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USOO6855191 B2

(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,855,191 B2

Kato et al. 45) Date of Patent: Feb. 15,9 2005


(75) Inventors: Masaru Kato, Saitama (JP); Ryota JP 2001-185836 A 7/2001
(73) Assignee: Kanto Kagaku Kabushiki Kaisha, Bedetti, F.V., et al., “Porosity testing of electroplated gold in
Tokyo (JP) gelled media.” Plating. 53:305-308 (1966), no month.
-- - - Hasegawa, K., et al., “ElectroleSS gold plating for Semicon
(*) Notice: Silly slight's ductor package substrate.” 1997 IEMT/IMC Proceedings,
C. 154(b) by 49 as pp. 230-233 (1997), no month.
a -- Hyomen Jissou Gijutsu (Surface Mounting Technology)
5(11):52-56 (1995). Abridged English translation of pp.
(21) Appl. No.: 10/353,460 53-55, no month.
(22) Filed: Jan. 29, 2003 Iacovangelo, C.D., “Autocatalytic electroleSS gold deposi
O O tion using hydrazine and dimethylamine borane as reducing
(65) Prior Publication Data agents.” J. Electrochem. Soc. 138(4):976–982. (1991), no
US 2003/0150353 A1 Aug. 14, 2003 month.
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data * cited by examiner
Jan. 30, 2002 (JP) ....................................... 2002-021028
Primary Examiner Helene Klemanski
(51) Int. Cl. ............................ C23C 18/52; B22F 7/00 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm Wolf, Greenfield & Sacks,
(52) U.S. Cl. ................... 106/1.23; 106/1.26; 427/443.1 P.C.
58) Field of Search ............................... 106/1.23, 1.26;
(58) 274 (57) ABSTRACT
An el leSS gold
electroleSS go plating
ating Solution
SOut On is provided inin Which
ISOrOVICled which an
(56) References Cited amount of gold deposited by a displacement reaction is at
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS least 15 lug/cm, and the electroless gold plating Solution
includes a reducing agent that is oxidized by gold, and a
4,863,766 A 9/1989 Iacovangelo et al. reducing agent that is of the same type as or is a different
4,979,988 A 12/1990 Iacovangelo type from the above reducing agent and is oxidized by a
5,470,381 A * 11/1995 Kato et al....... ... 106/1.23 Substrate metal. The Solution can form a uniform gold
6,383.269 B1 * 5/2002 Toben et al..... ... 106/1.23 coating having good adhesion and low porosity in one Step.
6,398.856 B1 * 6/2002 Nakazawa ...... ... 106/1.26
2003/0047108 A1 * 3/2003 Hayashi et al. ............ 106/1.23
2004/0O28833 A1 2/2004 Takahashi et al. ....... 427/443.1 11 Claims, 1 Drawing Sheet

Change in displacement reaction ratio with NHOH, HCl Concentration

E 90

0.05 0. O. 15 2 0.25 0.3

Amount of NHOH HCl ADDED (mol/L)
U.S. Patent Feb. 15, 2005 US 6,855,191 B2

Fig. 1
Change in displacement reaction ratio with NH,OH, HCl ConCentration
- 100

o 90
(s 80
9 60
C 50
- 40

0.05 0. O. 15 0.2 O. 25 O3
Amount of NHOH, HCl ADDED (mol/L)

Fig. 2
Change in displacement reaction ratio
with MBI concentration (NHOH 0.10 mol/L)


