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Central Philippine University

University Senior High School

Tel. No. (63-33)3291971 loc. 1304
2nd Semester SY 2022-2023

Performance Task #3
Capacitors in a Circuit

NAME: Beatizula, Cadagat, Gavileno, Parreno, Salinas, Vido. GRADE & SECTION: STEM NMPL 12-7 DATE: Mar. 4, 2023

I. Objective: To verify the principles that govern capacitors connected in series and in parallel circuits.
II. Materials/ Apparatuses: PHET Simulator – Circuit Construction Kit AC

III. Diagram:
Figure 1.1 and 1.2: Diagrams of the Series Connected Capacitors and Parallel Connected Capacitors

IV. Procedure

A. Identification of Variables

A capacitor's primary job is to store electrical energy in an electric field and release it as needed to the circuit. In this
experiment, we determined that the independent variables are the voltage of the circuit and the capacitance set in capacitors and
the dependent variable is the charge. This statement was made upon the reason that the charges depend on the values of the
voltages and the capacitances.
B. Performing the Experiment

Step 1 - Gathering of Materials

The sole material used in the experiment is the Phet Simulator - Circuit Construction Kit which is accessed through a laptop or pc
through the use of the internet. The link is also provided by our Physics teacher. We will use the Phet Simulator to verify the principles
that govern capacitors connected in series and in parallel circuits.

Figure 2: The PHET Simulator for Circuit Construction Kit: AC

Step 2 - Setting up the PHET Simulator

We first visited the Phet simulator website that our teacher had provided for us. When we opened it, we went with RLC. The
required components are visible on the window's left and right sides. We researched and became acquainted with these components
prior to beginning the experiment.
Step 3 - Doing the Experiment Proper

Figure 3: The Performer Conducting the Experiment


● Three capacitors were connected and spaced out along each wire in a wire loop that was attached to a battery.
● We calculated the capacitances (C1, C2, C3) for each experiment in farad and entered them into the series connected capacitors in
ascending order.
● We selected the battery's desired voltage and activated the circuit.
● In order to calculate total capacitance (CT=1/C1+1/C2+1/C3), individual capacitor charges (Q=CV), and overall charge, we
connected the voltmeter to the ends of each capacitor to measure their voltages.
● For each trial, the procedure was repeated.
● The wire, which has three branches and is connected to a capacitor on each, was first connected to the battery. The main branch
was then formed into a loop, and the ends of the branches were then connected to the main loop.
● In order to calculate the capacitances (C1, C2, C3) for each trial, we extended the line until it touched the battery terminals and
entered the results in ascending order into the parallel connected capacitors.
● The circuit was activated using the battery voltage that we selected, and we connected the voltmeter to each end of the capacitors
to measure their voltages.
● In the table, we listed the total capacitance (CT= C1+C2+C3), individual capacitor charges (Q=CV), and overall capacitor charges
(QT=CTVT). After that, the process was repeated for every trial.
Figure 4: Testing the Voltage (Not exact demonstration, just testing if voltage is constant anywhere in the circuit)

Step 4 - Data Recording and Analysis

A table was used to show the results. The values of the capacitances were decided among the members. Afterwhich, the voltage
1 1 1 1
obtained from the simulator was also inputted in the table. Then, the total capacitances were solved using the formulas: = + +
C T C 1 C2 C 3
for the series connected capacitors and C T =C 1 +C2 +C 3 for the parallel connected capacitors. As for the charges, the formula, Q=CV was
used and the values inputted varied accordingly. As the needed values are obtained, it completed the tables respectively. As to the
measurements, the following units were used: Farad for capacitances, Volts for Voltages, Coulombs for Charges.

C. Performing the Control

To make sure the objective has been accomplished properly, we checked the values calculated through the principles of the
capacitances. Such as, that the voltages add up to the total voltage for the series and that the voltages are equal to each other for the
parallel connected capacitors. Other principles include the charges and capacitances. This is to ensure that our values are accurately
obtained. Also, this formula was used to double-check the value of the capacitance: Capacitance (C) = charge (Q) / volts (V).

