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Effect of CSR on the Overall and Components of Firm-Specific Earnings

(Running title: CSR and Firm-Specific Earnings)

JiangBo HuangFu
Berea College

Mark Kohlbeck *
Florida Atlantic University

Hanbing Xing
Florida Atlantic University

March 20, 2023

* Corresponding author
Florida Atlantic University
777 Glades Road
Boca Raton, FL 33431

We appreciate comments and suggestions on previous versions of our paper from workshop
participants at Florida Atlantic University, and participants at the 2021 American Accounting
Association Southwest Region Annual Meeting and the 2022 American Accounting Association
Southeast Region Annual Meeting.

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Effect of CSR on the Overall and Components of Firm-Specific Earnings


We investigate whether firm corporate social responsibility (CSR) performance is associated

with firm-specific earnings or its components. Resource-based view suggests firms use their

unique resources, such as CSR performance, to develop competitive advantages. Competitive

advantages are then reflected in earnings that are specific to the firm and not the industry overall.

We therefore predict and find a positive association between CSR and firm-specific earnings.

When we disaggregate firm-specific earnings into its components, CSR is positively associated

with both the level of firm-specific cash flows and normal accruals, but is negatively associated

with discretionary accruals. We also examine the different CSR components and find that our

results are driven by CSR related to the environment and product characteristics and industry

concerns. Collectively, our findings contribute to the debate on CSR and firm performance. We

also provide insights for managers and investors about components of firm earnings related to

CSR activities and drivers of effective CSR applications.

Keywords: CSR performance, firm-specific accruals, firm-specific cash flows, firm-specific


Data Availability: Data are available from the public sources identified in the text.

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Effect of CSR on the Overall and Components of Firm-Specific Earnings


Global sustainable investment assets increased to $30.7 trillion at the beginning of 2018,

a 34% increase from 2016 (US SIF 2019). Increasing investments imply positive financial

returns, and studies confirm this implication by documenting that corporate social responsibility

(CSR) is positively associated with both firm financial performance and market valuation

(Flammer, 2015; Lins, et al. 2017). Therefore, CSR benefits not only social welfare but also

firms’ market value, and incentivizes firms to engage in CSR efforts and compete on CSR


However, CSR’s emphasis on social welfare deviates from standard economic theory

(Friedman, 1970; Benabou and Tirole, 2010; Kitzmueller and Shimshack, 2012). The main

argument from this perspective is that a corporation’s responsibility is to generate profit and

wealth for shareholders. Commitments to CSR imply additional costs incurred for social

purposes that are irrelevant to and even reduce shareholder wealth maximization, and hence

conflict with a firm’s shareholder orientated mission. Consistent with this argument, some

studies document a negative relationship between CSR engagement and firm value (Margolis, et

al. 2012; Di Giuli and Kostovetsky, 2014).

As a result, there is an ongoing debate on whether CSR enhances firm value or represents

an additional cost. One major contention is whether CSR or other characteristics and factors

determine financial performance. For example, profitable firms have a higher propensity to

engage CSR, and as a result, these firms’ relatively higher level of profitability rather than the

level of a firm’s CSR performance drives the seemingly positive relationship between CSR and

firm financial performance (Hong, et al. 2012). Critics argue that big and successful firms are

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more likely to engage in CSR (Clarkson, et al. 2011), and that there is a lack of direct evidence

of the effect of CSR on firm success. At the heart of this debate is whether a firm’s success is

due to CSR or whether CSR is what a successful firm does (Huang and Watson, 2015).

Ultimately, whether, and if so how, CSR influences a firm’s financial performance is an open

empirical question.

We focus on firm-specific earnings to provide evidence for this question. Firm-specific

earnings refer to the portion of a firm’s earnings performance that is from firm-unique factors.

As an idiosyncratic component of firm-level earnings, firm-specific earnings are linked to a

firm’s unique capabilities and contribute to its market value (Brown and Kimbrough, 2011). One

such unique factor is CSR performance. Superior CSR performance enhances a firm’s reputation

(Du, et al. 2011; Lattanzio and Litov, 2020) and establishes a unique competitive edge

(Loikkanen and Hyytinen, 2011). Therefore, superior CSR performance enables a firm to

develop exclusive CSR resources and capabilities compared to its peers.

According to the resource-based view (RBV) theory (Barney, 1991; Amit and

Schoemaker, 1993), firms identify and develop their unique resources to differentiate themselves

from others and improve their competitiveness. Competing on CSR motivates firms to create and

increase their unique capabilities, reputation, and value differentiation that give them a

competitive advantage. CSR performance is therefore expected to be positively associated with

firm-specific earnings.

We first measure CSR performance using MSCI KLD ratings (Servaes and Tamayo,

2013; Cui, et al. 2018; Burke, et al. 2020). We develop three measures that include both the

conventional and a broader category of CSR activities as well as an industry-adjusted CSR

measure that addresses potential selection bias from high or low concentrated CSR industries.

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We then follow Hui, et al. (2016) to measure firm-specific earnings as the difference between a

firm’s disclosed earnings and industry-wide earnings.

We regress firm-specific earnings on CSR performance and find that firms with higher

overall CSR performance are positively associated with firm-specific earnings. We then

disaggregate firm-specific earnings into firm-specific cash flows, normal accruals, and

discretionary accruals to identify relevant components of firm-specific earnings related to CSR

performance. We find a positive association between CSR performance and firm-specific cash

flows and normal accruals; however, CSR performance is negative associated with firm-specific

discretionary accruals. Our findings are consistent with RBV and support our hypotheses.

We perform a number of tests to better understand our results. We find that our results

are driven by CSR activities classified as strengths. We also investigate individual CSR

components. We find that a firm’s CSR performance on the environment, product quality and

safety, and industries with less controversial business involvement are significantly positively

associated with firm-specific earnings. These are consistent with environment and product

(controversial industry involvement) related CSR activities being value-enhancing (value-


Our study contributes to the literature on firm-specific earnings and extends the CSR

literature by investigating whether CSR competition and performance are associated with firm-

specific earnings and thus increase firms’ economic differentiation. As firm-specific earnings

refer to the portion of earnings due to firm-specific factors instead of industry-wide and market-

level factors, the positive association between superior CSR performance and firm-specific

earnings implies CSR is an important driver of a firm differentiation strategy that creates

competitive and sustainable advantages over industry peer firms. We link CSR with firm-specific

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factors that contribute to earnings and address the selection bias (only profitable firms engage

CSR) issue in CSR research. Our study therefore responds to Huang and Watson’s (2015) call

for research to examine the CSR - earnings relationship and addresses the reverse causality issue

and provides evidence consistent with CSR being value-enhancing.

The results are useful to investors in understanding the effect of CSR performance on

firm-specific earnings and could help investors better decide on investing in CSR competitive

firms. Academia and society in general debate whether business performance benefits from CSR.

Our study joins this debate and provides evidence that certain CSR activities, especially those

related to environment and product, are positively associated with firm-specific earnings and its

components. Investors may therefore look not only to general CSR performance but also the

specific areas of CSR. The study results are also useful to managers by providing them guidance

when making decisions and determining strategies to engage in CSR competition, especially in

value-enhancing areas of CSR activities.


Related Literature

CSR is defined as a firm’s voluntary efforts and commitments that surpass compliance

with law and regulations to further social good (McWilliams, et al. 2006). Both external

pressures and internal managerial motivations create the widespread popularity of CSR.

Shareholders and other external forces influence and could even pressure firms to

undertake CSR activities. Rodrigue, et al. (2013) use a case approach and find that shareholders

influence managers’ CSR decisions, strategies, and even performance. Pondeville, et al. (2013)

find that not only shareholders but also the market and community can significantly influence a

firm’s CSR control systems. Contrafatto (2014) identifies that public opinions and expectations

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have a positive effect on the influential role of ordinary employees in institutionalizing CSR

within the firm.

Internal managerial motivations originate from managers’ focus on efficiency (Burnett

and Hansen, 2008; Burnett, et al. 2011; Figge and Hahn, 2013). Efficiency captures efficient use

of all resources, including environmental resources, for value creation. Managers engage in CSR

to create sustainable values from an eco-efficiency aspect. Managers use CSR to leverage firm

competitiveness and firm financial performance (Kemper, et al. 2013) or directly engage in CSR

for competitive advantage (Loikkanen and Hyytinen, 2011). Therefore, managers are motivated

to engage in CSR as long as CSR is tied with firm efficiency and competitiveness, both of which

are positively associated with firm financial performance.