s 20
A 0
O 2 A. 6 8 O
Amount of MBI Added (ppt)
US 6,855,191 B2
1 2
ELECTROLESS GOLD PLATING SOLUTION In the case of the thick displacement gold plating in 2), it
can be carried out in one Step, but because of the charac
teristics of the displacement reaction, an oxide film is easily
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION formed on the Substrate metal Surface and the porosity tends
1. Technical Field to Which the Invention Pertains to become high.
The present invention relates to an electroless gold plating In the case of the gold electroplating in 3), in general, a
Solution for use in formation of a gold plate coating on an uniform coating cannot be formed on minute parts, making
industrial electronic component Such as a printed wiring it difficult to obtain electrical continuity for a complicated
board. circuit, and this method therefore cannot be put into practical
2. Prior Art
use, which is a drawback.
In particular, in the case of the displacement gold plating,
A printed board has a metal circuit pattern on and/or Since nickel easily diffuses onto the gold plated Surface,
within the board, and a metal Such as copper, which has a problems Such as a deterioration of bonding performance
low electrical resistance, is used for the circuit. Furthermore, easily occur (Hyomen Jissou Gijutsu (Surface Mounting
a nickel or nickel alloy barrier metal layer is provided for 15 Technology, Vol. 5 (11), 52 (1995)).
preventing oxidation and corrosion of the copper circuit Furthermore, there is a method involving Substrate cata
and/or preventing migration of gold and, moreover, a gold lyzed (Surface catalyzed) gold plating by a reducing agent
coating is formed in order to SuppreSS oxidation of nickel, using a Substrate metal as a catalyst (C. D. Iacovangelo 30
maintain reliability of contacts, improve Solderability, etc. et al., U.S. Pat. No. 4,863,766), but since the substrate metal
When Such a circuit is formed, in conventional methods, Surface is coated with gold, once gold is coated, the thick
plating with nickel or a nickel alloy is carried out after neSS of the gold coating cannot be increased any more, and
forming the copper pattern, and there is then further carried moreover the method involves a cyanide. The cyanide
out gold electroplating, autocatalytic gold plating after dis causes the problem of an increase in the cost of waste water
placement gold plating, or thick displacement gold plating treatment in addition to problems of Storage and manage
after the nickel.
25 ment and Safety problems when carrying out various treat
With regard to a method for treating copper parts ments. Because of this, there has been a desire for the
(terminals for connecting external parts or mounting development of an electroleSS gold plating Solution contain
components, through holes, etc.) exposed on the exterior of ing no cyanide.
a printed board, copper wiring to which plating is applied is Furthermore, there is a gold plating Solution with which
firstly Subjected to pretreatments Such as degreasing and gold plating can be carried out directly on gold and nickel
etching, then to a palladium catalyst treatment, and to using two types of reducing agents in combination, that is,
electroless nickel plating to form a barrier metal layer. With a hydrazine type and a boron base type that have catalytic
regard to a metal used as the barrier metal layer, palladium, activity toward gold, nickel, palladium, etc. (J. Electrochem.
platinum, Silver, cobalt, or an alloy thereof can be used, as Soc., Vol. 138, No. 4 (1991) 976–982: U.S. Pat. No. 4,979,
well as nickel or a nickel alloy. In order to prevent diffusion 35 988). This is gold plating by the so-called autocatalytic
of nickel due to a thermal treatment, a technique of forming action and Substrate metal catalyzed action; the use of Such
a palladium layer on a nickel layer has also been reported (K. a gold plating Solution cannot give a coating having a
Hasegawa et al., Proceeding of the 1997 IEMT/IMC, 230 Specific coating thickness, which can be obtained by dis
(1997)). placement reaction gold plating, and the coating obtained
The nickel, palladium, platinum, Silver, cobalt, or an alloy 40 cannot be said to have good adhesion. Furthermore, this gold
thereof becomes a Substrate metal for Subsequent gold plating Solution contains a cyanide.
plating. It is therefore an object of the present invention to provide
After the substrate metal layer is formed, it is covered an electroleSS gold plating Solution that can Solve the prob
with a gold coating, thus completing the circuit. lems of each of the conventional electroleSS plating Solutions
In general, Since the gold coating is used for preventing 45 and can form a uniform gold coating having good adhesion
corrosion of the circuit and/or is used as a contact, a coating and low porosity in one Step.
having a high porosity is undesirable, and a Surface having SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
few gaps is required.
With regard to the main gold plating processes that have AS a result of an intensive investigation by the present
been carried out So far, there are 1) a method involving a 50 inventors in order to Solve the above-mentioned problems, it
two-stage process in which, after thin gold plating Such as has been found that the above-mentioned problems can be
displacement gold plating or gold flashing is carried out, Solved by an electroleSS gold plating Solution containing a
autocatalytic electroless gold plating is carried out to reducing agent that is oxidized by gold and a Substrate metal,
increase the coating thickness, 2) a method involving a the Solution being capable of causing, as appropriate, dis
one-stage process in which a thick coating is formed by thick 55 placement reaction gold plating, Substrate catalyzed gold
displacement gold plating, and 3) a method in which a plating, and autocatalytic gold plating, and the present
coating is formed by gold electroplating. invention has thus been accomplished.
The displacement gold plating in 1) involves gold depo That is, the present invention relates to an electroless gold
Sition by a galvanic displacement reaction between a Sub plating Solution in which an amount of gold deposited by a
Strate metal on the Surface to be plated and gold ions and/or 60 displacement reaction is at least 15 lug/cm, the electroless
gold ion complexes, and the autocatalytic gold plating gold plating Solution containing a reducing agent that is
involves gold deposition by a reducing agent using gold as oxidized by gold, and a reducing agent that is of the same
a catalyst. Examples of 1) are described in JP, A, 2001 type as or is a different type from Said reducing agent and is
185836, etc., and in this case Since the gold coating forma oxidized by a Substrate metal.
tion process includes two steps, problems Such as an 65 Furthermore, the present invention relates to the above
increase in cost due simply to an increase in the number of mentioned electroless gold plating Solution wherein the
Steps occur easily. Substrate metal is directly gold plated.
US 6,855,191 B2
3 4
