Bezdek 2003 Apophylia 5

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Genus Vol.

14 (4): 479-510 Wroc³aw, 28 XII 2003

Studies on asiatic Apophylia. Part 5: Revisional study of type

materials and descriptions of five species new to science
(Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae)

Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry, Department of Zoology, Zemìdìlská 1, 613 00
Brno, Czech Republic, e-mail:

ABSTRACT. The fifth contribution to the knowledge of asiatic Apophylia based on

the study of type materials is presented. A. kimotoi (from Japan), A. sikkimensis (from
Sikkim), A. taiwanica (from Taiwan), A. shuteae (from India) and A. bertiae (from
India and Pakistan) spp. nov. are described. A. elschotziae elschotziae C HEN , 1976 is
redescribed. Lectotypes are designated for the following taxa: Apophylia javana PIC ,
1927; Apophylia medana P IC, 1946; Galerucella viridipennis JACOBY , 1885; Glyptolus
viridis J ACOBY , 1884 and Malaxia elongata J ACOBY , 1896. Following new synonyms are
proposed: A. javana PIC , 1927 = A. signatipennis PIC, 1945 = A. medana P IC, 1946 =
A. viridis (J ACOBY , 1884). A. brancuccii M EDVEDEV, 1993 is recorded for the first time
from India, Thailand, Myanmar, Laos and Vietnam, and A. vietnamica SAMODERZHENKOV ,
1988 for the first time from Laos. Male genitalia are figured for all species studied.

Key words: taxonomy, new species, redescription, lectotype designation, synonymy,

key, catalogue, Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Galerucinae, Apophylia, Oriental

Within the five contributions dealing with the study of Asiatic Apophylia,
most of the primary types from 63 previously described taxa were examined
(except A. elschotziae alticola CHEN , 1976; A. elschotziae elscholtziae CHEN ,
1976; A. shirozui TAKIZAWA, 1985 and A. thalassina (FALDERMANN, 1835)). 21 new
species were described, 6 were redescribed. Lectotypes were designated for 22
taxa. 14 new synonyms were proposed, 2 taxa were removed from synonymy.
Malaxioides grandicornis FAIRMAIRE, 1888 was transferred to genus Apophylia
and Apophylia nila MAULIK, 1936 was excluded from Apophylia and transferred to

Pyrrhalta JOANNIS, 1866. At present, the asiatic fauna of the genus Apophylia
comprises 68 species or subspecies.
The present paper is the final contribution of this series of papers dealing with
the revision of asiatic Apophylia and includes the results of the study of type
materials and of additional unidentified material. 5 species new to science are
described below, A. elschotziae elschotziae Chen, 1976 is redescribed, lectotypes
are designated for 5 taxa and 3 new synonyms are proposed.

The following abbreviations identify the collections housing the material


BMNH - United Kingdom, London, The Natural History Museum (Sharon SHUTE);
BPBM - USA, Hawaii, Honolulu, Bernice P. Bishop Museum (Al SAMUELSON);
DEGG - Germany, Giessen, Dieter ERBER collection;
DEI - Germany, Eberswalde Finow, Deutsches Entomologisches Institut (Lothar
FKCC - Czech Republic, Èeské Budìjovice, František KANTNER collection;
HNHM - Hungary, Budapest, Hungarian Natural History Museum (Otto MERKL);
HTHJ – Japan, Hasuda, Haruo TAKIZAWA collection;
ISNB - Belgium, Brussels, Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique
(Didier DRUGMAND, Marcel CLUDTS);
JBCB - Czech Republic, Brno, Jan BEZDÌK collection;
JVCJ - Czech Republic, Jirkov, Jiøí VOØÍŠEK collection;
KMNH - Japan, Fukuoka, Kyushu, Kitakyushu Museum and Institute of Natural
History (Kyoichiro UEDA);
KPVI - India, Trivandrum, Vellayani, K.D. PRATHAPAN collection;
KUEC - Japan, Fukuoka, Kyushu University (Junichi YUKAWA);
MMBC - Czech Republic, Brno, Moravian Museum (Jiøí KOLIBÁÈ );
MCSN - Italy, Genova, Museo Civico di Storia Naturale „Giacomo Doria”
(Roberto POGGI);
MCZC - USA, Massachusetts, Cambridge, Museum of Comparative Zoology
(Phillip D. PERKINS);
MNHN - France, Paris, Muséum National d´Historie naturelle (Nicole BERTI );
NHMB - Switzerland, Basel, Naturhistorisches Museum (Eva SPRECHER-UEBERSAX,
RBNN - Netherlands, Nieuwegein, Ron BEENEN collection;
SMNS - Germany, Stuttgart, Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde (Wolfgang
USNM - USA, Washington D.C., National Museum of Natural History (Alexan-
ZMAS – Russia, St. Petersburg, Zoological Museum, Academy of Sciences (Boris
ZMHB - Germany, Berlin, Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universität
(Johannes F RISCH).

When recording the label data of the type material examined, a double slash
(//) divides data on different labels. The exact label data are cited for type
specimens. The type localities are cited in original spelling. Other remarks and
complementations of the author are found in square brackets: [p] – preceding data
are printed; [h] – the same, but handwritten; [w] - white label; x/y - number of
males/number of females.

Apophylia asahinai CHÛJÔ, 1962

Apophylia asahinai C HÛJÔ , 1962: Philipp. J. Sci. 91: 23-26 (type locality: Musya, Taityu-syû,
Formosa); C HÛJÔ , 1963: 387 (Taiwan, description of female) (partim?); KIMOTO , 1965: 489
(Taiwan) (partim?); WILCOX , 1971: 142 (partim?); KIMOTO , 1986: 56 (Taiwan) (partim?);
KIMOTO , 1991: 9 (Taiwan) (partim?); KIMOTO & C HU , 1996: 54 (Taiwan) (partim?); CHÛJÔ &
C HÛJÔ , 1997: 43.
Apophylia flavovirens: C HÛJÔ , 1935: 174 (see C HÛJÔ , 1962: 23) (partim?); C HÛJÔ , 1938: 135 (see
C HÛJÔ , 1962: 23)(partim?).
See also A. taiwanica n. sp.


Holotype (male), labelled: „Musha [h] FORMOSA [p] 26.X.1928 [h] COL.
M. CHUJO [w, p] // Holotype [red label, h] // Apophylia asahinai CHÛJÔ [w, h]”
(in KUEC).


CHINA: Taiwan, Tungpu, Chiyai, 14.-17.vii.1976, H. TAKIZAWA leg. (2/0 in
HTHJ); Taiwan, Tengpu, Nantou, 6.-8.vii.1981, H. TAKIZAWA leg. (1/0 in HTHJ).
Aedeagus as in Fig. 1.
Distribution. Endemic to Taiwan.

A. asahinai was described from single male (CHÛJÔ 1962). One year later,
CHÛJÔ (1963) published additional specimens as “Allotype“ and “Paratypes“.
These specimens deposited now in NHMB (1 female) and in HNHM (5 speci-
mens) are not consequently treated as type material of A. asahinai. Moreover, at
least the males of this additional material are not conspecific with holotype and
refer to A. taiwanica n. sp. together with most of additional material previously
identified as A. asahinai, which I had the possibility to examine. Both species can
be distinguished by the structure of aedeagus (Figs 1, 32).

Apophylia brancuccii MEDVEDEV, 1998

Apophylia brancuccii MEDVEDEV in MEDVEDEV & SPRECHER-U EBERSAX , 1998: Spixiana, 21(1): 28
(type locality: East Nepal, Mechi, Dobhan-Phulvari); MEDVEDEV & S PRECHER-U EBERSAX ,
1999: 300; M EDVEDEV, 2000: 10.


Holotype (male), labelled: “Dobhan – 8.VI.Phulvari 1985 800-1200 m [w, p]
// E-Nepal Mechi M. Brancucci [w, p] // HOLOTYPUS [p] Apophylia brancuccii
m. [h] L.Medvedev det. 19 [p] 96 [red label, h]“ (in NHMB); 8 paratypes
(females), labelled: “Phalicot 13.VI.83 550m [w, p] // E-Nepal Arun V. M.
Brancuccii [w, p] // PARATYPUS L. Medvedev det. 19. [red label, p]“ (in
NHMB); 4 paratypes (1 male and 3 females), labelled: “Hile-Arun R. 2000-300m
23.V.1983 [w, p] // E-Nepal Arun V. M. Brancucci [w, p] // PARATYPUS L.
Medvedev det 19 [red label, p]” (in NHMB); 1 paratype (female), labelled: “Arun
R. – Tamlingtar 26.V.83 450m [w, p] // E-Nepal Arun V. M. Brancucci [w, p] //
PARATYPUS L. Medvedev det 19 [red label, p]” (in NHMB); 1 paratype
(female), labelled: “Dharan 18.VI.85 [w, p] // E-Nepal Koshi M. Brancucci [w, p]
// PARATYPUS L. Medvedev det 19 [red label, p]” (in NHMB).