The growing number of CSR-related investments implies that CSR is believed to be

associated with firm financial performance, stimulating increasing amounts of sustainable

investments. While research on CSR and firm financial performance is abundant, the results are


Margolis, et al. (2012) use meta-analysis to review 251 academic works that examine the

relation between CSR and firm financial performance. They conclude a positive relation between

CSR and firm financial performance exists. Dowell, et al. (2000) find that firms who adopt

stringent global environmental standards, guiding firms to improve CSR practices, have much

higher afterward market returns than those who default or neglect the standards. CSR is found to

positively affect firm financial performance because CSR reduces the cost of equity capital (EI

Ghoul, et al. 2011), significantly lowers capital constraints (Cheng, et al. 2014), mitigates agency

costs and information asymmetry promotes product differentiation resulting in lower systematic

risk (Albuquerque, et al. 2019), and increases the likelihood of softer penalties in litigation

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(Hong, et al. 2012).

Not all studies support that increasing sustainable investments are associated with

improved financial performance. The fundamental argument for CSR’s negative association is

rooted in classic economic theory. For example, Modigliani and Miller’s (1958) theory suggests

that CSR performance is irrelevant to firm value. CSR also conflicts with Friedman’s (1970)

neoclassical economic theory that suggests that corporations, different from individuals, have no

social conscience because, in the free capital economy, a firm’s primary responsibility is to the

owners (shareholders). CSR is voluntary and based on individual freedom; hence it is not the

firm’s responsibility.

Consistent with these theoretical arguments, some empirical studies document a

negative relationship between CSR and firm financial performance. Lys, et al. (2015) find firms

use CSR as a signaling apparatus and document evidence that firms increase current period CSR

spending when they anticipate promising future financial performance. CSR has no significant

association with firm-level social performance nor firm future financial performance directly,

and the study, therefore, highlights the signaling effect of CSR reporting.

Bhandari and Javakhadze (2017) find a negative association between CSR strategies and

firm-level resource allocation efficiency. They attribute their results to CSR requiring resources

that otherwise could be utilized for more efficient investments. CSR, in this case, is considered a

deviation from normal business operations in capital allocation efficiency and hence mitigates

firm financial performance. CSR, however, does not necessarily conflict with normal business

operations for maximizing shareholder values. CSR positively influences a firm’s reputation,

promotes trust, and gains shareholders as well as stakeholders’ acceptance and support, all of

which eventually lead to improved financial performance (Porter and Kramer, 2011; Clarkson, et

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al. 2020; Lattanzio and Litov, 2020).

The challenge in studying the CSR - firm financial performance relationship is to identify

the costs and benefits of CSR (Huang and Watson, 2015). Without a clear identification and

inclusion of CSR’s costs and benefits, the estimation of the CSR - firm financial performance

relationship suffers a high likelihood of a spurious conclusion. One issue is reverse causality

where CSR performance is an outcome of firm financial performance because successful and

profitable firms tend to engage in CSR and score on CSR performance (Hong, et al. 2012; Lys, et

al. 2015). Flammer (2015) addresses this issue by studying CSR shareholder proposals that pass

or are defeated by small margins to create a quasi-experimental setting. Flammer finds that

adoption of CSR shareholder proposals is associated with superior firm financial performance

compared to those that are defeated. Bose and Yu (2023) take a different approach in their study

of CSR performance and earnings quality. Using Granger causality methods, they find that

changes in earnings quality lead to CSR, but not the opposite direction.

Huang and Watson (2015) call for future accounting research to further investigate the

mixed results and specifically address the endogeneity problem. They suggest that ‘studying

earnings is a promising avenue by which to begin to answer the CSR-financial performance

question because it avoids using market perceptions as performance measures as in studies that

use firm value or stock returns’ (Huang and Watson, 2015, p. 8).

Hypotheses Development

Resource-based view (RBV) theory suggests that firms maintain and develop core

resources and capabilities to achieve and sustain competitive advantages (Lippman and Rumelt,

1982; Hall, 1993). Specifically, RBV articulates that a firm’s core resources and capabilities are

drivers of firm differentiation strategies that help the firm gain competitive edges over rival

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firms. The view of CSR performance as a source of competitive differentiation is consistent with

RBV theory for the following reasons.

CSR is an integral part of firm-level product differentiation strategies. For example,

Harley-Davidson introduced an all-electric motorcycle, LiveWire, in 2019. Harley-Davidson

even highlights this all-electric bike as a new prototype for its ‘Grow Business Without Growing

Environmental Impact’ business model in its 2019 annual sustainability report (Harley-

Davidson, 2019). Some consumers who prefer the electric bike to a conventional model are

willing to pay a premium because of the environmental-friendly features. These customers view

CSR as a signal of responsibility and honesty (Siegel and Vitaliano, 2007). CSR, therefore, can

be part of a firm’s differentiation strategy.

The accounting literature highlights that a firm’s internal resources and its unique

capabilities are sources of firm differentiation strategies. For example, Palepu, et al. (2007) point

out that internal resources and unique capabilities related to brand image, R&D, innovation, and

control systems are essential to a firm’s differentiation strategy to distinguish the firm from its

rivals in the industry and at the same time bring value to its customers.

Prior CSR literature provides evidence that CSR can repair and promote a firm’s

reputation and brand image (Chakravarthy, et al. 2013); hence it also creates a reputation

differentiation (Lattanzio and Litov, 2020). Firm CSR activities and performance can positively

influence shareholders and their willingness to buy from, invest in, or work for the firm

(Lattanzio and Litov, 2020).

Managers develop eco-control systems to manage CSR (Henri and Journeault, 2010). As

the eco-control system is integrated into existing management control systems, the newly

established control systems help the firm improve both environmental and financial performance.

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Therefore, the unique blended control systems also differentiate firms from their peers.

CSR aims for a smaller impact on the natural environment and society, and is closely

related to firm efficiency. It requires innovation to improve efficiency strategically and to reduce

costs while increasing business growth. Bocquet, et al. (2017) classify CSR into strategic

(proactive efforts) and responsive (passive adoption) when estimating the CSR - innovation

relationship. They find that strategic CSR has a positive effect on both firm-level product and

process innovations.

In sum, CSR is a competitive tool that is part of product differentiation strategies,

representing a firm’s internal resources or unique capabilities that significantly influence firm

reputation differentiation, innovation, and control systems. A firm with superior CSR

performance can therefore differentiate itself. RBV theory posits that competition in the CSR

space should result in greater firm earnings that are not explained by industry factors, which we

refer to as firm-specific earnings. 1 Therefore, we expect a positive association between firm CSR

performance and firm-specific earnings.

We state the following hypothesis:

H1: Controlling for other factors, CSR performance is positively associated with firm-

specific earnings.

Earnings are composed of cash flows and accruals. While both cash flows and accruals

may explain firm performance, Desai, et al. (2004) find that the coefficient on cash flows

significantly subsumes that of accruals in predicting future returns. Since cash flows and

earnings generally move together, it is reasonable to expect that CSR performance is more likely

to be positively associated with cash flows than accruals.

1 Signaling theory provides an alternative argument that is also consistent with a positive association.

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Firm-specific cash flows reflect a unique portion of cash flows associated with firm-

specific characteristics rather than industry-wide and market. RBV suggests that CSR firms will

utilize these unique competencies to create potential external opportunities and competitive

advantages for higher product and/or service values. Highly rated CSR firms also have more

opportunities and competitive advantages to create brand and product differentiation (Siegel and

Vitaliano, 2007; Chakravarthy, et al. 2013; Lattanzio and Litov, 2020) in which CSR firms could

establish their market separately from their peers enabling more repeat business from their loyal

customers. Also, higher product and/or service values are likely to increase customer

evaluations, which could translate into higher customer loyalty and more volume and repeat

purchases (Dodds, et al. 1991). Higher customer loyalty and more repeat business provide more

stable cash flows. Therefore, CSR is more likely to be positively associated with firm-specific

cash flows.

