Womens Health UK - JulyAugust 2023

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Have we finally had our fill of filler?

+ 3ways
to plump


quitting, ‘Couples were
emotional swapping
mapping… partners
…should we all by the pool’
be more Gen Z? Postcards from
a sex holiday

Why girls of Alessia
colour are
is World Cup-ready
The Lionesses’ star striker on
a game-changing summer

JULY/AUGUST 2023 £5.99

to Women’s
If you’d asked which kicks off
me a year ago on 20 July, and
how I felt not just because
about football, I can’t wait to see
I wouldn’t what this month’s
have thought cover star Alessia
twice about Russo achieves at
my response. the tournament. Her The Worthy’s Tigers team, where
‘Hate it!’ I’d been dragged to enough legendary backheel goal at the Euros Claire’s daughter Nell (front row,
matches over the years by my (Spurs shone a spotlight on the talent of centre) plays in goal
devoted) husband, Dan, to know the former Manchester United For daily reads
that between the diving players and striker and she’s been the subject womenshealth that celebrity diet fads aren’t
the aggressive fans, football wasn’t of two world record-breaking mag.com/uk always what they seem.
for me. I’m from the Valleys, so it’s bids since – although her much- Whatever you’re doing this
the wrong-shaped ball, anyway. speculated-upon new club was summer, I hope you find the
But all that changed last summer unconfirmed as we went to press. time to relax and have fun.
when the Sandersons – much like the With fellow Lioness stars Leah Whether you’re a dedicated
rest of the country – contracted a Williamson and Beth Mead both Follow us follower of football, tuning in
chronic case of Euro fever. Each game missing the tournament with @womenshealthuk to the Vitality Netball World
was a joy to watch. The difference ACL injuries, all eyes will be on Cup or watching Wimbledon,
in atmosphere at the games was Alessia. That’s some pressure I hope you’ll join me in getting
tangible, even through a TV screen; on the 24-year-old’s shoulders, behind the women playing with
the pathetic histrionics that are but as she tells us on p22, she’s passion for their countries this
ever-present in men’s football, taking it in her stride. Watch us on YouTube summer; Women’s Health will
non-existent. Instead, we watched On the off chance that football Women’s Health UK be their biggest cheerleaders.
supremely talented women playing isn’t your thing, there’s plenty to get
the beautiful game with a grace, skill stuck into besides. Ever wondered
and intoxicating passion I’d never what happens on a sex holiday? On
witnessed before. They were enjoying p120, we report on why the trend
themselves – and that enjoyment was is taking off and why – as one
infectious. My daughter Nell, then happy holidaymaker told us – it
six, was so inspired that she joined could just change your relationship. Claire Sanderson
a football team – Worthy’s Tigers, We also report on the worrying Editor-in-chief
picured top right – who Women’s rise of weight-loss injections Follow me on Instagram
Health is now the proud sponsor of. among those with a healthy BMI @clairesanderson
So I’m beyond excited about – and the sobering story of one
the Fifa Women’s World Cup, writer who learned the hard way

Ultra-Processed Asics Gel Bam

People by Chris Nimbus leggings
This van Tulleken
You’ll never look at
25 Nagino
These trainers feel
These cobalt
leggings from
food the same way. like what I imagine bamboo clothing
month, Beware the pages running on clouds brand Bam are the

on ice cream if would be like. I’m perfect addition

I’m loving you’re planning to
enjoy a Mr Whippy
literally bouncing
along on my runs.
to my summer-
workout wardrobe.
at the beach. (£22, (£175, Asics) Just add blue sky.
Cornerstone Press) (£52, Bam)

J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3 | 3
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J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3 | 5

Know How Eat Smart Best Body Beauty Lab

THING THIS MONTH... Not all protein bars are Is training around your With other options on the
equal – here’s the low-down monthly cycle really worth it? table, fillers are losing fans
News you can use, direct 35 | QUITE A CATCH 76 | MUSCLING IN 104 | ANCIENT WISDOM
from the science lab Prep a delish salmon burger Everything you need to know Ayurvedic products are on
about the art of #bulking the up. Start with our picks
All your questions answered Elevate your sandwich game 80 | BELLS AND WHISTLES 110 | #SKINSHELFIE
The WH Lab takes a look at Mefiye founder Jasmine
14 | MOVE OF THE MONTH 44 | WORTH YOUR SALT the best adjustable kettlebells Boadi’s daily beauty routine
Get your backside in gear Become a seasoned expert
with the weighted hip thrust on this kitchen staple 82 | RUNNING DRY Features
What happens to your body
15 | FOOD FOR THOUGHT 48 | SOUPED UP when you call time on booze 112 | GAME CHANGERS
Fasting is one of nutrition’s big Putting a summer spin on Meet the women who blazed
trends. Does it affect fertility? the humble bowl of soup 86 | SHUT YOUR MOUTH a trail in football, laying a
Breathing through your nose solid foundation for success
16 | DOES IT REALLY WORK? is good for you. Give it a blow
Our writer seeks her authentic 120 | SEX ON THE BEACH
self at a flamenco dance class 87 | HOW I GET FIT DONE Building the case for holidays
One woman beats chronic that focus on one thing:
17 | SKIN DEEP pain by practising yoga getting down and dirty
The dos and don’ts of using
retinol around your eyes Wear Well 126 | SLIM STICKINGS
We delve into the world
18 | WHAT HAPPENS WHEN 89 | SEASON IN THE SUN of fat-loss injections
…you microdose? Welcome the warmer days
Strong Mind and celebrate summer in style 132 | THE YOUNG ONES
19 | ASK THE WH FIT SQUAD TikTok obsession aside,
Cardio isn’t the only exercise 53 | BENEFIT IN KIND 97 | FIT KIT HERO here are six things you
that helps you lose weight The many perks of The Vivobarefoot sandals can learn from Gen Z
practising self-compassion that put your feet first
58 | FOUL PLAY How to stay safe when getting
Girls of colour are dropping your sweat on in the sun
out of sport in droves. Why?
64 | ONLY KIDDING Revitalising retreat or a
Could meeting your inner meditation masterclass? Your
child help you in life? ideal wellness getaway awaits


Dame Jessica Ennis-Hill on Athlete and fastest British
competing during her period woman Dina Asher-Smith

6 | J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3

The Lioness and Women’s
Super League star on
equal pay, pampering and
pushing for success in this
summer’s World Cup

J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3 | 7
Know How
In research that will
If you do one surprise anyone who’s
ever inhaled a burger health risk on a par
thing this month from a stadium car park, with smoking. And
attending a sports event it really is the taking

Go to a is good for your health.

A study conducted by
Anglia Ruskin University
part that counts;
whether your team
is winning or losing,

game of more than 7,000

sports goers found that
attending a sports game
can improve measures
being surrounded by
hundreds of other fans
helps you feel like you’re
part of something bigger
of subjective wellbeing than what’s happening
– life satisfaction and on the pitch. With the
a sense of life being events covered by the
worthwhile – while study ranging from
reducing feelings of the Premier League to
loneliness. The latter is village sports teams,
particularly significant, there’s no excuse not
with lack of connection to show up for your
now known to be a favourite team this
summer. If only the
weather would play ball.

Put your
game face on

J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3 | 9
Want the latest health intel? We’ve combed
The number of art the science journals so you don’t have to
pieces viewed in a study
looking at its impact
on the body and mind.
Researchers at the In the HEAL
University of Turku in know
Finland discovered
that bodily sensations
evoked by looking at art
Power TH E B E AT
Medicines are more effective
when taken while listening to

your favourite song, found
were strong enough to researchers at Michigan State
warrant it playing a larger University. The research, which
role in mental health involved cancer patients taking
their anti-nausea medication,
care. Who knew wellness showed a reduction in the
could be so cultured? A recent Harvard study revealed that protein- severity of nausea and patient
rich diets can induce a deeper sleep. The distress when they were
listening to music they liked.
SC E NT A N D team of researchers found that when mice
S E N S I B I LIT Y and flies were fed meals high in protein,
- they were less likely to have their sleep cycles FAC E FAC T S
In news that might -
surprise anyone who’s disrupted by low-frequency vibrations. As your skin ages, it releases
protein fragments known as
ever had to endure
a commute beneath
Although the research is in its early days, peptides. According to research
an aromatic armpit, the results suggested that healthier diets in by the University Of Manchester
Swedish scientists and No7, when applied to your
have discovered that smelling
humans could lead to a better night’s rest. skin, these peptides are capable
other people’s body odour of both repairing age-induced
can actually decrease your damage and regenerating skin
feelings of social anxiety. elasticity by increasing protein
The theory? The scent of levels to a concentration that
human sweat activates brain naturally occurs on younger skin.
pathways that are connected The anti-ageing impact of these
to your emotions. The phrase bad boys could be huge.
‘don’t sweat it’ has taken on
a whole new meaning.


D O N ’ T LI E Olives on a pizza?
- Here for it. But olive
Don’t be cross with us, but water? Not so much.
research shows that the simple And yet, researchers
act of sitting with your legs from Anglia Ruskin
crossed might increase the University want to persuade you
misalignment of your hips. otherwise. A natural by-product
Placing one leg over the other of olive oil production, olive
also impacts the speed at which water can have a positive effect
your blood moves through your on running performance – and
blood vessels, increasing the researchers are thanking the
risk of blood clotting. Instead, fruit’s antioxidants. Keen to
sit with your back straight and sample it? Fattoria La Vialla,
your feet on the floor for a a biodynamic farm in Tuscany,
more forgiving (although is selling OliPhenolia (olive
probably less comfy) position. water when it’s feeling fancy).


Still find chats about social The Fifa Women’s World Cup Alcohol Awareness Week;
justice hard? Learn how to (20 July) and the Netball 3 to 9 July. Less than 20% of
tackle tricky topics in Gina
TH E Miller’s book: No Offence, But...: How
World Cup (28 July) are here. people in need of treatment
Cheer on WH cover stars Alessia Russo for alcohol dependence are getting the
TO - DO To Have Difficult Conversations For and Leah Williamson as the Lionesses support they need. Find out more at
LI S T Meaningful Change (£16.99, Bantam). face their toughest challenge yet. alcoholchange.org.uk.

1 0 | J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3
Know How

Find your
natural glow

I don’t want to
wear make-up
this summer.
How can I still
feel confident?
First, moisture is key. ‘Glow’
is beauty speak for skin with
a healthy moisture barrier
– the outermost layer of skin
responsible for stopping irritants
penetrating your dermis and
wreaking havoc. ‘If your face is
dry, red or flaky, it means you
have a damaged moisture
barrier,’ explains skin therapist
Renée Rouleau. But the right
skincare can help. Stop using
retinoids and exfoliants until the
dryness or irritation subsides.
Use a moisturiser with hyaluronic
acid and, in the daytime, slather
on a face cream that contains
ceramides. Next, use a vitamin C
serum to boost your radiance, even
out skin tone and fade any pigment
spots. Find a formula that contains
a stable form of vitamin C, such as
sodium ascorbyl phosphate or
tetrahexyldecyl ascorbate. ‘Finally
consider stashing your products
in the fridge. ‘[Chilled] products Ask WH
help constrict capillaries to calm
redness and irritation,’ she adds.

1 2 | J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3
How do I deal with
a toxic parent?
Every family has So, instead of saying,
issues, difficulties and ‘Please don’t criticise
recurring conflicts. The my partner,’ which puts
greatest indicator of your parent in control
toxicity – in the absence of holding the boundary,
of blatant abuse, assault try, ‘If you criticise my
Can I suppress or violence – is the way partner, I will hang up
my period for you feel when you’re the phone or change the
around your parent. subject.’ This creates
long stretches You may have increased a boundary you can
of time this anxiety, regular feelings have agency over.
of helplessness and That’s the first step.
summer? irritability, or find that The next is realising
Let’s get one thing straight: you change yourself to that you don’t need
when people say suppressing appease them. to satisfy them to
your period isn’t natural or If you’ve tried talking stay safe or need
fear that it could affect your with your parent about their approval to be
fertility or cancer risk, know what you need but you worthy of love. And
that this opinion isn’t backed aren’t seeing change, it if you decide to cut
by science. In fact, a report might be time to switch ties, help is at hand.
published by the American your tactics. Try to focus For downloadable
College of Obstetricians and on what you do have guides, access to
Gynecologists (ACOG) last control over: yourself a community and
year found that stopping your and how you choose signposting to
period, even for years, is fine. to interact with them. estrangement
So why are so many of us Setting clear boundaries counsellors, visit
worried? The stigma dates shows them how you’ll standalone.org.uk.
back to the introduction of respond to their toxic
the birth control pill in the actions, but you’ll need
1950s, when pharmaceutical to make sure you
companies came up with the instigate these yourself.
placebo week – when you get
your period – to mimic your
natural cycle and make the
pill more widely acceptable,
says paediatric gynaecologist
and co-author of the ACOG The control is
guidance, Dr Oluyemisi in your hands
Adeyemi-Fowode. However,
having a bleed every month
was never necessary, she
adds. So, depending on your

situation, periods can be


suppressed with birth Honestly? It’s not great. the report. Just four airlines
control pills, an oestrogen A study conducted in 2019 – Alaska Airlines, Hawaiian
patch, a hormonal IUD or ranked the water quality Airlines, Allegiant Air and
a contraceptive injection.
But keep in mind that some
Is aeroplane on-board flights of 23 airlines
in the US, based on criteria
Piedmont Airlines – met that
basic standard. The quality
methods produce more water safe such as the number of Aircraft is thought to vary from airline
breakthrough bleeding than
others and can also cause
to drink? Drinking Water Rule violations
and water samples positive for
to airline, but if you’re feeling
concerned, buy a bottle at
negative side effects. (The E. coli or coliform bacteria. the airport or drink from
contraceptive injection, The Hunter College NYC Food sealed water bottles. You
Depo-Provera, for instance, Policy Center decided that might also also want to stay
can impact bone density.) a score above 3.0 meant that away from tea and coffee
Want to take a period pause? ‘the airline has relatively safe, served on-board, and use hand
Talk to your GP about which clean water’, wrote the lead sanitiser rather than water to
method is best suited to you. researcher, Charles Platkin, in wash after trips to the loo.

J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3 | 1 3
Know How Move of
the month

Bottoms up
The weighted hip thrust is the must-know, must-do

move for maximising lower-body strength

WHY WE LOVE IT: While there’s

no such thing as a one-and-done
exercise to magically transform
a body part or muscle group, the
weighted hip thrust comes pretty
close. ‘Hip thrusts are a highly
Engage your core effective exercise for building
before take-off muscle in the glutes,’ says PT
to avoid back Ariel Belgrave, adding that it’s
overextension also one of her favourites for
strengthening the lower body.
It also requires you to engage
your core to maintain stability
during the movement.

START on the ground with your

shoulder blades against a bench,
feet apart. Place a dumbbell on
your lap and grip both ends.

DRIVE your hips up towards the


sky so your shoulders, hips and

knees are all in a line. Squeeze
your glutes at the top.

PAUSE for a moment at the top,


keeping your core braced. Then,

in a slow and controlled motion,
lower your hips back to the
ground. That’s 1 rep.


of 8 to 12 reps of the exercise

with a heavy or swap in a
Make sure your feet or moderate barbell for
are under your weight as part a stability
knees, but not too of a lower- or resistance
close to your bum
body session. challenge.


Shoulder placement depends on your body and the COMFORT CUE
bench. When you first thrust, adjust your position If the weight hurts your hips
if necessary, says Belgrave. If your neck feels or pelvis, wrap the centre with
strained, lower and reset. a foam pad or rolled-up towel.

1 4 | J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3
Food for

Will intermittent
fasting affect
my fertility?
It’s got a cult-like following
when it comes to weight
loss, but can fasting harm
your chances of conceiving?

More divisive
than an adults-only
wedding invite, Can you feed
yourself fertile?
fasting has attracted
both fans and critics
thanks to its role
THE EXPERT in everything from
Tai Ibitoye,
registered dietitian;
managing weight
taitalksnutrition.com to improving focus.
The latest topic
dividing the science world? The
link between fasting and fertility.
Call it intermittent fasting (IF)
or time-restricted eating (TRE),
the principle is the same – calorific
restriction for a designated period
(usually 16 to 48 hours) involving
low-to-no food intake. As for the
science, a 2018 systematic review* or six hours of eating (without beneficial effects of a varied diet,
looking at the benefits of IF found counting calories) followed by an including fruits, vegetables, whole
it particularly effective not only for 18- or 20-hour fasting window, Fertility-
grains and monounsaturated fats,
weight loss, but also for lowering during which they only consumed friendly foods on fertility. In fact, according to
important biomarkers such as water and caffeine-free beverages. What to eat to boost a recent study published in Nutrients,
blood pressure, blood sugar, insulin, Compared with the control chances of conceiving consuming 5% of energy from
cholesterol and inflammation. group, the results showed that the plant-based proteins (instead of
1 Sunflower seeds
So where does fertility fit in? TRE group lost 3% to 4% of their Packed with folate
animal protein) reduced the risk

Early research has sounded the base weight. But more significantly, and selenium, these of infertility arising from a failure
alarm bell. A rodent study published their levels of testosterone and are an excellent to ovulate by more than 50%.
last year showed that restricting sex hormone-binding globulin, source of omega-6 Add to that the body of evidence
fatty acids, too.
water every other day for 12 weeks a protein that carries reproductive highlighting the importance of
disrupted the production of hormones throughout the body, taking vitamins and minerals, such
reproductive hormones – including remained unchanged. Although as folic acid, iodine, zinc and iron,
luteinising hormone, which triggers levels of dehydroepiandrosterone to optimise fertility and there’s
ovulation*. Then, in April, a study – a hormone sometimes used by 2 Lentils a compelling case for putting
on zebrafish – which have a similar fertility clinics to improve ovarian Rich in fibre and folate, your nutrition front and centre
genetic structure to humans – linked function and egg quality – did drop, lentils are a great way when you’re trying to conceive.
to get plant-based
food restriction with lower-quality they were still found to be in the protein into your diet. While we wait for more research
eggs and sperm, even after the normal range for participants. And on fasting’s impact on fertility, it’s
resumption of a normal diet*. if you also consider the limitations worth remembering that studies
And yet, it may be a different of the study – a small sample size have shown IF’s effect on fatigue,
story in humans. A study published and the fact that certain sex disordered eating and irritability
last October in Obesity suggested hormones (oestradiol, oestrone 3 Salmon – none of which are good news,
that the effects of IF may not harm and progesterone) were only fully This fish contains a lot regardless of whether you’re hoping
fertility at all. In this small-scale investigated in postmenopausal of omega-3 fatty acids, to have a baby or not. And if you’re
which may boost egg
study, pre- and postmenopausal women – it’s difficult to draw quality and ovulation. concerned about fertility, make sure
women participated in a TRE definitive conclusions. you speak to a registered medical
programme, which involved four This much we do know: there professional before trying any diet.
is robust evidence to support the

J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3 | 1 5
Know How

Does it really work?

Flamenco for self-confidence

As research reveals the Spanish dance can have therapeutic powers, one woman
joins a class to take a step towards her duende, or most authentic self

I’m a self- the song and the dance. It’s so myself in a sort of trance, fully
proclaimed essential to flamenco that it’s aware of my every movement.
unsettled person considered a musical instrument Perhaps it’s the awakening of
– and reading in its own right and may even my ‘duende’ – or my most authentic
research on substitute for the song itself. self – that now pushes me almost
flamenco’s Next, it was time for ‘plantas’ and to tears when my heel grazes the
THE psychosomatic ‘tacóns’. Plantas describes hitting ground. After taking just two classes
Naydeline Mejia,
therapeutic the floor with the ball of your foot, so far, I can say that dancing is one
WH US assistant capabilities, which while tacóns (‘heel’ in Spanish) of few activities where I can be fully
editor connect you to your describes stomping the heel. Left present, and flamenco is the only
deepest self, was music leg back, hit the floor, heel; repeat dance form that allows me to release
to anxious ears. The idea that moving on the right. In flamenco, your body shame and self-consciousness. The
my body in a new way could allow is an instrument – arguably, the art form draws strong emotions
me to let go of an inner restlessness, most important one. If you’re from me – it’s a slightly spiritual
even if only for a moment, was out of rhythm, the entire feeling that’s hard to describe unless
endlessly appealing. That I’m performance is you’ve experienced it for yourself.
also a fan of Rosalía – whose early compromised. This It’s powerful to let myself just feel
music mixes pop with traditional could have deterred – joy, anger, frustration – and to
flamenco sounds – made embarking me, but I found allow those emotions to drive my
on this journey a no-brainer. movements, rather than suppressing
I didn’t know what to expect them. That’s the magic of flamenco,
before my first class; I’d never and it’s a feeling I hope to keep
even seen a flamenco performance chasing. Perhaps the most
before, let alone tried it myself. surprising thing of all was that
Nerves lingered as I entered the I released my expectation of
studio, but while I felt intimidated, perfection – something I’ve
I knew I was in for something applied to life since childhood
transformative. Soon after I chose – and let my body feel the
a spot near the back of the room, music, not worrying about
the instructor, a renowned Spanish nailing each move. That
flamenco dancer, began teaching alone is a step in the
us ‘palmas’ – the hand-clapping right direction.
motion synonymous with the art
of flamenco. The goal of palmas
is to match the rhythm of the
music to accentuate both

The verdict
Quick results
Long-term solution

Tap into your

inner strength

1 6 | J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3

Can I use
retinol around
my eyes?
Is there anything your retinol. But if used
more annoying than correctly, this ingredient
splashing out 50 of is game-changing and can
your hard-earned breathe new life into your
pounds on an eye weary-looking eyes.
cream only to find First, if you’re using
THE EXPERT that, six weeks later, a retinol-laced face serum
Dr Ifeoma Ejikeme, there’s been no real around your eyes, stop
founder of Adonia improvement? right now. Instead, stick
Medical Clinic
It’s a bugbear that with a retinol eye cream.
often pops up with my patients, to These products tend to
which I ask, does it contain retinol? be gentler and contain
Of all the skincare ingredients, slow-releasing or less
retinol – a derivative of vitamin potent forms, such as
A – is the one active that really retinyl palmitate. They’ll
can do a Cher (it turns back time). also contain ingredients
Countless studies have shown it that can help to soothe
to be the gold-standard ingredient and hydrate your delicate
for targeting pigmentation and fine skin, reducing the risk of
lines, while also boosting collagen redness. Start with a low
production. Unlike acids, it’s able to concentration and then
bind itself to receptors within skin work your way up slowly
cells, revving up the production of to avoid irritation, as it
new cells so much that the top layer will give your skin time to
sheds to reveal brighter, healthier adjust. That said, if your
skin beneath it. And herein lies skin is sensitive, follow up with
retinol’s biggest strength and an extra layer of moisturiser to your eye socket. Using your ring
weakness: skin shedding can lead help hydrate and protect your skin finger, gently pat the cream on to
to major irritation. Apply retinol barrier. You can begin by using your face, rather than dragging
to an area that’s already sensitive, retinyl palmitate three times a it back and forth, which may
such as your eyes, and you’ll need week before building up to daily stretch the delicate skin. Finally,
to take a little extra care. use after a month. regardless of where you’re using
Your eyes are delicate for good Next, try to ace your application. the retinol, it’s always important to
reason; the skin is thinner here Avoid applying the product too be diligent with your SPF. Retinol
than it is across the rest of your close to the lash line or directly makes your skin more sensitive to
face, has fewer oil-producing glands under the eye, as this can increase sunlight, so you’ll need to be careful
and a weaker moisture barrier. All your risk of irritation. Instead, during the summer months. Follow
of this makes it ripe for irritation apply to the orbital bone area, these rules and you’ll notice the
and dryness if you’re slapdash with which is the bony ridge around difference in no time.

1 2 3 4

Medik8 Crystal The Inkey List La Roche-Posay Sunday Riley Auto

Retinal Ceramide Retinol Eye Redermic Eye Cream Correct Brightening
Eye, £42 Cream, £12.99 for Sensitive Skin, £30 and Depuffing Eye

AN EYE Not only does this formula As well as 3% retinol, this A combination of retinol Contour Cream, £60
FOR drip-feed vitamin A into formula is packed with and retinyl linoleate (a less Perfect for banishing bags,
RETINOL your eye area to avoid shea butter and glycerin potent form of vitamin A) this cream is a blend of
CREAMS irritation, it’s packed with – two hydrating heroes work together to improve horse chestnut extract
ceramides that hydrate that ensure skin stays the appearance of fine and caffeine that reduces
and fortify delicate skin. perfectly plump. lines and wrinkles. puffiness and dark circles.

J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3 | 1 7
Know How
What happens when…

…I microdose?
Enthusiasts claim it’s a fast track to better moods
and boosted brainpower, but what really goes
on in your body when you take a tiny trip?

Pick up
with a view the tab expectations   connections Psychedelics may be
‘Psychedelics act What actually is a While the dose is Much psychedelic trendy, but they’re
on the brain by microdose then? ‘For important, how you research relates to also illegal. Lab
stimulating the most drugs, the more feel, where you are mental health. ‘Large research isn’t real
serotonin 2A receptor you take, the more of and who you’re with doses of psychedelics life. ‘People need
(5-HT2A),’ explains an effect you get. But are all paramount. have been shown to to understand that, in
Tiago Reis Marques, the difference between ‘It’s best not to take disrupt connections trials, participants are
a psychiatrist and CEO a small and large dose psychedelics when between parts of screened, prepped,
at Pasithea, a biotech of a psychedelic can you’re not feeling the brain that have working with experts
company that treats be huge,’ explains great, in a strange become embedded and getting a level
neurological and Adam Winstock, a place or surrounded in people who are of interest that isn’t
psychiatric disorders. consultant psychiatrist, by strangers,’ says depressed,’ Professor often available,’ says
‘Brain imaging studies addiction medicine Professor Winstock. Winstock explains, Professor Winstock.
show that these drugs specialist and CEO of He also points to noting that they boost He adds that taking
increase measures of Global Drug Survey†. evidence suggesting the production of psychedelics in your
connectivity between And what’s more, that the placebo effect BDNF (brain-derived home isn’t a quick-fix
different parts of the there’s no scientific could be substantial. neurotrophic factor), solution to complex
brain and also increase definition of what ‘Some experience a molecule involved in psychological issues
entropy, a measure a ‘microdose’ is. But, a slight elevation brain changes related that you may be
of disorganised he notes, it’s usually in mood, a broader to your learning and dealing with. That’s
activity in the brain.’ about a tenth of a field of vision or memory. A study* to say, taking a small
This shake-up induces regular dose – which alterations in their in 2021 found that dose of LSD isn’t
an altered state of could be anywhere thinking’ after taking after a small dose to depression what
consciousness. between 0.15g and psychedelics. of LSD, participants paracetamol is to a
0.35g of dried magic showed an increase headache, so it’s best
mushrooms or 10mcg in BDNF. left to the experts.
to 20mcg of LSD.


