AFMech HRD Program 2014-2020

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(Sub-Component of the National Agri-Fisheries Mechanization Program)


The Philippine has about 11.74 million persons employed in the agriculture sector
which comprises 30.9% of the 37.98 million Philippine labor force next to service
group, and has been on a declining trend from 1990-2012 (Source NSO and BLES)
See Figures 1 and 2.

Figure 1 Figure 2

These workers are involved in the use and operation of agri-fishery machinery in
farm operations from land cultivation/preparation, planting, plant care and
maintenance, harvesting, post harvest and processing. Based on the estimate by
AMTEC for 2012 under rice and corn farms, there are 9,306 four-wheel tractors
(compact and standard), 1 million power tillers, 100,959 paddy threshers, 1.6
million knapsact sprayers and 27,692 post harvest machinery (dryers, corn shellers
and rice mills) which these agri-fishery workers operate.

The occupational groupings of Agri-Fisheries Mechanization workers are classified

into operators, technicians and professionals (mostly agricultural engineers). The
agri-fishery machinery workers engaged and involved in farm production and post
production comprises the largest group where many of them are unskilled, in which
the initial focus of human resource development interventions (Figure 3).
Issues and Problems:

The following are the issues and problems on human resource development of the
agri-fisheries mechanization sector:

1. Lack or Shortage of skilled/competent Agri-Fishery Mechanization Workers

a. Agri-Fishery Machinery Operators and Technicians

Lack of skilled/competent agri-fishery machinery operators and

technicians coupled with ageing farmers is a major issue and problem in
farm operation. Although there are existing agri-fisheries machinery
operators and technicians engaged by the industry, they have not
undergone formal training and education but acquired their knowledge
and skills through informal life-long learning process. Moreover, their
competencies are not certified by TESDA due to lack of competency
assessors, assessment centers and competency standards on agri-
fisheries mechanization. At present, there is only one Training
Regulations related to agri-fisheries mechanization promulgated by
TESDA, the “Training Regulations for Rice Machinery Operation”.

b. Agricultural Engineers

At present, there are 7,996 Agricultural Engineers registered and licensed

by the Board of Agricultural Engineering and the Professional Regulation
Commission. This present number gives only a ratio of one agricultural
engineer for every 1,468 agri-fishery workers and farmers, and per 600
farms, or 1,213 hectares, which is inadequate. Agricultural Engineers are the
professionals that provide frontline services in the agri-fishery sector,
specifically, among others on agri-fisheries mechanization. Republic Act
No. 8559, otherwise known as the “Philippine Agricultural Engineering
Act of 1998” regulates the practice of agricultural engineering in the
Philippines insofar as in the planning, designing, supervision and
management, research and extension, testing, evaluation and inspection,
valuation, consultation, marketing and management of agricultural,
fishery and forest machinery, buildings and structures, irrigation, soil and
water conservation and utilization and other agricultural engineering
facilities, systems and technologies.

The shortage or lack of agri-fisheries mechanization workers is attributed by

the lack of interest among the youth to enroll agri-fisheries courses.

2. Hazard/Accident in Agri-Fishery Machinery Operation

Agriculture is considered one of the most hazardous economic sector

worldwide (ILO Report). The use of agricultural tools and machines
possesses hazards and risk to health. Injuries ranging from cuts to deaths
and hearing impairments from loud machinery can caused by tools and farm
equipments. Dusts, fumes, gases and particulates can cause irritation of the
eyes and respiratory tract as well as allergic reactions.

The Agricultural Machinery Testing and Evaluation Center (AMTEC), based

on its study conducted in 2011 (2012 ANTAM Report) revealed the following
accidents experienced in each type of agricultural machine:

Among the causes of these accidents are : 1) drunk operator especially when
operating the machine at night; 2) unskilled/untrained operator; 3)
carelessness; 3) flaws in machine design and fabrication; 4) absence of
safety devices and mechanisms especially on moving parts of the machine;
and 5) lack of maintenance and repair systems.
At present, there are no existing occupational safety standards promulgated
or enforced by the Occupational Safety and Health Standards and DOLE for
the agricultural and fishery mechanization workers.

