9990 - m23 - Ms - 42 Prov
9990 - m23 - Ms - 42 Prov
9990 - m23 - Ms - 42 Prov
Paper 4 Specialist Options: Application February/March 2023
Maximum Mark : 60
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3 Annotation:
• For point marking, ticks can be used to indicate correct answers and
crosses can be used to indicate wrong answers. There is no direct
relationship between ticks and marks. Ticks have no defined meaning for
levels of response marking.
• For levels of response marking, the level awarded should be annotated
on the script.
• Other annotations will be used by examiners as agreed during
standardisation, and the meaning will be understood by all examiners
who marked that paper.
Section B: (design) Answer one question from choice of four: (a) = 10 marks, (b) = 8 marks [18 total]
Section B: candidates answer one design-based question from a choice of four, based on either of the
two specialist options they have studied. The question is divided into two parts. There are 10 marks for
part (a) and 8 marks for part (b).
Section C: (e) Answer one question from choice of four 12 marks. TOTAL MARKS = 60
Section C: candidates answer one essay question from a choice of four, based on either of the two
specialist options they have studied. There are 12 marks for this question.
Questions will require candidates to consider approaches, research methods and issues and debates. The
questions will be based on two topic areas (a, b, c, d, e) covered within the chosen specialist option. The
two topic areas for each specialist option will be different to the two topic areas assessed in Paper 3.
In order to achieve the same standard across all questions in a Section, the same generic mark
schemes are used for each option. These mark schemes are as follows.
Marks: 1 mark for identification, 2 marks for explanation/example. 0 marks if the answer in (b)(ii)
is not the same chemical/drug treatment as explained in (b)(i).
(c) Outline two psychological treatments for depression. 4
Conclusion: any appropriate conclusion drawn from the discussion that has been presented. 1
mark if appropriate. A conclusion is a ‘decision reached by reasoning’ and so a summary of points
already made scores 0 marks.
Marks: Question requires discussion; always plural of each argument, and always requires
1 mark for each advantage/disadvantage (however detailed) and related to the question up to 4
max. 2 marks max for two strengths/weaknesses unrelated to the question. 1 mark for
2 A clothes company uses a pleasant odour in all their stores which is ‘clean,
subtle, simple and memorable’. Chebat and Michon (2003) conducted an
experiment to investigate the effect of pleasant odour on shoppers, gathering data
using questionnaires.
(a) Identify the conditions (levels) of the independent variable in the study by Chebat 2
and Michon (2003).
Definitive answer :
• Scent condition (pleasant scent released every six minutes for 1 week)
• Non-scent condition (where the shopping malls ambient olfactory atmosphere was not
modified in any way).
Marks: 1 mark for identification of both conditions (sent & non-scent); 2 marks for
elaboration/explanation of one (or both) of these.
(b)(ii) Suggest one relevant variable that was not controlled in this study.
Most likely answer (other appropriate responses to be credited):
NB: allow anything that might not have been controlled
• the weather (1 mark) such as temperature might have affteced the effectiveness/ dispersal
of the scent. (2marks)
• number of people in the mall (1 mark) more people may have masked the effectiveness of
the scent (2 marks)
• any variable that may affect the result to receive credit.
Marks: 1 mark outline of model, +1 mark for relating the findings to the model.
Conclusion: any appropriate conclusion drawn from the discussion that has been presented. 1
mark if appropriate. A conclusion is a ‘decision reached by reasoning’ and so a summary of points
already made scores 0 marks.
Marks: Question requires discussion; always plural of each argument, and always requires
1 mark for each advantage/disadvantage (however detailed) and related to the question up to 4
max. 2 marks max for two strengths/weaknesses unrelated to the question. 1 mark for
3 Doctor: Where is your pain?
Patient: In my stomach.
Doctor: How painful is your pain?
Patient: It’s really bad when it hurts.
Doctor: Can you describe how the pain feels, for example sharp or aching?
Patient: I don’t know. It just feels really bad.