Do shrooms
work like

1 8 | J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3
Meet the
Ask the The team share the
best fitness advice
they’ve ever had

Fit Squad
Want to run further, lift heavier or nail your first pull-up? Each month,
we put your questions to our team of the finest fitness brains to
give you the tools you need to make good on your goals
Saima Husain
PT, online fitness coach
You’re 1% stronger every day.
Commitment is part of the journey.
Q I want to lose weight but hate
cardio. How can weight training
help me achieve my goal?
Alice Liveing
Alice Liveing says: You’re right all, but finding a form that you being led by whatever kind of PT and bestselling author
that cardio isn’t a weight loss non- enjoy certainly helps, and weight activity it is that you like. Aim for quality movement over
negotiable. People think it is for the training can definitely contribute to That said, the health benefits quantity to yield the best results.
simple reason that it burns more weight loss. Lifting weights triggers that come with cardio are such that
calories than weight training. But muscle growth (aka hypertrophy), it’s worth incorporating it into your
changes in your body composition and an increase in muscle mass routine in some capacity; doing
only occur when your body is in an boosts your BMR as muscle requires so will improve your heart health,
energy deficit, by which I mean it’s more sustained energy, meaning help you maintain healthy blood
expending more energy than you’re your metabolic rate is higher and pressure levels and boost your brain
putting in with food, and studies you burn more calories at rest. power. It’s worth digging into why
show that exercise comprises just Sure, cardio burns more calories you dislike it. Many people associate Rosie Stockley
5% of your total daily energy throughout the course of a workout, cardio with running, for example, PT, prenatal and postnatal expert
Train with specific goals in mind; you’ll
expenditure (TDEE). The rest of but weightlifting has been proven when the reality is that there are
stay focused and see results quicker.
your TDEE is made up of other to yield greater fat loss. In fact, endless ways to reap the rewards
acronyms. The thermic effect of performing cardio alone can lead of a raised heart rate. Try a few
food (TEF), or how you metabolise to a reduction in your muscle different forms (cycling, swimming,
it, makes up 10%; non-exercise mass, which can actually hinder incline walking, skipping) and shoot
activity thermogenesis (NEAT) the weight loss process. Remember, for a 30-minute session of your
– the movement you do without too, that consistency is key; given favourite activity once a week.
realising, such as walking to the the fact that you’re more likely to Know that weight training can
shops – makes up 15%; and your stick with a form of movement that veer into cardio territory, too. Amanda Ngonyama
basal metabolic rate (BMR), or you enjoy, I would always advise Minimise rest breaks between Athlete, sports scientist
how many calories your body sets and increase the reps you It’s not all about lifting your heaviest.
This kind of thinking can lead to injury.
burns at rest, constitutes 70%. do per set – using lighter weights
What I’m trying to say is that so that your form doesn’t fall foul
exercise isn’t the be all and end – and I bet you’ll break a sweat.

Michelle Griffith-Robinson
Olympian, life coach and PT
Listen to your body. It shows you vital
signs if you’re paying attention.

Izy George
Strength and conditioning coach, PT
Prioritise form over weight,
every time.

Turn up
the burn

Sanchia Legister
Yoga teacher
Know your ‘why’. Motivation will come
and go; your ‘why’ keeps you moving.
GOT A QUESTION FOR OUR SQUAD? DM us on Instagram @womenshealthuk or email us at whfitsquad@womenshealthmag.co.uk

J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3 | 1 9

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Roisín Photograp t
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Mark C ng

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tar s t r i k a ss i n o f
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She’s th er League and s so prepare s tons up to WH
Sup e s s i a R u s h e o pe g f or
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Li o n e s s e
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a b o u t p ay p a r i t y w i t r p a m p e r i n g o
a p l a c e fo
Alessia Russo

rue star quality can be hard to quantify. It’s not loud

or affected. It’s the alchemical cream off the top when
talent meets character and is combined with an easy
charm. And it’s something our cover star – walking
into Gail’s wearing a shoulder-padded bomber jacket
and Prada sunglasses – has by the gallon.
Alessia Maria Teresa Russo is walking tall – and
with good reason. Within the past year, she’s become
a European champion with England. Her backheel
finish in the semi-final was nominated for a Fifa
award and she was named player of the year at the
Women’s Football Awards, while Manchester
United also crowned her their MVP.
Days later, however, Alessia announced she was
leaving her girlhood club. ‘I’ve given my best in the
hope that one day, I can leave the shirt in a better
place for those who come next,’ she wrote. ‘I’m going
to miss my teammates, the fans and the staff at the
club so much.’ Ever since Alessia declined to extend
her contract earlier this year – and Arsenal made
not one but two world record-breaking bids for the
striker – speculation about her next move has been
unrelenting. The chatter only intensified the spotlight
that’s illuminated her fast, ferocious attacking style summer’s Women’s World Cup in Australia and New
since the Euros. One fan’s sign said it all: ‘Who needs Zealand. ‘It’s another huge opportunity to go out there JACKET AND
Messi when you have Lessi?’ and hopefully create more history, but the [standard of TRAINERS (WORN
She’s diplomatic when I broach the speculation the] women’s game is higher than ever. So, there will be THROUGHOUT),
about her club future during our sit-down interview lots of teams going there with that same ambition… I ADIDAS. BIKINI TOP
in April, saying, ‘It’s tough, think that’s what’s going to make it MYRA SWIM.
obviously, to look too far such a great tournament,’ she says. SOCKS, LONDON
ahead.’ Seven weeks later, ‘It’s another huge The day after our interview, SOCK COMPANY
as this issue was going opportunity to go out Alessia scored the winning goal
to press and news of her there and hopefully in Man United’s WSL clash with ABOVE: TOP AND
departure broke, I was create more history’ Arsenal. But in the same match, BOTTOMS, ADIDAS.
told that no new club deal Leah Williamson – Arsenal’s SOCKS, BODEN
had been signed. (Although central defender and Alessia’s
– Gunners rejoice – the rumour mill seems to indicate England captain – went down with a non-contact BRA AND SHORTS,
that Alessia will be heading to north London.) injury that was later revealed to be a ruptured ACL, ADIDAS. SOCKS,
I get the sense she’ll currently be trying to tune out ruling her out of the World Cup. With Euros top scorer BODEN
the noise – and focus instead on her next big job: this Beth Mead also unavailable for the tournament due to

24 | J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3
Alessia Russo



the same injury, thoughts are turning to who, among

the match-fit pride, could help the Lionesses secure losing a lot of weight because I’ve never had a muscle
victory once more. Enter: Alessia. But what makes injury before.’ The weight loss was, Alessia admits, by
the record-breaking striker tick? And, in an era where design. She monitored her calories and macros to such
female footballers are enjoying long-overdue respect an extent that her diet became restrictive. ‘I wanted to
and celebrity status, who does she want to be? make sure I hit really high protein [levels], but it was
also about really low calories. So [my diet] was high
Team spirit protein, but I was sacrificing all the carbs and the fats…
As the youngest of three siblings, and only girl, Alessia and then that would be my calories for the day. And
accepts that she was probably spoiled rotten growing yeah, I used to track everything [on an app],’ she pauses.
up in her loud, loving family home in Maidstone, Kent. ‘I know some people still use [it], but…’ she grimaces
The main rule? ‘Don’t kick a ball inside – but that didn’t and motions pushing her phone away. ‘I was at a low
get stuck to,’ she says with a grin. ‘We just used to be in point with my food and with my weight,’ she continues.
trouble,’ she tells me, of growing up with brothers Giorgio ‘I wasn’t strong enough; I wasn’t robust. I thought I
and Luca, who is now her agent. ‘They were winding me looked great… but really, on the football pitch, I wasn’t
up ever since I can remember – they always say it’s made strong enough to compete.’
me into who I am today,’ she laughs, rolling her eyes. As we enjoy an epic summer of women’s sport,
So did football – and plenty of it. Alessia would play perhaps it shouldn’t surprise us that our new pin-ups
against girls on a Saturday and boys on Sunday. ‘You’d hear for female strength aren’t immune to societal pressures
whispers like, “Oh, they’ve got a girl,” which used to make indicating slimmer equals better. In fact, Alessia thinks
you a bit of a target, but it makes you tougher when you complex relationships with food are common within
grow up.’ Alessia, who’s represented England from the women’s sport. ‘You can ask a lot of girls in sport:
Under-15s, joined Charlton [they’ll] have [had] a similar
Athletic’s academy at 13, before problem. There’s a bit of
captaining Chelsea’s development ‘My body is still a huge stigma because, of course, you
squad and, following a brief stint priority. Now I don’t want to compete and be the
with Brighton and Hove Albion at want to be skinny, best on the pitch, but you want
18, moved to the US to play college I want to be strong’ to look a certain way as well,’
‘soccer’ alongside England’s Lotte she shrugs. ‘As a lot of young
Wubben-Moy. She didn’t complete girls [do], I wanted to be skinny
her final year of study due to the pandemic and, and compete at that kind of level.’ And now? ‘My body is
in autumn 2020, was signed to Man United, the still a huge priority. But I understand I need to eat a lot
club she’s supported for as long as she can remember. more than I thought I did at the start, and now I don’t
It was the club her Sicilian grandfather pinned his want to be skinny, I want to be strong. Food plays a
colours to shortly after he joined her English grandmother huge part in how you feel and how your body reacts.’
in the UK. Their meet-cute is the stuff of cinema. ‘He was If food and fitness represent a point of friction
supposed to be getting a train to Berlin. But he and his between her status as a professional athlete and young
friends saw my nana and her friends... they got on her train woman, our cover star largely embraces the duality.
instead and followed them and they ended up married,’ I ask her if she’d find it reductive – offensive, even –
she smiles. ‘My grandad didn’t speak any English; they just if I inquired about the skincare routine that gives her
communicated through a woman on the train that spoke that just-stepped-off-a-shoot glow when she’s actually
both languages.’ Told you. With love stories like that in her fresh from training. ‘No! I wouldn’t be offended! I find
lineage, does Alessia have a romantic soul? ‘Yeah, for sure. it interesting. I’m into make-up. I like getting my nails
I think, going back to the nature of my job, it’s so intense done, my hair done,’ she begins. ‘I think you could ask
and competitive. But when you do get a chance to do things male footballers the same thing: they like to get dressed
like that, I think it’s nice. I’ve always been a romantic.’ up, get their hair cut all the time. Just because we play
a sport that’s aggressive and contact, [that] doesn’t
Strong not skinny mean we don’t like to pamper ourselves.’
While signing for Man United at 21 was a girlhood dream It’s one reason she’ll happily wear make-up on
realised, Alessia’s time at the club began with an injury – a game day. ‘I like to look good, feel good, play good
one that taught her a valuable lesson. ‘In lockdown, it was – that’s what a couple of us say. It’s a part of me. [I’m]
tough: I was training on my own, I was home and I lost an athlete, but I’m also a young girl who likes to engage
quite a bit of weight. Then I signed for Man United soon in that side of it as well. Some girls do it with their
after lockdown. And within about six weeks, I completely clothes… I think it’s just everyone has their own little
tore my hamstring, [which I] could only relate back to ways to express yourself outside of football.’ Oh, and

J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3 | 2 7
Alessia Russo

for anyone curious, Alessia’s a big fan of Weleda’s shouldn’t have to. We’ll always back other teams
ultra-hydrating Skin Food moisturiser, and SHORTS, ADIDAS. when they’re going through struggles like that;
Charlotte Tilbury, er, everything. She recalls BIKINI TOP, it’s not okay and it wouldn’t happen in the men’s
a sign at United’s recent clash with Brighton MYRA SWIM game – so we don’t like to see it in the women’s.’
dedicated to her best friend, fellow Lioness and Alessia – currently the world’s highest-valued
former club teammate, ‘It said “Ella Toone: lash female footballer – is optimistic about the sport’s
game strong; football game stronger”,’ she laughs. well-documented gender pay gap. ‘It’s getting
better,’ she says. ‘And even with things like opportunities,
Play on sponsors, team facilities, how you travel and the kit you
To be in Alessia’s company is to bask in her warmth. Her get, I think it’s growing massively. People are investing in
energy is one of mellow affability and she really seems – women’s football now. It’s probably taken too long. But
as her publicist tells me before it’s nice to see it’s there now.’
our chat – ‘genuinely, a really nice Does the star striker see herself
person’. She took the time to say ‘I think I can lead in in a leadership role? ‘I don’t know
hello to everyone individually at other ways. I’m not a if I’m ever going to be a leader in

our shoot before thanking them vocal person; I like to the sense of a captain,’ she offers
once we’d wrapped. But mistake just do things instead’ – praising Leah Williamson’s and
her pleasantness for passivity at Man United captain Katie Zelem’s
your peril, especially when it ‘amazing’ skills. ‘But I think I can
comes to the fight for gender equality in the game. When lead in other ways, whether that’s leading from the front,
I mistakenly mention it’s ‘policy’ for the Lionesses to wear leading in my actions, in how I train, how I play,’ she says.
purple wristbands in solidarity with the Canadian national ‘I’m not the most vocal person; I like to just do things
side’s dispute over pay, she’s quick to set me straight. ‘It’s instead.’ As she readies herself for the World Cup (and
actually not policy,’ she explains. ‘It’s something that the all the change that accompanies joining a new club), will
players want to do – it came from the captains.’ there be time to unwind? ‘I’m going to Ibiza,’ she says, of
This comes at a time when Scotland’s national side the break she’s booked between the end of the WSL season
are preparing to take the Scottish FA to an employment and the World Cup. ‘There’s a big group of us – a lot of girls
tribunal in a fight over equal pay and conditions. ‘It’s I grew up playing with,’ she smiles. ‘Hopefully I’ll sit in the
important that we show that solidarity because it’s a sun and get a tan.’ She’s one of the game’s greats, sure – but
challenge that a lot of people in the game have to face and Alessia Russo is truly one of our own.

2 8 | J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3
Eat Smart

Bar class
Protein bars are flying off supermarket
shelves faster than bottles of Pimm’s.
But can a protein-rich snack really
help you reach your goal?

J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3 | 3 1
£1.9 billion
The projected
growth of the
global protein bar
market in the next
seven years
Protein bars are great if you’re looking
for an on-the-go eat that delivers on
Here’s the catch: there’s and others that contain
nutrients and flavour. You can stash no official definition as almost none. But with
them in your bag, and many offer to what constitutes a a little know-how, you
additional benefits such as fibre and protein bar. That means can sift through the
it’s up to individual brands marketing spiel to find
healthy fats. Plus, if you’re on the hunt for to decide what type – and the best bar for you.
a pre- or post-sweat option, a protein-rich how much – protein to Here, we share the
add to products. That’s tools that will help you
snack can boost your output and support also why you’ll find some unwrap what’s really
recovery, says dietitian Amy Gorin. bars that contain 20g in your protein bar.

3 2 | J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3
Eat Smart

What to look for on the
back of the packet

There’s no precise amount that’s
best, but a good rule of thumb is to
look for a bar (whether plant-based
or otherwise) that has at least 5g
of protein, says Gorin. Your exact
intake will depend on your lifestyle,
adds dietitian Maya Feller. Are
you prepping for a big race or
levelling up your lifting goals?
Active athletes likely need to
increase their protein intake.

Your ideal options will contain
at least 3g of fibre, says Gorin.
‘Along with protein, fibre helps
to keep you fuller longer.’ It’s
also important to keep a close eye
on the amount of fibre to avoid
intestinal discomfort. Ingesting
a high-fibre bar – anything at 20%
Solid meal of your daily value and above –
stand-in? as a speedy snack? Pair it with
Maybe not. They generally a glass of water, adds Feller.
don’t have enough calories to be
considered a meal. Instead, think Free sugars
of them as snacks or a supplement Some bars are, sorry to say it,
for nutrients. Remember that an straight-up sweet treats, packed
important component of a meal with added sugar. The NHS
is pleasure. Need a quick
recommends limiting calories
breakfast? Grab a bar and
a piece of fruit. from free sugar to 5% of total
calories per day, or 30g per day.
Many bars are sweetened with
alternative sweeteners, too, from
artificial picks such as sucralose
to ‘natural’ sources, including fruit
and plant-based sugar substitutes.
Each source serves up a different
sweetness level and flavour.

Fat and saturated fat will vary
based on the protein source. When
you snack on a bar made with beef
or bison, for example, you’ll see
that saturated fat floats at around
20% of your daily value, whereas
total fats may be higher in bars
based on nuts and seeds.

J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3 | 3 3
Eat Smart

Another must-have for your
protein bar collection is fibre,
and these plant-powered bars
provide an impressive 9.3g.
Plus, you can’t go wrong with a
chocolate and caramel combo.

Refrigerated bars are often Creamy, chocolatey goodness
free of preservatives that allow and 20g of protein? A match
their store cupboard siblings to stay made in heaven. And coming
room temp. Plus, keeping their cool in at 197 calories, too.
helps them retain shape, texture and
freshness. But one version isn’t better
than the other, so pick a type that’s 03
right for you. Always on the go? Best MAXINUTRITION
to rely on non-perishable bars CINNAMON CRUNCH
that can live in your bag for FLAVOUR PROTEIN BAR
convenience. Searching for a nutritious
alternative to the cinnamon
swirl? Look no further than
Maximuscle’s tasty treat that’s
high in both protein and fibre.

Coming in at a whopping 20g
of protein and only 1.7g of sugar,
this chocolate and peanut
combo proves you don’t have
to sacrifice nutrition for taste.


When it comes to protein
bars, you’ll want to make sure
you’re opting for low sugar.
This one from MyVegan has
only 1.8g of sugar and (forgive
us for stating the obvious)
it’s suitable for vegans.

3 4 | J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3
Food in
a flash

Salmon Method
burgers 01. In a medium bowl, beat the egg
until frothy. Then fold in the salmon,

Total: 30 mins 120g Greek
spring onions, jalapeño, 2 tbsp of the
Serves: 4 yoghurt coriander, ½ tsp salt and ¼ tsp pepper.
1 large egg 1 tsp lime zest 02. Heat the oil in a large non-stick
450g skinless 2 tbsp lime juice frying pan on a medium heat. Spoon

meal salmon, finely

2 spring onions,
4 brioche buns,
8 butterhead
lettuce leaves
4 mounds of the salmon mixture
into the pan and flatten them into
1cm-thick patties. Cook until golden
brown, 2 mins on each side.
03. Meanwhile, in a bowl, combine
Look beyond the golden 1 jalapeño ½ cucumber, the yoghurt, lime zest and juice, the
arches and you’ll find a pepper, finely shaved lengthways remaining 1 tbsp coriander and ¼ tsp
meal that delivers on chopped 180g microgreens each of salt and pepper; spread it
omega-3 while nudging 3 tbsp chopped on the buns. Top the bottom half
of each bun with lettuce, a salmon
you closer to your five a coriander
patty, cucumber and microgreens;
day. The secret? Salmon. 1 tbsp olive oil sandwich everything together with
Summer, we see you… the top half of the bun.

Per serving: 379 cals, 32g carbs,

34g protein, 13g fat

J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3 | 3 5

art of

3 6 | J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3
It’s come a long
way since the
crustless cheese
triangles of your
childhood, with
bougie sandwich
shops opening
their doors faster
than you can say
PBJ. Consider
this your nutrient-
packed guide to
the best thing
since sliced bread
Chelsea Kyle

J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3 | 3 7
Yoghurt spread (right)
Hard-boiled or runny eggs
Salad leaves

While salad days aren’t over exactly, there’s call sandwiches the ultimate “power lunch” order,’
something special about biting into a fully loaded she tells WH, adding that the nutrient profile of your
sandwich. With its ever-so-slightly toasted bread sandwich begins with the bread and ends with what
cradling a smorgasbord of fillings, a sandwich can goes between it. She recommends using the bread as
deliver the components of a nutritionally balanced an opportunity to get more 100% whole grains into
meal. But for all its satiating, satisfying and five- your day and then adding plenty of vegetables. ‘More
a-day supporting benefits, it lacks the health halo is more on the produce front. Piling it on provides
of some of its midday counterparts. It’s time we more of the nutrients you need – blood pressure-
started giving credit where it’s due, says Jaclyn regulating minerals such as potassium, magnesium
London, dietitian, author of Dressing On The Side and calcium – to help balance out higher-sodium
(And Other Diet Myths Debunked) and podcast host ingredients.’ Consider this your cue to get creative
for The Business of Wellness. ‘I’d even go so far as to with your midday meal.

3 8 | J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3
Fresh salsa
Rotisserie In a large bowl, toss
1 jalapeño chilli
rock star and ¼ small white
onion (both finely
Here’s a case chopped) with
for making 1 tbsp lime juice,
¼ tsp salt and
rotisserie ⅛ tsp pepper;
chicken your let it sit for 10 mins.
main protein Toss with 225g
plum tomatoes
option: the (halved, seeded
cooking and chopped),
method then fold in
renders it elite, 2 tsp chopped
compared with
most cold
meats. ‘The Spread
beauty is,
there’s no
preservation your
process that
requires salting
and curing,
Get more produce into the
which you’ll
see with even equation by blitzing, blending
“reduced or chopping them into salsas
sodium” cold and dips. ‘This way, you’re
automatically including more of
meats,’ says
those nutrient-dense vegetables
London. Eggs,
without feeling like you’re eating
nut butter and a pile of grass between sliced
canned fish spread bread,’ says London.
also work, as In a bowl, combine
will last night’s 90g Greek A splash of
olive oil helps
leftover protein yoghurt, ½ tbsp you better
lemon juice and absorb the
or anything ¼ tsp each salt fat-soluble
nutrients from
that can easily and pepper; fold produce
be added to in 2 tsp chopped
your meal prep basil and 2 tbsp
chopped chives.
queue (think:
grilled salmon,
prawns or Beans and
a lean cut greens
of beef). spread
In a food processor,
puree a 400g tin
BIG BIRD of white beans
(PREVIOUS (rinsed), 130g baby
SPREAD) kale, 2 spring
Roasted turkey or onions (cut into
rotisserie chicken 3cm pieces), 1 tbsp
Beans and greens chopped basil,
spread (right) 3 tbsp olive oil,
Roasted tomatoes 2 tbsp lemon juice
(p42) and ½ tsp each salt
Watercress and pepper.

J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3 | 3 9
for salt
Try to find a brand
that caps it at 0.35g
per serving. If you
can’t swing that,
just pay attention
to how much you
add elsewhere.

Look at the
ingredient list
A long-ish list is okay
if you’re seeing
100% whole grains
in the number one
slot, plus plenty of
seeds and other
grains in the line-up.
Avoid ‘enriched
wheat flour’, which
is typically just
nutritionally poorer
white bread in

Beware the
fibre optics
Aim for at least
3g per serving.

bread downBread and rolls might be
among the leading sources
of salt in the UK diet, but that
doesn’t mean you should skip
them. In fact, bread represents
an opportunity to add more
nutrients to your diet.

4 0 | J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3
Love your leftovers A fridge dive can unearth a treasure trove of riches. ‘Sometimes you just
need to organise what you already have,’ says London. Open your fridge to get some inspiration. One of WH’s
favourite ways to make midday meal prep even easier is to do a little bit of legwork during dinnertime. Throw
an extra piece of protein in the pan (or in the oven) as you’re making your evening meal. Chop some produce
(think: celery or peppers) while you have your cutting board out doing dinner prep and roast up the extra
vegetables to stash in a food container for later. Basically, cook smarter, not harder.

Roasted sweet potatoes
Brush sweet Greek yoghurt
potato slabs
with olive oil and Sliced feta
season with salt Pickled beetroot (p43)
and pepper. Shredded purple cabbage
Roast or air fry
at 200°C until Baby kale
golden brown
and tender, 15
to 20 mins.

J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3 | 4 1
SHOW For a sandwich that
Paprika chicken
Black bean smash oozes oomph, lean into
Grilled pineapple flavourful ingredients.
Fresh salsa (p39) You only need a small
amount to hit the
right note
Paprika chicken
Rub 115g thin, boneless, CRAVING TRY
skinless chicken breast
with olive oil, season
with smoked paprika, Pickled
salt and pepper; Salty peppers and
grill or air fry until cornichons
cooked through.

Black bean
smash Sliced apples
or pears
In a bowl, mash 60g Fruity (both add
tinned black beans crunch) For peak results,
(rinsed) with 1 tsp toast the slices
olive oil, ¼ tsp lime zest of bread before
piling on the
plus ½ tsp lime juice toppings,
and a pinch of salt. Jalapeño especially if
Spicy or red you’re serving
it open
chilli slices

Cheesy of feta or

Dried spices
such as
paprika or
Smoky chilli powder
(add some
while cooking
your protein)

Level up Roasted tomatoes Shiitake bacon

Heat the oven to 230°C. On a small Heat the oven to 190°C. Toss
Transform fruit and baking tray, toss 400g tomatoes 225g shiitake mushroom
vegetables – via roasting, (halved) with 2 tbsp olive oil, 1 tbsp caps (thinly sliced) with 2 
pickling or bacon-ifying balsamic vinegar and ¼ tsp each tbsp oil and ½ tsp each salt
salt and pepper. Roast until and pepper. Spread on a
(it’s a thing) – into the shrivelled and the liquid is beginning baking tray and bake until crisp,
ultimate sandwich toppers to caramelise, 20 to 25 mins. 20 to 25 mins. Leave to cool.

4 2 | J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3
salmon salad
In a bowl, combine
170g tinned salmon
(drained) with 2 tsp
olive oil, 1 tsp white
wine vinegar and a
pinch of salt. Toss
with 60g green
beans (thinly sliced)
and 1 spring onion
(finely chopped),
then fold in 3 tbsp
chopped rocket.

No-cook salmon salad
Tomato slices
Spring onions

Marinated peppers Pickled beetroot

Grill 3 peppers (halved and seeded) on a baking In small saucepan, bring 125ml water,
tray until the skin is charred, 8 to 10 mins. Transfer 4 tbsp cider vinegar, 1 tbsp sugar and
to a bowl and cover for at least 10 mins. Meanwhile, ½ tsp salt to a boil, then take off the
finely grate ½ a very small garlic clove into a heat. Place 4 ready-to-eat beetroots
medium bowl. Stir in 1 tbsp each sherry vinegar (peeled and very thinly sliced) into a
and olive oil, ¼ tsp salt and ⅛ tsp pepper. Peel heatproof container or jar, then cover
the peppers, cut into pieces and toss in the with the liquid. Cool them to room
vinegar mixture. Wait 15 mins before using. temperature; refrigerate overnight.

J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3 | 4 3
The kitchen counter staple comes
in handy for so much more than just
shaking on to your dinner. Whether
you’re a seasoned seasoner or you
prefer to go without, consider
this your sodium starter


Photography: ALEX LAU

4 4 | J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3
Imagine a kitchen without salt and
you’ll have some seriously bland
hypothetical food. It’s an everyday
essential, key for brining, curing and
preserving. Even at its most basic, it’s
a food enhancer – just a pinch turns
blah dishes into magical meals.
There are plenty of varieties, be
that the kind filtered from seawater
to the salt mined from mountainous
regions. And no two types are alike.
‘Each salt has its own use, just like
how oils and vinegars have different
culinary purposes,’ says Kelsey
Harris, senior marketing manager
at Jacobsen Salt Co, a US-based
brand that sources everything from
pastel-pink Himalayan rocks to
earthy black salt made with activated
charcoal. Ready to season your skills?

