BTpaper 2021 A
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BTpaper 2021 A
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Ecofriendly management of spotted pod borer Maruca vitrata Fabricius in pigeonpea View project
Development of Multi-Trait Trichoderma Formulations for the Management of Dry Root Rot of Chickpea View project
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Rhizobacterial diversity is an indicator of soil health and in turn it is influenced by the host crops, edaphic factors and weather.
The present investigation reports the diversity of endospore forming, gram positive rhizobacteria (Bacillus megaterium, B.
thuringiensis, B. cereus and Lysinibacillus spp.) inhabiting 11 different agricultural crops in the IGP of India. Twelve Bacillus
thuringensis (Bt) isolates were identified by screening 62 g positive bacterial isolates from 63 rhizosperic soil samples
collected from 6 districts of IGP. The highest Bt index was recorded from Bhopal (0.25) followed by Fatehpur (0.17), Kanpur
dehat (0.10), Jalaun (0.08) and Hamirpur (0.06). The bacterial isolates were characterized based on the 16SrRNA gene and
phylogenetically grouped into 3 clades. The spore crystal mixture of 12 Bt isolates were subjected to insect bioassay and
it revealed, F8.IIPR has highest toxicity against Spilosoma obliqua Walker (100%), Olepa ricini Fabricius (91.67%) and
Helicoverpa armigera Hubner (100%) larva. Survival analysis (ST50) showed that the S. obliqua is highly susceptible than
O. ricini and H. armigera to F8.IIPR. Crystal staining and protein profiling showed the presence of cry 1 (135 kDa) and cry
2 (65 kDa) genes in 5 Bt isolates. PCR amplification of vip3A gene confirmed its presence in five Bt isolates. To conclude
F8.IIPR and Ak2.IIPR has the potential as a promising biopesticide for controlling the three lepidopteran insects tested.
Keywords Biopesticide · Insecticidal protein · Crystal protein · Bt protein profiling · Biochemical type and vip3
International Journal of Tropical Insect Science
(mungbean and urdbean), oilseeds (sunflower, rapeseed caterpillar, pod borer and castor hairy caterpillar (Gorashi
& mustard), vegetable crops (cole crops) and fibre crop et al. 2014; Shishir et al. 2014). Hence, in the present study
(Jute) (Goel et al. 2004; Kumar and Srivastava 2016). efforts were made to identify and isolate Bt colonies from
Helicoverpa armigera Hubner (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) different crop rhizosphere in IGP through biochemical
is also an important polyphagous insect that inflicts heavy characterization, molecular characterization and based on
yield loss of about 60–90% in pigeonpea (Sujithra and their toxicity profiling against three lepidopteran pest viz.,
Chander 2014). To manage these pest farmers rely on Bihar hairy caterpillar, gram pod borer and castor hairy
several broad-spectrum synthetic insecticides including caterpillar.
Triazophos, λ Cyhalothrin, chlorantraniliprole, spinosad
and emamectin benzoate (Mandal et al. 2013; Gadhiya
et al. 2014). The castor hairy caterpillar, Olepa ricini Materials and methods
Fabricius (Lepidopetra: Erebidae) commonly known as
wooly bear is a polyphagous insect pest that skeletonizes Sample collection and isolation of spore forming
the leaf by scrapping the chlorophyll completely in Bacillus isolates
banana, cotton, castor, sesame, cowpea, common bean,
elephant foot yam, moringa, sweet potato, pumpkin etc., The soil samples were collected from the sixty three agri-
(Vazhacharickal et al. 332019; David and Anathakrishnan cultural fields comprising six different districts of the IGP
32004; Nair 1970). Castor is more preferred host wherein region viz., Kanpur Dehat, Varanasi, Fatehpur, Hamirpur,
it was found to defoliate castor leaves at a rate of 2.31 g Jalaun and Bhopal. Soil samples were collected from a
per four larvae within 2 days (Mohamed and Kareem depth of 5 cm below the soil surface to capture the rhizos-
2010). The wooly bear was found to cause a yield loss phere region. The samples were collected from only those
of about 70–80% in country bean (Revathi and Kingsley fields having no record of bio-pesticide application. Five
2008). In general, application of synthetic insecticides samples were collected randomly in each agricultural
destabilizes the microbial diversity in rhizosphere and field using a sterile soil scooper (Rabha et al. 2017).
also it kills the non target predators and parasitoids The details of the samples were given in Supplementary
(Hariprasad et al. 2009). Further, continuous use of Table 1. The collected samples were transported in sterile
synthetic insecticides had resulted in development of polythene bag (10 × 10 cm) from the field to laboratory.
