Emily Hauesler Coaching Journal
Emily Hauesler Coaching Journal
Emily Hauesler Coaching Journal
Dr. Cain
ITEC 7460
Spring 2022
The concept of coaching was intimidating to me as I began this course. As a teacher who
has been in the field of education for only three years, I felt that I had inadequacies in both
knowledge and ability and would be unsuccessful at coaching a peer. Quite simply, I did not
know where to begin when preparing for my first coaching session. However, readings from Jim
Knight and other experts helped me to better understand the coaching process and how it can
as I planned for my first coaching session. As teachers, we dedicate our time to the education of
children and/or adolescents. As coaches, however, we focus on the development and education
of other adults. Therefore, it is important to understand the discrepancies between the learning
According to the TEAL Center, adult learners tend to have intrinsic motivation and
willingness to learn, the ability to draw upon personal life experiences, the desire to begin
solving problems, and the ability to complete self-directed tasks (TEAL, 2011). At first, the
prospect of facilitating professional development via coaching to a fellow adult was intimidating.
I questioned how I could help someone who was likely to be independent and experienced.
Finally, I realized these very characteristics were not barriers to coaching but rather assets. Most
adults, especially educators, tend to be highly motivated, desiring to make their workplace and in
turn, the world a better place. By drawing upon prior experiences and passions, I knew that I
could build a positive, professional relationship with my coachee. I also felt that this trust would
After gaining a better understanding of how to interact with adult learners, I then turned
to The Impact Cycle by Jim Knight to plan the content of my first coaching session. I knew that
the session needed to be focused on the teacher’s feelings about her lesson rather than my
(Knight, 2018). Each of these questions would allow my coachee to reflect upon her lesson and
share her thoughts in order to develop a goal for improvement in the classroom.
Emily Hauesler
Dr. Cain
ITEC 7460
Spring 2022
As I met with my mentee teacher for the first time after observing her class, I knew the
key to our current and subsequent sessions would be to build trust. Although the teacher I
coached was graciously willing to participate, it was clear that she was unfamiliar and
uncomfortable with the coaching process. Thankfully, I planned for this reaction in advance and
provided as much comfort as possible by reassuring her of her abilities and expertise and
reiterating that she would have control over her own goals and classroom. I was merely there to
provide strategies and feedback and to act as a sounding board for her ideas and questions.
After taking a moment to establish trust with the teacher, I then shared with her data and
notes collected from observing her class. This allowed her to consider an outside perspective and
gain a clearer understanding of the current reality of her classroom. I made sure to keep all data
and comments as objective and encouraging as possible. As we used Knight’s Identify Questions
to guide our discussion, the teacher was able to openly recognize both successes and weaknesses
of her lesson. She was eager to make adjustments and try new strategies in order to create
positive change in her classroom. The teacher’s biggest concern regarding her lesson was student
engagement during collaborative learning. She shared with me that she understands the value of
students working together but also acknowledged that facilitating opportunities for her classes to
do so was a weakness.
After several minutes of honest, rich conversation between the two of us, I segued into
helping my teacher establish a PEERS goal based on what she felt like her needs were. PEERS is
an acronym that explains the criteria for creating a goal that is powerful, easy, emotionally
compelling, reachable and student focused (Knight, 2018). Finally, my teacher settled on the
following goal: to make collaborative learning more frequent and effective in the classroom. We
then discussed strategies she could implement to work towards this goal and established a time
After completing this first session with my mentee, I felt more confident in my ability to
be a coach. Thanks to content from this course, I was able to walk into that first meeting
prepared to establish a positive, professional relationship built upon mutual trust and respect. I
was also able to use resources from The Impact Cycle to help guide our conversations. While I
am thankful the teacher with whom I was working was open and agreeable, I understand that this
may not always be the case. Therefore, I look forward to other coaching opportunities to hone
Dr. Cain
ITEC 7460
Spring 2022
After helping my teacher identify a goal to help her improve her instruction and
classroom management, it was time to help her develop a plan of action for reaching her goal.
Therefore, it was time for me to create the first entry of an Instructional Playbook. As I learned
from Jim Knight, checklists are integral components of an Instructional Playbook (Knight,
2018). The Impact Cycle had many great ideas and examples of checklists that could be used to
guide a teacher in working towards a goal. However, I knew that it would be imperative to tailor
The teacher shared with me that she felt not all students were equally engaged in tasks
during collaborative learning. She also expressed that group work tended to result in
interpersonal conflicts between students. Therefore, I knew that the checklist I provided would
have to help this teacher be proactive when facilitating group work within her classroom. The
The teacher has envisioned what the activity will involve and should look and
sound like.
Written and verbal expectations are provided for students explaining how they
should speak, act, and move while participating in collaborative work.
The teacher has carefully considered and determined the best student make-up for
each group based on behavior, academic data, or other factors.
The teacher allotts an appropriate amount of time for each collaborative learning
The teacher plans and prepares additional activities for students if they finish early,
whether individual or whole class.
The teacher has considered how lesson plans and activities can be adjusted if the
collaborative learning activity takes more or less time than expected.
After sharing the checklist with my mentee, I gave her the opportunity to read through it
thoroughly and decide whether any changes needed to be made to better fit her teaching style and
the needs of her classroom. I also made sure to reiterate that the checklist was a living document
that she had full control over. This reassured her that she still had autonomy of her own
classroom and her knowledge and expertise was respected. I then explained the importance of
modeling and offered several options for her to see collaborative learning effectively take place.
Before, we parted ways, my mentee and I planned not only our next meeting but also
another time for me to come observe her class. While another observation was not something
required or encouraged at the time, I was impressed to see this teacher receptive to and excited
about the coaching process. It was clear that we had established mutual trust and respect and that
we were willing to learn from each other. Even though I had not observed her again quite yet, I
could not help but feel that this teacher had already grown professionally through understanding
her current reality and implementing goal-driven strategies to improve her classroom practices.
Emily Hauesler
Dr. Cain
ITEC 7460
Spring 2022
By my Improve coaching session, I began to feel more comfortable in the role of a coach.
I also found the Improve stage the most rewarding because I was able to see how much my
teacher had grown since we first began working together. Before we met, I had the opportunity to
observe her implementing strategies that we had discussed in our prior coaching sessions. It was
clear that she was making progress toward her goal, which was to provide more opportunities for
effective collaborative learning. I was so impressed to see how much more engaged and invested
her students were in group work during this most recent observation.
During this meeting together, we used Knight’s four-step process to guide our
conversation (Knight, 2018). First, we confirmed our direction to ensure that we would be on the
same page, working toward a common outcome throughout our time together. During this time,
we were able to discuss any concerns she had and establish the focus of our meeting.
Then we discussed observation data together. We focused on areas of strength and areas
of weakness as we reviewed her progress toward her goal. She was very successful with the
implementation of her strategy which was to provide students with explicit instructions and
practice with group work expectations and procedures. However, she acknowledged that she had
not made as much progress as she would like. While certain aspects of collaboration had
improved, she was disheartened that early finishers were becoming disruptive to the rest of the
class.These important realizations allowed us to move into the invent improvements step of the
Improve process. Together, we brainstormed ways to modify the strategy so that she could
It was clear that this teacher was completely committed to her goal. She also shared with
me how helpful the coaching sessions had been. I am so thankful that the two of us were able to
build a professional relationship through this process. I, too, have learned a great deal from my
first experience as a coach, and I look forward to possibly having the opportunity again in the