Moreover, the present invention relates to the above of the gold coating to the Substrate metal, and more prefer
mentioned electroless gold plating Solution wherein the ably at least 40 tug/cm°. The solution can be adjusted by
coating thickness of gold deposited by action of the reducing appropriately choosing the reducing agent used and the
agent that is oxidized by the Substrate metal is 10% to 70% amount thereof added as described below, in addition,
of the total coating thickness. appropriately choosing a complexing agent, a Stabilizing
Furthermore, the present invention relates to the above agent, and a reaction accelerator, and adjusting So that the
mentioned electroless gold plating Solution wherein it con displacement reaction, Substrate catalyzed gold plating, and
tains no cyanide. autocatalytic gold plating can proceed appropriately.
Moreover, the present invention relates to the above While taking into consideration the uniformity and adhe
mentioned electroless gold plating Solution wherein the Sion of the coating, the adjustment is carried out So that the
Substrate metal is one type or more than one type of metal coating thickness of the gold deposited by the catalytic
chosen from the group consisting of nickel, palladium, action of the substrate metal is preferably 10% to 70% of the
platinum, Silver, cobalt, and alloys thereof. total coating thickness, and more preferably 20% to 60%.
Furthermore, the present invention relates to the above 15
Specific examples of the Source of gold used in the present
mentioned electroleSS gold plating Solution wherein it fur invention include a Soluble gold Salt containing no cyanide,
ther contains one type or more than one type chosen from the Such as a gold Sulfite Salt or a chloroaurate Salt, and/or a
group consisting of a gold Salt, a complexing agent, a pH solution thereof. It is preferable in terms of safety and waste
buffer, a pH adjusting agent, a Stabilizing agent, and a water treatment problems to use a Source of gold containing
reaction accelerator. no cyanide. However, when using a composition containing
Since the electroless gold plating Solution of the present no cyanide, Since gold complexes other than cyanide com
invention is for electroless gold plating, a uniform coating plexes have lower complex Stability constants than those of
can be formed on minute parts, the porosity can be lower the cyanide complexes and are unstable, they undergo bath
than that formed by thick displacement gold plating, and a decomposition when a strong reducing agent is used, and it
gold coating having a thickness of at least 0.2 um can be 25
is therefore important to choose a reducing agent having
formed in one step. This is because, in the electroleSS gold appropriate reducing activity. Since the activity of a reduc
plating Solution of the present invention, gold plating by a ing agent greatly depends on pH and temperature, a Suitable
displacement reaction and gold plating by Substrate metal pH buffer should be chosen. Furthermore, appropriately
and gold catalytic actions proceed Simultaneously or Suc choosing and using a compound having an adsorption action
cessively. For example, by use of the electroleSS gold plating on a metal Surface, a complexing agent for metal ion
of the present invention, gold plating Strongly bonded to the masking, etc. as a Stabilizing agent for Suppressing the bath
Substrate metal can firstly be formed by a displacement decomposition enables autocatalytic gold plating to be car
reaction, the Substrate can Subsequently be coated directly ried out stably and effectively.
with uniform gold having good adhesion by the catalytic For example, when Sodium gold Sulfite is used as the
action of the Substrate metal without eroding the Substrate 35 Source of gold, and taking into consideration the physical
metal and, furthermore, the thickness of the coating can be properties of the coating deposited, its concentration range
increased by gold plating by the catalytic action of the gold. is preferably 0.001 to 0.5 M on a gold basis, and more
Moreover, the electroless gold plating Solution of the preferably 0.005 to 0.1 M.
present invention can be used Stably without the need of a Specific examples of the complexing agent include com
cyanide while having the catalytic action of the Substrate 40 pounds Such as Sulfite or thiosulfate that can form a complex
metal and the gold. Furthermore, controlling the reaction of with monovalent or trivalent gold ions. For example, when
gold by displacement gold plating can appropriately adjust Sodium Sulfite and Sodium thiosulfate are used as the com
the amount of gold deposited, and can also control erosion plexing agents, the concentrations thereof are preferably in
of the Substrate, which occurs in conventional displacement the range of 0.05 to 2.0 M and 0 to 1.0 M respectively, and
gold plating. 45 more preferably 0.1 to 0.8 M and 0.04 to 0.2 M, and the
preferable composition ratio thereof is in the range of 1:0.1
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF DRAWINGS to 1. The concentration of the complexing agent depends on
FIG. 1 is a graph showing how the displacement reaction the concentration of the gold and is adjusted appropriately
ratio changes with the NH-OH.HCl concentration. while taking into consideration the Stability toward gold
50 ions, the bath stability, the solubility, the bath viscosity, etc.
FIG. 2 is a graph showing how the displacement reaction Although thiosulfate in particular can increase the deposi
ratio changes with the MBI concentration. tion rate due to its reducing action, at the same time it makes
MODES FOR CARRYING OUT THE the bath unstable, and the adhesion is also degraded, and
INVENTION when a large amount is used, there are many disadvantages.
55 Examples of the pH buffer include phosphates,
The electroleSS gold plating Solution of the present inven tetraborates, and borates. When disodium hydrogen phos
tion is explained in detail below. phate or tetraboric acid is used as the pH buffer, the
Substrate metal is coated using an electroless gold plating concentrations thereof are preferably in the range of 0.02 to
Solution containing a Source of gold, a complexing agent, a 1.0 M and 0.001 to 0.12 M, respectively, and more prefer
pH buffer, a pH adjusting agent, a reducing agent, a Stabi 60 ably 0.04 to 0.50 M and 0.01 to 0.1 M. They are used singly
lizing agent, etc. or in combination, and it should be noted that the buffer
Specific examples of the Substrate metal include nickel, activity depends on the pH. Specifically, when the pH is
palladium, platinum, Silver, cobalt, and alloys thereof. about 8 to 10, the pH of a phosphoric acid buffer is unstable
The electroleSS gold plating Solution of the present inven compared with the case of tetraboric acid, and a composition
tion is adjusted So that the amount of gold deposited by the 65 of a mixture of phosphoric acid and tetraboric acid or
displacement reaction is at least 15 lug/cm, preferably at tetraboric acid alone is preferable. On the other hand, when
least 25 ug/cm when taking into consideration the adhesion the pH is about 7, a phosphoric acid buffer is more stable and