J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3 | 4 5
n ing e
aso om
f se ive s eals
o g m
01 FLEUR e VIP y to lain
1 h d
t rea to p
DE SEL lt:
Sa ays ality
We call it fancy alw rson
flake (translated pe
to ‘flower of salt’)
as it’s traditionally
collected from salt
marshes along the
coast of France. The
inconsistently sized
Flatter, larger
and slightly moist
crystals make
crystals serve up a
a great addition
clean, delicate, briny
to a finished dish.
hit when sprinkled as
You can sprinkle on
a finishing touch on
avocado toast and
steak, seafood or a
rice bowls. It’s also
thick slice of tomato.
02 BLACK the secret weapon
It takes work to
SALT for bringing balance
gather this one, so it
Often mined from to desserts, such
can be significantly
natural sources in as salted caramel.
more expensive than
Asia or made from Measured by the
others. Consider it a
Hawaiian sea salt and teaspoon, these big
special-occasion salt.
activated charcoal, crisp pieces tend
this has a sulphurous to be less salty in
aroma and flavour taste than table salt
similar to eggs. A because of their
key ingredient in larger volume.
vegan sandwiches.

This classic cooking
salt is an all-round 05 5
workhorse. The HIMALAYAN
WH test kitchen PINK SALT
relies on it for all This pick has higher
their recipes, from concentrations of 04 TABLE
seasoning pasta minerals (such as SALT
water and pickle magnesium) than Since this kind is
brines to showering other salts, which practically powdery,
on to proteins and can build up in the a lot fits into a pinch,
vegetables before body over time – and dishes can get
roasting. Not all a good thing, says very salty, very fast.
boxes of rock salt dietitian and athletic (It’s easy to overdo
are the same; trainer Dana White. it.) Rely on this one?
depending on the Add to popcorn for Just use sparingly;
harvesting style, a savoury snack. make sure to taste
the grains can be your dish before you
finer or more coarse, add another shake.
causing different
levels of saltiness.

4 6 | J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3
MIGHTY MINERAL Beyond its numerous culinary uses, salt is the main vehicle for humans
to consume sodium, a key nutrient for multiple body functions. Vitally, sodium acts as an electrolyte,
necessary for hydration maintenance and muscle function. The majority of Brits hit their daily
recommended amount, no problem, but if you’re getting a serious sweat on every single day, you may
need to be a little more strategic about it. Sodium is the most plentiful electrolyte lost during long,
intense workouts, and it needs to be replenished as part of workout recovery to maintain fluid balance
and prevent more serious repercussions such as cramping and muscle fatigue, says White. She suggests
restocking sodium by pairing it with foods that also boast more nutrients, such as adding a sprinkle of
salt to roasted nuts, which will also up your protein intake.

Packaged goods, such as
bread, processed meats, soups
and jarred sauces, are notorious
for being heavy on the salt to
increase shelf life and boost taste
(with two slices of toast in the AM
you can hit 20% of your daily value

without realising). Take back

control by keeping an eye on
food labels and cutting
out processed

J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3 | 47
Th ic i
is y!) s o
sp ipe

re m n p

fre e a
sh lon ge
in so 50
(a up

Some like it cold

There’s a time and a place for an Ottolenghi recipe that eats into
both your weekend and budget. But when the sunshine saps
your culinary ambitions, there’s a simpler solution – one you can
stash in your freezer. Welcome to soup season, reimagined
Words: Susan Choung Recipes: Kristina Kurek Photography: Nico Schinco
Eat Smart

Higher temperatures, humidity… Lately, the struggle

to spend time in the kitchen has been real. Your new
cure-all? No-cook soups. Packed with raw fruits and
vegetables, these cool, liquid meals serve up nutrients
alongside flavours with staying power. Soup preserves
the fibre of your fresh ingredients while often offering
protein, fat and seasonings, which help with satiety,
says nutritionist Cara Anselmo. That these recipes
Basil and pea
also offer hydration to help beat the heat, thanks Total: 1 hr 15 mins
to ingredients such as cucumbers and tomatillos, Serves: 4
makes them a no-brainer. But perhaps their biggest 120g baby spinach
600g plain yoghurt
benefit? You don’t have to turn on the hob. 280g frozen peas, thawed
½ medium avocado
1 medium shallot,
roughly chopped
3 tbsp nutritional yeast
20g basil, plus extra
for serving
2 tbsp chopped tarragon,
plus extra for serving
1 tsp lemon zest

01. In a blender turned up
to high, puree the spinach,
yoghurt, peas, avocado,
shallot and nutritional
yeast with ¾ tsp salt,
¼ tsp pepper and 60ml
water, scraping down the
sides as required until
smooth, about 2 mins.
02. Add the basil and
tarragon, then blend until
they’re just incorporated
but some flecks remain.
Adjust the consistency
with more water if you like.
03. Refrigerate in an
airtight container until the
soup is completely chilled
– for at least an hour, but
up to two days. To serve,
sprinkle with the lemon
zest, black pepper and
some more basil and
tarragon, if desired.

Per serving: about

232 cals, 24g carbs,
14g protein, 9g fat,
8g fibre

J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3 | 4 9
Eat Smart

Cantaloupe Method in an airtight container

01. With your blender until completely chilled
and honeydew
on a high setting, puree for at least an hour, but
Total: 1 hr 20 mins the cantaloupe, tahini, up to three days.
Serves: 4 harissa, 1 tbsp lemon 03. To serve, divide the
1kg cantaloupe melon, juice and ¼ tsp salt cantaloupe soup between
peeled, seeded and until smooth, about four bowls. Ladle the
cut into 4cm pieces 30 secs. Refrigerate honeydew soup into the
1 tbsp tahini in an airtight container right half of each bowl,
until completely chilled near the edge, to create
1½ tsp mild harissa
for at least an hour, but contrasting halves. Then,
2 tbsp lemon juice up to three days.
using a spoon, gently
900g honeydew melon, 02. Rinse the blender, swirl the honeydew part
and beetroot
then, on a medium- Total: 1 hr 25 mins
peeled, seeded and cut into the soup and sprinkle
low setting, puree the Serves: 4
into 4cm pieces with more mint, if desired.
honeydew, green pepper, Store any leftovers in 560ml buttermilk
1 medium green pepper, 2 tsp vegetable
cumin, mint, remaining separate containers.
roughly chopped bouillon powder
lemon juice and ½ tsp
½ tsp ground cumin salt until mostly smooth Per serving: about 2 large red
20g mint, plus but still a little chunky, 120 cals, 24g carbs, 3g beetroots, peeled
extra for serving about 30 secs. Refrigerate protein, 2.5g fat, 4g fibre and coarsely grated
½ small red onion,
finely chopped
35g watercress, plus
extra for serving
3 tbsp prepared
horseradish, squeezed
to remove any
excess moisture

01. In large bowl,
gradually whisk 500ml
JOURNEY buttermilk with the
JUICE bouillon base until it’s
Transport soup in an fully incorporated.
insulated water bottle 02. Stir in the beetroot,
to partake on the onion and ½ tsp pepper.
go. Think of it as
Refrigerate in an airtight
a hearty, savoury
smoothie container until completely
chilled – for at least an
hour, but up to two days.
03. When ready to serve,
chop the watercress finely,
then, with your fingers, mix

it with the horseradish in

a small bowl.
04. Ladle the soup into
bowls and swirl in the
remaining buttermilk.
Sprinkle with the
mixture and top with
watercress, if desired.

Per serving: about

145 cals, 19g carbs,
7g protein, 5g fat,
3g fibre
Prawn, cucumber
and tomatillo
Total: 1 hr 25 min
Serves: 4
3 medium serrano chillies
(stemmed and seeded for
less heat, if desired), plus
more, sliced, for serving
1 large tomatillo, peeled,
rinsed and cored
10 large garlic cloves
5 tbsp lime juice
375ml coconut water,
25g coriander, plus extra
for serving
1½ tbsp rapeseed oil
3 baby cucumbers, half
chopped into large chunks
and half thinly sliced
450g extra-large prawns,
cooked, peeled, deveined
and halved horizontally
(thawed, if frozen)
½ small red onion,
thinly sliced
40g coconut, shaved
1 avocado, diced

01. In a blender on high,
blitz the chillies, tomatillo,
garlic, lime juice, coconut
water, coriander, oil,
chopped cucumbers and
1 tsp salt until smooth,
about 30 secs. Refrigerate
in an airtight container
until completely chilled
– for at least an hour, but
up to three days.
02. When you’re ready
to serve, toss the prawns
with the onion, sliced
cucumbers and half of
the coconut shavings.
Spoon the mixture into
bowls, then ladle in the
soup. Top with the
avocado, remaining
coconut, sliced chillies
and coriander, if desired.

Per serving: about

343 cals, 18g carbs,
W ille ng
ch cki

28g protein, 18.5g fat,

ar d, in

ni b fie

6g fibre
ng ut ry
: it it’ fl
m s n avo
ay ot u
be r

J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3 | 5 1
Strong Mind

While there’s a time and a place for boosting your self-esteem, a
more stable, sustainable way to create confidence is gathering
pace. Is it time you showed yourself a little more compassion?


J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3 | 5 3
On the list of life’s wants – to be healthy, happy
and fulfilled – feeling really, truly good about
yourself likely takes the top spot. And that comes
with improving your self-esteem – an internal
judgement of your self-worth or ‘an evaluation
of worthiness’, says Kristin Neff, an associate
professor of educational psychology at the
University of Texas at Austin. So it’s entirely
understandable that the confidence conversation
has been dominated for the best part of a decade
by tactics designed to deliver more of the stuff.
Only now, psychological professionals are poking
holes in that approach. While elevating your
self-esteem can indeed be a pathway to more
confidence, they note, it has its pitfalls. That
self-esteem is tied to external validation, such
as compliments at work or likes on an IG post,
makes it fragile, says Christopher Germer,
a lecturer in psychiatry at Harvard Medical
School. So when things go wrong, comparison,
feelings of isolation and criticism creep in.
Enter: self-compassion – an you end up doubting yourself,
alternative route towards a more which makes it harder to take risks,
assertive you. At its essence, learn and grow. Eventually, you
self-compassion is about showing become afraid of failure, meaning
yourself kindness when you’re you’re more likely to give up than
struggling, failing or noticing you are to try again.
something you don’t love about Imagine the same scenario with
yourself. It’s not about measuring self-compassion and things look a
up to expectations; rather, it’s little different. Think, ‘I’m going to
a way of relating to yourself as a try because I care about myself and
human. By caring and expressing I don’t want to suffer,’ and you end
concern for yourself during hard up with a motivation that leads to
times, you’re able to persevere more self-confidence, says Dr Neff.
and create changes. Begin to sit with your pain and
Say you’re falling behind on think through what you might need
your marathon training plan and to achieve your goal – such as
you’re feeling angry with yourself. waking up earlier for runs or
You might think, ‘I’ll try harder scheduling them on your phone
because I feel inadequate.’ And in calendar – and instead of spiralling
the short term, it might work. But over all the ways you’re failing,
when you get down on yourself, you’ll overcome challenges, build

5 4 | J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3
These scales, developed by Dr Neff, will help you
work out where you stand. For each statement,
write down the number that represents how
often you behave in the way described.

ALMOST I try to be
NEVER understanding
and patient with
1 the aspects of my
personality I don’t like.
ALMOST When I fail
When ALWAYS at something
something important to me,
painful happens, I try 1 I become consumed
to take a balanced by feelings of
view of the situation. inadequacy.
4 2
I try to see When I’m
my failings feeling down,
5 as part of the 3
I tend to feel that
human condition. most other people
ALMOST are probably
When I’m 4
ALWAYS happier than I am.
going through
a hard time, I give When I fail
myself the care and at something
tenderness I need. that’s important to
NEVER me, I tend to feel
When alone in my failure.
upsets me, I try to When I’m
keep my emotions feeling down,
in balance.
I tend to obsess and
fixate on everything
When I feel that’s wrong.

How self- in some way, I try

to remind myself
that feelings of
I’m often
and judgemental

compassionate inadequacy are

experienced by
most people.
about my own flaws
and inadequacies.

are you?
SCORING: Total up your numbers above, then divide by
11 to get your score. Use the ranking system below to see
where you stand on the self-compassion scale.

1 to 2.5 2.5 to 3.5 3.5 to 5

Low Moderate High
You’ll want You’re on the You’re regularly
to make a right track but flexing your
concerted still have room self-compassion
effort to be to improve. muscle. Keep up
kinder to the good work.

J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3 | 5 5
Strong Mind
confidence and believe in yourself;    
a subtle change that delivers a 2. Put a hand on 3. Figure out when you
different outcome. As Dr Neff puts your heart don’t have it in you
it, ‘Self-compassion gives you a Touching your heart or your cheek Pinpoint times when you lack
stable source of self-competence, is one of the simplest and most self-compassion, suggests Pooja
as opposed to a “sugar high”.’ transformative interventions you Lakshmin, author of Real Self-Care.
Part of the problem, she explains, can use, says Dr Germer. You’re Do you get in your head when
is that we tend to think of self- probably doing it already, albeit you see an email from a certain
compassion as passive, unproductive subconsciously; when you receive co-worker? Does negative self-
even. But that couldn’t be further bad news, for example, you may talk bubble up every time you and
from the truth. In fact, there are instinctively put your hand on your partner fight? Honing in on
two sides to self-compassion; the your heart. This kind of self-touch self-kindness in these moments
tender side embodies the idea that lowers cortisol levels, according can push you towards the type
while you’re inherently flawed, to German research*, while of change you’re looking for.
you’re still worthy, while the rubbing your chest may activate
fierce side urges you to reject any your vagus nerve – the main
behaviours that are causing you nerve of your parasympathetic
harm. ‘Part of caring for yourself (or ‘rest and digest’) nervous
means taking active steps to system, adds Dr Germer.
change,’ adds Dr Neff.
None of this is easy; we tend to
be much nicer to others than we
are to ourselves – and all too quick
to judge our own shortcomings.
But self-compassion is a muscle
– and one you can build. Consider
the following methods your
self-compassion workouts.

  The way you talk to yourself
1. Ask yourself: can fuel compassion, but
what do I need? there’s more to mastering
This is the question that guides the positive self-talk than telling
whole self-compassion cultivation yourself that everything’s


agenda, says Dr Germer. Say you fine. Here’s how to
missed a deadline and you’re being change your tune
hard on yourself about it. Instead
of spiralling into negative self-talk, Notice the
work out what you need – a few negativity
An easy way to
more hours of childcare, writing cultivate a little TLC is
daily to-do lists – to problem- to practise a meditation
solve. This enquiry (part of the tailored by Dr Neff for this
fierce side of self-compassion) very purpose. Focus on Replace the
provides resources and tools for
the mistakes or flaws that word ‘should’
have been bothering you Ever find yourself
change, eventually generating lately, then look for those ‘shoulding’ all over
self-confidence as you’re able emotions in your body, yourself? It’s a common
to learn and grow. such as tightness in your Make a wish form of self-criticism – and
jaw or tension in your Making wishes is like one that’s not exactly
shoulders. Allow those surrounding yourself self-compassionate, says
feelings to sit in your with pleasant company Dr Lakshmin. Try subbing
body instead of resisting as opposed to your own your ‘shoulds’ for anything
or rejecting them. This negative chatter, says that fosters curiosity.
allows you to get in Dr Germer – who favours ‘Could I have chosen to
touch with the suffering wishes (‘may I accept do it this way instead?’ or
caused by your criticisms every part of me’) over ‘I wonder what held me
or the belief that you positive self-statements back most this week?’
have to be perfect. (‘I’m getting stronger’). Curiosity is kinder.

5 6 | J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3

5 8 | J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3
Research into the ‘gender play gap’ reveals that millions of
teenage girls are calling time on sport – and experts believe
girls of colour are dropping out at an even faster pace.
WH reports on the inequality haunting changing rooms


J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3 | 5 9
Kept from
their goals

When the sunlight

streamed into Billie
Dee Gianfrancesco’s
childhood bedroom, the
medals hanging from her
window would twinkle.
They were a symbol of
a shining youth sporting
career that saw her
crowned captain of the
school netball team and
compete at county-level
athletics in the 800 and
1500 metre races. But
that all changed in
Billie’s early teens, when
puberty struck. ‘My body
developed really quickly,’
recalls the now 33-year-
old London-based PR
consultant. ‘I grew taller
and more muscular, and
my legs became hairy.
Team members on both
sides started to make
crushing jabs at my boobs,
bum and thighs. All I Unsurprisingly, Billie’s passion my make-up to melt.’ When a
wanted was to hide my for playing sports nose-dived as member of the teaching staff started
her self-consciousness soared. echoing the hostility, calling her
body away.’ As a Black girl In the weeks that followed, she ‘disgusting’ for turning up to school
growing up in white, rural chemically straightened her hair with ‘love bites’ on her neck (it was
and started wearing make-up to eczema), she’d had enough. Aged 15,
Norfolk, there was an extra school – changes she recognises tired and humiliated, she decided
layer to the comments now as attempts to assimilate to to quit. ‘I didn’t want to be a part
she received, with some society’s pervasive white beauty of that world any more.’
standards. Meanwhile, the only That Billie felt that she had no
being overtly racist. ‘They other Black girl on the team was choice but to bench herself from
called me names such as banned from having braids because sport – and with it, its myriad mind-
players complained she was ‘using body benefits – is devastating. And
“beast” and “monkey”, them as a weapon’. But besides the yet, she’s not the only one who’s been
and even made direct jibes fact that she shouldn’t have had to forced to call time on their play. A
change herself, attempting to do 2022 study by Women in Sport found
about my race,’ she says. so brought its own issues. ‘I worried that more than one million girls
about moving too much in case the who considered themselves ‘sporty’
sweat caused my hair to curl and lost interest in physical activity in

6 0 | J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3
their teens. Of the 4,000 surveyed, the now-35-year-old doctor. ‘My
68% revealed a fear of being judged first hurdle was getting in and out
discouraged them from taking part, of the kit in the changing room.
while 61% admitted they lacked I felt terrified about removing my
confidence. And experts believe the clothes in front of the other girls.’
state of play is even worse for girls Then there were the challenges
of colour. While there’s no specific at home. While Huma was allowed
research available in the UK – which to wear leggings instead of shorts
is telling in itself – it’s thought that when she exercised, Aamina was
the barriers erected by racism, The percentage of girls made to wear a skirt or shorts for
socio-economic issues and cultural who admitted a lack netball. ‘My rather traditional
pressures are leading them to quit of confidence in sport dad would tell me off, insisting
sport at an even faster rate. ‘The that I needed to present myself
evidence we do have points to girls like a Muslim woman,’ she explains.
of colour quitting sport because a solo sesh, sport can expand your ‘I eventually succumbed and
they feel they don’t belong,’ says social network and facilitate new started wearing leggings beneath
Kate Dale, director of marketing friendships. ‘The psychological my skirt, but I felt the other girls
for Sport England’s This Girl Can benefits include an increase in on my team – who were all white
campaign, which was launched in resilience and fostering a growth – looking me up and down.’ In
2015 to tackle the gender activity mindset,’ says Tiwari. And it won’t 2015, Sport England found that
gap. ‘Teen girls often leave sports surprise you to learn that honing Muslim women fell behind other
because of the feelings of judgement these ‘soft skills’ can benefit other faiths when it came to participation
– and girls of colour have far more areas of life – such as your career. in sport – finding that while 30%
of that to contend with.’ Research by the law firm Ernst & of women in the study played
Young found sport, this dropped to 17% for
Healthy competition
This is woeful; not least because
I felt terrified that 94% of
female business
Muslim women, with a lack of
appropriate kit being a theory
the decision to quit sport can have
lifelong implications for your health
to remove executives played
sport in their
as to why. Progress is apace in this
area; in 2017, Nike launched the
– which has little to do with the
rush of endorphins that accompany
my clothes in youth, which
may explain the
world’s first ever sports hijab,
Adidas now stocks a ‘modest wear’
a big win. Research by Sport front of the diversity issues range and champion boxer Ramla
England found that exercise can still pervasive in Ali even had a loose custom-made
boost your sleep quality and other girls British C-suites; kit designed for her by Dior. But
dietary habits, while decreasing there are only for girls like Aamina and Huma,
your risk of developing diseases nine female CEOs in the FTSE 100 it’s a case of too little too late.
including dementia, breast cancer – and none are women of colour.
and stroke. And that’s before you Going the distance
consider the game-changing role Hostile crowd Of course, even if you can overcome
that sport can play in managing Like Billie, Aamina Masud can prejudice – both unconscious and
your mental health. ‘It can improve recall all too well the hostility that otherwise – in a way that allows you
self-esteem, reduce anxiety and she experienced when playing to dream big, you’re greeted with
lower the risk of depression,’ says sports. ‘I never found it to be an yet another hurdle. Because there’s
teen behaviour psychologist environment welcoming for a privilege that comes with playing
Natasha Tiwari, reeling off the someone from a South Asian and progressing in sport outside
benefits. As such, a lifelong love background,’ the 25-year-old of PE. From training sessions to
of sport can represent a tool in hospitality worker tells WH about foreign tournaments, the costs
your mental health toolkit, and be what it was like growing up in stack up quickly – and girls from an
brought out as and when you need Surrey as a woman of colour. ‘I was ethnic background are statistically
it. ‘I struggle a lot with my mental always made to feel different by more likely to have grown up in a
health, and if I had sport in my life micro-aggressions. No one made lower socio-economic household.
I know it would be a great coping an effort to pronounce my name Despite the fact that Aamina
mechanism, in fact, lots of therapists correctly – and I was chastised for played netball for her county and
have recommended it,’ says Billie. not shaving my legs, even though broke records for her age group in
‘But those childhood experiences I couldn’t [due to family beliefs].’ discus and shot-put, she eventually
have stayed with me. Even to this It was a similar lack of cultural quit sports aged 17. Her parents
day, I feel those thoughts coming awareness that led Huma Khan, couldn’t afford to support all three
back whenever I want to exercise, who grew up in Yorkshire in a of their children’s activities – and
in a way that means I end up British Pakistani family, to skip so her brothers’ football practice
skipping that run or gym session.’ school to avoid PE. ‘It was instilled was prioritised. ‘It was seen as a
What’s more, unlike lacing up in me that I shouldn’t reveal any hobby for me, but something with
your trainers and heading out for part of my body to anyone,’ says real potential for them,’ she

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Strong Mind

The percentage
of Muslim women
who play sports

– recruiting more role models feels

like a good place to start. Because
while women’s team sport is finally
taking its place on the global stage,
its players are overwhelmingly
white; indeed, of the 23-strong
squad who won the Euros last
year, only three – Nikita Parris,
Jess Carter and Demi Stokes – are
women of colour. ‘If a girl can see
that someone who looks like her
has done it before, then she’s more
likely to have a go herself,’ says
Caroline Kings, co-founder of We
Are Girls in Sport, a platform that
showcases female athleticism.
The race for
girls to be seen The interventions she’s advocating
for include improving diversity
and inclusion policies, seeking out
girls of colour for taster sessions,
subsidising membership fees and
hiring coaches who better reflect
recalls. ‘There was this sense that far away’ to justify the journey. their local communities.
I should be grateful to my Muslim Fortunately, when she confided in Alongside this grassroots change,
father for letting me participate a PE teacher, they drove her to the there needs to be more funding for
at all.’ Today, one of her siblings next one. But the story is different research in order to paint a more
plays semi-professionally and she for Amrit Lall. The 31-year-old, detailed picture of the forces that
believes she could have achieved whose ethnicity is British Sikh, are driving girls of colour from the
similar success had there been began playing football in her teens. game, says Dale. And while groups
more investment in her abilities But her career was cut short like Black Girls Do Run and Black
– not just from her parents, but when Amrit’s Girls Hike UK exist, it shouldn’t
in terms of the facilities available.
While male-dominated football
mum could no
longer take her
We need to be up to them to serve their local
areas; the sporting community
was played on a well-maintained
pitch beneath floodlights, netball
to practice.
‘Thinking about
hire coaches should be doing a better job. The
good news is that change is being
training was on a dimly lit court
with no changing rooms. And the
start and finish
times, and safe
who better made. The government recently
announced equal PE access for
subliminal message was as clear travel plans, are reflect their girls and boys, while The Football
as the white markings on both; small decisions Association is trying to give all girls
sport was for boys, not girls. made by people communities equal access to football in school
Then there are the bleak, but running sports by 2024 (currently 63% of schools
obvious, safety concerns to consider clubs,’ says Dale. ‘But they’re offer it to female pupils). It can’t
for after-school – and often, after decisions that can make a huge come soon enough; sport-related
dark – activities. If you don’t have difference when it comes to keeping self-consciousness can kick in as

a parent or guardian who’s able to girls of colour playing sport.’ young as seven years old, according
provide you with a lift – because to research. But for Dale, change
they’re working, for example – Goal time begins with the question: what do
you’re ruled out from the get-go. As to the question of what else we girls of colour need in order to keep
Before Aamina’s county netball can do to change the game – or on playing? Because, as we know,
trials, her parents deemed it ‘too rather, keep more girls playing it it’s the taking part that counts.

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your inner
child Healing your past, known as inner child
work, has gone from a niche psychological
phenomenon to meme-fodder in recent
years. But what does it actually involve?

W O R D S : S A B R I N A TA L B E R T

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Step into
your inner
child’s sense
of wonder

The process wasn’t easy. Nor The concept is also rooted in

was it quick or linear. In fact, the idea that current behaviours
inner child work is pretty much may stem from experiences and
the opposite – it’s a lifelong messages received in childhood.
Tori Bell felt stuck. Aged commitment to your personal Someone with the long-held belief
28, with a relationship and happiness. By definition, it’s an that they’ll never be good enough,
career going nowhere, she approach addressing childhood for example, may not care for their
shared these feelings with her trauma and the triggers that health in the way that they deserve.
friends. One suggested trying occur throughout adulthood, ‘Self-maintenance is a form of
out meditation, and when resulting in anxiety, depression, self-love,’ says Peace Amadi, author
she found out her workplace anger, emotional dysregulation of Why Do I Feel Like This? and
and maladaptive coping, explains psychology professor at Hope
offered a weekly class, she psychotherapist Rebecca International University. ‘You
decided to give it a go. That Solodovnik, founder of the might be self-sabotaging good
class led to a friendship with therapy and coaching practice relationships and opportunities
her meditation instructor, Mindfree Me. because you feel defective or
who introduced Tori to the It works in a number of ways. undeserving,’ she adds.
concept of ‘inner child’ work. When dealing with a trauma, no It’s worth noting that having
‘My goal was to find a sense matter how big or small, your a ‘good’ childhood doesn’t mean
brain tends to go into survival inner child work won’t benefit you.
of life purpose, gain more mode, which excessively engages ‘I remind my clients that no one
self-confidence and heal past the nervous system. Inner child comes out of childhood unscathed,’
wounds that were holding work is based on the idea that your says Trish Phillips, a psychologist
me back,’ she recalls. ‘At first,

past influences your present, so specialising in developmental

it was challenging to face these triggers can affect how you trauma, attachment wounds and
and process my childhood navigate several areas of life, such dissociation. ‘There are no perfect
traumas and emotional as your relationships, work and parents or caregivers. So even if
physical health. By addressing there were no big-T traumas, there
wounds. I had to confront
them as an adult, you’re learning were moments in a child’s life where
difficult emotions, such as how to identify, regulate and a parent was busy with another
fear, anger and sadness, express any unmet needs that child, working or unable to
but it was necessary to came up during your younger
move forwards.’ years, says Solodovnik.