insecticide resistance, resurgence and also destabilizes Soil samples collected from the five random locations
the rhizobacterial diversity (Nicholson 2002). The in the agricultural fields were mixed and sampled using
decline in the rhizobacterial species richness in the quartering method and stored at 4 °C for further analy-
soil leads to decreased resistance in the rhizospheric sis (Campos and Campos 2017). 10 g of the soil sample
region to pathogenic bacteria invasion (Jacobsen and was used for isolation of B. thuringiensis (Bt) using heat
Hjelmsø 2014). To overcome the ill effect of insecticides, selection protocol (Renganathan et al. 2011). 1 ml of soil
deployment of biopesticides helps in enriching the suspension was pipetted out into a sterile 10 ml test tube
existing rhizospheric bacteria, parasitoids, predators after 4 h of incubation at 30 °C. The test tubes containing
and beneficial insects in agro-ecosystem along with soil suspension were placed in a hot water bath for 10 min
suppression of noxious insect pest (Mishra et al. at 80 °C and then they were diluted up to 10–3 followed
2015). Biopesticides, especially Bt was integrated with by plating in the nutrient agar (NA) using spread plate
parasitoids as biointensive Integrated Pest Management technique. The plated petridishes were incubated for 18 h
module for diamond back moth (Plutella xylostella) at 30 °C for colony growth. Colonies having Bacillus like
management in several South and South East Asian morphology such as off white colour with smooth edges,
countries (Srinivasan 2012). flat to slightly raised elevation were selected and marked
Among the biopesticides, Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) on the Petri dish (Rampersad and Ammons 2005). A ref-
alone constitutes 75% of total biopesticide market (Olson erence Bt strain, Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki Z-52
2015; Rogério et al. 2014). Bt is a ubiquitous, facultative was isolated from commercial Bt formulation Biolep®
anaerobic gram-positive, rod shaped bacterium that differ- WP for comparing the indigenous Bt strains. These colo-
entiates into ellipsoidal spore and characteristic parasporal nies were sub-cultured on new NA plates to obtain pure
crystal protein (δ-endotoxin) during later growth stages cultures. Gram staining was carried out for selective iso-
(Crickmore 2006). This crystal protein is toxic to insects, lation of gram-positive colonies. The bacterial cells were
nematodes and protozoan (Bravo et al. 2007). Even though studied under Leica microscope at 10 X 40 magnification.
numerous efforts have been made for novel Bt strain isola- The Bt index was calculated as reported by Anandhi et al.
tion in several countries, only scanty literature is avail- (2013) and Thappan et al. (2008).
able on Bt isolates and its toxicity against Bihar hairy
International Journal of Tropical Insect Science
Table 1 Abundance of endospore forming rhizobacteria and Bt index of the soil collected from 6 different districts of Indo-Gangetic plains of
S District (Tehsil) No. of soil Sampled crop No. of endospore forming bacterial No. of Bt Bt index Endospore forming,
no. sample ana- rhizosphere isolates appeared isolates Gram + ve rhizos-
lyzed obtained (% pheric bacterial
G + G- Total from soil species present
Molecular characterization by 16S rRNA & vip genes out group and it was sequenced and submitted to NCBI.
The phylogenetic tree was constructed on the aligned data
Genomic DNA of 62 g positive bacterial isolates were sets using the neighbor-joining method implemented in the
extracted using the protocol given by Nucleopore gDNA program MEGA 6.0.2 (Tamura et al. 2013).
Fungal Bacterial Minikit (NP-7006D). The 16S rRNA
and vip3A genes regions were amplified from the gram- Biochemical characterization
positive bacterial isolates and Bt isolates using the
standard primers (Bernasconi et al. 2004; Franco-Rivera Out of 62 bacterial isolates, six representative isolates
et al. 2004). The amplicons were purified and sequenced belonging to 4 different phylogenetic groups (based on 16S
using sanger sequencing. The BLAST search tool (http:// rRNA) were subjected to biochemical tests such as catalase, ) was used to identify malonate, Voges-Proskauer’s test, carbohydrate utilization
the species on the basis of sequence similarity of > 97% test [glucose, sucrose, mannitol, arabinose, and trehalose],
with the closest sequence retrieved from the GenBank citrate utilization and nitrate reduction were performed for
(ATCC 10,792) as described by Shishir et al. (2012). by using Hi-Bacillus Test Kit (Himedia, India).
For phylogenetic analysis the 16S rRNA gene sequence Subsequently, to study the biochemical phenotypes
of 62 bacterial isolates, 7 standard bacterial strains among the 12Bt isolates, some important biochemical
(2:B. thuringiensis, 2:B. cereus, 1:B. megaterium and tests for Bt viz., lecithinase, esculinase, urease, catalase,
2:Lysinibacillus sp.) from NCBI database were deployed. starch hydrolysis, acid production in sucrose, motility and
Apart from the 62 g positive bacterial isolates, a gram casein hydrolysis tests were also performed as described
negative bacterial isolates (F9.IIPR), was selected as an by Martin et al. (2010).
International Journal of Tropical Insect Science
Preparation of endospore‑crystal mixture for crystal and subsequently sterilized with 0.5% sodium hypochlo-
staining, PAGE analysis and insect bioassay rite and rinsed with sterile water and then dipped in
100% concentrated Bt SCM. The lower and upper sur-
A loop full of Bt culture was inoculated in 250 ml conical face of mungbean leaves were surface contaminated with
flasks containing 100 ml sterile nutrient broth and kept in bacteria endospores and crystals. The treated leaves were
shaker incubator for 96 h at 30 °C, 200 rpm. All the 12 air dried and then 3–4 leaves were clumped into a small
Bt isolates (based on 16srRNA analysis in present study) bunch. For control, instead of SCM, sterile water was
were incubated in 12 different conical flasks for sporulation. used. Each leaf bunch was inserted in a 25 ml sample
Parasporal crystal production is a characteristic feature of container with a small perforation at the centre of its lid.
