KA35603+Foundation+Design CO2 Tutorial
KA35603+Foundation+Design CO2 Tutorial
KA35603+Foundation+Design CO2 Tutorial
Ts. Ir. Dr. HABIB MUSA BIN MOHAMAD Schoology:-
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Design of shallow foundations
Shallow Foundation
Shallow foundation is a foundation whose depth below the surface, z, is
equal to or is less than its least dimension, B. z≤B.
Type of shallow foundation:
a) Pad footing
b) Strip/Continuous footing (B)
Type of shallow foundation
a) Pad footing
Generally an individual foundation designed to carry a single columnload
although there are occasions when a pad foundation supports two or
more columns.
Type of shallow foundation
b) Strip / Continuous footing
Often termed a continuous footing this foundation
has a length significantly greater than its width. It is
generally used to support a series of columns or a
Type of shallow foundation
c) Raft / Mat foundation
This is a generic term for all types of foundations
that cover large areas. A raft foundation is also
called as a mat foundation.
Factors in the design
Adequate depth
Limiting settlement
Safe against shear failure
Foundations must be designed to satisfy three general
1. They must be located properly (both vertical and horizontal
orientation) so as not to be adversely affected by outside
Dead Load
Live Load
Wind Load
Snow Load
Earth Pressure
Water Pressure
Earthquake Forces
Adequate depth
The depth of footing must be sufficient to prevent any changes in
surface conditions, horizontal loads and strong overturning moments.
To prevent frost action and volume change effect, the depth of footing
should more than 1.2 m and 1.5 m respectively.
Limiting settlement
Guidelines to limiting settlement by Skempton and MacDonald, 1956:
Sand - Maximum total settlement 40 mm
Clay - Maximum total settlement 60 mm
Safe against shear failure
Bearing capacity terms
Safe bearing capacity, qsafe , qa or qall
Net ultimate bearing capacity divided with factor of safety (FS) plus the
term γD.
qsafe = qnett/FS + γD
Allowable bearing capacity
The maximum allowable net loading intensity on the soil allowing for both
shear and settlement effects.
1. Bearing capacity refers to the ability of a soil to support or
hold up a foundation and structure. The ultimate bearing
capacity of a soil refers to the loading per unit area that will
just cause shear failure in the soil.
The coefficients Nc, Nq and Ng depend upon the soil’s angle of shearing resistance
and can be obtained from next figure.
1. The Terzaghi bearing capacity factors (Nc’, Nq’, Nγ)
are functions of the soil’s angle of internal friction, θ.
0.6 m 20 kN/m3
135 kN/m2
γ1 = γ2 = 20 KN/m3
Nc = 5.14
Nq = 1
Nγ = 0
𝑞𝑢𝑙𝑡 360
𝑞𝑎 = = = 120 KN/m2
𝐹.𝑆 3
2. Hence;
The Allowable wall loading = qa X B = 120 X 1 = 120 KN/m of
wall length.
Example 2.
(Effect of Water Table on Bearing Capacity)
0.6 m
20 kN/m3
135 kN/m2
1m C = 48 kN/m3
𝑐′ = 𝑐
θ′ = arctan( tan θ)
For γ1 = γ2 = γsat – γw
qult = ?
Qallowable = ?
Inclined Load
Example 3
178 KN
γ = 20 KN/m3 1.5 m
qu = 172 KN/m2
1.5 m
Corrected qult for inclined load = reduction factor for the inclined load X qult
Qv = Q cos 30° =
Factor of safety = 𝑄𝑣
Bearing capacity analysis
Question 1
A rectangular foundation, 2m x 4m is to be founded at a
depth of 1 m below the surface of soft clay with unit
weight, γ = 20 kN/m3. If the soil parameters are, c = 24
kN/m2 and Φ = 00, determine the ultimate bearing capacity
of the foundation.
Bearing capacity analysis
From Terzaghi’s chart,
Nc = 5.7, Nq = 1 and Nγ =0
qu = [(24)(5.7) {(1)+(0.3)(2/4)} ] + [(20)(1)(1)] +[0]
= 177.3 kN/m2
Bearing capacity analysis
Question 2
A strip footing is 2 m wide and is founded at depth of 3 m in a soil of
unit weight 19.3 kN/m3 with c = 10 kN/m2 and Φ = 250. Using factor of
safety = 3.0, determine the values of safe bearing capacity of the
Bearing capacity analysis
From Terzaghi’s chart,
Nc = 25, Nq = 13 and Nγ = 10
qu = [(10)(25)] + [(19.3)(3)(13)] + [(0.5)(19.3)(2)(10)] = 1200 kN/m2
qnett = qu -γD
= 1200 – [(19.3) (3)]
= 1142.1 kN/m2
qsafe = qnett/FS + γD
= (1142.1)/(3) + (19.3)(3)
= 439 kN/m2
Bearing capacity analysis
A square foundation is 1.5 m x 1.5 m in plan. The soil supporting the
foundation has a c = 15.2 kN/m2 and Φ= 200. The unit weight of soil, γ =
17.8 kN/m3. Determine the design load on the foundation with a factor
of safety 4. Assume the depth of the foundation is 1 m.