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Strong Mind

having an outlet to healthily

unpack or discuss any takeaways
reach them in the exact moment that come up is recommended.
of need.’ And these moments can If it’s difficult to engage with
inform your habits and beliefs in your younger self, try to imagine
adulthood. Part of Tori’s inner another child of the age you’d like
child healing was understanding to tap into, then consider how
that most of her programming was you’d talk to them. Do they need
centred around being told to be comforting? What are they trying
quiet and not ask for much. But to tell you? ‘Some people are so
through her work, she was able to hard on themselves, they can’t even
find power in her voice. ‘It allowed imagine themselves as a child,’
me to identify and push through my Solodovnik says. ‘Thinking of
limiting beliefs and become more someone else helps prevent an
aware of my own needs and desires,’ emotion-shame cycle,’ she says.
she says. ‘By connecting with that
shy, timid person who was afraid to
speak her mind and rock the boat, Challenge core beliefs
I was able to release old patterns The foundational beliefs or
that no longer served me.’ Deciding memories that shape a person’s
to tap into inner child work can self-narrative often stem from
feel like climbing up a steep hill. their family or childhood. Your
And although it’s doable on your core beliefs hold a great influence
own, both Solodovnik and Phillips over your self-worth and how you
suggest having a therapist, coach, navigate life as an adult, explains
peer group or close relative to Solodovnik. These beliefs could be
assist you with any feelings that ‘I’m unlovable’, ‘I’m a bad person’,
arise. ‘It’s difficult to learn how to ‘people will always abandon me’ or
self-regulate without a “safe other” ‘I’m unwanted’. This part requires
to connect with first. Someone unlearning beliefs and learning
who can help provide stability to new ones under the guidance of a
the nervous system,’ says Phillips.
Whether you have a specialist to
help you or not, here’s how you
can become a better parent for
your inner child.
‘As our inner
narrative is
Be the adult challenged, we
you needed
An essential part of inner child
begin to notice
work is identifying unmet needs long-standing
and addressing them the way your
younger self would have wanted. patterns of
What’s the first step? Become the
caregiver you wanted as a child but behaviour ease’
didn’t have, says Solodovnik. ‘That
begins with awareness, listening, mental health expert, says Amadi.
compassion and asking yourself, A good starting point is to gather
“What do I need?”’ she explains. evidence-based information, such
Essentially, your current self is as instances when you’ve been
giving your younger self what you kind to others, and then use this to
didn’t get all those years ago. challenge the origin of a core belief.
If you’re working with a Looking at the facts might allow
therapist, they may ask you to you to see what’s true versus what’s
visualise your younger self to a held, conditioned belief based in
assess how you felt during certain trauma, fear, society, family or
traumatic experiences or when cultural norms, says Dr Phillips.
needs went unmet. You can also
try this on your own, though

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‘As our inner narrative is
challenged, we begin to notice
long-standing patterns of belief
and behaviour ease,’ she adds.

Centre a sense of play

Making happiness the focal point
of healing while engaging in inner
child work – or any other form of
therapeutic exercise – is essential.
Whether that looks like dancing,
making art or playing sports, you
can have fun while still engaging
with your inner child, says Amadi.
In fact, establishing a strong sense
of play in your life will propel you
into a more stable and grounded
headspace, so you can continue to
tackle difficult feelings that come
up during your journey.
And the best part? There are
no guidelines for honing in on your
happiness, aside from doing as you
please. ‘When people are healing,
they want to do it right,’ Amadi says.
‘While it can be helpful to plan,
part of what makes play play is
its spontaneity and flexibility.
It’s all about what feels good at
that moment.’ So let your own
interpretation of fun lead the way.
As adults, we tend to keep life
in order by scheduling. But even
if you have to plan your activity
ahead of time, it’s paramount that
you give yourself permission to
enjoy it, rather than viewing it as
just another task to check off the
to-do list. Say you dedicate one
hour a week to ‘playtime’. Go into
that scheduled space with zero
expectations or goals for what
you’ll accomplish. Maybe you’re
singing along to your favourite
Don’t let the songs or colouring because you
emotional walls find it soothing. Whatever you
get in your way plan, it should be worth looking
forward to. ‘If people remain
consistent, they’ll experience a
softening and a more grounded
feeling,’ adds Phillips. ‘They’ll
become more aware of their own
voice, their own needs and their
boundaries.’ Healing takes time,
but the work is worth it. Showing
kindness to all versions of yourself
will guide you along the way.

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my mind

‘I won the
race – but my
mind was on
my period’
Dame Jessica Ennis-Hill recalls
how anxiety surrounding her
monthly bleed added a layer
of fear to competing

6 8 | J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3
The memory of crossing But as I began to fall during a competition, my
the finish line first to the compete on the global hormones could mess with my
roar of the watching crowd stage, the relationship focus. I’d come away from a terrible
in a stadium in Lithuania between my periods and training session blaming myself –
is vivid for all the wrong my performance became and my confidence would plummet.
Dame Jessica
reasons. It was July 2005, Ennis-Hill, 37, is
impossible to ignore. I If only I’d known that there was
and as a 19-year-old an Olympic and often worried about leaking a physiological reason for this,
competing in the three-time world – a concern compounded I could have worked in sync with
champion my body, rather than against it.
heptathlon at the by the track-and-field kit
heptathlete and
European Athletics founder of women’s itself. The crop top and That I’ve felt the impact first-
Junior Championships, hormonal health running knickers that hand is one reason why I find the
the pressure was on intelligence and helped our bodies implication that female athletes
to translate weeks of platform Jennis stay as streamlined as are using their periods as an excuse
gruelling training into possible left little to the for poor performance ridiculous;
victory. But victory wasn’t imagination. During the this kind of rhetoric only serves to
the only thing on my mind as I raced high jump, I’d reach just under detract from the reality that there’s
around the 800m track that day. two metres high, with my torso so much about women’s bodies we
I’d just come on my period while horizontal and my legs lifted, still don’t understand. As recently
wearing no protection – a reality cameras capturing me from as 2016 – the year I retired – there
that meant I was bleeding into my all angles. It felt like there was were still five
small Lycra running knickers. And
when I crossed the finish line first,
nowhere to hide – and it was
yet another vulnerability to
‘My biggest times as many
studies into
it didn’t occur to me to stop. Instead, contend with alongside the
I kept on running – away from the anxiety that comes with
fear was erectile
dysfunction as
cameras and the crowds until I was competing. Then there were leaking – premenstrual
in the safety of the changing rooms, concerns over my competitive
the realisation hitting me that my edge. As a heptathlete, my a concern It’s an area that
period had just negatively impacted strength was intrinsic to my research is only
my biggest win yet. performance – powering me compounded now beginning
I’m not the only athlete who’s
felt this way. Almost 80% of
through sprints and jumps.
But reduced muscle strength by the track- to explore.
female athletes have reported
that their period has affected their
was among the litany of
symptoms – including cramps,
and-field such as Dina
performance, according to new
research by the English Institute
headaches and plummeting
energy levels – that accompanied
kit itself’ and Heather
Watson speaking
of Sport. And while I’m relieved my period each month. out certainly helps, and I hope my
that the topic is finally getting some Over the years, I dreaded app, Jennis, will support women

airtime, I came of age in a different my period coinciding with an through the process of learning
environment. As an ambitious important event, and often met to work out with their own unique
teenager, I’d have done anything to competition schedules with dread. cycles. But the shift needs to be
blend in with other competitors, and Much like sickness or injury, it was a societal one. The relaxation of
admitting to ‘weakness’ – especially a variable that left me feeling out Wimbledon’s all-white dress code
in the male-dominated space of track of control. And despite attempts feels like a long-overdue sign that
and field – was unthinkable. When I to regain some by using the this issue is finally coming to the
started experiencing period-related contraceptive pill, it wasn’t clear fore. Elite athlete or otherwise,
symptoms, I’d simply lace up my how that affected my performance, feeling comfortable when you
trainers and get on with it. either. Even when my period didn’t move is the real win.

Why might athletes feel How can this affect What’s the best way to
Period anxiety period-related anxiety? mental health? deal with the anxiety?
By monitoring their own cycle,
in sport Our research shows that female
athletes often worry how their
Female athletes who have high
expectations of their bodies athletes can become familiar with
The expert monthly bleed will affect their can experience mental health the physical and psychological
effects of hormones fluctuating,
view performance in competitions.
These fears are exacerbated by
challenges. Negative thoughts
can become increasingly plan for competitions if they
Amy Wells a lack of understanding among pervasive, when what’s really fall during the bleed stage and
is a senior lecturer coaches, poor flexibility in occurring is the totally normal practise self-compassion. Our
in exercise physiology at training schedules and societal rhythm of the menstrual cycle. research has found that athletes
the Centre for Research who relayed information around
stigma that means they may Understanding this allows such
in Psychology and Sports when they might feel tired and
Sciences at the University feel too embarrassed to open self-talk to be replaced with
up. This lack of control can more compassionate thoughts lack motivation to their coach
of Hertfordshire
lead to period anxiety. around training with your body. felt more empowered.

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Best Body
Is your
cycle your
It was once seen as a sporting
nemesis. But could tailoring your
workout around your menstrual
cycle fast-track your fitness gains?
Let’s cycle through the science


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If you spent school
lunch breaks perfectly
forging your mum’s
handwriting to get out
of PE because it was
that time of the month,
you’re not alone. But
while periods have
become less mortifying
since the early days of
stealthily sneaking an
Always pad up your
uniform sleeve before
going to the loo, their
incompatibility with
sport persists. Research
conducted last year
by ActionAid and
YouGov estimated
that six million British
women avoid exercise
every year as a result of
their period; a statistic
showing that whether
you’ve had to skip a
workout in favour of
gulping cramp-easing
magnesium supps or
turn back home on
the walk to yoga after
leaking through your
leggings, your monthly
cycle is still a bleeding
nuisance when you’re
trying to nail your
healthy habits. So,
obviously, the idea
that your cycle could
actually help you hit
a new PB feels about as
relevant as a PMS joke.

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Best Body

Workouts can feel harder at

certain points in your cycle

And yet, working with – rather

than around – your cycle is a and progesterone dip and peak,
concept that’s gaining traction. and fluctuations like these may
The English FA introduced its influence your physiology, such
Menstrual Cycle Health Strategy as metabolism, mood or energy.
a few years before the Lionesses Cycle mapping helps you to
went on to win Euro 2022. Then understand what these changes
there’s the #SayPeriod campaign, feel like in your body and what
launched by the sports science exercises might feel better at
education platform The Well certain times of the month. It’s
HQ last year and supported by the reason fitness programmes
50 elite athletes. It aimed to tell you to lift heavy in your
normalise conversations about follicular phase (from the first
periods in sport – conversations day of your bleed), do HIIT while
continuing in a book by the you’re ovulating (around day
platform’s co-founders, The 14 of a 28-day cycle) and stretch
Female Body Bible, published out in Pilates during the luteal
earlier this year. And perhaps phase (after ovulation, before
unsurprisingly, tech is getting you get your next bleed). But
in on the game, too. Cycle data does the science stack up?
features on the Apple Watch, Let’s start with hormones.
Whoop, as well as Vodafone’s ‘Research is pretty unequivocal
Player.Connect, a platform that that performance capability is
lets athletes view performance not impacted by menstrual cycle
and fitness data in the context of hormones,’ says Dr Ross. Oh. ‘If
their period. The latter was used you can lift 200kg on one day of
by the Welsh Women’s Rugby your cycle, you have the muscular
team to prepare for this year’s capacity to do that on any other
Six Nations, and it allowed female day.’ Indeed, researchers at the
players to tailor their exercise, University of South Australia
diet and sleep to their cycle – found that the menstrual cycle
an area that’s been overlooked had no clear effect in aerobic,
in sport, says Emma Ross, a anaerobic or strength-related
physiologist at The Well HQ. tests. Another study* noticed
‘There’s an increasing awareness of that hormonal fluctuations don’t
how understanding the physiology affect neuromuscular function
of your cycle can provide real or muscle firing rate – things like
context for how you experience jump power, force steadiness and
it,’ she says. ‘I think there might balance. But, this research didn’t
be a shift towards trying to look at the effect of menstrual
understand the natural cycle in symptoms, such as cramps
order to reap the benefits of it.’ making you lose sleep, on your
ability to perform. As such, this
JUST A PHASE area requires further study.
Stay on Central to this trend is cycle Then there’s your mental
track with mapping, which is sold as a way to performance – the idea that
your cycle adapt your workout routine to the workouts can feel harder at
phases of your cycle. Throughout certain points in your cycle.
the month, your levels of the In a 2022 study*, researchers
reproductive hormones oestrogen from Denmark found that small
reductions in power output just

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Best Body

Don’t let your

period weigh
you down

before and during the beginning gaining a greater understanding

of participants’ periods were scientist and female athlete lead of their cycle, its symptoms
down to shifts in psychological at health tracking app Orreco, and when they occur, which is
wellbeing, rather than biological on the feasibility of asking truly empowering.
changes. Feeling unmotivated, athletes to tether their training Symptom management
tired, sore and in pain all affect to their cycle. ‘On the field of could look like perfectly timing
how easy it is to reach peak play, all athletes have to be painkillers to avoid the clockwork
performance. In that sense, cycle capable of being the best on cramps – a strategy former WH
mapping isn’t about performing any given day.’ Dr Bruinvels’ cover star Leah Williamson told
differently during your cycle, team is currently working with us she employed at the Euros
but about finding new ways of The FA to help players do tournament last year. But other
performing consistently. exactly this. ‘We are trying to solutions can sometimes be less
support and optimise symptoms obvious. ‘I work with a player
SQUAD GOALS to enable individuals to train who gets in their own head and
Perhaps this is why symptom during every part of their cycle,’ overthinks everything when
management is at the heart of says Ritan Mehta, women’s lead she’s premenstrual,’ shares Dr
efforts to help athletes work performance doctor at The FA. Bruinvels. ‘We worked out that,
with their cycles. ‘It’s hard to Their strategy was originally during that time, it’s good for her
imagine a squad of 30 players instigated to identify red flags, to listen to a different playlist
all doing different things,’ says such as amenorrhoea – the loss on the way to training to put her
Georgie Bruinvels, a research or cessation of periods. But now, in the right headspace.’ Such
Dr Mehta believes players are

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interventions might sound
simple, but when less than The English Institute of Sport
a 1% difference in speed, skill that’s working with the hormone Cycle
or strength is make or break
for an athlete – they matter.
profiler, Hormonix Technology,
as well as engineers at Mint mapping
Of course, what works for one Diagnostics to develop a saliva at a glace
person may not work for you test that lets athletes measure
– and remembering this, as to-the-minute menstrual Right now, there isn’t enough
opposed to following blanket cycle hormones. ‘As changes evidence to justify constantly
advice, is the most important in menstrual cycle hormones changing your routine to fit
thing, Dr Bruinvels adds. ‘I are often an indication that ever-fluctuating hormones. But
actually think it’s disempowering something’s going wrong – there are broad-stroke ways
to constantly be told when you maybe they’re overtraining to look after your body when
will feel bad or when you should or under-fuelling – constantly oestrogen dominates the first
half of your cycle – the follicular
pull back from training.’ The monitoring lets us act early phase – and progesterone peaks
worry being that it will become to prevent injury and illness,’ in the second – the luteal phase.
a self-fulfilling prophecy; you’re Dr Ross explains.
told you’ll feel lethargic, so you But there’s much more
start to feel lethargic. One study* menstrual ground to cover. FOLLICULAR PHASE
that explored the ‘nocebo effect’ Dr Bruinvels believes the luteal
– the antithesis to the placebo phase in particular has been
‘Initial studies show that oestrogen
creates a really nice environment for
tissue growth and repair, meaning it
could be beneficial to strength train
when levels of the hormone are high,’
Listening to your body might says Dr Ross. ‘Building strength when
you have the capacity to recover well
just be your superpower means less training later in the cycle.’
Researchers found that performing leg
press exercises in the follicular phase
increased muscle force and size more
than in the luteal phase. So, push now
to create a strength buffer that lets you
effect – on athletic skills, almost exclusively ignored take the more difficult days slower
found that receiving negative within sports science research, – without losing your gains.

information and advice about despite this being the phase


your period can override when menstrual symptoms EAT: CARBS

positive conditioning, leading in athletes are most prevalent. Your body has better blood-sugar
control in the follicular phase – meaning
to physiological repercussions And while she hopes to see
fewer energy crashes. Research is
ranging from reduced fatigue this rectified, it’s a wish that’s looking at whether high-intensity training
threshold right through to couched in the knowledge should occur when your body is best set
impaired motor performance. that we may never get the up for carbohydrates, says Dr Ross. So
answers that we’re looking for. fuelling up and pushing hard while you
feel calm and strong is a good idea.
LISTEN CLOSELY ‘We don’t have that level of
What does this all mean for certainty in any research area,
you? When Dr Ross led a cycle whether that’s intermittent LUTEAL PHASE
mapping study with non- fasting or training at altitude.
professional users of Jessica We’re all so different, and DO: LOW- INTE NSIT Y OR
Ennis-Hill’s fitness app, Jennis, that includes our menstrual E N DU R ANCE EXE RCISE
which creates workouts based cycles,’ she shares. Most people start noticing negative
symptoms after ovulation, when
on your menstrual phases – users If you find it comforting progesterone rises. ‘As progesterone
preferred routines that changed to know that your motivation influences blood sugar stability, fuel up
with their cycle. ‘One of the being MIA might have more to on fats – which are also the best energy
biggest things reported back was do with your progesterone than source for endurance and low-intensity
exercise. Shift your movement to longer,
that they learned to be kind to your personality, cycle mapping slower sessions,’ says Dr Ross. Think:
themselves and were no less fit could be for you. But know that long-distance runs, Pilates or yoga.
because of it,’ Dr Ross says. ‘Their technology can’t possibly monitor
negative mood scores also went the myriad of factors at play EAT: MORE
down because they didn’t have when it comes to your period ‘The physiological process where
frustration or panic over missing and your athletic performance. hormones go from being high to low
demands a lot of energy,’ Dr Bruinvels
workouts or not training right.’ Listening to your body might says. In a Psychological Reports study,
She’s now part of a team from sound less buzzy, but it might just the calories burned during sleep rose by
be your superpower. 7% in the luteal phase. Meet nutritional
needs if you want to reach your goals.

J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3 | 7 5
Give it
Curious what a game-changing
strength transformation
might look like for you?
Consider this your gains guide

W O R D S : J U L I A S U L L I VA N

76 | J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3
Best Body

Muscle growth
variables include
age, hormone
levels, metabolism,
genetics and
certain health

Fuel rules
What you do in the
kitchen matters. These
fundamentals complement
your weight work, says
Katie Valdes, an assistant
director of sports nutrition
at the University of
Southern California’s
department of athletics.
Aim for a surplus
Eat 300 to 400 calories above
your regular consumption. ‘You
should eat more calories than
Bulking. Hypertrophy. Gains. But first, a word on bulking. you’re burning in order to put
However you talk about it, growing The term means putting on major on mass,’ says Valdes.
muscle – and the ways in which we muscle – and, technically, we Plan protein
do it – remains the biggest news in should all want to bulk. ‘It’s one of Consume at least 1.2g to 2g of
fitness. The hashtag #bulking has the best investments we can make protein per day per kilogram
more than 4bn views on TikTok for our health,’ says Girard. That of body weight. ‘For example,
a 10st 10lb athlete would weigh
and while the lingo got its start in said, there’s no overnight hack to
68.2kg and have protein goals
the (male-dominated) bodybuilding bump up your biceps or chisel your ranging from 80g to 135g per
and powerlifting communities, quads. Adding muscle requires a day,’ says Valdes. (Yes, you
in recent years, these terms – strategy – in both the weights room are an athlete.)
and the benefits of muscle gain and kitchen. The two-part recipe
Snack before snoozing
– have become accessible to a is resistance training and fuelling Permission to eat late if you need
whole new audience. – and both in abundance. ‘First, more protein. ‘Consuming 25g to
Building on the gains of you need a stimulus for muscular 40g before bed can stimulate
lockdown, when millions took development, which is resistance tissue repair, as opposed to
their training out of the gym and or strength training,’ says Jason breakdown, during sleep,’ says
into their own homes, strength Machowsky, exercise physiologist Valdes. Her picks are hard-boiled
eggs, cottage cheese, Greek
training with free weights and sports dietitian. Then, add yoghurt or a protein shake.
continues to be the dominant protein – the nutrient building
fitness trend, according to the block for growth – and carbs and Nail your macros
American College of Sports calories to help your body do its As a general rule of thumb, aim
to get 25% of your daily calorie
Medicine. ‘Women have more construction job. It’s worth noting
intake from protein, 25% from
access than ever to good training that muscle growth generally takes fat and 50% from carbs. A
advice without setting foot in place during recovery periods – macro-tracking app (such as
a gym,’ says PT Laura Girard. and much of that magic happens MyFitnessPal) can help you
‘A friend from abroad or your during sleep. Fail to clock enough assess where you’re at. From
favourite influencer can hours and your hypertrophy and there, you’ll get the hang of
eyeballing portions.
serve as great motivation strength will suffer. Ready to bulk
and accountability.’ up your knowledge?

J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3 | 7 7
Best Body

Muscle makers
This workout is designed with bulking in mind and hits all major muscle groups with efficient compound
sets (two exercises that work the same muscles back-to-back). ‘The exercises are paired together
purposefully,’ says PT Colette Nguyen, who programmed and demos the series. As long as you complete
all eight moves once a week and hit the optimal reps, you should see changes within four weeks.
Instructions: Perform each move until you feel you can do only a few more reps with proper form, then go on to the next exercise in the
compound set. Repeat each pair of exercises two or three times, resting for 60 to 90 secs between each round. You can either complete
one compound set as a ‘sweat snack’ on four different days, or combine two sets for an upper-body day and a lower-body day.

Dumbbell chest press Supported row

+ +
Incline press-up Supported swimmer row
CHEST PRESS feel a stretch Lie face down on an
Lie face up on the across your inclined bench with your
bench, holding a upper back chin clearing the top, a
dumbbell in each dumbbell in each hand
hand, elbows bent and your arms hanging
and forearms A towards floor (A). Pull
perpendicular to the your elbows up and back
floor and ceiling (A). until the dumbbells
Press the dumbbells reach your torso (B).
towards the ceiling Straighten your arms
until your arms are slowly to return to the
fully extended, each start, allowing your torso
fist directly above its to fully relax against the
respective shoulder bench at the end.
(B). Reverse the
movement to return
to the start.

Lie face down on an inclined bench with your chin clearing the top. Hold a

dumbbell in each hand with your arms extended to the floor (A). Leading with
your little fingers and with your arms straight, raise the dumbbells diagonally
behind you as high as possible, as if you’re forming the longer strokes of the
The higher the letter A with your arms (B). Lower your arms slowly to return to the start.
elevation, the
easier it will be.
A Select a height to
hit at least 6 reps
A Don’t use
momentum to
reach full range
of motion for
each repetition



Start in a high plank position with your hands placed muscle protein
wider than your shoulders on a bench (A). Lower your synthesis from
upper body down until your chest hovers 5cm to 10cm a single sleep-
above the bench (B). Maintaining stiff legs and deprived night*
engagement throughout your torso, push away
from the bench to return to the start.

7 8 | J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3
Reverse Nordic curl
Rear foot elevated
split squat

Newbies, rejoice.
Expect to see fast
growth in the
beginning as your
Contract your body works
glutes as you overtime to adjust
move through to new loads
each rep


Kneel on the floor with your knees hip-width apart or
slightly wider, chest upright, arms extended in front of
you (A). Engaging your glutes and keeping your torso Good morning
aligned with your thighs, slowly lean backwards until
you feel a stretch in your quads (B). Maintaining a +
straight line from your shoulders to your knees,
reverse the movement to return to the start. Elevated hip bridge
Lie face up on the floor with your
arms by your sides. Place flexed
Make sure your feet on the bench with your knees
front foot doesn’t and hips bent 90 degrees (A).
peel off the floor Press your hips up and off the
as you move
floor to full hip extension, so your
body forms a straight line from
B your shoulders to your knees (B).
Slowly lower your torso and hips
back down to the floor.

Stand with your feet hip-width
apart, holding a dumbbell in
each hand, the weights resting
on your shoulders and your
elbows pointing forwards (A). Level up with
REAR FOOT ELEVATED SPLIT SQUAT With your spine extended, a single-leg
Start with your front foot on the floor and back foot hinge at the hips and stick your variation
resting on a bench. Hop on your front foot until it’s bum out behind you, allowing
stable and you can maintain a steady, upright your torso to fold forwards (B).
posture. Pick up your weights, holding one in each Reverse the movement, lifting
hand (A). Keeping your chest upright, slowly lower back and extending your hips
your back knee as close to the floor as you can (B). and legs simultaneously, to
Push through your front foot to return to standing. return to the start.