Bacillus thuringiensis unlike B. cereus (Sanahuja et al. 2011; The 25 ml sample container was filled with sterile water
de Maagd et al. 2003). The Bt Spore Crystal Mixture (SCM) to keep the leaf turgid for 7 days and the container is
was extracted as described by Zothansanga et al. (2016). placed inside a Genetix® insect breeding dish (120 mm
The SCM were subjected to endospore-crystal staining X 80 mm). Fifteen 3rd instar larvae were pre-starved for
with coomasie brilliant blue as described by Laemmli (1970) 3 h and released on the leaves in each insect breeding
with minor modifications and were grouped according to the dish and three such dishes were maintained at 25 ± 1ºC,
crystal shape (Lopez-Pazos et al. 2009). The protein com- 75 ± 2% RH with a photoperiod of 8:16 h (L: D).The lar-
position of 12 Bt isolates SCM were studied through SDS- val mortality was recorded up to 7 days after treatment.
PAGE as described by Laemmli (1970). The entire experiment was repeated thrice. Further the
In order to compare the toxicity of these Bt isolates the experiment was repeated with 5th instar larva along with
SCM extracted from 100 ml broth were used for diet con- 2 additional treatments i.e. 2 different concentrations of
tamination bioassay against three pests [Spilosoma obliqua commercial Bt formulation (Biolep).
Walker, Helicoverpa armigera Hubner and Olepa ricini Fab- The insecticidal activity of SCM of 12 Bt isolates were
ricius] and its cfu/ml was enumerated by inoculating the SCM screened against castor hairy caterpillar, Olepa ricini Fab-
on nutrient agar by spread plate technique and incubating the ricius (Lepidoptera: Erebidae) by artificial diet contami-
Petri plates for overnight at 30 °C. nation method (Ammouneh et al. 2011). The castor leaf
diet was prepared as described by Rahman et al. (2002)
with slight modifications. Four small pieces of castor leaf
Insect rearing diet (10 × 7 mm) was contaminated with 100 μl of Bt SCM
per diet piece and it was placed in the Genetix® insect
The lepidopteran insects’ viz. Bihar hairy caterpillar, breeding box (72 × 72 × 100 mm) before releasing twelve
Spilosoma obliqua Walker and pod borer, Helicoverpa pre-starved (for 3 h) 3rd instar larvae. In case of untreated
armigera Hubner were maintained in the Bio-ecology control, 100 μl of sterile water was used instead of Bt SCM.
laboratory, Division of Crop Protection, IIPR, Kanpur. S. Each treatment was replicated 4 times and they were main-
obliqua larvae were reared on mungbean leaves maintained tained at 25 ± 1 °C and RH 70 ± 5%. The larval mortality
at 25 ± 1ºC, 75 ± 2% RH with a photoperiod of 8:16 h (L:D) was recorded up to 7 days and the percent mortality was
in Biogen® biological oxygen demand (BOD) chamber. H. calculated.
armigera larvae reared on chickpea artificial diet maintained Diet contamination method was deployed for screening
at 25 ± 1ºC and 75 ± 2% RH with a photoperiod of 8:16 h the insecticidal activity of 12 Bt isolates SCM against gram
(L:D) in Remi® BOD (Armes et al. 1992). The castor
pod borer, H. armigera larva. Ten 3 h pre-starved 3rd instar
hairy caterpillar, Olepa ricini Fabricius was collected from
larvae were used per replication and each treatment was rep-
IIPR main farm on castor and was reared in Bio-ecology
laboratory on castor leaves and maintained at 25 ± 1ºC, licated4 times. A small diet piece (1.5 cm X 1.0 cm) was
75 ± 2% RH with a photoperiod of 8:16 h (L:D). contaminated with 50 μl of Bt SCM and placed in a 100 ml
sample container containing a H. armigera larva. The larval
mortality was recorded up to 7 days after treatment and the
Insect bioassay percent mortality was calculated. Based on percent mortal-
ity the toxicity of Bt isolates were grouped as highly toxic
The insecticidal activity of the 12 Bt isolates’ spore crys-
tal mixture (SCM) were examined against S. obliqua lar- (70–100%), moderately toxic (50–69%), less toxic (20–49%)
vae. The experiment comprised of 12 treatments along and negligible / non-toxic (< 20%) as described by Meadows
with a control and each treatment was replicated thrice. et al. (1992). The Kaplan–Meier survival analysis was per-
The Leaf dip bio-assay was performed on the mungbean formed to estimate the Survival time ( ST50) of each Bt strain
leaves (IPM 2–3) and they were washed with tap water
International Journal of Tropical Insect Science
against all three pests. The ST50 helps in finding out the Bt rhizospheric bacterial isolates (Fig. 1a-c) was selectively iso-
strains efficacy against the insect by virtue of its speed of kill. lated by heat selection protocol (Renganathan et al. 2011).
