Brian Evans - Foundations of A Visual Music
Brian Evans - Foundations of A Visual Music
Brian Evans - Foundations of A Visual Music
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Music Journal
Evans 11
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Rudolph Arnheim said, "One of the basic visual ex- PB~ lii~i '??'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'
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Evans 13
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tion of proportio
structions as wel
phi are well docu
1983). Stockhause
(a number series
several of his ear
tion of many mathematical constants, of including
phi 42, can even b
I3, and various other geometric constructions, which illus- should not
trating their application in everythingand from Grecian
the divine pr
urns to furniture to typography (Hambidge "secret
1919, knowledg
1932). The "secret" of the golden sectionIt was re-
should be stres
vealed during the Renaissance in Luca Pacioli's
are not a panacea
book Da Divina Proportione, which was tionwidely or visual con
read by artists of the time. doubtedly useful
Also at this time, Leon Battista Alberti composition
published requ
his writings on painting and architecture. the He de-picture plane.
scribed the system of one-point perspective visualand the music sho
application of the Pythagorean proportions in of allmusicits various a
to visual construction. Figure 3 is taken foundations
from a har- cour
monic analysis of Botticelli's Birth of Venus From by an underst
Charles Bouleau (1963). Here, we see an application in the pictu
of phi on the cut of the horizon line along with a
variations, and lar
composition based on the simple harmonic propor- of design el
tions of 9:12:16. Botticelli here used Alberti's musi- lesson in a book b
cal consonances. For Alberti, proportion was a visual a century ago. Th
music. In Botticelli's application of these propor- single design, wh
tions, we see the interval of the perfect fourth (9:12,"Little can be exp
or 3:4) and what Alberti called the duple diatessaron, Space [which] I s
or double fourth (9:16, or 32:42) (Alberti 1955). SITION ... all bein
Simple-number proportions are a foundation of principle, PROP
Western music intervals, but we can find applica- (Dow 1899).
Evans 15
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Figure 6
dynamics or harmonic procession (Whitney 1980). movements of the dancers resolve into single fig-
These moments of resonance provide points of vi- ures, reminiscent of a musical canon at the cadence
sual consonance. Moving away from and back to the when all voices come together.
consonance creates tension and resolution. Oskar Fischinger's Study No. 10 (1932), in black
Norman McClaren's Pas De Deux (1968) showsand white, is a wonderful example of this single-
mostly single-shot action using time-lapse filmingshot approach with movement through moments of
visual consonance. In this piece, Fischinger creates
of two dancers. The piece presents another approach
abstract materials that directly follow and express
to Whitney's idea of differential dynamics. Definite
the phrases and feeling of the music.
points of resolution occur when all the time-lapsed
(a) (b)
Red Red
ue Ye ll ow Blue Green
green cyan
Considering Color
tion of color, especially hue, can vary widely based
on genetics and experience (Livingstone 2002).
Color can Atalso the very least, color inbe art is confusing.useTake
resolution, for examplealthough
the two color circles seen in Figure 7.
Artists Both are used to determine
have develop complementary colors.
the past A basic tenet
centuries. of color theory is that complementary A
is harmony. colors (those directlyIn opposite on the circle) create
De Grandis color harmony. said,
The circle on the left shows the "A
assumption standard color primaries
that as understood by artists
cord of over the centuries: red, yellow,
parts of and blue ("RYB").
a Jo- w
the relationships hannes Itten formalized this color circle in develop-
components" ing the color theories he taught (De at the Bauhaus. G
The problem This approach to color is still taught in many art in
nents should schools today (Itten 1973).
be orga
versal The circle on the right is the one used in com-
Professor puterofgraphics displays as they project light. It uses
studies how the additive primaries
the of red, green, and eyeblue (RGB).
notes that "much of what has been written about When added together, these primaries will make
color in art is nonsense." She points out that the white light. The complementary colors in this circle
brain processes hue and luminance (also called are cyan, magenta, and yellow (CMY), also called
value) separately. Some aspects of vision, such as the subtractive primaries, which theoretically pro-
depth perception and the separation of figure and duce black (the absence of light) when combined. As
ground, are colorblind, meaning that we get our vi- one mixes them, more and more light is absorbed or
sual cues from value alone. And the human percep- subtracted. Commercial and digital printing pro-
Evans 17
Evans 19
Evans 21
Evans 23