Text, Time, and Dates Exam
Text, Time, and Dates Exam
Text, Time, and Dates Exam
06:42:13 AM 13.3
Email Position of @ symbol Email provider length Email provider
vcody@hotmail.com 7 7 hotmail
mslocum@facebook.com 9 8 facebook
dcrook@yahoo.com 8 5 yahoo
cmoultrie@aol.com 11 3 aol
bcohn@yahoo.com 7 5 yahoo
abustos@facebook.com 9 8 facebook
dsturdivant@yahoo.com 13 5 yahoo
lpike@aol.com 7 3 aol
gcarrier@yahoo.com 10 5 yahoo
ahickman@aol.com 10 3 aol
agrey@facebook.com 7 8 facebook
cminter@gmail.com 9 5 gmail
ehite@facebook.com 7 8 facebook
ncastro@facebook.com 9 8 facebook
csalazar@gmail.com 10 5 gmail
jhiller@hotmail.com 9 7 hotmail
llouis@hotmail.com 8 7 hotmail
mcornish@hotmail.com 10 7 hotmail
jhinojosa@gmail.com 11 5 gmail
byoungblood@gmail.com 13 5 gmail
spointer@yahoo.com 10 5 yahoo
jrivers@yahoo.com 9 5 yahoo
msherrod@hotmail.com 10 7 hotmail
bnoonan@hotmail.com 9 7 hotmail
oemerson@aol.com 10 3 aol
svidal@aol.com 8 3 aol
ksanders@facebook.com 10 8 facebook
amarx@gmail.com 7 5 gmail
3188 Mill Alley Tampa
4963 Second Street Garland
9780 Central Park Hayward
6581 Elm Way Houston
3444 Fourth Terrace East Fort Collins
970 View Lane East Boise
5069 Market Canal Augusta
1678 Oak Freeway SE Worcester
6571 Ninth Avenue SE Fort Lauderdale
384 Chestnut Road Rochester
5667 Oak Place NW Wilmington
5193 Second Canal SW San Jose
6321 Union Avenue SW Irving
3599 Water Freeway West Covina
9215 Pine Place East Fort Wayne
4590 Broad Road Garland
1023 Walnut Boulevard Fort Lauderdale
5874 Hill Alley NE Brownsville
5702 First Canal Grand Prairie
7502 Pine Parkway North Lubbock
3594 Hill Alley Richmond
4167 Park Circle Daly City
597 Grove Loop North Winston-Salem
7914 Hill Park West Daly City
7946 Spring Lane Midland
6904 Maple Canal North Des Moines
1785 Chestnut Parkway Pueblo
5327 View Parkway Tampa
State and Postcode Post code Trimmed Town
FL 33602 ll Alley Alley Tampa
TX 75040 d Street treet Garland
CA 94541 ral Park Park Hayward
TX 77002 Elm Way m Way Houston
CO 80521 ace East East Fort Collins
ID 83702 ane East East Boise
GA 30901 et Canal Canal Augusta
MA 01602 eeway SE ay SE Worcester
FL 33301 venue SE ue SE Fort Lauderdale
NY 14604 nut Road Road Rochester
NC 28403 Place NW ce NW Wilmington
CA 95110 Canal SW al SW San Jose
TX 75038 venue SW ue SW Irving
CA 91790 Freeway eeway West Covina
IN 46802 ace East East Fort Wayne
TX 75040 oad Road Road Garland
FL 33301 oulevard evard Fort Lauderdale
TX 78520 Alley NE ey NE Brownsville
TX 75050 st Canal Canal Grand Prairie
TX 79401 ay North North Lubbock
VA 23219 ll Alley Alley Richmond
CA 94015 k Circle ircle Daly City
NC 27101 op North North Winston-Salem
CA 94015 ark West West Daly City
TX 79701 ing Lane Lane Midland
IA 50309 al North North Des Moines
CO 81001 Parkway rkway Pueblo
FL 33602 Parkway rkway Tampa
Helpful Calculations
For these questions, you need to complete an action in the "Data"sheet. When you do this,
the relevant blue cell will calculate the answer to the question automatically.
You can look at the formulas in these cells if you want to see how they work, but you don't
need to change them to get the correct answers.
From To
Q15 Sign ups between 13:00 15:00
Q16 Weekend signups between 11:00 13:00