The rhizospheric soil samples of 11 different agricultural
Statistical analyses crops viz., chickpea, pigeonpea, field pea, cowpea, lentil,
lathyrus, mustard, potato, tomato, brinjal and chilli were
The percent mortality was calculated based on the larval mor- collected.
tality in each replication. The larval mortality of twelve bacte-
rial isolates was subjected to Kaplan–Meier survival analysis in Selective isolation of B. thuringiensis and Bt index
SPSS 16.0 to find out the potential Bt isolate that can kill the S.
obliqua, O. ricini and H. armigera larva quickly (SPSS 2007). B. thuringiensis is gram positive rod shaped bacteria. In our
The per cent mortality data were arc sine transformed and sub- study, the identified 113 endospore forming bacterial isolates
jected to PROC ANOVA procedure in SAS 9.1 to compare the were screened in comparison to the colony morphology of the
toxicity of different Bt isolates (SAS 2006). representative Bt isolate, B. thuringiensis kurstaki Z-52 (iso-
lated from Biolep®) and by Gram staining. Out of 113 bacterial
isolates, 54.87% isolates (i.e. 62 isolates) are Gram positive
Results (Fig. 1d-f) while remaining 45.13% (51 isolates) were Gram
negative (Table 1). The colony morphology of the sixty two
Sample collection and isolation of endospore gram positive bacterial isolates was studied using the morpho-
forming bacteria logical parameters. Also, the presence of parasporal body (crys-
tal protein) was screened using the phase contrast microscopy.
Surveys were conducted in six different districts in the Indo- Among the sixty two gram positive isolates studied 12 Bt iso-
Gangetic plains region to collect 63 rhizospheric soil sam- lates were found to have the colony morphology and parasporal
ples representing 3 different agro-ecological regions viz., body similar to the reference strain B. thuringiensis kurstaki
central plain zone, eastern plain zone and Bundhelkhand Z-52 (Table 1). The distribution pattern of Bt isolates were
(Table 1). From the 63 soil samples, 113 endospore forming influenced by the host crop and their geographical location. In
the present study, Fatehpur had recorded the highest number
Fig. 1 Bt isolates morphology in nutrient agar (a-c) and its microscopic analysis of gram staining (d-f)
International Journal of Tropical Insect Science
of Bt isolates (5) followed by Kanpur dehat (4), Hamirpur (1), Molecular characterization & phylogenetic analysis
Jalaun (1) and Bhopal (1).The Bt isolation index varied from of bacterial isolates
0.0 to 0.25 and it is highest for the soil samples of Bhopal (0.25)
followed by Fatehpur (0.17), Kanpur dehat (0.10), Jalaun (0.08) The 16S rRNA genic region of the sixty two gram positive
and Hamirpur (0.06). Fifty per cent of Fatehpur soil samples bacterial isolates was sequenced using the standard prim-
were found to harbour Bt followed by Jalaun (20%), Kanpur ers. The amplicon size varied from 1222 bp (F9.IIPR) to
Dehat (15.79%), Bhopal (14.29%) and Hamirpur (10%). Even 1537 bp (V5.IIPR). The 16S rRNA gene sequences were sub-
though 16 endospore forming bacterial colonies were isolated mitted to the GenBank with NCBI accession numbers from
from the Varanasi district none of them was Bt. When we com- KU601912 to KU601952 and KX661352 to KX661373.
pare the samples based on crop rhizosphere, chickpea rhizos- Similarity search of the 16S rRNA sequence of the sixty two
phere had recorded the highest number of Bt isolates i.e. 8 Bt isolates against NCBI database using BLASTN tool revealed
isolates (F8.IIPR; F1.IIPR; F5.IIPR; F6.IIPR; F4.IIPR; SgH5. that twelve isolates shared highest similarity to Bacillus
IIPR; J3. IIPR and B1.IIPR) followed by pigeonpea (2) and thuringiensis (Bt) (Table 3). In addition, the phylogenetic
mustard (2) (Table 2). analysis revealed that the majority of isolates belonged to
either B. cereus group (34) (comprising of B. cereus or
Bacillus thuringiensis or B. subtilis) or B. megaterium (5) or
Sl.No Isolate name Similar to (Accession no.) Maximum score Total score Query coverage E value Identity
1 Ak2.IIPR (KU601952) Bacillus thuringiensis strain ATCC 2401 2401 100% 0.0 99%
2 F4.IIPR (KU601938) Bacillus thuringiensis strain ATCC 2418 2418 100% 0.0 99%
3 F5.IIPR (KU601936) Bacillus thuringiensis strain c25 2405 33587 100% 0.0 99%
4 SgH5.IIPR (KU601920) Bacillus thuringiensis strain SJC34 2422 2422 98% 0.0 99%
5 F1.IIPR (KU601941) Bacillus thuringiensis strain YGd22-03 2418 28954 100% 0.0 100%
6 F6.IIPR (KU601935) Bacillus thuringiensis strain 2427 33859 100% 0.0 99%
7 F8.IIPR (KU601933) Bacillus thuringiensis strain GTG-29 2390 2390 95% 0.0 99%
8 J3.IIPR (KU601926) Bacillus thuringiensis strain Al Hakam 2366 32943 100% 0.0 99%
9 B1.IIPR (KU601945) Bacillus thuringiensis strain SY 2340 2340 99% 0.0 98%
10 RoT61.IIPR (KU601922) Bacillus thuringiensis strain ATCC 2350 2350 99% 0.0 99%
11 Pa1.IIPR (KU601924) Bacillus thuringiensis isolate SIMH002 2412 2412 99% 0.0 99%
12 Pa2.IIPR (KU601923) Bacillus thuringiensis strain SJC34 2420 2420 100% 0.0 99%
13 BtkZ52 ref Bacillus thuringiensis serovar kurstaki 2431 2431 100% 0.0 100%
strain Z52
International Journal of Tropical Insect Science
Fig. 2 Phylogenetic analysis of
rhizosphere bacterial isolates
from Indo-Gangetic soils
The evolutionary history was
inferred using the Neighbor-
Joining method [Saitou and
Nei 1987]. The optimal
tree with the sum of branch
length = 0.66036883 is shown.