In summary, firms with superior CSR performance are more likely to differentiate

themselves from their industry peers, and because of this unique performance; these firms are

then more likely to have increased firm-specific cash flows. 2 This leads to our second


H2: Controlling for other factors, CSR performance is positively associated with firm-

specific cash flows.

2 CSR firms are less likely to engage in opportunistic earnings manipulations (Kim, et al. 2012), and hence have higher quality

reporting. With higher quality reporting, CSR firms establish a trustworthy reputation that would enhance capital flow. For

example, CSR firms incur a lower cost of debt (Cooper and Uzun, 2015), and suppliers are more likely to extend payment or

offer more favorable terms for firms with a trustworthy reputation (Xu, et al. 2020). All of these also suggest CSR firms are more

likely to experience speedier cash inflows and favorable payment terms that not only cut costs but also possibly extend cash



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Accruals are the other component of earnings. Previous research on the relationship

between accruals and firm performance is mixed (e.g., Sloan, 1996; Hribar and Yehuda, 2015). It

is, therefore, difficult to predict the presence or direction of any association between CSR

performance and firm-specific accruals. Instead, we separately consider normal and abnormal

accruals. 3

Based on the RBV and our arguments for our first two hypotheses, CSR is assumed to be

associated with increased firm-specific earnings and cash flows. Normal accruals are the accruals

necessary to reflect the current level of operations. Since firm-specific cash flows change

persistently with changes in operations and CSR, firm specific normal accruals should also

change as a result. This leads to our expectation that CSR performance is positively associated

with normal accruals.

Some studies show a negative relationship between CSR and abnormal accruals (e.g.,

Chih, et al. 2008; Hong and Andersen, 2011; Kim et al. 2012), while other studies find a positive

association (Petrovits, 2006; Prior, et al. 2008). The mixed findings reflect the controversial

CSR-agency cost relationship. On the one hand, CSR is associated with reporting transparency to

avoid abnormal accruals; on the other hand, CSR could be for managers’ self-interests, leading to

increased abnormal accruals.

We argue that CSR firms are less likely to generate abnormal accruals for three reasons.

First, a high level of abnormal accrual is negatively associated with firm reputation (Kaplan and

Ravensroft, 2004); CSR firms care about reputation (Chakravarthy et al. 2013), and thus are less

likely to generate abnormal accruals. Second, CSR decreases systematic risks (Albuquerque et

al. 2019); however, abnormal earnings eventually increase systematic risks. Thus, CSR firms are

3 Total accruals can be separated into normal and abnormal accruals.


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less likely to increase abnormal earnings. Third, there is also strong evidence that CSR mitigates

information asymmetry (Cui et al. 2018), and abnormal earnings increase information

asymmetry; thus, CSR firms may not have the incentive to generate more abnormal earnings.

Combined, we expect that CSR performance is associated with lower abnormal accruals.

Similar to our first two hypotheses, we focus on firm-specific accruals. Both firm-specific

normal and abnormal accruals reflect the unique portion of accruals associated with firm-specific

characteristics rather than industry-wide and market as a whole. We expect the unique

competencies from higher CSR performance to be associated with firm-specific normal and

abnormal accruals. Our discussion leads to the following hypotheses:

H3a: Controlling for other factors, CSR performance is positively associated with firm-

specific normal accruals.

H3b: Controlling for other factors, CSR performance is negatively associated with firm-

specific abnormal accruals.

Our expectation that CSR affects normal and abnormal accruals in opposite directions may help

explain why prior research is mixed on the CSR and accruals association.


Measurement of CSR Performance

We use the MSCI KLD dataset for our CSR data. 4 Although firms have increased the

extent of voluntary CSR disclosures, MSCI KLD is still widely used, especially for investigating

4 The MSCI KLD database evolves with time. It initially covers firms in the S&P 500 and the Domini 400 Social Index, and then

it expands its coverage of firms in Russell 1000 and Russell 3000. It started to include the human rights category in 2002. To

capture firm CSR performance given the above-mentioned changes in the database, we follow prior literature to measure a firm’s

CSR performance (Servaes and Tamayo, 2013; Cui, et al. 2018; Burke et al. 2020).


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CSR - financial performance relationship (Khan, et al. 2016). The dataset is culled from a wide

range of sources, including surveys, global media publications, corporate disclosures and filings,

and academic journals. MSCI KLD evaluates a firm’s CSR based on eight categories:

community, diversity, employees, the environment, human rights, product quality and safety,

corporate governance, and controversial business involvement. Individual CSR attributes are then

classified as strengths and concerns. MSCI KLD rates the first seven categories with both

strengths and concerns but only rates controversial business involvement with concerns. The

controversial business involvement category includes alcohol, gaming, firearms, military,

nuclear, and tobacco activities, all of which are not typical CSR practices.

Our first measure is a narrow CSR performance score that captures the firm’s overall

CSR performance across community, diversity, employee relations, environment, human rights,

and product quality and safety categories used by MSCI / KLD. 5 We first compute CSR strength

and concern ratios for each social rating category, where the ratio is the number of strengths

(concerns) divided by the maximum possible number of strengths (concerns) in each category for

that year. Then we deduct the concerns ratio from the strengths ratio to obtain a measure of net

CSR engagement in each social rating category. Finally, we sum the scores of net CSR

engagement over the six categories to obtain CSR_NARROW, which ranges from -6 to +6 for

each firm-year observation.

Our second CSR measure is a broad CSR performance score and captures an overall CSR

performance in seven rating categories (the above six plus controversial business involvement

5 Compared with the other rating categories that focus more broadly on social objectives, corporate governance is about

evaluating monitoring mechanism placed on agents (the management) as an assurance for principals’ (shareholders) investments;

therefore, we exclude corporate governance from our CSR measure.


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concerns). We compute the concern ratio for controversial business involvement as the sum of

all concern scores on controversial business involvement divided by the maximum possible

scores in this category. We then subtract this ratio from the narrow CSR performance score to

obtain CSR_BROAD, which ranges from -7 to +6 for each firm-year observation.

CSR activities may be industry-specific, meaning that CSR could be more concentrated

in certain industries more than others, and could create a selection bias issue. To address this

issue, we construct an industry-adjusted CSR measure. Our third measure (CSR_IDX) captures

overall CSR performance adjusted for industry variations. CSR_IDX is measured as the ratio of

1) CSR_NARROW less the minimum industry CSR_NARROW and 2) maximum industry

CSR_NARROW less the minimum industry CSR_NARROW.

Measurement of Firm-specific Earnings, Cash Flows, and Accruals

Following Hui and Yeung (2013) and Hui et al. (2016), we partition earnings into

industry-wide and firm-specific components. We use Equation (1) to compute firm-specific

earnings (firm and year subscripts are omitted for brevity unless necessary to understand this and

later equations).

FirmE = EARN - ∑ (EARNj *1/Nj) (1)

where FirmE is firm-specific earnings; EARN denotes firm earnings measured as operating

income after depreciation divided by average assets; j refers to industry using two-digit SIC

codes, and N refers to the number of firms in industry j.

In the same way, we partition operating cash flows into its industry-wide and firm-

specific components, using Equation (2).

FirmCF = OCF - ∑ (OCFj *1/Nj) (2)

where FirmCF is firm-specific cash flow; OCF denotes firm cash flow from operations divided


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by average assets; j refers to industry using two-digit SIC codes, and N refers to the number of

firms in industry j.

Assuming earnings are composed of operating cash flows and accruals, we rearrange this

identity to show that accruals are the difference between earnings and cash flows. We use

Equation (3) to compute firm-specific accruals as follows.

FirmAcc = FirmE - FirmCF (3)

where FirmAcc is firm-specific accruals and other variables are as previously defined.

We further separate firm-specific accruals into its non-discretionary and discretionary

components. We estimate a performance-adjusted discretionary accrual model (Kothari, et al.

2005) by industry-year to compute firm-specific normal accruals (NORMAcc). The residual

from these estimations provides our estimates of the firm-specific abnormal accruals (DISAcc).

