The Roman Republic

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The Roman Republic

The Origins of Rome

According to legend, the city of Rome was founded in 753 .c. by Romulus and Remus, twin sons of the
god Mars and a Latin princess. The twins were abandoned on the Tiber River as infants and raised by a
she-wolf. The twins decided to build a city near the spot. In reality, it was men not immortals who built
the city, and they chose the spot largely for its strategic location and fertile soil.

Rome's Geography Rome was built on seven rolling hills at a curve on the Tiber River, near the center of
the Italian peninsula. It was midway between the Alps and Italy's southern tip. Rome also was near the
midpoint of the Mediterranean Sea. The historian Livy wrote about the city’s state.


Not without reason did gods and men choose this spot for the site of our city-the [salubrious] hills, the
river to bring us produce from the inland regions and sea-borne commerce from abroad, the sea itself,
near enough for convenience yet not so near as to bring danger from foreign fleets, our situation in the
very heart of Italy-all these advantages make it of all places in the world the best for a city destined to
grow great.

LIVY, The Early History of Rome

The First Romans The earliest settlers on the Italian peninsula arrived in prehistoric times. From about
1000 to 500 B.c., three groups inhabited the region and eventually battled for control. They were the
Latins, the Greeks, and the Etruscans. The Latins built the original settlement at Rome, a cluster of
wooden huts atop one of its seven hills, Palatine Hill. These settlers were considered to be the first

Between 750 and 600 B.c., the Greeks established colonies along southern Italy and Sicily. The cities
became prosperous and commercially active. They brought all of Italy, including Rome, into closer
contact with Greek civilization.

The Early Republic

Around 600 nc., an Etruscan became king of Rome. In the decades that followed Rome grew from a
collection of hilltop villages to a city that covered nearly Sou square miles. Various kings ordered the
construction of Rome's first temples and public centers the most famous of which was the Forum, the
heart of Roman political life.

The last king of Rome was Tarquin the Proud. A harsh tyrant, he was driven from power in 509 B.c. The
Romans declared they would never again be ruled by a king. Instead, they established a republic, from
the Latin phrase res publica, which means "public affairs." A republic is a form of government in which
power rests with citizens who have the right to vote for their leaders. In Rome, citizenship with voting
rights was granted only to free-born male citizens.
Patricians and Plebeians In the early republic, different groups of Romans struggled for power. One
group was the patricians, the wealthy landowners who held most of the power. The other important
group was the plebeians, the com mon farmers, artisans, and merchants who made up the majority of
the population. The patricians inherited their power and social status. They claimed that their ancestry
gave them the authority to make laws for Rome. The plebeians were citizens of Rome with the right to
vote. However, they were barred by law from holding most important government positions. In time,
Rome's leaders allowed the plebeians to form their own assembly and elect representatives called


Twelve Tables An important victory for the plebeians was to force the creation of a written law code.
With laws unwritten, patrician officials often interpreted the law to suit themselves. In 451 B.C., a group
of ten officials began writing down h Rome's laws. The laws were carved on twelve tablets, or tables,
and hung in the Forum. They became the basis for later Roman law. The Twelve Tables established the
idea that all free citizens had a right to the protection of the law.

Government Under the Republic In the first century ... Roman writers boasted that Rome had achieved a
balanced government. What they meant was that their government had taken the best features of a
monarchy (government by a king), an aristocracy (government by nobles), and a democracy
(government by the people see the comparison above of Rome to the United States). Rome had two
officials called consuls. Like kings, they commanded the army and directed the government. However,
their power was limited. A consul's term was only one year long. The same person could not be elected
consul again for ten years. Also, one consul could always overrule, or veto, the other's decisions.

The senate was the aristocratic branch of Rome's government. It had both legislative and administrative
functions in the republic. Its 300 members were chosen from the upper class of Roman society. Later,
plebeians were allowed in the senate. The senate exercised great influence over both foreign and
domestic policy.

The assemblies represented the more democratic side of the government. For example, an assembly
organized by the plebeians, the Tribal Assembly, elected the tribunes and made laws for the common
people and later for the republic itself. In times of crisis, the republic could appoint a dictator-a leader
who had absolute power to make laws and command the army. A dictator's power lasted for only six
months. Dictators were chosen by the consuls and then elected by the senate.

The Roman Army

In addition to their government, the Romans placed great value on their military. All citizens who owned
land were required to serve in the army. Seekers of certain public offices had to perform ten years of
military serv ice. Roman soldiers were organized into large military units called legions. The pon Roman
legion was made up of some 5,000 heavily armed foot soldiers (infantry). A group of soldiers on
horseback (cavalry) supported each legion. Legions were divided into smaller groups of 80 men, each of
which was called a century. The military organization and fighting skill of the Roman army were key
factors in Rome's rise to greatness.

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