The evolutionary distances were
computed using the Maximum
Composite Likelihood method
[Tamura et al. 2004] and are
in the units of the number of
base substitutions per site. The
analysis involved 70 nucleo-
tide sequences. All ambigu-
ous positions were removed
for each sequence pair. There
were a total of 1596 positions
in the final dataset. Evolution-
ary analyses were conducted in
MEGA6 [Tamura et al. 2013]
Lysinibacillus fusiformis or Lysinibacillus sp. (21). Whereas activity, arginine metabolizing and sugar namely mannitol,
Pseudomonas synxantha (1); Rhodococcus (2) formed a sep- glucose, arabinose and trehalose metabolizing ability of the
arate clade as they are non-Bacillus isolates (Fig. 2). six isolates were studied using the hi-bacillus kit (Table 4;
In our study, vip3A gene was found to present in 5 Bt Fig. 3a, b). The Bt isolate, AK2.IIPR produced positive
isolates viz., F8.IIPR (MF143591), F6.IIPR (MF143590), reaction for glucose, trehalose utilization, catalase and cit-
AK2.IIPR (MF143589), F1.IIPR (MK124722) and F5.IIPR rate test, while negative for arabinose and mannitol. These
(MK214423) and its amplicon size is ~ 1000 bp (Supple- biochemical results further assisted in confirming this iso-
mentary Fig. 1). The vip3A gene is having broad insecti- late as B. thuringiensis (Table 4; Fig. 3a, b). Conversely,
cidal spectrum against lepidopteran larvae and these proteins B. megaterium (F4T10.IIPR) produced delayed reaction for
does not share homology with any other known insecticidal nitrate reduction test. All the 5 carbohydrate utilization tests
protein including cry genes. Thus the identified Bt isolates (sucrose, mannitol, glucose, arabinose and trehalose) were
possess multiple insecticidal action through cry and vip3A positive in B. cereus (J2.IIPR) (Table 4). The other repre-
genes. sentative isolates for Pseudomonas synxantha (F9.IIPR)
and Lysinibacillus fusiformis (V5.IIPR) produced negative
Biochemical characterization reaction for the entire 5 carbohydrate utilization test. While
Lysinibacillus sp. (Ek.IIPR) gave negative only for arabinose
Six isolates representing the six divergent groups’ viz., B. remaining 4 carbohydrate tests gave positive reaction indi-
thuringiensis- AK2.IIPR, B. cereus -J2.IIPR, B. megaterium- cating the variation within Lysinibacillus isolates (Table 4).
F4T10.IIPR, Lysinibacillus group -V5.IIPR and Ek.IIPR and In order to study the biochemical variations among the
Pseudomonas synxantha- F9.IIPR were chosen for studying 12 Bt isolates they were subjected to lecthinase (L), esculi-
the bacterial group’s biochemical characteristics (Table 4; nase (E), urease (U), starch hydrolysis (T), sucrose (S), salicin
Fig. 3a, b). The following biochemical tests viz., malonate, (A), catalase, casein hydrolysis and motility tests. Some bio-
Voges proskauer’s, citrate, ONPG, nitrate reduction, catalase chemical reactions like urease test resulted in distinguishing
International Journal of Tropical Insect Science
the native Bt isolates. 6 isolates were found to be positive for of various molecular weights viz., 175, 135, 65, 51, 35
urease test while F1. IIPR was found to have weak positive & 21 kDa (Fig. 5). Among the 12 Bt isolates, F8.IIPR
reaction (Fig. 3c, d) while SgH5.IIPR, J3.IIPR, B1.IIPR, Pa1. was found to produce 4 sharp protein bands (45, 50, 65,
IIPR and Pa2.IIPR were found to be negative. All 12 iso- 135 kDa), Ak2.IIPR (50, 60, 75, 135 kDa) and F5 (135–140,
lates were displayed positive activity to salicin (Fig. 3e, f), 70, 40 kDa) three sharp protein bands and two faint bands
lecthinase and catalase tests (Table 5). For esculinase test, at 75 kDa and 74 kDa approximately. The isolates having
all the isolates except RoT61.IIPR were found to be posi- protein bands at 135 and 65 kDa were of indication that it
tive. For starch hydrolysis, the isolates Ak2.IIPR, F6.IIPR, is possessing Cry 1 and Cry 2 proteins. Most of the indig-
F8.IIPR, F1.IIPR and RoT61.IIPR were found to be positive. enous Bt isolates produced proteins in the range of 29 to
The TLUAE phenotype was found in AK2.IIPR, F6.IIPR and 62 kDa. The reference strain Bt kurstaki-z 52 (Fig. 5) has
F1.IIPR. The only isolate that had a phenotype of TLUSAE showed crystal proteins at 70 kDa. This diversity in proteins
is F8.IIPR. The LSAE phenotype is observed in SgH5.IIPR, indicated that Bt isolate may have diverse cry genes and
B1.IIPR, Pa1.IIPR and Pa2.IIPR. The reference strain Bt insecticidal activities.
kurstaki Z-52, F4.IIPR and F5.IIPR had a LUAE phenotype.