Empirical Specification

We modify the model from Brown and Kimbrough (2011) and include our variable of

interest to capture CSR performance. Our model to examine the association between firm-

specific earnings (or the earnings components) and CSR performance is as follows:

FirmE = β0 + β1 CSR_METRIC + β2 SIZE+ β3 MB + β4 MktShare+

β5 StdROA + β6 DIVERSE + β7 HERF + β8 LEVERAGE + β9 NINDF +

Year Fixed Effects + Firm Fixed Effects + ɛ (4)

where variables are defined in the Appendix. We include year and firm fixed effects to control


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for time variant and firm fixed effects. 6 We cluster standard errors by both firm and year level. 7

The dependent variable is firm-specific earnings, FirmE, to test H1. FirmE is replaced by

firm-specific cash flows (FirmCF) to test H2. We also use NORMAcc and DISAcc as the

dependent variable to test H3a and H3b, respectively. CSR_METRIC takes the value of

CSR_NARROW, CSR_BROAD, or CSR_IDX. H1 is supported if the estimated coefficient on

the CSR variable is positive and significant when the dependent variable is firm-specific

earnings (β1 > 0). If the dependent variable is firm-specific cash flow, H2 is supported when the

estimated coefficient on the CSR variables is positive and significant (β1 > 0). Finally, for H3a

(H3b), we expect a positive (negative) coefficient on the CSR variable when the dependent

variable is NORMAcc (DISAcc).

We include several control variables that are potentially associated with firm-specific

earnings or their components. 8 Based on Durnev,et al. (2004) and Piotroski and Roulstone

(2004), we control for firm size and market share. Large firms and firms with market power may

operate differently, implying that the profitability of these firms might be independent of the

effect of industry. We expect the coefficient on firm size (SIZE) to be positive. However, the

direction of the influence of having larger market shares for firm-specific earnings is less clear.

Greater firm-specific earnings could result from the dominance of larger market shares or from

niche market players. Therefore, we leave our prediction for market share (MktShare) unsigned.

6 We use firm fixed effects instead of industry fixed effects because firm specific earnings are already adjusted for industry

7 Standard errors of firm specific earnings could be correlated across time within a firm, but are not likely to be correlated

industry effects. So, we cluster standard errors by firm and year level.
8 Consistent with prior research, our expectations for the control variables when the dependent variable is firm-specific cash

flows or accruals are the same as firm-specific earnings as discussed in the remainder of this section.


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The market-to-book value of common equity ratio is included to capture growth potential where

we expect higher growth (MB) to be associated with greater firm-specific earnings.

The standard deviation of ROA captures the volatility in a firm’s earnings. A high

earnings volatility is not likely to be correlated with long-term industry and/or market trends

(Piotroski and Roulstone, 2004), but a high level of firm-level earnings volatility over five-years

could signal risk (Graham, et al. 2005) as a result of market forces / shocks. Also, a high level of

earnings volatility could introduce an increasing level of earnings smoothing (Graham et al.

2005; Khurana, et al. 2018), which would decrease firm-specific earnings. Firms are likely to

manage the negative impact of earnings volatility risks by minimizing the impact on firm-

specific earnings. Therefore, we predict a positive sign of StdROA.

Firms with more diverse operations could be less sensitive to market and industry-wide

factors, so the sign of DIVERSE is expected to be positive. As the earnings fundamentals of

firms in a highly concentrated industry are strongly correlated (Morck, et al. 2000), we predict a

negative sign on our measure of industry-level competition (HERF). Studies also document a

positive association between leverage and earnings volatility (Long and Malitz, 1985; Hall,

2002), given the above discussion of earnings volatility and firm-specific earnings (Piotroski and

Roulstone, 2004), we would expect a positive association. However, profitability and cash flows

could decline as leverage increases. Therefore, the association of LEVERAGE with firms’

specific-earnings is uncertain.

When more firms are in an industry, these firms could be homogenous resulting in less

firm-specific earnings (Durnev et al. 2004). However, more firms in one industry could imply

more competition. To survive and to grow in a competitive market, firms push to differentiate

their products and/or service from each other. Differentiated products and/or services in an


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industry could lead to more firm-specific earnings. Increased competition when there are more

firms in an industry may also increase motivation to innovate to meet diverse yet changing

demands. This will result in diverse and changing features of products and services that different

firms can offer. Therefore, we predict a positive sign of NIND.


Sample Selection

We construct our sample starting with an initial sample from MSCI KLD of 55,551 firm-

year observations over the period from 1991 to 2018. 9 We retrieve firm earnings data and

financial controls from the North American Compustat database. We eliminate observations

missing either CSR performance ratings or financial data for the empirical tests. Our final sample

is 27,070 firm-year observations.

Table 1 reports our sample distribution by year. The difference between the number of

firms in the 1990s and later periods reflects the change in MSCI KLD’s coverage over time.

During the 1990s, the database primarily includes S&P 500 firms and those in the Domini 400

Social Index. Starting in 2001, MSCI KLD expanded coverage to the Russell 1000 firms, and

after 2003, expanded it further to the Russell 3000.


Descriptive Statistics

Table 2 presents the descriptive statistics for the variables included in the primary

empirical model. We winsorize all continuous variables at the 1st and 99th percentiles to

minimize the influence of outliers. The means (medians) of FirmE, FirmCF, NORMAcc, and

9 Our sample ends in 2018 to avoid confounding effects from the Pandemic.


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DISAcc (our dependent variables) are 0.694 (0.385), 0.287 (0.216), 0.398 (0.139), and 0.015

(0.018) respectively. The means (medians) for the dependent variables are comparable with prior

studies (e.g. Hui et al. 2016). 10

Our first two CSR performance metrics, CSR_NARROW and CSR_BROAD, have

means of 0.022 and 0.004, respectively, and medians near zero. The third measure, CSR_IDX, is

an industry-adjusted CSR performance indicator and has a mean (0.412) that is roughly equal to

its median (0.382). Since this proxy measures CSR performance as the difference between a firm

and the lowest-ranked CSR firm in an industry, the value is almost always greater than zero, so

the distribution of CSR_IDX differs from those of the other two CSR proxies. Our CSR

measures are in line with prior studies (e.g. Cui et al. 2018; Burke et al. 2020). 11 The values of

the control variables are also consistent with those reported in prior literature (e.g. Brown and

Kimbrough, 2011).


Table 3 reports Pearson pairwise correlation coefficients between all variables in

Equation (4). As expected, there are strong correlations between the firm-specific earnings

variables and between the CSR performance variables. However, this doesn’t affect our

estimations as only one specific-earnings variable and one CSR variable are included in the

model at a time. Consistent with our hypotheses, both CSR_NARROW and CSR_BROAD are

positively correlated with all firm-specific earnings variables except DISCAcc. However, the

correlations between CSR_IDX and the two firm-specific earnings proxies are negative. This

10 Descriptive statistics of the dependent variables before merging with MSCI KLD data are consistent with prior work. Since

MSCI KLD consists of primarily larger firms, our final sample consists of larger firms.
11 CSR_BROAD is less than that of CSR_NARROW because CSR_BROAD is reduced for controversial business involvement.


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could be due to the unique distribution of the industry-adjusted CSR_IDX. Also, firm-specific

earnings exclude industry effects, whereas CSR_IDX are industry adjusted, which could reverse

correlations between CSR_IDX and firm-specific earnings variables.

There are several significant correlation coefficients among the control variables above

0.50. The correlation between SIZE and MktShare is expected as larger firms have greater

market shares. There are also a number of higher correlations among MktShare, NIND, and

HERF. Since all of these are industry-based measures, the higher correlations are expected. We

also conduct multicollinearity tests and find that the variance inflation factors for the

independent variables are well below 5. Combined, we do not expect multicollinearity to be a



Multivariate Regression Results

Table 4 reports the results of estimating Equation (4) where the dependent variable is

firm-specific earnings and the definition of CSR is varied across the three columns. 12 The

adjusted R2 for each estimation is approximately 35%. The estimated coefficients for control

variables are in general, as predicted. The estimated coefficients for the CSR metrics in each

model are positive and significant (0.043, p-value < 0.01; 0.044, p-value < 0.01; and 0.154, p-

value < 0.10, respectively). Whether we measure CSR over the six categories, include the

influence of controversial businesses, or industry adjust a measure of CSR performance, we find

a positive association. Our first hypothesis is supported.


In Table 5, we consider the association of CSR with firm-specific cash flows using

12 Robust t-statistics for all estimations are based on correction for heteroskedasticity with clustering at the firm and year level.