NEPAL: Chitwan distr., Chitwan N.P., Sauraha,, W.
SCHAWALLER leg. (2/3 in SMNS); Annapurna Mts., Marsyangdi vall., Chamje,
1300-1500 m, 24.viii.1995, SCHMIDT leg. (3/2 in RBNN); INDIA: Kumaon, W
Almora (1/0 in BMNH); Kumaon, E Ramganga V. (3/2 in BMNH); Uttar Pradesh,
Kotdwara env., 1.-3.viii.1994, M. SNIZEK leg. (1/0 in JVCJ); Dehra Dun, Kumaon
Himalaya, Siwalik hills, 1940-1945 (1/0 in NHMB); Naini Tal, Bhim Tal, 609 m,
viii.1961, G. SCHERER leg. (2/7 in NHMB); Kerala, Periyar lake, 900 m, 13.-
20.v.1991, J. KOLIBÁÈ leg. (0/4 in NHMB); Kerala, Thekkady, Periyar lac.,
77°10´E 9°34´N, 900-1000 m, 19.-27.iv.1997, R. P E Š A leg. (1/0 in JVCJ); Kerala,
Cardamon hills, ca 50 km NW of Pathanamthitta near Pambaiyar riv., 77°05´E
9°25´N, 300 m, Z. KEJVAL leg. (0/1 in JBCB); Tamil Nadu state, Nilgiri hills, 15
km SE of Kotagiri, Kunjappanai env., 76°56´E 11°22´N, 900 m, Z. KEJVAL & M.
TRÝZNA leg. (1/1 in JBCB); Tamil Nadu state, Nilgiri hills, 11 km SE of Kotagiri,
Kunjappanai env., 76°56´E 11°24´N, 1100 m, C. R. PE Š A leg. (5/2 in JBCB);
Assam, Kaziranga, Mikir hills, Brahmaputra, v.1961, G. SCHERER leg. (3/8 in
NHMB); THAILAND: Nan-Pha Khab, 11.-15.v.1993, PACHOLÁTKO & DEMBICKÝ
leg. (0/1 in JVCJ); Loei prov., Phu Kradung N.P., 1000 m, 101°49´E 16°52´N,
16.-17.v.1999, M . Ø Í H A leg. (3/0 in JBCB); Palong, 750 m, 26.-28.v.1991,
19°55´N 99°06´E, V. KUBÁÒ leg. (6/7 in NHMB); same data, D. K RÁL leg. (2/3 in
NHMB); Lansang N.P., 16°48´N 98°57´E, 18.-24.iv.1991, D. KRÁL leg. (0/4 in
NHMB); Chiang Dao, 19°24´N 98°55´E, 600 m, 10.-16.v.1991, D. KRÁL leg. (1/1
in NHMB); same data, V. KUBÁÒ leg. (0/1 in NHMB); Sangklaburi, 8.-12.iv.1991,
J. FARKAÈ leg. (0/1 in NHMB); Nakhon Nayok Prov., Khao Yai N.P., 5.-, P. D. ASHLOCK leg. (0/2 in BPBM); MYANMAR: Shwego Myo,
x.1885, L. FEA leg. (1/1 in MCSN); Carin Chebá, 900-1100 m, xii.1888, L. F EA
leg. (1/1 in MCSN); Momeit, DOHERTY leg. (1/0 in BMNH); LAOS: Louangnamtha
prov., Namtha→Muang Sing, 101°19´E 21°09´N, 900-1200 m, 5.-31.v.1997, V.
KUBÁÒ leg. (2/3 in NHMB); Hua Phan prov., Phu Loei N.P., Ban Sakok, 20°10´N

1-6. 1-5 - Aedeagus (a - dorsal view, b - lateral view): 1 - Apophylia asahinai, 2 - A. brancuccii
(Paratype, specimen from Nepal), 3 - A. brancuccii (specimen from India - Tamil Nadu), 4 - A.
brancuccii (specimen from Thailand), 5 - A. dilaticornis, 6 - male antenna of A. dilaticornis. Scale
1 mm

103°12´E, 23.-26.v.2001, J. B E Z D Ì K leg. (1/1 in JBCB); VIETNAM: Cuc Phong

N.P., 100 km N of Hanoi, 2.-12.v.1991, E. JENDEK leg. (1/5 in NHMB); Cuc Phong
N. P., 21.-22.v.1996, PACHOLÁTKO & D EMBICKÝ leg. (2/6 in NHMB); Cuc Phong,
2.-11.v.1991, J. S TRNAD leg. (2/3 in NHMB); Ha Son Binh prov., Hoa binh,4.-, J. HORÁK leg. (0/2 in NHMB).
Aedeagus as in Figs 2-4.
Distribution. Nepal. New records from India, Thailand, Myanmar, Laos and

A. brancuccii was described from Nepal by MEDVEDEV (1998). I had the
possibility to study numerous material of A. brancuccii from many SE Asia
countries including the type series deposited in NHMB. The specimens are
habitually identical and differ only very slightly in the structure of aedeagus,
probably due to the geographical range of this species (Figs 2-4).

Apophylia dilaticornis (JACOBY, 1894)

Malaxia dilaticornis JACOBY , 1894: Novit. Zool., 1: 314 (type locality: Timor).
Apophylia dilaticornis: W EISE, 1924: 183; W ILCOX , 1971: 143; KIMOTO , 1990: 26.


Lectotype (male), present designation labelled: „Timor [w, h] // Type. [p]
18500 [red label, h] // Malaxia dilaticornis Jac. [w, h]“ (in MCZC). The lectotype
is provided with one red label: „LECTOTYPUS Malaxia dilaticornis Jacoby,
1894, des. J. Bezdìk 2003”.
Aedeagus as in Fig. 5, male antenna as in Fig. 6.
Distribution. Described from Timor Isl. (Indonesia).

JACOBY (1894) evidently described A. dilaticornis from several specimens of
both sexes, because he mentioned the variation length of the body size and sexual
dimorphism. However, I had the possibility to study only one male deposited in
MCZC and designated here as the lectotype.

Apophylia elongata (JACOBY, 1896)

Malaxia elongata J ACOBY , 1896: Entomologist, 29: 8 (type locality: Loochoo Islands [by the title]).
Apophylia elongata: W EISE, 1924: 183; NAKANE & KIMOTO , 1959: 69 (Amami-Oshima); NAKANE &
K IMOTO , 1961: 18 (Ryukyu Is.); K IMOTO, 1964a: 372; KIMOTO , 1964b: 291 (key), 292 (Ryukyu
Is.); K IMOTO & GRESSITT, 1966: 476 (key), 518 (Ryukyu); Wilcox, 1971: 143; KIMOTO , 1985:
2 (Ryukyu Is.); K IMOTO & TAKIZAWA , 1994: 61 (drawing), 233 (key), 304.


Lectotype (female), present designation, and paralectotype (female), labelled:
„Archipel Liou-Kiou Ile d´Oshima Ferrié, 1895 [w, p] // Malaxia elongata Jac.
type [w, h]” (in ZMHB); 1 paralectotype (female), labelled: „Liu-Kiu archip. [w,
h] // 2nd Jacoby Coll. [w, p] // elongata Jac. [w, h] // Type [p] 18497 [red label, h]”
(in MCZC); 2 paralectotypes (females), labelled: „Archipel Liou-Kiou Ile d´Oshima
Ferrié, 1895 [w, p] // Museum Paris R. Oberthur 1897 [w, p] // Malaxia elongata
Jac. type [w, h]” (in MNHN). The specimens are provided with one red label:
„LECTOTYPUS [or PARALECTOTYPUS] Malaxia elongata Jacoby, 1896, des.
J. Bezdìk 2002”.


JAPAN: Okinawa, Kadena AB at Hawaii, Makino with aircraft, 26.iii.1969
(1/0 in USNM); Okinawa, Ikehara, 25.iv.1957, A. A. HUBERT leg. (0/5 in USNM);
Okinawa, Imi SW Oyama, 1.v.1956, R. I. Y ECLA leg. (0/7 in USNM); Okinawa,
Nago, 28.iii.1964, T. TAKARA leg. (0/1 in USNM); Amami-Oshima, Yuwan, 7.-
9.iv.1956, S. M IYAMOTO leg. (1/0 in KUEC); Amami-Oshima, Kagoshima, 26.iv.-
5.v.1967, H. TAKIZAWA leg. (1/1 in HTHJ), Okinawa, Hyakuna, Tamagusuku,
10.iv.1979, K. K USIGEMATI leg. (6/0 in HTHJ), CANADA: Anchorage, 9.iv1967,
in aircraft, J. F. BYRNES leg. (0/1 in USNM); Anchorage, 14.iv1967, in aircraft, L.
H. HERRING leg. (0/1 in USNM); VIETNAM: Saigon, 25.iv.1960, N. NEFF leg. (0/
1 in USNM).
Aedeagus as in Fig. 7.
Distribution: Japan (Ryukyu Isl). Collected also in Canada and Vietnam in

Apophylia elschotziae alticola CHEN in CHEN, Y U, WANG & JIANG, 1976

Apophylia elschotziae alticola C HEN in CHEN , YU , WANG & J IANG , 1976: 208 (descr. in Chinese),
220 (descr. in English) (type locality: Tibet: Chayu); C HEN & J IANG , 1981: 463; C HEN & JIANG ,
1987: 49 (Tibet).