3. Low Wage/Compensation

Workers in the agriculture sector, which in include agricultural machinery

operators are among the lowest paid in the country with an average daily
wage and salary of P167.57 which are only higher than domestic helpers
(PSA 2012). Jobs for agricultural machinery operators are seasonal and only
during land preparation, planting, plant care and maintenance and
harvesting periods.

Compensation for agri-fisheries mechanization workers are fixed and

secured in agri-fisheries machinery manufacturing and distribution firms, as
well as in agri-fisheries processing establishments

4. Job Mismatch

One of the major findings of the Jobfit Project of DOLE in 2010 revealed that
school curriculum is not responsive to industry needs. Thus, it was
recommended to refocus agricultural courses and review their standards to
cope with changes and trends in the industry. Therefore, job mismatch is
prevalent causing unemployment and underemployment in the country.
Below is the distribution of unemployed persons by educational attainment
(Arangkada Philippines).

Moreover, inadequate facilities, and shortage of competent teachers and

faculty also affect the quality of education in the country.
5. Displacement of Farm Labor in some Areas

With ASEAN integration next year, the free flow of goods and services shall be
implemented. Thus, high tech and modern agricultural and fishery machineries
shall be introduced in the country including skilled workers. The introduction of
imported rice combine harvester in many areas have already displaced labor.
Therefore, safety net interventions shall be provided to them. On a positive note,
it would also be an opportunity for Philippine to export skilled agri-fishery
mechanization workers in ASEAN countries and some parts of the world.

Enabling Policies under the AFMech Law

The Agricultural and Fisheries Mechanization Law (R.A. No. 10601) which was
signed into law by the President last June 5,2013 provides the policy framework to
address the above situation, issues and problems and mandates the following :

1. Formulation and implementation of a Human Resource Development

Program as a major component of the National Agri-Fisheries Mechanization
Program ( Section 5 and Rule 5.3, IRR)

2. Skills certification and accreditation systems of agricultural and fishery

machinery operators and technician by TESDA in collaboration with the DA,
Board of Agricultural Engineering (BOAE) and the national associations of
agricultural engineers and agricultural machinery assemblers, manufacturers
and distributors. The TESDA shall likewise allocate funds from its annual
appropriations necessary for the skills certification and training program for
agri-fishery machinery technicians and operators (Sec. 14 and 38);

3. Training of agricultural extension workers and agricultural engineers of the

LGUs who in turn shall train the farmers and fisherfolk on agricultural and
fisheries mechanization, technologies and practices by the DA in partnership
with SUCs and the private sector (Sec. 12);

4. Training of agricultural and fisheries machinery technicians and operators by

DOLE and TESDA (Sec. 12);

5. Scholarships for graduate and undergraduate degrees on agricultural

engineering and trade/vocational courses on agricultural and fisheries
mechanization shall be given priority by the DA, CHED and DOST (Sec. 12);

6. Provision of competitive research grants by DA through BAR, DOST and

CHED to undertake needs-oriented research as well as institutional
development and upgrading of laboratory facilities and equipment to
Agricultural and Fishery Mechanization RDE Network which include
academic institutions. Specifically, the CHED shall provide research grants
to concerned Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to improve their
competitiveness in agricultural and fisheries mechanization and engineering
education as well as grant funds to upgrade their laboratory facilities and
equipment and faculty development subject to relevant guidelines which
shall include but not limited to competitive roadmap. For this purpose, all
concerned HEIs shall formulate and adopt their agricultural engineering
education competitiveness roadmap as one of the basis in the provision of
CHED grant funds ( Sec 11 and Rule 11.4, IRR)

7. Required manpower complement of licensed agricultural engineers and

certified agri-fishery machinery technicians and operators in all agricultural
and fisheries machinery pools and service centers, including sales and
distribution outlets and manufacturing establishments, either public or
private in accordance with the guidelines and standards to be promulgated
by the Board of Agricultural Engineering (BoAE) and the DOLE to ensure
efficient operation and maintenance and good management practices. The
DA shall ensure compliance to this manpower complement requirement (Sec.

