Shannon - LhasaOms Webinar

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Introduction to

the Lift-and-Release© Technique

Presented by Shannon Gilmartin, CMT CMCTPE
Shannon Gilmartin, CMT CMCTPE
• Licensed & Nationally Certified Massage Therapist since 2000
• Therapeutic Cupping Practitioner & Educator since 2004
• Authored 'The Guide to Modern Cupping Therapy: A Step-by-Step
Source for Vacuum Therapies' in 2016
• Various published articles and radio interviews​
• Therapeutic skillset includes medical massage,
myofascial release, neuromuscular, craniosacral therapy,
orthopedic massage, soft tissue injury rehabilitation,
Thai massage, therapeutic cupping, visceral manipulation.​
• Involved with various charitable organizations, including Global
Healthworks Foundation, Homes of Hope orphanage system, and
Surfers Healing.
History of Cupping
Cups have been used Around the World
Throughout Civilized Times
At MCT Education Company,
we have Two Primary Objectives:

▪ Understanding the physiological effects of cups

on the human body
▪ Learning how to optimize therapeutic results of
cupping bodywork
How do Cups Affect the Human Body?
Three Primary, Physiological Responses to Cupping on the Body
1. Negative Pressure
• Lifting, Pulling, Decompressing
• Cupping called ‘Myofascial decompression (MFD)’ in
current Western medicine cultures.
2. Vasodilation
3. Enhanced Fluid Exchange
Due to these Three (3) Primary Physiological Responses,
Cupping can:
• Encourage circulation
• Alleviate adhesions
• Help clear congestion and stagnation, potentially
releasing interstitial debris
• Lift, rehydrate & manipulate fascia
• Reduce inflammation
(acute and chronic, applications vary)
• Cause microtrauma in tissues
(not tissue damage)
• Encourage neovascularization
• Alleviate excessive pressure on sensory organs in
soft tissue, which leads to a reduction in pain.

Therapeutic Cupping Affects the Entire Body System!

Traditional Cupping Techniques
• Focus on exact location. • Versatile application
• Used to address various points of • Treat general or regional area
(acupuncture/acupressure pts., trigger
• Addresses more superficial
points, reflex pts., neurolymphatic pts., etc.) layers of tissues
(Exception: MCT Application for Constipation)
• Penetrates the deeper
layers of tissue
No matter the pressure, cups affect all underlying tissue structures

Light - Medium - Strong


Book: ‘The Guide to Modern Cupping Therapy: Your Step-by-Step Source for Vacuum Therapy,’
Shannon Gilmartin, CMT
Thermographic Imaging
BEFORE After 10 minutes of comfortable NO cups, client left to AFTER
• Neck tension (‘white hot’)
moving cups process cupping - Improved overall circulation
• General coolness and fatigue • Overall increased circulation • Circulation naturally increases in the area - Neck tension relieved &
due to increased vasodilation
overall feeling better

Book: ‘The Guide to Modern Cupping Therapy: Your Step-by-Step Source for Vacuum Therapy,’
Shannon Gilmartin, CMT
The Lift-and-Release© Technique
The Lift-and-Release© technique has a ‘Plunger-like’ effect on the tissues
• Stimulates fluid exchange processes in underlying soft tissue
• Allows for quick changes if stationary or moving cups are uncomfortable.
• May repeat in same exact location or all over an area of the body to
encourage hydration, softening & openness.
• Used in combination with moving cups as needed (The ‘Morse Code of Cups’)
to finish any line of movement.
The Lift-and-Release technique is a great technique to:
- TEST tissues for sensitivity/responsiveness before applying stationary cups,
if applicable.
The Lift-and-Release© Technique
How to Apply the Lift-and-Release© Technique:
1st Attach cup to skin
2nd Create suction
3rd Gently lift cup away from the body until you feel
a slight tension engage
4th Hold this slight tension for a minimum 1 second,
maximum 10 seconds.
5th Then release the tension, and then release the cup.
A Few Examples of How the Lift-and-Release© Technique
Benefits Cupping Applications
There are many benefits of the Lift-and Release technique when it comes to
cupping therapies. Not only does it enhance already existing methods of
application (stationary cupping, moving cups) but it is a wonderful stand-alone
approach to cupping.
When applied, this technique has notable improvement for cupping applications to
every system of the body, today highlighting:
• Integumentary system
• Circulatory system, emphasizing the Lymphatic system
• Muscular system
• Nervous system
• Digestive system
(This slide begins the Live Demonstration)
The Lift-and-Release© Technique Benefits Cupping Applications for
The Integumentary System
Lift-and-Release gently stimulates microcirculation without prolonged
applications of cups (stationary cups) while simultaneously promoting lymph
drainage. Improving these fluid exchanging brings vital nutrients into the
more superficial layers of soft tissue, which improves both the overall
appearance and general health of the skin.
For example: When applying cups to the delicate tissues of the face, this
technique can bring the benefit of micro-cupping to the face without the
likelihood of leaving cupping marks behind.
This technique is also great to introduce and/or test soft tissue responses to
cupping without prolonged and potentially harmful applications,
one example being MCT Applications for Scar Tissue.
(This slide accompanies the Live Demonstration)
Modern Cupping Therapy
Applications for New Atrophic Scar Tissue
Therapeutic Cupping incorporating the Lift-and-Release© technique can
support tissue health as scars heal!
This photograph (left) This photograph
taken one week after (right) was taken
total knee replacement. 8 months after the
MCT applications did not surgery.
begin until 8 weeks post- Regular treatments
surgery. of specified MCT for
The tissue was very Scar Tissue
delicate and sensitive applications lasted
following the surgery. for 5 months total.
The Lift-and-Release© Technique Benefits Cupping Applications for
The Circulatory System
Cupping is known to stimulate circulation of both blood and lymph, even with
the lightest suction pressure (microcirculation).
Highlighting the Lymphatic system:
While the improvement in blood movement is easily noted from cupping, the
betterment of lymphatic circulation is just as powerful and noticeably
improved when using cups in lighter, more draining movements.
The Lift-and-Release technique allows for gentle lifting of potentially
compromised drainage pathways, encourages the internal flushing
mechanisms within the underlying tissue structures, and when applied
following the body’s drainage pathways this method of cupping can quickly
and effectively support the body’s natural lymph drainage processes.

