Viriyasitavat 2015
Viriyasitavat 2015
Viriyasitavat 2015
Vehicular Communications
Survey and Challenges of
Channel and Propagation Models
ehicular communication is characterized by a dynamic environment,
high mobility, and comparatively low antenna heights on the communi-
cating entities (vehicles and roadside units). These characteristics make
vehicular propagation and channel modeling particularly challenging. In
this article, we classify and describe the most relevant vehicular propagation and
channel models, with a particular focus on the usability of the models for the
evaluation of protocols and applications. We first classify the models based on
the propagation mechanisms they employ and their implementation approach.
We also classify the models based on the channel properties they implement and
pay special attention to the usability of the models, including the complexity of
implementation, scalability, and the input requirements (e.g., geographical data
input). We also discuss the less-explored aspects in vehicular channel modeling,
including modeling specific environments (e.g., tunnels, overpasses, and parking
Received Power [dBm]
Figure 3 The qualitative classification of typical vehicular communication environments and dedicated propagation obstacles: (a) An
urban area comprises high-rise buildings, moving vehicles, parked vehicles, and occasional foliage. (b) A suburban area comprises low-
rise buildings, moving vehicles, and frequent foliage. (c) A highway comprises moving vehicles. (Images courtesy of Google Earth.)
Implementation Temporal Antenna Scalability and
Model Large Small Environment Approach Dependency Nonstationarity Extensibility Applicability Configuration Link Complexity
Sun Log distance — Parking GBD — — — — — Large, O ^1 h
et al. [19] garage
Fayziyev Measurement- — Tunnel GBD — — — — — Large, O ^1 h
et al. [33] fitted impulse
Abbas Log distance —* Highway GBS — — — — — Large, O ^1 h
et al. [6]
Sen and — Weibull Urban, NG # # — — — Large, O ^1 h
Matolak highway
Wang — Rician All GBS # # # # — Large, O ^1 h
et al. [24]
60 |||
Large, O ^1 h
et al. [9] log distance
Tx Power (dBm)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Time (s)
Figure 4 A comparison of the received power results estimated by four models against the results obtained from V2V measurements
performed in Porto, Portugal. The mean absolute error of each model (i.e., absolute difference for each measured data point): 6.7 dB for the
GEMV2 model, 11.1 dB for the Cheng single-slope model, 14.4 dB for the Cheng dual-slope model, and 7.7 dB for the log-distance model.
values above 100 m. If the model’s parameters are ex- Ultimately, choosing the right model should depend
tracted from the measurement data for a given location, on the type of application and/or protocol that needs to
then the estimate is better, as shown by the log-distance be evaluated, constrained by processing power and avail-
model in Figure 4. However, if the geographical infor- ability of the required data (either geographical or mea-
mation is available, then the GBD models, such as the surements). To that end, the flowchart shown in Figure 5
GEMV2 model, are a better choice. provides a guideline in choosing a suitable channel model.
For example, if only system-wide performance analysis is
Guidelines for Choosing a Suitable Channel Model required (e.g., overall packet delivery ratio, average end-to-
The models listed in Table 1 differ in many ways and offer end delay, and so on), any type of model [NG, GB stochastic
different tradeoffs between accuracy and complexity/scal- (GBS), and GBD models] might be suitable. However, if an
ability. Stochastic models that do not require any informa- application requires network topology statistics (e.g., the
tion about the environment are simple and highly scalable, number of neighboring vehicles) or location-dependent
at the expense of lower accuracy. GB models trade off scal- statistics (e.g., the packet delivery rate or end-to-end delay
ability for accuracy, where the trade off can differ quite sig- in an area with rapid channel fluctuations), GB models that
nificantly from one model to another. Ray-tracing models can model dynamic link transitions and small-scale varia-
(e.g., [18]) require detailed information about the propaga- tions should be used. For safety-critical applications that
tion environment (which can be hard to collect) and high- disseminate time-sensitive information about a specific
er computational power. On the other hand, the model safety event, GBD models are the best choice.
