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3745 : lo-fi sci-fi horror

• Rules based on 24XX CC BY Jason Tocci • Art CC BY Beeple (Mike Winkelmann)

3745 : lo-fi sci-fi horror

Players describe what their characters do. The GM advises when they should roll a check,
or if the action is impossible.
Roll a skill die - this defaults to a d6. For any untrained checks, the character rolls a
d6. If trained, a character rolls a d8, d10, or d12 depending on their level of training,
moving up the dice chain as training increases.
● 1-2 Disaster. Complete failure with a major consequence.
● 3-4 Setback. A lesser consequence or partial success.
● 5-6 Success. Complete success with no consequence.
● 7+ Success and. Succeed and gain a minor boon.
Finally, anytime a die comes up on its maximum value, roll it again and add it to the pre-
vious total. This is called an exploding die. 3745 uses dice ranging in size from a d4 to
a d12 for check resolution in the following dice chain: d4=>d6=>d8=>d10=>d12

There are skills in 3745 that a character can be trained in. Each skill has 3 levels of
training available. Each level of training raises the die one step on the die chain when
using it for a check. If not trained, a character rolls a d6 on checks as the default.
Feel free to add or subtract as needed as this is just a base list that details most com-
mon scenarios.
● Athletics - Strength related tasks, movement related tasks.
● Connections - Contacts on various civilized planets.
● Diplomacy - Social checks using charm, and guile
● Electronics - Fixing, hot wiring, building tech.
● Hacking - Hacking into computers and other tech.
● Hand to Hand - Fighting with melee weaponry or bare hands.
● Intimidation - Social checks using threats, or a show of strength
● Marksmanship - Ranged attacks.
● Mechanics - Fixing engines, working on ships/vehicles.
● Medicine - Stitching, bandaging, and condition removal.
● Navigation - Plotting warp jumps, reading maps
● Piloting - Driving vehicles and aircraft.
● Presence - Force of persona, and charisma.
● Reading People - Social manipulation, spotting lies.
● Science(Choose specific area) - Knowledge about chosen subset.
● Scouting - Spotting things and noticing ambushes or traps.
● Sleight of Hand - Small manual dexterous tasks.
● Stamina - Physical resistance.
● Stealth - Moving quietly and unseen.

In a situation where a character, NPC, or alien has a significant advantage, they roll the
related check with one die higher on the die chain. If this raises the die above a d12 on
the die chain, roll 2d12 for the check instead and keep the higher result. This is called
Advantage. If instead there is a significant disadvantage, they roll the check with one
die lower on the die chain. If this lowers the die below a d4 on the die chain, roll 2d4
for the check instead and keep the lower result. This is called Disadvantage.

3745 : lo-fi sci-fi horror

Choose or roll(or don’t, you’re creative!) a Name and Call name from the below tables.

Names: Roll d66 two times

11 Archer 21 Kask 31 Zheng 41 Ryder 51 Abrams 61 Black
12 Carsen 22 Watts 32 Cruz 42 Olivier 52 Nick 62 Wade
13 Eloy 23 Carver 33 Bing 43 Adrian 53 Dallas 63 Jim
14 Jax 24 Nash 34 Gibbs 44 Darren 54 Tran 64 Chan
15 Austin 25 Lee 35 Ryan 45 Charlie 55 Gray 65 Scott
16 Paris 26 Singh 36 Lopez 46 Biggs 56 Chavez 66 Eno

Call Names: Roll d66 once

11 Ace 21 Dish 31 Ant 41 Omen 51 Eternity 61 Ice
12 Data 22 Red 32 Switch 42 Coil 52 Hide 62 Law
13 Survey 23 Clock 33 Gear 43 Block 53 Dare 63 Edge
14 Shade 24 Bird 34 Crash 44 Boots 54 Boost 64 Nine
15 Bone 25 Zen 35 Zero 45 Beam 55 Grim 65 Unit
16 Click 26 Blade 36 Church 46 Jumbo 56 Status 66 Jinx

All characters choose one of five jobs in 3745. Gain Training as listed. Note starting
gear choices. The five jobs are:
● Soldier: Trained(Athletics or Stamina, Marksmanship or Hand to Hand, +2 more). Start
with 2 Weapons, Armor of choice, and Pain Pills.
● Engineer: Trained(Electronics or Hacking, Mechanics, +2 more). Start with Cybernetic
Diagnostic Scanner or Electronic Tool Set, Flashlight or Infrared Goggles, Radio
Jammer or Long-range Comms, and a Lockpick Set or Knife.
● Doctor: Trained(2x Science, Medicine, +1 more). Start with a Medscanner or Bioscan-
ner, Automed or Stimpack, a Scalpel, and 2 First Aid Kits.
● Pilot: Trained(Piloting, Navigation, Marksmanship, +1 more). Start with Vac Suit,
Lead Pistol, and Heads Up Display.
● Captain: Trained(Piloting or Navigation, Connections, Marksmanship, +1 more). Start
with Vac Suit, Lead Rifle, 2 Free Ship Upgrades

Humans should be the most common, but Androids make a fun addition to an otherwise all Hu-
man group, make sure you choose wisely!
● Humans: Very adaptable, choose 2 additional skills to be trained in (d8), choose 2
trained skills to bump training one level (d10), or bump one skill two levels (d12)
● Androids: Hardened synth(Acts as Defense 3, self repairing 1 Defense every 24
hours), Trained in Electronics, Disadvantage on Social checks.

