A Pi Fundamentals

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API Fundamentals: An Easy hands on Workbook for Beginners


What is an API, in “English Please”?....................................................................................................... 3

Introducing APIs......................................................................................................................................... 4

THe Business Case for APIs ..................................................................................................................... 5

Integrating external APIs in your product ..................................................................................................................................... 6
Building and using APIs for internal product connectivity ................................................................................................ 6
Building and exposing APIs for your product to external world .................................................................................... 7

What is an API? I am ready for some actual understanding now......................................................... 8

Request Response Cycle ........................................................................................................................ 10

Requests and Responses ........................................................................................................................................................................ 10
EXTENSIBLE MARKUP LANGUAGE (XML)...................................................................................................................................... 11
JAVASCRIPT OBJECT NOTATION ........................................................................................................................................................ 12

Types of APIs ............................................................................................................................................ 15

Ownership types of Web APIs .............................................................................................................................................................. 15
Communication level of APIs ................................................................................................................................................................16

Web service APIs ..................................................................................................................................... 18

SOAP ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
JSON-RPC and XML-RPC .........................................................................................................................................................................19
REST ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................19

Common HTTP Methods (REST) ............................................................................................................ 20

ENDPOINT ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 20
GET .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
POST ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 22
PUT ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 22
DELETE ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 23

Response Codes ...................................................................................................................................... 25

API Documentation .................................................................................................................................. 26

Types of API Documentation ................................................................................................................................................................27
API Documentation Structure ............................................................................................................................................................ 28

Work with an API (LIVE Example) .......................................................................................................... 29

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Other API Terminologies ......................................................................................................................... 35

API Calls...............................................................................................................................................................................................................36
Payloads ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................36
Headers ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................36
Authentication ...............................................................................................................................................................................................36
OAuth ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 37

API Testing & Monitoring ........................................................................................................................ 38

API Testing and why should you care? ......................................................................................................................................... 38

Bonus ........................................................................................................................................................ 39
List of fun APIs ................................................................................................................................................................................................39

References ................................................................................................................................................ 40

Phew, I know enough - what to do with this info?................................................................................ 41

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API Fundamentals: An Easy hands on Workbook for Beginners


An API(Application Programming Interface) is simply something that sends
information back and forth between an application, website and a user.

Imagine back in the day, before cell phones. You had a crush on someone, but you were
too shy to talk to them face to face. Let us say you wrote a note and sent it through a friend
to them. Your friend takes your message to them, gives them the message, and brings back
a response from them.

In this example, your friend is the API. You stay where you are. Your crush stays where they
are. Your friend brings your message to them, and then brings their response back to you.

It is really that simple (may not have been while writing that note to them though :p)

Now that you know, what it is and are not turned off by the word “API” anymore, let us talk
about everything else.

As product folks, we are often referred to as “the techie” by business stakeholders, sales,
marketing and management. However, we are still looked down upon by our actual tech
friends from the Dev, QA DevOps teams when it comes to anything technical.

Technology skills are part of the holy trinity of Product Management skills: business,
technology, design. Not all of them may be essential and in-depth knowledge is never a
target. However, the understanding of business, technology and design certainly helps
strengthen decision-making. The amalgamation of these skills allows measuring tradeoffs
and clarifying potential business opportunities when used appropriately.

Which creates a good case for getting under the tech hood. Enter APIs.

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Of all the technologies that a Product Manager could soak up, APIs seem to solve the
most burning need, because of their versatility. APIs have become one of the most
common tools in product creation and scale up as they significantly expand the product
attributes and possible business opportunities.

Did you know?

Netflix can stream to over 800 different device types thanks to its API.

Ebay delivered more than 1 billion PPE items since April 2020 with its API

Ebay serves 150-250 million API hourly calls

GitHub processes 2.8 billion API requests per day

Citi’s Digital Channels Process One Billion API Calls from Corporate

Open any ecommerce app/site and search for something


Let’s look at a basic Amazon Page. Imagine you were to shop for an Alpaca soft toy (just
because). If you take a moment to notice the components of the Amazon web page (I’ve
highlighted only some important ones), you’ll realize it’s not a simple web page. It is built
on various components that probably are individual products and you may spot some of
that elsewhere too. Like the Social Media Integration, or location (Amazon could or could
not have built this on their own, but if they could instead create simple APIs to external
products, why would they build on their own?)

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Each of the pieces indicated by the red boxes exposes an API that is consumed by the team
building the ecommerce site. The Product Managers building those products (some
internal APIs, some external) made a business decision to open their API and allow others
to integrate. They had a vision in mind on how it would be used in tandem with other
businesses and the value it would bring to their direct and indirect users.

