Chirasi Series PV E3-23E
Chirasi Series PV E3-23E
Chirasi Series PV E3-23E
Look No Further!
Key Point 1 Key Point 2 Key Point 3
Work during daylight hours Automatically send data Enjoy the benefits of simple measure-
without blocking panels to a tablet or smartphone ment and easy-to-understand results
Proprietary Hioki technologies let you make When you make measurements using an Place the probes in contact with the termi-
safe, accurate measurements, even during instrument with Bluetooth® wireless technol- nals. Clamp with the current sensor. Press a
daylight hours. ogy, measurement data can be automati- button… There’s nothing complicated about
You’ll work more efficiently thanks to ability cally sent to a paired device. the measurement process.
to perform inspections that previously could This functionality is useful when you need In the event of an anomaly, the instrument
only be carried out at night during the day. to repeatedly measure and record readings will notify you by displaying a warning mark,
for a large number of locations. turning the display backlight red, and beep-
ing. (Functionality varies by model.)
With Z3210
Gennect Cross compatible
for PV Systems IR4053
Safe measurement even during
daylight hours with functional- Measure up to 2000 V DC*
ity designed specifically for use for no-load inspections of
with PV systems solar panels (*with P2000)
Please see for list of supported regions.
BPD tester that can make measurements Safe, accurate measurement of PV insulation resis-
without covering panels, even during the day tance, even during daylight hours
Gennect Cross compatible Not wireless compatible
Measurement targets
Bypass diode open fault and
short fault testing Measurement targets
• Bypass route open and short states • Insulation resistance of strings
• Bypass route resistance, • No-load voltage of PV systems
no-load voltage, and short current of up to 1000 V (polarity check)
This type of testing is important since an open fault could lead The ability to make measurements during the day streamlines
to a fire! work since there’s no need to short P and N terminals
• Detects bypass diodes with open faults without any need to cover the panel—even when it’s • Includes functionality designed specifically for PV systems to allow measurement free from
exposed to sunlight—using the first technology of its kind in the world the effects of panels that are generating electricity. The instrument can make accurate, safe
• Easily complete tests using the strings in the junction box measurements without the need to short terminals. (However, terminals should be shorted when
• Each string is measured for 2 sec. or less, after which all measured values are displayed at once making measurements at night.)
• Measured values are displayed 4 seconds after the start of measurement
• The instrument applies 1000 V DC, which is the optimal voltage to use to perform no-load voltage inspections
Free yourself from the need to jot down handwritten notes Safety-oriented design prevents short-circuit accidents by
since the instrument sends data to your smartphone eliminating current terminals
• Measure voltages of up to 2000 V DC* to accommodate inspections of photovoltaic equipment, • Measure voltages of up to 2000 V DC* to accommodate inspections of photovoltaic
which continues to evolve rapidly (*with P2000) equipment, which continues to evolve rapidly (*with P2000)
• Tough enclosure features durable jaws (the current sensor portion of the instrument), an operating • Tough enclosure features a drop-proof design that can withstand a fall onto concrete from a height
temperature range of -25°C to 65°C, IP54 dust and water resistance (while in storage, or when of 1 m, an operating temperature range of -25°C to 65°C, and support for CAT IV (600 V)/ CAT
measuring the current in an insulated conductor), and support for CAT IV (600 V)/CAT III (1000 V) III (1000 V) measurement
measurement • Choose from an extensive range of probe tips, including alligator clips and breaker pins (optional)
• Once measured values stabilize, the displayed values are automatically held and sent to your smartphone • A positive/negative detection function warns the operator of mistaken polarity with a beeping
• Get a warning of excessive input or a short during continuity check operation with a beeping sound and red LED backlight
sound and red LED backlight
IP67 protection for robust performance in the field Single-instrument solution for recording and
analyzing all the data needed to maintain and
and water-washable convenience verify proper operation of photovoltaic systems
Gennect Cross compatible With Z3210 Not wireless compatible
*The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by HIOKI E.E. CORPORATION is under license.
Note: Company names and product names appearing in this brochure are trademarks or registered trademarks of various companies.
81 Koizumi,
Ueda, Nagano 386-1192 Japan
All information correct as of Mar. 31, 2022. Contents are subject to change without notice. Chirasi_series_PV_E3-23E Printed in Japan