Industrial All Risks Insurance
Industrial All Risks Insurance
Industrial All Risks Insurance
Industrial All Risks Insurance
A knowledge share initiative of Salasar Services (Insurance Brokers) Pvt. Ltd.
Industrial All Risk Policy is an exclusion based package policy without any named perils. In this policy
specific exclusions are incorporated with reference to the operating perils and properties. That
means whatever is not excluded, is covered under the policy.
All industrial risks (other than risks rateable under Petrochemical Tariff) having overall Sum Insured
of Rs.100 crores and above in one or more locations in India shall be eligible for Industrial All Risks
Policy. In some cases risks worth Sum Insured of less than 100Crores INR can also be covered under
Section‐1: Material Damage
All Risk cover including Standard Fire & special perils viz Lightning, Explosion, Implosion,
Aircraft damage, impact damage, Riot strike & malicious damage, Storm , tempest, flood,
inundation, cyclone, typhoon, hurricane, tornado, Subsidence and landslide including
rockslide, leakage from automatic sprinkler Installation, Bursting, etc
Theft & Burglary
Machinery Breakdown ‐ Mechanical and Electrical Breakdown
Boiler explosion ‐ Explosion and implosion of boiler and pressure plants, Explosion due to
smelt water reaction for waste heat boilers, Flue gas explosion.
Electronic equipment insurance – Breakdown and all risk coverage of electronic equipments.
Transit risk and loading – unloading risks within the premises
Section‐2: Business Interruption
Loss of Profit due to Fire and Allied Perils
Section‐3: Machinery Loss of Profit
Loss of Profit or business interruption due to machinery breakdown
Excluded Causes
This policy does not cover damage to the property insured caused by:
Faulty or defective design materials or workmanship inherent vice latent defect gradual
deterioration and deformation or distortion or wear and tear
Interruption of the water supply gas electricity or fuel systems or failure of the effluent
disposal systems to and from the premises unless damage by a cause not excluded in the
policy ensues and then the Insurer shall be liable only for such ensuing damage.
Collapse or cracking of buildings
Corrosion rust extremes or changes in temperature dampness dryness wet or dry rot fungus
shrinkage evaporation loss of weight pollution contamination change in colour flavour
texture or finish action of light vermin insects marring or scratching unless such loss is
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caused directly by damage to the property insured or to premises containing such property
by a cause not excluded in the policy.
Acts of fraud or dishonesty
Disappearance unexplained or inventory shortage misfiling or misplacing of information
shortage in supply or delivery of materials or shortage due to clerical or accounting error.
Coastal or river erosion
Normal settlement or bedding down of new structures
Damage caused by or arising from:
Any wilful act or wilful negligence on the part of the Insured or any person acting on his
Cessation of work delay or loss of market or any other consequential or indirect loss of any
kind or description whatsoever
Damage occasioned directly or indirectly by or through or in consequence of any of the following
occurrences, namely:
War invasion act of foreign enemy hostilities or warlike operations (whether war be declared
or not) civil war.
Mutiny civil commotion assuming the proportions of or amounting to a popular rising
military, rising insurrection rebellion, revolution military or usurped power.
Permanent or temporary dispossession resulting from nationalization commandeering or
requisition by any lawfully constituted authority.
Permanent or temporary dispossession of any building resulting from the unlawful
occupation of such building by any person provided that the Insurers are not relieved of
any liability to the Insured in respect of Damage to the property insured occurring
before dispossession or during temporary dispossession which is otherwise insured by this
The destruction of property by order of any public authority in any action, suit or other
Damage directly or indirectly caused by or arising from or in consequence of or contributed
confiscation to by:
Nuclear weapons material
Ionizing radiations or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or
from any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel. Solely for the purpose of this
Exclusion Combustion shall include any self‐sustaining process of nuclear fission.
Excluded Property
This Policy does not cover:
Money cheques, stamps, bonds, credit cards, securities of any description, jewellery,
precious stones, precious metals, bullion, furs, curiosities, rare books or works of art
unless specifically mentioned as insured by this policy.
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Unless specifically mentioned as insured by this Policy goods held in trust or on commission
documents manuscripts business books computer systems records patterns models moulds
plans designs explosives.
Vehicles licensed for road use (including accessories thereon) caravans trailers railway
locomotives or rolling stock watercraft aircraft spacecraft or the like
Property in transit other than within the premises specified in the Schedule
Property or structures in course of demolition construction or erection and materials or
supplies in connection therewith.
Land (including top‐soil back‐fill drainage or culverts) driveways pavements roads
runways railway lines dams reservoirs canals rigs wells pipelines tunnels bridges docks
piers jetties excavations wharves mining property underground off‐shore property unless
specifically covered.
Livestock growing crops or trees
Property damaged as a result of its undergoing any process
Property undergoing alteration repair testing installation or servicing including materials
and supplies therefore if directly attributable to the operations of work being performed
thereon unless damage by a cause not otherwise excluded ensues and then the Insurer will
be liable only for such ensuing loss.
