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PED 303 Questions

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Q1. Write the meaning and importance of Physical Education.


In short, physical education is about learning to exercise. It might involve playing a
team sport such as rugby with your classmates, or it might involve aerobic activity.
There may also be a theoretical element to physical education, as students might
also learn about muscles groups and proper nutrition. However, as its name
indicates, physical education is very much about physical movement.

Physical education lessons should always be empowering. Though some sports do

have an element of competition to them, it is crucial to ensure that all of the
participants are having fun. Thus, good sportsmanship is one of the vital lessons that
children will learn in physical education lessons.

Why is physical education important?

It is so important to get at least 20 minutes of exercise on average every day.
Scheduling physical education into the school day makes it so much easier to get the
exercise that your body needs. It also means that children get into good habits
regarding exercise from an early age, habits which they can carry into adulthood.

Physical education is also important because it teaches skills such as team playing,
mutual support and also practically teaches kids how to play various sports.

What is more, PE lessons can be the place where the great athletes of the future can
be discovered Many PE teachers will encourage their best athletes to try out for
regional events, and that may ultimately lead to that athlete competing at a national
and then international level.

Even if a child is not an amazing athlete, though, PE will leave them feeling more
confident about their body: strong, flexible and dynamic. Physical education can be
enjoyed by absolutely everyone, at all levels. Physical activity leaves you feeling
great both mentally and physically: people who exercise more generally feel more
positive about their life than do people who have a more sedentary lifestyle.

Communities can come together through physical education. You can get involved,
too, by setting up a sports club or volunteering to help out with physical education.
PE can also take place after school or in the community away from the school.
Q2. What is warming up and cooling down in Physical Education?


Warm-up and cool-down

The purpose of warming up before physical activity is to prepare mentally and
physically for your chosen activity.

Warming up increases your heart rate and therefore your blood flow. This enables
more oxygen to reach your muscles.

A warm-up also activates and primes the connections between your nerve and
muscles, which improves the efficiency of movement. Additionally, your range of
motion (flexibility) should be increased by dynamic stretching.

How do I warm up before exercise?

A warm-up for light physical activity will take around 10 minutes. It involves light
aerobic activity and some dynamic stretching movements appropriate for the activity
you’re about to perform. This could include:

• fast-paced walking
• walking up and down stairs
• fast-paced side stepping
• jogging on the spot
• arm swings
• lunges
• squats

There's little evidence that static stretching reduces your risk of injury during physical
activity or exercise, or even soreness the next day. However dynamic stretching,
incorporated into an aerobic warm-up, remains very popular.

How do I cool down after exercise?

To cool down after exercise, simply reduce the intensity of the activity you've been
doing. For example, turn a:

• jog into a walk

• run into a jog
• fast swim into an easy swim

This'll help you gradually reduce your heart rate and begin the process of recovery.
Gently stretching each of the main muscle groups for 10 to 15 seconds will restore
their length and can help bring your mind and body back to a resting state.
Q3.Write the Four Rules and Regulations of your games.


Badminton has many intricate rules and regulations. The Badminton World
Federation has done a thorough job of compiling these rules and laying them out in
an organized manner for you to learn. Check them out along with their vocabulary
and simplified badminton rules below.

Below are some basic rules you need to know:

• A match consists of the best of three games to 21 points

• Every time there is a serve, one point is scored
• If the score is 20-20, the individual or team must win by two points to win the
• In terms of serving, at the beginning of the game when the score is 0-0 or if the
server’s score is even, they will serve from the right service court. However, when
the server’s score is odd, they will serve from the left service court.
• The rally is over once the birdie contacts the floor, does not return over the net,
or lands outside the court lines.

It is important to highlight, there are also different rules or regulations depending on

if you are playing singles or doubles. Look at the image below to understand the
difference of the service line and area of play between singles and doubles matches.
Q4. Write about the Pranayam.

What exactly is pranayama?

Pranayama is the ancient practice of controlling your breath. You control the timing,
duration, and frequency of every breath and hold.
The goal of pranayama is to connect your body and mind. It also supplies your body
with oxygen while removing toxins. This is meant to provide healing physiological
Pranayama involves different breathing techniques. Examples include:

• alternate nostril breathing (nadishodhana)

• victorious breath (ujjayi)
• female honeybee humming breath (bhramari)
• bellows breath (bastrika)

These breathing exercises can be practiced in many ways. For instance, you can do
them while performing yoga poses. You can also practice them while meditating or
on their own.

What are the benefits according to science?

The benefits of pranayama have been extensively researched.
According to scientific studies, pranayama may benefit your health in a variety of
different ways.