As a product manager, understanding an API can help with various business decisions, like
Including an open API as part of your product or consuming one. This could have several
business advantages that can boost your success, but also significant business challenges
that, as a Product Manager, you must consider and be prepared for.


For a product you are building, APIs could be leveraged in multiple ways:

● Integrating with external APIs

● Building and using APIs for internal product connectivity
● Building and exposing APIs for your product to external world to leverage
information or functionalities from your product

Imagine you are building a note taking app like Evernote, Google
Keep, TableNotes or something else of your fancy

Let’s talk about the pros and cons of each of the above through this example.

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Integrating external APIs in your product

What if you wanted to save video notes in your imaginary Notes App, while you were
working on an important topic like APIs. Here, there could be two ways to do this: either
create a whole logic, interface etc in the app to display, upload videos Or integrate an
external API like Youtube API by just inetgrating based on their API logic.

The latter approach can fast track your ‘brainstorm to build’ time. Features that you and
your team will take considerable time to create can be made available to your users simply
by integrating with any existing service/product of your choice. This can also add a flair to
your otherwise simple boring product by just integrating some fancy functionalities.

Pros: Shorter lead times, low maintenance overhead, additional functionality to end
consumers resulting in enhanced user experience

Cons: Your product now depends on something you or your team cannot control. Any
enhancements/ customizations will depend upon the availability/flexibility that the
borrowed API can provide. Cost could vary depending on the third party product and may
impact your cost to end customers. Also, the fear of losing the functionality altogether that
may impact end user value remains.

Many products today utilize integrations with APIs. Here are few examples of open APIs
that are widely used:

● Google Maps API

● Payment Gateways (Paypal, Stripe, GPay, etc)
● Google Calendar APIs
● CRM APIs like Zoho, Salesforce

Building and using APIs for internal product connectivity

Let’s say the Notes App you created is fabulous. It sells really well and is technically stable,
so you decided to launch another digital product, an email service like Gmail.

One of your former clients now wants to buy this second product. You want to make the
combination of these even better for the clients, so you ask the dev team to allow users to
be able to email their notes with a combination of both products.

In this case your technical team will build APIs to interface both product to allow the notes
app to share data to the email app using an API. Your client will experience one seamless
integration and you benefit from both products.

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Some general examples of this scenario can be like you integrating posting your
Instagram stories to Facebook just by logging in to the Facebook application.

Pros: Seamless flow of information. Uninterrupted experience for end user

Cons: Dependencies on internal infrastructure, capability of teams

Building and exposing APIs for your product to external world

Your Note taking app is already popular and its possible that some users want to use these
notes in their calendar, so that they don’t forget their action items. Here, in order to facilitate
the user requirements you create an API of your Notes application that allows to exchange
data with other popular Apps.

This alternative is often discussed, when you are on your path to building a scalable/self-
sufficient ecosystem for your product. This will be a crucial decision that may fall in your
bucket post technical feasibility. Here’s where the business viability should be evaluated.
Building and exposing an API for your application will depend on what your product is. If it
is a service that cannot survive without an integration like a Payment gateway, you will
need to create and share your APIs for your business.

If it is something that’s just good to have but has some demand from customers, you can
evaluate what the product appetite suggests for the API.

Pros: Could give your product immense boost by partnering with other products, or
sharing the added value to your clients

Cons: Maintenance, security, API architecture design framework

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An Application Programming Interface, or API, is a technology that connects two systems.
As explained earlier, APIs allow two systems to communicate with each other.

Let us take another example: In the pre-digital era, you go to the library and are looking for
‘Rich Dad, Poor Dad’ by Robert Kiyosaki. However, the library is like the library of congress
and you have no clue where to find this book.

What do you do?

The quickest and most efficient way is to reach out to the librarian handling the huge
catalog, which has the list of books, their details, location and availability to borrow. You
request for your book ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’ from their list. The librarian looks up the
catalogue to check some details, walks through the labyrinth of shelves to find the book
and brings it to you.

Great, your job is done.

In this example:

The database, which is one of the systems involved and is restricted to

outsiders to protect data integrity

Books The data/information that will be shared.

You/ Customer The requestor, the application/system looking for information

The API of course, they take your request, go to the database and return
back to the requesting application with the desired information

Request for the

The call made to the API or better known as the Request

Specific format the request/call has to follow so that the API

understands it (API Documentation or specification)

Book you received

The response for your request
from the librarian

This is what an API does: it acts as the interface between two

applications and facilitates information transfer while ensuring all
defined technical standards like speed and security. Or is essentially an

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agreement between two applications and the API documentation

determines the terms of the agreement.

If everyone asks for a book in their own way, the librarian will not be able to fulfill the
requests; hence APIs are designed to a specification that must be followed by all the
systems requesting information.