US 6,855,191 B2
S 6
is therefore used preferentially. Moreover, Some types of Stabilizing agent, the concentration thereof is preferably in
Substrate metal might cause oxidation of the coating, thus the range of up to and including 50 ppm, and more prefer
greatly degrading the appearance of the plating, and this ably up to and including 20 ppm.
point Should also be noted during use. With regard to the reaction accelerator used in the present
Examples of the pH adjusting agent include various types invention, ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA), ethyl
of acids Such as Sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, and phos enediamine (En), salts of nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) and
phoric acid, hydroxide Salts. Such as Sodium hydroxide and
potassium hydroxide, and, within limits, amines Such as iminodiacetic acid (IDA), an amino acid Such as glycine, or
NROH (R: hydrogen or alkyl). For example, when a an oxocarboxylic acid Such as tartaric acid, malic acid, or
phosphoric acid buffer is used as the pH adjusting agent, citric acid, which are generally used as complexing agents,
phosphoric acid and Sodium hydroxide or potassium can be added, but Since they also accelerate the displacement
hydroxide are preferably used. reaction and might cause the problems of degradation of
The pH is preferably in the range of 5 to 11, and more physical properties of the coating and erosion of the
preferably 6.5 to 9.5, depending on the composition. Substrate, when using them it is necessary to control the
With regard to reducing agents that are oxidized by the 15
amount thereof added. When glycine is used as the
Substrate metal and gold, general reducing agents can be accelerator, the concentration thereof is preferably in the
used. In addition to Sulfite and thiosulfate, which are used
range of, for example, up to and including 0.5M, and more
also as the complexing agent, there can be cited as examples preferably up to and including 0.2 M. It should be noted that
hydroxylamine, a Salt thereof, a derivative thereof, Since these accelerators also accelerate the displacement
hydrazine, an amineborane compound Such as reaction at the same time, the amount thereof added must be
dimethylamineborane, a borohydride compound Such as adjusted according to the action of the reducing agent and
the Stabilizing agent.
Sodium borohydride, a Saccharide Such as glucose, and a
hypophosphite, which may be used singly or in combination. With regard to the temperature at which it is used,
Furthermore, any compound can be used as long as it is although it depends on the reducing agent, it can be used in
determined by the Nernst equation as being capable of 25 the range of 30° C. to 90° C., and preferably 40° C. to 70°
reducing and depositing gold from gold ions or a gold C.
complex, but the compound is used while taking into con With regard to other additives, a crystal particle shape
sideration the reactivity toward other bath components, the adjusting agent, a brightening agent, etc. can be used in an
bath Stability, etc. Although it is possible to use a reducing appropriate concentration range. Other additives can also be
agent that can act on both gold and the Substrate metal, Since used as long as the composition can Satisfy the above
the actions with respect to gold and the Substrate metal differ mentioned conditions.
depending on conditions Such as pH, temperature, and the
complexing agent, in Such a case it is appropriate to use EXAMPLES
more than one type of reducing agent. For example,
hydrazine, Sodium hypophosphite, hydroxylamine 35 The electroleSS gold plating Solution of the present inven
hydrochloride, etc. can function as a reducing agent for both tion is explained further in detail below by reference to
the substrate metal (in the case of Ni) and gold under examples and comparative examples, but the present inven
conditions of high pH, but under low pH they can function tion is not limited thereby.
as a reducing agent only for Ni and not for gold. The coating thickness, the displacement reaction ratio
Furthermore, among these reducing agents, Some Such as 40
(coating thickness obtained by the displacement reaction/
hydrazine can adversely affect humans, and it is therefore total coating thickness), and the adhesion of the gold coating
necessary to choose and use them according to the purpose, obtained using the electroleSS gold plating Solution of the
the application environment, the type of Substrate metal, etc. present invention were evaluated.
For example, when hydroxylamine hydrochloride is used as
the reducing agent, the concentration thereof is preferably in 45 The coating thickneSS was measured using an X-ray
the range of up to and including 1.0 M, and more preferably fluorescence coating thickneSS meter manufactured by SII,
0.005 to 0.3 M. The amount of reducing agent depends on and the displacement reaction ratio was calculated on the
the accelerator and the Stabilizing agent; when the amount is basis of the amount of Ni that had eluted into the bath during
Small, although a plating reaction proceeds, the proportion a plating operation. The adhesion was evaluated in a tape test
of the displacement reaction becomes high, and the problem 50 according to JIS H8504 Methods for adhesion test for
of Substrate erosion easily occurs. When the amount is large, metallic coatings. The porosity was measured by a gelatin
although a plating reaction proceeds, the catalytic action constant potential method (F. V. Bedetti and R. V.
becomes Strong, thus making the bath unstable, and the Chiarenzelli, Plating 53, 305, 1966). A copper plate was
amount used is therefore adjusted appropriately. used as a plating Sample, and this was Subjected to Ni alloy
In addition, a compound containing the -SH Structure 55 plating by the procedure below and used for testing.
such as 2-mer cap to be n zothiazole (MBT), Copper Plate Pretreatment
2-mercaptobenzoimidazole (MBI), or mercaptoacetic acid Degreasing (Acid Clean 115, manufactured by Okuno
can be used as a Stabilizing agent and/or an autocatalytic Chemical Industries Co., Ltd.) 60° C., 5 min->etching
reaction inhibitor, but Since Some thereof might react with a (sodium persulfate 150 g/L, 98% sulfuric acid 2 mL/L) 1
reducing agent or another component depending on the 60 min->immersion in 10 mL/L Solution of 98% Sulfuric acid
combination, thus destabilizing the bath, it should be chosen 30 sec->immersion in 10 mL/L solution of 30% hydrochlo
carefully. It is also possible to use a water-Soluble cyclic ric acid 30 sec->Pd catalyst formation (ICP Accera, manu
compound containing a nitrogen atom Such as 1,10 factured by Okuno Chemical Industries Co., Ltd.) 30
phenanthroline, 2,2'-bipyridyl, cupferron, or cytosine, but sec->electroless Ni-P plating (ICPNicoron GM, manufac
Since Some thereof may Suppress formation of a gold coating 65 tured by Okuno Chemical Industries Co., Ltd., P content 6%
to a great extent, when using them it is necessary to control to 8%, about 5 um)->immersion in 0.5 mol/L hypophos
the amount thereof added. When MBT or MBI is used as the phorous acid Solution-egold plating