• Rules based on 24XX CC BY Jason Tocci • Art CC BY Beeple (Mike Winkelmann)

3745 : lo-fi sci-fi horror

In combat, all characters, NPCs, and aliens get to take one Move, on Action, and up to 2
free actions on their Turn during a Round. Turn order is determined by each side rolling
a d6.
● Move: The character is able to move anywhere within Near range
● Actions: These are typically a check. So attacking or any other check that makes
narrative sense.
● Free Actions: These include digging something out of your pack, drawing/sheathing a
weapon, and quick short sentences or statements.

Whenusing a weapon roll a check(Hand to Hand or Marksmanship as appropriate) as normal

withthe following changes.
● 1-2 Disaster. Complete miss and lose or break your weapon.
● 3-4 Setback. Connect with the attack and deal damage, but suffer a minor narrative
● 5-6 Success. Connect with the attack and deal damage.
● 7+ Success and. Critically hit. Extra damage as detailed below:
○ 7-8: +1 Wound
○ 9-10: +2 Wounds
○ 11+: +3 Wounds

All Armor types have a Defense value. This value is how many wounds the armor can absorb
before it is broken. After combat a Mechanics check can restore Defense to broken armor:
On 3-4 restore 1 Defense but the armor Defense value is permanently reduced by 1, and 5+
restore 2 Defense.

range and movement

3745 uses abstract range bands.
● Close: Within 10ft approximately. Able to engage in Melee without moving. Ranged
attacks have Disadvantage at this range.
● Near: Around 30-50ft away. Able to move and engage in Melee.
● Far: 50-100ft away. Not able to move and engage in Melee, but reachable with ranged
attacks and double moves.
● Distant: Beyond Far range. Only Rifles can attempt an attack(if GM seems feasible)
with Disadvantage.

During encounters(typically combat) the GM will move the group into Rounds. Each Round is
approximately 10 seconds, and all involved get a Turn. Turn order is determined each
round by each side rolling a single d6. High Roll goes first. The order in which a side
acts is not set, and this allows for coordinated attacks on both sides.

In 3745 certain attacks and circumstances may impart the Hindered condition to your char-
acter. All checks are at Disadvantage until the condition is removed.

• Rules based on 24XX CC BY Jason Tocci • Art CC BY Beeple (Mike Winkelmann)

wounds and dying

Wounds are physical health and every character starts with 3 Wounds. A typical hit in-
flicts one wound of damage, but some weapons will deal more than one wound. This damage is
subtracted from the creature's wound total. If damage takes a character to 0 wounds, they
are then dying and must succeed at an Stamina check. If this check is failed, the charac-
ter is going to die at the end of combat. If the check is 3-4 they gain the Hindered con-
dition, and if their team survives they regain 1 wound after the melee. If the check is 5+
they do not gain the Hindered condition and regain 1 wound after the melee.

medicine and healing

After the combat is over, there will most likely be some wounds to stitch up, allies to
tend to, and sprains to bind. A character can roll a Medicine check to help bind wounds -
if successful, they regain one wound. Each character can regain but a single wound from
any given Medicine check in the field, and only wounds taken in the latest battle can be
healed. Wounds that were taken prior to the most recent combat can only be healed by very
skilled healers in a city, or possibly after a rest. If the characters are instead in a
safe place such as a hotel, at home, or otherwise civilized area, and they have a full day
to rest and recuperate, a successful Medicine check(as above) can heal two wounds per day.

Every day in the game world characters need to take a minimum of 8 hours of downtime rest-
ing. This is mostly sleep, but also implies eating a meal, drinking some water, and blow-
ing off steam. Resting outside of a safe place allows an Stamina check for each charac-
ter. On a 3-4, the character can heal one wound. On a 5+ the character can heal two
wounds. Alternatively, a character can make a Stamina check to remove the Hindered condi-
tion in a similar manner. Resting in a safe place such as a ship, hotel, hospital, or at
home, with access to proper meals and a bed automatically heals two wounds, the Hindered
condition, or a combination of the two.

