Government of India
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
(Forest Conservation Division)
Indira Paryavaran Bhawan,
Aligan), Jorbagh Road,
New Delhi-1 10003
Dated: 13th June, 2023,
The Addl. Chief Secretary/Principal Secretary (Forests),
All State/UT Governments
Sub: Clarification on the provisions of raising compensatory afforestation -
| am directed to refer to the Government of Sikkim’s and National Highway
Authority of India’s letter no. 2001/FCA/F&ED/998 dated 19.03.2023 and letter no.
11012/Env/Policy-FCRules-2022/e-192793 dated 03.03.2023, respectively on the
above subject. In this connection, it is to inform that the issue was considered by
the Advisory Committee in its meeting held on 24.03.2023. Minutes of the meeting
of the Advisory Committee may be accessed at www.parivesh.nic.in.
As per the provisions of rule 11 of the Forest (Conservation) Rules, 2022,
the provisions for raising compensatory afforestation on degraded forest land have
been extended to Central Government Public Sector Undertakings or State Public
Sector undertakings using forest land for captive coal mines on case to case basis.
The Ministry issued guidelines dated 18"" July 2022 clarifying the applicability of
the Forest (Conservation) Rules, 2022 and extension of provisions of earlier
guidelines contained in Handbook of Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 issued on
28.03.2019 FCA, to the extent not contrary or inconsistent with the extant rules.
However, Integrated Regional Offices of the Ministry in general and NHAI and
State of Sikkim in particular requested clarification regarding applicability of the
dispensations given under para 2.3 and 2.4 of the Handbook of Forest
(Conservation) Act, 1980 which allows use of recorded forest land and degraded
forest land, double in extent to the forest land being diverted.
Based on the recommendation of the Advisory Committee and approval of
the same by the competent authority, MoEF&CC, New Delhi, the Central
Government hereby provides the following clarification with regards to raising of
compensatory afforestation:
availablity of suitable non-forest land for CA in the Inion Territory will
be accepted by the Central Government only on the basis of a Certificate of
the State Government /Union territory Administration to that effect in respect
of States/UTs having forest area more than 33% of the geographical area in
the prescribed format.FC-11/118/2021-FC
ji, As a matter of pragmatism, the revenue lands/zudpi jungle/chhote/bade jhar
ka jungle/junglejhari land/civil-soyam/orange lands and all other such
categories of forest lands not under management and/or administrative
control of the State/UT Forest Department, on which the provisions of FC Act,
1980 are applicable, shall be considered for the purpose of compensatory
afforestation. Such lands on which compensatory afforestation is proposed
Shall be provided double in extent to the area proposed for diversion and shall
be transferred and mutated in the name of State Forest Department. It shall
be notified as Protected Forests (PF) under the Indian Forest Act, 1927 prior
to Stage-!! approval.
ii, In Arunachal Pradesh, Degraded Unclassed Forests (USF) shall be
considered for CA provided such land proposed for CA shall be double the
extent of area proposed for diversion. Such land shall be transferred and
mutated in the name of State Forest Department and notified as PF, under
IFA 1927 or Assam Forest Regulation 1891 or Anchal Forest Reserve/Village
Forest Reserve under the Arunachal Pradesh Forest Reserve/Village Forest
Reserve (Consolidation and Maintenance) Act 1975 as amended from time to
time, prior to Stage-II approval.
iv. Waste lands of Himachal Pradesh, which come under the category of
Protected Forests but have neitner been demarcated on the ground nor
transferred and mutated in the name of forest department in the revenue
records, shall be considered for the purpose of CA provided that double the
area of such category is covered under CA and is declared as PF under IFA,
1927 after mutation in the name of SFD prior to Stage-ll approval. This
dispensation shall be applicable for the Central, State and Private sector
v. In the following categories of proposals, cost of plantation of ten times the
number of trees likely to be felled or specified number of trees as may be!
specified in the order for diversion of forest land (subject to a minimum no. of
100 plants), shall be levied from the user agency towards compensatory
a, Clearing of naturally grown trees in forest land or in portion thereof for the
purpose of using it for reforestation,
. Underground mining in forest land without surface rights,
4, Renewal of mining lease for the forest area for which CA has already been
The State Forest Department shall execute the
vii, Any degraded forest land for the purpose of CA, selected by StateFC-11/118/2021-FC
Government as per above provisions, may be accepted by MoEF&CC only it
‘the crown density of the area is below 40 percent.
This issues with the approval of competent authority.
‘Yours faithfully,
Signed by eee
Charan Jeet Singh (earor Seat nah
Date: 13-06-2023 19:09:49 Scientist 'D"
Copy to:
1. The Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, All State/UT Governments
2. The Dy Director General of Forests (Central), All Regional Offices of the
8, The Addl. PGF & Nodal Officer (FCA), Office of the PCCF, All State/UIT
. Monitoring Cell, FC Division, MoEF, New Delhi
5. Guard File