Transmission Line Fault

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(2nd Year, 4th Semester)

Barun Kumar Singh Registration No: D202101956

Brijesh Kumar Singh Registration No: D202101957
Santanu Roy Registration No: D212220163
Jagannath Dhang Registration No: D212220155
Joydeep Das Registration No: D181902328
Kiranmoy Roy Registration No: D202101959
Under the Supervision of
Mr. Bumba Pal
(Lecturer in Electrical Engineering Dept.)
Dept. of Electrical Engineering
Bengal College of Polytechnic, Durgapur
Dept. of EE, Bengal College of Polytechnic, Durgapur
Generally we are transmitting power from the generating
station through the transmission line. Mainly, there are two
type of transmission lines.

Overhead transmission lines

Underground transmission lines

As from the latest research 70% to 90% of faults are occurred in

overhead transmission line.

Dept. of EE, Bengal College of Polytechnic, Durgapur

Types of Fault

Dept. of EE, Bengal College of Polytechnic, Durgapur

Aim And Objectives Of The
In This Project We solve the big problem by our idea , These days
when three phase transmission line first wire touch to second wire
then that fault effect on substation and sometimes substation
transformer fused so we make a system for transmission line all
type of fault , for example in transmission any fault Line to Line
fault or Line to ground fault or fire fault then that time automatic
transmission line electricity power cut so our substation safe by
that fault , So This is Our Idea For Solving This Big Problem.

Dept. of EE, Bengal College of Polytechnic, Durgapur

Hardware Specifications

1. Dual Channel 5V Relay Module / Relay

2. Temperature Module
3. Capacitor 25v/1000uf
4. LED Bulb
5. Resistor
6. 5V Adopter Circuit
7. Steel Plate
8. PCB
9. Line Filter
10.AC Bulb / Holder
11.Jumper Wire
12.Hard Cover Wire

Dept. of EE, Bengal College of Polytechnic, Durgapur

Block Diagram

Dept. of EE, Bengal College of Polytechnic, Durgapur

Basic Circuit Diagram Of Project Idea
Dual Channel Relay Module Circuit

Dept. of EE, Bengal College of Polytechnic, Durgapur

Working Principle

 This Project Full Work On Relay System And Relay

is an electrical switch so relay module when
received the signal then relay cut the electricity
power so this project full principle depend on
Relay Principle , The relay is the device that open
or closes the contacts to cause the operation of
the other electric control. It detects the
intolerable or undesirable condition with an
assigned area and gives the commands to the
circuit breaker to disconnect the affected area.
Thus protects the system from damage.

 We can stop losses by line to line fault in

Transmission Line
 We can stop losses by Ground to line fault in
Transmission Line
 We can Stop Losses by Fire and Temperature Fault
in Transmission Line
 This Project Save fault in transmission line so our
government money save
Limitations of the system

 For Detect Fault We need more sensor Module for

every tower
 This is now a idea for my project we did not check
in real life
In This project we show how to save fault in
transmission line and we make this project and show
successful working of project . so by our project
successful work our conclusion is this is best idea for
safety many type of fault .

Dept. of EE, Bengal College of Polytechnic, Durgapur


This survey was supported by Dept. of EE, Bengal College of

Polytechnic Durgapur under guidance of Prof.Mr. Bumba Pal
(Lecturer of Electrical Engineering Dept., BCP Durgapur). I am
thankful to our colleagues who provided expertise and greatly
assisted the survey.

Barun Kumar Singh / Brijesh Kumar Singh /

Santanu Roy / Jagannath Dhang / Joydeep Das/Kiranmoy Roy
Dept. of EE, Bengal College of Polytechnic, Durgapur


Dept. of EE, Bengal College of Polytechnic, Durgapur

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