No material was examined. According to the original description, A. e.
alticola was based on four specimens deposited in the Institute of Zoology,
Academia Sinica, Peking, China. A. e. alticola differs from A. e. elschotziae by
less enlarged antennomeres, by extended bat-shaped black pronotal spot, and by
the higher altitude of its occurrence (CHEN 1976).

Apophylia elschotziae elscholtziae CHEN in CHEN, Y U, WANG & J IANG, 1976

Apophylia elschotziae elschotziae C HEN in CHEN , Y U , WANG & J IANG , 1976: 207-208 (in Chinese),
219-220 (in English) (type locality: Tibet: Chayu); CHEN & JIANG , 1981: 462; C HEN & JIANG ,
1987: 49 (Tibet).


The type material was not studied.


CHINA: SE Tibet, Rong Tö valley, 6500 ft., 23.v.1933, E. KINGDON W ARD &
R. J. H. KAULBACK leg. (1/0 in BMNH); SE Tibet, Zayul, Atakang, 9000 ft.,, E. K INGDON WARD & R. J. H. KAULBACK leg. (1/0 in BMNH); same data, (0/1 in BMNH); same data, 8000 ft., 17.vii.1933 (2/0 in BMNH)

The type material was not examined. According to the original description, A.
e. elschotziae was based on 30 specimens from Tibet deposited in the Institute of
Zoology, Academia Sinica, Peking, China (CHEN 1976). Unfortunately, the paper
with description of A. elschotziae is written in Chinese, with very short English
summary only. I have found 5 specimens of A. e. elschotziae within the undeter-
mined Apophylia material from BMNH and I decided to redescribe A. e. elschotziae
as follows.

A. elschotziae elschotziae can be distinguished from its congeners by the
unique structure of antennae and by the structure of aedeagus (Fig. 8).

Body flattened, parallel-sided, densely pubescent, dull.
Head black, mouthparts and clypeal margin brown. Pronotum yellow with
median black spot. Scutellum and underside black. Antennomeres 1 to 8 yellowish
to brownish, gradually darkened, antennomere 1 infuscate dorsally, antennomeres
9 to 11 black. Femora black, tibiae and tarsi yellow, occasionally infuscate. Elytra
metallic green.
Labrum transverse, covered by 6 pale setae in row, anterior margin sinuate.
Anterior part of head semiopaque, covered by microsculpture, vertex dull, coarsely
and densely puntcured. Interantennal space with small deep groove continuing
between frontal tubercles and to vertex as gradually narrowed impunctate stripe.
Frontal tubercles large, subtriangular, distinctly elevated above vertex, lustrous.
Vertex densely covered by short pale hairs. Antennae robust, 0.85 times as long as
the body, length ratio of antennomeres 1 to 11: 18:9:15:22:17:16:10:15:7:7:15.
Antennomere 8 largely extended, antennomeres 9 and 10 very short, triangular-
Pronotum transverse, 1.8 times as broad as long, widest at the first third,
strongly narrowed posteriad, semiopaque, densely covered by coarse punctures
and pale hairs. Surface with two deep transverse depressions and two small feeble
depressions in the posterior corners. Anterior and posterior margins slightly
sinuate, lateral margins distinctly sinuate in posterior half. All margins indis-

tinctly bordered. Anterior angles widely rounded, posterior angles rectangular,

rounded. Both anterior and posterior angles with small dent directed upwards and
bearing long pale seta.
Scutellum small, subtriangular, with rounded apex, covered by small dense
punctures and short pale hairs, dull.
Elytra parallel, dull. Humeral calli well developed. Elytral surface very
densely covered with small confused punctures and short pale hairs. Epipleura
distinct, gradually narrowed to apex.

7-10. 7-8 - Aedeagus (a - dorsal view, b - lateral view): 7 - Apophylia elongata, 8 - A. elschotziae
elscholtziae, 9-10 - male metasternal protuberance in lateral view: 9 - A. maculicollis, 10 - A. basi-
lana. Scale 1 mm

Ventral surface lustrous, finely punctured and covered by pale hairs.
Basimetatarsomere 1.25 times as long as two following metatarsomeres com-
Body length 4.65-5.95 mm.
The shape of aedeagus as in Fig. 8.
Sexual dimorphism: Male: Last visible sternite with very large semicircular
incision. Claws bifid. Antennomere 8 largely extended. Female: Last visible
sternite complete. Claws appendiculate. Antennomere 8 only slightly extended.
Distribution. China (Tibet).

Apophylia maculicollis (JACOBY, 1895)

Malaxia maculicollis J ACOBY , 1895: Stett. Ent. Z., 56: 71 (type locality: New. Guinea).
Apophylia maculicollis: W EISE, 1924: 183; W ILCOX , 1971: 145.


Lectotype (male), present designation, labelled: „N. Guinea [w, h] // 2ndJacoby
Coll. [w, p] // maculicollis Jac. [w, h] // Type [p] 18494 [red label, h] // Malaxia
maculicollis Jacoby TYPE [w, h]“ (in MCZC). The lectotype is provided with one
red label: „LECTOTYPUS Malaxia maculicollis Jacoby, 1895, des. J. Bezdìk
Aedeagus as in Fig. 11.
Distribution. New Guinea.

JACOBY (1896) evidently described A. maculicollis from several specimens,
because he mentioned the variation length of the body size in his description.
However, I had the possibilty to study one male deposited in MCZC and desig-
nated it as the lectotype.
JACOBY obviously overlooked male metasternum modified to small protuber-
ance directed downwards (Fig. 9). Due to this character, A. maculicollis seems to
be very near to A. basilana PIC , 1945. Both species differ in coloration of
pronotum (yellow with central black spot in A. maculicollis, yellow or yellow with
indistinct dark spot in A. basilana), in the structure of male metasternal protuber-
ance (Figs 9-10) and in the structure of aedeagus (Figs 11-12).
ALLARD (1889) described Apophylia maculicollis from South Africa. Later,
JACOBY (1903) transferred this species into the genus Palaeoapophylia J ACOBY,
1903. In view of this fact, Allard´s maculicollis and JACOBY´s maculicollis are not
congeneric. According to International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (59.2.),
new name for JACOBY´s maculicollis is not necessary.

Apophylia mimica S AMODERZHENKOV, 1988

Apophylia mimica SAMODERZHENKOV , 1988: In: Faun. & Ecol. Nasek. V´etnama: 75 (key), 78-79
(type locality: Vietnam: prov. Zyalay-Kontum: Buonloy).


Paratype (male), labelled: „Paratypus [red label, p] // SRV, Prov. Gialai-
Contum, Buon-Loi, 40 km N Ankhe [p] 27 [h]VI 198[p]3.[w, h] // Apophylia
mimica [h] E. Samoderzhenkov det. [w, p]” (in LMRM).
Aedeagus as in Fig. 13.
Distribution. Vietnam.

Apophylia thalassina FALDERMANN, 1835

Auchenia? thalassina F ALDERMANN , 1835: Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersbourg, II: 437-438 (type
locality: Mongolia).
Galerucella thalassina: W EISE, 1889: 569.
Malaxia thalapina [sic!]: B ALY , 1889: 309.
Galerucesthis thalassina: W EISE, 1897: 296; J ACOBSON , 1903: XV.
Apophylia thalassina: W EISE, 1924: 184; W INKLER , 1930: 1316; OGLOBLIN, 1936: 139 (key), 140-
141 (Chita, Mandzhuria, E Mongolia, W China); WU , 1937: 887; GRESSITT & KIMOTO , 1963:
427 (key), 433 (N China, Mongolia, Korea); M EDVEDEV, 1992: 579 (key); W ILCOX , 1971: 148;
L OPATIN , 1975: 221; MEDVEDEV , 1982: 55 (key), 263; D UBESHKO & MEDVEDEV , 1989: 157;
MEDVEDEV & DUBESHKO , 1992: 136; M OHAMEDSAID, 2000b: 368 (China).


The type material was not examined.


RUSSIA: Primorski Reg., Vladivostok env., Ryazanovka station near
Slavyanka, 20.-21.vii.1991, U. HEINIG leg. (0/1 in RBNN); Slavyanka, E bank of
Amur river, (0/1 in ZMAS); Primorski Reg., Sichote-Alin Mts.,
Sokolchi, 1.-15.vii.1990, KADLEC & V O Ø Í Š E K leg. (0/1 in JVCJ); Chita Reg.,
Zabaik. 5.vii.1912, GAVRILYUK leg. (0/1 in ZMAS); MONGOLIA: [unreadable], (1/0 in ZMAS).
Distribution. Russia (Far East), Mongolia, China (?).