3745 : lo-fi sci-fi horror

starting credits
Roll d100x10 for starting credits, and use the equipment tables(below) for gear prices to
purchase any further items. These are electronically assigned to cred sticks, which can be
combined into a single stick, or carried as multiple.

material tracking
Usage Die(Ud) is an abstract method of tracking usable resources such as ammo, grenades,
etc. If an item is listed with a Ud followed by a number, that is the current die size on
the die chain. When that resource is used, roll the listed die type - on a 1-2 the die
size is dropped one step on the die chain. If the die size is a d4, on a 1-2 the item is

Crew Suit: No Vac Capabilities
(Defense 2) 60

Vac Suit: Vac Capabilities

(Defense 4) 500

Battle Dress: Full Vac
(Defense 6)

Common Melee: Sword, Machete, Knife, Brass Knuckles,
Baton, etc(1H) 20
Pistol, Lead 100
Rifle, Lead 150
Lead Ammo (20/ 2x Cost Rifle) 5
Blaster Pistol (2 Damage) 300
Blaster Rifle (2 Damage) 600

Energy Melee: Sword, Machete, Knife, Baton, etc (2 800


• Rules based on 24XX CC BY Jason Tocci • Art CC BY Beeple (Mike Winkelmann)

3745 : lo-fi sci-fi horror

tools & gear

Automed(Ud10) 300
Binoculars 35
Bioscanner 150
Body Cam 50
Camp Gear 250
Crowbar 25
Cybernetic Diagnostic Scanner 500
Electronic Tool Set 650
Emergency Beacon 30
Field Recorder 50
First Aid Kit(Ud8) 75
Flashlight 10
Frag Grenades(Ud8) 400
Heads-Up Display 75
Infrared Goggles 100
Locator 45
Lockpick Set 40
Long-range Comms 65
Mag Boots 55
Medscanner 150
MRE (Ud10) 70
Oxygen Tank 50
Pain Pills (Ud8) 450
Radio Jammer 175
Rebreather 45
Scalpel 50
Short-range Comms 30
Stimpak (Ud8) 600
Survey Kit 200

the ship
Every crew has a ship, it’s the only way to get around this deadbeat galaxy. Of course it
has a name! Roll/Choose from below(or create your own) and name your crew’s baby.

Ship Name - Roll d66 once

11 Arion 21 Paladin 31 Phoenix 41 Falcon 51 Templar 61 Syracuse
12 Mace 22 Canary 32 Sunder 42 Swift 52 Comet 62 Patriot
13 Vulture 23 Chance 33 Tyrant 43 Eagle 53 Achilles 63 Pandora
14 Raven 24 Stalker 34 Stardust 44 Aries 54 Javelin 64 Asteroid
15 Spitfire 25 Moonshot 35 Wyvern 45 Wayfarer 55 Meteor 65 Dakota
16 Goliath 26 Sparrow 36 Nero 46 Pluto 56 Dart 66 Caprice

• Rules based on 24XX CC BY Jason Tocci • Art CC BY Beeple (Mike Winkelmann)

ship functions
All ships have the following basic functions. Upgrades can be pricey (Starting around
1000 credits, GM will advise) but there are a couple listed. Check with the GM on the
COMMS: Upgrade with eavesdropper, jammer, tachyon burst (no lag in-system).
CRAFTS: Comes with an escape pod. Upgrade with fighter, shuttle (reentry-rated).
DRIVE: FTL jump and sublight speeds. Upgrade with longer jumps, faster speed, greater
EQUIPMENT: Vac suits for crew. Upgrade with armory, heavy loader, mining gear, tow cable.
HULL ARMOR: Break harmlessly for defense. Upgrade with reentry-rated, sun shielding.
SENSORS: Upgrade with deep-space, life-sign scan, planetary survey, tactical vessel scan.
WEAPONS: Deflector turrets. Upgrade with laser cutter, military-grade turret, torpedoes.

After completing a series of adventures and surviving some harrowing circumstances, your
character will get stronger. Typically, this should be after a number of adventures de-
termined by the GM, but around 3-5 is a good number to start with, depending on the length
of your game. Choose from the following:
● Gain training in a new skill that was successfully used recently.
● Increase training in a known skill that was successfully used recently.
● Gain an extra wound(only able to be taken two times)

Any other increases in power should be narrative or gear based in nature, and should keep
the story moving forward. These include things like an upgraded ship, a group of mercs
that have heard of your deeds and now wish to work for you, ancient artifacts gifted from
the realms powerful, etc. Be creative, and don’t limit the game to mechanical benefits

Aliens and non-player characters need the following information.
● Wounds: How many wounds before death.
● Attacks: List any attacks, special attacks, or abilities here. List the damage
done. List what die size the creature uses for each attack, but these are resolved
in a binary fashion though:
○ 1-4 Failure. It’s a miss and no damage done.
○ 5+ Success. It’s a hit, dealing the listed damage in the stat block.

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