Matrix Acidizing of Sandstone3
Matrix Acidizing of Sandstone3
Matrix Acidizing of Sandstone3
[Al(OH)J in the gibbsiteform canprecipitateupon spend- This mechanismof forming iron fluorine complexesap-
ing of the acid. AIFs is especiallylikely to precipitatewhen plies only to relatively clean sandstones.In the presence
the HF/HCl ratio and HF concentrationare high (e.g., of clays, the dissolvedaluminum ions have a greater af-
1:4 or higher) (Walsh et al., 1982). These precipitates finity for fluorine than iron does.Thereforethe iron fluo-
form according to the reactions: rine complexeswill not form and iron hydroxide will still
Al3 + 3F- + AlF3, precipitate at pH > 2.2.
The natureof the precipitate(crystallineor amorphous)
A13+ + 3OH- + Al(OH)3, varies as a function of the anions present (Smith et al.,
with 1969). Ferric hydroxide can be strongly bound to the
K = I()--32.5
s quartz surfaceby electrostaticinteractions, for its point
of isoelectric chargelies abovepH 7. In the presenceof
Ferric Hydroxide Or Carbonates excesscalcite, the dissolvedcarbon dioxide can also lead
Ferrous or ferric ions in the acidizing mixture can come to precipitation of insoluble ferric carbonates(siderite or
from pipe rust incorporated by shear effect of flow or ankerite).
releasedfrom iron-bearing minerals (chlorite, hematite, Iron-bearingprecipitatescanbe preventedby maintain-
pyrite, and glauconite). The usual ferrous/ferric ion ra- ing a low pH in the damagedzone, by reducing anaero-
tio encounteredin acidicmixturesis 5-10:1 (Crowe, 1985). bic conditions, and by using clean equipment. If a large
This ratio takes into account.only the iron from iron- quantity of iron is present, adding suitable complexing
bearingminerals.Most iron is dissolvedinto the acid mix- agents in acid can prevent ferric hydroxide formation
turesby simplecontactwith the steelfrom tanksandpipes. (Crowe, 1984b). Usual complexing agentsare:
This dissolved iron occurs mainly as ferric ions (rust), . acetic acid (up to 150’ F),
which are potentially damaging. l citric acid (up to 275 ’ F),
Someof the ferric ions from the pipe rust can be elimi-
nated during pumping through the reaction with tubing l tetrasodium salt of ethylenediaminetetraceticacid
metallic iron: (EDTA) or nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) (up to 350 ’ F);
more stablecomplexesareformed with EDTA andiron
2Fe3’ + FecsOlid) + 3Fez+. than with EDTA and aluminum.
The sametype of reduction can occur naturally in sour The possibleprecipitation of organic acid calcium salts
wells, as a result of the action of hydrogen sulfide: often usedat high temperaturesmust be consideredwhen
2Fe3’ + H$ + 2HZ0 + S(s)+ 2Fe” + 2H30’. using theseagents.The addition of strongreducingagents
is also a good means of preventing ferric hydroxide
In additionto the depositionof elementalsulfur, insolu- precipitation (Crowe, 1985).
ble ferroussulfidecaneasilybeprecipitatedat a pH greater
l EDTA plays this role above 250’ F.
than 1.9 by the reaction with excessacidic hydrogen sul-
fide (H$YHS- with Ka = 10m7): l Erythorbic acid works up to 400 oF with an efficiency
of 7 to 10 times that of citric acid.
Fe” -k H$ + HZ0 + FeS + HS- + H30’.
Ferrous‘ions can hardly lead to precipitated ferrous 14-5.3 Kinetics: Factors Affecting Reaction Rates
hydroxide in the near-wellborearea, sinceit forms when This subsection summarizes qualitatively the results
the pH is higher than 6. Ferric iron is normally more describedin detail in Chapter13. Sincetheoreticalaspects
problematicas ferric hydroxide precipitatesabovepH = were covered in Chapter 13, only practical implications
2. However, in the presenceof fluoride anions,ferric ions are discussedhere.
are complexedand Shaughnessyand Kunze (1981) have Kinetically controlled reactions (surface reaction-
shown that precipitation of ferric hydroxide doesnot oc- limited) are effective during the acidization process of .
cur until there is a pH of 5 to 6: sandstones,and factors affecting reaction rates are dis-
cussed to complete previous thermodynamic
Fe3’ + 3OH- + Fe(OH)3, considerations.
which precipitates at pH > 2.2 as KS = 10m3’;
Hydrofluoric Acid Concentration
FeFzmn(complexes) + 3OH- + Fe(OH)3,
Dissolution reaction rates are proportional to the
which precipitates at pH > 5. hydrofluoric acid concentration(Fogler et al., 1976;Kline
et al., 1981) for most sandstoneminerals, except smec- This is the acid (proton) catalysismechanismproposed
tite. This explains why formations with low competence by Kline (1980) for feldspar.