The type series, originally deposited in ZMAS (KOROTYAEV 2002, pers. comm.),
is now in longterm loan of Dr. Hans SILFVERBERG (Finland, Helsinki) and my
request for short study of loaned material remained unanswered. Unfortunately,
material examined comprises only several females from Russia and one male from
Mongolia (but with broken tarsi and abdomen, so the aedeagus was not studied).
Most likely, some of previous records of A. thalassina (mainly from China) may
refer to A. grandicornis (FAIRMAIRE, 1888). The taxonomic position of both

11-14. Aedeagus (a - dorsal view, b - lateral view): 11 - Apophylia maculicollis, 12 - A. basilana,

13 - A. mimica, 14 - A. vietnamica. Scale 1 mm

species as well as the geographic distribution should be cleared when males

A. thalassina are found.

Apophylia vietnamica S AMODERZHENKOV, 1988

Apophylia vietnamica SAMODERZHENKOV , 1988: In: Faun. & Ecol. Nasek. V´etnama: 76 (key), 80
(type locality: Vietnam: prov. Khashonbin: Tuongt´en).


1 paratype (male), labelled: „Paratypus [red label, p] //ВEЬТНАМ
ÂÜÅTÍÀÌгорыãîðû NW
Áàé–òóîíã ó Ëàíã–òÿíü
Бай–туонг у Ланг–тянь [p] 17. [h] 4.1963 ã. Êàáàêîâ
г. Кабаков [w, p] // Apophylia
vietnamica [h] E. Samoderzhenkov det. [w, p]” (in JBCB); 1 paratype (female),
labelled: “Vietnam-Ha Son Binh Thuong tien, 10 km W Kim Boi, 28.X.-13.XI.
1978, L. Medvedev leg. [w, p] // Cordia [w, h] // Paratypus [red label, p] //
Apophylia vietnamica Samoderzhenkov det. Medvedev 1988 [w, p]“ (in SMNS);
1 paratype (female), labelled: “Vietnam-Ha Son Binh Thuong tien, 10 km W Kim
Boi, 28.X.-13.XI. 1978, L. Medvedev leg. [w, p] // Cordia [w, h] // Paratypus [red
label, p] // Apophylia vietnamica Samoderzhenkov det. [h] L.N.Medvedev det. 19
[p] 88 [w, h]“ (in SMNS); 1 paratype (female), labelled: “Paratypus [red label, p]
// Vietnam-Ha Son Binh Thuong tien, 10 km W Kim Boi, 28.X.-13.XI. 1978, L.
Medvedev leg. [w, p] // Apophylia vietnamica [h] E. Samoderzhenkov det. [w, p]”
(in HTHJ).


VIETNAM: Cuc Phong, 20.iii.1995, K. Masumoto leg. (0/1 in HTHJ); LAOS:
20 km NW of Louang Namtha, 900 m, 5.-11.v.1997, 21°09´N 101°18´E, M.
ŠTRBA & R. HERGOVITS leg. (1/0 in FKCC); Hua Phan prov., Phu Loei N.P., Ban
Sakok, 23.-25.v.2001, 20°10´N 103°12´E, J. BE Z D Ì K leg. (0/1 in JBCB).
Aedeagus as in Fig. 14.
Distribution. Vietnam. New species for Laos.

Apophylia viridipennis (JACOBY, 1885)

Galerucella viridipennis J ACOBY , 1885: Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1885: 744, plate XLIV, fig.9 (type
locality: Kurigahara, Wada toge); W EISE, 1924: 61.
Apophylia viridipennis: O GLOBLIN, 1936: 140 (key), 393 (key), 142; KIMOTO , 1964a: 372; K IMOTO,
1964b: 291 (key), 292 (Japan); W ILCOX , 1971: 149; KIMOTO , 1985: 2 (Japan); K IMOTO &
TAKIZAWA , 1994: 61 (drawing), 233 (key), 305.


Lectotype (male), present designation, labelled: „Type H.T. [white round
label with red margin, p] // Type. Sp. figured. [w, p] // Jacoby Coll. 1909-28a. [w,
p] // Japan Lewis [w, h] // viridipennis Jac. [blue label, h]” (in BMNH); 1
paralectotype (female), labelled: „Kurigahara. 4.VIII.-6.VIII.81. [w, p] // Japan.
G. Lewis. 1910-320. [w, p] // Galerucella viridipennis Jac. [blue label, h] //

Apophylia viridipennis Jac. f [h] D. Ogloblin det. [w, p]” (in BMNH); 1
paralectotype (male), labelled: „Japan. G. Lewis. 1910-320. [w, p] // Kurigahara.
4.VIII.-6.VIII.81. [w, p] // A. viridipennis Jac. [h] det. K.G.Blair. [w, p]” (in
USNM); 2 paralectotypes (males), labelled: „Japan Lewis [w, h] // G. viridipennis
[blue label, h] // 1st Jacoby Coll. [w, p] // Type [p] 17872 [red label, h] //
Galerucella viridipennis Jacoby SYNTYPES [w, h]“ (in MCZC). The specimens
are provided with one red label: „LECTOTYPUS [or PARALECTOTYPUS]
Galerucella viridipennis Jacoby, 1885, des. J. Bezdìk 2002”.


JAPAN: Akarira (1/0 in KUEC); Gifu Pref., Hirugano, 2.viii.1947 (0/1 in
NHMB); Honshu, Nagano-ken, Nobeyama, 1300 m, 19.viii.1996, F. J. DE V RIES
leg. (2/1 in RBNN); Kohukabori, Nasu Totigi, 24.vii.1993, H. TAKIZAWA leg. (3/7
in HTHJ); Tatesina-Yama, Nagano, 10.x.1975, H. TAKIZAWA leg. (0/1 in HTHJ).
Aedeagus as in Fig. 19.
Distribution. Japan.
COMMENTS. One paralectotype is deposited also in Taiwan Agricultural Re-
search Institute (TARI), Taichung, Taiwan (SHIH 2003, pers. comm.). However I
have no possibility to study this specimen.

Apophylia viridis (JACOBY, 1884)

Glyptolus viridis J ACOBY , 1884: Notes Leyd. Mus. 6: 63-64 (type locality: Silago, Moeara Laboe,
Doesoen Tengah, Loeboe Gedang, Soeroelangoen, Mesauw, Solok, Soekadana); D UVIVIER ,
1885: L (Sumatra).
Malaxia viridis: J ACOBY , 1889: 216 (Burma); DUVIVIER , 1891: 46 (India); BALY , 1887: 268 (=
Glyptolus viridis).
Apophylia viridis: W EISE, 1924: 184; W ILCOX , 1971: 149; KIMOTO , 1990: 27; M OHAMEDSAID, 1995: 5
(Sabah); MOHAMEDSAID , 1999: 118 (Sabah); MOHAMEDSAID & H OLLOWAY, 1999: 164 (Borneo);
MOHAMEDSAID , 2000a: 348 (Malaysia).
Apophilia [sic!] javana PIC, 1927: L´Échange, 43: 7-8 (type locality: Java).
Apophylia javana: W ILCOX , 1971: 145; K IMOTO , 1990: 26. syn. nov.
Apophylia signatipennis P IC, 1945: L´Échange 61: 3 (type locality: Java); WILCOX , 1971: 148;
K IMOTO , 1990: 27. syn. nov.
Apophylia medana P IC, 1946: L´Échange, 62: 14 (type locality: Sumatra); W ILCOX , 1971: 146;
K IMOTO , 1990: 27. syn. nov.


Glyptolus viridis
Lectotype (female), present designation, labelled: „Sumatra Exped. [w, h] //
Soeroe 4. 78 [grey label, h] // Type [p] 18495 [red label, h]” (in MCZC). The
lectotype is provided with one red label: „LECTOTYPUS Glyptolus viridis
Jacoby, 1884, des. J. Bezdìk 2002”.
Apophylia javana
Lectotype (male), present designation, labelled: „Java orient. Montes Tengger
4000´ 1890 H. Fruhstorfer [blue label, p] // type [w, h] // LECTOTYPE [red label,

p]” (in MNHN); 1 paralectotype (female), labelled: „Java orient. Montes Tengger
4000´ 1890 H. Fruhstorfer [blue label, p] // type [w, h] // TYPE [red label, p] //
javana n sp [w, h] // PARALECTOTYPE [red label, p]” (in MNHN).
Apophylia signatipennis
Holotype (male), labelled: „Noesa Kambangan F. C. Drescher [p] 22.XI.1936
[w, h] // type [w, h] // TYPE [red label, p] // Muséum Paris Coll. M. Pic [w, p] //
signatipennis n sp [w, h]” (in MNHN).
Apophylia medana
Lectotype (female), present designation, labelled: „Medan Mjöb. [w, p] // ?
viridis Jac. [w, h] // type [w, h] // TYPE [red label, h] // medana n sp [w, h] //
LECTOTYPE [red label, p]” (in MNHN); 1 paralectotype (female), labelled:
„Medan Mjöb. [w, p] // PARALECTOTYPE [red label, p]” (in MNHN).