Progress of Implementation of the AFMech Law

After the enactment of R.A. No. 10601 (AFMech Law) and approval of its
Implementing Rules and Regulations by the DA, the following has been

1. Approval of TESDA Board of the following 7 qualifications on agri-fishery

mechanization sector :

a. Farm Machinery Servicing ;

b. Drying and Milling Processing Plant Servicing;
c. Irrigation System Installation and Maintenance,
d. Aquaculture NC III (Mechanization);
e. Biogas Systems Installation and Maintenance;and
f. Dairy Processing

The Training Regulations of these qualifications are now being prepared and
targeted to be finished within the year up to the first quarter of 2015;

2. Conduct of Trainors Training on Agricultural Machinery Operation from

November 10-21,2014, Munoz Nueva Ecija conducted by BOAE, PCAF-
AFMeC, PSAE, TESDA, AMMDA and PhilMech. There were 45 Agricultural
Engineers trained from HEIs, DA and LGUs on Trainers Methodology I and
Rice Machinery Operation NC-2, in which they were assessed as Trainers and
Assessors for Tech-Voc Education.
3. Promulgation of Board of Agricultural Engineering Resolution No. 3, series
of 2014, “Guidelines and standards on the manpower complement of
registered and licensed agricultural engineers in all agricultural and
fisheries machinery pools and service centers including sales and
distribution outlets and manufacturing establishments either public or
private” pursuant to Sec. 13 of R.A. No. 10601;

4. Formulation and implementation of the Philippine Agricultural Engineering

Competitiveness Road Map 2013-2020 by the Board of Agricultural
Engineering in coordination and collaboration with PSAE, DA, DOLE, DTI,
CHED and AMMDA. This was launched last April 24,2013 during the PSAE
National Convention in CSU, Tuguegarao City.

5. Conduct of National Workshop on Higher Education Institutions (HEI’s)

Agri-Fisheries Mechanization Research, Development and Extension (RDE)
Programs and Agricultural Engineering Education Competitiveness Road
Maps last May 29-30,2014 at UPLB jointly organized by UPLB-AMDP and the
Board of Agricultural Engineering. All of the 46 HEIs are on process of
formulating their respective Agricultural Engineering Education
Competitiveness Road Map;

6. Philippine’s hosting of the 1st ASEAN Conference on Agricultural and

Bioystems Engineering (ACABE-1) organized by the Board of Agricultural
Engineering, PRC, PSAE and PCAF-AFMeC last September 24-27,2014 in
Manila Hotel. During this conference, the ASEAN Agricultural and Biosystems
Engineering Framework for Cooperation and Complementary Action in support
to ASEAN Food Security, Bioenergy and Climate Change Adaptation and
Mitigation (ACABE Cooperation Framework) was adopted by the participants.
The ACABE Cooperation Framework has three components : 1) Development
of safe and efficient facilities and technologies to support ASEAN food
security and effective mitigation of climate change hazards; 2: Establishing a
more competitive and harmonized ASEAN ABE Education System ; and
Establishment of a more competitive ASEAN ABE Workforce.

The ACABE-2 was hosted by Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of

Indonesia through the Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and
Development (IARD) last September 11-14,2014 at Serpong, Indonesia. During
the ACABE-2, the Philippines was elected Chairman and Secretariat of the
ACABE Coordinating Committee;
7. Philippine Participation to the 3rd ASEAN Universities Consortium and Agro-
Based Engineering and Technology (AUCFA) Conference and Workshop held
at IPB International Convention Center, Bogor Indonesia last October 15-
17,2014. There were 10 Philippine delegates who attended composed of the
representative from Board of Agricultural Engineering, 5 HEIs (UPLB, CLSU,
URS, VSU, SPAMAST and USM), and one student representative from Xavier
University. During these AUCFA meeting, round table discussion on ASEAN
Education System with emphasis on credit transfer and ASEAN Qualification
Framework and professional practice under the ASEAN Mutual Recognition
Arrangement. The five HEIs from the Philippines have signed their
membership to the AUCFA. The Philippines will host the AUCFA meeting on


The Agri-Fishery Mechanization Human Resource Development Program 2014-

2020 envisions to have a productive and competitive Agri-Fisheries Mechanization
Workers for Philippine Food Sufficiency and Economic Prosperity.

