UJAS6 Mwebaza-Ndawulaetal
UJAS6 Mwebaza-Ndawulaetal
UJAS6 Mwebaza-Ndawulaetal
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National Fisheries Resources Research institute (NaFIRRI), P. O. Box 343, Jinja, Uganda
Author for correspondence: mugenda@gmail.com
Growing of fish in cages is currently practiced in Uganda and was first introduced in northern
Lake Victoria in 2010. An environment monitoring study was undertaken at Source of the Nile,
a private cage fish farm, in Napoleon gulf, northern Lake Victoria. In-situ measurements of key
environmental (temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH and conductivity) and biological (algae,
zooplankton, macro-benthos) variables were made at three transects: Transect 1- the site with
fish cages (WC); transect 2- upstream of the fish cages (USC-control) and Transect 3- downstream
of the cages (DSC). Upstream and Downstream sites were located approximately 1.0 km from the
fish cages. Environment parameters varied spatially and temporally but were generally within
safe ranges for freshwater habitats. Higher concentrations of SRP (0.015-0.112 Mg/L) occurred at
USC during February, September and at DSC in November; NO2-N (0.217- 0.042 mg/L) at USC
and DSC in February and November; NH4-N (0.0054- 0.065 Mg/L) at WC and DSC in February,
May and November. Algal bio-volumes were significantly higher at WC (F (2,780)=4.619; P=0.010).
Zooplankton species numbers were consistently lower at WC with a significant difference compared
to the control site (P=0.032). Macro-benthos abundance was consistently higher at the site with
cages where mollusks and low-oxygen and pollution-tolerant chironomids were the dominant
group. Higher algal biomass, concentration of low-oxygen/pollution-tolerant macro-benthos and
depressed zooplankton diversity at WC suggested impacts from the fish cages on aquatic biota.
Figure 1. Study area and transect distribution in Napoleon Gulf, northern Lake Victoria.
Transect 1: upstream of the cages (USC1-USC3), Transect 2: within the cage rows (WC1-
WC3) and Transect 3: downstream of the cages (DSC1-DSC3).
64 L. Mwebaza-Ndawula et al.
Field measurement (selected Lund et al. (1958). Algal cells were
environmental parameters) and sampling counted and their cell dimensions
of water, algae, zooplankton and macro- measured using an eye micrometer to
benthos was undertaken in February, May, generate bio-volume data.
September and November, 2011 at fixed
points along each transect. Zooplankton and macro-benthos
Zooplanktons were sampled with a
Physical-chemical parameters conical plankton net of 0.25M mouth
Selected environmental parameters were diameter and 60 µm mesh as in Vincent
measured in-situ with a CTD et al. (2012). Concentrated samples were
(Conductivity, Temperature, Dissolved placed in clean, labeled plastic bottles and
oxygen) multi probe (Sea-Bird Electronics, fixed with 4 % sugar formalin. In the
Model 19-03 with depth range of 197 laboratory, samples were rinsed in tap
meters). water over a 50 µm nitex mesh and diluted
to a suitable volume depending on the
Nutrients, algae and total suspended concentration of each sample. Sub-sample
solids (TSS) series of 2, 2, 5 and 10 ml were taken
Water samples for analysis of nutrients from a well agitated sample in a beaker
and algae were collected with a Van-Dorn using a calibrated automatic bulb pipette
sampler (Alpha, Vertical PVC, Opaque and introduced on to a plankton counting
PVC, 2.2L) at 0.5m depth, and transferred chamber.
to clean and labeled plastic bottles. In the For macro-benthos three hauls of
laboratory, sub-samples of 100 ml were bottom sediments were hauled from each
filtered using a hand pump (pressure sampling point using a Ponar grab (open
ranging from 50 - 100 cent bars depending jaw area, 238 cm2). Each sediment haul
on water hardness) and the filtrate was was concentrated by sieving through a
used to analyze dissolved nutrients 400µm nitex mesh, placed in clean, labeled
(Soluble Reactive Phosphorus (SRP), sample bottle, and preserved with 5 %
Ammonium-nitrogen (NH 4 -N) and formalin.