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When I hear about APIs, I also come across request response, JSON, REST, what is all

Coming to that, now that we understand the basics of an API, we will focus on some key
things that would give us a good breadth of information on APIs and their ecosystem:

● Requests and responses

○ XML and JSON
● Types of APIs
○ HTTP methods
● Endpoints
● API documentation
● API calls
● Payloads
● Response codes
● Headers
● Authentication

Requests and Responses

We understand in layperson’s language, when talking about an API, what a request and
response means. Referring to our Library example, Request was the ‘Ask’ for a book and
response was the book. Before we delve deeper, let us look at two other terminologies that
will come in handy.

● XML and

In order for two systems to communicate with each other, there needs to be a standard
(like English language for some humans). If two websites have to communicate between
each other, they can create a standard of their own based on specific parameters that need
to be exchanged. But, how would you standardize this for others, other unknown parties?
Especially, between plethora of websites, applications, systems wanting to exchange
information with hundreds of different types of parameters.


Well, this is the problem that both XML and JSON solve.

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Let’s walkthrough an example of what XML looks like. This is modified from this XML file
on W3Schools. It’s made delicious so that you can focus on the example.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<name>Belgian Waffles</name>
two Belgian Waffles with real maple syrup
<name>Strawberry Belgian Waffles</name>
light Belgian waffles covered
with strawberries and whipped cream

In this example, we have menu items, where the second item has extra sides. XML generally
starts with a line stating the version and encoding of the document (there are tons of
options), and it has tags that detail out parts of the document, with details of content inside

XML can also be formatted to use tag attributes, let us see the same example with
tag attributes:

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<food name=”Belgian Waffles” price=”$5.95” description=”two Belgian Waffles with real
maple syrup” calories=”650”>
<food name=”Strawberry Belgian Waffles” price=”$7.95” description=”light Belgian Waffles
covered with strawberries and cream” calories=”900”>
<side name=”sausage” price=”$2.00”/>
<side name=”bacon” price=”$2.50”/>

Makes it look neater. That’s it. That’s all you need to know about XML for now. Nothing to
be scared of. Just a simple way of structuring data and parameters.


XML is great and has been around for a long time. However, one drawback that the dev
community has been vocal about is that it is slightly cumbersome with too many
characters. In some ways, data can also be compressed and formatted in a particular way
that XML and JSON are look similar. Thus, JSON and XML are interchangeable, though
many modern developers prefer to use JSON.

The above delicious example in JSON could look like this:

"name": "belgian Waffles",
"price": "$5.95",
"description": “two Belgian Waffles with real maple syrup”,
“Calories”: “650”,
"name": "strawberry belgian Waffles",
"price": "$7.95",
"description": “light Belgian Waffles covered with strawberries and cream”,
“Calories”: “900”,

"sides": [
"name": "sausage”,
"price": "$2.00"

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"type": "bacon",
"number": "$2.50"

Notice that JSON is simply JavaScript objects, or hashes, with “keys” and “values.” Another
standard of sharing data between systems. If you take a look at it again, it’s some variable
that carry a value with them. Again, that’s enough information for us for now 

Coming back to the request and response cycle, API works like we talked about, using
‘request’ and ‘response’. A user requests something in a specific format as outlined in the
API documentation (XML/JSON) like we just saw and the API responds with something in

For example, using the Instagram API I can request a list of posts on cute alpacas (Yes, I’m

Open Instagram or Facebook App – Pull Down OR Type “Cute Alpacas”

or anything else that you like and hit search

When you did as described in the activity, this is what happened:

In order to do this, the following happens step by step:

● User Opens the App.

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● User is bored with their current feed and pulls down to refresh the page or clicks the
search/explore button (a trigger or action or API call)
● The parameters from the Instagram app are now sent to the servers
○ Parameters could include the search keywords or accounts the user is
following, and the service sends this info to the servers on what the user
needs. Here the API acts as a link between the database and the application
on the user's phone.
○ Eg: “cute alpacas” which would have a unique ID for Instagram to search their
● Servers then retrieve the information based on the parameters shared from user’s
application and send in a language called ‘JSON’
○ Instagram will find the new info based on what the user asked for and will
send it back to user’s phone via the API
○ Given API documentation will detail out what the request should be and what
should be expected in the response.
● Voila, new info on the screen

You now understand what a Request and Response is! Congratulations.

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Dev.to defines these quite simply here. Overall, APIs are quite broad terminology and what
we have been focusing on are Web service related APIs so far. (Because as users, we are
more exposed to those).

Nevertheless, high level highlights will help. APIs Can be classified on the basis of the
following Parameters.