(weak cementation, potentially mobile fine particles) l Dissolutionreactionis a first-orderreactionwith respect
shouldbe treatedwith a reducedstrengthmud acid (1.5% to HF concentrationfor most aluminosilicate miner-
HF) to avoid crumbling, especially at bottomhole tem- als. Nevertheless, dissolution kinetics is better
peraturesgreater than 200 ’ F. Fluoboric acid performs representedby a Langmuir-Hinshelwood type law in
similarly becauseof the very low concentrationof HF the caseof sodiummontmorillonite (Kline and Fogler,
present at any time. 1981):
A pressure increase speedsup the overall dissolution reac-
tion slightly, as dissolved silicon tetrafluoride can be trans-
formed partially into an acidic speqies (HZSiFh) and can
quickly initiate further reactions. For quartz, a rise of 24 %
in reaction rate was noticed between the two extreme con-
ditions (Smith et al., 1965).
In a radial injection situation, the mineral pore space
texture that determines flow partition around the wellbore
(most live acid flows through the large pores) is also a
Reaction Time, 60 min relevant parameter; clay clasts can be bypassedby the acid
flow (Williams, 1975).
‘0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
HF (O/o)
14-5.4 HF Acid Reaction Modeling
The parameters that affect the reaction rate of HF acid
Figure 14~5-Reaction rate of HCI-HF on silicate glass. (Af- on sandstoneminerals are incorporated into a model that
ter Smith and Hendrickson, 1965.) predicts the evolution of formation parameters when acid
is injected.
Mineralogical CompositionAnd AccessibleSurfaceArea
In terms of surface reaction rates, sandstonesare typi-
The total specific surface area of sandstone rocks is rela- cally considered a two-component system:
tively high, and mud-acid spendingis determinedprimarily
l a slow reacting pseudocomponent,comprising the crys-
by this parameter becauseof the heterogeneous nature of
talline quartz fraction,
the dissolution reaction. However, if the contribution of
each mineral to the total accessible surface area is consi- l a fast reacting pseudocomponent, comprising all other
dered, great discrepancies between the reaction rates of species; i.e, clays, feldspars, and poorly crystallized
pure phases can be predicted and observed as shown in silica.
Table 14-5. For both pseudocomponents,the overall kinetics, which
includes the diffusion of HF-reactant species to the sur-
face; the surface reactions; and the diffusion of reacted
I Minerals I Wecific Area I products back to the bulk solution; is governed by the sur-
Quartz CO.1 cmYg face reactions because they are the slowest step. There-
Feldspars Few mz/g fore, matrix acidizing (HF) of sandstonesis often called
Kaolinite 15-30 mYg
“surface reaction-limited. ”
Mite 113 mz/g
Smectite 82 m2lg This is the major difference with matrix acidizing of
limestones, where the process is ‘ ‘diffusion-controlled. ’ ’
Table 14-5-Relative specific areas of sandstone minerals. In sandstones, the increase in permeability results from
damage removal and is correlated with a small increase
Clays react much faster than feldspars, and feldspars in rock porosity. Quartz reacts very slowly with
react much faster than quartz especially in the presence hydrofluoric acid; reactions with most aluminosilicates
of high proton (H+) concentrations. Thus, most of the provoke a rapid spending of the acid. A pseudostation-
quartz matrix can be considered as inert with respect to ary state reflects the much faster variation in species con-
the dissolution reaction (about 95 %), and the mineralog- centration (chemical modifications) than the one within
ical nature of accessible rock components determines the the rock porosity (resulting in physical modification). The
overall reaction rate. Calcite reacts at the highest rate of HF acid progresses and dissolves homogeneously every
all sandstone minerals with HF microchanneling, but in pore (and never forms conductive channelsor wormholes).
this case the mechanism of attack is not comparable be- The flow is stable and sharp fronts are formed to illus-
cause protons coming from either hydrochloric or trate the dissolution of different mineral species as acid
hydrofluoric acid can provoke the dissolution. injection progresses radially (McCune et al., 1975).