1. Decreases stress
2. Improves sleep quality
3. Increases mindfulness
4. Reduces high blood pressure
5. Improves lung functioN
6. Enhances cognitive performance
7. Reduces cigarette cravings
Q5. What are the Benefits of Yoga?


Benefits of Yoga
• Yoga improves strength, balance and flexibility.
Slow movements and deep breathing increase blood flow and warm up
muscles, while holding a pose can build strength.

• Yoga helps with back pain relief.

Yoga is as good as basic stretching for easing pain and improving mobility in
people with lower back pain. The American College of Physicians recommends
yoga as a first-line treatment for chronic low back pain.

• Yoga can ease arthritis symptoms.

Gentle yoga has been shown to ease some of the discomfort of tender, swollen
joints for people with arthritis, according to a Johns Hopkins review of 11 recent

• Yoga benefits heart health.

Regular yoga practice may reduce levels of stress and body-wide inflammation,
contributing to healthier hearts. Several of the factors contributing to heart
disease, including high blood pressure and excess weight, can also be
addressed through yoga.

• Yoga relaxes you, to help you sleep better.

Research shows that a consistent bedtime yoga routine can help you get in the
right mindset and prepare your body to fall asleep and stay asleep.

• Yoga can mean more energy and brighter moods.

You may feel increased mental and physical energy, a boost in alertness and
enthusiasm, and fewer negative feelings after getting into a routine of
practicing yoga.

• Yoga helps you manage stress.

According to the National Institutes of Health, scientific evidence shows that
yoga supports stress management, mental health, mindfulness, healthy
eating, weight loss and quality sleep.
Q6. Write about two Terms-(1) Strength (2) Endurance


• Strenght
Strength can be defined as the ability to overcome resistance or to act against

Types of strength:

Maximumu Strength: It is the ability to overcome or to act against resistance. It

is the maximum force which is applied by the muscles to perform any certain activity.
For developing maximum strength intensity is high and repetitions are less.

Explosive Strength: It is a combination of strength and speed abilities. It is the

ability to overcome resistance with high speed. For developing explosive strength,
the intensity is sub-maximum and repetitions are performed as fast as possible.

Strength Endurance: It is the ability to overcome resistance or to act against

resistance under conditions of fatigue.

• Endurance
Endurance can be defined as the ability to withstand stress over prolonged periods
of time. An endurance sport is therefore any sport in which there is a prolonged
physical stress.
Types of endurance:

Basic Endurance: Also known as aerobic endurance,because basic endurance

depends mainly on aerobic endurance.In fact, basic endurance is the ability to
perform movements in which large number of body muscles are involved and the
activity is performed at slow speed or pace for a long duration.

General Endurance: General endurance means doing sports activity in the

condition of fatigue.General endurance is not specific to any sports.It is developed
through general exercises. The better the general endurance , better the
performance in sports.

Specific Endurance: Specific endurance is the ability to resist the fatigue caused
by a particular sports activity.As the nature of fatigue is different from sports to
sports, the specific endurance is different from sports to sports.For example, the
specific endurance for a wrestler is to combat effectively in three rounds or six
minutes, whereas it is 4 rounds for a boxer.
Q7. Which Exercise is good for development of good Posture?


Effective exercises to improve posture

Maintaining proper posture requires adequate muscle strength, joint motion, and
balance, according to the American Chiropractic Association.
The following exercises focus on increasing muscle strength and flexibility for better

• Bridges
Bridges help strengthen the gluteal and abdominal muscles, which helps relieve
excess stress in the lower back.

To do a bridge:

• Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
• Lift your hips by engaging your core and buttocks muscles. The buttocks
and lower back should raise off the ground.
• Gently lower back down to the starting position.

• Plank
Plank Pose helps improve posture by strengthening muscles in the shoulders and
back as well as the core, glutes, and hamstrings. It also encourages proper alignment
of the spine.

To plank:

• Get down onto your hands and knees. Make sure that your hands align with
your shoulders and your knees align with your hips.
• Come onto the balls of the feet by lifting your heels and straightening your
legs. The body should form a straight line.
• Keep your chest open and shoulders back.
• Hold this position for 30–60 seconds.

• Hip flexor stretch

This stretch gently opens the hips and improves balance and coordination, which can
help improve posture.
To do a hip flexor stretch:
• Kneel with your right knee on the ground.
• Place your left foot in front and bend your knee at a 90-degree angle.
• Keep your back straight, chest forward, and head upright.
• Place both hands on your left thigh.
• Gently press your hips forward and hold the position for 20–30 seconds.
• Repeat this stretch on the right side.