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Equation (4). The explanatory power of the three models are approximately 56%. The significant

control variables are also consistent with our expectations. The estimated coefficients on the

CSR metrics are again positive and significant in all three specifications (0.013 in model (1), p-

value < 0.01; 0.014 in model (2), p-value < 0.01; and 0.033 in model (3), p-value < 0.10). These

results show that firms with higher CSR performance have a higher level of firm-specific cash

flows and are consistent with the argument that firms gain a competitive advantage through their

unique CSR resources and report increased cash flow when the CSR performance is higher. This

evidence also supports RBV that firms with unique resources are more likely to have a

competitive advantage in terms of cash inflows among their rival firms. H2 is supported.


Before we provide evidence on our final hypotheses, we estimate Equation (4) where the

dependent variable is firm-specific accruals (untabulated). The estimated coefficients on the CSR

metrics are positive and significant in all three specifications (0.032 in model (1), p-value < 0.05;

0.032 in model (2), p-value < 0.05; and 0.132 in model (3), p-value < 0.10). We find consistent

evidence that higher CSR performance is associated with a higher level of firm-specific accruals.

We explore this in our tests of our final hypotheses.

Next, we estimate Equation (4) with firm-specific normal accruals as the dependent

variable (Table 6, Panel A). The explanatory power for each model is approximately 45% and

the significant coefficients on the control variables are consistent with our predictions. The

estimated coefficients on the CSR metrics are positive and significant supporting H3a. The

estimated coefficients on the CSR metrics are 0.021 in model (1), p-value < 0.01; 0.021 in model

(2), p-value < 0.01; and 0.067 in model (3), p-value < 0.01).

When firm-specific discretionary accruals is the dependent variable, the estimated


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coefficients on the CSR variables are negative and significant (Table 6, Panel B). The estimated

coefficients on the CSR metrics are -0.003 in model (1), p-value < 0.01; -0.003 in model (2), p-

value < 0.01; and -0.005 in model (3), p-value < 0.10). The explanatory power for each model is

approximately 28% and the significant coefficients on the control variables are consistent with

our predictions. H3b is supported.


Overall, our accrual results imply a positive CSR and firm-specific earnings relationship,

and this positive relationship is driven by firm-specific cash flow and an outweighed CSR-

normal accruals relationship over the CSR-abnormal accruals relationship. The consistent

findings on the effect of CSR performance suggest that CSR benefits exceed its costs in terms of

increasing not just firm-specific earnings but high-quality earnings. 13

Difference-In-Differences Test

Firm-specific earnings can be determined by not only CSR performance but by

unobservable factors that affect CSR performance. This omitted variable bias presents an

endogeneity concern that we address by implementing a difference-in-difference design using

the first or initial MSCI KLD coverage as an exogenous shock (Cheng, et al. 2014).

The initiation of the MSCI KLD’s rating is unlikely to be relevant to a firm’s financial

information or reporting, or even its CSR disclosure. Since MSCI KLD expanded its coverage

from the fortune 500 to Russell 1000 and 3000 Index, firms are not able to influence MSCI

KLD’s coverage decision. Therefore, the initiation of MSCI KLD coverage serves as an

13 We also use the difference between the number of total strength and the number of total concerns for all the rated six CSR

categories as an alternative CSR performance measure and we re-estimate Equation (4) in each case. The estimation results (not

tabulated) are consistent with those using the three main CSR measures.


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exogenous shock to firms. After beginning coverage, these firms are more likely to improve their

CSR performance to maintain their reputation. The initial MSCI KLD coverage provides a quasi-

experiment setting because the initial coverage allows a comparison of firm-specific earnings

between the pre-and-post-MSCI KLD period for firms with subsequent CSR ratings (treated

firms) compared with those (control firms) never covered by MSCI KLD. We modify Equation 4

to provide a difference-in-difference model as follows:

FirmE = β0 + β1 KLDt-1 + β2 POST + β3 (KLDt-1 × POST) + β4 SIZE+ β5 MB +

β6 MktShare + β7 StdROA + β8 DIVERSE + β9 HERF + β10 LEVERAGE + β11 NIND +

Year Fixed Effects + Firm Fixed Effects + ɛ (5)

where variables are defined in the Appendix. 14 The variable of interest is the interaction term

KLD × POST. A positive coefficient indicates CSR performance is associated with increases in

firm-specific earnings providing additional evidence to support our hypothesis. We also vary the

dependent variable to estimate firm-specific cash flows and accruals.

We match each MSCI KLD rated firm in our sample (without replacement) with a non-

MSCI KLD rated firm in the same industry (two-digit SIC codes) by the nearest firm size in the

year of initial MSCI KLD coverage. 15 We estimate Equation (5) and report our results in Table

7. The estimated coefficient of the interaction term is consistent with our earlier results of the

14 We include year fixed effects and firm fixed effects to control for time variant and firm fixed effects and cluster standard errors

by both firm and year level.

15 The sample size in Table 7 (n = 66,758) is much larger than that in Table 4 (n = 27,070). This is because for difference-in-

difference test we match companies with KLD ratings with those are not rated. Moreover, for KLD rated companies we do not

require CSR measures to test the difference-in-difference model. Since there are no missing values to construct CSR measures,

we have a more complete CSR related sample to match with non-rated firms to execute the difference-in-difference test. Further,

matching on size limits any biases that may result caused by how the MSCI KLD database was expanded.


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positive association between CSR performance and firm-specific earnings (0.061 in model (1), p-

value < 0.05), firm-specific cash flows (0.030 in model (2), p-value < 0.01), firm-specific normal

accruals (0.027 in model (3), p-value < 0.01), and a negative association between CSR

performance and firm-specific discretionary accruals (-0.008 in model (4), p-value < 0.01).

Therefore, results reported in Table 7 further support our hypotheses.


Additional Analysis

Analyzing a comprehensive CSR performance metric presents an interpretability issue

because of the heterogeneous economic implications among the different CSR categories. It is

possible that different dimensions of CSR performance have different and even reversal effects

on firm-specific earnings or its components, or that an individual CSR category or a few CSR

categories are the primary CSR determinants. Therefore, we use the individual net CSR scores

for the categories: the environment (ENV_NET), community (COM_NET), diversity

(DIV_NET), employee relations (EMP_NET), human rights (HUM_NET), product

characteristics (PRO_NET), and industry concerns (IND_CONCERN). 16

We re-estimate Equation (4) as modified and report our results in Table 8 for firm-

specific earnings, cash flows, and accrual components, respectively. In model (1), we find that

the firm-specific earnings are significantly and positively associated with CSR performance on

environmental issues. That is, firm-specific earnings are greater when the strengths of

environmental issues are increased.

Similar results are found for firm-specific cash flows in model (2) and firm-specific

16 IND_CONCERN is an inverse measure of the number of controversial business involvement concerns in the industries to

allow for interpretation that is directionally consistent with the other dimensions.


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normal accruals in model (3). In addition, firm-specific cash flows are also significantly

increasing in net strengths of product issues, and number of industry concerns. In model (3), we

find that the firm-specific normal accruals are also significant and positively associated with

CSR performance on environmental issues. For firm-specific discretionary accruals in model (4),

we find significant negative coefficients for both net diversity and human rights issues,

consistent with our main findings in Table 6, Panel B; however, we also find a positive

association for industry concerns.

Our analysis of individual CSR categories provides further information about the

association between different dimensions of CSR performance on the overall and components of

firm-specific earnings. Some interesting and meaningful findings are that CSR performance

regarding the environment issues is important in explaining firm-specific earnings, cash flows,

and normal accruals. Further, industry concerns have contradicting associations with the positive

association with both firm-specific cash flows and discretionary accruals.


Next, we separate our narrow CSR measure into strengths and concerns because prior

research suggests strengths and concerns are individually important and could have different

effects and re-estimate our models (Table 9). CSR strengths contribute to the increase of firm-

specific earnings, cash flows, and normal accruals but are associated with lower discretionary

accruals, consistent with our overall results. There is no significant association between CSR

concerns and any of the firm-specific earning proxies except for the firm-specific discretionary

accruals. We conclude that CSR strengths drive our results on the positive associations between

CSR performance and firm-specific earnings as well as firm-specific cash flow and normal

accruals, and both strengths and concerns drive the negative association for firm-specific


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discretionary accruals.


