29 Lab Tech. (MLT)
29 Lab Tech. (MLT)
29 Lab Tech. (MLT)
2. What is the recommended cleaner for 6. By volume, the red blood cells constitute
removing all oil from objective lens? about _____% of whole blood.
4. Oxygen is supplied from lungs to tissues 8. The pH value of blood is normally between
and organs by _____ and _____.
(A) red blood cells (A) 6.0, 6.5
(B) white blood cells (B) 7.0, 7.35
(C) plasma (C) 7.35, 7.45
(D) platelets (D) 7.45, 7.98
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29 / 2
9. An average adult person has about _____ 13. Sample used for Platelet counting is :
liters of blood by volume.
(A) serum
(A) 5
(B) plasma
(B) 5.5
(C) EDTA blood
(C) 6
(D) citrate blood
(D) 6.5
12. Microscopic examnation of urine is done to 16. The reagent used in estimation of
find out: Glucose is:
17. The commonly used fixative for slide 21. Confirmatory test for AID's is:
preparation is:
(A) elisa
(A) benedict reagent
(B) clia
(B) distilled water
(C) western blot
(C) formalin
(D) chromatography
(D) None of the above
20. All the following are motile bacteria except: 24. Which of these is not a lipid?
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29 / 3
25. Which of the following is usually not found 29. The most significant reagent strip test that is
in the urine? associated with a positive ketone result is:
(A) Magnesium (A) Glucose
(B) Urea (B) Protein
(C) Uric acid (C) pH
(D) Glucose (D) Specific gravity
26. Testing a refrigerated specimen that has not 30. A specific gravity of 1.005 would produce
warmed to room temperature will adversely the reagent strip color:
affect: (A) Blue
(A) Enzymatic reactions (B) Green
(B) Dye-binding reactions (C) Yellow
(C) The sodium nitroprusside reaction (D) Red
(D) Diazo reactions
33. To which of the following would the term 37. What is PPE in laboratory?
"white cell" NOT be applied?
(A) personnel protective equipment
(A) erythrocyte
(B) pipette per equipment
(B) leucocyte
(C) professional pipetter
(C) lymphocyte
(D) None of them
(D) monocyte
(D) B–
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29 / 4
41. Which one of the following is NOT a blood 45. Hay's test detects ___________ in urine.
(A) bile salts
(A) Fresh frozen plasma
(B) blood
(B) Hemolysate
(C) ketone bodies
(C) Platelet concentrate
(D) bile pigment
(D) Plasma
44. Which one of the following tests is NOT 48. What is the eosinophil count present in a
used to detect renal function? normal DLC smear?
49. Which of the following type of cholesterol 53. Cholesterol estimation is done by the
is called as good cholesterol? following method:
(A) HDL (A) Molisch method
(B) Chylomicrons (B) Benedict's method
(C) VLDL (C) Zak's ferric chloride method
(D) LDL (D) Jaffes method
51. What is the colour of normal CSF? 55. A positive tuberculin test is indicated by
and area of induration of:
(A) Colourless
(B) Yellow (A) < 5 mm in diameter
(D) No induration
52. Normal reticulocyte count in adults 56. Diagnostic test used for TB is .....
is __________.
(A) Mantoux test
(A) 3-6%
(B) Dick Test
(B) 0.5-2.5%
(C) Shick test
(C) 1-5%
(D) Widal test
(D) 2-10%
9 [P.T.O.
57. Acid fast staining is used to detect 61. Name the anticoagulant present in purple
coloured vacutainer tube
(A) Mycobacterium TB
(A) Heparin
(B) Ctetani
(C) Sodium citrate
(D) Meningococci
(D) None of these
60. VDRL is used in the diagnosis of 64. Temperature range used for autoclaving is....
65. The only cell in normal CSF is 68. Specific gravity of urine normally varies
between ________.
(A) Neutrophil
(A) 1.010–1.040
(B) Lymphocyte
(B) 1.010–1.015
(C) Manocyte
(C) 1.010–1.030
(D) None of these
(D) 1.030–1.040
66. The solution used to fix a pap smear is: 69. Name the test used to detect the presence
(A) wright stain of glucose in urine :
11 [P.T.O.
78. Look, a new missile .................... 82. He reminds us ...................... Paul Walker.
(A) is launched (A) about
(B) of
(B) is launch
(C) for
(C) is being launch
(D) with
(D) is being launched
83. Find the minimum number of straight lines
79. The paths of glory lead .................... to the required to make the given figure.
(A) straight
(B) but
(C) in
(A) 13
(D) directly
(B) 15
(C) 17
80. You haven't had your lunch yet, ................ (D) 19
(A) are 84. Select the figure that does NOT belong in
the following group.
(B) aren't
(C) have
(D) haven't
4. some
85. P, Q, R and S are four friends. P is shorter
5. before than Q but taller than R who is shorter
(A) 43251 than S. Who is the shortest among all?
(B) 24315 (A) P
(B) Q
(C) 24153
(C) R
(D) 52431
(D) S
13 [P.T.O.
86. Select the Answer figure that fits in the blank 89. A train running at 90 km/hr crosses a
space in the given problem figure. pole in 10 seconds. What is the length of
Problem Figure train?
(A) 250 m
(B) 150 m
(C) 900 m
(D) None of these
Answer Figure
88. If white is called black, black is called red, 92. Sum of a rational number and its reciprocal
red is called yellow, yellow is called green, is 13/6. Find the number
green is called blue, blue is called violet
and violet is called orange, what would be (A) 2
the colour of human blood? (B) 3/2
(A) green
(C) 4/2
(B) black
(C) red (D) 5/2
(D) yellow
93. Half of 1 percent written as decimal is 97. Who has been appointed as the Chief of
Staff Committee, following the demise of
(A) 5
General Bipin Rawat?
(B) 0.5
(A) M.M. Naravane
(C) 0.05
(B) Karambir Singh
(D) 0.005 (C) R.K.S. Bhadauria
(D) Vijay Kumar Singh
94. A person incurs a loss of 5% be selling a
watch for Rs. 1140. At what price should
98. Which state after Haryana has recently
the watch be sold to earn 5% profit.
announced 75% reservation in private sector
(A) Rs. 1200 jobs for locals?
(B) Rs. 1230 (A) Uttar Pradesh
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ANSWER KEY- Lab Technician MLT Answer Key