US 6,855,191 B2
7 8
Example 1 good adhesion in a tape test, and almost no pores were
A Ni-P coating was formed on a copper plate by the observed. The displacement reaction ratio based on the
amount of Ni eluted was 3%.
above-mentioned procedure using ICP Nicoron GM manu
factured by Okuno Chemical Industries Co., Ltd. and then Example 6
Subjected to electroleSS gold plating using Solution No. 1 in
Table 1. A Ni-P coating was formed on a copper plate by the
As a result of immersion for 1 hr. with stirring at 60° C., above-mentioned procedure using ICP Nicoron GM manu
a bright yellow SemigloSS gold coating having a thickness of factured by Okuno Chemical Industries Co., Ltd. and then
0.04 um was obtained. The coating thus obtained did not Subjected to electroleSS gold plating using Solution No. 6 in
Table 1.
peel off in a tape test, thus showing good adhesion, and
almost no pores were observed. The displacement reaction As a result of immersion for 1 hr. with stirring at 60° C.,
ratio based on the amount of Ni eluted was 27%. The Au a bright yellow SemigloSS gold coating having a thickness of
wire bonding Strength of at least 10 gf was excellent. 0.09 um was obtained. The coating thus obtained showed
15 good adhesion in a tape test. The displacement reaction ratio
Example 2 based on the amount of Ni eluted was 22%.
A Ni-P coating was formed on a copper plate by the Example 7
above-mentioned procedure using ICP Nicoron GM manu A Ni-P coating was formed on a copper plate by the
factured by Okuno Chemical Industries Co., Ltd. and then above-mentioned procedure using ICP Nicoron GM manu
Subjected to electroleSS gold plating using Solution No. 2 in
Table 1. factured by Okuno Chemical Industries Co., Ltd. and then
Subjected to electroleSS gold plating using Solution No. 7 in
As a result of immersion for 1 hr. with stirring at 60° C., Table 1.
a bright yellow SemigloSS gold coating having a thickness of
0.68 um was obtained. The coating thus obtained did not As a result of immersion for 1 hr. with stirring at 60° C.,
peel off in a tape test, thus showing good adhesion, and no 25 a bright yellow SemigloSS gold coating having a thickness of
pores were observed. The displacement reaction ratio based 0.40 um was obtained. The coating thus obtained showed
on the amount of Ni eluted was 1%. good adhesion in a tape test and, although pores were
observed over the whole deposition Surface of a displace
Example 3 ment gold plating of Comparative Example 2, there were far
fewer pores in the present example. The displacement reac
A Ni-P coating was formed on a copper plate by the tion ratio based on the amount of Ni eluted was 68%.
above-mentioned procedure using ICP Nicoron GM manu
factured by Okuno Chemical Industries Co., Ltd. and then Example 8
Subjected to electroleSS gold plating using Solution No. 3 in Pretreatments up to Pd catalyst formation were carried out
Table 1. 35 on a copper plate by the above-mentioned procedure, an
As a result of immersion for 1 hr. with stirring at 60° C., electroleSS Ni-B coating was then formed at a thickness of
a bright yellow SemigloSS gold coating having a thickness of 3 um, and electroleSS gold plating was Subsequently carried
0.08 um was obtained. The coating thus obtained showed out using solution No. 8 in Table 1.
good adhesion in a tape test, and almost no pores were As a result of immersion for 1 hr. with stirring at 60° C.,
observed. The displacement reaction ratio based on the 40
a bright yellow SemigloSS gold coating having a thickness of
amount of Ni eluted was 15%.
0.15 um was obtained. The coating thus obtained showed
Example 4 good adhesion in a tape test, and almost no pores were
observed. The displacement reaction ratio based on the
Pretreatments up to Pd catalyst formation were carried out 45
amount of Ni eluted was 37%.
on a copper plate by the above-mentioned procedure, an
electroleSS Ni-B coating was then formed at a thickness of Example 9
3 um, and electroleSS gold plating was Subsequently carried A Ni-P coating was formed on a copper plate by the
out using solution No. 4 in Table 1. above-mentioned procedure using ICP Nicoron GM manu
As a result of immersion for 1 hr. with stirring at 60° C., 50 factured by Okuno Chemical Industries Co., Ltd. and then
a bright yellow SemigloSS gold coating having a thickness of Subjected to electroleSS gold plating using Solution No. 9 in
0.14 um was obtained. The coating thus obtained showed Table 1.
good adhesion in a tape test, and almost no pores were As a result of immersion for 1 hr. with stirring at 60° C.,
observed. The displacement reaction ratio based on the a bright yellow SemigloSS gold coating having a thickness of
amount of Nieluted was 9%. Plating was also carried out on 55 1.41 um was obtained. The coating thus obtained showed
an Ni-P coating using Solution No. 4, an evaluation was good adhesion in a tape test and, although pores were
carried out, and almost the same results were obtained. observed over the whole deposition surface of the displace
Example 5 ment gold plating of Comparative Example 2, there were far
fewer pores in the present example. The displacement reac
A Ni-P coating was formed on a copper plate by the 60 tion ratio based on the amount of Ni eluted was 31%.
above-mentioned procedure using ICP Nicoron GM manu
factured by Okuno Chemical Industries Co., Ltd. and then Example 10
Subjected to electroleSS gold plating using Solution No. 5 in A Ni-P coating was formed on a copper plate by the
Table 1. above-mentioned procedure using ICP Nicoron GM manu
As a result of immersion for 1 hr. with stirring at 60° C., 65 factured by Okuno Chemical Industries Co., Ltd. and then
a bright yellow SemigloSS gold coating having a thickness of Subjected to electroleSS gold plating using Solution No. 10 in
0.41 um was obtained. The coating thus obtained showed Table 1.
US 6,855,191 B2
9 10
As a result of immersion for 1 hr. with stirring at 60° C., Example 15
a bright yellow SemigloSS gold coating having a thickness of
0.21 um was obtained. The coating thus obtained showed When the total coating thickness is defined as the total of
good adhesion in a tape test and, although pores were the coating thicknesses obtained by three actions, that is,
observed over the whole deposition surface of the displace Substrate catalyzed, displacement, and autocatalytic actions,
ment gold plating of Comparative Example 2, there were far the displacement reaction ratio (=coating thickness by the
fewer pores in the present example. The displacement reac displacement reaction/total coating thickness) can be con
tion ratio based on the amount of Ni eluted was 7%. trolled by various types of additives. After forming a Ni-P
coating on a copper plate by the above-mentioned procedure
Example 11 using ICP Nicoron GM manufactured by Okuno Chemical
Industries Co., Ltd., the displacement reaction ratio was
A Ni-P coating was formed on a copper plate by the varied using solution No. 15 in Table 1 in which the
above-mentioned procedure using ICP Nicoron GM manu concentration of hydroxylamine hydrochloride was changed