Although we control for firm-fixed effects, there is a potential concern that the effect of

CSR performance on firm-specific earnings may be spurious if past firm-specific earnings

significantly explain CSR performance variation. To address this potential endogeneity issue, we

include the firm-specific earnings metric from the prior year in Equation (4) and re-estimate the

model. Results (untabulated) are consistent with those previously reported, providing evidence

that the association is not spurious.

MSCI KLD coverage increased over time. We therefore limited the sample to 2003 –

2018 when the coverage definition appeared to stabilize and re-estimate our models. Our results

(untabulated) over this shorter period are similar to those reported.

Finally, we separately consider profit and loss firms to determine if the association holds

for both types of firms. Our subsamples consist of 21,086 profitable and 5,985 loss firms,

showing that most CSR firms are profitable. Our results (untabulated) report that the positive

association between CSR performance and firm-specific earnings is primarily evident among

profitable CSR firms.


Prior studies examine the relationship between CSR performance and firm performance

with mixed findings. One concern contributed to the mixed results is an endogeneity issue (i.e.

whether CSR performance increases firm performance or firms with better performance engage

in CSR). Our study minimizes this issue by examining the effect of CSR performance on firm-

specific earnings and its components. Relying on RBV, we expect that firms with unique

resources (i.e. CSR performance) gain a competitive advantage over their rivals and thus have


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more firm-specific earnings and cash flows.

Our study design uses multiple CSR measures including narrow and broad measures of

CSR as well as an industry adjusted CSR measures and applies both OLS and quasi-experimental

difference-in-difference models to strengthen our results. The estimated results from these tests

are consistent, implying a high likelihood of a strong association between CSR performance and

firm-specific earnings and cash flows. However, using MSCI KLD data is a limitation because of

the dataset’s limited coverage and the method of classification.

Our findings provide support for the RBV that CSR is an effective business strategy to

establish competitive advantages as reflected in higher firm-specific earnings and cash flows.

The competitive advantage created from CSR activities helps firms generate extra value such as

unique product features integrated with sustainability and lower energy consumption, higher

quality, different aspects of production safety including data security, favorable employee

relations ideal for efficiency and innovation., Eventually, all these created values help CSR firms

constitute both a unique capability and a trustworthy reputation that enable firms to maximize

their firm-specific net cash inflow.


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Appendix - Variable Definitions

Variable Definition
CSR_METRIC = Takes the value of one of the CSR measures defined below

# of firm − year strengths within each category
maximum possible # of strengths in each category year

# of firm − year concerns within each category

− )
maximum possible # of concerns in each category year

where k represents community, diversity, employee relations,

environment, human rights, and product quality and safety


# of firm − year strengths within each category
maximum possible # of strengths in each category year

# of firm − year concerns within each category

− )
maximum possible # of concerns in each category year

sum of controversial business involvement concerns

−( )
maximum possible of controversial business
involvement concerns

where k represents the six rating categories above and controversial

business involvement

CSR_N − Minimum CSR_N

CSR_IDX = Maximum CSR_N − Minimum CSR_N

where CSR_N is a CSR performance score at the firm-year level

(=total strength – total concerns in the six rating categories);

Minimum CSR_N is the minimum CSR performance score for the


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firm’s industry in that year; and Maximum CSR_N is the maximum

CSR performance score for the firm’s industry in that year

# of firm − year strengths within each category
�( )
maximum possible # of strengths in each category year

where k = 1-6 represent community, diversity, employee relations,

environment, human rights, and product quality and safety KLD


# of firm − year concerns within each category
�( )
maximum possible # of concerns in each category year

where k = 1-6 represent community, diversity, employee relations,

environment, human rights, and product quality and safety KLD


FirmE = Difference between a firm’s operating income after depreciation

divided by average assets and the industry average of operating

income after depreciation divided by average assets

FirmCF = Difference between a firms’ operational cash flow divided by

average assets and the industry average of operating cash flows

divided by average assets

FirmAcc = Difference between FirmE and FirmCF

NORMAcc = Firm-specific normal accruals predicted from the performance-

adjusted discretionary accrual model (Kothari, et al. 2005)


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DISCAcc = Firm-specific abnormal accruals, estimated as the residuals from

the performance-adjusted discretionary accrual model (Kothari, et

al. 2005)

SIZE = Natural log of the market value of common equity

MktShare = Firm sales divided by the total sales of the two-digit SIC code in

which the firm operates

StdROA = Standard deviation of return on assets over five years. Return on

asset equals income before extraordinary and special items divided

by the beginning of year total assets

MB = Ratio of market value of common equity to book value of common


DIVERSE = Revenue-based Herfindahl Index for firm diversification using the

reported business segments of the firm

HERF = Revenue-based Herfindahl Index for industry-level concentration

LEVERAGE = Ratio of long-term debt to the sum of long-term debt and book

value of equity

Nind = Number of firms in the industry

KLD = An indicator equal to 1 for firms with MSCI KLD ratings during

the sample period, and 0 for control firms that never received a

MSCI KLD rating

POST = An indicator variable equal to 1 for the post-MSCI KLD coverage

period and 0 for the pre-coverage years

Note: All continuous variables are winsorized at the 1st and 99th percentiles.


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Table 1 Sample Distribution by Year

Year Frequency Percent

1991 323 1.19
1992 336 1.24
1993 353 1.30
1994 367 1.36
1995 380 1.40
1996 383 1.41
1997 388 1.43
1998 383 1.41
1999 382 1.41
2000 385 1.42
2001 575 2.12
2002 572 2.11
2003 1,288 4.76
2004 1,611 5.95
2005 1,539 5.69
2006 1,489 5.50
2007 1,435 5.30
2008 1,482 5.47
2009 1,544 5.70
2010 1,599 5.91
2011 1,509 5.57
2012 1,400 5.17
2013 1,384 5.11
2014 1,279 4.72
2015 1,142 4.22
2016 1,154 4.26
2017 1,130 4.17
2018 1,258 4.65
Total 27,070 100.00


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Table 2 – Descriptive Statistics

Variable Mean Standard 25th Median 75th

(N = 27,070) Deviation Percentile Percentile
FirmE 0.694 0.914 0.122 0.385 0.901
FirmCF 0.287 0.287 0.080 0.216 0.423
NORMAcc 0.398 0.727 0.139 0.025 0.456
DISCAcc 0.015 0.099 0.018 -0.029 0.064
CSR_NARROW 0.022 0.640 -0.333 0.000 0.242
CSR_BROAD 0.004 0.642 -0.333 0.000 0.206
CSR_IDX 0.412 0.257 0.220 0.382 0.576
SIZE 7.225 1.526 6.114 7.160 8.270
MB 3.323 3.319 1.579 2.441 3.935
MktShare 0.016 0.033 0.001 0.003 0.015
StdROA 0.074 0.116 0.019 0.038 0.080
DIVERSE 0.734 0.274 0.490 0.804 1.000
HERF 0.063 0.056 0.033 0.041 0.069
LEVERAGE 0.205 0.182 0.033 0.188 0.316
NIND 5.336 1.175 4.419 5.670 6.394

Table 2 reports the descriptive statistics for all variables included in our primary research models. All variables are
defined in the Appendix.