 Ownership types of Web APIs

 Communication level of APIs

Ownership types of Web APIs

On Ownership level, there are four main types of APIs:

● Open APIs:
These are publicly available to use and there is no restriction to use them. These are
also known as Public APIs. Open APIs might require registration from the user, and
use of an API key, or in some instances might be completely open. They are meant
for external users (developers at other organizations, for example) to access data or
services to integrate with their products. There are tons of these that you can see for
yourself. A few examples include https://openweathermap.org ,

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In our use case of the Notes Application above, when you decided to create an API
for third party apps to access notes, you could choose to create an Open API. This
would allow any kind of application to access your notes (data).

● Partner APIs:
These require specific licenses or rights to be accessed and are not available to the
public. These are often controlled through a gateway and are usually associated with
paid services. Some of quite common services are like https://thecocktaildb.com
(paid partnerships)

In our use case of the Notes Application above, when you had to create an API for
third party apps to access notes, you could choose to create a Partner API. This would
then require external applications to partner with you on a payment/license/
authentication basis if they wanted to integrate your application in their products.

● Internal APIs:
APIs that are developed to be used internally by an organization to connect between
different systems or products are called Internal APIs. These are also known as
Private APIs. Eg: Your timesheets that automatically connect to your leave balance
and payroll.

● Composite APIs:
Composite APIs combine many small APIs together to make one single call. In one
single call multiple tasks run synchronously. Composite APIs are useful when a user
may need information from several services to perform a single task. Using
composite APIs can help manage server load and improve application performance,
as one API call can return all the data a user needs

Open https://www.marksandspencer.com/, search for something

and add it in your cart or wishlist without logging in.

In this example. You want to get the latest designer shoes. So you open the M&S site,
search for them. Now you add these to your wishlist. The moment you click the
‘heart’ it sends a composite API call -> this API creates an anonymous account in the
background and adds these nice shoes in that wishlist. So instead of doing these
tasks separately with two APIs, these get done by one composite API.

Communication level of APIs

The other classification of APIs is by the level of communication:

Through these, one can classify the APIs into high-level and low level. This defines the
level of change that needs to be made in an application for any functionality. High-level
will mean limited changes or usage and low-level will mean detailed usage and impact.

 High Level APIs

High-level APIs are where developers have a high level of abstraction; high-level

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API’s are created for limited functionalities only. Their usage is pretty limited as per
 Low Level APIs
Low-level APIs have a lower level of abstraction hence they are quite detailed,
which allows the developer to modify functions within an application module or
within hardware at a granular level. Low-level APIs are used where there is a need
for a detailed level of abstraction by the developer.
 Web Service APIs
Web APIs are our focus. These are like tiny applications that use URLs or web
addresses on the web to provide their services to desktop, mobile, web
applications, and others.

As discussed earlier, we will keep our focus on web APIs for the purpose of this

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A web service is something that is made available over the web. Therefore, web services,
by definition, require a network. The term “web service” is defined by W3C (the World
Wide Web Consortium) and so it technically follows a whole host of standards.

A Web service is a software system designed to support interoperable

machine-to-machine interaction over a network. It has an interface
described in a machine-processable format (specifically WSDL). Other
systems interact with the Web service in a manner prescribed by its
description using SOAP-messages, typically conveyed using HTTP with
an XML serialization in conjunction with other Web-related standards.

APIs and web services are not mutually exclusive. As discussed above web services are a
subset of the APIs and hence,

Every web service is an API, but not every API is a web service.

Since we are almost always connected to the web, when we talk about APIs, we are
referring to the web service APIs (APIs that are accessible over the internet). This is not
always applicable. APIs can work without a network on local system. These APIs allow two
local applications to talk to each other.

 Web services require a network. While APIs can work without a network too and can
be either offline or online.
 APIs are protocol agnostic. While APIs can use any protocols or design styles, web
services commonly use SOAP, REST, XML, JSON, UDDI, others

Web service APIs classification is done based on the type of communication and
behavioral approach used in building the APIs.


SOAP, also known as Simple Object Access Protocol is a web services access protocol that
was originally developed by Microsoft, SOAP is the most commonly used messaging

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protocol for exchanging information between two computers over the web in XML. SOAP
messages are written in XML and are platform and language independent.

A SOAP message contains:

 A message format that indicates the start and end of the message
 A Header that has the attributes used to process the message. This is an optional
 A Body which is the main component, that holds the XML data
 A Fault which gives details of error messages when processing


An RPC is a remote procedural call protocol. XML-RPC uses XML for its calls, while JSON-
RPC uses JSON to encode their calls. XML-RPC and JSON-RPC are not used widely, but
SOAP is pretty widely used especially for of financial services and corporates like Salesforce.

