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PRIMROSE HLL 1417 Registration No:2012/014881/07 Customs code: 217135185 VAT no: Tel: 083.422 0863, Fax Email: bernard@atricantransbordercoza SARS EDI RESPONSE NOTIFICATION STATUS: PROCEED TO BORDER DOCUMENT DETAILS: CONTAINERS: Importer / Gonsignee: AFRCANINANDLOGSTICS Exporter Supplier: TRANSNET ENGNEERNG A DWVISION OF TRANSNET SOC LTD; code Clearing Agent: AFRICAN TRANSBORDER SOLUTIONS (PTY) LTD code: 21136185 Form: SAD500 Country of Export: ZA ‘Agent File Number: ATS36763EXP Country of Dest: CD Purpose Code: H6000 (E16) Country of Origin: ZA Transport Code: 3 Port of Ext / Entry: GRB - Grobiers Customs Office on Entry: GRB ees Issued at: JOHANNESBURG Registration Number: MRN Num ber: GRBZ02306165011538 Bill of Entry Release Date: 2025.06.16 pond soa Bill of Entry Assessment Date: 2023.08.16, Inv. No & Date: AFRILOGOOO7 23.05.15 Rel. AuthJ Depot / Terminal: Cargo Status Cod UCR Num ber: 32A01488535CNVAFRILOGOOO7S Total Lines: 1 Pr 0.00 Number of Packages: 1 Environment Levy Mass (kG): 17450.00 ‘SchtP2B: Transaction Value: R 703185 Duty: Customs Value: 703185.00 var: 0.00 TRANSPORT DETAILS: Master Carler Code: House Carrier Code Transport Document Number: AFRLOGOOO7 Transport Document Date: 2023.08.18 House Eill Number: AFRILOGOO07 ‘Submaster: Vessel / Airline Name: Voyage / Fight Num ber: ‘Truck /Traller Number: BCD447ZM BCD448ZM Estimated Date of Arrival: Estimated Date of Departure: 2023.05.15, Remover Remover Transport Mode: EDI DETAILS: EDI Response Sent by SARS: 2023.08.16 10:34 Paperless or Hard Copy: Paperless EDI Resp. Received by Agent: 2023.08.16 FDI Recolved by SARS: 2023.08.16 LRNnumber: 21138185GR8202305 16097431 CUSRES Message Status: 8 ‘Customs District Office: GRS ‘Customs Response: PROCEED TO BORDER Description: PROCEED TO BORDER IES Advanced custo ' i SER SEEENS5) Prwteg 2305.18 105248 'SAD 500 - CUSTOMS DECLARATION FORM | -aadae TSE Emaar oerane rz ExporerCanegnor ey] SSE ee Cae antes NOT "TRANSNET ENGINEERING A ‘ore PPRTEOGOOO7. 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