Nitrite-nitrogen (NO 2 -N) by Zooplankton samples were examined
spectrophotometric methods (Stainton et under an inverted microscope at x40 and
al., 1977). Sub-samples of 400 ml were x100 magnification for counting and
filtered on to Whatman GF/C filter papers taxonomic identification respectively.
47mm and the filtrate used for the Individual organisms were taxonomically
determination of Total Suspended Solids identified to species level using published
(TSS) following APHA (1998) methods. manuals by Boxshall and Braide (1991);
Sub-samples of 20 ml were transferred Korinek (1999) and Koste (1978). Macro-
into clean, labeled glass scintillation vials, benthos samples were examined under a
preserved with Lugol’s solution. 2 ml of dissecting binocular microscope at x 25
the sample were placed in Sedgewick magnification and taxonomically identified
counting chamber, allowed to settle for using identification manuals by Pennak
three hours and examined under an (1953), Mandhal-Barth, (1954) and Epler
inverted microscope (Hund Wolvert s) at (1995). Invertebrate species taxa were
x400 magnification following the tallied and recorded.
procedure of Utermohl as described by
Cage fish culture on water quality and selected biological communities 65
Distribution and abundance data Algal composition and bio-volumes
generated were stored using Microsoft The algal community was composed of
Excel 2007 and analyzed with SPSS three major taxonomic groups, (blue-green
(Version 12) while Sigmaplot (Version 11) algae, green algae and diatoms) but
was used for graphics. One-way ANOVA occasionally, dinoflagellates,
and LSD post hoc tests were used to euglenophytes and cryptophytes were also
compare mean values. encountered. Most genera and species
were encountered at all the three study
Results sites. There was minimal variation of
species numbers across the three study
Physical-chemical parameters sites for the three major algal groups i.e.
Observed ranges of selected water 30, 33, 34 at USC, WC and DSC
environment variables (Table 1) across the respectively. The blue-green algal group
three sampling sites were compared with contained higher average numbers of
standards of the National Environment species at USC, WC and DSC with 14,
Management (NEMA) and desirable 16, and 16 respectively compared to green
levels for cage culture from literature algae and diatoms, which had 10, 12 and
(Table 1). 12, 5 and 6, respectively.
Blue-green algae registered the highest
Nutrient concentrations across mean bio-volumes in all three study
sample sites and dates transects, with the highest value at the site
NO2-N, SRP and TSS all attained highest with cages (WC) and was closely followed
mean concentrations (0.2-0.25, 0. 1- 0.15 diatoms (Fig. 3) in all study sites. One–
and 7.1 mg /L respectively) at the control way ANOVA indicated significantly higher
site in February and remained at lower algal bio-volumes at WC compared to
levels at other times and study sites. NH4- UPS and DSC (F(2,780)=4.619; P = 0.010).
N registered high and comparable Post hoc LSD test, revealed no significant
concentrations (0.05-0.10 Mg/L) across difference between USC and DSC (P =
all three study sites during November but 0.39). Algal bio-volumes in USC and WC
remained at lower levels at other times increased from February, through May to
and study sites.
Table 1. Ranges of selected physical-chemical parameters at Source of the Nile Fish Farm,
northern Lake Victoria, 2011
Figure 2. Spatial-temporal variation of mean nutrient concentrations (SRP, NO2-N & NH4-N)
and Total Suspended Solids (TSS) in three transects (USC, WC and DSC) at SON cage fish
farm, northern Lake Victoria, 2011.
Figure 3. Comparison of bio-volumes of different broad algal taxa a cross study sites at SON
cage fish farm, northern Lake Victoria, 2011.
Figure 4. Spatial-temporal variation of mean (±SE) algal bio-volumes at SON cage fish farm,
northern Lake Victoria, 2011.