J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3 | 7 9




Welcome to WH Lab, where we
put health-related products through
rigorous testing to see which items RUNNER-UP
deserve a place in your wellness arsenal

While the great kettlebell 2

shortage of 2020 was the 01 02 03
least of your concerns that Bowflex SelectTech 840 JaxJox Adjustable HyGym Adjustable Kettlebell,
year, it was the catalyst Kettlebell, £179.99, KettlebellConnect 2.0, £89, hygym.co.uk
for a transition to hybrid global.bowflex.com £250, jaxjox.co.uk Score
workouts that’s become, to Score Score
use a phrase as tired as you The Hygym is a commendable
mid kettlebell swing, the If you don’t have time to add and Switch between six settings, player in the home gym space,
new normal. Today, it’s one remove plates mid-session, this is from a not-too-shabby 5.5kg to especially for those who don’t
of the most versatile pieces the kettlebell for you. Changing a respectable 19kg. When you’re need to make lightning-quick
of kit you can add to your the resistance couldn’t be simpler not lifting, log on to an app, where weight adjustments. You get
home gym set-up. ‘It – just pop the kettlebell in the tray, you can track your progress with seven weights in one, ranging
provides the benefits of twist the dial and go from 3.5kg to weight, reps and sets, as well as from 3.6kg to 18kg, which will see
both resistance and cardio 18kg in an instant. Our tester found metrics, such as power. Admittedly, you through both sweaty circuits
training,’ shares PT Kat the ergonomic handle comfy to the design is on the chunkier side. and muscle-building sessions. Our PHOTOGRAPHY: AGATA PEC. ADDITIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY: GETTY IMAGES

Schlee. ‘[Adding a kettlebell grip even with sweaty palms and But the plates that aren’t being tester rated the detailed set-up

to your workouts] can help it was a breeze to manoeuvre for used remain on the dock, so you instructions. Plus, it’s not plagued
improve your balance, most exercises (except goblet can still manage a solid session, with a rattling sound like some.
flexibility, core stability squats and high pulls). The Bowflex even if you’re tight on space. The WH Lab verdict: Yes, you
and grip strength.’ If your is large, but our tester still rated it The WH Lab verdict: This do have to slide the weights
workout space is more as a top-notch workout companion. kettlebell is great for swings, high manually in and out of the shell.
corner of the kitchen than The WH Lab verdict: It’s not pulls and Romanian deadlifts, but But once the plates are in place,
home gym, an adjustable cheap, but it’s ideal for supersets our expert found it a tad unwieldy it’s a pleasure to work out with –
kettlebell offers multiple and circuits, and looks slick. for snatches, windmills and halos. secure and a breeze to manoeuvre
weights without you having Key specifications Oh, and don’t forget to charge it with an easily controlled handle.
to invest in a rack. Whether Materials: Steel, polypropylene, before you start training. Key specifications
you’re after a budget ’bell or ABS, thermoplastic rubber Key specifications Materials: Cast iron
a next-gen model, our testers Minimum weight: 3.5kg Materials: Synthetic Minimum weight: 3.6kg
reveal which ones are Maximum weight: 18kg Minimum weight: 5.5kg Maximum weight: 18kg
worth their weight in gold. Maximum weight: 19kg

8 0 | J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3
Best Body




04 05 06
BrainGain 18kg Adjustable Yanzhi Kettlebell Adjustable Perfect Fitness Adjustable
Kettlebell, £124.99, braingain.fit Weights Set, £33.95, Kettlebell Weights, £45.81,
Score HOW WE amazon.co.uk amazon.co.uk
TEST Score Score
The WH Lab
Another robust cast-iron offering. tested a variety of
The weights are labelled in both market-leading Coming in at under £35, this This entry-level kettlebell maxes
pounds and kilograms, and each adjustable Yanzhi model is a sweet starter out at 5.5kg, so while it’s not for
plate is numbered so you can kettlebells to find if you’re just getting into training. heavy sessions, it’s ideal if you’re
the ultimate home
easily slot them back in order. workout heroes. Adjusting the load between the looking to add a little resistance to
Changing the load was a pain-free Our pros put a four available configurations is your mobility work. (Mobility every
endeavour for our tester – you just total of 10 weights a doddle (it’s a simple unlock day keeps the doctor away, and
twist the mechanism to unlock through their paces and twist job) and the ergonomic all that.) Our tester raved about
during high- and
and add or remove plates. It felt low-impact
handle allows for a secure and the smooth, easy-grip handle and
comfortable and slip-free for workouts, trying out comfy grip. Not only will it stow flat, wobble-free base – both of
goblet squats, curls and halos, all manner of moves away easily, it’s lightweight and which mean it sits well on the
thanks to the wide, grippy handle. from swings and compact enough to take to the floor when not in use.
squats to curls and
The WH Lab verdict: The plates balcony, garden or park. The WH Lab verdict: Adjusting
rows. Kettlebells
rattled during dynamic exercises were judged on The WH Lab verdict: If you the plates was very simple thanks
and the outer shell can dig into their design as well want to keep your workouts light to the quick lock/unlock system,
your forearms during overhead as how easy they and simple, this kettlebell is for and it never felt too cumbersome,
were to manoeuvre
lifts. But it’ll do the job nicely for you. The weights are labelled in whatever exercise our tester
and adjust
low-impact sessions and heavier weight-wise. Our pounds, which was a tad irritating tackled. Our only gripe: we wish
resistance workouts. top performers felt for our metric-minded tester, but it came with more weight options.
Key specifications sturdy and secure, this isn’t a deal-breaker. Key specifications
Materials: Cast iron were comfy to grip Key specifications Materials: Silt, Polyethylene
and there was
Minimum weight: 4kg minimal shaking or
Materials: Polypropylene Minimum weight: 1.4kg
Maximum weight: 18kg rattling when in use. Minimum weight: 2.3kg Maximum weight: 5.5kg
Maximum weight: 5.4kg

J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3 | 8 1
on the jog
That alcohol and exercise don’t mix will be news to no one who’s ever
performed a burpee on a hangover. But as a growing number of women
give up alcohol in pursuit of a better PB, can you quit your way to fit?


8 2 | J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3
Sarah MacKay
Robinson recalls the
exact moment she
started questioning
the role that alcohol
was playing in her
life. It was the day
after she finished her
crowning athletic
competing at the
2016 Olympic
Marathon Trials, the
years race where the
top three finishers
earn a precious spot
on the US team.
Simply qualifying for the event
is a major achievement, and after
the race, Sarah celebrated months
of intense training by drinking
with friends. But while she’s
never felt addicted to alcohol
or believed that there’s anything
wrong with choosing to drink,
she began to realise her decision
to have a glass of wine a few times
a week, or to toast a big moment,
wasn’t adding value to her life.  for anything from 30 days to 60
‘I was sitting in the airport, days. And as life went on, those
holding my 18-month-old child, experimental periods grew longer.
a little bit hungover,’ recalls the
40-year-old brand and content HIGH AND DRY
specialist. ‘I remember thinking, Knowingly or not, Sarah joined
is this really how I want to feel the ‘sober curious’ movement –
after one of the biggest and an umbrella term used to describe
proudest moments in my life? a reduction in drinking, be it in
Do I want to be hungover with my the form of total abstinence or
kids?’ It wasn’t the first time she’d simple moderation. The concept
found herself analysing alcohol’s
impact, either. ‘[By that point]
I was so tired of questioning
whether alcohol was good or bad
isn’t new, with Dry January and
Sober October rising in popularity,
but it’s attracting the masses more
than ever before. Last year, sales
The number of Brits who planned
for me. I wanted to free up that of no- and low-alcohol drinks
to take part in Dry January this
mental space for something else.’ grew by 7% around the world, year, up from eight million in 2022
It was around that time that she according to Forbes, and European
stopped drinking. Just for a little alcohol sales have fallen to below
while at first – on-and-off periods pre-pandemic levels. What’s

J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3 | 8 3
more, one of the top reasons
consumers cited for reeling in
their drinking in a recent Nielsen
report was improved wellness.
Katie Witkiewitz, director of
the University of New Mexico’s
Center on Alcohol, Substance
Use And Addictions, is delighted
by the trajectory. ‘[People are]
starting to take a continuum
health perspective on alcohol
and it’s becoming more socially
acceptable to not drink – whether
it’s for Dry January or because
you’re running a marathon,’ she
says, adding that any reduction
in drinking may help you be more
active or competitive as a result
of better sleep, more energy and
improved physical function.

What exactly does a bev here
and there do to your performance,
anyway? It depends on the person
– along with gender, age, body
mass and many other variables
– when you drink, your body has
to process the alcohol, which has
no caloric (energetic) value. In
turn, this hinders muscle repair
and hydration – some of the key
components of recovery that
allow you to adapt to the stress
of training and continue
exercising. And the more you
drink, the more you wee, further
delaying the hydration process.
Alcohol also inhibits protein
and carbohydrate intake, which
stunts muscle repair, as well as

a less healthy one, such as drinking? virtuous, such as working out. But
Can you be Something isn’t quite adding up here. other factors could be at play, too,
fit and tipsy?   Let’s be very clear: being a dedicated
group-fitness goer who enjoys a glass
including participants’ socio-economic
status (those who spend on classes
of wine every so often doesn’t mean may also be throwing around more
Physically fit men and women were one you’re destined to have a problem with money at restaurants, say), as well
and a half to two times more likely to be drinking. There’s a lot to unpack when as which sports they engaged in.
moderate or heavy drinkers compared it comes to the science on drinking Just remember, these findings
with sedentary people, suggested a and activity, as the study discovered. suggest a connection between
study of 40,000 adults by The Cooper Researchers speculated it might have exercisers and consumption, but
Institute in Dallas. The paper, titled ‘Fit

something to do with the ‘licensing they don’t prove a cause-and-effect

And Tipsy?’ might make you wonder: effect’ – a psychological term that relationship. If studies like this help
what’s up with the contradiction of a means we allow ourselves to indulge you reflect on your habits, great
healthy habit, such as exercising, and after doing something we think is – but more research is needed.

8 4 | J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3
When you log in to see how
many days you’ve gone without
an espresso martini, you’re then
reminded of your “why”. When
she used sobriety as motivation
for a fitness goal, she’d post the
date of the race on the app – ‘to
have it front and centre’, she says.
After you’ve tracked your drinks
for a month or so, identify the
The average decline in recovery that users of fitness tracker Whoop sips you could reasonably cut out.
experienced after drinking the night before. Alcohol had the most Some people choose not to have
negative impact on next-day recovery, the study found alcohol on weekdays, for example,
or commit to one glass of wine
with dinner instead of two. And
limiting the production of indicating greater fitness and plan ahead. If you’re looking at
hormones that help grow muscles. better recovery. The number total drinks or units per week
And while you may fall asleep usually drops if you’re ill, tired, (under 14, following with the NHS
a little faster after drinking a stressed or otherwise struggling. guidelines) and you know you
cocktail, alcohol decreases the ‘Because of my Ironman have an event coming up where
overall quality of your night’s background, I live and die by you’ll want to indulge, adjust your
rest. Drinking spurs the liver heart-rate training,’ she explains. drinking for the rest of the week. 
to metabolise alcohol during the ‘When I was drinking, my heart Rachel Gersten, a therapist
night; as the blood alcohol level rate was higher and I’d just drag who removed alcohol to help
decreases, you’re more likely to in workouts,’ she says. her manage an inflammatory
have sleep disruptions. Less than While Stevie hasn’t cut out autoimmune disease, encourages
ideal, given that high-quality alcohol completely, she describes anyone to try a dry period and
sleep is the most critical aspect her drinking as intentional; she’ll see what happens. ‘Try to gather
of recovery for athletes. Although go months at a time without information about yourself [and
science can’t entirely prove that drinking, doing so only when she ask] if you’re okay with what you
quitting drinking for a certain really wants to, like at a restaurant learn,’ she says, adding that most
number of days will help you run that serves well-made cocktails. people would be surprised by
faster or lift heavier, it’s widely She even coaches other athletes how much alcohol pops up in
accepted that laying off the on how to fuel their active lives. their day-to-day life and how it
drinking – for a day, a week, And when her clients enquire requires intention and awareness
a year or indefinitely – is more about cutting down ahead of to adjust the drinking rituals
likely than not to positively an endurance event, they have they’ve become accustomed to.  
impact your performance. a hunch about what she’s going When Lindsay Riess, 37, begins
to say. ‘Most people come to me another 12-week training cycle in
BAR CLASS knowing that drinking is probably which she’ll run up to 70 miles
When dietitian Stevie Lyn Smith not the best choice for their goal,’ per week to secure a new marathon
trained for Ironman triathlons, she says. And when they begin PB, she cuts out alcohol. She
she took part in the heavy to be honest about their intake? can’t tell if the decision has had
happy-hour culture that came ‘They tend to at least adjust any obvious effect on her race
with them. She’d have a few drinks their behaviours around it results, but the habit makes her
and get up the next day to train, because they start to recognise feel more healthy overall. Her one
even when she was hungover. But that it’s detrimental,’ Stevie adds. exception? The night before the
when a move coincided with the race. ‘One drink dials down the
onset of the pandemic, she tabled HALF MEASURES anxiety for me, so that’s my little
her socialising. It didn’t take her For women considering a cutback, contradiction,’ Lindsay says. 
long to notice how much better Dr Witkiewitz encourages them to For her part, Sarah has lasted
she felt without alcohol – and she first assess how much they drink without a drink for more than
had the data to back it up. Her by keeping a diary or using one two years, earning her fastest
sports watch tracked stats such of the many apps that allow you marathon time after just three
as heart rate variability (or HRV to track your drinking. Sarah uses months as a teetotaller. If she
– the variation in time between a free app called I Am Sober, which does have one regret, it’s this: not
each beat), a measure that has a feature that lets you list doing it sooner. Are you ready to
increased the less she drank, your reasons for omitting alcohol. cut back on the cocktails?

J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3 | 8 5
Best Body

Wellness You get cleaner air Nasal breathing helps You can train yourself
curious through your nose you sleep more deeply to nose breathe

100% YES TRU E

Nose The hairs in your nose

strip out allergens and
pollutants, making sure
Nitric oxide, which
improves blood flow and
makes it easier for your
If you don’t have an issue
with breathing – a deviated
septum, for example – try

breathing fewer undesirables end

up in your lungs. But the
mouth doesn’t have such a
system. ‘It’s really for eating
lungs to pick up oxygen, is
produced via the sinuses.
So when you take in air via
your nose, you help reduce
this. Breathe in, then blow
air out (both through the
nose) – and don’t breathe
until you have to. Or breathe
With claims that it can and talking, not breathing,’ your risk of sleep apnoea – through alternate nostrils;
boost your blood flow, says Dr Garfield. Need a condition that causes your close one as you inhale, then
calm your cortisol and more motivation? Your breathing to stop and start the other as you exhale. Do
lungs and throat thrive on in the night, adds Dr Garfield. these exercises throughout
support a sounder sleep, warm, moist air, and the Longer and slower breaths the day to increase the
is there a health case for nasal cavity has built-in through your nose activate likelihood of doing it during
keeping your mouth shut? structures that heat up and your parasympathetic sleep, says Rebecca Robbins,
humidify air in a way your nervous system, also known an instructor in medicine at
mouth can’t. Nasal breathing as ‘rest and digest’ due to Harvard. No need to use
As bodily functions go, good old
also requires less energy; the role it plays in chilling mouth tape, despite what
breathing is one you probably don’t
it relies on the diaphragm, you out. Mouth breathing, you’ve seen on social media
give much thought to outside a yoga
the largest respiratory in contrast, triggers the – there’s no proof it solidifies
class. And yet, the mechanism by muscle in the body. sympathetic nervous system the habit any better.
which you take in oxygen matters. (fight or flight). Dry mouth,
Take mouth breathing, which some bad breath and snoring are
people automatically default to. all signs your breathing is
Mouth breathing can lead you sabotaging your shut-eye.
to over-breathe, messing up your
oxygen and carbon dioxide balance
– and it’s even been linked to
sleep apnoea. The alternative?
Nose breathing. And doing it all
through the nostrils is ideal, says
pulmonologist – a respiratory
specialist – Jamie Garfield.
Here, experts settle the
nose-vs-mouth debate
– and share how to
perfect the practice.


8 6 | J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3
Best Body
I get fit

heal my
Pain from endometriosis
meant Lisa Mullineaux,
38, had no choice but
to put her life on hold.
Then she found yoga

There was a time back in my

twenties when the mere thought
of putting on my trainers to go
for a run made me feel anxious
– and not for the reason some
people dread exercise.
I had a good relationship
with movement before I began
to experience the debilitating
abdominal pain that would
come to define much of my In search of a gentler form of yoga gave me confidence and faith
young adult life; I walked, movement, I decided to try yoga. that there was a way out of how
went climbing and, when I It had been such a long time since I was feeling. It was empowering.
could motivate myself, did the I’d exercised and I felt so unwell Besides yoga, I started going
odd run. But by my early twenties, – both physically and mentally – to the gym twice a week, walking
the pain had become excruciating. that I really had to force myself my dog every day and cycling at
I’d try to go for a run and be to show up at my first class. But Workout anthem the weekends, with the occasional
Born To Be
doubled over – sometimes on I’m so thankful I did. Returning Alive by Patrick Pilates or HIIT workout to mix
all fours. On one particularly to the same class week after week, Hernandez. things up. Yoga also gave me the
memorable day, I was in so I began to learn the value of taking courage to try running again;
much pain that I passed out it at my own pace, in a way that today, I do two slow jogs a week,
in the toilets at work. Exercise felt good, rather than punishing. something I’d never thought
– once something to enjoy – Before long, I loved my weekly would be possible a few years ago.
became something to fear. class so much that I started So profound was the impact
Aged 25, I went to see my GP, doing more classes online. yoga had on my life that I

but was dismissed with a diagnosis The changes were subtle at Post-workout decided to train as a yoga teacher
of IBS. It would be another three first, but after six months of snack (@lisa_mullineaux). I went to
– painful – years before I’d learn doing 20 to 30 minutes of yoga, Banana, cacao, India to get my qualification in
hemp protein and
the source of my agony. I was five times a week, the bouts of oat milk smoothie.
2016 – it remains my proudest
diagnosed with ovarian cysts pain became less frequent. I even achievement. I used to feel so
and endometriosis – a condition felt well enough to work again socially anxious that a trip to the
where tissue similar to the lining – I’d left my job as a project supermarket could end in a panic
of the womb starts to grow in administrator when the pain attack; standing in front of a room
other places. Abdominal surgery made it too difficult. Still, the full of strangers, speaking with
showed that my womb had fused most transformative change Must-have gym kit confidence and holding that space
to my colon, and any kind of was to my mental health. Side My Yogi Bare mat. for them feels incredible. Yoga
It goes everywhere
impact (such as running) would effects of endometriosis include with me. helped me heal, in more ways than
aggravate my symptoms. chronic fatigue and depression; I could ever have imagined.

J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3 | 8 7


Summer shapes, cut-out details and

plenty of skin on show. Say hello
to sunshine season in cool new
body-skimming silhouettes


J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3 | 8 9
£185, MYRA SWIM.
TOP, £65, PRISM.
Wear Well

UNITARD, £27.99,

J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3 | 9 1
9 2 | J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3
Wear Well





J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3 | 9 3
Wear Well
£113, ENAVANT.
AROUND £107;
£140, BOTH

9 4 | J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3
JACKET, £210,
Wear Well


Hide from
the rays in
this summer’s
colours and prints

£40, Seafolly
Vivobarefoot A beach hat the
Opanka colour of a frozen
Sandals, £120 margarita? Don’t
mind if we do

Fit kit

Happy feet
Thanks to my job scrap leather (aka kinder to the posture, flexibility and balance
on the Women’s planet – hurrah) and available by 60% in six months, says Le
Health fashion in black, brown and off-white. Vesconte. These sandals are SPEND
desk, I’m all I picked up the black pair to foot-shaped, not shoe-shaped, £58, Free People
about a comfy match with everything from with a super-thin sole for A heatwave essential:
maximum coverage
THE shoe that’s good dresses to denim while I maximum ground contact – (and tropical flowers)
GUINEA PIG for my feet. The hotfoot it around London. so you can step confidently
Maddy Alford, problem is, so So why choose a barefoot all day long. Plus, they’re
shopping editor
many of them sandal, you ask? As Ben Le ultra-light for holiday packing.
just look quite… Vesconte, the brand’s head City break, here we come.
offensive. But in my quest barefoot movement coach
for this year’s best summer (yes, that’s a real job title),
wardrobe updates, I discovered explains, ‘Two million years of
the holy grail: a foot-first leather evolution created the perfect

sandal that’s both comfortable foot,’ and we’re all walking on

and stylish. Meet the a ‘biomechanical masterpiece’.
Vivobarefoot Opanka Sandal. But today’s narrow toe boxes, SPLURGE
First things first – they’re heel drops and modern £80, Rails
gorgeous. So gorgeous, in fact, cushioning can sometimes Protect that
precious skin with
that I initially mistook them for harm our feet. Wearing this generously
a popular designer pair that are barefoot shoes that allow the brimmed bucket hat
double the price. They’re crafted toes to splay and grip properly
from soft, premium production- can increase foot strength,
not shoe-shaped
J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3 | 9 7
Is the filler
bubble about
to burst?

Have we
had our
fill of
From celebs announcing that they’re having them
dissolved to a backlash against the doughy aesthetic,
fillers are getting a bad press of late. WH asks if we’re
finally tiring of the tweakment that defined a decade


J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3 | 9 9
The #MeToo movement,
Game Of Thrones, Brexit.
Cast your mind back over
the past 10 years for some
of the culture-shaping
moments and there
are too many to count.
And yet, where beauty
is concerned, you can
define the aesthetic
that’s dominated the past
decade in a single word.
The moniker given to
substances designed to be
injected beneath the surface
of the skin, fillers have
become the go-to treatment
for adding volume to the
face, fullness to the lips and
definition to the jawline.
The recognisable results
have gone from niche to
non-negotiable in certain
circles, inspiring hundreds
of lookalike filters and But lately, the needle has been reduces the appearance of lower-
leading millions of women shifting. Perhaps the most famous cheek fullness, giving a sculpted
example of filler’s fall from grace appearance – is trending on TikTok,
to submit to the needle comes from Courteney Cox. In with videos on the subject having
March, she spoke of her disbelief racked up more than 267 million
themselves. Some 13.6 while looking back at old photos views. Meanwhile, Emface, a new
million non-surgical of herself when she was using filler. sculpting treatment that uses high-
And she’s not the only one with intensity electrical stimulation to
treatments were carried out regrets. Love Island’s Faye Winter strengthen the muscles in your face,
took to her Instagram Stories to is quickly becoming known as the
globally in 2019, 4.3 million show her 1.2 million followers what needle-free alternative. Skincare
of which involved dermal her lips looked like after having her brands are also doing their best to
filler dissolved, while YouTuber mimic the aesthetic, with Shiseido’s
fillers – a 16% increase on Alana Arbucci’s video titled ‘I miss Bio-Performance Skin Filler Serum
the previous year, and a my old face… getting my filler
removed’ has had 4.5 million views.
the latest product to rack up
hundreds of five-star reviews. So
51% increase since 2015*. Fillers are also facing some fierce with a cultural kickback brewing and
competition. Buccal fat removal – safer treatments entering the arena,
That’s a lot of filler. a facial contouring procedure that have we finally had our fill of fillers?

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If you’ve not had your fill
of fillers, follow these tips
to keep yourself safe

Do your research
Whether you seek
recommendations from
people you trust or look at
before and after photos, it’s
vital to do your homework.
‘Also, make sure you’re
seeing someone who hasn’t
lost their aesthetic eye,’ says
Dr Mahto. ‘If the injectors
themselves look like they’re
suffering from perception
blindness, avoid them.’

Be unit conscious
While some injectors sell
filler by the millilitre, this
practice is to be avoided,
says Dr Mahto. ‘There’s a lot
of money to be made with
Rival tweakments
injectables and ruthless
have deflated the
demand for filler injectors are less likely to
worry about overfilling if they
can make more [money]
based on the unit of filler sold
rather than per appointment.’

and elastin,’ explains aesthetic

Fulfilling demand surgeon Glyn Estebanez of Prima
While they’ve been around for Aesthetics. ‘Over time, however,
40 years, it wasn’t until 2010 your natural hyaluronic acid breaks Perform a
that fillers really penetrated the down, which contributes to background
zeitgeist. Known as non-surgical the appearance check
‘tweakments’, they’re usually of fine lines You wouldn’t go on a date
made up of cross-linked hyaluronic and wrinkles. ‘Filler went without a cautionary google
and the same principle applies
acid; molecules that have greater
density and longevity than those
Fillers replace
the lost from niche to when you’re looking for the
perfect practitioner. ‘Make sure
that haven’t been bound together.
A wonder ingredient you’ll have
hyaluronic acid
and hydrate,
non-negotiable your injector is registered with

spotted in your serums, hyaluronic add or restore in some circles’ saveface.co.uk,’ says Dr Shotter.
‘It’s the only government-
acid occurs naturally in the lost volume.’ approved register and is
structure of your dermis. ‘It plays That they’re reversible, relatively exclusive to doctors, nurses,
a critical role in skin health by affordable (£200 to £350) and dentists and prescribing
stimulating the production of require minimum downtime go pharmacists.’
fibroblast cells, which are, in turn, some way towards explaining why
responsible for producing collagen anti-wrinkle injections and fillers

J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3 | 1 0 1
now account for nine out of 10
cosmetic procedures.
But as their popularity grew, so
did the number of unscrupulous
providers. A regulation deficit
means there’s no legal framework
around who can administer fillers.
Unlike anti-wrinkle injections,
which can only be supplied to
and administered by medical
professionals, fillers aren’t
classed as a prescription medicine,
meaning they’re available for
anyone to purchase in the UK. ‘I’ve
heard of personal trainers, airline
hostesses and office secretaries
doing training courses and calling
themselves “expert injectors”,’
cautions Sophie Shotter, aesthetic
doctor and founder of Illuminate
Skin Clinic. ‘There’s absolutely
no benchmark for what it means
from a qualification, education
and experience standpoint
when someone is wielding
a needle in front of you.’
Headline-grabbing accounts Is party
of filler gone wrong include time over for
a 21-year-old dental nurse injectables?
who was hours away from
blindness after a beautician
injected filler into her artery
during a lip treatment, and a bags were caused by large volumes Writing in Aesthetics Journal
45-year-old woman whose filler of filler in the tear trough, despite recently, Dr Master stated his
became infected, leading to chronic patients insisting that they hadn’t belief that while it’s possible
pain in her head and eyes. Michael had filler in two years. They weren’t that there are adverse effects
Saul, a partner at Cosmetic Surgery lying; rather, the filler that was on longevity, injectables have
Solicitors in Manchester, usually injected more than two years earlier been around for more than two
deals with cases involving invasive hadn’t dissolved, contradicting the decades and there’s been little
surgery gone wrong, such as breast long-held assumption – fuelled by or no reporting of health concerns.
augmentation. Recently, he’s seen injectors and influencers – that For Dr Shotter, filler endurance
a significant increase in the number fillers melt away after 18 months, is unlikely to cause serious harm,
of cases concerning non-surgical returning your face to its natural and this news should only cause
procedures such as fillers; one state. Earlier this year, Alice concern if you’re considering
client lost sight in one of their Hart-Davis – author of The seeing a beautician or any other
eyes due to a botched procedure Tweakments Guide – published non-medic for your fillers. ‘Issues
in which dermal filler was the results of her own MRI scan; come into play when non-medically
injected into their retina. it showed that, despite not having trained people are injecting,’ she
had fillers for four years, she still explains. ‘They don’t understand
had 35ml of the substance in the importance of looking at
Face facts her face, throwing into question pre-existing medical conditions
But a lack of regulation isn’t the the received wisdom that fillers – for example, exercising caution
only inconvenient truth that fillers always dissolve and suggesting in patients with an auto-immune
are having to face. Back in 2019, that the ‘golden rule’ of 1ml of disease. Nor do they understand
the pioneering aesthetic radiologist filler injected every six months the dense network of blood vessels
Mobin Master started getting is grossly miscalculated. or structures such as the parotid
referrals for facial MRIs for As for the long-term health gland, as well as true infection
patients with unexplained eye effects of all that filler hanging control.’ Exacerbating concerns,
bags. The results showed that the around? No one really knows. she adds, is that they don’t have

1 0 2 | J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3
access to the highest quality fillers in the opposite direction. ‘If you we have a plethora of effective
in the same way that trained regularly use filters or stare at a products, including HArmonyCa
professionals do. ‘At least, not photo of yourself where your nose – a revolutionary new filler that
through the correct supply chain, has been made to look artificially also stimulates collagen production
so who knows what exactly they’re small, when you look at a “normal” – as well as clinical treatments
using. So, yes, I do think in these photo of yourself, your brain thinks that can stimulate new collagen
situations people could have your nose looks too big,’ says Dr synthesis.’ Morpheus8, a
long-term health problems.’ Mahto. It’s this phenomenon that microneedling treatment that
celebrities such as Courteney Cox relies on radio frequency to
appear to have fallen victim to. stimulate collagen production and
Moving the needle ‘I look at pictures tighten and smooth wrinkles, has
But perhaps the most visible of me from when found legions of fans, while the
example of filler fatigue is the I thought I looked ‘Fillers are laser treatment Sofwave is gaining
aesthetic recalibration that’s
currently occurring. A quick glance
okay, and I can’t
believe it,’ Cox
no longer the traction with practitioners for its
skin-lifting and tightening abilities
at the latest beauty campaigns and
you’ll see faces replete with crow’s
revealed in an
interview on the
only route to that help to recontour your face in
a way that’s both significant and
feet, sunspots and laughter lines. Gloss Angeles a lifted look’ long-lasting. All of which means
Back in April, 106-year-old Apo podcast. ‘You that fillers are no longer the only
Whang-Od became the oldest don’t realise that you look route to a lifted look.
Vogue cover star after appearing a little off, so then you keep And yet, all the experts we spoke
on the cover of the Philippines doing more because you look to for this piece agreed that fillers
edition; last autumn, the cosmetics normal to yourself. You look aren’t going anywhere any time soon.
brand Ciaté collaborated with the in the mirror and go, “Oh, that Because, as Dr Shotter puts it, ‘the
100-year-old influencer Iris Apfel looks good.”’ Perhaps more impact is subtle, yet simultaneously
on a make-up range; and 77-year- concerning, adds Dr Mahto, dramatic’. Her hope is that tougher
old Helen Mirren continues to be is that practitioners are just as regulations will mean that poor
the face of L’Oréal. Over in the US, vulnerable to this as the individual and dangerous work will become
the Aesthetic Society’s most recent seeking treatment. ‘It’s something a thing of the past. Last year,
trend report notes a 57% spike unspoken about but pervasive in the Joint Council for Cosmetic
in filler reversals between 2020 the industry. Doctors, too, have a Practitioners – a non-surgical
and 2021, and while UK figures responsibility to self-reflect and aesthetic membership organisation
are much harder to come by – be aware of the pressures that we – called for a regulatory framework,
lack of regulation means official may also be inadvertently under.’ which is now going into public
figures just aren’t there – Anjali consultation. While it’s unlikely
Mahto, consultant dermatologist to be realised until July 2025, it’s
and founder of the Self London Face value expected to raise the minimum
clinic, believes it’s a similar story. As some women feel empowered education required to inject fillers.
For Dr Mahto, the filler- to reverse filler they feel has In the meantime, what you choose
dissolving trend can be explained, gone too far, others are swerving to do to your face is up to you. But
in part, by a phenomenon known it altogether by having one of ask yourself who you’d like to be
as ‘perception blindness’. A study the newer – and less invasive – holding the needle – and what’s
published in Psychonomic Bulletin treatments that are now available. earned them the right to wield that
& Review found that after adapting ‘Previously, doctors would focus power. Above all, remember that
to a face that’s been distorted on simply revolumising the areas no amount of filler can inject a
to look unnaturally thin or fat, of the face that have seen volume sense of self-worth. Reader, that
a normal face appears distorted loss,’ says Dr Estebanez. ‘Now, part falls to you.