Severalauthorshavetried to model sucha process.Taha time and thus has a lower reactivity. However, it gener-
et al. (1986) use the reaction model developedby Fogler ates more HF, as HF is consumed,by its own hydroly-
and various coworkers (see particularly Hekim et al., sis. Therefore, its total dissolving power is comparable
1982). Such a simplified, two-pseudocomponentmodel to a mud-acid solution. Fluoboric acid solutionsare used
and macroscopicdescription can be usedbecauseFogler as a preflush before treating formations sensitiveto mud
has shownthat the order of reactionof HF acid with each acid; this avoids fine destabilizationand subsequentpore
pseudocomponentis equalto unity relative to the concen- clogging. They are also used as a sole treatment to re-
trations of HF and of the pseudocomponent.The flow is move damagein a sandstonematrix with carbonatece-
consideredstable. ment or in fissuresthat containmany clay particles. Fluo-
In such a model, the mineral dissolution fronts can be boric acid is also used as an overflush after a mud-acid
computed and the concentrationof remaining clays (or treatmentthat hasremovednear-wellboredamage(up to
fast reactingmaterials)canbe calculated.Then, the perme- 0.5 ft) to allow an easierpenetrationof the fluoboric acid
ability increasecanbe estimatedfrom the changein porosi- solution (a few ft). Fluoboric acid is also particularly
ty (or amountof material dissolved). The velocity of the recommendedwhenthe sandstonecontainspotassicminer-
mineral dissolution front dependson the “acid capacity als by avoiding damagingprecipitatesand in the caseof
number,’ ’ which is a function of the volume of clays (or fines migration due to its fines stabilization properties.
fast reacting dissolvable material) and of the acid In the field, it is easily preparedby mixing boric acid
concentration. (HsBO.J, ammoniumbifluoride (NHdF. HF) , and hydro-
The acid concentration (or spending) front can be chloric acid. Ammonium bifluoride, an acidic salt of
modelled similarly. The thickness of the front depends hydrofluoric acid, reacts first with hydrochloric acid to
on the Damkohlernumber,which is a functionof the reac- generatehydrofluoric acid:
tion rate andthe acid velocity. Suchsimulationsshowwhy
NHdF. HF + HCl - 2HF + NH&l.
the HF acid does not penetratedeeply into the reservoir
before spendingunlessunrealistically large volumes are Tetrafluoboric acid is formed as a reaction product of
used.(Thesewould almostdissolveeverythingaroundthe boric acid with hydrofluoric acid, according to:
wellbore and thus leave the reacted formation totally HjBOs + 3HF - HBFsOH + 2HZ0 (quickreaction),
Problemsrelatedto the useof mud acid to removedamage
in sandstoneformations include: Hydroxyfluoboric acid (HBF30H) probably does not
l Rapid spendingprovides only a short penetration, es- exist in aqueoussolutionsunlessit is in equilibrium with
pecially at high temperatures(maximum depth about fluoboric acid (Wamser, 1948). The last reaction above
30 cm). is of an order equalto unity with respectto both HF and
H13F30H.For this reaction,equilibriumis attainedat room
l Fines, composedof either mostly quartzor mostly clay temperatureafter nearly 40 minutes for a resulting 1M
minerals,canbe generatedduring the acid reactionand HBF4 solution. Since the equilibrium constantat 25 ’ C
can migrate with fluid flow. Destabilization of fines is KZ = 2.3 x low3 (Wamser, 1948), about 6% (molar)
can leadto a quick production decline after treatment. HBFd is convertedinto HBFjOH at equilibrium for a 1M
Gravel-packedgaswells canexhibit a 50% productivity HBF4 solution. These equilibrium considerationsmean
reduction. that at any giventime andplacethereis only between0.1%
l The high dissolving power of mud acid destroysrock and 0.2 % (weight) of free HF at ambienttemperatureand
integrity at the formation face. 100’ C (212’ F) respectively.
New sandstoneacidizing systemsare designedto al- Fluoboric acid is a strong acid of strengthcomparable
leviate these shortcomings. to that of hydrochloric acid (Maya, 1977); thus, the fol-
lowing reaction occurs in the solution:
14-6.1 Fluoboric Acid
HBFd + HZ0 - H30+ + I3F;.
Fluoboric acid has been recommendedby Thomas and
Crowe (1981) as an alternative to mud acids. It doesnot In the following text, reactionsare written using BFF
contain large amountsof hydrofluoric acid at any given insteadof HBF+ Acid strength diminishesin this order:
fluoboric, hydroxyfluoboric [the strength of which can tion reaction of clays with fluoboric acid is a first-order
be comparedto that of trichloroaceticacid (Maya, 1977)], reaction with respectto the fluoborate concentration, as
and boric acid (pKnsuOs = 9.2 at 25 ’ C). it is for mud acid with respectto HF concentration.