Property more specifically insured
Property insured if removed to any building or place other than in which it is herein stated to
be insured, except machinery and equipments temporarily removed for repairs, cleaning,
renovation or other similar purpose for a period not exceeding 60 days.
Damage to property which at the time of the happening of such damage is insured by or
would for the existence of this policy be insured by any marine policy or policies except
in respect of any excess beyond the amount which would have been payable under the
marine policy or policies had this insurance not been effected.
Underinsurance up to 15% is waived
Reduced flat rate is applicable for Machinery breakdown cover
Transit risk within the premises is covered
Burglary & other accidental damage cover
No depreciation is deducted
Breakdown of Machinery, Electronic Equipments & explosion risk of Boiler are covered. So
there is no need for separate MB, EEI & BPP policy (all insurance companies do not cover
S. No. Type of Loss Sum Insured Excess
1 Material Damage SI < Rs. 100Crores 5% of the claim amount subject
to a min of Rs. 5Lacs
SI > Rs. 100Crores 5% of the claim amount subject
to a min of Rs. 10Lacs
2 Business Interruption 7 days Gross Profit
3 Machinery Loss of Profit 14 Days Gross Profit
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Sum insured under IAR policy is considered on the basis of Reinstatement value. By Reinstatement it
shall mean the cost of replacement of the insured items by the new items in a condition equal to but
not better or more extensive than its condition when new. In other words, the cost of reinstatement
is equivalent to a new property of the same type, specification and capacity.
Material Damage
Architects, surveyors and consulting engineers fees (in excess of 3% of the claim amount)
Removal of debris (in excess of 1 % of the claim amount)
Omission to insure additions, alterations or extensions
Earthquake (fire & shock)
STFI (storm, tempest, flood, inundation)
Start‐up expenses
Auditor’s Fees Cover
Minor works
Business Interruption
Customer Extension
Supplier Extension
Public Liability extension for public electricity
Public Liability extension for water supply
Rates for this policy depend on:
The detailed Risk Assessment Report of the Engineer.
Deductibles opted by the Insured
Claims Experience
Reinstatement Value Clause
Where the subject matter to be insured is only building and/or machinery and furniture, fixtures and
fittings, the modern practice is to issue policy on the Reinstatement value basis and not on the
standard basis. The Reinstatement value policy cannot be issued to cover stock merchandise or
The basis of settlement in the event of destruction is the cost of re‐building of the building or for the
plant and machinery, the cost of replacement/ reinstatement of similar property in a condition equal
to but not or more expensive that its condition when new. In other words, the settlement is on the
new for old basis. The Reinstatement Policy, therefore, seeks to place the insured in a position
better than the one which he enjoyed immediately before the loss. To this extent therefore, there is
a deviation from the principle of strict indemnity.
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The important beneficial feature of RIV basis insurance is that the element of Depreciation is not
taken into consideration, i.e. NO DEPRECIATION IS DEDUCTED at the time of settlement of claim
(unlike Market Value basis insurance).
Escalation Clause
This provision, under the ambit of the All India Fire Tariff, allows the insurers to consider automatic
regular increase in the sum insured throughout the period of the policy against payment of
additional premium at the rate 50% of the final rate which is charged on the selected percentage
sum insured of escalation.
The application of the said provision at the point of claim is not guided by market forces. It is
automatic. Suppose, the sum insured against Building is Rs.2920000.00 and the insured opts for 25%
escalation provision, then the sum insured under escalation stands for Rs.730000.00. Under the
escalation provision, the sum insured under the policy will automatically stand increased by 1/365 of
the escalated sum insured during each day of insurance. Hence on the 90th day, the overall sum
insured under the policy will be (Rs.2920000.00+Rs.730000.00/365X90) Rs.3100000.00. Similar
practice will be followed while arriving at the sum insured on any other day during the period of
insurance. On the 365th day the overall sum insured will be (Rs.2920000.00+Rs.730000.00)
There are certain guidelines which are required to be followed while considering escalation provision
by the insurers. These are as under:
The selected percentage under escalation provision shall not exceed 25% of the sum
Escalation provision cannot be applied to policies covering stocks.
Omissions to Insure Additions, Alterations or Extensions Clause
The Insurance by this Policy extends to cover Buildings and/or Machinery, Plant and other
Contents as defined in Columns here of which the insured may erect or acquire or for which
they may become responsible :
At the within described premises
For use as factories
o The liability under this Extension shall not exceed in respect of (a) above, 5% of the
Sum Insured by each item, in respect of (b) above, 5% of the Sum Insured by item
no. .........
o No liability shall attach to the insurers in respect of any Building, Machinery, Plant or
other Contents while such property is otherwise insured.
An additional premium on 5% of the Sum Insured on Buildings and/or Machinery, Plant and
other Contents as stated in the above clause is collected in advance.