(a) Explain what is meant by a clinical interview. 2
List B: between a medical practitioner and a person/patient (+1 mark) Must have this for 2 marks.
Marks: 1 mark: any one from list A. 2 marks: any from list A plus list B.
(b) Explain two communication skills that could be used during a clinical interview 4
about pain.
Most likely answer (other appropriate responses to be credited):
• Verbal anything the practitioner says to the patient and anything the patient says to the
practitioner (1 mark) about their stomach pain (2 marks)
• Non-verbal any behaviour exhibited by the patient indicating the pain (1 mark) they are in
e.g. facial expression of distress, distorted ambulation (rubbing or holding) their stomach (2
Conclusion: any appropriate conclusion drawn from the discussion that has been presented. 1
mark if appropriate. A conclusion is a ‘decision reached by reasoning’ and so a summary of points
already made scores 0 marks.
Marks: Question requires discussion; always plural of each argument, and always requires
1 mark for each advantage/disadvantage (however detailed) and related to the question up to 4
max. 2 marks max for two strengths/weaknesses unrelated to the question. 1 mark for
Conclusion: any appropriate conclusion drawn from the discussion that has been presented. 1
mark if appropriate. A conclusion is a ‘decision reached by reasoning’ and so a summary of points
already made scores 0 marks.
Marks: Question requires discussion; always plural of each argument, and always requires
1 mark for each advantage/disadvantage (however detailed) and related to the question up to 4
max. 2 marks max for two strengths/weaknesses unrelated to the question. 1 mark for
Marks: use generic levels of response Design a study question part (a).
Additional: Candidates should design the study showing evidence of design features appropriate
to the named method. The named method: observation.
Specific features: Observations: type, setting, response categories, sampling frame, number of
General features of research methodology: sampling technique & sample, type of data,
ethics, reliability, validity, data analysis.
(b) Explain the psychological and methodological evidence on which your study is 8
Marks: use generic levels of response ‘Design a study’ question part (b).
NB If only methodological or psychological explanation is provided max 5 marks
Candidates are expected to explain the reasons for the suggested design in part (a). Explanation
should be both psychological and methodological. Psychological to include appropriate theory or
Additional: candidates are expected to justify their decisions or evidence presented regarding
the design made in answer to question part (a).
Syllabus: types of and common obsessions, common compulsions, hoarding and body
dysmorphic disorder.
Common compulsive behaviours include: Repeatedly checking to make sure that doors and
windows are locked or that appliances are turned off. Excessive cleaning of the house, clothes,
and/or body. Counting objects, letters, words, or actions. Doing routine activities repeatedly, like
standing up or going up and down stairs. Requesting or demanding reassurance from family
members or health practitioners. Repeating phrases or sequences of words either out loud or
mentally. Rearranging objects to ensure a specific order and/or symmetry. Doing things in
multiples: eg turning the light on and off three times.
Methodological: explanation of method using general and specific features as above.
6(a) Design a study to investigate the effect of different store interior layouts on 10
customer satisfaction.
Marks: use generic levels of response Design a study question part (a).
Additional: Candidates should design the study showing evidence of design features appropriate
to the named method. The named method is: any appropriate method.
Specific features:
• Experiments: type, IV, DV, controls, experimental design.
• Observations: type, setting, response categories, sampling frame, number of observers.
• Questionnaires/Interviews: type, setting, example questions. Scoring/rating scale, analysis
of responses.
General features of research methodology: sampling technique & sample, type of data, ethics,
reliability, validity, data analysis.
Marks: use generic levels of response ‘Design a study’ question part (b).
NB If only methodological or psychological explanation is provided max 5 marks
Candidates are expected to explain the reasons for the suggested design in part (a). Explanation
should be both psychological and methodological. Psychological to include appropriate theory or
Additional: candidates are expected to justify their decisions or evidence presented regarding
the design made in answer to question part (a).