Specifically, the Program aims to achieve the following objectives:

1. To produce adequate number of TESDA certified Agri-Fisheries Machinery

Technicians and Operators for the operation of new and existing agri-
fisheries machinery pools and service centers, including sales and
distribution outlets and manufacturing establishments nationwide;

2. To capacitate Agricultural Engineers as competency assessors and trainers

for Agri-Fishery Machinery Operators and Technicians, and as professional
service providers in the establishment and operation of agri-fishery
machinery service centers and implementation of agri-fisheries
mechanization and engineering programs and projects;

3. To produce 10,000 new registered and licensed agricultural engineers

needed for the implementation of the AFMech Law.


Towards achieving the over-all development objectives of the Agri-Fisheries

Mechanization HRD Program 2014-2020, the following programs and projects shall
be implemented : 1) Training and Development; 2) Social Protection; 3) Industry
Relations between and among the agri-fishery mechanization workers with
government and management; and 4) provision of institutional policies. Below is the
conceptual framework of the Program:
1. Training and Development

Under this component, the following projects shall be implemented:

a. Skills Certification of Agri-Fishery Machinery Operators and


The skills/competencies of agri-fishery machinery operators and

technicians shall be assessed and certified by TESDA. Along with this,
the following activities shall be undertaken: 1) Development and
Promulgation of Training Regulations; 2) Accreditation of TVET
Trainers and Competency Assessors; 3) Accreditation of TVET
Training and Assessment Centers; and 4) Assessment of Agri-Fishery
Machinery Operators and Technicians based on approved TESDA
Training Regulations.

Development of Competency Standards/Training Regulations

In 2014, the TESDA Board have approved the following qualifications

for the agri-fisheries mechanization sector: Crops- 1) Farm Machinery
Operations; 2) Farm Machinery Servicing; 3) Drying Milling
Processing Plant Servicing; and 4) Irrigation System Installation and
Maintenance; Livestock - 5) Biogas Systems Installation and
Maintenance; 6) Dairy Processing ; Fisheries- 6) Aquaculture NC III
For 2015 and onward, additional qualifications shall be pursued for
approval by TESDA Board as follows:

Commodity Qualifications
General Diploma in Agricultural Engineering (NC 5)
Rice and Corn Operation and Maintenance of Irrigation
System (STWs)
Coconut Coconut Husk Processing Servicing
Coconet (Bio Engineering) Installation/
Sugar Farm Tractor Mechanic/Servicing
HVCC Rubber Processing Plant/Facility Servicing
Fiber Processing/Decorticating
Green House Operation and Maintenance
Fisheries Fish Processing;
Cold Storage Operations and Management

Accreditation of TVET Trainers and Competency Assessors

Agricultural Engineers from HEIs, DA and LGUs shall initially be

accredited as TVET Trainers and Competency Assessors after they
have undergone training on Trainers Methodology- 1 (TM-1) and
passed the assessment as trainors and assessors. It is required that
they are NC holders.

Accreditation of TVET Assessment and Training Centers

The TESDA shall accredit PhilMech and all concerned DA

Offices/Agencies, Agricultural and Higher Education Institutions and
other training institutions shall be accredited as TVET Assessment
and Training Centers based on TESDA guidelines and procedures.

Competency Assessment of Agri-Fishery Machinery Technicians and


The competency Agri-Fishery Machinery Operators and Technicians

who has been in the work place for a long period of time, and those
graduate from accredited TESDA training schools shall be assessed by
accredited TESDA TVET Competency Assessors and Assessment
Centers. Initially to be assessed are the Agricultural Machinery
Operators and Technicians of AMMDA member companies, rice mills
all over the country and TVET graduates of accredited TESDA training
schools and Senior High Schools (K-12).
.b. Trainings and Scholarships

Agricultural Machinery Operators and Technicians

The trainings to be conducted for Agricultural Machinery Operators

and Technicians shall be focused on approved TESDA Training
Regulations and priority shall be given to those recipients/operators
of agri-fishery machinery and equipment funded by DA, DAR, LGUs
and other government agencies. The TESDA shall provide
scholarship while DA, DAR and LGUs to provide other training
requirements (food, accommodation, etc.) .

Moreover, trainings and scholarship grants shall also include

International Training/ Exchange Program on agri-machinery and
engine manufacturing.