proposed by Abbas et al. [6] only requires information on Once the channel model category for a specific applica-
the type of the environment to estimate the channel statis- tion is identified, the suitable channel model should be cho-
tics. Thus, it is highly scalable and can provide environ- sen based on the availability of geographic/measurement
ment-specific but not location-agnostic channel data and processing power. If the complete geographic
information. Simplified GB models that consider the actual information (e.g., location, dimensions, and material prop-
locations of objects (e.g., the GEMV2 model [16]) can erties of vehicles, buildings, and foliage) is available and
achieve good accuracy/scalability tradeoff, offering a large processing speed is not an issue, then ray-tracing-based
gain on scalability compared to the ray-tracing models, GBD models (e.g., the model proposed by Maurer et al. [18])
while providing sufficient accuracy and ease of use. could be used for maximum accuracy. If limited information
Network Topology or
Yes Is Speed No
an Issue? Yes Is Speed
an Issue?
— Sen and Matolak [21] — Sun et al. [19] — Boban et al. [16] No Suitable No
(Urban Highway)z — Abbas et al. [6] — Karedal et al. [7] Models
— Cheng [9] (Suburban) — Wang et al. [24] — Pilosu et al. [22]
— Mangel et al. [10] — Maurer et al. [18] GBD Models
GBD Model — Pilosu et al. [22]
— Boban et al. [18] — Maurer et al. [18]
about the propagation environment is available (e.g., densi- in Figure 4, these models cannot capture the characteris-
ty of vehicles and surrounding objects) and the processing tics of vehicular channels, i.e., rapid transitions between
speed is important, then simplified GB models can be used LOS and non-LOS conditions and changes in delay and
(e.g., [7] and [16]). Otherwise, other GB models, such as [9] Doppler spreads. Consequently, simple models were
and [24], that require only a qualitative type of simulated shown to exhibit poor performance in terms of link-level
environment may be used. modeling, particularly in complex environments [26]. A
way forward in this respect would be to combine GB scal-
Toward Realistic and Efficient able propagation models (e.g., [6] and [16]), which are able
Vehicular Channel Modeling to distinguish between different LOS conditions and envi-
In this section, we discuss the recent trends in the vehicular ronments, with small-scale channel models that are able to
channel modeling, including the need for models that are provide appropriate delay and Doppler statistics for each
usable in large-scale vehicular network simulators. We also representative environment (e.g., [9] and [25]). Finally,
discuss vehicular channel emulation as an alternative attempts should be made to implement such realistic mod-
approach for realistic protocol and application evaluations. els in large-scale network simulators to enable realistic
Finally, we point out open problems in the area of propaga- evaluations of protocols and applications.
tion and channel modeling that require further attention. The GEMV2 model is an example of a computationally
efficient channel model that can model the signal propa-
Efficient Models for Realistic Large-Scale Simulation gation in a large set of environments (e.g., highway, rural,
As the deployment phase in main ITS markets is getting urban, and complex intersections) and is able to simulate
closer, realistic channel models for large-scale simulations city-wide vehicular networks with thousands of communi-
are necessary for the efficient evaluation of applications cating vehicles. It allows importing realistic mobility data
before they are deployed in the real world. However, chan- from the simulation of urban mobility and building/foli-
nel and propagation models currently used to simulate age outlines from OpenStreepMap [27]. The source code
V2V and V2I communication links in vehicular ad hoc net- of the GEMV2 model is available at
work (VANET) simulators [e.g., NS-3 (] are Apart from the propagation-related statistics, the GEMV2
based on simple statistical models (e.g., free space and log- model allows for the analysis of networking related met-
distance path loss [15]) that are used indiscriminately for rics, such as packet delivery rates, effective transmission
ail environments where communication occurs. As shown range, and neighborhood size (Figure 6).