An impressive wave of product launches means you can swerve filler altogether. *Adds to cart*

Shiseido Bio-Performance Filorga Time-Filler Skinbetter Science

Skin Filler, £247 Intensive Wrinkle Multi- InterFuse Intensive
This hydrating hero duo Correction Serum, £66 Treatment Lines, £125
ensures your dermis is fed a This skin-replenishing serum is This non-invasive topical line
constant supply of hyaluronic packed with polysaccharides. smoother is formulated with
acid that penetrates deeply They’re responsible for your injectable hyaluronic acid to
into the skin before expanding skin’s ability to hydrate and help dial down the appearance
to its original size, meaning it retain water, meaning they help of fine lines and make deeper
pushes your skin from within. smooth and plump out lines. lines appear ‘filled’.

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From Ayurvedic herbs in ingredient lists to hair oiling rituals to add to your #selfcaresunday,
WH reports on how an ancient practice infiltrated modern skincare

et’s start with what Ayurveda isn’t. Despite is becoming more mainstream in western culture because

what your Instagram feed may tell you, it’s we’re starting to, through these times of global health crisis,
not a trend, it’s not a fad and it’s definitely return to nature for health, healing and beauty,’ says Ananta
not a novel idea. In fact, Ayurveda is an Ripa Ajmera, a yoga instructor, spiritual teacher and an
ancient science, specifically the science of life Ayurvedic adviser at wellness retreat The Well. And while
(in Sanskrit, ‘ayur’ means life or vital power wellness-focused beauty has been around for years, the
and ‘veda’ means science or knowledge), that’s been practised cultural component has been less integrated in the growing
in Indian culture for millennia. ‘Ayurveda is a holistic way of practice. ‘Now the two things are coming together,’ says
looking at life that’s now being more widely recognised in Michelle Ranavat, founder and CEO of skincare brand
the western world, especially in the beauty space,’ says Ranavat, ‘it means you’re really getting the full picture.’
dermatologist Dr Kiran Mian. A core tenet of the practice So how does this play out in your products, then? In one
is the idea that your outer beauty is a mirror for what’s going word: balance. Take turmeric, for example, which is now
on internally. It encourages you to look inwards, treating an being combined with retinol in topical medications to help
issue, such as a breakout or a rash, both on the surface and temper retinol’s potentially irritating side effects. For those
at a deeper level. For example, triggers including seasonal experiencing hair loss or hair thinning, Dr Mian encourages
changes, diet or stress can create imbalances in your system. patients to combine daily Regaine treatment with weekly
‘When someone comes to me with acne, I’ll write them a hair oiling, an Ayurvedic practice that involves massaging
prescription,’ Dr Mian adds, ‘but I’ll also help them adjust your scalp and strands with a nourishing oil. ‘Regaine’s
their daily habits to reduce inflammation, too.’ main ingredient, minoxidil, works to dilate blood vessels
But you don’t need to visit a dermatologist to do some and stimulate blood flow to the scalp, and that’s essentially
exploration – Sephora’s coolest new brands (Fable & Mane what hair oiling does with the massaging,’ Dr Mian explains.
and Ranavat) are based on the practice’s holistic principles. The products recommended on these pages are inspired
And traditional Ayurvedic herbs and plant-derived by different Ayurvedic philosophies and practices and can
ingredients such as turmeric, bakuchiol, gotu kola, rose help you manage a range of issues, including acne and split
water and ashwagandha are becoming mainstays. So it’s ends. ‘I always try to make it clear: Ayurveda isn’t just for
not surprising then that the Ayurvedic beauty market Indian people or people who grew up practising it,’ says
is expected to be valued at £13.2 billion within a few years. Ranavat. ‘It’s the same thing with these beauty secrets
For some, the emergence of Ayurveda now speaks to a and products: they’re meant for everyone,’ she explains.
desire to get back to nature. ‘I believe that Ayurvedic beauty Are you ready to embrace this realm of beauty?

J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3 | 1 0 5
For your face

A nourishing
An intense
hydrator inspired
by the ritual of
Ushapana – the first
drink of water early
in the morning.
Forest Essentials
Rasa First
Serum, £46

A gentle
Powerful Ayurvedic
botanticals such
as jasmine and
lotus cleanse and
purify skin at the Sahajan Golden
same time. Milk Cleanser, £41;
Samaya Pitta Avya Hydroveda
Hydrating Serum, £60
Cleanser, £69
The Ayurvedic beauty
market is expected to
be valued at £13.2
billion in a few years

For your hair

and scalp

A hair-
oiling duo
Mauli Rituals
co-founder Anita
Kaushal uses this
set as an overnight
Mauli Rituals
Grow Strong Hair
Oil and Detangling
Neem Comb,
£44 for 30ml

A shine-
boosting spray
Shake and spritz
this oil-based mist
on dry hair for
instant softness
and UV protection.
Fable & Mane
HoliRoots Hibiscus
Hydrating Hair
Oil Mist, £26

For your next A brightening face oil A facial massage wand

A cocktail of niacinamide, The tip of this wand is made
DIY facial antioxidants and superfruits of kansa, a blend of copper and
to even your skintone. tin metals that is praised for its
Sachi States Of Skin Triphala ability to help de-puff your skin.
Pigmentation Corrector, £69 Ravanat Detoxifying Facial
Massage Tool, £70

J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3 | 1 0 7
For your
Nao Ayurveda
Pitta Cooling
Body Oil, £40;
Uma Pure
Calm Wellness
Bath Oil, £80
A relaxing
bath oil
Pour it in your tub
or rub it on your
body and let the
blend of camomile,
sandalwood and
lavender essential
oils help you
Uma Pure Calm
Wellness Bath
Oil, £80

A soothing
For your
body oil masking
Brimming with
apricot, sesame
and calendula oil,
this healing elixir
slows a racing mind
and conditions
delicate skin.
Urban Veda
Calming Ayurvedic
Body Oil, £35 A purifying
clay mask
Created with
and Ayurvedic

practitioner Raja
Sivamani, this is a
must for oily skin.
Codex Labs
Shaant Balancing
Clay Mask, £31

A softening
cream mask
A finely milled
powder that
sloughs away
dead skin cells and
soothes, thanks
to aloe vera.
Vedayush Ubtan
Exfoliating Face
Mask, £32

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Jasmine Boadi
The founder of the Ghanaian-inspired candle brand Mefiye takes us inside her
daily routine – and shares her skincare and make-up must-haves

A typical day Day

My alarm goes off at
5.30am. I start the day 01 CRÈME CONCENTRÉ
with a mug of hot water
and lemon before lighting
my Mefiye Dua candle GLOW TONER, £28 I use this at the end of my
I’ve been using this toner evening routine, especially 08
and doing some yoga or
for years – it’s gentle on when my skin needs a GLOSSIER BROW
Pilates. Next, I’ll listen
THE EXPERT to a podcast or audiobook my skin and it keeps it little extra nourishment FLICK, £15
Jasmine Boadi, 31, while I shower, complete looking smooth and – during winter or after I swear by this product.
founder of Mefiye glowy. I know it works applying too many actives. It’s easy to use and gives
my skincare routine and
because whenever I run It’s rich, but not too just the right amount
get dressed. Breakfast is overnight
out of it and don’t have greasy or thick. A little of colour, as it’s not too
oats, turmeric and ginger shots, chaga
a refill on standby, my goes a long way and it’s heavy or watery. It gives
mushroom tea and supplements
skin looks lacklustre. been an essential in my real structure to my
including vitamins B, D3 and K2, zinc,
collection for years. brows – and when my
omega-3 and probiotics. By 7am, I’m
at my laptop; I’ll respond to emails 02 eyebrows look great,
about product development and GLOSSIER INVISIBLE 06 my other make-up just
seems to fall into place.
strategy before heading to the office at SHIELD, £20 MEDIK8 R-RETINOATE
8.15am. I tackle my most challenging Protection against UV INTENSE , £229
work in the mornings and schedule rays is key. Happily, this I’ve been using Medik8’s 09
meetings for the early afternoon. is one of the few sun Crystal Retinal products HOURGLASS CAUTION
Lunch is a plant-packed bowl, followed creams I’ve tried that for a while, but I recently EXTREME LASH
by a few chocolate-covered stuffed doesn’t leave a grey or switched to this. I added MASCARA, £30
dates. By 6.30pm, I’m home and I take white cast on my skin a number of anti-ageing This mascara makes
time to decompress. Unless I have an or make me look greasy. products into my routine my lashes look unreal.
event, I’ll eat dinner at 7pm and wind just before entering my
down with relaxing music, candles It does exactly what
03 thirties, and this one has an excellent mascara
(the Mefiye 91 is a favourite) and a continued to keep my
herbal tea before a shower and bed. SUNDAY RILEY GOOD should do, adding
mild forehead lines at
GENES GLYCOLIC ACID length and volume
bay and my complexion
Skincare philosophy TREATMENT, £70 without flaking or
looking even, without
As well as building a solid This serum really does any dryness or flaking. clumping. I also find
skincare routine, I’ve found what it says on the tin. the applicator simple
that my skin looks its best I’ll either use it before yet effective to use –
when I’m well rested, eating my moisturiser or apply
a little more to my skin
Signature so many mascaras
have complicated
nutrient-rich foods, exercising
and prioritising my mental health. and leave on as a mask
scent brushes for no reason.
for about 10 minutes 07

before rinsing off. MEFIYE YAWA 10

Skincare non-negotiable CANDLE, £30
I never go to bed without DIOR ADDICT LIP GLOW
I collect fragrances and
cleansing. No matter how tired Night OIL IN 001 PINK , £32
rotate between them
For me, this is the

I am or how late it is, I’ll find depending on everything

04 perfect everyday lip
the energy to remove my make-up, from my mood to where I
then ensure I follow up with my DR BARBARA STURM am to the season and the product: super glossy
morning routine afterwards. DARKER SKIN TONES weather. But my signature (my preferred look)
ENZYME CLEANSER, £55 scent is the Yawa candle. and hydrating enough
Main skincare concern Another staple; I use this It’s a beautifully creamy, so as not to need
Hyperpigmentation, especially a few nights a week. I love floral blend – with notes multiple applications
after suffering with cystic acne how water activates the of jasmine, vanilla, musk throughout the day. It
for so long in my twenties. I powder, making a foam. and cedarwood – that also leaves a beautiful,
tend to prioritise products that target I leave it on while I brush feels warming, luxurious, subtle tint to my lips,
blemishes and discolouration while my teeth and rinse off to romantic even – both removing the need for
improving my overall complexion. reveal luminous skin. before and after burning. a separate lip colour.

J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3 | 1 1 1

PLAY GAP In the year since the Lionesses
won the Euros, the women’s
game has been enjoying the
kind of acclaim historically
reserved for the men’s. But
while we rightly celebrate the
current crop of stars, they stand
on the shoulders of giants. From
the woman who helped reverse
the FA’s 50-year ban on female
players to England’s first female
manager, we meet the women
who kicked football forwards

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‘ Th e wo r l d
i s f i n a l ly
hat image comes into your mind when you think about women
winning? For our money, a new visual entered the arena last g et t i n g t o
July. You know the one: England striker Chloe Kelly pulling
off her shirt and swinging it over her head as she tears up the s e e h ow
pitch after scoring the winning goal in the 110th minute of the
European Championships final. Maybe you were one of the wo n d e r f u l
record-breaking 87,192 people watching from the sold-out
Wembley Stadium, or the 17.4m tuning in at home. Perhaps you t h e se
had your head in other business that sweltering summer Sunday,
but on seeing that moment immortalised via the many memes wo m e n a r e ’
on your evening social media scroll, your interest in the women’s
game was piqued for the first time. It was a moment: iconic, Joanna Tongue OBE, 44, is a
high-definition, inarguable evidence that suddenly – after years sports journalist-turned-talent
in the shadows – women’s football had stormed into the light. agent who has long developed the
As anticipation mounts for the Women’s World Cup, the careers of leading figures within
Lionesses’ legacy looks profound. Post-Euros, women’s and girls’ the women’s game, including Leah
football session bookings increased by 196%; the number of girls Williamson, Jill Scott and Chelsea
aged five to 15 playing football rose by 30%, while participation manager Emma Hayes. She has
among over-16s is up by 13%*. When captain and WH cover star recently welcomed her first child.
Leah Williamson, hoarse from shouting, implored those inspired
by the Euros win to come to a Women’s Super League game,
people listened; attendance rose by 227% last season. Following When I was 17, I wrote a letter
the Lionesses’ open letter calling for change last summer, the that changed my life. It was the
government has pledged to meet their demands, including year of the 1996 Euros, England
a minimum of two hours of PE a week in schools and equal was hosting and I asked the FA if
access to all sports in PE for boys and girls, including football. I could work at the tournament.
Women’s football is in its winner’s era, no doubt. But its I was doing my A levels at the time
history stretches back longer than you might think. At the start and I’d leave my exams early to get
of the last century, women’s football was thriving. After the to Wembley for the evening game,
Football Association (FA) suspended the men’s leagues in 1915, where I’d hand out team sheets
with so many men sent away to fight, hordes of working-class and look after journalists. It was

women took up their factory jobs, set up football teams and my first job in football, and I was
delighted crowds – one match at Goodison Park in 1920 drew exactly where I wanted to be.
53,000 people. Post-war, the women’s game continued to rival As a child, I consumed football
the men’s, until the FA banned women from playing on any 24/7. My dad worked as a football
FA-affiliated grounds in 1921; football was, they said, ‘quite journalist and my mum was from
unsuitable for females’. The ban wasn’t overturned until 1971. a sporty family – so I grew up going
In the years since, a veritable army of women – both on the pitch to games. It wasn’t until I joined
and off it – have fought to push the game forwards and ultimately an all-girls secondary school that
pave the way for its golden age. Let’s meet some of them, shall we? I realised this made me different.
Determined to learn everything
I could about the game, I began
studying for football coaching
qualifications. As the only girl in the
weekly sessions, I knew I’d need to

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Game changers

know more than the boys beside

me – a message reinforced during
my job search. Arriving for an
interview at one football magazine,
the hiring manager said, ‘Well,
I just had to see this – a woman
who’s got a coaching badge and a
season ticket at Spurs and thinks
she’s going to be a football writer.’
I felt like a commodity, a joke.
Eventually, I got my dream job
as a football writer at the BBC. At
the interview, they asked if I could
work New Year’s Day. Naturally,
I went straight home from a rave,
showered and worked a double
shift. More challenging was going
to football grounds as the sole
woman only to be asked, ‘Where’s
the tea, love?’ It’s one of the
reasons that, in 2007, I joined the
organisation Women In Football
for its first session of discussion and
networking. I went on to become
a board member and director,
helping the network to grow to
include more than 7,000 women.
I moved into radio, TV, then
agency work. In 2012, when
London hosted the Olympics,
I remember thinking: it’s a home
Olympics, people will start thinking
of these women as their football
heroes. But nothing changed.
By the 2015 Women’s World Cup,
I’d founded my talent management
company, Tongue Tied, but the
game still wasn’t getting the
attention it deserved. It wasn’t until
the BBC and Sky paid to have the
rights to show women’s football,
which started with the 2021-22
Women’s Super League season, that
people started taking it seriously.
Then came the Euros. The night
of the final felt like Euro 1996:
I was back at Wembley again, in the
media centre, and this event was
the hottest ticket in town. Except
this time, there were women on
the pitch. When the Lionesses
lifted the trophy, I cried. I’d known
for years how wonderful these
women were and I’d been doing
my best to tell the world. Finally,
the world gets it.

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‘ Women
belong a t
t he forefront
of s p o r t s
– w h a t eve r
Before becoming a staple part
of the BBC’s football coverage –
presenting Football Focus and
coverage of the men’s 2022 World
Cup – Alex Scott, now 38, played in
defence for Arsenal and England.

As a former Lioness, I’m always

asked if I wish I was playing now.
To which I say: absolutely not.
I had my time. Now, I’m proud to
have played my part in that story.
When I was a child, I used to
run the lengths of my local East
End football cage. I didn’t know
any female football players, so
my role model was Ronaldo, and
I dreamed of scoring the winning
goal at Wembley one day.
The first step to making that
dream a reality came when I was
aged eight. I was playing in a boys’
tournament in Tower Hamlets
when the referee told me there was
an Arsenal girls’ team – and that
they knew someone there. I went
along to a trial and was promptly
signed. It was like joining a family.
But even then, I knew I had to
work hard to stay in this world.
Working part-time as a teacher,
as well as in the Arsenal laundry,
life was a juggle. And while it wasn’t
fun washing the men’s dirty kit,
being at the club was invaluable.
Working in the orbit of Arsenal
legends like Arsène Wenger and
Thierry Henry, I learned so much.
But while I loved watching
football on TV, I couldn’t understand
why there were so few women in
the industry. I looked up to the likes
of Gabby Logan and Clare Balding,
both of whom I deeply respect. But

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Game changers

neither of them look or speak

like me. (I’m a working-class ‘ We we r e p ay i n g t o
woman and I sound like one.)
I studied sports broadcasting p l ay b a c k w h e n I wo r e
while playing at Arsenal, and I
knew I’d need to graft to be taken
an England shirt’
seriously. On one work-experience Hope Powell, 56, is one of football’s trailblazers. An attacking midfielder
placement, I was told I’d never for the Lionesses, she was the first female coach of an England side, the first
make it because of my accent. Black coach – and the youngest. She led the team to the Euros final in 2009.
Now, on TV, I make a point of
being myself – and I was being
myself when I cried tears of joy When I was offered the job of south London estate where I lived.
at last year’s Euros. I knew what England manager, it took me a week My parents are West Indian and,
this victory meant to women – to accept. Aged 31, I was on the cusp culturally, playing football wasn’t
both on the pitch and off it. of becoming the first woman to for girls. But it didn’t matter that
When girls began to stop me manage an England international they disapproved, nor that I was the
in the street to tell me I’d inspired side – and the first person of colour. only girl who played on our estate.
them, I realised this was about so But I couldn’t shake the feeling that I knew I played better than the boys.
much more than me. By telling the it was a token gesture. In the end, I’ll never forget the feeling of
story of the beautiful game, I want I went for it. I was determined to arriving at my first Millwall
to demonstrate that all women – succeed: for women, for the Black Lionesses training session in my
regardless of their background – community – and, of course, for me. early teens, tagging along with a
can achieve their goals, in whatever I was seven when I started school friend. There were cones,
space or industry they choose. playing football in a cage on the bibs, coaches – and 30 other women,
many of whom remain close friends.
I’d never seen anything like it; it
felt like coming home.
At 16, I was called up to play for
England. Without the pathway
there is now, it was a baptism of
fire. We were paying to play. There
was no sponsorship or overnight
stays in hotels; instead, we’d travel
by bus on the morning of a game.
We even wore the men’s kit.
I so desperately wanted to be
a professional footballer in my
playing days, but couldn’t be –
I always needed to earn. Then,

when I led the Lionesses to the

2009 Euros final (where we were
beaten 6-2 by Germany), the
team didn’t get the attention they
deserved from the media or public.
I’m overjoyed today’s Lionesses
have the opposite experience;

everything coming their way is

richly deserved. If Women’s Super
League games can fill stadiums
every week with 40,000 people – as
Arsenal, Chelsea, Tottenham and
Man City have done on occasion –
then the wage gap [between male
and female players] will close.
While it’s natural to focus on
the game’s top end, we need to take
care of the girls who are coming
through, too. And if I had one
piece of advice for the Lionesses,
it would be this: allow yourselves
to enjoy it. Even with much less,
my generation truly did.

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‘I didn’t
ove r t u r n
t h e FA b a n
I wa s a
fe m i n i st
– I did it
I wa s
Patricia Gregory, 75, was
a founding member of the
Women’s Football Association
– whose work contributed to
the FA’s overturning of its ban
on the women’s game.

Sometimes, I’ll see an expanse

of football pitches and it’ll take me
a second to realise that the people
running around on them are
women. In that moment, I’ll feel
proud; that they’re able to play train. After another letter to the paper, a Tottenham-based men’s
at all is thanks to the work of a team contacted me to offer up their training facilities. And after
handful of people half a century I put an advert in a football magazine, multiple men’s and boys’
ago – a group I count myself among. teams invited us to play them. The advert was also seen by a man
This story begins in 1967 at who ran a women’s football tournament in Kent. Suddenly, we
Tottenham Town Hall; Spurs were had contacts for female players; we formed regional teams and
bringing home the FA Cup following leagues and then the Women’s Football Association.
their victory. Watching as they It was never easy; I’d get home from my day job as secretary
lifted it triumphantly, I remember to the sports editor of The Sunday Telegraph and run upstairs to
thinking: why don’t girls play? Back work on the team, the league and the women’s association. We
home, I put that question in a letter didn’t pursue the FA with marches and petitions – but through
to my local paper and, in response, our work and regular contact, we demonstrated we were serious,
they published an article about and that we weren’t going away. You could call it soft diplomacy.
me looking to form a girls’ team. Three years later, the FA lifted the 1921 ban. It was a huge
Before long, there were a dozen moment. While the era saw the growth of the women’s liberation
of us in my parents’ living room, movement, the work I was doing wasn’t through a lens of
plotting. My father may have been feminism, I was just stubborn; it was irritating not to be allowed
uneasy about his daughter going to to do something and it needed to be addressed.
watch matches, but he never stood Today, I’m the only surviving original officer of the association
in our way. When I rang the council and I want to make sure our story isn’t lost. I managed to trace
to ask about pitches and training all of the players who played for England under the Women’s
facilities, however, they said I could Football Association over the past five years while writing A
have neither; the 1921 ban by the History Of The Women’s FA Cup Final, a book I co-authored.
FA prevented women from playing And, last October, when England played the USA at Wembley,
on grounds under its control. It they celebrated the first England team of 1972.
didn’t matter that we had a group I felt emotional as Leah Williamson and Jill Scott presented
of girls who desperately wanted to the squad with their caps. It was a big moment for the girls.
play, there was nowhere for us to Yes, many of them are grandmothers, but they’re still my girls.

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Game changers

‘ My d a u g h t e r r e m i n d s g i r l s t h a t t h e i r a b i l i t y
to p l ay p r ofe s s i o n a l ly d i d n ’ t co m e ea s i ly ’
Amanda Williamson, 51, is often
cited by her daughter – Lionesses
captain and Arsenal skipper
Leah – as one of the biggest
factors in her success.

When picking up our tickets for

last year’s Euros final, a letter fell
from the envelope. It was from my
daughter, Leah, who was walking
out that day as captain of her
country in front of a sold-out
Wembley. It read, ‘This is for you
just as much as me.’ Suddenly
I was sobbing in a hotel foyer.
From the age of 11, my mum used
to put a cap over my cropped hair so
I could play for my local Bletchley
boys’ team. At 13, a parent grassed
me up and I had to quit.
Two decades later, my six-year-
old daughter told me she wanted to
play football. She was accepted on
to a local boys’ side and never got
any grief from her teammates, but
at matches, parents of boys on the
opposing team would shout out,
‘You let a girl beat you?’
As she rose through the ranks,
I’ve only once needed to pull Leah
up on her attitude. It was during her
first game after making the Arsenal
Under-10s, while several others
awaited selection. ‘Other girls
looked like they wanted it more,’
I told her. ‘You were lucky enough
to be given a spot; you need to dig
deep.’ No matter what the game has
thrown at her since, she always has.
Leah’s ruptured ACL means that
she can’t play at this year’s World
Cup – there are no words I can say
to make that better. But we’re
pragmatic and understand the
task ahead. And she knows that, as
her mum, I’m there whenever she
needs me. On the good and bad
days; to bring ice, cook, clean and
– most importantly – help her take
her mind off it so she can have fun.
I’m so proud of Leah, especially
for how grounded she’s stayed.
She knows how important it is to
remind girls coming through that
it wasn’t always this way; that this
wasn’t easily won.

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With restrictions on travel
and hook-ups behind us,
the dirty weekend is
having a second coming.
Only, before you snigger
at the squeaking
bedsprings of a well-
romped seaside B&B, this
time it’s sexologist-
approved. WH makes the
case for the lay-cation


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By day, the resort looks like any other harbour in
the south of France, if you can get past the fact
that no one has any clothes on. But by night, the
promenade once packed with holidaymakers
becomes a sexually motivated catwalk. There’s
a woman in crotchless PVC pants and little else,
a man led along by a harness attached to his
scrotum and… Laura*, a 42-year-old business
analyst dressed in a modest midi dress and willing
her Aperol spritz to arrive. It’s her first night at
Cap d’Agde, a swingers’ and naturist resort where
clothes and monogamy are optional. But while
Laura’s outfit marks her out as a first-timer,
there’s nothing unplanned about her holiday.