A RPC, remote procedural call can contain multiple parameters, and expects one result.
They have a couple of key features, which require a different architecture to REST
(described below)

REST (Representational State Transfer) is another standard for our web service APIs and is
most commonly heard these days. This was made in response to SOAP’s shortcomings.
REST solves some problems that exist with SOAP and provide a simpler method of
accessing web services. REST is used to describe a set of architectural principles and
characteristics outlined which should be followed in order to create a RESTful API.

Let us visualize it this way, If you were having a theme party, you
would have a few standard rules for the guests to come, like a dress
code, maybe red and black. REST is those set of rules (wearing red or black) that
developers should follow while creating the RESTful API (entering your party).

We will not get into further details, as these can get quite technical. REST helps to
standardize APIs, so a developer doesn’t need to learn multiple standards for each
individual APIs. If you are working with RESTful APIs, the standards will be the same. Also,
REST APIs all use the same HTTP Methods.

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Methods or verbs are the ways to do things with APIs.

If you were in a soccer team and had secret formations, you and your
team would create codes/keywords for those. Could be Code1, Code2,
Code3. Based on when you use these codes, the team would
rearrange in a certain way, or ACT based on the codes.

Methods are similar, they tell the API in code/keywords what needs to be done or how to
ACT. Here’s a summary of these:

Used to create new resources.

POST For example, if we wanted to create a new user profile in Instagram, we would use the
POST method since this is how you create new resources (where the resource is the
Used to read / fetch a representation of a resource. When you perform the GET
method, the response contains the information you requested. GET requests are only
used to read data and not modify it.
For example, at Spotify, GET is used to retrieve a list of songs from an album.
Used to update / replace data.
For example, updating all the details in a user profile
DELETE Self explanatory. Used to delete data.

Of course, there are others but we’re only going to focus on these since these are the
most common. If you know these, you know enough. One more term that comes in
handy is the “Endpoint”

It’s a connection point (a URL/link/Web address) which accepts requests to access
resources on an API. Commonly used Terminology:

“Hit an endpoint”

“Expose endpoint”

“Call an endpoint”

Getting back to our waffle example. For the sake of reference let’s name the
restaurant ‘Waffle Bar’ which had a delicious breakfast menu. If you were to
ever visit this restaurant, you would need their address. That address or the
destination is the ENDPOINT. Let's look at the HTTP methods with this example.

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On a nice Sunday afternoon, you entered the ‘Waffle Bar’ and requested the waiter to get
the menu. That’s it. That’s a METHOD: GET.

Here you REQUESTed the waiter to GET the menu. Let’s see what the GET method would
like for ‘waffle Bar’

Endpoint: wafflebar.com/Menu?itemtype=All

Method: Get

Request Body: None

Response Body:
"data": [{
“itemtype": "waffles",
"items": [

"name": "belgian Waffles",
"price": "$5.95",
"description": “two Belgian Waffles with real maple syrup”,
“Calories”: “650”,
"name": "strawberry belgian Waffles",
"price": "$7.95",
"description": “light Belgian Waffles covered with strawberries and cream”,
“Calories”: “900”,
“Itemtype”: “sides”,
"sides": [
"name": "sausage”,
"price": "$2.00"
"type": "bacon",
"number": "$2.50"

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You now love the waffles at the Waffle Bar, but don’t love their sides and would like to have
some fries. But of course Waffle Bar does not have fries on their menu. What you could do
is make a custom request of fries. The chef thinks that this was a valid request and that this
could work well for “waffle bar”. The chef not just gives you fries but also adds this to their

This method or request type is called POST.

Request: The chef will request to add ‘Fries’ on the menu. The request should contain the
item name that needs to be added along with other details.
Response: The outcome would be to see the confirmation that ‘Fries’ is added on the menu.

Endpoint: wafflebar.com/newside/
Method: Post
Request Body:
'Content-Type': application/json'
'Accept': application/json'
'Data': {
'itemtype': 'side',
'name' : 'fries',
'price': '$2.50'
Response Body:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/jsonrequest

Now, fries are already a big hit the waffle bar, but the chef thinks he’s at loss and decides to
update the price.

Request: The chef enters a new price for the item ‘Fries’. The request payload should
contain the reference of the item you are updating and the parameters that require the
update along with the values.

Response: The outcome would be to see the updated price in the menu for ‘Fries’.

Endpoint: wafflebar.com/menu/

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Method: Put

Request Body:

'Content-Type': application/json'

'Accept': application/json'

'Data': {

'itemtype': 'side',

'name' : 'fries',

'price': '$3.50'

Response Body:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: application/jsonrequest

With the increased demand from fries, the chef thinks, he should remove bacon from the

The act of removing is called Delete.

