Ethics 203 - Chapter 2
Ethics 203 - Chapter 2
Ethics 203 - Chapter 2
THE PHILOSOPHICAL BACKGROUND OF BUSINESS ETHICS Morality refers to the quality of goodness or
badness in human act. Good is described as moral and bad
Introduction is described as immoral. It means conformity to the rules of
Business Ethics as an applied branch of General Ethics must the right conduct. It implies judgment and refers to what we
be studied from the perspective of philosophy. This is because could call moral standards and moral conduct while ethics is
ethics is a part of philosophy, and t it is unthinkable to discuss used to refer to the formal study of those standards and
conduct. For this reason, Ethics is also often called “moral
ethical concepts and moral principles without being
philosophical. Secondly, the process of moral reasoning
involves use of metaphysical technologies and concepts that Ethics, on the other hand, involves the study of
is best understood only in the light of philosophical those standards and judgment which people create. Ethics
abstractions. assumes that the standards exist and seeks to describe
them, to evaluate them, or to evaluate the premises upon
A. Ethics and Philosophy which those standards exist. Ethics, basically indicates the
nature of moral principles, ethical systems and moral norms
What is Philosophy? that people use to justify their moral judgment.
These different definitions of philosophy only affirm that There are three categories of General Ethics;
it is a metaphysical science which basically deals with
abstractions. It is from this perspective that Business Ethics, 1. Descriptive Ethics consists of studying and describing
as an applied branch of philosophy must be discussed since the morality of people, culture, or society. It also makes
it involves investigating the human values which are comparisons and contrasts on the different values,
basically metaphysical in nature and which are operative in principles, code of ethics, beliefs, and practices of
fiduciary relationships both in business transactions and in people. It does not prescribe or attempt to assess the
the interactions of people in business organizations and in moral soundness of any ethical system but only to
the corporate world. describe objectively the values and belief of people.
B. ETHICS AND MORALITY It does not prescribe how people should act,
rather it describes how people, when grouped and
The term ethics and morality are often used observed in their own cultural realities, actually
interchangeably. Indeed, these terms usually can mean the differ in their behaviour. What is good or bad,
same thing, and in casual conversation there is not a moral or immoral according to this theory is
problem with switching between one and the other. relative to the people’s own culture or sets of
However, there is a distinction between them in philosophy. cultural beliefs and practices.
● Kantianism is also known as the categorical ● Man is able to distinguish or to know what is good
imperative approach, the idea that one or what is bad. Of all creatures, only man has the
should always base his action on maxims or capacity to know the difference between good
rules that are believed to be universal. For and bad action.
Kant moral goodness or badness of the act ● Man is always obligated to do good and to avoid
does not depend on the consequences of the evil. In any given circumstance, man is the only
act but on the motive or intention of the actor, creature who feels time primary duty to do what is
the motive is good if it is an expression of the good and to avoid what is evil.
person’s sense of duty. ● Man knows that he is accountable for his actions-
good or bad. Of all creatures, only man realize
● Divine Command Theory holds that the that the performance if an action entails reward
standard of right and wrong is the will or law and punishments. If he does an evil action, he
of God. The Christian Ethics is an example of expects punishment.
an ethical system that uses deontological
approach in evaluating the morality of human 2. Freud’s Theory of the Id, Ego, and the Superego
conduct, the will of God is expressed in the
Bible and in tradition of Roman Catholic Freud believes that the human mind has three important
Church. components, that of the preconscious, conscious, and
unconscious. No other psychologist except Freud has
2. Teleological Ethics or consequentialist theory studied the unconscious part of the human mind.
measures the morality of an action based on its
consequences and not in the motive or intention of the Freud founded the Psychoanalysis Theory where the
actor. If the consequences is good, regardless of the approach is to understand human behavior which views men
motive, then act is always morally good. and women as constantly between internal unconscious
forces and external social forces. The key points of
Examples: psychoanalytic theory are the following;
● Hedonism or the view that measures is the only ● Man must learn to control his inborn desires.
good as an end. ● Man must achieve fulfilment in ways that are
harmonious with others.
2. Conventional