After a year in which she BREAK FROM

supported her mum through TRADITION
chemotherapy, experienced a Booking a break that puts sex on
close family bereavement and top – or any position you like it
navigated a pandemic-paused – is on the up. Trend forecasters
sex life, Laura had her ‘f*ck it’ at Booking.com cited ‘pleasure
moment. She booked the trip pilgrimages’ as a key theme for
last summer and brought her 2023, with more than a third of
boyfriend along with her to see the travellers it polled expressing
if being surrounded by shagging a desire for a holiday focused
could reignite their desire. It did. on sexual wellbeing. A rise in both
‘Hot tubs, red velvet, leather beds,’ resorts dedicated to fetishes and
she says, reeling off the horny bondage and polyamorous retreats
cues. ‘Yes, it’s all a bit cliché, is on the cards, too; Cruise Ship
but it works. It felt like we were Mingle, a dating app that connects
in a permanent fantasy.’ Save singles and couples-who-swap
for the reception, bar and open so they can, quite literally, be in
areas, nudity was allowed the same boat, saw a 500% rise
everywhere – and with it, sex, in members post-pandemic.
with some couples swapping Meanwhile, one of the more
partners on the sunloungers by stimulating dates on the UK
the rooftop pool. And while Laura festival scene is Swingathon – a the UK on a downturn reminiscent
and her boyfriend decided to opt Glastonbury for the swinging crowd of the economy. But some travel
out of the swinging sessions, the that launched in July 2021 and has insiders foresaw the pleasure boom.
very idea of them was motivation little to do with 1920s dancing. Not In 2020, boutique hotel directory
enough to run back to the hotel that the exhibitionists are the only Mr & Mrs Smith – founded on the
room together. ‘I’ve never felt ones putting the ‘lay’ into playtime. principle of the ‘naughty weekend’
more attractive or sexually Therapy service Self Space will – worked with trend forecaster The
confident in my life,’ she recalls. host its first overseas retreats Future Laboratory to plot the next
‘The thrill of other people this summer, with workshops on decade of romantic travel. They
admiring us made for super- relationships, sex and pleasure predicted that by 2030, romance
hot sex when we were back in at Pikes Ibiza and Nobu Hotel will encompass a more expansive
our room. It reminded us that Ibiza Bay – both bougie enough view of sex, with polyamory
we were sexually attractive, not to tell your line manager about. becoming more mainstream.
only to each other, but to other That holiday horn is having a Think: hotel rooms with three beds
people. We’d planned to go for moment might surprise you in light and ‘polymoon’ packages alongside
a couple of nights. We ended of recent headlines; studies put traditional honeymoons. Expect
up staying for two weeks.’ current levels of sexual activity in to find CBD lube on bedside tables,

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Sun, sand and sex

For Laura, it was living (and loving)
in a small flat during the lockdowns
that sank her sex drive into a sex
drought. But for many, the intimate
fallout from the pandemic went
beyond feeling turned off. So says
Madalaine Munro, a sexologist who
specialises in sexual connection.
‘I think the pandemic brought
a collective existential crisis as
people reflected on what freedom
and purpose meant to them,’ she
explains. ‘We saw it with the Great
Resignation, where a movement of
people began seeking more from
work, and this wave is also taking
place in sexuality and relationships.
People are asking, “Is this really
what I want [from a relationship]?”
And, if it isn’t, “What do I want?”’
Supporting the search for
answers is a cultural shift that’s
reframing sexual experimentation
into an act of empowerment.
Munro credits TV shows such as
Sex Education and The White Lotus
for igniting longing and expanding
people’s ideas of what might be
possible for them sexually, although
there’s another platform playing a
role in this story, too. ‘When people
publicly share their sex and dating
stories on TikTok, this rise in sexual
vulnerability goes a long way to
lessen shame,’ she explains. ‘Sexual
experimentation is a huge catalyst
for increased

‘The thrill of other self-worth, as

through it you
discover what
people admiring us you like, you
learn to ask

breathwork exercises at the

made for super-hot sex’ for what you
like and you
breakfast buffet and sensory hotel realise it’s safe
suites that offer guided erotic play attuned hotels are making to receive what you like. Benefits
journeys via aural and augmented a more concerted effort to be of finding your voice include more
reality simulation. more sexually open – and in self-confidence, body acceptance
While there’s still seven years cooler, less gimmicky ways and even healing past trauma.’
to go to see if there will be three than in the past.’ Take Sinner This resonates for Abby*. Having
bathrobes in your hotel room in Paris, which has replaced being assaulted by an ex in her early
instead of two, Richard MacKichan, the £5 pack of Pringles in the twenties, she wanted to reclaim her
editor-in-chief at Mr & Mrs Smith, wardrobes with riding crops and sexuality on her terms. Bolstered
is seeing hotels mounting the trend peepholes. Soho House stocks by the current climate of sexual
already. ‘A post-pandemic desire high-end lubes in its minibars, openness on social media and
for closeness, intimacy and escape Puglia’s Castle Elvira hosts nude podcasts, the graphic designer
has placed a renewed emphasis life-drawing classes, while Big booked a trip to a liberal sex club
on hotels being a sexier prospect,’ Sur’s Post Ranch Inn has been in Berlin with her boyfriend for
he tells WH. ‘A growing crop of known to slip a tantric couples’ her 36th birthday. ‘I walked in the
forward-thinking, culturally massage on to its spa menu. entrance and there was nothing

J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3 | 1 2 3
Sun, sand and sex

outlandish, but downstairs was the repetitive nature

a different story.’ Among the
scenes in the rooms below was
of your patterns
– even in bed.’
‘If we want sex to be
a man dancing the two-step in
nothing but a pair of glasses and
Someone else
fluent in breaking good, we have to be in the
another in full military uniform
leading a woman wearing a dog
collar. ‘It was like being in Alice
bedroom habits is
Lacey Haynes, a sex
and pleasure coach
moment, not in our minds’
In Wonderland or Cirque du Soleil. who you may know from the wildly believes, was even better than
The atmosphere was fabulous popular Lacey & Flynn Have Sex the sex they’d originally planned).
– everyone minding their own podcast, where she and partner Next, don’t expect to have wild
business and being who they are, Flynn Talbot do it (yes, it), on air. sex the instant the hotel door closes
or who they wanted to be for that The podcast ended in December behind you. ‘If your life has been
night.’ As people had sex on swings 2022, but Haynes and Talbot have fraught with stress and busyness
and beds, Abby and her boyfriend packed the nuggets that took them just to get on holiday, there’s going
joined in. ‘We didn’t get involved from a largely sexless long-term to be a requirement for unwinding
with others, only ourselves in the relationship to doing it on air into and maybe clearing the air with
middle of a room full of other people a book called Come Together: The each other. When you first get on
enjoying pleasure. It felt liberating Secret To Deep, Meaningful, Elevated holiday, reconnect: lie on the bed
to express this part of myself,’ she Sex. Holiday sex is a key pillar. together, take a nap, maybe give
says, before adding one caveat ‘When you’re busy, pressurised each other a massage.’ Oh, and
regarding the, er, fluids. ‘If I think and stressed with daily life, you’re once you’re having the good holiday
about the reality of it, god only in a state of physical contraction sex, make sure you bring it home
knows what you’re lying on.’ – which is why women sometimes with you. ‘If the sex and intimacy
have issues with penetration and experienced on holiday isn’t
THAT HOLIDAY BUZZ enjoying intercourse – and you’re integrated into life at home,
Ignoring the stickier parts of the mentally closed off from each it can lead to resentment and
human experience, one aspect of other,’ Haynes explains. Ironically, create disconnection,’ says
the sex holiday that seduced both on holiday, you leave the baggage at Munro. ‘Instead, think: how can
Laura and Abby was anonymity. home. It’s this, she believes, that’s this experience be a platform for
Abby had dabbled with sex clubs the secret to sexual satisfaction. upgrading our relationship?’ If it
in the UK, but always felt on edge. ‘Sexual connection is all about sounds insurmountable, it comes
‘At Killing Kittens [sex-positive presence and showing up; if we down to nailing what’s getting in the
parties in London], there was want sex to be good, we have to way of feeling intimately connected
always a risk I’d bump into be in the moment, not in our at home, be that spending too much
someone I knew. But being minds. And that’s so much easier time scrolling or too little time in
in a foreign country and not on holiday, when you feel open, each other’s company.
speaking the language made playful and free.’ Back home from Berlin, Abby’s
for a liberation bubble.’ Munro still coming down from the high.
believes that identity is built BEST LAID PLANS ‘It was such an enlightening and
into your surroundings and the So, if you want to plan a lay-cation, refreshing experience, something
responsibilities you have within what’s the advice that Thomas I wanted to do for myself. I’d
them. A change of scenery can Cook won’t tell you? First, drop definitely keep an open mind if
activate different parts of your your sexpectations. ‘If you put other opportunity for a sex holiday
character, increasing sexual a lot of weight on something as came up.’ Meanwhile, Laura is
freedom. ‘A sex holiday may emotional as sex (“in three months’ getting plenty of mileage out of
lower your inhibitions to try new time, we’re going away to have the the two outfits she bought in Cap
things, as the shame associated best sex of our lives”) the chances d’Agde. ‘One was an Aubade lace
with surroundings or roles is are it won’t happen,’ says Haynes. bodysuit and transparent slip. The
diminished,’ she says. In other ‘It’s like Christmas: when there’s other is a bondage-style basque and
words, ‘Mummy’ being handcuffed so much riding on it, stress and the kind of heels that I’d normally
feels less confronting in a German tension take over.’ She’s speaking dismiss as being tacky, but actually
sex den than it does beside a pile from experience. Last July, she made my legs look great.’ Helpfully,
of just-ironed school uniforms. and Talbot planned a trip to Greece both outfits have become shorthand
Then there’s the obvious break with the very specific goal of having for: let’s have sexy sex. ‘I might put
from routine, which doesn’t just lots of anal sex. What actually a piece on as a surprise, or he’ll
apply to work and supermarket happened was lots of time spent leave one out on the bed and we’ll
runs, but the once-a-fortnight with kids and grandparents, and reminisce about the holiday and
missionary. ‘Sexual habits build absolutely no window for the bum. how hot it was.’ While the souvenirs
like any other habit and the neural Instead, one day they stopped the go some way to keeping the holiday
pathways are deeply formed over car to take photos and ended up alive in their bedroom, Laura has a
time,’ she adds. ‘Holidays can help having impromptu sex at the top of dirty secret. ‘We’re thinking about
your sex life because they interrupt a remote mountain (which, Haynes going again this year.’

1 24 | J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3
For a sensual For outdoor For a buzzy For sexy For anything

escape romps ’n’ roll minibar clichés goes (bar

The Mandrake, The Tawny, The Drake, Suite Sistina For clothes)
London Staffordshire Toronto Lovers, Rome Hedonism II, Jamaica
Rooms channel sexy Book one of the The minibar’s A circular bed The world’s most
surrealism: Venetian hotel’s Wildwood Pleasure Menu with rose petals, a famous clothing-
masks, uplifting Huts for off-the- features 12 Jacuzzi and in-room optional resort has
elixirs in the minibar grid reconnection bestsellers from massages await in a prude side and a
and a concierge – there’s an outdoor local erotic boutique this hotel where nude side – though
to arrange healing bath, romantic Come As You Are. the curtains rarely most guests hang
sessions and sound log burner, skies There’s a feather open. Room service out, quite literally,
Great baths. If all residents
agree, the shower
dark enough to
stargaze and a
tickler, a whip,
bondage tape and
includes Whispered
Transgressions –
in packed naked
escapes wall in one of the complimentary a choice of five a pleasure game
pool parties. Expect
mirrored bedroom
Newman rooms turns minibar. The luscious vibrators. Better that involves ceilings, sex huts
Five hotels with transparent to watch grounds are also hope the neighbours bondage ribbons, and a swingers’
one thing on the suite next door. super-secluded. have earplugs… oils and feathers. playroom.
their mind themandrake.com thetawny.co.uk thedrake.ca suitesistina.com hedonism.com

J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3 | 1 2 5
The so-called ‘skinny
jab’ semaglutide
is now available on
the NHS, with side
effects ranging from
nausea to fatigue. WH
investigates the new
hunger for thin – and
those taking a stab in
the dark to get there


up, b e scienc
conc ut the e stac
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to ch are rea
ew o l
When Isobel Turner* heard rumours that
there may be more to Kim Kardashian’s
recent weight loss than a dedicated
healthy-eating and workout routine, she
was intrigued. The 37-year-old PR from
Swindon had been working with a PT
for years. But time for herself had been
harder to come by since becoming a
parent and going freelance. And with
gym visits the exception, rather than the
rule, and sugar-based snacking an evening
ritual, she found herself persistently
above her goal weight. All it took was
a simple Google search to discover that
the drug rumoured to be behind the star’s
1st 2lb weight loss was Ozempic – an
injectable medication for type 2 diabetes.

1 2 8 | J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3
Worth a shot?

Almost as swiftly, Isobel purchased being whispered by

a month’s supply for £195 via an this year’s Oscars.
online pharmacy. The only hurdle? ‘Everybody looks so
A consultation, via email. Within great,’ said Jimmy
days, she was self-injecting a 0.25mg Kimmel, opening the
dose into her stomach on a weekly ceremony in March.
basis. The change to her appetite ‘When I look around
was instant. ‘I’m hit by a wave of this room, I can’t help but wonder, WHAT OBESITY CURRENTLY
terrible nausea, like pregnancy “Is Ozempic right for me?”’
morning sickness,’ she tells WH; a Where this story diverges from COSTS THE NHS EVERY YEAR
nausea that put paid to her desire to any other celebrity diet fad is here:
eat anything in the evening – sugar- that same month, NHS England
laden or otherwise. The effects fade announced it would offer the fuller, sooner – also reported weight
throughout the week before she weight-loss injection Wegovy for loss. A global study†, published in
administers a fresh shot. So far, free this year, after the The National 2021, found that a third of those
she’s 3lb down in a fortnight. Institute for Health and Care with a BMI of 30 or more who took
Excellence (Nice) found it to be semaglutide weekly lost more than
Moving the needle safe, effective and affordable (Wales a fifth of their body weight. After
Talking about weight loss feels as is expected to follow, with Scotland 68 weeks, the average weight loss
below the belt as a pair of mid-90s reviewing it at the time of writing). per participant was almost 3st –
low-slung jeans. And yet, both have As people slim down, profits for the results that had previously only
made a resurgence over the past medications’ Danish manufacturer been possible with weight-loss
year. The thin-jection buzz began as are filling out; Novo Nordisk saw surgery, said the study’s authors.
a whisper in celebrity circles; that a sales of weight-loss treatments rise Before this year, Ozempic and
drug called Ozempic – and its sister 84% in 2022 to £1.9bn. No wonder Rybelsus were the only form of
brands Wegovy (also an injectable) Morgan Stanley predicts the weight- semaglutide available on the NHS,
and Rybelsus (a tablet) – could management medicine market is both for type 2 diabetes. But results
get you lean by suppressing your about to balloon to £43bn in seven such as these mean that Wegovy
appetite. In September 2022, years. But is this trend something will soon be offered on the NHS for
US talk show host Andy Cohen to be celebrated? weight loss, regardless of whether
broke rank when he tweeted that the patient has type 2 diabetes.
celebrities were mysteriously Take a stab at it Rollout was scheduled for this
showing up to his show 25lb lighter, If you’re curious how these drugs spring, but shortages caused by
asking, ‘What happens when they work, meet gut hormone GLP-1. unprecedented demand have forced
stop taking #Ozempic?’ Rumours ‘When most people eat, their levels an indefinite delay. There will be
that it had become Hollywood’s [of GLP-1] go up, causing them caveats, of course: patients must
worst-kept secret were made to feel satisfied,’ says Harvinder have a BMI at the top of the obese
weightier when The Guardian Chahal, consultant endocrinologist range (usually around 30) and a
reported that a number of actors at Imperial College Healthcare weight-related health condition,
and musicians had told the outlet NHS Trust. ‘But patients with such as high blood pressure or heart
that they ‘personally’ knew high- type 2 diabetes lack this.’ In 2012, disease; the drug can be taken for a
profile people using it. A Variety a compound called semaglutide maximum of two years, and it will
exposé shed more details: A-listers was created. It works as a receptor only be offered by specialist weight-
were singing the drug’s praises on in the intestine to help the pancreas management services – which have
the encrypted messaging app Signal release the right amount of insulin; capacity for about 35,000 patients
and paying $1,500 (£1,200) for and Ozempic, Wegovy and Rybelsus a year. But if you fail to meet these
a month’s supply. And while the are all different brand names for criteria, Boots, Superdrug, Lloyds

identity of its users remains hushed this very compound. Before long, Pharmacy and Asda will also offer
up, accusations were no longer doctors began to notice a trend. Wegovy to private patients with
While semaglutide improved blood a prescription via online doctor
sugar levels, patients – who felt apps for around £200 per month.

a jab our
uld e y t?
Co u hav eat i
yo and

J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3 | 1 2 9
that requires rigorous safety
testing. A recent investigation
by The Observer found that some
experts who publicly praised
the jabs had received payments
from drug-maker Novo Nordisk
WHAT THE WEIGHT-MANAGEMENT – including one professor who
advised Nice. Reporters found that,
MEDICINE INDUSTRY COULD BE over three years, Novo Nordisk paid
WORTH IN THE NEXT SEVEN YEARS £21.7m to health professionals and
organisations in what the newspaper
called an ‘orchestrated PR campaign’
In the wrong hands lose weight, they could have to boost its UK influence. Recipients
But that hasn’t stopped people who underlying hormonal problems, maintain they weren’t influenced by
aren’t obese from buying semaglutide such as thyroid issues, PCOS or donations and Novo Nordisk insists
online. Sam Mercer*, 32, who excess cortisol – all of which require the payments never broke any rules.
describes themself as ‘slightly medical support beyond Dr Google It added that it was ‘committed
overweight’, was able to order and a form full of fibs. Then there to working in a transparent and
Rybelsus tablets (£300 for three are the side effects, which can ethical manner with policymakers
months) by tweaking their details politely be described as ‘grim’. and adheres to the strict regulatory
on an online form so their BMI fell According to Ozempic’s website, the and legal frameworks that
into the obese range. They lost 2st most common are nausea, cramps, govern both our industry and
in a year and now continue to take it diarrhoea, acid reflux, vomiting parliamentary best practice’.
‘for maintenance’. For Isobel – who and constipation. But possible
isn’t obese either – it was the ease of repercussions may also include Worth the weight?
access to Ozempic that shocked her. pancreatitis, low blood sugar, vision You’d be forgiven for weighing up
‘I couldn’t believe there wasn’t even problems, allergic reactions, kidney the integrity of a money-making
a Zoom or phone consultation before issues and even thyroid cancer. injection for weight loss when, in
they dispensed it.’ Online weight- Ahmet Ergin is an endocrinologist theory, diet and exercise could get
management services will issue a and founder of the diabetes the job done safely. Particularly
prescription after the patient has YouTube channel SugarMD. He when demand for semaglutide
completed a consultation. ‘Of course, tells WH that he hasn’t seen major led to a global shortage earlier
online, it’s easier to be untruthful, complications in patients – but, he this year, meaning that type 2
as face-to-face providers will have notes, that doesn’t mean he won’t. diabetes sufferers couldn’t get it.
weighing scales and physical ‘There’s no way of saying what the Dr Chahal believes there’s a place
oversight of the patient,’ says Abbas long-term risks are unless we use for semaglutide as an obesity drug
Kanani, superintendent pharmacist the medications for 20 years and that helps people swerve bariatric
at Chemist Click UK, with the crucial then look back retrospectively surgery, which is offered to those
caveat that doing so is dangerous and find problems.’ And previous with a BMI over 40 who have an
and emphatically advised against. weight-loss solutions have caused associated comorbidity. It could
Diabetes drugs can also be sold issues. In the past six decades, more also help trim the £6.5bn that
‘off label’ (when a medication is than two dozen have been approved, obesity currently costs the
prescribed for a reason other than only for serious side effects to NHS. But doctors say these
what’s stated on its product licence). come to light, including heart valve medications should serve
Perhaps unsurprisingly, health damage, strokes and a fatal lung as a catalyst to lifestyle
professionals such as Dr Chahal condition called primary pulmonary change. ‘I tell all
are worried. On some websites, it hypertension. One drug, the my patients
isn’t possible to verify the quality amphetamine-based Tenuate that if, after
of the weight-loss injection you’re Dospan, was linked to short-term six months,
buying, and not being under anxiety, insomnia and delusions, they
medical guidance opens you up as well as long-term psychosis. All
to complications. Semaglutide has of which may leave you wondering
strict dosage guidelines because why Ozempic and Wegovy have
the strength needs to be gradually received Nice approval – a status
increased. And if someone doesn’t

1 3 0 | J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3
Worth a shot?

re the
all se
ea do inje
rn en cta
th ou bl
eir g es
cr h to
‘I’m a 30-year-old,
she tells WH. ‘Their with a BMI in the
relationship with food may normal range,
already be an unhealthy one. living a fairly fit and
And for those struggling with healthy lifestyle.
disordered eating, pharmaceutical I know weight-
Lauren Clark,
tools can be damaging because 30, health and loss ‘quick fixes’
they offer a shortcut to managing lifestyle writer are pretty much
weight. The way we regulate always a bad idea.
eating is through learning different But that didn’t
strategies, such as tuning into our stop the buzz around semaglutide
body’s hunger cues and exercise. piquing my interest earlier this year.
Once someone develops a shortcut, Despite being largely happy with
they may feel like they no longer my figure – a relationship built over
need to practise healthy habits.’ time – I wasn’t averse to the allure
Instead, Dr Touroni advocates of acquaintances I hadn’t seen for
haven’t changed the way an old-school approach – caring a while telling me I looked amazing.
they eat or their activity for your body via what you put in In the end, curiosity – and, let’s be
levels, they’re going to gain your stomach, rather than what real, vanity – got the better of me.
the weight back,’ shares Joseph you stab into it. ‘It’s about enjoying Which is how I came to pop a
Arulandu, a doctor who specialises food, having a varied diet and Rybelsus tablet one morning, 30
in obesity medicine. ‘It has to be the incorporating movement and minutes before my first meal – a
drug plus lifestyle modifications.’ exercise into your days,’ she argues. decision I swiftly regretted. Within
Indeed, a 2022 study, published in It’s also an approach Isobel is an hour, I was crippled with nausea
Diabetes, Obesity And Metabolism, coming back around to. ‘Ozempic like I’d never experienced before.
found that one year after stopping seemed the easy option to drop a When I thought about my
weekly semaglutide injections, dress size, but the constant nausea breakfast – Greek yoghurt topped
participants regained two thirds is so bad that it’s not worth it,’ she with berries, nuts, chia seeds and
of the weight they’d lost. Without admits. ‘I think I’ll get a personal honey – I found myself running
lifestyle changes, appetite and trainer again and lose weight in to the toilet to vomit. I was sick
cravings returned with a vengeance. a slower, but more pleasant, way.’ multiple times, and it took three
While this reiterates the jab’s When prescribed by a medical days for the nausea to fully subside.
effectiveness, it doesn’t address the professional to help battle obesity My appetite dulled for a week.
issue of weight-loss medications and diabetes, these medications I’ve since read that these drugs are

finding an audience among already can be powerful tools. But while thought to work, in part, by tricking
slim women. The NHS-advised society’s obsession with shortcuts your brain into thinking food is
daily calorie intake for women is has shifted focus on to the injection, disgusting. Under medical
2,000 and the recommended pace it’s what accompanies that quick guidance, my dose would likely
for healthy weight loss is 2lb per jab that’s most vital – using it under have started smaller and been
week. If semaglutide suppresses supervision, with good nutrition, steadily increased, swerving
appetite, aren’t these drugs open exercise and lifestyle changes. the nausea and vomiting. If
to abuse? Consultant psychologist Ozempic and its kind remain a A-listers are using medication
Elena Touroni, co-founder of weighty issue; only time will tell to get lean, I think there’s a duty
The Chelsea Psychology Clinic, what effect the industry’s sizeable of care to let us know – rather
certainly thinks so. ‘In reality, growth will have on people’s figures. than us mere mortals thinking
those who are most likely to take Because with weight loss – as with they’re simply on point with
medications for weight loss – just about everything else – if their macros and smashing PBs.
outside of medical advice – are something sounds too good to But the experience taught me
probably suffering from low be true, it almost certainly is. an important lesson: only take
self-esteem and body-image issues,’ prescription medication if it’s
actually prescribed to you.’

J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3 | 1 3 1
I L L U S T R AT I O N S :

1 3 2 | J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3
Those born between 1997 and 2012 now make up more than a fifth of
the workforce – and while they might have strong opinions on your
jeans, it’s not the only thing they care about. From healthy boundaries
to prioritising mental wellbeing, WH makes the case for growing down…

J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3 | 1 3 3
Things that keep you
up at night: climate
change? Obviously.
Trump’s 2024
electoral prospects?
Naturally. Gen Z?
Admit it, you’re
as baffled by the
generation behind
you as you are about
NFTs. But while their
TikTok dances warrant
an eyebrow raise,
there’s one area
they’re smashing.
Some 70% of them
describe themselves
as healthy*, with over
half using wearables LESSON 1
to monitor their
health and a majority STOP OBSESSING employment promised after
putting emotional university – job security, housing,
high wages – due to the recession
wellbeing at the heart Unlike millennials, who grew up in the late 2000s.’ Gen Z, she
of their identity. with a lopsided work ethic that
saw them toil away at the expense
notes, took one look at us and said
‘no thanks’. As Dr Filby points out,
‘They’ve grown up of their wellbeing, Gen Z have ‘Their boundaries for work-life
observing our work- figured out how to stand up for
themselves. A 2022 survey by
balance are a clear reaction to
that girlboss, hustle culture.’
life balance and the online learning platform
TalentLMS found that they’re Be more Gen Z:
relationship with willing to hold out for the things Ignore work emails when
social media,’ that matter to them: paid mental you’re OOO. ‘Recognising the
health leave, hybrid or remote negative impact overwork is
says Eliza Filby, a work and greater diversity and having on your life will help you
(millennial) historian inclusion. If they don’t get them, to stop glamorising it,’ explains
they’ll walk away – and in the Elena Touroni, a consultant
of contemporary meantime, they’ll ‘quiet quit’, psychologist and co-founder of
values who studies

scaling back to doing their salaried The Chelsea Psychology Clinic.

hours and nothing more. Which, Get into the habit of deleting


in truth, is how people used to your email app from your phone
differences. ‘And treat work in the olden days. ‘The
overwork culture started amid the
as you turn on your out of office.
Uncouple your identity from
they’ve decided to economic upheavals of the 1980s, your job title. ‘There’s much to
take a new approach.’ where there were no longer “jobs
for life”, and the digitalisation of
be said for Gen Z’s transactional
view of jobs and savvier approach
So in matters of the workplace in the 1990s aided to money – they’re estimated to
physical and mental by the rise of the BlackBerry,’
explains Dr Filby. ‘Millennials
have an average of 15 different
employers and five different
health, is it time to grew up with work being central careers over their working life,’
be more Gen Z? to their identity, but without
the traditional rewards of the
notes Dr Filby. Repeat after us:
you are not your job.