V. Table.
A) Series Connected Capacitors

Capacitances ( in µF) Voltages ( in Volts) Charges (in µC)

C1 C2 C3 CT V1 V2 V3 VT Q1 Q2 Q3 QT

1 O.15 F O.16 F O.17 F 0.0532 F 3.28 V 2.94 V 2.77 V 9.00 V 0.492 0.470 0.471 0.479

2 O.16 F O.17 F O.18 F 0.0565 F 3.32 V 2.91 V 2.76 V 9.00 V 0.531 0.495 0.497 0.509

3 O.17 F O.18 F O.19 F 0.0598 F 3.42 V 2.84 V 2.73 V 9.00 V 0.581 0.511 0.519 0.538

B) Parallel Connected Capacitors

Capacitances ( in µF) Voltages ( in Volts) Charges (in µC)

C1 C2 C3 CT V1 V2 V3 VT Q1 Q2 Q3 QT

1 O.15 F O.16 F O.17 F 0.48 9.00 V 9.00 V 9.00 V 9.00 V 1.35 1.44 1.53 4.32

2 O.16 F O.17 F O.18 F 0.51 9.00 V 9.00 V 9.00 V 9.00 V 1.44 1.53 1.62 4.59

3 O.17 F O.18 F O.19 F 0.54 9.00 V 9.00 V 9.00 V 9.00 V 1.53 1.62 1.71 4.86

VI. Computations:

1 1 1 1
Q=CV = + + C T =C 1 +C2 +C 3
C T C 1 C2 C 3

For Table A:
Total Capacitance:

Trial 1: Trial 2: Trial 3:

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
= + + = + + = + +
C T C 1 C2 C 3 C T C 1 C2 C 3 CT C 1 C 2 C 3
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
= + + = + + = + +
CT 0.15 0.16 0.17 CT 0.16 0.17 0.18 CT 0.17 0.18 0.19
1 204 1 612 1 2907
= or C T =0.0532 = or C T =0.0565 = or C T =0.0598
CT 3835 CT 10825 CT 48550

For Charges:
Trial 1: Trial 2: Trial 3:
Q1=C 1 V 1 Q1=C 1 V 1 Q1=C 1 V 1
Q1=(0.15)(3.28) Q1=(0.16)(3.32) Q1=(0.17)(3.42)
Q1=0.492 µC Q1=0.531 µC Q1=0.581 µC

Q2=C 2 V 2 Q2=C 2 V 2 Q2=C 2 V 2

Q2=¿ (O.16)(2.94) Q2=¿ (O.17)(2.91) Q2=¿ (O.18)(2.84)
Q2=¿ 0.470 µC Q2=¿ 0.495 µC Q2=¿ 0.511 µC

Q3=C 3 V 3 Q3=C 3 V 3 Q3=C 3 V 3

Q3=(0.17)(2.77) Q3=(0.18)(2.76) Q3=(0.19)(2.73)
Q3=¿ 0.471 µC Q 3=¿ 0.497 µC Q3=¿ 0.519 µC


QT =( 0.0532)(9) QT =( 0.0565)( 9) QT =( 0.0598)( 9)
QT =¿ 0.479 µC Q T =¿ 0.509 µC QT =¿ 0.538 µC

For Table B:
Total Capacitance:
Trial 1: C T =0.48 C T =C 1 +C2 +C 3
C T =C 1 +C2 +C 3 C T =0.16+0.17+0.18
C T =0.15+ 0.16+0.17 Trial 2: C T =0.51
C T =C 1 +C2 +C 3 C T =0.54
Trial 3: C T =0.17+0.18+0.19

For Charges:
Trial 1: Trial 2: Trial 3:
Q1=C 1 V 1 Q1=C 1 V 1 Q1=C 1 V 1
Q1=(0.15)(9) Q1=(0.16)(9) Q1=(0.17)(9)
Q1=1.35 µC Q1=1.44 Q1=1.53 µC

Q2=C 2 V 2 Q2=C 2 V 2 Q2=C 2 V 2

Q2=¿ (O.16)(9) Q2=¿ (O.17)(9) Q2=¿ (O.18)(9)
Q2=¿ 1.44 µC Q2=¿ 1.53 µC Q2=¿ 1.62 µC

Q3=C 3 V 3 Q3=C 3 V 3 Q3=C 3 V 3

Q3=(0.17)(9) Q3=(0.18)(9) Q3=(0.19)(9)
Q3=¿ 1.53 µC Q 3=¿ 1.62 µC Q3=¿ 1.71 µC


QT =( 0.48)(9) QT =( 0.51)(9) QT =( 0.54)(9)
QT =¿ 4.32 µC Q T =¿ 4.59 µC QT =¿ 4.86 µC

VII. Discussions/ Observations/Analyses

Capacitance is the ability of a component or circuit to collect and store energy in the form of an electrical charge. Capacitors are
energy-storing devices available in many sizes and shapes. Capacitance (C) = charge (Q) / volts (V). The size of a capacitor (C) is specified in
terms of the ratio of the charge it holds (Q) to the voltage across it (V). The unit of capacitance (C) is the farad (F). To discuss specifically:

For Table A, it was concerning series connected capacitors. In a series, when one element is removed, it will not function. In
analyzing the said table, the voltages had a decreasing trend from V1 to V3. Then, the total voltage, which is 9.00 V is the sum of V1, V2
and V3. As to the capacitances, it had an increasing amount from trials 1 to 3 with 0.0532 F being the lowest and 0.0598 F being the
highest. The values of the Charges from C1 to C3. However, its total charges had an increasing trend from trial 1 to trial 3.
For Table B, it was regarding parallel connected capacitors. In Parallel connected capacitors. one may be removed but the others
remain unaffected. In analyzing the said table, the capacitance had an increasing trend from trial 1 to trial 4 with 0.48 F being the lowest
and 0.54 F being the highest. As for the voltages, the value was constant all throughout the circuit - it had a constant value of 9.00 V.
Regarding the charges, it also had an increasing trend from trial 1 to trial 3. Also, it can be noted that the total charge is the sum of the C1,
C2, and C3.