The present result lucidly depicts the phenotypic variation Insect bioassay
that existed among the Bt isolates. Only two isolates, F4.IIPR
and RoT61.IIPR were found to be casein hydrolysis positive The SCM of 12 Bt isolates were challenged against 3rd and
(Table 5). Except 2 isolates B1.IIPRand RoT61.IIPR remain- 5th instar Bihar hairy caterpillar, Spilosoma obliqua lar-
ing isolates were found to be motile. vae belonging to Erebidae family. Among the twelve iso-
lates tested, F8.IIPR showed highest (100%) mean larval
Crystal protein shape and protein profiling mortality within 7 days of treatment in both larval stages
(3rd and 5th instar) and it has recorded significantly high-
The coomasie blue staining of twelve Bt isolates depicted est toxicity. The isolate F1.IIPR was on par with F8.IIPR
variations in crystal protein shape such as bipyramidal and showed highest (100%) mean larval mortality against
(AK2.IIPR, F8.IIPR, F5.IIPR, F6.IIPRand F1.IIPR), spheri- 5th instar (Fig. 6a) within 3 days after treatment while the
cal (F4.IIPR, B1.IIPR and SgH5.IIPR), rectangular (RoT61. size of larvae had increased in control (Fig. 6b). Further-
IIPR), cuboidal (Ak2.IIPR, F8.IIPR, F6.IIPR, F5.IIPR and more, F8.IIPR (100%) has resulted in highest larval mortal-
F1.IIPR) and amorphous (B1.IIPR, J3.IIPR, Pa1.IIPR and ity against 3rd instar larva and it was on par with F5.IIPR
Pa2.IIPR). Interestingly, five isolates had both bipyrami- (95.56%) (Table 6). Based on the average percent mortality
dal and cuboidal [F8.IIPR (Fig. 4a), AK2.IIPR (Fig. 4b), of 12 Bt isolates only 3 isolates viz., F8.IIPR, F5.IIPR &
F6.IIPR (Fig. 4c), F1.IIPR, F5.IIPR] shapes (Table 5). F6.IIPR were considered as highly toxic while F1.IIPR falls
SDS-PAGE analysis of the spore crystal mixture (SCM) under moderately toxic category to 3rd instar. Similarly, for
demonstrated that Bt isolates contained crystal proteins 5th instar larvae F8.IIPR & F1.IIPR were found to be highly
International Journal of Tropical Insect Science
Fig. 3 Biochemical analysis of bacterial isolates through Hibacillus kit (a,b), Urease test (c,d) and Salicin test (e,f)
toxic while F5.IIPR showed moderate toxicity alike the com- evident from the ST50 analysis that among the 12 Bt isolates,
mercial Bt formulation Biolep® which also showed mod- F8.IIPR is the best isolate for managing S. obliqua larva as
erate toxicity (53.33 & 66.67%) at the two different doses it had rapid knock down action.
tested against 5th instar. The potency of 12 Bt isolates SCM was also tested
The ST50 analysis implies that F8.IIPR has resulted in against another polyphagous pest belonging to Erebidae
50% mortality within 24 h after treatment for both stages ( 3rd commonly known as castor hairy caterpillar, Olepa ricini
and 5th instar). Further, 100% larval mortality was recorded F. Interestingly, on these insects also the F8.IIPR isolate
within 48 h after treatment (Fig. 7a, b). The Bt isolates showed highest mortality (91.67%) within 168 h after
F1.IIPR and F5.IIPR has recorded 50% mortality within 48 h treatment (Figs. 6c and 7c) against 3 rd instar larva by S
after treatment incase of 3rd instar. While it is 72 h and 120 h analysis. The next best isolate SgH5.IIPR has resulted in
for respective isolates incase of 5th instar larva. Hence, it is
Table 5 Biochemical tests and protein shape of Bt isolates
S.No Isolate name (NCBI Accession No.) Casein Catalase Urease Casein Motility Starch Esculinase Lecithi- Salicin Sucrose Cry
Hydrolysis (U) Hydrolysis hydrolysis (E) nase (L) (A) (S) Protein
(T) shape$
50% mortality within 168 h after treatment. Again, the after treatment (Fig. 6e and 7d). Hence both isolates are
F8.IIPR isolate falls under the high toxic category accord- found suitable for managing H. armigera.
ing to Meadows classification and also the best isolate for
managing O. ricini. The F8.IIPR has taken relatively more
time for killing O. ricini (168 h) than S. obliqua (48 h) Discussion
based on ST50 analysis.