THAILAND: Satun Prov., Thale Ban, 200 m, 6°45´N 100°09´E, 8.-13.iv.1997,
J. KOLIBÁÈ leg. (1/0 in NHMB); Trang Prov., Khaophappha Khaochang, 200 m, 1.-
13.i.1964, G. A. SAMUELSON leg. (18/3 in BPBM); MALAYSIA: Island of Perak,
BAKER leg. (0/1 in USNM); Perak, Maxwell hill, 4400 ft., vi.1958, R. TRAUB leg.
(0/1 in USNM); Malacca, Tengah Gebirge, P. ZOBRYS leg. (0/1 in ZMHB); Perak,
Maxwell hill, above Taiping city, 900-1000 m, 12.-16.i.1995, S. BEÈVÁØ J. & S .
leg. (0/1 in JVCJ); Pahang, Fraser´s hill, 110 km N Kuala Lumpur, 1500 m, 7.-
10.i.1995, S. BEÈVÁØ J. & S . leg. (0/1 in JVCJ); Perak, 25 km NE of Ipoh,
Banjaran Titi Wangsa Mts., Korbu Mts., 1200 m, 27.i.-2.ii.1999, P. PACHOLÁTKO
leg. (0/1 in NHMB); Perak, 40 km SE of Ipoh, Cameron Highlands, Ringlet, 900
m, 4°25´N 101°23´E, 25.iv.-5.v.2001, M. Ø Í H A leg. (0/2 in JBCB); Benom Mts.,
15 km E Kampong Dong, 700 m, 3°53´N 102°01´E, 1.iv.1998, DEMBICKÝ &
P ACHOLÁTKO leg. (0/2 in JBCB); the same data, 24.iii.-15.iv.1998, D. HAUCK leg.
(1/1 in JBCB); Sabah, Sandakan, BAKER leg. (2/11 in USNM); Sabah, Ranau,
23.viii.1983, G. F. HEVEL & W. E. STEINER leg. (1/3 in USNM); Borneo, Bettotan
near Sandakan (0/1 in BMNH); INDONESIA: Sumatra, Benculen, iv.1891, E.
MODIGLIANI leg. (0/3 in MCSN); Sumatra, Benkoelen, Lebong Tandai, 1920, C. J.
BROOKS (0/1 in BMNH); Sumatra, Fort de Kock, 920 m, i.1922, E. JACOBSON leg.
(0/1 in USNM; 0/1 in DEI); the same data, xii.1921 (0/1 in USNM); Sumatra, Fort
de Kock, WEYERS leg. (3/5 in Bruxelles); Sumatra NO, Tandjong Morawa Serdang,
B. HAGEN leg. (1/1 in ISNB); Sumatra, Manna, KLAPPERT leg. (0/2 in SMNS);
Sumatra N, Dolok Merangir, xii.1974, DIEHL leg. (0/1 in DEGG); Sumatra,
Bungus Bucht Padang, 1.-6.xi.1908, SCHOEDE leg. (0/1 in ZMHB); Sumatra NE,
Tebing-tinggi, D R. SHULTHEISS leg. (0/1 in DEI); Sumatra, Merang, D OHERTY leg.
(1/1 in BMNH); Sumatra, Lampong, BUXTON leg. (0/2 in BMNH); Sumatra E,
Riau prov., Bukit Tigapuluh N.P., 0°50´S 102°26´E, 18.-25.i.2000, J. BE Z D Ì K
leg. (0/1 in JBCB); Java, Noesa Kemsangan, i. 1911, DRESCHER leg. (0/2 in
ZMHB); Java, Baluran N.P., 14.-16.iv.1996, R. ZA J Í È E K leg. (1/12 in NHMB);
Borneo, GRABOWSKY (0/1 in Berlin); Borneo, Banguey (0/2 in ZMHB); Sarawak,
R. Kapah trib., of R. Tinjar, 20.x.1932, old secondary forest, native collector (0/

15-18. Aedeagus (a - dorsal view, b - lateral view): 15 - Apophylia viridis (specimen from Java), 16
- A. viridis (specimen from Thailand), 17 - A. viridis (holotype of A. signatipennis), 18 - A. viridis
(lectotype of A. javana). Scale 1 mm

1 in BMNH); Sarawak, Mt. Dulit, 4 000 ft., Moss forest, 22.x.1932, native
collector (0/1 in BMNH); Bali, Yeh Sumbul Negar, 5.-8.xii.1999, H. TAKIZAWA
leg. (3/1 in HTHJ).
Aedeagus as in Figs 15-18.
Distribution. Indonesia (Sumatra, Java, Bali, Sarawak, Borneo), Malaysia,
Thailand. DUVIVIER (1891) reported A. viridis also from India (Konbir and Tetara)
and J ACOBY (1889) from Burma. Both records should be verified.

A. viridis was described according to numerous material by JACOBY (1884). I
was not able to trace the deposition of the type series, except for one female
deposited in MCZC. This female is designated here as the lectotype. PIC (1927;
1945; 1946) described 3 species subsequently: A. javana, A. signatipennis and
A. medana. Lectotypes are designated here for A. javana P IC, 1927 and for
A. medana P IC, 1946. A. javana was described from one couple from Java,
A. medana from two females from Sumatra. Both A. medana and A. javana are
conspecific with A. viridis. A. signatipennis was described from single small male
with unusual wide purplish elytral suture. Besides this colour character, I did not
find any morphological difference, including the shape of aedeagus, between
A. signatipennis and A. viridis. All three PIC taxa (A. javana, A. signatipennis and
A. medana) are considered new synonyms of A. viridis.


Apophylia bertiae n. sp.

Holotype (male), labelled: “Dehra Dun, U.P., India, 8-9´16.H.G.C. [w, p]“ (in
BMNH); 1 paratype (male), labelled: “India bor. 330 m UTTAR PRADESH bor.
HARIDWAR, CHILA 9.-14.8.1994 lgt. M. Snizek [w, p]“ (in JVCJ); 2 paratypes
(females), labelled: “Dehra-Dun 1940-45 Kumaon Himalaya leg. Liesenfeldt [w,
p]“ (in NHMB); 1 paratype (female), labelled: “Siwalik-Hills [w, h] // Dehra-Dun
1940-45 Kumaon Himalaya [w, p]“ (in NHMB); 1 paratype (female), labelled:
“INDIA [p] , U.P. Varansi 1973 Lakshman Lac on Helicteres isora [h] C.I.E. A [p]
6516 [w, h]“ (in BMNH); 1 paratype (female), labelled: “Haldwani Divn. Kumaon,
U.P. Aug´21, H.G.C. [w, p] // 3721 [w, p] // 3721 [w, p] // H.G.Champion Coll.
B.M. 1953-156 [w, p]“ (in BMNH); 1 paratype (female), labelled: “Sitapur U.P.
India. July, 1917, HGC [w, p] // 1402 [blue label, h] // .O. [pink label, p] //
H.G.Champion Coll. B.M. 1953-156 [w, p]“ (in BMNH); 1 paratype (female),
labelled: “Sitapur U.P. India. July, 1917, HGC [w, p] // 1402 [blue label, h] //
Apophylia sericea Fab. Det S. Maulik 1934 [w, p]“ (in BMNH); 1 paratype
(female), labelled: “Haldwani Dist. Kumaon, India. H.G.C. [w, p]“ (in BMNH); 1
paratype (female), labelled: “Kangra Valley. 4500 ft vii-x1899 Dudgeon [w, p] //