(This slide accompanies the Live Demonstration)

Modern Cupping Therapy
method of
Therapeutic Cupping for
Lymph Drainage

Residual bruising 5 weeks post avulsion fracture

Combination of Lift-and-Release© with
Moving Cups along
Lymphatic Drainage Pathways

*Photos taken 5 hours apart, before & after session

The Lift-and-Release© Technique Benefits Cupping Applications for
The Muscular System
Lift-and-Release stimulates microcirculation, improves extensibility, fascial
pliability and alleviates adhesions without pain.
In recent years bodyworkers who employ cups for muscle relief use the term
‘Myofascial Decompression (MFD),’ which summarizes some of the
immediate benefits of cupping for muscular dysfunction.
However, while cupping offers much relief to these compromised soft tissues,
a stationary or moving cups applied to potentially dehydrated or inflamed
areas can cause more harm than good (bruising, pain, swelling, etc.).
Using the Lift-and-Release technique allows for local circulation to improve,
pliability to change, any present pain patterns to shift, and thereafter provides
a healthier muscle tissue environment which allows for many cupping
techniques to be enjoyed by both the practitioner and the client.
(This slide accompanies the Live Demonstration)
The Lift-and-Release© Technique Benefits Cupping Applications for
The Nervous System
Lift-and-Release is a great initial approach to introduce this method of
decompressive therapy.
With lighter suction pressure, this technique is a great way to begin using cups on
hypersensitive clients (ex. fibromyalgia) because cupping alleviates pressure on
sensory receptors which leads to a reduction in pain.
With stronger suction pressure, this technique is great for introducing cupping
without the initial shock of such applied negative pressure. While cupping is known
for it influence over the Peripheral Nervous System feedback loop to the Central
Nervous System, some applications with this intention have been reported as too
intense or painful.
Instead, employ the Lift-and-Release to the general area to introduce such negative
pressure manipulations without initial discomfort, making the stationary or moving
cups more comfortable thereafter.

(This slide accompanies the Live Demonstration)

The Lift-and-Release© Technique Benefits Cupping Applications for
The Digestive System
When applied along the large intestines/colon, the Lift-and-Release
promotes peristalsis with negative pressure. The curve of a cup’s shape
naturally matches the anatomy of the large intestine and when applied in a
methodical, rhythmic manner this technique can stimulate the smooth
muscles that envelope the organ, bringing about improved organ function.
The abdominal region possesses many challenges to cupping applications.
(ex. Foreign objects, visceral alterations, emotional sensitivities)
The Lift-and-Release technique can be beneficial to the entire region,
being sure to use the safest and most appropriate suction pressure
for the client.

(This slide accompanies the Live Demonstration)

The Lift-and-Release is a wonderfully simple yet
profoundly effective technique to add into your
existing cupping practices. And regardless of
suction pressure, this new technique offers
much benefit to the cupping world.
Lift-and-Release helps to maximize the
therapeutic responses of many cupping
applications, and ultimately ensures that the
comfort and safety of the client is prioritized
so that everyone can enjoy the benefits of
cupping bodywork.
Approved Continuing Education Providers
• NCCAOM provider # 9031
• INSTAGRAM: @ModernCuppingEdu • California Board of Acupuncture provider #1630
• FACEBOOK: Modern Cupping Therapy • NCBTMB provider #1618
Education Company • Florida CE Broker provider #50-22999
• BOC provider #P10190
• Texas Physical Therapy Association provider #74542TX
• Book :‘The Guide to Modern Cupping Therapy. Your Step-by-Step Source
of Vacuum Therapy,’ Shannon Gilmartin, CMT*
• * includes other reference items to support content
• Book: ‘The Cupping Therapy’ book, Ilkay Chirali
• Article: ‘New is the Well-Forgotten Old: The Use of Dry Cupping in
Musculoskeletal Medicine.’ Rozenfeld E, Kalichman L. J Bodyw Mov Ther.
2016 Jan; 20(1):173-8.doi:10.1016/j.jbmt.2015.11.009. Epub 2015 Dec 1
• Article: ‘Acute Outcomes of Myofascial Decompression (Cupping Therapy)
compared to Self-Myofascial Release on Hamstring pathology after a Single
Treatment.’ Int. J Sports Phys Ther. 2020 Aug:15(4):579-592.
PMCID: PMC7735689 PMID: 33354391
• Article: ‘Facial Cupping 101: Benefits, Method and Precaution’ A.S. Sanghvi,
MD. Feb. 23, 2021.

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