68 L. Mwebaza-Ndawula et al.
Figure 5. Spatial-temporal variation (mean±SE) of species richness (A) and numerical abun-
dance (B) of zooplankton across study sites at SON cage fish farm, northern Lake Victoria,
70 L. Mwebaza-Ndawula et al.
among sample dates (F (3,32) = 10.056; nutrient inputs although the contribution
P<0.05 and F (3,32) = 18.714; P<0.05). from other sources such as soil erosion
Macro-benthos diversity and abundance may also be important. Results of the
The macro-benthos community was present study appear to have been
constituted by four taxa: Bivalvia, influenced by water currents constantly
Gastropoda (freshwater snails), Diptera sweeping across the study area given the
(lakefly larvae), Trichoptera (caddisfly location of SON fish farm near the
nymphs), and Ephemeroptera (mayfly headwaters of the River Nile; hence the
nymphs). As a consistent pattern across importance of undertaking site suitability
the four study dates, higher numerical studies before cage fish culture
abundance (840-3907 ind. m2) and species investments are made. It is also important
richness (4-15) of macro-benthos to note that released soluble nutrients may
occurred at WC (Fig. 6). One way be readily taken up by green micro-plants
ANOVA showed that total macro-benthos (algae) in the water.
densities across study sites were Variability data on algal bio-volume
significantly different (F(2.33) = 12.495, across the three study sites indicated much
P<0.05) while taxa richness was not higher values at the site with cages (WC)
significant (F (2,33) = 12.111, P>0.05). compared to the control (USC) and
Organisms that constituted high downstream (DSC) sites. Given that algal
abundance at WC were Chironomus sp., growth largely depends on nutrient
Bellamya unicolor and Melanoides concentrations (Guo and Li, 2003), results
tuberculata. of this study suggest that the fish cages at
WC may have been associated with
Discussion higher nutrient concentrations, which upon
being taken up by the algal community
Measured ranges of selected physical- resulted into higher algal biomass/bio-
chemical variables were generally within volume recorded at this site.
acceptable levels of NEMA, cage culture Excess algae are known to cause
and freshwater habitats in general. There drastic reduction in dissolved oxygen
was no evidence of impact of fish cages levels after their collapse due to the
on any of the measured parameters. ensuing oxygen-demanding decomposition
Observations on spatial-temporal process (WHO/EC, 2002). High algal bio-
variation of nutrient species and total volumes at WC may thus explain the
suspended solids suggested minimal observed abundance of low-oxygen and
impacts from the fish cages despite an pollution-tolerant macro-benthos such as
increase in the number of cages from 6 in Chironomus sp. at the site with cages also
to147 by November 2011. Zanatta et al. observed by other workers (Holmer, 2010;
(2010) found comparable results in Hatami et al. 2011) and non-occurrence
Jurumirim Reservoir in Brazil although the of oxygen and pollution-sensitive forms
number of cages was low (30) and such Ephemeroptera and Trichoptera at
remained constant throughout the WC. Nonetheless day-time dissolved
investigation. Guo and Li (2003) working oxygen measurements at the study sites
in Niushanhu Lake, China observed that did not show low dissolved oxygen levels
most environmental impacts in cage fish at WC, although the situation could be
farm areas are associated with increased different at night time when no
Cage fish culture on water quality and selected biological communities 71
photosynthetic oxygen production is was unexpected. However it is noted that
possible. the bulk of algae were blue-green algae,
The zooplankton community whose nutritional value is widely known
composition and abundance patterns at the to be low (Moriarty and Moriarty 1973;
studied cage fish farm were comparable www.dep.state.fl.us/water/bgalgae/
to those recorded elsewhere in Lake faq.htm) Besides, it is known that blue-
Victoria (Mwebaza-Ndawula et al., 2003, green algae or cyanobacteria, which were
2004; Semyalo et al., 2009; Ngupula et the leading contributor to the algal bio-
al., 2012; Vincent et al., 2012) with volume (Fig. 3), contain species that
numerical dominance and wide spatial produce toxins (Fulton and Pearl, 1987;
dispersion of copepods, paucity of Okello et al. 2012).