Request: The chef will request to remove ‘Bacon’ from the menu. The request payload
should contain the item name amongst other details to be removed from the menu.

Response: The outcome would be to see the confirmation that ‘Bacon’is no longer visible
on the menu.

Endpoint: wafflebar.com/menu/itemType=side/name='bacon'


Response Body:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: application/jsonrequest

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These are great examples. However, the APIs don’t always work and just like our brains have
a writers block, the APIs may not always respond favourably. Fortunately, there’s set
standard of response codes to docode the APIs moody behaviour as well.

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Every time an API sends a response, it comes with its own response code, which is simply
a number with ax explanation attached to it.

2xx means that the request was successful.

Imagine you go to the imaginary “Waffle Bar”, only to find a notice that says it has
3xx moved to a new address and the new directions written over there. This code means
that the request is redirected to a different URL.
You for to the “Waffle Bar” to get some waffles and bacon as a side. But the bacon is
4xx no longer served in the waffle bar. This is equivalent to the client side errors like age
not found, unauthorized, forbidden.
You went to the Waffle Bar during holidays. You ordered your favorite waffles, but
everyone was ordering the same, and it took a while to get your order. Meanwhile,
you left the waffle bar. In API terms it means Service not available or gateway

There are many other response codes but these are most common response codes. Now,
when people talk about ‘a 500’ you’ll know it’s a problem with the server. For some fun
reference on response codes Check https://http.cat/

2xx Successful Requests 3xx Redirects 4xx Client Errors 5xx Server Errors

• 200 OK – Request was • 300 Multiple Choices • 400 Bad Request • 500 Internal Server Error
successful. • 301 Moved Permanently • 401 Unauthorized • 501 Not Implemented –
• 201 Created • 302 Found • 403 Forbidden • 502 Bad Gateway
• 202 Accepted • 303 See Other (HTTP/1.1) • 404 Not Found • 503 Service Unavailable
• 203 Non-authoritative • 304 Not Modified • 405 Method Not Allowed • 504 Gateway Timeout
Information • 305 Use Proxy • 406 Not Acceptable • 505 HTTP Version Not
• 204 No Content • 307 Temporary Redirect • 407 Proxy Authentication Supported
• 205 Reset Content (HTTP/1.1) Required
• 206 Partial Content – • 408 Request Timeout
• 409 Conflict
• 410 Gone
• 411 Length Required
• 412 Precondition Failed
• 413 Request Entity Too Large
• 414 Request URI Too Long
• 415 Unsupported Media Type
• 416 Requested Range Not
• 417 Expectation Failed

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API documentation is key to many facets of an API. It is a crucial document that helps
product managers understand the capability of an API, the feasibility of integration and
eventually in making decisions.

Understanding, creating, validating API Documentation is a great skillset to possess.

The documentation contains instructions on how to use and integrate with an API. It’s a
straightforward manual containing as much information as possible that is required to
work with the API. It could contain details about the functions, classes, return types,
arguments, step by step usage guides and more, supported by examples.

Let’s see some examples for API documentation

Twilio – A lot of folks have been talking about the way Twilio has detailed this out and it
truly is outstanding, Their documentation is in three columns – navigation, explanation,
and code. Its structured, clear and well-thought-through. The left-most column provides a
clear overview of the topics and makes it easy to find the content. All of the info rests in
the central pane with details. The right-most column gives details via code-snippets and
live examples. They have also broken this down by coding language. Users can select their
coding language and choose the code of their choice to work with the API.

Another example is Instagram API. Take a look

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Types of API Documentation

There are three major types of API documentation: conceptual documentation, reference
documentation and tutorials.

Let’s take a look at the Google REST API Documentation

 Conceptual documentation is the main crux of API documentation. It provides a

high-level understanding of the API overall and its capabilities. This may also
include information and sample cases on integrating multiple APIs in one
 Reference documentation provides details on each component like the structure,
parameters, and response values. It is only one aspect of the overall
 Tutorials break down the overall usage of an API into step-by-step instructions.
They contain examples of specific tasks with detailed explanations of parameters
and endpoints.

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API Documentation Structure

Documentation is the key to a great experience when exploring an API and making key
business decisions related to the API. It enables the user to understand the right intention
behind the API and the possible scope upfront.

We will focus on REST APIs for the purpose of this section. In any API documentation, there
are familiar terms, commonly used across most APIs. Linking back to what we learned with
REST, it’s a benefit of using the REST principles; REST APIs make use of common methods
which makes it easier to integrate into multiple APIs.