factured by Okuno Chemical Industries Co., Ltd. and then Successively, and the results are given in FIG.1. It was found
Subjected to electroleSS gold plating using Solution No. 11 in 15 that the displacement reaction ratio decreased as the amount
Table 1. of hydroxylamine hydrochloride added increased. The ratio
was 80% or above at a concentration of 0.001 mol/L or less
As a result of immersion for 1 hr. with stirring at 60° C., and 10% or less at a concentration of 0.05 mol/L or above,
a bright yellow SemigloSS gold coating having a thickness of and it could thus be controlled over a wide range.
0.21 um was obtained. The coating thus obtained showed
good adhesion in a tape test, and almost no pores were Example 16
observed. The displacement reaction ratio based on the
amount of Ni eluted was 5%. This is an example of control of the displacement reaction
ratio as in Example 15. After a Ni-P coating was formed on
Example 12 25 a copper plate by the above-mentioned procedure using ICP
Nicoron GM manufactured by Okuno Chemical Industries
A Ni plate was Subjected to electroleSS gold plating using Co., Ltd., the displacement reaction ratio was varied using
Solution No. 12 in Table 1. Solution No. 16 in Table 1 in which the concentration of MBI
As a result of immersion for 1 hr. with stirring at 60° C., was changed Successively, and the results are given in FIG.
a bright yellow SemigloSS gold coating having a thickness of 2. It was found that the displacement reaction ratio increased
0.47 um was obtained. The coating thus obtained showed as the amount of MBI added increased. The displacement
good adhesion in a tape test, and almost no pores were reaction ratio was 10% or less when no MBI was added, but
observed. The displacement reaction ratio based on the it was about 40% when the amount added was 10 ppm.
amount of Ni eluted was 3%.
35 Example 17
Example 13 A Ni-P coating was formed on a copper plate by the
A Ni-P coating was formed on a copper plate by the above-mentioned procedure using ICP Nicoron GM manu
above-mentioned procedure using ICP Nicoron GM manu factured by Okuno Chemical Industries Co., Ltd. and then
Subjected to electroleSS gold plating using Solution No. 17 in
factured by Okuno Chemical Industries Co., Ltd. and then 40
Table 1.
Subjected to electroleSS gold plating using Solution No. 13 in
Table 1. As a result of immersion for 1 hr. with stirring at 60° C.,
a bright yellow SemigloSS gold coating having a thickness of
As a result of immersion for 1 hr. with stirring at 60° C., 0.12 um was obtained. The coating thus obtained showed
a bright yellow SemigloSS gold coating having a thickness of 45 good adhesion in a tape test. The displacement reaction ratio
0.35 um was obtained. The coating thus obtained showed based on the amount of Ni eluted was 23%, and the
good adhesion in a tape test and, although pores were autocatalytic reaction ratio based on a coating thickness of
observed over the whole deposition surface of the displace 0.05 um obtained by immersing a gold plate in a bath with
ment gold plating of Comparative Example 2, there were far the same composition was 42%. The Substrate catalyzed
fewer pores in the present example. The displacement reac 50 reaction ratio calculated using the above figures was 35%.
tion ratio based on the amount of Ni eluted was 70%.
Example 18
Example 14
A Ni-P coating was formed on a copper plate by the
A Ni-P coating was formed on a copper plate by the 55 above-mentioned procedure using ICP Nicoron GM manu
above-mentioned procedure using ICP Nicoron GM manu factured by Okuno Chemical Industries Co., Ltd. and then
factured by Okuno Chemical Industries Co., Ltd. and then Subjected to electroleSS gold plating using Solution No. 18 in
Subjected to electroleSS gold plating using Solution No. 14 in Table 1.
Table 1.
As a result of immersion for 1 hr. with stirring at 60° C.,
As a result of immersion for 1 hr. with stirring at 60° C., 60 a bright yellow SemigloSS gold coating having a thickness of
a bright yellow SemigloSS gold coating having a thickness of 0.13 um was obtained. The coating thus obtained showed
1.19 um was obtained. The coating thus obtained showed good adhesion in a tape test. The displacement reaction ratio
good adhesion in a tape test and, although pores were based on the amount of Ni eluted was 18%, and the
observed over the whole deposition surface of the displace autocatalytic reaction ratio based on a coating thickness of
ment gold plating of Comparative Example 2, there were far 65 0.02 um obtained by immersing a gold plate in a bath with
fewer pores in the present example. The displacement reac the same composition was 15%. The substrate catalyzed
tion ratio based on the amount of Ni eluted was 23%. reaction ratio calculated using the above figures was 67%.
US 6,855,191 B2
11 12
Example 19
A Ni-P coating was formed on a copper plate by the pH 7.0
above-mentioned procedure using ICP Nicoron GM manu Bath temperature 60° C.
factured by Okuno Chemical Industries Co., Ltd. and then
Subjected to electroleSS gold plating using Solution No. 19 in
Table 1. As a result of immersion for 1 hr. with stirring at 60° C.,
a bright yellow SemigloSS gold coating having a thickness of
As a result of immersion for 1 hr. with stirring at 60° C., 0.84 um was obtained. When the coating thus obtained was
a bright yellow SemigloSS gold coating having a thickness of evaluated by the tape test, the whole Surface peeled off, and
0.07 um was obtained. The coating thus obtained showed no adhesion could be obtained. This confirmed the effec
good adhesion in a tape test. The displacement reaction ratio tiveness of the electroless gold plating Solution of the
based on the amount of Ni eluted was 31%, and the present invention that can give good adhesion even when a
autocatalytic reaction ratio based on a coating thickness of 15 Ni-P Substrate is directly plated.
0.03 um obtained by immersing a gold plate in a bath with Comparative Example 2
the same composition was 42%. The Substrate catalyzed
reaction ratio calculated using the above figures was 28%. A Ni-P plate coating was formed on a copper plate by
the above-mentioned procedure using ICP Nicoron GM
Comparative Example 1 manufactured by Okuno Chemical Industries Co., Ltd. and
then Subjected to a displacement gold plating treatment
AS a comparison, a Ni-P plate coating was formed on a using the composition below, which is known. The present
copper plate by the above-mentioned procedure using ICP bath can give a good gold coating if an appropriate auto
Nicoron GM manufactured by Okuno Chemical Industries catalytic gold plating is carried out Subsequent to the dis
Co., Ltd. and then Subjected to direct gold plating by 25 placement gold.
electroleSS autocatalytic gold plating of the composition
below, which is known from Japanese Patent No. 3148427.
Autocatalytic gold plating is usually carried out Subsequent Sodium gold sulfite 10 g/L as Au
to displacement gold, and the present bath can give a good Sodium sulfite 68 g/L
thick gold coating if it is carried out after the displacement Citric acid 26 g/L
gold. EMBT in the composition denotes 6-ethoxy-2- pH 7.0
mercaptobenzothiazole. Bath temperature 85°C.