Bearing capacity analysis
From Terzaghi chart,
Nc = 17.7, Nq = 7.4 and Nγ = 5
qu = [(1.3)(15.2)(17.7)] + [(17.8)(1)(7.4)] + [(0.4)(17.8)(1.5)(5)]
= 535 kN/m2
qnett = qu –γD
= 535 – [(17.8) (1)]
= 517.2 kN/m2
qsafe = qnett/FS + γD
= (517.2) / (4) + (17.8)(1)
= 147.1 kN/m2
Bearing capacity analysis
Design load,
Q = qsafe x base area
= [(147)] [(1.5) (1.5)]
= 330.75 kN
Bearing capacity analysis
Determine the breadth of a strip footing required to carry an inclusive
load of 550 kN per metre run at a depth of 1.5 m in a fine soil with c =
90 kN/m2 and unit weight of soil, γ= 19 kN/m3. Assume the factor of
safety is 3.
Bearing capacity analysis
qsafe = Q / base area
= 550 / [(B) (1)]
= 550 / B
From Terzaghi chart,
Nc = 5.7, Nq = 1 and Nγ = 0
qu = [(90)(5.7)] + [(19)(1.5)(1)] + [0]
= 541.5 kN/m2
qnett = qu - γD
= 541.5 – [(19) (1.5)]
= 513 kN/m2
qsafe = qnett/FS + γD
= (513) / (3) + (19) (1.5)
= 199.5 kN/m2
Bearing capacity analysis
550 / B = 200
B = 550 / 200
B = 2. 75 m
Use breadth of a strip footing = 2.8 m
Bearing capacity analysis
Skempton’s analysis
Skempton (1951) using Terzaghi’s analysis by showing that for a
cohesive soil (Φ= 0), the value of Nc can be estimated from Skempton
chart or can be obtained from the formula
Bearing capacity analysis
B Nq
Sc = 1 + .
L Nc
= (1) + [(2/4) (1 / 5.14)] = 1.1
Sq = 1 + tan
= (1) + [(2/4) (tan 00) =1
S = 1 − 0.4
= (1) – [(0.4) (2/4)] = 0.8
Meyerhof’s analysis
Dc = 1 + 0.4(z/B)
= (1) + [(0.4) (1/2)] = 1.2
Dγ = 1
Meyerhof’s analysis
Due to no inclination load, therefore α= 00
Ic = Iq = (1 – α/900)2
= (1 – 0/90)2
Iγ = (1 – α/∏)2
= (1 – 0/0)2
q u = cN c S c I c Dc + γzN q S q I q Dq + 0 .5γBN S I D
= [(24)(5.14)(1.1)(1)(1.2)] + [(20)(1)(1)(1)(1)(1)] + [0]
= 182.8 kN/m2
Meyerhof’s analysis
qnett = qu - γD
= 182.8 – [(20) (1)]
= 162.8 kN/m2
qsafe = qnett/FS + γD
= (162.8) / (3) + (20) (1)
= 74.3 kN/m2
Hansen’s analysis
Hansen (1970) using Meyerhof’s analysis by suggested different value
of Nγ that can be obtained from theformula
Nγ = 1.5 (Nq – 1) tan 1.1Φ
which can be applies to a strip footing only.
Hansen’s analysis
A strip footing is 2 m wide and is founded at depth of 3 m in a soil of
unit weight 19.3 kN/m3 with c = 10 kN/m2 and Φ= 250. Using factor of
safety = 3.0, determine the values of safe bearing capacity of the
Hansen’s analysis
From bearing capacity table,
Nc = 20.72 and Nq = 10.66
Nγ = 1.5 (Nq – 1) tan1.1Φ
= 1.5 (10.66 – 1) [tan 1.1 (25)]
= 7.54
B Nq
Sc = 1 + .
L Nc
= (1) + [(2/ ) (10.66 / 20.72)]
S q==11+ tan
S = 1 −0.4
Hansen’s analysis
Dc = 1 + 0.4(z/B)
= (1) + [(0.4) (3/2)]
= 1.6
Dγ = 1
Hansen’s analysis
Due to no inclination load, therefore α = 00
Ic = Iq = (1 –α/900)2
= (1 – 0/90)2
Iγ = (1 – α/Φ)2
= (1 – 0/0)2
qu = cN c S c I c Dc + γzN q S q I q Dq + 0 .5γBN S I D
= [(10)(20.72)(1)(1)(1.6)] + [(19.3)(3)(10.66)(1)(1)(1.8))] +
= 1588 kN/m2
Hansen’s analysis
qnett = qu - γD
= 1588 – [(19.3) (3)]
= 1530 kN/m2
qsafe = qnett/FS + γD
= (1530) / (3) + (19.3) (3)
= 567.9 kN/m2
Effect of ground water on
bearing capacity
If the water table is at or above the footing’s base, the soil’s submerged
unit weight, γ’ (unit weight of soil, γsat – unit weight of water, γw) should
be used.