cladocerans and diverse occurrence of It is thus possible that zooplankton
rotifers in shallow near-shore areas. abundance patterns may not have been
Consistent lower zooplankton species wholly driven by the cyanobacteria-
numbers observed at the site with cages dominated algal abundance (Fig. 3) but
(WC) on all sampling dates was presumed also by other environmental factors
to be an impact from the fish cages. The (Arndt, 2003). Observed significant
numerical superiority of rotifer species density variation of zooplankton among
richness in all the three study transects sampling dates may, to some extent, have
was in agreement with Mwebaza- been due to seasonal influences in Lake
Ndawula et al. (2004) who associated Victoria (Mwebaza-Ndawula et al.,
rotifer prominence with eutrophic 2004). Marked depression of the mean
conditions in most near-shore areas of zooplankton abundance in May and
Lake Victoria. There was no significant September was at variance with the
difference in total mean densities of annual zooplankton pattern for offshore
zooplankton across the study sites for the waters in Lake Victoria showing
four sampling dates, suggesting minimal attainment of peak abundance during May,
or no impacts on abundance so far from which coincides with the onset of the
the fish cages even when the number of annual mixing period in the lake
cage units increased tremendously from (Mwebaza-Ndawula, 2003).
6 to 147 by November 2011. Some zooplankton species including a
While the results of this study are number of copepods are known to avoid
comparable to those of Santos et al. ingestion of endotoxic and nutritionally
(2009) who found that farming of tilapia inadequate cyanobacteria ( Fulton and
in net tanks caused only small differences Pearl, 1987; DeMott, 1989; Ahlgren et
in zooplankton levels, they are in contrast al., 1990; Ahlgren, 1993) and this may to
to those of Dias (2008) cited in Zanatta et some extent explain the density trough
al., 2010) who reported higher rotifer and during May and September (Fig.5B).
Cladocera abundance at a site next to the The dominant status of copepod
fish cages and attributed this to nutrient community, which in Lake Victoria is
enrichment and food availability. dominated by medium-sized cyclopoids is
Given that zooplankton communities in agreement with earlier records by
are primary consumers from algae, the Mwebaza-Ndawula, (1998); Mwebaza-
marked departure of zooplankton Ndawula et al. 2003; 2004 and Ngupula
abundance from that of algal bio-volumes et al. 2010. Results of this study suggest
72 L. Mwebaza-Ndawula et al.
that the cage set-up at the studied fish farm and pollution-tolerant dipteran larvae at the
has so far not caused major changes in site with fish cages suggest influences
the zooplankton composition and from the fish cages.
abundance patterns. Therefore, current efforts to promote
The observed dominance of the commercial cage fish culture enterprises
copepods (490,000-2,030,000 ind. m-2) in Lake Victoria and other water bodies
recorded at the studied cage fish farm is must proceed with caution especially
in agreement with densities reported regarding site location and concentration
elsewhere in Lake Victoria (Ngupula et of cages at any one site; in order not to
al., 2010; Vincent et al., 2010) and compromise the water environment
represent a rich food environment for the quality, which can cause undesirable
pelagic zooplanktivorous fishes especially changes in natural biological productivity
the silverfish, “Mukene” (Rastrineobola processes. In any case, regular
argentea), which in the short run, are not environmental monitoring programs must
likely to be affected by the cage fish be strictly enforced for all cage fish culture
culture operations of the scale currently enterprises.
set up at the studied cage fish farm.
As some elements of the zooplankton Acknowledgement
community are commonly used as bio-
indicators of aquatic environments This study was financially supported by
(Rogozin, 2000; Sukran et al., 2007; Yildz Source of the Nile (SON) Fish Farm to
et al., 2007), it is expected that drastic which the authors are very grateful. The
changes in the environment quality Director of the National Fisheries
resulting from cage fish operations would Resources Research institute (NaFIRRI)
quickly be reflected in the zooplankton is appreciated for logistical support,
community structure. Some macro- laboratory and field facilities. Drs. John
benthos taxa are as well useful bio- Balirwa, Richard Ogutu-Ohwayo and two
indicators of water quality as manifested anonymous manuscript reviewers
by abundant occurrence of well known provided valuable comments and
stress-tolerant forms at the site with fish suggestions.
cages in this study.
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