35 As a result of immersion for 1 hr. with stirring at 85 C.,

Sodium chloroaurate 2 g/L as Au a bright yellow gloSS gold coating having a thickness of 0.05
Sodium sulfite 12.5 g/L tim was obtained. The coating thus obtained showed good
Sodium thiosulfate 25 g/L adhesion in a tape test, but a large number of pores were
Disodium hydrogen phosphate 9 g/L observed. This confirmed the effectiveness of the electroless
Sodium dihydrogen phosphate 3 g/L
Sodium L-ascorbate 40 g/L 40 gold plating Solution of the present invention that can give
EMBT 2 ppm a coating with almost no pores even when a Ni-P Substrate
is plated.

1. 2 3 4 5 6 7

Substrate Ni-P Ni-P Ni-P Ni-P, Ni-P Ni-P Ni-P

Source Sodium (mol/L) 0.01 as Au 0.01 as Au 0.01 as Au O.01 as Au 0.01 as Au O.01 as Au O.01 as Au
of gold gold
Sodium (mol/L)
Complexing Sodium (mol/L) O.32 O.32 O.32 O.32 O.32 O.64 O.32
agent (also sulfite
reducing Sodium (mol/L) O.08 O.08 O.08 O.O8 O16 O.08
agent) thiosulfate
Buffer Potassium (mol/L) O.OS O.OS O.05 O.OS
Disodium (mol/L) O.32 O.32 O.32
Reducing Hydroxylamine (mol/L) O.10 O.30 O.OS O.10 O.10 O.10
agent hydrochloride
N-Methyl- (mol/L)
Stabilizing MBT (ppm)
agent MBI (ppm) 5
US 6,855,191 B2
13 14
Cupferron (ppm)
Cytosine (ppm)
Accelerator Glycine (mol/L)
Tartaric (mol/L)

pH adjustment NaOH or NaOH or NaOH or NaOH or NaOH or NaOH or NaOH or
Bath 60° C. 60° C. 60° C. 60° C. 60° C. 60° C. 60° C.
Plating time (min) 60 60 60 60 60 60 60
Coating O.04 O.68 O.08 O.14 O41 O.09 O.40
Displacement (%) 27 15 22 68
Amount of Ni (ug/cm) 3.2 2.4 3.5 3.5 3.7 5.8 76.1
(per unit area)
Amount of Au (ug/cm) 21 16 23 23 25 39 524
deposited by
Average (um) 0.272
Notes 5 ppm NHOH 0.5 ppm Standard Buffer Conc. of MBT,
MBI increased MBI conditions changed sulfite and glycine
added thiosulfite

1O 11 12 13

Substrate Ni-B N
Source Sodium (mol/L) 0.01 as Au 0.01 as Au 0.01 as Au 0.01 as Au
of gold gold
Sodium (mol/L) 0.01 as Au 0.01 as Au
Complexing Sodium (mol/L) O.32 O.32 O.32 O.32 O.32 O.32
agent (also sulfite
reducing Sodium (mol/L) O.08 O.10 O.08 O.08 O.08 O.10
agent) thiosulfate
Buffer Potassium (mol/L) O.OS O.05
Disodium (mol/L) O.32 O.09 O.08
Reducing Hydroxylamine (mol/L) O.10 O.OS O.05
agent hydrochloride
N-Methyl (mol/L)
Stabilizing MBT (ppm)
agent MBI (ppm)
Cupferron (ppm)
Cytosine (ppm)
Accelerator Glycine (mol/L)
Tartaric (mol/L)
DA (mol/L)
pH adjustment NaOH or NaOH or NaOH or NaOH or
Bath 60° C. 60° C. 60° C. 60° C.
Plating time (min) 60 60 60 60
Coating O.15 O.21 O.21 O.47
Displacement (%) 37
US 6,855,191 B2
15 16
Amount of Ni (ug/cm) 16.1 124.1 4.2 3.2 4.3 70.1
(per unit area)
Amount of Au (ug/cm) 108 833 28 22 29 471
deposited by
Average (um) O.O56 O.432 O.O14 O.O11 O.O15 O.244
Notes Gold source, pH pH changed Cupferon added Cytosine added Reducing pH changed
changed glycine added, agent tartaric acid
no NH-OH changed added,
no NH-OH
14 15 16 17 18 19