All new additions to Buildings and/or Machinery and Plant not specifically insured/
included during the currency of the policy should be declared at the end of the year and
suitable additional premium paid on pro‐rata basis from the date of completion of the
construction/erection of additions subject to adjustment against the advance premium
collected as stated in N.B. 1 above.
If the insured fails to declare the value of such additions within 30 days after the expiry of the policy
there shall be no refund of the advance premium collected.
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Temporary Removal of Stock Clause
It is agreed that the stock insured hereby not exceeding 10% of the total sum insured of such stock
is covered while temporarily removed to any other premises for purposes of fabrication or
processing or finishing or other similar purposes. This extension does not apply to stock if and so
far as it is otherwise insured.
The pro‐rata condition of average should be applied to the limit of stocks temporarily removed as
well as to the total sum insured of such stock under the policy.
Spoilage Material Damage Cover
The policy covers loss or damage to stocks in process or machinery, containers, and equipments
including cost of removal of debris and cleaning by spoilage resulting from the retardation or
interruption or cessation of any process or operation caused by the perils insured under the policy.
Accumulated Stock Clause
Where the insured maintains sufficient stock of finished goods from time to time as a matter of
business policy, the Insurers may, at their discretion, attach the following Clause to the
Consequential Loss (Fire) Policy issued on Turnover Basis:‐
“In adjusting any loss, account shall be taken and an equitable allowance made if any shortage in
turnover due to the damage is postponed by reason of the Turnover being temporarily maintained
from accumulated stocks of finished goods in the Insured’s warehouses.”
Departmental Clause
“If the business be conducted in departments, the independent trading results of which are
ascertainable, the provision of Clauses shall apply separately to each department affected by the
damage except that if the Sum Insured by the said item be less than the aggregate of the sum
produced by applying the rate of gross profit for each department of the business (whether affected
by the damage or not) to the relative Annual Turnover thereof, the amount payable shall be
proportionately reduced.
New Unit Clause
Any project which is under construction presently on successful completion of the project or on after
successful commissioning and trial run , the same project can be included in the same IAR policy
belonging to the same insured on payment of pro‐rata premium.
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Eligibility No requirement Sum Insured greater than Rs. 50crores at one or
more locations (other than Petrochemical Plants)
Cover Fire and allied Perils Comprehensive cover
Fire and allied Perils
Fire Loss of Profit
Machinery Insurance / Boiler & Pressure Plant
and Electronic Equipment
Burglary / Theft
Machinery Loss of Profit (Optional)
Rating As per All India Fire Tariff (AIFT) Material Damage ‐ as per AIFT
Machinery Insurance – Flat rate of Rs. 2.50 per
mille, much lower than rates for individual
Burglary – Free of cost
Compulsory AOG perils 5% of claim amount subject Material Damage: 5% of the claim amount
Deductible to a min Rs. 10,000 subject to a min of Rs. 5 lacs and max of Rs. 50
Other perils Rs.10,000/‐ lacs
Business Interruption: 3 days Gross Profit subject
to a min of Rs. 5 lacs and max of Rs. 50 lacs
Discounts Claims Discount / Loading Apart from the discounts available under Fire
FEA Discount Policy, following additional discount are
Voluntary Excess Discount available:
IAR claims experience discount: After completion
of 2 years of an IAR policy, additional discount
ranging from 5% to 25% can be claimed under an
IAR Policy provided the claims ratio is less has
Underinsurance Policy is subject to underinsurance Underinsurance to the extent of 15% is waived
Refund in Premium If the actual Gross Profit as declared for If the actual Gross Profit as declared for the
for over insurance the policy period is less than the original policy period is less than the original sum
under LOP sum insured, pro‐rata refund of insured, pro‐rata refund of premium up to 1/3 of
premium up to 1/2 of the premium paid the premium paid is allowed
is allowed
Stocks Declaration facility is available for stocks Declarations facility is not available for stocks
Sum Insured In a Fire Policy, Sum Insured can be on In an IAR Policy sum Insured for Buildings,
the basis of Market Value or Machinery, Furniture etc is on Reinstatement
Replacement value value basis while stock is on Market value basis
Others There are certain limitations under a These limitations are not there in an IAR Policy as
MBD policy: it a comprehensive cover
There is a declined list of machines that
Kolkata : Mumbai : New Delhi : Hyderabad : Ahmadabad : Noida : Jaipur : Guwahati : Raipur : Kanpur
cannot be covered under an MBD policy
For claims on DG Set, excess of 20% of
the cost of crankshaft replacement is
Compulsory depreciation applicable on
losses under cylinder head, liner and
piston of Diesel/oil engines
Overhauling warranty is applicable for
turbines and turbo generators
There are certain limitations under a EEI
Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) is These limitations are not there in an IAR Policy as
a must. it a comprehensive cover
Loss or damage to parts with limited life
will attract depreciation
Transit Risk Not covered Transit risks within compound/location is
covered free of cost
Electrical Damages Not covered Electrical Fire damages are payable
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