Aravind Rangamreddy 500195259 cs3
Aravind Rangamreddy 500195259 cs3
Aravind Rangamreddy 500195259 cs3
Introduction –
Objectives/Research Questions –
4. Provide a case study of example where optimization problem can be solved using the
deterministic model with constraints, objective function, and decision variables (you are not
required to actually solve the problem).
Imagine you are the manager of a health care center, and your aim is to benefit as many
patients as possible. Let us say, for the sake of simplicity, you have two types of patients—
regular and severe patients, and the demand for the health service is unlimited for both these
types. Regular patients can achieve two units of health benefits and severe ones can achieve
three units. Each patient, irrespective of severity, takes 15 minutes for consultation; only one
patient can be seen at any given point in time. You have 1 hour of total time at your disposal.
Regular patients require $25 of medications, and severe patients require $50 of medications.
You have a total budget of $150. What is the greatest health benefit this center can achieve
given these inputs and constraints?
At the outset, this problem seems straightforward. One might decide on four regular
patients to use up all the time that is available. This will achieve eight units of health benefit
while leaving $50 as excess budget. An alternate approach might be to see as many severe
patients as possible because treating each severe patient generates more per capita health
benefits. Three patients (totaling $150) would generate nine health units leaving 15 minutes
extra time unused. There are other combinations of regular and severe patients that would
generate different levels of health benefits and use resources differently.
The graphically representation, with regular patients on the x-axis and severe patients
on the y-axis. Line CF is the time constraint limiting total time to 1 hour. Line BG is the budget
constraint limiting to $150. Any point to the southwest of these constraints (lines), respectively,
will ensure that time and budget do not exceed the respective limits. The combination of these,
together with non-negativity of the decision variables, gives the feasible region.
The lines AB-BD-DF-FA form the boundary of the feasibility space, shown shaded in the
figure. In problems that are three- or more dimensional, these lines would be hyperplanes. To
obtain the optimal solution, the dashed line is established, the slope depends on the relative
health units of the two decision variables (i.e., the number of regular and severe patients seen).
This dashed line moves from the origin in the northeast direction as shown by the arrow. The
optimal solution is two regular patients and two severe patients. This approach uses the entire
1-hour time as well as the $150 budget. Because regular and severe patients achieve two- and
three-unit health benefits, respectively, we are able to achieve 10 units of health benefit and
still meet the time and budget constraints.