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Table 3 – Pearson Correlation Matrix

Panel A – Variables 1 through 8

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

(1) FirmE 1.00
(2) FirmCF 0.73 1.00
(3) NORMAcc 0.95 0.51 0.99
(4) DISCAcc 0.14 0.08 0.01 1.00
(5) CSR_NARROW 0.10 0.16 0.07 0.00 1.00
(6) CSR_BROAD 0.11 0.16 0.07 0.00 1.00 1.00
(7) CSR_IDX -0.08 -0.12 -0.06 -0.03 0.53 0.53 1.00
(8) SIZE -0.04 -0.02 -0.04 0.02 0.27 0.25 0.15 1.00
(9) MB 0.11 0.18 0.07 -0.01 0.12 0.12 0.03 -0.02
(10) MktShare -0.19 -0.24 -0.15 -0.04 0.07 0.06 0.14 0.43
(11) StdROA 0.11 0.07 0.12 -0.10 -0.07 -0.06 -0.05 -0.31
(12) DIVERSE 0.02 0.01 0.02 -0.04 -0.05 -0.03 -0.01 -0.33
(13) HERF -0.26 -0.33 -0.20 -0.07 -0.04 -0.05 0.07 0.04
(14) LEVERAGE -0.03 -0.09 -0.01 -0.02 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.35
(15) NIND 0.41 0.51 0.32 0.13 0.05 0.06 -0.11 -0.11

Panel B – Variables 9 through 15

(9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)

(9) MB 1.00
(10) MktShare -0.01 1.00
(11) StdROA 0.10 -0.15 1.00
(12) DIVERSE 0.09 -0.14 0.19 1.00
(13) HERF -0.09 0.32 -0.12 -0.03 1.00
(14) LEVERAGE -0.01 0.13 -0.10 -0.16 0.03 1.00
(15) NIND 0.14 -0.45 0.22 0.09 -0.68 -0.14 1.00

Table 3 reports the Pearson correlation coefficient matrix for all variables included in our primary research models.
Variables are defined in the Appendix. N = 27,501. Bold represent significance at the 0.05 level.


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Table 4 – Association of CSR with Firm-specific Earnings

Pred. (1) (2) (3)

CSR_NARROW H1: + 0.043***
CSR_BROAD H1: + 0.044***
CSR_IDX H1: + 0.154*
SIZE + 0.067** 0.067** 0.067**
(2.290) (2.290) (2.273)
MB + 0.008* 0.008* 0.008*
(1.999) (2.002) (1.935)
MktShare ? 0.409 0.416 0.408
(0.708) (0.720) (0.696)
StdROA + 0.226 0.227 0.230
(1.259) (1.261) (1.274)
DIVERSE + 0.047 0.047 0.044
(1.081) (1.071) (1.004)
HERF - -0.006 -0.004 -0.006
(-0.009) (-0.006) (-0.009)
LEVERAGE - -0.115 -0.115 -0.113
(-1.601) (-1.604) (-1.558)
NIND + 0.445*** 0.445*** 0.452***
(4.592) (4.592) (4.603)
Constant -2.232*** -2.230*** -2.327***
(-3.525) (-3.525) (-3.571)
Adjusted R2 0.351 0.351 0.352
Year fixed effects Yes Yes Yes
Firm fixed effects Yes Yes Yes
Observations 27,070 27,070 27,070

Table 4 reports estimations of Equation (4) where the dependent variable is FirmE and the CSR_METRIC is
varied as indicated in the table:
FirmE = β0 + β1 CSR_METRIC + β2 SIZE+ β3 MB + β4 MktShare + β5 StdROA + β6 DIVERSE + β7 HERF +
β8 LEVERAGE + β9 NIND + Year Fixed Effects + Firm Fixed Effects + ɛ

All variables are defined in the Appendix. ***, **, * indicate significance at 1%, 5%, and 10%, respectively, using
t-statistics based on heteroscedasticity robust standard errors adjusting for clustering at the firm and year levels. t-
statistics are reported under the coefficient estimates.


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Table 5 – Association of CSR with Firm-specific Cash Flow

Pred. (1) (2) (3)

CSR_NARROW H2: + 0.013***
CSR_BROAD H2: + 0.014***
CSR_IDX H2: + 0.033*
SIZE + 0.033*** 0.033*** 0.033***
(4.620) (4.621) (4.646)
MB + 0.004*** 0.004*** 0.004***
(4.011) (4.016) (3.941)
MktShare ? -0.036 -0.034 -0.034
(-0.182) (-0.172) (-0.168)
StdROA + 0.071* 0.071* 0.071*
(1.919) (1.924) (1.913)
DIVERSE + 0.017 0.017 0.016
(1.361) (1.348) (1.311)
HERF - -0.072 -0.072 -0.072
(-0.598) (-0.594) (-0.593)
LEVERAGE - -0.136*** -0.136*** -0.135***
(-7.516) (-7.522) (-7.450)
NIND + 0.134*** 0.134*** 0.136***
(10.888) (10.879) (11.039)
Constant -0.659*** -0.658*** -0.683***
(-8.428) (-8.419) (-8.577)
Adjusted R2 0.564 0.564 0.564
Year fixed effects Yes Yes Yes
Firm fixed effects Yes Yes Yes
Observations 27,070 27,070 27,070

Table 5 reports estimations of Equation (4) where the dependent variable is FirmCF and the CSR_METRIC is varied
as indicated in the table:
FirmCF = β0 + β1 CSR_METRIC + β2 SIZE+ β3 MB + β4 MktShare + β5 StdROA + β6 DIVERSE + β7 HERF +
β8 LEVERAGE + β9 NIND + Year Fixed Effects + Firm Fixed Effects + ɛ

All variables are defined in the Appendix. ***, **, * indicate significance at 1%, 5%, and 10%, respectively, using
the t-statistics based on heteroscedasticity robust standard errors adjusting for clustering at the firm and year levels.
t-statistics are reported under the coefficient estimates.


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Table 6 – Association of CSR with Firm-specific Accruals

Panel A: Firm-specific Normal Accruals

Pred. (1) (2) (3)

CSR_NARROW H3a: + 0.021***
CSR_BROAD H3a: + 0.021***
CSR_IDX H3a: + 0.067***
SIZE + 0.035*** 0.035*** 0.035***
(3.597) (3.598) (3.572)
MB + 0.003** 0.003** 0.002**
(2.163) (2.168) (2.069)
MktShare ? -0.253 -0.249 -0.243
(-0.966) (-0.953) (-0.909)
StdROA + 0.161*** 0.161*** 0.164***
(4.074) (4.079) (4.116)
DIVERSE + 0.028 0.028 0.027
(1.579) (1.565) (1.504)
HERF - -0.045 -0.043 -0.041
(-0.271) (-0.263) (-0.246)
LEVERAGE - 0.022 0.022 0.023
(1.027) (1.029) (1.081)
NIND + 0.146*** 0.147*** 0.150***
(4.276) (4.279) (4.412)
Constant -0.828*** -0.828*** -0.873***
(-3.730) (-3.730) (-3.954)
Adjusted R2 0.449 0.449 0.449
Year fixed effects Yes Yes Yes
Firm fixed effects Yes Yes Yes
Observations 27,070 27,070 27,070

Table 6 Panel A reports estimations of Equation (4) where the dependent variable is NORMAcc, and the
CSR_METRIC is varied as indicated in the table:
NORMAcc = β0 + β1 CSR_METRIC + β2 SIZE+ β3 MB + β4 MktShare + β5 StdROA + β6 DIVERSE + β7 HERF +
β8 LEVERAGE + β9 NIND + Year Fixed Effects + Firm Fixed Effects + ɛ

All variables are defined in the Appendix. ***, **, * indicate significance at 1%, 5%, and 10%, respectively, using
the t-statistics based on heteroscedasticity robust standard errors adjusting for clustering at the firm and year levels.
t-statistics are reported under the coefficient estimates.


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Table 6 (Continued)

Panel B: Firm-specific Discretionary Accruals

Pred. (1) (2) (3)

CSR_NARROW H3b: - -0.003***
CSR_BROAD H3b: - -0.003***
CSR_IDX H3b: - -0.005*
SIZE + -0.008*** -0.008*** -0.008***
(-4.423) (-4.423) (-4.436)
MB + -0.002*** -0.002*** -0.002***
(-7.465) (-7.466) (-7.351)
MktShare ? 0.068 0.067 0.065
(1.164) (1.151) (1.116)
StdROA + -0.035** -0.035** -0.034**
(-2.548) (-2.550) (-2.542)
DIVERSE + -0.003 -0.003 -0.003
(-0.703) (-0.694) (-0.695)
HERF - -0.009 -0.009 -0.010
(-0.410) (-0.420) (-0.438)
LEVERAGE - 0.046*** 0.046*** 0.046***
(7.278) (7.277) (7.222)
NIND + -0.013*** -0.013*** -0.014***
(-4.452) (-4.457) (-4.657)
Constant 0.108*** 0.108*** 0.113***
(5.532) (5.532) (5.810)
Adjusted R2 0.284 0.284 0.283
Year fixed effects Yes Yes Yes
Firm fixed effects Yes Yes Yes
Observations 27,070 27,070 27,070

Table 6 Panel B reports estimations of Equation (4) where the dependent variable is DISCAcc, and the
CSR_METRIC is varied as indicated in the table:
DISCAcc = β0 + β1 CSR_METRIC + β2 SIZE+ β3 MB + β4 MktShare + β5 StdROA + β6 DIVERSE + β7 HERF +
β8 LEVERAGE + β9 NIND + Year Fixed Effects + Firm Fixed Effects + ɛ

All variables are defined in the Appendix. ***, **, * indicate significance at 1%, 5%, and 10%, respectively, using
the t-statistics based on heteroscedasticity robust standard errors adjusting for clustering at the firm and year levels.
t-statistics are reported under the coefficient estimates.


