2017analysis of Substrates in Microstrip Antenna Design

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of Industrial Pollution Control 33(2)(2017) pp 1759-1760

Review Article



Associate Professor, ECE Department, AVIT, Vinayaka Missions University, Chennai, India.

Professor, ECE Department, Muthayammal Engineering College, Rasipuram-637408, India.

Assistant Professor, AVIT, Vinayaka Missions University, Chennai, India..

(Received 25 May, 2017; accepted 22 December, 2017)

Key words: Microstrip, Antenna design, Industrial applications


Microstrip antenna design uses the dielectric substrate materials of varying constant values. The use
of cost effective substrate material is suggested from the research outcome in this paper. RT duroid
material can be used for military applications and FR4 may be utilized for industrial applications.

INTRODUCTION The antenna substrate is used for the applications of

wireless communication (Kiran and Keshav, 2012).
Dielectric substrates are unavoidable materials
in microstrip antenna design. The characteristics of ANTENNA DESIGN
that antenna are varied by using different substrate A circular shaped meander antenna stacked
materials, changing the thickness and relative structure is designed. The antenna consists of
permittivity of the substrate. The number of substrate substrates in three layers. The first second and
layers used in the antenna structure also determines third layer thicknesses are 1.6 mm , 1.6 mm, 3.2 mm
the bandwidth of the antenna. Substrates provide respectively. In first substrate radius of 45 mm star
mechanical rigidness to the antenna (Asok, et al., shaped patch, second substrate radius of 30 mm
2010). hexagonal fractal, third substrate radius of 47.65 mm
meander patch is designed. All these are stacked
If the dielectric substrate size increases, then
together to form as antenna. The patch of meander
the volume of the antenna increases. The radiation
structure substrate is varied each time for the analysis
energy of the antenna depends on the substrate.
and the design. The view of the antenna is shown in
The cost of the antenna is proportional to the cost (Fig. 1).
of the substrate used in that. Hence while choosing
a dielectric substrate for the microwave microstrip This antenna is fed by coaxial probe fed diameter
antenna, the selection is important (Qingwei, et of 1.35 mm. The ground plane is constructed on
al., 2011). Relative permittivity, loss tangent, are the size of 200 mm X 200 mm. The side view of the
important properties of substrate in design aspect. stacked patch structure is shown in (Fig. 2).
Foil adhesion, bonding ability, formability, impact RESULTS
resistance, resistance to chemicals are some physical
The analysis of ten different substrates (Shukla,
properties of substrate in fabrication aspect (Anzar
et al., 2015; Salai, et al., 2015) is carried out in the
and Rajesh, 2012).
antenna’s lower patch meander design. The stacked
Analysis of substrate has been discussed in this patch antenna is simulated in the simulator software
paper. Ten different dielectrics are taken for analysis. IE3D, and its results were recorded in Table 1.

*Corresponding authors email: salaithillai@gmail.com; ganeshbabutr@gmail.com

in the antenna. By selecting suitable materials, the
radiation performance will be good. It is concluded
that out of the analyzed substrate materials, even
though FR4 is lossy material, it shows acceptable
antenna parameters in industrial applications.
Rogers RT Duroid is costly and used for antenna
parameters in defense applications.
1. Anzar, K. and Rajesh, N. (2012). Analysis of
five different dielectric substrates on microstrip
patch antenna. International Journal of Computer
Applications. 55 : 18.
2. Asok, D., Raghava, N.S., Sagar, M., Pushkar, A.
Fig. 1 Bottom patch view of stacked antenna.
and Rishik, B. (2010). Effect of different substrates
on compact stacked square microstrip antenna.
Journal of Telecommunications. 1 : 63-65.
3. Kiran, J. and Keshav, G. (2012). Different substrates
use in microstrip patch antenna-A survey.
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4. Qingwei, L., Lingxia, L., Ping, Z., Xiang, D., Xiang,
R. and Wei, Z. (2011). A microwave dielectric
material for microstrip patch antenna substrate.
Fig. 2 Side view of stacked antenna with additional patch. Journal of Materials Research. 26 : 2503-2510.

DISCUSSION 5. Salai, T.T.J., Manikandan, R. and Jawahar, P.K.

(2015). Optimized octagonal shaped antenna
It is inferred from the analysis that if the
using split ring design and analysis for wireless
dielectric constant value increases, the multi resonant
communication applications. IEEE Xplore.
frequencies are decreasing.
6. Shukla, S.S., Rahul, K.V. and Gurpreet, S.G. (2015).
Investigation of the effect of substrate material on
Different substrate materials were analyzed the performance of microstrip antenna. IEEE.

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