• Mountain Pose
Tadasana, or Mountain Pose, is a simple yoga position that can help improve posture.
Mountain Pose focuses on upright body alignment, and it incorporates several
aspects of good posture.

To do Mountain Pose:

• Stand upright with the feet hip width apart.

• Make sure to spread your weight evenly through both feet. Try gently
rocking forward and backward to feel how variations in weight distribution
affect posture.
• Keep a slight bend in your knees, squeeze your thighs, and tilt your tailbone
• Drop your shoulders down and back, so your chest comes forward
• Keep your shoulders relaxed and allow your arms to fall to the sides of the
body with your palms facing forward.
• Inhale and exhale slowly for a few breaths.

• Child’s Pose
This yoga pose lengthens the lower back and opens the hips. People can use Child’s
Pose as a resting position during yoga or other forms of exercise or as part of their
regular stretching routine.

To do Child’s Pose:

• Get down onto your hands and knees.

• Gently lean your body backward, keeping your hands in the same position.
• Continue leaning back until your forehead touches the floor.
• Your arms should make a straight line and your buttocks should rest on
your heels.
• Keep your arms straight and shoulders relaxed.
Q8. What is Recreational Game?



The game is a recreational activity involving one or several participants. It's role to
provide satisfaction and entertainment to players. However, games can also play an
educational role, helping mental and physical stimulation, and contribute to the
development of practical and psychological skills. IN General, the games involve a
certain level of competence. Regarding the recreational games, the competitive value
is minimized (find out who is the winner has no importance; the key is the playful
side of the activity). That said, the games do not take account of productivity and
should never be mandatory for participants.
As a purely recreational activity, the games want to be quite deliberately, in a relaxed
and enthusiastic atmosphere. The goal here is to bring satisfaction to the players, so
relaxed, thus get rid of the daily tension States. In recreational
games, should not expect a score, the aim being rather to participate not only for
Recreational games can take place also in open air or in spaces that closed in non-
fenced fields or in delimited areas. Each game can be designated depending on the
objective at which players want to achieve or according to the set of rules that
determine what they can do in the context of entertainment.

Recreational games differ from sport insofar as these tend to be competitive, because
their goal is to defeat. In other words, the sport is a modality that highlights the
Q9. What is the Objective of Free hand Exercise?


Types of free hand exercises:

1. Aerobic exercises
These are called Endurance —these aid in increasing the heart rate and breathing.
Doing endurance exercises helps in improving the heart and circulatory system
health. Brisk walking, biking, swimming, climbing stairs are some of the common
ways to improve endurance. Push-ups, planks, and squats are some free hand
exercises for endurance.

2. Strength exercises
It helps make everyday activities like climbing stairs, carrying groceries, etc., easy.
It also helps to prevent injuries and improve coordination by making the muscles
strong. Give equal importance to all the major muscle groups by working them out
at least twice a week. Push-ups and planks are some of the common free hand
exercises for strengthening muscles.

3. Balance exercises
These work on the legs, back, and core muscles. These exercises are quite
challenging, but with a little effort, it becomes easy. It helps to improve balance and
coordination. Heal-to-toe walking, toe taps, single-leg cross-body punches are some
free-hand exercises.

4. Flexibility exercises
These help improve flexibility and help you move freely and easily, whether to bend
and tie your shoes or look over the shoulder to back out the car. Some of the common
free hand exercises are backstretch, inner thigh stretch, ankle stretch, etc.

Benefits of free hand exercises?

There are many benefits of the best free hand workout. Some of them are shared

1. There is a low risk of injury when you are doing free hand exercise as you
are not using weights which are the major cause of injury during workouts.
2. It helps in gaining shape and muscle strength naturally, since no weights
are used and you are only using the bodyweight to train.
3. It helps to develop muscle mass when done with proper form and technique.
4. A freehand workout helps boost immunity as it builds muscles and improves
strength and boosts the immune system.
5. It tones not just the muscles but also the internal organs of the body.
6. Enhances blood circulation by supplying more oxygen and enriching with
fresh oxygen.
7. Free hand exercise to lose weight burns more calories and reduces obesity.
8. Boosts heart health.

Top free-hand exercises?

1. Running
It is a type of exercise that burns calories, tones muscles, and also strengthens the
heart and lungs. Add hills or wind sprints to get better results and alternate with high
and low-intensity workouts. When making wind sprints, do it as fast as you can
before starting the next sprint.