The toxicity of 12 Bt isolates against gram pod borer Deployment of biopesticides ensures the sustainable crop
(H. armigera), a major polyphagous insect pest belonging production by restoring soil health thereby reducing the
to Noctuidae was studied by artificial diet contamina- application of insecticides and reduced toxicity to the
tion method. The highest larval mortality in 3 rd instar microbial communities (Yasin et al. 2016). The native
larvae was recorded from the isolate F8.IIPR (100%) fol- Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) isolates poses novel insecticidal
lowed by AK2.IIPR (88.75%) and they had significantly genes with wider toxicity and thus makes it to be more
higher toxicity than remaining isolates tested (Table 6). effective than exotic strains. For instance, Bonmee et al.
Both these isolates fall under high toxic category. The (2019) had documented huge variation in the frequency of
ST 50 analysis indicated that F8.IIPR and AK2.IIPR had occurrence of cry1A, cry2A, cry9 and vip3A genes in native
achieved highest mortality (100% & 88.75%) within 168 h Bt isolates in the rhizosphere soil. Hence, it is essential to
International Journal of Tropical Insect Science
Table 6 Efficacy of Bt SCM against S. obliqua, O. ricini and H. armigera
Isolate Dose (cfu/ml) Accession no % mortality due to Toxicity Grouping % mortality due to Bt Toxicity Grouping % mortality due to Toxicity Grouping
Bt isolates at 7 days isolates at 7 days after Bt isolates at 7 days
after treatment of S. treatment of O. ricini* after treatment of H.
obliqua* armigera*
3rd instar 5th instar 3rd instar 5th instar 3rd instar 3rd instar 3rd instar 3rd instar
NT Non Toxic, LT Less toxic, MT Moderately Toxic, HT Highly Toxic, NE Not estimated
*Values in parenthesis are arcsin transformed. In a column means followed by same letter are not significantly different from each other (P > 0.05)
International Journal of Tropical Insect Science
Fig. 7 Survival analysis of Spilosoma obliqua (a-3rd instar larva; b-5th instar larva), Olepa ricini (c) and Helicoverpa armigera (d) larva against
Bt isolates
also responsible for pathogenicity of Bt towards lepidopteran and casein and also found to produce cuboidal or spheri-
larvae (Donovan et al. 2001). The mode of action of vip3A cal crystals. The 6 Bt isolates (Ak2.IIPR, F8.IIPR, F6.IIPR,
is very much different from cry1Ab (Lee et al. 2003). F5.IIPR, F1.IIPR and F4.IIPR) along with the reference
Moreover, the Vip3A protein doesn’t compete with Cry strain Bt kurstaki z-52 were found positive for urease test
protein for binding site. Hence they are complimentary in also it was effective against lepidopteran insects tested. The
nature to Cry protein for killing the lepidopteran larvae. present result supports the findings of Martin et al. (2009).
The representative bacterial isolates of B. thuringiensis Wherein they had reported a strong correlation between
(Ak2.IIPR), B. megaterium (F4T10.IIPR), B. cereus (J2. urease production and successful replication of those Bt in
IIPR), Lysinibacillus fusiformis (V5.IIPR), Lysinibacillus gypsy moth, a lepidopteran pest. In the present study, dif-
sp (Ek.IIPR) and Pseudomonas synxantha (F9.IIPR)were ferent biochemical phenotypes (TLUAE, TLUSAE, LSAE,
subjected to biochemical test using Hi-bacillus kit and found LUAE) existed among the Bt isolates, as reported by Martin
that only Lysinibacillus fusiformis was positive for citrate et al. (2010). Motility test is one of the key tests to identify
utilization. Similarly, for Malonate test, only B. megaterium Bt (Logan 2005). In general, Bt isolates are motile by peri-
and L. fusiformis were found positive (Table 4; Fig. 2). Simi- trichous flagellum. Nevertheless, non-motile Bt isolates were
lar results were reported by Rajasekhar et al. (2017) and also reported (Maheswaran et al. 2010). Two isolates in the
El-kersh et al. (2012). The isolate RoT61.IIPR was found present study was found to be non-motile. Similar report of
to hydrolyse starch and casein (Table 5). This is in accord- non-motile Bt isolates (5%) was reported from Saudi Arabia
ance with Horani et al. (2003) wherein a novel Bt serotype (El-Kersh et al. 2012).
H71 from Jordan was also found to hydrolyse gelatin, starch
International Journal of Tropical Insect Science
Five distinct crystal morphologies were observed from Bt isolates, F8.IIPR, Ak2.IIPR, F1.IIPR, F6.IIPR and
12 Bt isolates by phase contrast microscopy. These were F5.IIPR has both bipyramidal and cuboidal cry protein
bipyramidal, cuboidal, spherical, amorphous and rectan- and it had exhibited higher toxicity than remaining iso-
gular (Table 5). The molecular weight of F8.IIPR crystal lates (Table 6). The results are in agreement with those of
protein is 45 kDa, 50 kDa, 65 kDa and 135 kDa. Jung et al. Ohba and Aizawa (1986a, b) who had reported relation-
(1997) reported that Btk HD1 has two proteins, bipyrami- ship between the shape of the parasporal bodies and its
dal and cuboidal and it has molecular weight of 135 and toxicity. Federici et al. (2006) showed that bipyramidal
65 kDa respectively; while Bt 14 has only bipyramidal pro- crystal proteins exhibited toxicity only to Lepidoptera
tein and its molecular weight is 135 kDa. Bt strains with and were associated with cry1 toxins, whereas cuboidal
spherical crystals lack insecticidal activity (Logan et al. crystal proteins exhibited toxicity to Lepidoptera and
2005). A prominent band is present at 75 kDa in Ak2.IIPR, Diptera and were most probably associated with cry2
B1.IIPR, F1.IIPR, F6.IIPR, F5.IIPR, F4.IIPR and SgH5. toxin. In general, the type of cry genes present in a strain
IIPR (Fig. 5). The molecular weight of various crystal pro- correlates to some extent with its insecticidal activity.