There could be many ways to create an API documentation. A standard practice would
include most of the following in an API documentation:

 Authentication instructions – how to connect with the API

 API endpoints – what endpoints are available
 Resources – what resources are available to access. For example in the Instagram
API, they allow to you access basic profile information, photos, and videos
 Request format – how an HTTP request should be formatted
 Response format – how an HTTP response is formatted
 Response codes – what response codes are included in the response

If you had to structure an API documentation, a good practice would be to have at least
the following elements included:

 Authentication Guide
 Quickstart guide
 Endpoint definitions
 Code snippets
 Example responses

Many popular open source description formats like OpenAPI Specification and
commercial platforms like SwaggerHub allow teams to automate the documentation
process and work on a great overall experience consuming APIs. There are many API
calling tools like POSTMAN, which create documentation automatically. They are an
excellent way for simplifying the documentation process and kickstarting your journey.

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All this theory is not a lot of value if you are not able to use it.

We will work with https://restcountries.eu Visit the site, read their

documentation and scroll around to see what’s available.

It’s quite straightforward. There’s no specific functionality on the website as it is made

purely from an API perspective. Scrolling down you’ll see the ALL section.

If you copy the first link, you can see it includes the location name and a couple of other


If you paste this URL in a different tab in the browser as it is and hit Enter. What do you

{"status":404,"message":"Not Found"}

We did cover response codes earlier. So, Scroll up to see what ‘404’ means?

Now, let’s try to use the API in the browser. Add any country name that you like in the
parentheses {} which generally denotes value of a parameter to be added. I’m choosing
Greenland, because I’m utterly bored caged indoors due to the pandemic and the word
‘greenland’ itself brings flutters to the soul.


Hit Enter.

What happens?

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You get a response. This is what it looks like:

ion":"Northern America","population":55847,"latlng":[72.0,-

Now, Now, there’s no need to panic. Because we know what XML and JSON look like
already, this is just unstructured JSON. If we format this a little differently or use some
online tools to format this data, it starts to make sense.

Let see the above code in prettier JSON.

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API Fundamentals: An Easy hands on Workbook for Beginners

"Timezones":["UTC-04:00", "UTC-03:00","UTC-01:00","UTC+00:00"],
"nativeName":"Kalaallit Nunaat",

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API Fundamentals: An Easy hands on Workbook for Beginners

The reply from the API is a data structure with information about the country. Every time
you type the country name and press enter, the website connects to a server with a
specific link which includes the name of the country as a parameter.

As you read the documentation, you can see that the API allows you to search by various
other combinations like country codes, capital city, regions etc. Go ahead give it a try.

There are several other fun websites you could try. Let’s take another example:

Let’s take another example https://openweathermap.org/ . Here we will

do a slight dev work to get to the API response. Or we could directly
look at the API documentation https://openweathermap.org/api

 Open the link in Chrome

 In Chrome click on the top 3 dots and choose -> More Tools -> Developer Tools
 It opens up a tab on the right side of the window. Click on the Network tab.
 Your screen will look like this:

 Now let’s search for weather in any city.

 I’m gonna check on Greenland just because. Before you hit search, watch the right
 While it searches for your data, it sends some parameters via URL to search for the
data, this gets populated in the right panel.

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 Let’s copy this and paste in a new tab. Hit enter

 The URL Looks like this:
 What happens once you hit enter?
 It gives you a response.

overcast clouds","icon":"04d"}]},{"id":4113113,"name":"Greenland","coord":{"lat":35.9943,"lon":-
in":"Clouds","description":"broken clouds","icon":"04n"}]}]}

If you structure this, it’ll make more sense:


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API Fundamentals: An Easy hands on Workbook for Beginners

"lat":43.0362, "lon":-70.8328
"speed":1.54, "deg":30
"rain":null, "snow":null, "clouds":{
"description":"overcast clouds",

There are many online tools that help a Product Managers and others to test the APIs and
verify Documentation. The most common is Postman and its almost offensive to not talk
about it while talking about APIs

API Testing & Documentation with POSTMAN

 Log on to www.postman.com

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 Once you are setup, this is the screen you’ll see:

 Click on Create New under Start with Something new

 Next Click on HTTP Request

 Once you land here, it’s your playing field. Use any of the above URLs or examples for
GET responses
 You can ask your dev teams to load the APIs in Postman for you to be able to test
them. Also, you can easily create auto documentation and edit those via Postman.

Hope you got an idea of how an API works. There are other APIs you could experiment with
and I’ve added a fun list in the end.


Here’s a quick check of a few other terminologies that are commonly used with respect to

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API Calls
The requests from the Request-Response cycle are referred to as API calls.