Syllabus: store interior layout (Vrechopoulos, 2004)
Vrechopoulos (2004) identified 3 types of interior store layout: Grid: a rectangular arrangement of
displays with long aisles that run parallel to one another. Free form: arranges displays and aisles
in a free-flowing and asymmetric pattern using different sizes, shapes, and styles of displays.
Racetrack/boutique: arrangement is in individual, semi-separate areas, each built around a
theme to create an unusual, interesting and entertaining shopping experience.
Methodological: explanation of method using general and specific features as above.
7(a) Design an experiment to investigate whether acupuncture is more effective than 10
non-pain imagery for managing acute pain.
Marks: use generic levels of response Design a study question part (a).
Additional: Candidates should design the study showing evidence of design features appropriate
to the named method. The named method is: experiment.
Specific features: Experiments: type, IV, DV, controls, experimental design.
General features of research methodology: sampling technique & sample, type of data, ethics,
reliability, validity, data analysis.
(b) Explain the psychological and methodological evidence on which your experiment 8
is based.
Marks: use generic levels of response ‘Design a study’ question part (b).
NB If only methodological or psychological explanation is provided max 5 marks
Candidates are expected to explain the reasons for the suggested design in part (a). Explanation
should be both psychological and methodological. Psychological to include appropriate theory or
Additional: candidates are expected to justify their decisions or evidence presented regarding
the design made in answer to question part (a).
Syllabus: alternative techniques (acupuncture, stimulation therapy/TENS)
Acupuncture involves inserting into the skin a number of very fine stainless steel needles to
stimulate the body’s major meridians to increase the release of neurotransmitters called
endorphins, which block pain.
Non-pain imagery, where a person tries to alleviate discomfort by creating or imagining a mental
scene that is unrelated to or incompatible with the pain
Methodological: explanation of method using general and specific features as above.
Marks: use generic levels of response Design a study question part (a).
Additional: Candidates should design the study showing evidence of design features appropriate
to the named method. The named method is: any appropriate method.
Specific features:
• Experiments: type, IV, DV, controls, experimental design.
• Observations: type, setting, response categories, sampling frame, number of observers.
• Questionnaires/Interviews: type, setting, example questions. Scoring/rating scale, analysis
of responses.
General features of research methodology: sampling technique & sample, type of data,
ethics, reliability, validity, data analysis.
(b) Explain the psychological and methodological evidence on which your study is 8
Marks: use generic levels of response ‘Design a study’ question part (b).
NB If only methodological or psychological explanation is provided max 5 marks
Candidates are expected to explain the reasons for the suggested design in part (a). Explanation
should be both psychological and methodological. Psychological to include appropriate theory or
Additional: candidates are expected to justify their decisions or evidence presented regarding
the design made in answer to question part (a).
Syllabus: adaptive leadership (Heifetz, 1997)
Heifetz (1997): features of adaptation: (i) adaptation builds on the past (ii) leadership is about
change (iii) adaptation occurs through experimentation (iv) adaptation relies on diversity (v) new
adaptations significantly displace, reregulate, and rearrange. (vi) adaptation takes time.
Methodological: explanation of method using general and specific features as above.
Section C
9 ‘Cognitive treatment for obsessive-compulsive and related disorders is not the 12
solution. Biomedical treatment is the only solution.’ To what extent do you agree
with this statement? Use examples of research you have studied to support your
Marks: use generic levels of response in table C.
Syllabus: Explanations of depression
Most likely (any other appropriate responses should be credited):
Support biomedical
• Cognitive therapies need the person to be active and involved in the treatment. Many
people prefer to be passive
• Taking a drug is easy, quick and involves nothing more than swallowing a pill.
• Drugs treat the symptom, not the cause. Why does the cause need to be known?
Support cognitive
• Cognitive therapies need the person to be active, rather than passive, and involved in the
their own tgreatment. This is a good thing.
• Taking drugs is addictive and long term consumption will lead to addiction.
• Cognitive theories determine the cause, faulty thinking and the person is taught how to
think positively and to ‘cure’ their depression this way.