Apophylia sericea Fab. Det S. Maulik 1934 [w, p]“ (in BMNH); 4 paratypes (1
male, 3 females), labelled: “Sitapur, W.Almora, India. H.G.C. [w, p] // Apophylia
sericea Fab. Det S. Maulik 1934 [w, p]“ (in BMNH); 1 paratype (female),
labelled: “Dehra Dun, U.P., India, 8-9´16.H.G.C. [w, p] // H.G.Champion Coll.
B.M. 1953-156 [w, p]“ (in BMNH); 4 paratype (2 males, 2 females), labelled:
“Dehra Dun, U.P., India, 8-9´16.H.G.C. [w, p] // Apophylia sericea Fab. Det S.
Maulik 1934 [w, p]“ (in BMNH); 2 paratypes (1 male and 1 female), labelled:
“W.Almora, Kumaon, U.P. India. H.G.C. [w, p]“ (in BMNH); 1 paratype (male),
labelled: “Fyzabad, Unit. Prov., India. R.W.G.Hingston. B.M.1923-293 [w, p]“
(in BMNH); 1 paratype (male), labelled: “INDIA.U.P. Deahra Dun. 1932.
H.G.Champion [w, p] // H.G.Champion Coll. B.M. 1953-156 [w, p]“ (in BMNH);
2 paratypes (females), labelled: “E.Coll Laferté [w, p] // Bacon N. India [w, h] //
67.56 [w, p]“ (in BMNH); 1 paratype (male), labelled: “Entomologist to Govt. Of
India. No. [p] 811. [h] I [p] 15.VIII.190 [p] 4 [h] Sura … B … H.M. … [blue label,
partly unreadable, h] // Andrewes Bequest. B.M.1922-221. [w, p] // Apophylia
sericea Fab. Det S. Maulik 1934 [w, p]“ (in BMNH); 1 paratype (male), labelled:
“Bombay India [w, h] // G. Bryant Coll. 1919-147 [w, p] // Apophylia sp. [w, h]“
(1/0 in BMNH); 1 paratype (female), labelled: “Bombay India [w, p] // JCBridwell
coll [p] Oct. 24 [w, h]“ (in USNM); 1 paratype (male), labelled: “Mangalore India
Aug´28 [w, p] // JCBridwell coll [w, p]“ (in USNM); 1 paratype (male), labelled:
“Margao Goa Ind [w, p] // JCBridwell coll Jul´25 [w, p]“ (in USNM); 1 paratype
(female), labelled: “Salcete Goa India [w, p] // JCBridwell coll Jul´25 [w, p]“ (in
USNM); 11 paratypes (4 males, 7 females), labelled: “Mormugao Goa India [w,
p] // JCBridwell coll Sep´25 [w, p]“ (in USNM); 2 paratypes (females), labelled:
“Mormugao Goa India [w, p] // JCBridwell coll Jul´25 [w, p]“ (in USNM); 6
paratypes (2 males, 4 females), labelled: “Mormugao Goa India [w, p] // JCBridwell
coll Aug´25 [w, p]“ (in USNM); 6 paratypes (3 males, 3 females), labelled: “India
or. Nagpore [w, p] // Coll. G. Hauser [w, p] // Zool. Mus. Berlin [w, p] //
Apophylia sericea Fab. [h] Det. [p] R.K.Annand [h] 19 [p] 89 [w, h]“ (in ZMHB);
1 paratype (female), labelled: “Coll. G. Hauser [w, p] // Zool. Mus. Berlin [w, p]
// Apophylia sericea Fab. [h] Det. [p] R.K.Annand [h] 19 [p] 89 [w, h]“ (in
ZMHB); 1 paratype (male), labelled: “West Pakistan (WP 6) Islamabad 30.VII.
on light 1970 lgt. O. Štìrba [w, p]“ (in MMBC); 4 paratypes (2 males, 2
females), labelled: “PAKISTAN, Punjab, Rawalpindi, at light, Aug.27,1985
C.W.&L.B.O´Brien [w, p] // Askevold Coll. ´87 [w, p]“ (in HTHJ); 3 paratypes (1
male, 2 females), labelled: “INDIA: Kerala, Ambalayaval, 19.iv. 2003, Prathapan
Coll. [w, p]” (in KPVI, 1 female in JBCB). The specimens of the newly described
species are provided with one red label: „HOLOTYPUS [or PARATYPUS]
Apophylia bertiae sp. nov. J. Bezdìk det. 2002”;.

Body flattened, subparallel, slightly widened backwards, densely pubescent,

19-22. Aedeagus (a - dorsal view, b - lateral view): 19 - Apophylia viridipennis, 20 - A. bertiae,

21 - A. assamensis, 22 - A. metallica. Scale 1 mm

Head yellow; vertex and frontal tubercles can vary from brown (somewhat
darker than the rest of head) to black. Pronotum, pro- and mesosternum yellow.
Scutellum yellow to black. Metasternum black with yellow posterior and lateral
margins in pale specimens, or black in dark specimens. Abdomen dark brown to
black. The first 3 antennomeres yellow, the rest black. Legs yellow, tarsi and
apical parts of tibiae often infuscate. Elytra metallic dark green or blue.
Labrum transverse, covered by several pale setae, anterior margin sinuate.
Anterior part of head semiopaque, covered by microsculpture and by several long
pale hairs, vertex dull, coarsely and densely punctured. Interantennal space with
small deep groove. Frontal tubercles small, subtriangular, slightly elevated above
vertex, semiopaque, covered by microsculpture. Vertex densely covered with
short pale hairs. Antennae slender, 0.65-0.85 times as long as the body, length
ratio of antennomeres 1 to 11: 13:6:12:16:16:16:17:14:12:11:12.
Pronotum transverse, 1.80-2.00 times as broad as long, widest at the first
third, narrowed anteriad and posteriad, semiopaque, densely covered with coarse
punctures and short pale hairs. Surface with feebly depressed median line, later-
ally with 2 large deep depressions. Anterior margin slightly sinuate, lateral
margins rounded, posterior margin almost straight. All margins thinly bordered.
Anterior angles widely rounded, posterior angles obtusely angulate, rounded.
Scutellum small, subtriangular, with rounded apex, covered by small dense
punctures and short pale hairs, semiopaque.
Elytra almost parallel, slightly widened backwards, semiopaque. Humeral
calli well developed. Elytral surface very densely covered with small confused
punctures and short pale hairs. Epipleura distinct, gradually narrowed to apex.
Ventral surface lustrous, finely punctured and covered by pale hairs.
Basimetatarsomere 1.4 times as long as two following metatarsomeres com-
Body length 4.10-6.10 mm (holotype 4.30 mm).
The shape of aedeagus as in Fig. 20.
Sexual dimorphism: Male: Antennomeres 1 to 5 with very long pale hairs, last
visible sternite with very large semicircular incision, claws bifid. Female:
Antennomeres 1 to 5 with moderately long pale hairs, last visible sternite com-
plete, claws appendiculate.

India and Pakistan.

A. bertiae n. sp. is variable in colour. Pale specimens (including holotype)
have yellow scutellum and yellow head with brown vertex, dark specimens
(populations from Goa, Bombay and Nagpore) have vertex and scutellum black.
Except the colour difference I am unable to find any other morphological charac-
ter (including the structure of aedeagus) to distinguish these two colour forms.

Due to long hairs on antennomeres 1 to 5 in male, A. bertiae sp. nov. seems to be

closely related to A. assamensis (JACOBY, 1891). Both species are easily identified
by the structure of aedeagus (Figs 20-21) and by the colour of pronotum (black in
A. assamensis, yellow in A. bertiae sp. nov.). The dark forms of A. bertiae sp. nov.
are also similar to A. metallica JACOBY, 1904 and A. medvedevi SAMODERZHENKOV,
1988, these two species differ, however, by the structure of aedeagus (Figs 22-23)
and by the absence of long pale hairs on antennomeres 1 to 5 in male.

Dedicated to Dr. Nicole BERTI , the curator of Muséum National d´Historie
Naturelle Paris.

Apophylia kimotoi n. sp.

Apophylia nigriceps: KIMOTO , 1964: 291 (Japan, key); K IMOTO , 1985: 2 (Japan); K IMOTO & TAKIZAWA ,
1994: 233 (key), 305 (Japan).

Holotype (male), labelled: „(Kyushu) Mt. Sobo [p] 27. VII. [h] 195 [p] 3 [h]
Col. S. Kimoto [w, p] // Apophylia nigriceps Laboissière [h] Det. S. Kimoto, 19
[p] 72 [w, h]“ (in KMNH). The holotype of the newly described species is
provided with one red label: „HOLOTYPUS Apophylia kimotoi sp. nov. J. Bezdìk
det. 2003”.

Body flattened, parallel-sided, densely pubescent, dull.
Head bicolorous; vertex and frontal tubercles yellow black; anterior part of
head and underside yellow. Pronotum, scutellum and underside black. Antennae
yellow with last 4 antennomeres infuscate. Legs yellow, last two tarsomeres
infuscate. Elytra metallic green.
Labrum transverse, covered by several pale setae, anterior margin sinuate.
Anterior part of head semiopaque, covered by microsculpture, vertex dull, coarsely
and densely punctured. Interantennal space with small groove. Frontal tubercles
small, subtriangular, slightly elevated above vertex, semiopaque, covered by
microsculpture. Vertex densely covered with short pale hairs. Antennae slender,
0.90 times as long as the body, length ratio of antennomeres 1 to 11:
Pronotum transverse, 1.65 times as broad as long, widest at the first third,
narrowed anteriad and posteriad, dull, densely covered with coarse punctures and
long pale hairs. Surface with two indistinct feeble depressions in median line
(near the middle of anterior and posterior margins), laterally with two very large
deep depressions. Anterior margin slightly sinuate, posterior margin almost straight.
All margins thinly bordered. Anterior angles widely rounded, posterior angles
obtusely angulate, rounded, with very small dent directed upwards.