2. Push-ups
This is an essential freehand exercise that works on the shoulders, biceps, triceps,
and pecs. They also act as a great warm-up; exercise for hand fat and for moving
on to other difficult routines. There are many variations of this and the most basic
one is to remain parallel to the ground in an elevated position with the palms and
chest in line. From this position, go down until the chin touches the floor and slowly
push yourself back up to the start.

3. Squats
These are strengthening exercises for the butt, hips, and thighs. They are great at
improving the flexibility of the lower body. To do this free hand exercise at home,
stand tall, hinge your hips backward, bend your knees and lower the body as if you
are sitting on an invisible low chair. Do it as slowly as possible for the best results.

4. Skipping
It is a great free hand exercise to lose weight and quickly brings the heart rate up.
It can be done with a jump rope or by swinging the arms in a rotary motion while
jumping up and down. It is also a good arms workout for those who want to reduce
flabby arms.

5. Crunches
Ab crunches help to burn fat in the lower body and also build the abs muscle. To do
this exercise, lay on the floor on your back in a sleeping position.Crunches help to
lower down the fat percentage of your body. It is also beneficial for making your abs
Q10. Write the Difference between Asanas and Pranayam.


“Asana” is the Sanskrit word for a physical posture. Expressed in general terms Asana
denotes a specific position which can be held in a relaxed and comfortable manner
for a long period of time. In the 2nd Century before Christ, Patanjali wrote down the
principles of Yoga practice in the “Yoga Sutras” (aphorisms). He named only the
meditation posture “Asana” and the physical postures he termed “Yoga Vyayam”.
However, in common usage the dynamic Yoga exercises also became known as

Many Asanas were derived from the natural movements and positions of animals and
carry the names of animals such as “cat”, “deer”, “tiger”, “hare”, etc. These postures
make use of examples from nature on how to help oneself. Asanas have a far-
reaching effect upon body and mind. The animals instinctively used these
movements and positions because of their natural benefits. These effects are
attained through the practice of the Asanas. For example: Marjari (The Cat) for
stretching the body and the spine, Bhujangasana (The Cobra) for the release of
aggression and emotions, and Shashankasana (The Hare) for relaxation. The
headstand (Shirshasana) and Lotus (Padmasana), are regarded as the supreme or
“royal” Asanas.

Health Benefits from the Regular Practice of Asanas

• Flexibility of the spine is increased
• The joints become more mobile
• The muscles are relaxed, toned and receive a plentiful supply of blood
• Organ and glandular activity is stimulated and regulated
• The lymphatic system and metabolism are stimulated
• The immune system is strengthened
• Circulation and blood pressure are normalised and stabilised
• The nervous system is calmed and strengthened
• The skin becomes clear and fresh

Pranayama is the conscious and deliberate control and regulation of the breath
(Prana means breath, ayam means to control, to regulate). With each breath we
absorb not only oxygen, but also Prana. Prana is cosmic energy, the power in the
Universe that creates, preserves and changes. It is the basic element of life and
consciousness. Prana is also found in food, therefore it is very important to have a
healthy and wholesome vegetarian diet.
The conscious guidance of Prana in the body gives rise to an increase in vitality,
physical detoxification and improved immunity, as well as the attainment of inner
peace, relaxation and mental clarity.
In mythology it is said that the length of a person's life is predetermined by the
number of breaths. The Yogi tries to “conserve time” and lengthen life by slowing
down the breath [1].

Effects of Pranayamas
Physical Effects
• Preservation of the body’s health
• Purification of the blood
• Improvement in the absorption of oxygen
• Strengthening the lungs and heart
• Regulation of blood pressure
• Regulation of the nervous system
• Supporting the healing process and healing therapies
• Increasing resistance to infection

Mental Effects
• Elimination of stress, nervousness and depression
• Quietening of thoughts and emotions
• Inner balance
• Release of energy blockages

Spiritual Effects
• Deepening of meditation
• Awakening and purification of the Chakras (energy centres)
• Expansion of consciousness
Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture,
Technology & Sciences
B.Sc. (Hons) Horticulture II Semester
Course Code: PED 303
Course Title: Physical and Health Education

Submitted To:
Mr. Ashok Kumar Singh sir

Submitted By:
Name- Saransh Singh
Class- B.Sc.(Hons)Horticulture
Semester- II Semester

1. Write the meaning and importance of Physical Education.
2. What is warming up and cooling down in Physical Education?
3. Write the Four Rules and Regulations of your games.
4. Write about the Pranayama.
5. What is the Benefits of Yoga?
6. Write about any two Terms-(1) Strength (2) Endurance
7. Which Exercise is good for development of good Posture?
8. What is Recreational Game?
9. What is the Objective of Free hand Exercise?
10. Write the Difference between Asanas and Pranayama.

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