tein viz., Cry1, Cry2, Cry 3, Cry 4 and Cry 10 were reported The ST 50 analysis had shown that F8.IIPR had resulted
as 130–140 kDa; 65–75 & 135 kDa; 66–73 & 70–75 kDa; in 100% mortality within 48 h after treatment in BHC
125–145,68,72,78,128,130–140 &135 kDa and 80 kDa (Figs. 7a, b). The present result is in accordance with
(Swamy et al. 2013). The 130–138 kDa lepidopteran-active Patel (2014) who had also reported 100% mortality of
Cry proteins are encoded by Cry1 genes. The Cry2 and Cry3 3rd instar BHC with in 48 h after treatment of Bt kurstaki
proteins are 65 and 70 kDa, respectively (Chambers et al. 5%WP at 0.1%.
1991). Interestingly, F8.IIPR is highly toxic to CHC (91%) followed
Bacillus thuringiensis was reported to be ubiquitously by SgH5.IIPR (50%) that falls under medium toxic category
present in soil from different geographic distribution (Table 6). The Bt isolates obtained from soil was found to cause
(Armengol et al. 2007; Park et al. 2008; Saadaoui et al. 37% to 88% toxicity against lepidopteran larvae (Chilcott and
2009; Yasutake et al. 2006; Forsyth et al. 2000).Very Wigley 1993). Spores and crystals present in the SCM might
scanty reports are available on Bt presence in arable soils have resulted in higher level of mortality as it was already
and its distribution in different crop rhizosphere. Hence, reported that both in combination is more toxic than either crys-
in the present study we had analysed rhizosphere soil tals or spores alone (Crickmore 2006). The present findings are
samples of 6 leguminous plants (pigeonpea, chickpea, in agreement with Al-Otaibi (2013) in terms of spore crystal
field pea, cowpea, lentil and lathyrus), four vegetable mixtures toxicity against second instar S. littoralis larvae.
crops (chilli, potato, tomato and brinjal) and one oilseed The percent mortality of 12 Bt isolates ranged from 0
crop (mustard) for the presence of Bt and its toxicity to 100%. Among the 12 isolates tested against 3rd instar H.
potential against 3 lepidopteran pests (Fig. 6). Bt gener- armigera, F8.IIPR (100%) is found to have highest mortal-
ally does not kill an insect larva that inhabits the soil ity followed by Ak2.IIPR (88.75%) and F6.IIPR (80.00%)
(Martin and Travers 1989), but it is toxic to insect larvae than the mortality rate of the standard isolate Bt kurstaki
that are aerial and waterborne (Wu and Chang 1985). Z-52 (30%) (Table 6). The native Bt isolates of Telangana,
Consequently, three polyphagous insect pest infesting India reported to cause 16.67 to 94.44% mortality of 2nd
leguminous crops and other important agricultural crops instar H. armigera (Lalitha et al. 2012). The variation in
in India viz., Bihar hairy caterpillar (Spilosoma obliqua), toxicity of the 2 Bt isolates (Ak2.IIPR and F8.IIPR) in our
castor hairy caterpillar (Olepa ricini) and gram pod borer study may be attributed to the variation in protein crystals
(Helicoverpa armigera) were chosen for assessing the concentration or composition or geographical location from
insect toxicity tests. Among the 12 Bt isolate, F8.IIPR where it was isolated or host crop rhizosphere or variation
is highly toxic against 3 rd and 5 th instar BHC and it is in biochemical phenotype. As the former Bt isolate was
isolated from Fatehpur district along with F1.IIPR and isolated from Akbarpur in Mustard rhizosphere while the
F5.IIPR (Table 6). The latter two isolates recorded in latter was isolated from Fatehpur in chickpea rhizosphere
high and medium toxicity against 5th instar BHC. Inter- (Table 3). Interestingly, these isolates were found to have dif-
estingly, Agrawal et al. (2010) has reported that among ferent biochemical phenotypes viz., TLUAE and TLUSAE.
the 22 districts surveyed in U.P., BHC is found to occur Both the Bt isolates, F8.IIPR and F1.IIPR have the highest
only in Fatehpur district on Chickpea crop. Hence the toxicity against the BHC. Further F8.IIPR is having high
reason for the higher toxicity of Bt isolate might be due toxicity against CHC also. F8.IIPR and Ak2.IIPR displayed
to co-existence of the insect pest with the pathogen. high toxicity towards gram pod borer (Fig. 6e). Thus, the two
Wyres et al. (2010) also has reported that in Bt popu- isolates F8.IIPR and Ak2.IIPR has the potential as biopes-
lations capacity to increase production of toxin seems ticide for the management of above mentioned lepidopteran
linked to the eventual presence of a host. The following insects respectively.
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