If the water table is below the footing’s base, the water table assumed
to have no effect and the soil’s full unit weight, γ should be used.
If the water table is at or above the footing’s base, the soil’s
submerged unit weight (unit weight of soil minus unit weight of
water) should be used in the
If the water table is at distance B (note that B is the footing’s width) or
more below the footing’s base, the water table is assumed to have no
effect, and the soil’s full unit weight should be used.
If the water table is below the base of the footing but less than distance
B below the base, a linearly interpolated value of effective unit weight
should be used in the
If the water table is at the ground surface, the soil’s submerged unit
weight should be used in the
If the water table is at or below the footing’s base, the soil’s full unit
weight should be used in these terms.
If the water table is between the footing’s base and the ground surface,
a linearly interpolated value of effective unit weight should be used in
Effect of ground water on
bearing capacity
Question 1
A strip footing of breadth 2.5 m is to be founded at a depth of 2 m in a
well drained compact sand having the unit weight, γsat = 20 kN/m3 with
c’ = 0 kN/m2 and Φ’ = 350. Assuming that the water table may rise to the
surface and adopting a factor of safety of 3, determine the safe bearing
capacity using Terzaghi’s analysis.
Effect of ground water on
bearing capacity
Nc = 57.8, Nq = 41.4 and Nγ = 42.4
q u = cN c + γ' zN q + 0 .5γ' BN γ
γ’ = γsat – γw
qnett = qu - γ’D
= 1384 – [(20 – 9.81) (2)]
= 1363.6 kN/m2
2e B'
Effect of eccentric loading on
bearing capacity
Eccentric Load
Eccentric loads result from loads applied somewhere other
than the footing’s centroid or from applied moments
In the useful width method, only that part of the footing that
is symmetrical with regard to the load is used to determine
bearing capacity by the usual method, with the remainder of
the footing being ignored.
Effect of eccentric loading on
bearing capacity
A continuous footing is 1.8 m wide and is founded at a depth of 0.75 m
in a clay soil of unit weight, γ = 20 kN/m3 with c = 30 kN/m2 and Φ= 00.
The foundation is to carry a vertical line load which will act at a
distance of 0.5 m from the centre. Determine the value of safe bearing
capacity using Meyerhof’s analysis by taking factor of safety = 3.
Effect of eccentric loading on
bearing capacity
From bearing capacity table ,
Nc = 5.14, Nq = 1 and Nγ = 0
Sc = 1 +
B Nq
. = (1) + [(0.8/ ) (10.66 /20.72)] = 1
L Nc
Sq = 1 + tan
S = 1 − 0.4
Effect of eccentric loading on
bearing capacity
Dc = 1 + 0.4(z/B)
= (1) + [(0.4) (0.75/0.8)]
= 1.17
Dq = 1 + 2 tan f (1 – sinΦ)2 (z/B)
= (1) + [(2) (tan 00) (1 – sin 00)2 (1/0.8)]
Dγ = 1
Effect of eccentric loading on
bearing capacity
Due to no inclination load, therefore α = 00
Ic = Iq = (1 – α/900)2
= (1 – 0/90)2
Iγ = (1 – α/Φ)2
= (1 – 0/0)2
qu = cN c S c I c Dc + γzN q S q I q Dq + 0 .5γBN S I D
qsafe = qnett/FS + γD
= (165.4) / (3) + (20) (0.75)
= 75 kN/m2
Effect of eccentric loading
on bearing capacity
Ic = Iq = (1 –α/900)2
= (1 – 12.8/90)2
Ig = (1 – α/Φ)2
= (1 – 12.8/35)2
= 0.4
qu = cN c S c I c Dc + γzN q S q I q Dq + 0 .5γBN S I D
qsafe = qnett/FS + γD
= (1308) / (3) + (19) (1.5)
= 464.5 kN/m2
Total settlement : 50 mm for sand; 75 mm for clay.
Differential settlement : 12 mm while the angular distortion 1/500.
Two types of settlement:
Immediate settlement : as soon as the load is applied.
Consolidation settlement : process of pore water pressure dissipation
from soil.
Elastic settlement (immediate settlement) (Harr, 1966)
B = width of footing
qo = nett pressure from footing, kN/m2
Es = modulus of elasticity of soil, kN/m2
= possion’s ratio of soil
= factor depend on footing flexibility
Consolidation settlement (primary settlement) (normally consolidation)
mv = coefficient of volume compressibility
= stress increment
H = soil thickness
Consolidation settlement (primary settlement) (normally consolidation)
Cc = compression index
Ho = soil thickness
eo = initial void ratio
= effective vertical stress
= stress increment