Substrate Ni-P Ni-P Ni-P Ni-P N Ni-P

Source Sodium gold (mol/L) 0.01 as Au 0.01 as Au 0.01 as Au 0.02 as Au 0.02 as Au 0.04 as Au
of gold sulfite
Sodium (mol/L)
Complexing Sodium (mol/L) O.32 O.32 O.32 O.32 O.32 O.32
agent (also sulfite
reducing Sodium (mol/L) O.10 O.08 O.O8 O.08 O.O8 O.08
agent) thiosulfate
Buffer Potassium (mol/L) O.OS O.OS
Disodium (mol/L) O.09 O.09 O.O9 O.09
Reducing Hydroxylamine (mol/L) O to O.30 O.10 O.10 O.10 O.10
agent hydrochloride
N-Methyl- (mol/L)
Stabilizing MBT (ppm) 5 1O
agent MBI (ppm) O to 10 1O
Cupferron (ppm)
Cytosine (ppm)
Accelerator Glycine (mol/L)
Tartaric (mol/L)
acid KNa
DA (mol/L) O.10
pH 7.2 9 9 9 9 9
pH adjustment NaOH or NaOH or NaOH or NaOH or NaOH or NaOH or
Bath 60° C. 60° C. 60° C. 60° C. 60° C. 60° C.
Plating time (min) 60 60 60 60 60 60
Coating (um) 1.19 O.12 O.13 O.O7
Displacement (%) 23 23 18 31
Amount of Ni (ug/cm) 76.8 7.7 6.9 6.3
(per unit area)
Amount of Au (ug/cm) 529 52 46 42
deposited by
Average (um) O.274 0.027 O.O24 O.O22
Notes pH changed, Control of Control of Example of Example Example of
IDA added, displacement displacement calculating of calculating
no NH-OH reaction ratio by reaction ratio by substrate calculating substrate
NHOH.HCl MBI catalyzed reaction substrate catalyzed reaction
ratio catalyzed ratio
US 6,855,191 B2
17 18
EFFECTS OF THE INVENTION type of metal chosen from the group consisting of nickel,
palladium, platinum, Silver, cobalt, and alloys thereof.
AS hereinbefore described, the electroleSS gold plating 5. The electroleSS gold plating Solution according to claim
Solution of the present invention can form, on a Substrate 1, Said electroless gold plating Solution further comprising
metal in one Step, a gold coating having fewer pores and one type or more than one type of member chosen from the
better adhesion than a gold coating obtained by conventional group consisting of a gold Salt, a pH buffer, a pH adjusting
gold plating. agent, a Stabilizing agent, and a reaction accelerator.
Those skilled in the art will recognize, or be able to 6. The electroleSS gold plating Solution according to claim
ascertain using no more than routine experimentation, many 5, wherein the gold Salt is gold Sulfite Salt and/or chloroau
equivalents to the Specific embodiments of the invention rate Salt.
described herein. Such equivalents are intended to be 7. The electroleSS gold plating Solution according to claim
encompassed by the following claims. All references dis 5, wherein the pH buffer is one type or more than one type
closed herein are incorporated by reference. of compound chosen from the group consisting of
What is claimed is: phosphate, tetraborate, and borate.
1. An electroless gold plating Solution in which an amount 15 8. The electroleSS gold plating Solution according to claim
of gold deposited by a displacement reaction is at least 15 6, wherein the pH adjusting agent is one type or more than
Aug/cm, said electroless gold plating Solution comprising a one type of compound chosen from the group consisting of
reducing agent that is oxidized by gold, and a reducing agent Sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, phosphoric acid, Sodium
that is of the Same type as or is a different type from Said hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, and amines.
reducing agent and is oxidized by a Substrate metal, and a 9. The electroleSS gold plating Solution according to claim
complexing agent, wherein Said electroless gold plating 5, wherein the Stabilizing agent is one type or more than one
Solution contains no cyanide, Said reducing agent is one type type of compound chosen from the group consisting of
or more than one type of compound chosen from the group 2-mercaptobenzothiazole, 2-mercaptobenzoimidazole, mer
consisting of Sulfite, thiosulfate, hydroxylamine, a Salt captoacetic acid, 1,10-phenanthroline, 2,2'-bipyridyl,
the re of, a de rivative the re of, hydra Zine, 25 cupferron, and cytosine.
dimethylamineborane, Sodium borohydride, glucose, and 10. The electroless gold plating Solution according to
hypophosphite, and Said complexing agent is Sulfite and/or claim 5, wherein the reaction accelerator is one type or more
thiosulfate. than one type of compound chosen from the group consist
2. The electroless gold plating Solution according to claim ing of ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid, ethylenediamine,
1 wherein the Substrate metal is directly gold plated. nitrilotriacetic acid, iminodiacetic acid, glycine, tartaric
3. The electroless gold plating Solution according to claim acid, malic acid, citric acid, and Salts thereof.
1 wherein the coating thickness of gold deposited by action 11. A method of electroless gold plating in one step
of the reducing agent that is oxidized by the Substrate metal wherein the object of plating is immersed in the electroleSS
is 10% to 70% of the total coating thickness. gold plating Solution according to claim 1.
4. The electroless gold plating Solution according to claim
1 wherein the Substrate metal is one type or more than one k k k k k

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