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Table 7 - Difference-in-Differences Analysis

(1) (2) (3) (4)

KLD -0.016 -0.005 -0.004 -0.002
(-0.766) (-0.890) (-0.496) (-0.819)
POST 0.282*** 0.054*** 0.109*** 0.006**
(4.583) (3.198) (4.351) (2.639)
KLD X POST 0.061** 0.030*** 0.027*** -0.008***
(2.284) (4.154) (2.860) (-3.472)
SIZE 0.039*** 0.028*** 0.011*** -0.010***
(4.691) (10.189) (4.558) (-15.105)
MB 0.002 0.003** -0.000 -0.002***
(0.621) (2.610) (-0.072) (-7.776)
MktShare -1.922*** -1.113*** -0.737*** 0.277***
(-5.163) (-9.288) (-4.664) (10.065)
StdROA 0.141 -0.145*** 0.214*** 0.055***
(1.395) (-6.409) (7.628) (6.155)
DIVERSE -0.053* -0.010 -0.009 -0.007**
(-1.913) (-1.276) (-0.739) (-2.683)
HERF -0.149 -0.247** -0.142 -0.011
(-0.264) (-2.316) (-0.630) (-0.630)
LEVERAGE -0.109*** -0.099*** 0.054*** 0.031***
(-3.026) (-8.279) (3.598) (8.812)
NIND 0.216 0.012 0.010 -0.016***
(1.620) (0.449) (0.176) (-4.815)
Constant -0.965 0.008 -0.004 0.135***
(-1.293) (0.053) (-0.012) (7.389)
Adjusted R2 0.246 0.355 0.296 0.054
Year fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Yes
Firm fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Yes
Observations 66,758 66,758 66,758 66,758

Table 7 reports estimations of Equation (5) where the dependent variable is varied as indicated in the table:
Dep.Var. = β0 + β1 KLDt-1 + β2 Post + β3 (KLDt-1 × Post) + β4 SIZE+ β5 MB + β6 MktShare + β7 StdROA +
β8 DIVERSE + β9 HERF + β10 LEVERAGE + β11 NIND + Year Fixed Effects + Firm Fixed Effects + ɛ

All variables are defined in the Appendix. ***, **, * indicate significance at 1%, 5%, and 10%, respectively, using
the t-statistics based on heteroscedasticity robust standard errors adjusting for clustering at the firm and year levels.
t-statistics are reported under the coefficient estimates.


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Table 8 –CSR Components and Firm-Specific Earnings, Cash Flows, and Accruals

(1) (2) (3) (4)

ENV_NET 0.199*** 0.031* 0.136** 0.006
(3.209) (1.734) (2.510) (1.141)
COM_NET 0.047 -0.003 0.023 0.000
(0.700) (-0.217) (0.418) (0.065)
DIV_NET 0.010 0.010 0.013 -0.006**
(0.244) (1.033) (0.444) (-2.182)
EMP_NET -0.033 0.006 0.002 -0.004
(-0.877) (0.503) (0.048) (-0.810)
HUM_NET 0.100 0.019 0.089 -0.013**
(0.762) (0.992) (0.741) (-2.287)
PRO_NET 0.011 0.024* 0.006 -0.001
(0.184) (1.754) (0.131) (-0.141)
IND_CONCERN 0.149 0.128** 0.050 0.040**
(0.777) (2.115) (0.320) (2.151)
SIZE 0.067** 0.033*** 0.037 -0.002
(2.338) (4.713) (1.526) (-0.576)
MB 0.008** 0.004*** 0.003 0.000
(2.234) (4.102) (1.061) (0.231)
MktShare 0.787 0.053 0.582 0.151***
(1.353) (0.278) (1.218) (2.814)
StdROA 0.220 0.071* 0.316* -0.085***
(1.205) (1.939) (1.972) (-3.703)
DIVERSE 0.048 0.016 0.017 0.012*
(0.956) (1.241) (0.470) (2.029)
HERF 0.415 -0.060 0.080 0.051*
(0.567) (-0.512) (0.122) (1.930)
LEVERAGE -0.115 -0.135*** 0.021 -0.027***
(-1.501) (-7.462) (0.331) (-2.784)
NIND 0.454*** 0.133*** 0.299*** 0.025***
(4.609) (11.011) (3.308) (7.168)
Constant -2.288*** -0.652*** -1.551** -0.111***
(-3.497) (-8.361) (-2.687) (-3.678)
Adjusted R2 0.346 0.564 0.228 0.162
Year fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Yes
Firm fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Yes
Observations 27,070 27,070 27,070 27,070


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Table 8 (Continued)
Table 8 reports estimations of a modification of Equation (4) where the dependent variable is varied as indicated in
the table and the CSR_METRIC is the array of CSR performance scores for the six MSCI KLD categories
Dep. Var. = β0 + β1 CSR_METRIC + β2 SIZE+ β3 MB + β4 MktShare + β5 StdROA + β6 DIVERSE + β7 HERF +
β8 LEVERAGE + β9 NIND + Year Fixed Effects + Firm Fixed Effects + ɛ

All variables are defined in the Appendix. ***, **, * indicate significance at 1%, 5%, and 10%, respectively, using
the t-statistics based on heteroscedasticity robust standard errors adjusting for clustering at the firm and year levels.
t-statistics are reported under the coefficient estimates.


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Table 9 – Analysis of the Effects of CSR Strengths and Concerns

(1) (2) (3) (4)

CSR_N_STRENGTHS 0.060*** 0.015*** 0.027*** -0.002**
(3.515) (2.881) (3.315) (-2.127)
CSR_N_CONCERNS 0.009 0.005 0.008 -0.006***
(0.328) (0.562) (0.859) (-2.880)
SIZE 0.063** 0.036*** 0.034*** -0.009***
(2.147) (5.011) (3.513) (-4.537)
MB 0.008* 0.004*** 0.003** -0.002***
(2.029) (3.719) (2.240) (-7.440)
MktShare 0.597 -0.074 -0.167 0.064
(1.023) (-0.365) (-0.613) (1.150)
StdROA 0.222 0.022 0.159*** -0.035**
(1.238) (0.757) (4.025) (-2.587)
DIVERSE 0.047 0.020 0.027 -0.003
(1.094) (1.684) (1.533) (-0.730)
HERF 0.004 -0.171 -0.039 -0.013
(0.006) (-1.334) (-0.238) (-0.554)
LEVERAGE -0.112 -0.128*** 0.023 0.046***
(-1.565) (-6.906) (1.085) (7.286)
NIND 0.442*** 0.122*** 0.145*** -0.013***
(4.605) (7.883) (4.236) (-4.455)
Constant -2.202*** -0.617*** -0.818*** 0.110***
(-3.528) (-7.031) (-3.696) (5.587)
Adjusted R2 0.351 0.568 0.449 0.284
Year fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Yes
Firm fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Yes
Observations 27,070 27,070 27,070 27,070

Table 9 reports estimations of Equation (4) where the dependent variable is varied as indicated in the table and the
Dep. Var. = β0 + β1 CSR_METRIC + β2 SIZE+ β3 MB + β4 MktShare + β5 StdROA + β6 DIVERSE + β7 HERF +
β8 LEVERAGE + β9 NIND + Year Fixed Effects + Firm Fixed Effects + ɛ

All variables are defined in the Appendix. ***, **, * indicate significance at 1%, 5%, and 10%, respectively, using
the t-statistics based on heteroscedasticity robust standard errors adjusting for clustering at the firm and year levels.
t-statistics are reported under the coefficient estimates.


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