The dissolvingpower of fluoboric acid resultsfrom the The spendingrate of fluoboric acid on glass slides at
generationof hydrofluoric acidthroughits hydrolysis;i.e., 150’ F is one-tenththat of a mud acid having the same
total HF content(ThomasandCrowe, 1981). Sinceamor-
BF; + HZ0 * BF30H- + HF.
phous silica reactsfaster than quartz, limited deconsoli-
The BF30H- anionscanbe further hydrolyzed succes- dation of coresnear the injection face is observedduring
sively into BF*(OH)L, BF(OH)l andH3BOswith the cor- flow testswith fluoboric acid. This is comparedto com-
relatedHF formation,but thesereactionsmustbe takeninto plete crushing with mud acid. (The decreasein compres-
accountonly when the BF30HV concentration is lower sive strength of the treated cores is reducedby 30% to
than 3 x lOL3 at 25’ C (Wamser, 1948). In the follow- 50%.)
ing text, BF30H- hydrolysis hasbeenneglectedat usual The unique advantageof fluoboric acid is that it pro-
acid concentrations. vides an efficient clay/fine stabilizationthrough reactions
The hydrolysis reaction kinetics of fluoborate ions is relatedto borateand fluoborate ions. Swellableclays are
affected by: desensitizedby fluoboric acid: a strong decreasein ca-
l the concentrationof the fluoborate ions, tion exchangecapacity (e.g., minus 93% after 18 hours
l the medium acidity that has a catalyzing effect (reac- in fluoboric acid at 150’ F for a Wyoming bentonite)was
tion is proportional to the proton concentration), noticed ‘by Thomas and Crowe (1981).
After a fluoboric acid treatment, migrating clays and
l andthe temperature,throughtheusualactivationenergy
other fines stabilize as a result of the rock’s exposureto
acid. This is the reasonfor the long shut-in time recom-
Thus, the reaction rate, assumingthe reversereaction mendedin fluoboric acid treatments. During injection,
is negligible, can be expressed,after Kunze et al. (1983), while the acid spendsnormally, coresjust treated with
as: fluoboric acid exhibit a normal increasein permeability.
d VLI However, there is no long-term stabilization after treat-
q=- = K [H30+] [BFd-] (14-4)
dt ment becauseonly part of the clays dissolved; the rest
did not havetime to stabilize. Additional shut-in time al-
in moles/lit/min, lows this stabilization.
with When treated by fluoboric acid, montmorillonite
progressively decreasesin aluminum content and then
26,183 progressively incorporatesboron atoms; silicon precipi-
K = 1.44 x 1017exp - 1 987T
1 (14-5) tatesfrom the solution. Coresoriginally containing 30 %
silicoaluminatesat 150’ F attainedmaximum static solu-
in (mol/lit) - ’ min- ‘, bilities after only 24 hours in the presenceof 1M HBFd.
and T = temperaturein K ‘. (4 hours in the caseof mud acid), whereasthe maximum
increasein permeability is obtainedafter only 4 hours un-
Thus, the reaction rate is increased300-fold when the der dynamicconditions.Theseresultsprove thedissociated
mixture is heatedfrom 25 ’ C to 65 ’ C and is increased effectsof mineraldissolutionby the generatedhydrofluoric
12,000-fold when heatedfrom 25 o C to 105o C. Since acid (essentiallykinetically controlled) and of the parti-
the hydrolysis reaction kinetics is not affected by clays, cle stabilization resulting from slow complex dissolu-
fluoboric acid is not considereda strongly retarded acid tiomreprecipitation mechanisms(toward thermodynam-
in normal use. In the presenceof excessbentonite, pure ic equilibrium) during the shut-in period.
0. 1M initial fluoboric acid is spentwithin 30 minutes at Original kaolinite clay platelets-pure aluminosilicates-
150’ F (Kunze and Shaughnessy,1983). that are not dissolved by fluoboric acid appear welded
The reaction of fluoboric acid in sandstonesinvolves together and to the quartz grains when examinedunder
at the sametime the hydrolysis reactionof fluoboric acid, a scanningelectron microscope. A type of chemical fu-
the classicalreactionsof the generatedhydrofluoric acid sion of any fines seemsto take place slowly onto the sili-
with minerals,and additionalslow reactionsrelatedto the ca surface.The formation of borosilicate“glass” hasbeen
fluoborate ions in liquid phase.As expected,the dissolu- assumedto account for this reaction.