healthcare provider’s
recommendations to treat symptoms and reduce your risk of serious complications.
Over-the-counter medications and other at-home treatments can help you feel better and manage the
symptoms of pneumonia, including:
• Pain relievers and fever reducers: Your provider may recommend medicines like ibuprofen
(Advil®) and acetaminophen (Tylenol®) to help with body aches and fever.
• Cough suppressants: Check with your healthcare provider before taking cough suppressants
for pneumonia. Coughing is important to help clear your lungs.
• Breathing treatments and exercises: Your provider may prescribe these treatments to help
loosen mucus and help you to breathe.
• Using a humidifier: Your provider may recommend keeping a small humidifier running by
your bed or taking a steamy shower or bath to make it easier to breathe.
• Drinking plenty of fluids.
How soon after treatment for pneumonia will I begin to feel better?
• Your age.
• The cause of your pneumonia.
• The severity of your pneumonia.
• If you have other health conditions or complications.
If you’re otherwise healthy, most symptoms of bacterial pneumonia usually begin to improve within
24 to 48 hours after starting treatment. You might start to feel better after a few days of treatment for
viral pneumonia. Some symptoms, like cough and fatigue, may linger for several weeks.
How can I prevent pneumonia?
The best way to prevent pneumonia is to get vaccinated against bacteria and viruses that commonly
cause it. There are also everyday precautions you can take to help reduce your risk of pneumonia.
There are two types of vaccines (shots) that prevent pneumonia caused by pneumococcal bacteria.
Similar to a flu shot, these vaccines won’t protect against all types of pneumonia, but if you do get
sick, it’s less likely to be severe.
In addition to getting vaccinated, you can reduce your risk of getting and spreading pneumonia with
some healthy habits:
• Quit smoking and avoid secondhand smoke. Smoking damages your lungs and makes you
more likely to get an infection.
• Wash your hands with soap and water before eating, before handling food and after using the
restroom. If soap isn’t available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
• Avoid close contact and sharing items with other people if either of you has an infectious
disease such as the flu, a cold or COVID-19.
• If you have to stay in a hospital or other healthcare facility, don’t be afraid to ask your
providers about how to reduce your risk of getting an infection during your stay.
• Eat a healthy diet, exercise and get enough rest.
• Get treated for any other infections or health conditions you may have. These conditions
could weaken your immune system, which could increase your chance of pneumonia.
• Avoid excessive alcohol consumption.
What can I expect if I have pneumonia?
If you’re otherwise healthy, you can recover quickly from pneumonia when you get prompt care.
However, pneumonia can be life-threatening if left untreated, especially if you have an underlying
health condition.
Even people who’ve been successfully treated and have fully recovered may face long-term health
issues. After recovering from pneumonia, you may experience:
Children who’ve recovered from pneumonia have an increased risk of chronic lung diseases.
Follow up with your healthcare provider if you have ongoing health concerns after recovering from
Pneumonia can lead to serious complications that can require hospitalization, including:
• Breathing difficulties. Pneumonia can lead to respiratory failure or acute respiratory distress
syndrome (ARDS).
• Fluid around your lungs (pleural effusion).
• Bacteria in your bloodstream (bacteremia), or sepsis. The bacteria that cause pneumonia
can enter your bloodstream, spreading the infection to other organs and leading to sepsis or
organ failure.
• Lung abscess. Pneumonia can lead to pus-filled holes in your lungs.
If you have a severe case of pneumonia or complications, you may need to stay in the hospital for
treatment. You’re more likely to be hospitalized for pneumonia if you’re:
It may take six to eight weeks to feel back to normal if you’ve been hospitalized with pneumonia.
What can I do to feel better if I have pneumonia?
You can help yourself feel better while you have pneumonia by:
If at any time you start to feel worse, call your doctor right away.
As you begin to recover from pneumonia, your temperature will probably return to normal first. After
that, you may notice that you’re coughing up less mucus. Feeling like you’re up to returning to some
of your normal activities is a good sign that you’re improving.
When can I return to work, school and regular activities if I have pneumonia?
You can typically resume your normal activities if your symptoms are gone, mild or improving and you
don’t have new or worsening:
If you’re generally healthy, most people feel well enough to return to previous activities in about a
week. However, it may take about a month to feel totally back to normal.
Especially if you’ve been sick or have an underlying health condition, call your doctor if you have new
or worsening:
• Shortness of breath.
• Fever or cough with mucus.
• Tiredness (fatigue).
• Have a change in appetite (you feel less hungry).
Yes, while fever is common in pneumonia, it’s possible to have pneumonia with a low fever or no
fever. This is more likely if you:
Pneumonia isn’t usually treated any differently in children. However, young children can be at higher
risk for severe illness from pneumonia. They’re more likely to be hospitalized for treatment than
With so many causes and varying symptoms, pneumonia can feel confusing. It can be worrying to
wonder if your symptoms mean something more serious is going on. A high fever, bloody or unusually
colored mucus, chest pain and shortness of breath are symptoms you shouldn’t ignore. Don’t hesitate
to get medical attention when your body is telling you that something isn’t right.