Agricultural Engineers

The capability of Agricultural Engineers specifically those employed at

the DA, DAR, LGUs, HEIs shall be enhanced through Continuing
Professional Development on their new role on the implementation of
the AFMech Law. Hereunder is the Training Plan for 2014-2016

Likewise, provision or expansion of scholarships under the DA-ACEF,

DOST, Coco-levy Fund to students who will enrol agricultural
engineering degree ( BS, MS and Ph. D)
c. Agri-Fisheries Mechanization and Engineering Schools Modernization

Higher Education Institutions

All of the 46 Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) that offers

Agricultural Engineering Program shall be modernized in terms of
facilities, faculty and curriculum. In line with this, they shall undertake
the following activities: 1) Formulate and Implement their respective
Agricultural Engineering Education Competitiveness Road Map for
2014-2020 and shall be completed by the middle of 2015. The Road
Map shall contain competitiveness assessment of the Agricultural
Engineering Program of the HEIs in terms of strength and weaknesses
and Opportunities and Constraints, and Competitiveness Action
Agenda. The road maps shall be subjected to consultation process
with various stakeholders and shall be approved by the HEI’s Board of
Regents; 2) Strengthen Internship/On the Job Training both local and
abroad; and 3) Faculty Development and Facility Upgrading

The CHED shall provide funding for faculty and laboratory facility

The DA and BFAR shall likewise designate the HEIs as outreach or

demonstration center for agri-fisheries mechanization, and for this
purpose provide funding support for facility development.

Tech-Voc Education Institutions

All of the TVET Training schools for agri-fishery mechanization both

public and private shall have the required facilities and equipment,
and trainers. Towards this, the agri-fisheries mechanization facilities
of the 46 HEIs that offers Agricultural Engineering and Rural Farm
schools under DepEd shall be upgraded. The TESDA and DA shall
provide funding support including those private training schools.

d. Tech Voc- Higher Education Ladderization

The Ladderized Education Act approved by the Senate under SB No.

2272 and House of Representatives, HB No. 3575 is now for signing by
the President into a law. This law will institutionalize the ladderized
interface between technical-vocational education and training (TVET)
and higher education to open the pathways of opportunities for
career and educational progression of students and workers, create a
seamless and borderless education, empower students and workers
to exercise options or to choose when to enter and exit in the
educational ladder, and provide job platforms at every exit as well as
the opportunity to earn income.

Moreover, CHED, TESDA and DepED are mandated to design

harmonized guidelines and equivalency competency courses to
enhance the delivery of high-quality technical-vocational and higher
education courses, synchronize standards and upgrade curriculum
design per discipline and adopt a strategic implementation scheme,
including a massive consultation and information dissemination
scheme. The CHED, TESDA and DepED, in consultation with the
industry, DOLE, PRC, DTI, NEDA, DOST and other related agencies are
directed to identify priority disciplines and programs for
ladderization, taking into account labor market realities.

In view of this, Agricultural Engineering Program shall be identified

priority discipline for ladderization in consideration of the priority
thrust on agriculture and fisheries and employment potentials
brought in by the implementation of the AFMech Law.

Thus, Diploma- BS Agricultural Engineering shall be developed for

ladderization to be offered in the 46 HEIs. The Certificate on
Agricultural Mechanic course shall be developed into Diploma Course
including the development of Training Regulations by TESDA, NC-5.

The CHED, TESDA and DepEd in consultation with the Board of

Agricultural Engineering and other stakeholders shall develop and
implement ladderization guidelines.

2. Social Protection

a. Health and Occupational Safety

The Occupational Safety and Health Center (OSCH) and the Department
of Labor and Employment in collaboration with the DA, BOAE,
AMMDA, PSAE and other concerned government agencies and
stakeholders shall develop and implement guidelines and programs
governing occupational safety and health in the agri-fisheries
mechanization sector. These occupational safety and health guidelines and
regulations shall be incorporated as part of the Philippine Agricultural
Engineering Standards and the Training Regulations for the agri-fisheries
mechanization sector.

The OSCH shall undertake the following projects : 1) Information,

Education, Communication (IEC) materials development and
implementation; 2) conduct of trainings; 3) accreditation and capacity
building of Safety and Health Practitioners/Officers.
The DOLE through the Labor Standards Compliance Officer in
collaboration with the BOAE and DA-CAFED shall conduct ocular
inspections and compliance monitoring on the safety and health standards
promulgated for the agri-fishery mechanization sector.

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