Scutellum subtriangular, apex widely rounded, with small dense punctures

and short pale hairs, dull.
Elytra parallel, dull. Humeral calli well developed. Elytral surface very
densely covered with small confused punctures and short pale hairs. Epipleura
distinct, gradually narrowed to apex.
Ventral surface lustrous, finely punctured and covered by pale hairs. Last
visible sternite with very deep semicircular incision.
Basimetatarsomere 1.5 times as long as two following metatarsomeres com-
bined. Claws bifid.
Body length of the holotype 4.55 mm.
The shape of aedeagus as in Fig. 24.

Japan. All previous records of A. nigriceps from Japan refer very probably to
A. kimotoi n. sp.

A. kimotoi sp. nov. is very similar to A. velai BE Z D Ì K, 2003 (from Taiwan),
A. clypeata S AMODERZHENKOV, 1988 (from Vietnam) and A. nigriceps LABOISSIÈRE,
1927 (from China,Vietnam). A. kimotoi sp. nov. differs by yellow anterior part of
head and by the structure of aedeagus (Figs 25-27).

Dedicated to Dr. Shinsaku K IMOTO, a famous Japanese specialist in Chryso-

Apophylia shuteae n. sp.

Holotype (male), labelled: “NAINI TAL, INDIA Bhim Tal, 609 m VIII. 1961
leg. G. Scherer [w, p]“ (in NHMB); 1 paratype (female), labelled: “NAINI TAL,
INDIA Naukutchia Tal, 600 m, VIII. 1961 leg. G. Scherer [w, p]“ (in NHMB); 1
paratype (male), labelled: “NAINI TAL, INDIA 1932 m, VII. 1961 leg. G.
Scherer [w, p]“ (in NHMB); 1 paratype (female), labelled: “DEHRA DUN,
INDIA Mussoorie, ca 800 m Kemptee Falls, VIII. 1961, leg. G. Scherer [w, p]“
(in NHMB); 2 paratypes (males), labelled: “Dehra-Dun 1940-45 Kumaon Himalaya
leg. Liesenfeldt [w, p]“ (in NHMB); 1 paratype (female), labelled: “INDIA bor.
[w, p]“ (in JVCJ); 1 paratype (female), labelled: “W.Almora Divn Kumaon U.P.
Augt. 1917. HGC [w, p]“ (in BMNH); 1 paratype (female), labelled: “Punjab:
Simla. E.C. Ansorge. B.M. 1924-250 [w, p]“ (in BMNH); 4 paratypes (males),
labelled: “W.Almora, Kumaon U.P. India. H.G.C. [w, p] // Apophylia sericea Fab.

23-26. Aedeagus (a - dorsal view, b - lateral view): 23 - Apophylia medvedevi, 24 - A. kimotoi, 25

- A. velai, 26 - A. clypeata. Scale 1 mm

Det S. Maulik 1934. [w, p]“ (in BMNH); 1 paratype (female), labelled: “Lansdowne
Division, U.P., India. F.W.C. [w, p] // Apophylia sericea Fab. Det S. Maulik 1934.
[w, p]“ (in BMNH); 1 paratype (female), labelled: “W.Almora Divn Kumaon U.P.
July 1918. HGC [w, p] // E68 [w, p]“ (in BMNH); 1 paratype (female), labelled:
“W.Almora Divn Kumaon U.P. July 1918. HGC [w, p] // E68 [w, p] // Apophylia
sericea Fab. Det S. Maulik 1934. [w, p]“ (in BMNH); 7 paratypes (3 males, 4
females), labelled: “INDIA bor. 3300 m Uttar Pradesh bor. Kedarnath, 14 km
S Rambara, 26-29.7. M. Snízek leg. 1994 [w, p]“ (in FKCC, 2 paratypes in
JBCB). The specimens of the newly described species are provided with one red
label: „HOLOTYPUS [or PARATYPUS] Apophylia shuteae sp. nov. J. Bezdìk
det. 2002”.

Body flattened, subparallel, slightly widened backwards, densely pubescent,
Head bicolorous; vertex and postgenae black; anterior part of head, mouthparts
and underside yellow; frontal tubercles yellow to blackish. Pronotum yellow with
median black spot. Scutellum black. Meso-, metasternum and abdomen black.
The first 6-7 antennomeres yellow, the rest black. Legs yellow, tarsi often infuscate.
Elytra metallic dark green.
Labrum transverse, covered with several pale setae, anterior margin slightly
sinuate. Anterior part of head lustrous, vertex dull, coarsely and densely punc-
tured. Interantennal space with small deep groove. Frontal tubercles small,
subtriangular, slightly elevated above vertex, lustrous. Vertex densely covered
with short pale hairs. Antennae slender, 0.80 times as long as the body, length
ratio of antennomeres 1 to 11: 12:6:11:16:12:14:12:11:11:9:11.
Pronotum transverse, 2.00 – 2.10 times as broad as long, widest at the first
quarter, narrowed posteriad, semiopaque, densely covered by coarse punctures
and pale hairs. Surface with two deep depressions. Anterior and posterior margins
slightly sinuate. All margins indistinctly bordered. Anterior angles widely rounded,
posterior angles obtusely angulate, rounded.
Scutellum small, subtriangular, with small dense punctures and short pale
hairs, semiopaque.
Elytra almost parallel, slightly widened backwards, semiopaque. Humeral
calli well developed. Elytral surface very densely covered with small confused
punctures and short pale hairs. Epipleura distinct, gradually narrowed to apex.
Ventral surface lustrous, finely punctured and covered by pale hairs.
Basimetatarsomere as long as two following metatarsomeres combined.
Body length 3.70-4.75 mm (holotype 4.10 mm).
The shape of aedeagus as in Fig. 28.
Sexual dimorphism: Male: Last visible sternite with large semicircular inci-
sion, claws bifid. Female: Last visible sternite complete, claws appendiculate.

27-30. Aedeagus (a - dorsal view, b - lateral view): 27 - Apophylia nigriceps, 28 - A. shuteae, 29

- A. flavovirens, 30 - A. nepalica. Scale 1 mm


A. shuteae sp. nov. is one of the smallest Apophylia species. Due to one
median black spot on pronotum and body length, A. shuteae sp. nov. can be
compared only with A. viridis (JACOBY, 1884). Both species differ by the structure
of aedeagus (Figs 15-18, 28). Other Apophylia species with median pronotal spot
(A. vietnamica SAMODERZHENKOV, 1988, A. flavovirens FAIRMAIRE, 1878 and
A. nepalica BE Z D Ì K, 2003) differ by the structure of aedeagus (Figs 14, 29-30)
and by longer body size. Moreover, A. nepalica have only last antennomere black.

Dedicated to Dr. Sharon S HUTE, a curator of The Natural History Museum
(London, England).

Apophylia sikkimensis n. sp.

Holotype (male) and 17 paratypes (10 males and 7 females), labelled: „Sikkim:
Gopaldhara, Rungbong Vall. H. Stevens. [w, p]“ (in BMNH). The specimens of
the newly described species are provided with one red label: „HOLOTYPUS [or
PARATYPUS] Apophylia sikkimensis sp. nov. J. Bezdìk det. 2002”.

Body flattened, parallel, densely pubescent, dull.
Head black, mouthparts and clypeal margin yellowish to brownish, frontal
tubercles, postgenae, anterior part of head, mouthparts and underside yellow,
labrum occasionally darkened. Pronotum, scutellum and underside black. The
first 3 to 6 antennomeres yellow, the rest black. Legs yellow. Elytra metallic
Labrum transverse, covered by several pale setae, anterior margin sinuate.
Anterior part of head semiopaque, covered by microsculpture, longitudinally with
a row of very long pale setae, vertex dull, coarsely and densely punctured.
Interantennal space with small groove. Frontal tubercles small, subtriangular,
slightly elevated above vertex, semiopaque, covered by microsculpture. Frons
with distinct shallow groove. Vertex densely covered with short pale hairs.
Antennae slender, 0.70 times as long as the body, length ratio of antennomeres
1 to 11: 18:7:15:19:17:17:16:14:13:12:15.
Pronotum transverse, 2.00 – 2.10 times as broad as long, widest at the first
third, narrowed anteriad and posteriad, dull, densely covered with coarse punc-
tures and long pale hairs. Surface with two indistinct feeble depressions in median
line (near the middle of anterior and posterior margins), laterally with two very

large deep depressions. Anterior margin slightly sinuate, posterior margin almost
straight. Anterior and posterior margins thinly bordered, lateral margins indis-
tinctly bordered. Anterior angles widely rounded, posterior angles obtusely
angulate, rounded.
Scutellum subtriangular, apex widely rounded, with small dense punctures
and short pale hairs, dull.
Elytra parallel, dull. Humeral calli well developed. Elytral surface very
densely covered with small confused punctures and short pale hairs. Epipleura
distinct, gradually narrowed to apex.
Ventral surface lustrous, finely punctured and covered by pale hairs.
Basimetatarsomere 1.6 times as long as two following metatarsomeres com-
Body length 4.20-7.10 mm (holotype 5.00 mm).
The shape of aedeagus as in Fig. 31.
Sexual dimorphism: Male: Last visible sternite with very deep subtriangular
incision, claws bifid. Female: Last visible sternite complete, claws appendiculate.