1 3 4 | J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3
Generation gain

despite this, they’re better than

SEEK SUPPORT older generations at seeking
F O R YO U R support; over a third say they’ve
M E N TA L H E A LT H worked with a mental health
professional at least once. By
Gen Z are placing more emphasis talking through problems, you can
on mental health than anyone alive develop a vocabulary that allows
before them. ‘They’ve grown up you to properly identify and
being taught that their mental express your woes – as well as a LESSON 3
health is as important as their toolkit for those days and weeks
physical health – whereas when you aren’t feeling yourself.
millennials were conditioned
to focus on the latter,’ explains Be more Gen Z: WELLNESS IS A
Dr Filby. According to a report Don’t be afraid to seek out M A R AT H O N , N O T
by Deloitte, many Gen Z-ers say therapy. Research shows that A HIIT CLASS
it’s their top priority. A bigger talking through your problems
question, of course, is why? early – rather than squashing While millennials and Gen X tend to
On the surface, the signs aren’t down your feelings and retaining have an ‘all or nothing’ view of health
good. They’re often described a stiff upper lip – can lead to – weeknight drinks followed by a
as the ‘depressed generation’; more effective treatment. And... 6am-er at Barry’s Bootcamp – Gen
according to one survey*, 91% The earlier you open up, the Z are more measured. They drink
of 18 to 24-year-olds reported better. ‘The younger you start 20% less alcohol per capita than the
feeling stressed compared with this process, the sooner you’ll be generation above* and 64% have
the average of 84% across all age able to get an “emotional map” never smoked, compared with 38%
groups; a statistic that shouldn’t be of your tendencies and patterns,’ of millennials who still light up
surprising given they’ve come of says Dr Touroni. While talking regularly*. A Les Mills survey found
age during a period of acute climate therapy is available on the NHS, that Gen Z-ers work out more than
anxiety, a cost of living crisis and waiting lists can be long. If going their elders, with 87% doing so
a global pandemic. All of which private isn’t an option for you, at least three times a week. Above
has been exacerbated by growing it’s worth getting in touch with all, they know fitness is about so
up with social media, which has charities such as Mind, Rethink much more than balancing out last
been linked to spikes of isolation, Mental Illness and Turning night’s daiquiris, and that small
loneliness and low self-worth. They Point. For more information, tweaks can have an impact. Dr
have a lot to contend with – but, see mind.org.uk. Touroni believes this is to do with
education. ‘Millennials grew up
when health may not have been
such a point of discussion;
Gen Z are embracing Gen Z have been immersed in its
therapy as mental importance from the off,’ she says.
health becomes ‘Humans are tribal. So if everyone
a top priority
in our “tribe” is living a certain way,
we’re more likely to do the same.’

Be more Gen Z:
Have clear objectives with your
health. ‘We need to feel connected
to our goals to stay motivated and
that’s where our emotions come
in,’ notes Dr Touroni. ‘If you want
to work out three times a week
and you wake up one day feeling
demotivated, visualise how you’re
going to feel after you’ve been to
the gym – the rush of feel-good
hormones and the satisfaction at
pushing through your reluctance.’
Moving more is a good start. One
study* found those who exercised
for 30 to 60 minutes three times a
week naturally ate more nutritious
food. Research* also shows getting
a sweat on is invaluable for sleep.

J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3 | 1 3 5


As you might well expect from a

generation that has Greta Thunberg
as its figurehead, Gen Z are better
at protesting than many of their
predecessors. They seem to realise
the power of disruption, says Fiona
Yassin, a psychotherapist
specialising in working
with those aged
11 to 26 years old,
and founder of
mental health
facility The
Wave Clinic. ‘This
generation doesn’t
just have stronger
opinions than the
generations before
them, they’re also more
likely to voice their views and take
a controversial stance.’ The activists
who tried to stop HS2 by living in a
tunnel near Euston station? Half of
them were Gen Z. The person who
went on hunger strike in protest
against plans for the UK’s
first deep coal mine in 30
years? Gen Z. The two
who threw soup at a Van
Gogh? Gen Z, through and
through. ‘It’s unsurprising
that they’re more politicised
– activists compared with
millennial “clicktivists”,’ says
Dr Filby, who points to a less
deferential school system and
the ability to use their voices on
social media. Part of the appeal, she
believes, is the sense of community
it delivers. ‘While millennials are
quite an individualistic generation,
Gen Z like collaboration and
allyship. There’s evidence that
they’re more inclined to share Be more Gen Z: 

the praise and prefer working Got a bone to pick? Do Feeling fairly content? Try
in groups.’ Protest isn’t just something about it. A study fostering a sense of community.

good for society, it’s also good by University College London Research has shown that doing
for you. Studies link activism found that persistently activities, such as volunteering
with lower levels of depression, engaging in negative thinking in your local area, also bring
while feeling you lack agency is patterns may raise the risk of benefits to your wellbeing.
a cause of anxiety. So while we’re Alzheimer’s disease. Protesting A study* found that mental
not advocating gluing yourself to, can get your brain in a more health dramatically increased
well, anything, it’s worth noting positive space and research* for those who do their bit up
that fostering a mindset of activism has linked it to greater to the age of 40, at which point
is a valid health intervention. happiness and self-esteem. the boost levels off.

1 3 6 | J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3
Generation gain

BECOME A Along with the solo education

that the pandemic heralded,
it means they’ve long been
‘A R M C H A I R accustomed to individually
EXPERT’ paced learning – teaching
them to think for themselves,
If you’re going to harbour envy of rather than just memorising
anything when it comes to Gen Z, answers. And while they’ve Want to nail a new
skill? The internet
be jealous of how they learn. After also been exposed to more has all the answers
all, they’ve grown up in a world misinformation, they’re
where the sum total of human more wary as a result.
knowledge is at their fingertips.
Want to check how many inches Be more Gen Z:
are in a foot? Want to see First, open your mind.
everything that one actress in ‘Neuroplasticity shows us
a particular film has ever been that it’s never too late to
in? Want to learn how to bleed a learn something new,’ says
radiator? In the past, you’d have Dr Touroni, referring to your
to have read a library book, consult brain’s ability to lay down
the now defunct Yellow Pages, or, new pathways. ‘Acquiring
you know, ask someone. Now it’s a new skill or knowledge is
all online. ‘Gen Z have grown up important at all ages as it
during a time where they haven’t helps us evolve and grow.’
been disconnected from the world Check your sources
at any point,’ says Yassin. ‘These thoroughly. ‘Gen Z can get
are the kids that had an iPad at to information quicker, but
their high chair and a smartphone they’re also more subject to
in their pocket since they turned fake news and misinformation,’
13 – providing them with outside warns Yassin. Follow their
information and influence literally lead in learning to separate
at their fingertips from early on.’ fact from fiction.


that allows them to engage with the

material they want to, scrolling reels
INTENTIONAL or watching “live” action,’ agrees
WITH SOCIAL Yassin. ‘This means they’re picking
MEDIA up much more useful information.’
Watching NatGeo on the move, for
TV is no longer the top home example, or engaging with BookTok
entertainment activity. While – which is creating IRL bestsellers.
boomers, Gen X-ers and millennials
have always favoured the one-way Be more Gen Z:
medium, Gen Z have forced it down Swap passive viewing for active
to fifth place, behind music, gaming, engagement. Have a tendency to
the internet and social media. As mindlessly scroll in front of the
for the latter, they’re as addicted TV? One study* discovered that
as us, but more discerning. ‘The using multiple forms of digital
online “brand” was invented by media – ‘media multitasking’
millennials, but Gen Z have been – may lead to memory issues.
more aware of “net rep” (internet Check in with yourself before
reputation) from a younger age,’ you log on. ‘How beneficial
explains Dr Filby. ‘They’re good content is depends on your
at digital compartmentalisation mindset and mental health when
– using LinkedIn as professional you’re engaging with it,’ says
and Instagram for personal.’ But Yassin. ‘If you’re not in a good
TikTok reigns supreme – ‘Gen Z see headspace, it’s unlikely you’ll
themselves as creators rather than search for something that feeds
passive consumers,’ adds Dr Filby. your brain, which may promote
‘They’re using social media in a way unhealthy viewing habits.’

J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3 | 1 3 7
1 3 8 | J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3
active woman’s
S U N &


With the exception of frozen margaritas, taking
your workout outdoors might be the best thing
about the sun-drenched months. Consider this
your road map to raising your SPF-exercise game

Melanie Rud Lauren Schulz

J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3 | 1 3 9
hen a friend spotted
a red lump on Georgie

W Rutherford’s left
arm in May 2019,
the 34-year-old
triathlete brushed off her pal’s
concern – and forgot it was even
there. But four months later, while
on holiday, Georgie’s brothers
brought up the bump again. Worried RUNNING
it looked ‘big and angry’, they urged THE RISK
her to seek medical attention. Even
then, doctors assured her it was a
At the time of her diagnosis,
benign collection of visible blood Georgie had recently retired
vessels. It would be several months from her athletic career. Having
competed as a triathlete from
before Georgie had the lump biopsied, the ages of 18 to 35 – first at the
and only then did she learn the news. University of Bath and later at
international level – she would
‘It was stage 2C melanoma,’ Georgie, often spend 12 to 15 hours a week
now 38, recalls. ‘I went numb. How training outside, more focused
on her workouts than on her
could this have gone from harmless sun-protection habits. ‘I’d put
blood vessels to cancer so quickly?’ sun cream on in the summer
or at the beach, but not during
During those months, Georgie’s training,’ she says. ‘I’d use some
melanoma had progressed – and during long runs or when I was
cycling, but I never reapplied
at the time of her diagnosis, doctors or wore it during outdoor swims.’
said there was a 60% chance of the Sadly, there’s a good chance those
habits contributed to her diagnosis.
cancer coming back after surgery. As many as 86% of melanoma
While not the most common of skin cancer cases in the UK are
preventable, according to Cancer
cancers in the UK, there are around Research UK, so protecting your
16,700 new melanoma skin cancer skin when outside – whether
cases each year, or around 46 every you’re pounding the pavement or
reclining by a pool – is paramount.
day – and rates are rising. Since What’s more, it’s thought that
the 1990s, incidences in the UK outdoor exercise is on the rise
– a hangover from pandemic-
have more than doubled. Still, the era habits; ONS data reveals that
diagnosis didn’t make sense to more than 75% of home workers
left the house to exercise during
Georgie. Though fair-skinned with the first lockdown, with the trend
blonde hair, she was fit and energetic, continuing the following year.
And while all this time outdoors
with no family history of skin cancer. is generally a good thing, it could
‘I assumed people with cancer felt be having a damaging effect.

Frequent exercisers were found

sick in some way,’ she explains. But to have a higher risk for melanoma,
she didn’t; far from it. according to one study*, with
the authors concluding that UV
exposure was likely to blame.

1 4 0 | J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3

What is
sun cream?
Formulated to withstand both water
and sweat for up to 80 minutes, these
products contain ingredients that either
help the sun cream better adhere to skin
or create a water-repellent film on its
Vitamin D surface, says Yehiel Amouyal, a cosmetic
is great, but chemist at Bryhel Cosmetic Laboratories.
UV exposure
certainly isn’t In the UK, if a sun cream claims to be
water-resistant or very water-resistant,
it will have been lab-tested using an
internationally recognised method. Still,
there’s a huge difference between what
happens in a lab and IRL, as well as how
much sun cream will come off if you’re
sweating for 80 minutes versus being
submerged in water for 80 minutes, says
Anthony Rossi, an assistant attending
dermatologist at Memorial Sloan
Kettering Cancer Center in New York, US.
If you’re swimming or surfing, disregard
that time claim and reapply any time you
come out of the water. Reapplication is
also key on windy days, as aggressive
gusts can cause the skin’s outer layer
to slough off more easily, exposing
skin to more UV rays. It’s best to opt
for a thicker cream on these days.

J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3 | 1 4 1

That’s not to say you should walk
away from outdoor workouts. In
fact, staying active has its own
unique benefits in relation to
cancer. Those with higher levels
of physical activity pre- and post-
diagnosis had improved survival
outcomes for 11 different types of
cancers, research shows*.‘Many
types, including melanoma, are
immune-mediated,’ says Elizabeth
Hale, a clinical associate professor
of dermatology at New York
University Langone Health in
the US. ‘When we’re stressed,
immune function suffers, and
exercise lowers stress levels,
meaning activity can help with
a cancer prognosis.’
What all of this does tell us
is that it’s critical to remain
diligent about shielding your
skin from UV damage, says Dr
Hale. Georgie’s approach to SPF
is by no means unique: only half
of UK adults are protecting their
skin while exercising, according
to Cancer Research UK. And we
get it – prioritising SPF during
outdoor workouts is challenging
when your mind is more likely

to be on stamina than skin cancer.
Plus, applying sun cream before,

much less during, a workout isn’t
as simple as, say, lathering it on
during the average day. You’ve
got water and sweat to contend
with, as well as the need to reapply.
But it’s worth the effort and to
make it a habit you can keep.

your SPF ritual
makes activity
even better

1 4 2 | J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3
The latest water- and sweat-
resistant sun creams feel so good
on your skin that you’ll want to
use them before you hit the road,
First things first: you should wear
bike path, tennis court or waves
a broad-spectrum sun cream on
all areas of exposed skin. Make
sure the product you pick is
labelled as sweat- or water- reapplication can’t be overstated.
resistant to ensure it’ll last for Dr Hale suggests basting your For intense exercise
the duration of your workout skin in another SPF layer any time This must-have mist
(learn more in ‘What is water- you’re outside for longer than 90 contains bisabolol to
resistant sun cream?’ on the minutes – and sooner if you’re in soothe a sweaty face
previous spread). Also, try the water or sweating a lot. Seeing and reduce redness.
to plan your outdoor activity as reapplying on sweaty skin
UltraViolette Preen
for the early morning or late doesn’t feel great, gently pat your Screen SPF50+
afternoon, avoiding the sun slick spots with a towel to remove Reapplication Mist, £32
between the hours of 10am excess perspiration before adding
and 2pm, when the UV index is a fresh coat, says Dr Rossi. Stick
strongest, says Dr Hale. (The UV products are great on-the-go For breathability
index predicts when ultraviolet options because they can be Prone to an oily T-zone?
radiation will reach its highest easily stashed in a gym bag, This gives a matte
levels, using a scale of one to 11+.) running vest or belt bag. finish and keeps skin
Even better, wear protective Today, Georgie is healthy and breathing freely.
kit. Dr Hale, who cycles and runs cancer-free. Her melanoma was Lancaster Protection in
outdoors, is never without a hat, surgically removed one month Motion Sun Sport Invisible
Face Gel SPF30, £25
sunglasses and a long-sleeve UPF after her diagnosis, although her
(Ultraviolet Protection Factor) recovery took several years; it was
top. She also consumes oral further complicated by chronic
antioxidants 30 minutes before lymphoedema – caused by the For hydration
prolonged periods of sun removal of her lymph nodes. But This light-touch SPF
exposure. Heliocare oral the entire experience reshaped is packed with vitamin
E and aloe vera to
supplements (£34.99, heliocare. her approach to sun-protection. hydrate and protect.
co.uk) are another option, as ‘I thought I was doing a good job
research has shown they can wearing sun cream before this, BaliBody Hydrating
decrease UV-induced damage. but I realise now it was very Body Sunscreen
SPF50+, £19.95
But remember that these pills half-hearted,’ she says. ‘These
aren’t sun cream substitutes. days, I wear SPF year-round and
Instead, think of them as an reapply it on my full body. Plus,
For max protection
extra layer of protection in I wear a cap and sunglasses and
This one’s budge-proof
addition to your SPF of choice. won’t swim without a sleeve and combats extreme
As Georgie’s experience on. I want people to know what heat thanks to its
makes clear, the importance of happened to me, especially those superoxide dismutase.
who still think having post-race
tan lines is cool.’ Ultrasun Extreme
SPF50+ Very High
Sun Protection, £54

For swimmers
The wetter or sweatier
you get, the harder
this works to keep
you protected.

Shiseido Sports
Invisible Protective
The minimum level of sun Mist SPF50+, £41
protection you should look for in
any product you’re slathering on
Source: National Health Service

J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3 | 1 4 3
Travel Well

Retreat from
the world
Your commitment to health doesn’t take a break when you
do. From bucket-list backdrops to spaces designed with
your emotional baggage in mind, check in – then zone out

J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3 | 1 4 5
Into the wild
with your
inner child

30 years with her husband

01 Wendell. After the small matter of
a global pandemic to contend with,
St Lucia the couple’s dream of opening
a wellbeing centre came to life.
What: Yoga in the Caribbean
Where: Sol Sanctum Hotel What’s on the wellbeing menu?
and Wellness Studio, Rodney What set Sol Sanctum apart from
Bay on the north-west coast your average yoga retreat is that
How much: Rooms from £147pn, it’s not just for tourists. Locals
including vegan breakfast; joined the meditation, yoga, core
solsanctum.com strength and tai chi classes with
Who: Amanda Statham, guests who stayed in the spacious
WH contributing travel editor rooms – and you could go to as
many (or as few) classes as you
You had me at ‘St Lucia’ liked. But while some used it as
While St Lucia has more obvious a base for the beach that’s five ‘expectations lessen our joy’, echoed
appeal than a wellness weekend in minutes up the road, I was there in my head whenever I thought that
Skegness, the white sand beaches, to hone my yoga and meditation those around me should be doing
waving palms and warm sea weren’t practice, so I tried as many classes more. Pretending to be a newborn
the only things that made it special. as I could. Meditation with Marise baby during yoga with instructor
Tucked away in a quiet side street was so beautiful, I made a promise Janelle was more... experiential.
in lively Rodney Bay (St Lucia’s to myself to do her Zoom classes With our eyes closed, we pretended
answer to Brighton), Sol Sanctum when I returned home. After some we were in the womb before lying
has something no other hotel has: chanting, we were led through on our stomachs as newborns and
Marise Skeete. Marise has been a series of mantras, followed by then learning to crawl, stand and
teaching Art of Living – a worldwide a discussion on karma. I was walk. It’s a long way from Yoga
yoga movement started by Ravi surprised to find myself opening With Adrienne, but seeing the
Shankar – and breathwork for over up and Wendell’s wise words, world through the eyes of a toddler

1 4 6 | J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3
Travel Well

– was right for me (I went

with Relax). Next, you choose
a treatment from the extensive
Spain menu, which spans traditional
and Ayurvedic options, as well
What: A revitalising retreat as some I had to google. Think:
in the Andalusian hills sway-waver massages (the table
Where: La Zambra Hotel, rocks and rotates to replicate the
Andalusia, Mijas, Costa del Sol feeling of floating) and Tibetan
How much: Rooms from sound bowl therapy. I punted
£361pn, including breakfast; for the full-body massage before
lazambrahotel.com taking a literal interpretation of
Who: Priyankaa Joshi, a ‘daybed’ and staying put until
WH health and fitness writer dinner. If you’re in the market for
something less horizontal, there’s
Isn’t the Costa del Sol more a yoga and Pilates studio, top-spec
hen do than healthy? gym and tennis courts, all of which
Unwind This historic hotel might be half I planned to go to before the spa
in the an hour from Marbs, but perched reduced me to a state of relaxation
in the rolling Andalusian hills one step up from comatose.
close to the postcard-pretty white
village of Mijas Pueblo, it feels You mentioned dinner…
a world away from the sun, sex and Ah, dinner. Your taste buds are
sangria resorts the southern coast in for a treat. But let’s start with
is famous for. First opened in 1984 breakfast, as is customary. Expect
as Byblos Hotel, it was certainly a stylish, local spread: fresh fruit,
an ‘it’ destination for the glitterati yoghurts and pastries alongside
– including The Rolling Stones and made-to-order options such as avo
Princess Diana. Now, after closing on sourdough and Nutella crepes.
for 12 years, it’s been relaunched Come lunchtime, nab a table on
as La Zambra. The hotel’s slogan is the sunny terrace and feast on
‘the freedom to be whatever your salmorejo – a refreshing gazpacho-
was miraculous – I’ve never done heart tells you’; guests can indulge esque soup made with tomatoes,
a class like it, but I’d do it again. in whatever sets their soul alight, stale bread and lots of extra virgin
even if that’s lazing by the pool, olive oil. Then, once you’ve dragged
Sounds intense, any time cava in one hand, book in the other. yourself off your daybed, head to
for sightseeing? Picador to feast on tapas with a
Plenty. After a morning class, I’d And when I’m not quaffing cava? twist and finish off the night at the
spend a delightful hour making You’ll be in the airy, oh-so quiet dimly lit cocktail bar, Bamboleo,
a dent in the vegan breakfast: Mood Spa. Complete with Turkish for an expertly mixed negroni that
porridge, homemade jams and baths, saunas, dynamic pools and will give you all the feels.
ackee – a fruit with a nutty taste an ice bath, it’s the kind of spa
that you’ll find all over the where you’re handed a cup of
Caribbean – before taking off jasmine tea on arrival and asked
on a day trip. At Diamond Falls, about your wellbeing. This, along
I covered myself in mineral-rich with a detailed questionnaire,
volcanic mud before washing it helped my therapist decide which
off beneath a waterfall. And hiking of the wellness journeys – Relax,
up the mountain peak Gros Piton Heal, Reconnect, Vitalise or Glow
is an experience I’ll remember
forever. Setting off at sunrise
with my guide Barney, I felt like
an extra in Jumanji, scrambling on
rocks and sweating in the tropical
heat. Passing tired walkers on the
hike up only added to the sense of
achievement when we reached the
top. Come the evening, I’d walk to

Spinnakers Restaurant & Beach

See you on
Bar for a seafood supper while the terrace
watching the sun set in paradise. for drinks

J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3 | 1 47
A groom
with a view

saw the full moon reflected on

the inky surface of Lake Orta
and actually gasped. Any anxieties
Italy about going fully offline for the
five-day retreat (not a rule, but
What: Meditation in gently encouraged – you’re also
northern Italian mountains not allowed to use phones except
Where: Mandali Retreat Center, in private) dissipated. You’ll want
Quarna Sopra, Piedmont, Italy to drink up every last drop.
How much: From £775 for six days
Who: Roisín Dervish-O’Kane, So, what do you actually do?
WH senior editor Days follow a loose structure I
melted into with ease. You rise,
When you say ‘retreat’... you attend a group meditation at
A ‘healthy-ish’ holiday with the 7.30am before breakfasting on a The mat
is waiting
girls isn’t what this is. Guests veritable feast of an organic buffet for you
travel up the winding mountain (goat’s cheese, golden-yolked eggs
to Mandali to work through what’s and the most intensely flavoured
been going on for them, via yoga, tomatoes you’ve ever eaten), in and there’s always somewhere
meditation, rest and locally grown silence. There is, blessedly, coffee. to seek softness when the hours
vegetarian food. The experience For the AM and PM yoga sessions, of silence, meditation and deep
is cradled by the gentle – but not I could choose between a gentle, introspection have you feeling
coddling – guidance of the hosts hatha-informed class led by a as emotionally armoured as a
and splendour of the surroundings. warm San Franciscan with earth hairless cat. After dinner (epic
And ‘splendour’ doesn’t do it mother energy – or a more primal, pasta dishes, roasted root veggies
justice. The natural beauty of this rhythmic vinyasa-cum-ashtanga and greens that bore no relation
place slaps you around the face offering with a stricter teacher to the kind I cook up in my own
and commands your attention. from Istanbul. On this retreat, kitchen) and evening meditation,
On my first night, I walked out there’s always some place to go I’d read in front of the roaring fire
of the evening group meditation, when you want to push yourself, or enjoy the stillness of my

1 4 8 | J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3
Travel Well

Soak up
this special

The path
to inner

bedroom, soundscaped by
church bells and hooting owls.

Sounds sort of hard for

a relaxing holiday…
It really depends on your intent.
Some were there to wrestle with
life’s big stuff: divorce, terminal
illness or the psychological toll
of becoming a mother during
the pandemic. But it’s only as
intense as you want it to be. You
can wander around the village
with architecture reminiscent of
Shakespeare’s Verona, or snuggle
under a fluffy blanket on the
terrace overlooking the lake
instead of attending timetabled
sessions. I was pretty introspective
for the first few days (wear an ‘in
silence’ badge and no one bothers
you – bliss). But by the last day, I
was swapping stories and numbers
with my fellow guests; men and
women – spanning across several
decades – who, like me, felt more
alive after taking the well-needed
time to rest and reset in this quiet, Gain a fresh
contemplative and special place. I’m perspective
already dreaming of my return.

J U LY/A U G U S T 2 0 2 3 | 1 4 9

Picture credit:

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Dina Asher-Smith JOB: Sprinter

AGE: 27
The fastest British woman in history on the power of vulnerability Have a guess
and why her psychologist endorses fashion shows and facials WIND-DOWN SECRET:
Cooking for friends

There isn’t time to explore
local areas when we go
STRUGGLE to major championships
I’m used to having because I tend to keep
physical setbacks, but my schedules quite tight:
when the challenge is do the press conference,
emotional, particularly run the race and fly home.
when it’s something like This year’s Diamond
grief [which Dina suffered League event is taking
during competition season place in Florence. When
last year], it’s a totally new I went previously, I loved
space for me to navigate. reading up about
I had to really go through Renaissance art, so
a vulnerable process of... I’m quite excited
not grieving, but just to go back.
trying to get myself to a
place where I felt I could
perform at my 100% again.
I [like attending
fashion week
DISCOVER because] I
I learned that I’m far more need to be in
resilient than I think. It a space where I
was a lot for me: I felt like completely detach from
my body and mind were running. Coming from
in two different places and a sport that’s so black
I was trying to join them and white, I find the

up. It proved to me the personality types in
power of psychology creative spaces inspiring
and the mind. Also, how and energising. My psych
letting helpful people and much. My favourite meal with the oil actively encourages
emotions in, in the right is dinner. I have someone and really me to spend more time
ways and at the right time, who helps me with my enjoying with people like that.
is a good thing – it can nutrition, so I don’t always that.
help to push you further. get to cook a lot – but I
love trying out new things.
UNWIND I see every year as a clean
FUEL My psychologist slate, even if you won
When I was younger NOURISH recommended that, everything that year or
and it was the off season, I’m very picky about my every few weeks, if you didn’t have the best
I used to be like, ‘Yay! skincare on race day – I I should go for some one. Every time you step
All the junk food.’ But always need to be glowing experience where up to that line, it’s a clean
as I’ve got older, I don’t and feeling like my 100% I switch off: it has to be slate, a fresh start. You have
like unhealthy food that self. But, obviously, I’m physical, there has to be to perform excellently to
going to be rolling around some sort of touch and really be worthy of your
and kneeling on the I have to be off my phone. name and earn who you
ground, so I need to be She recommended facials are. I mean, it’s not like
moisturised as well. I don’t and I only had to be told if you’re a champion you
want to be looking dry if once! I try to get them get a 10m head start.
I’m going to win. Recently, in every few weeks. It’s
I’ve been combining the purely for relaxation and Dina is the face of Aveeno’s
Aveeno body cream it’s worked wonders. My Sensitive Side campaign

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