In comparing the two tables, based on the findings and the charts, the series circuit having varying capacitances will also have
different amounts of volts with each amount and add up to the total voltage ; unlike the parallel despite having varying capacitance, each
still contains the same amount of volts. The rows in parallel circuits have varying amounts of capacitance as shown in the computations
and parallel having a uniform amount of charges lead to the said results of the charges. As to the charges, both tables also had an
increasing trend for the total charge but it can be said that the parallel connected capacitors had a bigger charge than that of the series
connected capacitors. This observation strengthens the claim that the charge is directly proportional to the capacitances.

In generalizing the discussions, Table A and Table B are very distinct and also display the unique characteristics of each type of
connection. Yet, they still have similarities in the values. These similarities are in the trends that either increase or decrease. Further
conclusions will be discussed in the next section.

VIII. Conclusions:

In conclusion, the principles governing capacitors connected in series and parallel circuits may be verified through three pieces of
evidence: voltage variation, charge addition, and accurate formulas. The experiment provides a clear explanation of the concept of
capacitance. Firstly, voltage varies depending on the type of connection, with one voltage remaining constant while the other varies.
Secondly, the charges of parallel capacitors add up to the total charge, as determined by the capacitance and voltage. Lastly, the accuracy
of the formulas and principles was verified through simulation calculations.

The performers of the experiment conclude that the PHET simulator is an acceptable tool for verifying these principles. They affirm
that the experiment's prediction is true and quantifiable, and successfully fulfilled the objective of the experiment. The performers
recommend using the simulator in future studies on capacitances in electricity.
In summary, the experiment successfully explains how capacitance works and confirms that the principles governing capacitors in
series and parallel circuits may be verified through the observed evidence. The performers recommend the use of the PHET simulator for
further studies on capacitances in electricity.


Total Score = 70 pts

Parts of report: Objective, Organized, clearly Organized, clearly Slightly Unorganized Unorganized Unorganized, missing
Materials/ Apparatuses, Labeled, all sections labeled and/or 1 with labels missing with labels labels and/or missing
Diagram, Procedure, Data & present and containing part and/or missing 2 -3 missing and/or 5 or more parts or 9
Computation, fully detailed and missing or 3 parts or 5 parts missing 4 or more
Discussions/Observations/ thoughtful answers unsatisfactory unsatisfactory parts or 8 unsatisfactory
Analyses, Conclusion and/or missing minor unsatisfactory
(total of 7 parts) – 5 pts details parts
Diagram & Procedure All sections clearly and One part is Two parts are missing Three parts are Four or more parts
Labeled diagram or photograph fully detailed with only missing or 1 part or 2 parts are missing or 3 are missing or 4 or
Independent, dependent and minor details missing unsatisfactory. unsatisfactory and not parts are more are
constant variables identified and fully detailed unsatisfactory unsatisfactory
explanation on how controlled. and no fully
Measurements for constants. detailed
Numbered steps of procedure –
(5 parts)-15pts

Data & Computation /Discussions, All sections clearly and One part is missing Two parts are missing Three parts are Four or more parts
Observations, Analysis of data: fully detailed with only or 2 parts or 4 parts are missing or 5 are missing or 6 or
Table, Consistency, Discussions, minor details missing unsatisfactory. For unsatisfactory and not parts are more are
Observations, Representations; example, no graph fully detailed unsatisfactory unsatisfactory
verbal, graphical, algebraic, or verbal and no fully
calculations representation and detailed
(9 parts) – 40pts data table
Conclusion: Evidence to support All parts present and All parts present, Supporting Conclusion just All parts
what you can conclude from the conclusion is logical, logical and conclusion with only stated without unsatisfactory or
experiment, compare to results, thoughtful, and thoughtful and one piece of supporting missing
accept/reject prediction, address supported by evidence conclusion is evidence or missing evidence or
objective of experiment (2 parts) – 10 (3 or more types of supported by at similarities and conclusion
pts evidence) and a least 2 pieces of differences supported with
thorough discussion of evidence or only one piece
similarities and similarities and of evidence and
differences including the differences is also missing
resolution of same unsatisfactory similarities and

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