India (Sikkim).

A. sikkimensis sp. nov. is very similar to A. velai BEZDÌK , 2003 (from Taiwan),
A. clypeata S AMODERZHENKOV, 1988 (from Vietnam) and A. nigriceps LABOISSIÈRE,
1927 (from China,Vietnam and Japan). All these species can be exactly identified
only by the structure of aedeagus (Figs 25-27, 31).

Named after Sikkim, a Region of India where the type series was collected.

Apophylia taiwanica n. sp.

Apophylia asahinai: C HÛJÔ , 1963: 387 (Taiwan) (partim?); KIMOTO , 1965: 489 (Taiwan) (partim?);
KIMOTO , 1966: 26 (Taiwan), 28 (key); K IMOTO , 1969: 22 (Taiwan); W ILCOX , 1971: 142
(partim?); K IMOTO , 1986: 56 (Taiwan) (partim?); K IMOTO , 1991: 9 (Taiwan) (partim?);
KIMOTO & C HU , 1996: 54 (Taiwan) (partim?).
Apophylia flavovirens: C HÛJÔ , 1935: 174 (see C HÛJÔ , 1962: 23) (partim?); C HÛJÔ , 1938: 135 (see
C HÛJÔ , 1962: 23)(partim?).
See also A. asahinai.

Holotype (male) and 5 paratypes (2 males, 3 females), labelled: “Taihorin
Formosa H. Sauter, 1911 [w, p] // 7.VIII. [w, p] // Chujo det. [w, h]“ (in DEI); 11
paratypes (6 males, 5 female), labelled: “Taihorin Formosa H. Sauter, 1911 [w, p]
// 7.VII. [w, p] // Chujo det. [w, h]“ (in DEI); 3 paratypes (2 males, 1 female),

labelled: “Taihorin Formosa H. Sauter, 1911 [w, p] // 7.XI. [w, p] // Chujo det. [w,
h]“ (in DEI); 1 paratype (female), labelled: “Taihorin Formosa H. Sauter, 1911
[w, p] // 7.XII. [w, p] // Chujo det. [w, h]“ (in DEI); 1 paratype (female), labelled:
“Taihorin Formosa H. Sauter [p] XI 10 [w, h] // Chujo det. [w, h]“ (in DEI); 1
paratype (male), labelled: “Taihorinsho Formosa H. Sauter [p] X 09 [w, h] //
Chujo det. [w, h]“ (in DEI); 1 paratype (male), labelled: “Formosa Taihorin [p] VI
[h] 09 Sauter S. G. [w, p]“ (in ZMHB); 1 paratype (female), labelled: “Formosa
Taihorin. III.10 H. Sauter S.G. [w, p]“ (in ZMHB); 1 paratype (female), labelled:
“Formosa Taihorin. IX.10 Sauter S.G. [w, p]“ (in ZMHB); 1 paratype (female),
labelled: “FORMOSA Taihorin I. 10 Sauter S. [w, p]“ (in ZMHB); 1 paratype
(male), labelled: “Shis A 5 6 Formosa H. Sauter V.-VI.1912 [w, p]“ (in DEI); 2
paratypes (females), labelled: “Banshoryo-Distr. Sokutsu (Formosa) H. Sauter
1912 [w, p] // 7.VII. [w, p] // Chujo det. [w, h]“ (in DEI); 5 paratypes (2 males, 3
females), labelled: “Sokutsu Banshoryo Distr. H. Sauter 1912 [w, p] // 7.VI. [w, p]
// Chujo det. [w, h]“ (in DEI); 1 paratype (female), labelled: „Fuhosho 1909.IV.
[w, p] // Formosa Sauter [w, p] // Paratype [red label, h] // Apophylia asahinai
CHÛJÔ [h] Det. M. CHUJO, 196 [p] 1 [w, h]” (in NHMB); 3 paratypes (1 males,
2 females), labelled: „Fuhosho 909.VI. [w, p] // Formosa Sauter [w, p] // Paratypus
[p, red letters] Apophylia asahinai Chujo [white label with red margins, h] //
Paratype [red label, h] // Apophylia asahinai CHÛJÔ [h] Det. M. CHUJO, 196 [p]
1 [w label, h]” (in HNHM); 1 paratype (female), labelled: “Fuhosho Formosa
Sauter [p] IX [h] – 09 [w, p] // Apophylia flavovirens FAIRMAIRE [h] Det. M.
CHUJO [w, p]“ (in DEI). The specimens of the newly described species are
provided with one red label: „HOLOTYPUS [or PARATYPUS] Apophylia
taiwanica sp. nov. J. Bezdìk det. 2002”.
The following material is not included to the type series because it is repre-
sented only by females and is identified with some doubts as A. taiwanica sp.
nov.: CHINA: Taiwan, Nantou Co., Lien-hua-chih, 3 km W of Yuch ih, 12.-
14.Jul.1992, T. J. HENRY & A. G. WHEELER leg. (0/1 in USNM); Taiwan, Zentai,
28.viii.-2.ix.1907, S AUTER leg. (0/1 in ZMHB); Taiwan, Polisha, x.1909, SAUTER
leg. (0/1 in ZMHB); Taiwan, Alishan, 2400 m,, DALIHOD leg. (0/1
in JVCJ); Taiwan, Kosempo, iv.1909, S AUTER leg. (0/1 in HNHM); Taiwan,
Takao,1907, SAUTER leg. (0/1 in HNHM).

Body flattened, parallel, densely pubescent, dull.
Head bicolorous; vertex, frontal tubercles and postgenae black; anterior part
of head, mouthparts and underside yellow. Pronotum yellow, with small median
black spot (pronotum completely yellow rarely). Prosternum yellow, meso- and
metasternum black. Scutellum black. Abdomen black with pale extreme posterior
margin of each sternite (last sternite often completely yellow) in female; black
with posterior margin of last visible sternite in male. The first 3 or 4 antennomeres
yellow, the rest black. Legs yellow. Elytra metallic green or blue.

Labrum transverse, covered by several pale setae, anterior margin sinuate.

Anterior part of head semiopaque, covered by microsculpture, vertex dull, coarsely
and densely punctured. Interantennal space with small deep groove. Frontal
tubercles small, subtriangular, slightly elevated above vertex, semiopaque, cov-
ered by microsculpture. Vertex densely covered by short pale hairs. Antennae
slender, 0.80 times as long as the body, length ratio of antennomeres 1 to 11:
Pronotum tranverse, 2.05 – 2.25 times as broad as long, widest at the first
third, narrowed anteriad and posteriad, dull, densely covered by coarse punctures
and pale hairs. Surface with distinctly impressed median line, laterally with 2
large deep depressions. Anterior margin widely sinuate, posterior margin almost
straight. Anterior and posterior margins thinly bordered, lateral margins indis-
tinctly bordered. Anterior angles widely rounded, posterior angles obtusely
angulate, rounded.
Scutellum small, widely subtriangular, apex widely rounded, with small dense
punctures and short pale hairs, dull.
Elytra parallel, dull. Humeral calli well developed. Elytral surface very
densely covered with small confused punctures and short pale hairs. Epipleura
distinct, gradually narrowed to apex.

31-32. Aedeagus (a - dorsal view, b - lateral view): 27 - Apophylia sikkimensis, 28 - A. taiwanica.

Scale 1 mm

Ventral surface lustrous, finely punctured and covered by pale hairs.
Basimetatarsomere 1.4 times as long as two following metatarsomeres com-
Body length 5.25-7.75 mm (holotype 5.95 mm).
The shape of aedeagus as in Fig. 32.
Sexual dimorphism: Male: Last visible sternite with very large semicircular
incision, claws bifid. Female: Last visible sternite with very small semicircular
incision, claws appendiculate.

China: Taiwan.

A. taiwanica sp. nov. is externally identical with A. asahinai CHÛJÔ, 1962.
Both species can be distinguished only by the structure of aedeagus (Figs 1, 32).
A. taiwanica sp. nov. was previously published under the name A. asahinai by
KIMOTO (1966; 1969). The schematic drawings of aedeagus in these papers
undoubtedly refer to A. taiwanica sp. nov.

Named after Taiwan Isl. where the type series was collected.

I would like to express my thanks to all curators and collectors listed above
for the possibility of examining the extensive material. The above investigations
were realized within the frame of the AF MZLU MSM 432100001.


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