API calls involve hitting an endpoint with the expectation that the API will respond with the
information requested via the call. In the Instagram example, you call the posts endpoint
with a specific search keyword “Cute Alpacas” and Instagram responds with the

The response from the Request-Response cycle are referred to as payloads. Payload
specifically refers to the important parameters in the given set of data. Sometimes there
might be many parameters in a response and there may be only a few we care about. In
this case payload is used to differentiate between the stuff we’re interested in and the stuff
we’re not.

E.g. ‘If you check the payload from the restcountries.eu API you can see the population of
Greenland is 55847’

In a Request-response cycle, both requests and responses contain headers.

Headers contain useful information and are sent and received along with the HTTP
methods. Some headers are mandatory and some are rarely used.

Some of the most common headers are:

 Authorization – the authorization / authentication credentials such as username and

 Content-type – this tells you how the information is sent in the response and what
content is used. JSON, XML could be the languages used.
 Date – represents the date and timestamp of a request or a response.

In our waffle bar example, we saw:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: application/jsonrequest

Not all APIs would always be open to public. In many cases, product managers would want
only agreed upon parties to be able to access the data via your product/product APIs.

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In such scenarios, your request would have an identity to tell the API that your request is a
genuine request made by a bona fide user who has the necessary privileges to access the

For this, the access for the API is set up using an authentication token. This is just like
logging in to any email or social media via either password or an OTP.

If you have an external facing API that has to be accessed by clients, they will be issued a
security token and credentials to access the API.

Authentication and authorization are not same:

 Authentication – proves WHO the user is

 Authorization – defines WHAT you are permitted, or authorized to do

Authentication usually includes:

 Username
 Password
 Access token

OAuth is an authorization framework that can be used to authenticate and authorize
users. Using OAuth involves a separate authentication server which authenticates the
user and then passes the details back to the resource API.

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You got your API. Whether you integrated a third party API, Build an internal API or an
external API, you should be done. But it is just the start.

What happens if the server goes out? Users are getting stranded when they try to send
you information. There’s delay in responses and your potential customers are looking for
other services.

This is where monitoring comes in. API monitoring helps to check how the internal and
third-party APIs are running. If there is a problem with a given API, monitoring will tell you
the details. This will also allow your team to be on standby to fix the issues. In fact, with
preemptive API monitoring, you should know about the problem beforehand and save it
from impacting your customers at all. So they won’t even notice it.

From a product perspective here are some Best Practices one could follow:

 Monitor 24x7
Services go down when you’re not looking, so having continuous monitoring is
essential – 24/7 365 days a year, have all of your API endpoints tested by an external

 Monitor Everything
Keep looking at every process, whether rarely used or often used. Sometimes issues
with the rarely used resources will surface only when a user tries to use them. Like if
a timesheet API went down on Monday and the team only realized when people
filled their timesheet on a Friday; that would cause immense pain. But could have
been prevented if the API was monitored throughout.

API Testing and why should you care?

Before you make the final business decision to integrate a third party API. Ensure the API
does what it says and will work well with your product. You should test the various
components of the API both directly and in action with the site itself. A quick list of things
to test would include:

 The functionality of the API

 Seeing how the API functions in a broader sense in the real world
 How big a load the API can handle
 Runtime error tests
 Security testing
 WS compliance testing
 Interoperability testing

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List of fun APIs
 NASA Open APIs
NASA provides a bunch of super exciting APIs for the public. They have an API
called Astronomy Picture of the Day that returns a new picture from space each
day, an API to get the weather on Mars, and an API just for Mars Rover photos.
 Agify API
Agify API is a fun API that tries to predict your age from your name. You don’t need
an API key to get started, so you can just send a request with your name in it to find
out how old their algorithm thinks you
 The Bored API
You will never be bored again! When you send the Bored API a request, it returns a
fun activity for you to do.
 Fun Translation API
Fun Translations API allows to use several language APIs under one plan. Some of
the many language APIs you get access to include the Yoda API, which translates
English to Yodish, a Pig Latin API, and an API to translate Dothraki (from Game of
 Eventbrite API
It lets you find different events and information about them, like their capacity,
pricing, and more
 Coinbase API
With a focus on cryptocurrency, their API can be used to check the price of
cryptocurrency, to buy it, and more

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You are ready to take the API matters in your hands and fight the API battles with
vendors, stakeholders, Dev teams. Experiment with several open APIs.

1. Experiment with suggested APIs if you haven’t already. Take inspiration from above
described Live examples and get ahead
2. Look at APIs from various products that you use on a daily basis and try to analyze
what type, structure they follow.

3. API documentation is key, so try to create sample documentation, read other API
documentations and learn as you go.

Thank you,
Pallavi Agarwal

Hope you found this useful. Do not forget to share your feedback or say hello at

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